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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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國際醫療商業模式之探討:以公私立醫院為例 / A study on business model of international healthcare: Take public and private hospitals as examples

林佩怡, Lin, Pei I Unknown Date (has links)
隨著科技的發展,帶動全球化潮流,「病人無國界」的趨勢也因而形成。醫療資訊普及流通,民眾可以在此基礎上,尋求最能滿足自我需求的醫療服務,於是出現了跨越國界的醫療型態。相較於歐美國家高昂的醫療費用與冗長的就醫等候時間,亞洲國家擁有健全之醫療服務與品質,且能享有較低廉之醫療費用,促使著歐美國家民眾紛紛前往亞洲國家就醫。其次,隨著M型化社會型態在各國發酵,經濟能力較高者,對於跨國尋求高品質、高技術醫療服務的需求就越多,加上科技發達,人類平均壽命逐漸延長,形成高齡化的社會,帶來了全球醫藥保健與健康照護產業龐大之商機。國際醫療因而成為近年來炙手可熱之新興產業,帶動龐大經濟產值,進而促使許多國家開始重視此面向,紛紛開始推動各項政策,爭取發展國際醫療之契機。台灣正式推動國際醫療發展計畫至今已經九年多,國內許多公、私立醫療院所都加入此推動行列,但成效如何,以及公私立醫院在推行國際醫療上,所建立的經營模式是否相同等,都是本研究的重點。 本研究以個案分析法,運用Mark W. Johnson, Clayton M. Christensen, 及Henning Kagermann的商業模式再創新之四大構面「顧客價值主張」、「利潤公式」、「關鍵資源」、「關鍵流程」,探討公、私立醫院發展國際醫療服務之經營模式,並分析公、私立醫院經營國際醫療的差異處、不足之處以及彼此可學習之處,藉此提供兩者未來操作國際醫療策略之建議。 研究發現,私立醫院在建構國際醫療商業模式上相對公立醫院來的完整,主要原因為,公立醫院仍受限於傳統體制約束,無法建立符合國際醫療之流程,但公立醫院因為歷史悠久,因此有品牌優勢,只是此優勢很可能會隨著競爭對手的強力曝光而慢慢消失。相反的,私立醫院在操作國際醫療上較有彈性,但仍必須積極推廣自有品牌,以強化自身競爭優勢。 / With the rise of globalization, the advancement of technology and breakthrough in healthcare, people nowadays seek the best medical care in all parts of the world. People could search and choose to get the healthcare they hope to receive without borders. In western countries where medical care is expensive and inefficient, more and more people from these nations are flocking to Asian countries like Taiwan to receive a more complete and cost-efficient health care. On the other hand, upper class people in an M society could have the privilege to seek the best medical care in countries where healthcare is more advanced. Therefore, International healthcare service has been one of the most important strategies for hospitals in countries like Taiwan. Most private and public organizations in the medical field have put their efforts to integrate the most reliable sources to join this trend. The purpose of this study is to explore how public and private hospitals in Taiwan set up their business models in regards to international healthcare, and verify if their business models are feasible. This study implemented case study methods and applied “customer value proposition”, “profit formula”, ”key resources”, and “key processes ”, four dimensions of successful business model proposed by Mark W. Johnson, Clayton M. Christensen and Henning Kagermann to discuss the different factors for public hospital and private hospital in international healthcare. This study expects to discover the key successful factors and provide suggestions to each of them. The results of this study show that public hospitals regarded as non-profit organizations are less flexible because of the limitation on traditional regulations, thus it is difficult to set up a more complete and internationalized business model. On the other hand, private hospitals are more flexible. In order to strengthen their competitive advantage, these private organizations must promote their own brand actively to achieve a competitive advantage in this globalized trend.

公私協力關係- 以企業對消費者(B2C)電子發票為個案 / Public-Private Partnership-A Case Study of Business to Citizen E-Invoice in Taiwan

李東旭, Lee, Tung Hsu Unknown Date (has links)
電子發票自2000年推行以來,多為企業對企業的相關研究,幾乎沒有文獻從政府與企業在電子發票政策中合作的角度進行研究。因此本研究以政府在2010年底才推動的企業對消費者實體通路電子發票試辦作業為個案,並以公私協力關係的角度,針對政府與企業的相關人員進行個別深度訪談。首先了解企業加入電子發票試辦作業的原因,接著描繪出電子發票試辦作業中,政府與企業的互動情形;再者,找出政府與企業合作的困難,據以提出政策建議,做為政府日後推動公私協力政策之參考,最後歸納公私協力關係的條件,以驗證、補充或強化公私協力關係的文獻。 企業加入電子發票試辦作業的原因包含高階管理者的支持、成本降低、提升企業形象、資訊化程度高,導入障礙低、關係企業的引介與同業競爭等因素。企業在加入電子發票試辦作業後,與政府形成水平互補之互動模式。研究發現高階管理者的領導與支持、共同且清楚的目標、公開、互相尊重與信任、明確且完善的法律規範、持續溝通協商、公平合作與彈性、關注利害關係人、長期穩定關係等是有利政府與企業協力合作的因素;與文獻不同的是,監測績效這項因素對政府與企業合作順利與否影響並不大。另外對電子發票格式的認知差距、法令規章不完備、行政規則制定太慢、電子發票格式規定變動頻繁、政策規劃不周、資訊壟斷於大型企業、服務品質降低等因素則是政府與企業合作所碰到的困難,其中政策規劃不周導致電子發票格式規定變動頻繁是本研究在文獻以外之發現。 基於以上研究成果,本研究提出相關建議,首先,讓更多中小企業改用電子發票,亦必須注意跨機關間的合作與協調,方能讓電子發票的使用更為普及與順利;而政府在推動政策前應有完善的政策規劃,如果有經費委請顧問廠商,在遴選上須更加嚴謹,使資源更能有效運用。本研究認為後續研究者可以以中小企業為主體,甚至比較不同行業之企業採用電子發票的情形,亦可以朝電子發票其他利害關係人,像是社福團體、資訊服務業者以及稅務代理業者等著手;另外,探討政府機關間的合作或是從企業對政府電子發票的角度著手,俾能對電子發票有更全觀的了解。 / Since 2000, most research about e-invoice has focused on the topic of business to business (B2B). Just few studied in connection with the cooperation of government and business (G2B) in e-invoice policy. This thesis attempts to understand the process of business to citizen (B2C) e-invoice pilot operation, from the perspective of public-private partnership (PPP). The author adopts in-depth interviews with government and enterprise related personnel.The purpose is, first, to find out the reasons why the enterprises participate in e-invoice pilot operation. Second, the thesis describes G2B interaction in e-invoice pilot operation process; and then to find out the difficulties in G2B cooperation as well as policy suggestions. Finally, the thesis trys to conclude with conditions of PPP as well as its verification and improvement. Based on the empirical data, the reasons why the enterprises join e-invoice pilot operation include: the support from top manager, cost down, promotion of corporate image, high degree of computerization, recommendation from conglomerate and relative competitive advantage. The G2B cooperation is horizontal complementary interaction model. The findings discover eight benefical factors for PPPs including (1) the leadership and support from top managers, (2) shared goals, (3) transparent execution process and mutual respect and trust, (4) well and clear legislation and standard, (5) the lasting communication, (6) a fair collaborationship and elasticity, (7) understanding of stakeholders, (8) long-term and stable relationship. The difficulties in G2B cooperation include: (1) the different opinions of e-invoice format between government and business, (2) slow formulation of administrative direction, (3) the e-invoice format instability, (4) the incompleteness of policy planning, (5) the information monopoly by big enterprises, (6) the reduction of service quality. Based on the previous findings, this thesis recommends government to make more small and medium enterprises (SMEs) adopt e-invoice. The e-invoice authority should also pay attention to coordinate with other government organizations, to plan for public policy more solidly, and to pick and choose consulting business exactly. The author anticipates that follow-up research may focus on SMEs, with comparision of different enterprises that adopt e-invoice. More studies are suggested to involve public welfare groups, information service providers, and tax agents. The future studies may also discuss the cooperation between governments and for the perspective of business to government (B2G) e-invoice.

評估產業之雲端準備度 / Assessing Cloud Readiness in Enterprises

車育賢 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來雲端運算逐漸盛行且其已被許多企業採用,雲端運算所帶來的好處包含提供更好的連結、企業不同廠的無間隙合作,進而提高生產效率。透過現存論文的研究,我們發現企業導入雲端運算與使其和企業內企業流程成功結合為兩大企業成功的因素。然而,要如何導入與對雲端運算加以控制卻很少在現存論文中談及,更遑論企業在導入雲端前該做哪些準備等議題。本研究也透過文獻的探討提出兩個研究面向(管理面與科技面),文獻探討也發現,此兩面向為企業選擇導入公有雲或是私有雲的主因。再者,本研究提出兩個討論面向的同時,也與現存的雲端服務供應商討論此兩面向,希望能讓兩面向更加符合現存雲端狀況。根據這兩面向的基礎,本研究在此兩大面向下提出許多因素來探討企業導入雲端的準備度。本研究也進一步透過問卷的方式訪問現存有採用或是導入雲端的企業,問卷內容涵蓋上述提到的兩面向,進而透過所收集的資料之分析來探討真正影響雲端導入成功與否的因素是否與研究所提出的假設符合。研究結果發現,虛擬化與IT建設的有無與完善程度對於私有雲的導入成功與否有正向關係。而研究結果也指出,公有雲與私有雲兩種型態的雲端也有相互的關係。 / Cloud computing has been dedicated to providing several benefits, such as better connectivity and seemingly seamless cooperation between different plants, that improve firm performance. Previous research maintains that introducing cloud computing and combining it with companies’ processes are two of the prime factors that lead companies to success; however, the manner of implementing this technology and exerting control over it are rarely discussed, especially with regard to the preparation before a company’s official launch of cloud computing. A literature review enables us to propose two dimensions—technological and managerial concerns—of factors driving companies to introduce cloud computing through both private and public clouds. Moreover, after proposing the two dimensions, we examine them by conducting interviews with several companies in the hopes of making these dimensions more applicable and pragmatic in business. Because the purpose of this research is to prepare companies to implement cloud computing, we design a questionnaire based on the dimensions and undertake a survey with several companies that have implemented cloud computing to determine the underlying factors influencing the performance of cloud computing. The results of this research show that both of the virtualization and IT infrastructure readiness factors have positive impacts on private clouds, and the results also indicate a relationship between public and private clouds, which means companies that have adopted public clouds are more likely to succeed in adopting private clouds.

論氣候變遷之災害調適-以建立公私協力天然災害保險法制為中心 / Study on disaster adaptation of climate change- To establish the legal system of public-private partnership natural disaster insurance

吳玉鳳, Wu, Yu Feng Unknown Date (has links)
氣候變遷加劇全球各地天然災害。基於保障人民基本生活,政府主動積極管理災害風險已不可避免,而國際上亦普遍以保險機制調適氣候變遷風險,且建立公私合作關係共同承擔巨災損失。本文整理分析文獻資料作為論述基礎,並比較研究國內外天然災害保險制度,歸納整理共同特性與功能,以及建立制度之基本原則與經營基礎,以演繹我國天然災害保險制度法制化重點包括:1.立法形式:單獨特別立法建立制度;2.政府角色:兼具保險人及再保險人角色,提供天災保險保障並具風險承擔功能;3.制度模式:在公私合作關係下,由民營保險人負責銷售管理、理賠且承擔中間規模損失,而政府提供財務支持或擔保;4.制度定位及性質:屬於非社會保險之公共計畫(政策保險),人民無投保之法律上義務;5.保障範圍:規範最低承保範圍,提供人民一致且可負擔之保險;6.減災責任及誘因:保險制度應整合減災,納入個人減災誘因且於利害關係人間(政府、被保險人、保險人)適當分攤減災責任;7.主管機關與專職管理組織:減災為天然災害保險不可分割之一部分,宜跨越行政組織分工,從功能性意義上互動共同治理;並將住宅地震保險基金轉型為天然災害保險基金作為專職管理組織;8.風險分散機制:立法設置多層次風險承擔機制,由被保險人自負低層小額損失,保險人、天災基金、再保險人、資本市場承擔中間層級責任,政府則承受極端重大損失。 / Climate change has intensified natural disasters worldwide. To protect people’s basic livelihoods, it is necessary that the government actively and aggressively manages the risks of disasters. Meanwhile, insurance system is an adaptation measure generally adopted to pool the risks of climate change, and public and private cooperation is established to share the losses of huge disasters. This study compared domestic and foreign insurance systems aiming at natural disasters based on the summary and analysis of literature to develop the keys legislation regarding a natural disaster insurance system: 1. Type of legislation: individually established legislative system; 2. Government role: both the insurer and re-insurer providing protection and risk assumption for natural disasters; 3. System model: with public and private cooperation, private insurers are responsible for the sales, management, claims and assumed losses on a moderate scale, while the government provides financial support or guarantees; 4. System positioning and nature: the public plan other than social insurance, people is no generalized duty to buy cover in the system; 5. Coverage: minimum protection, providing consistent and affordable insurance to all people; 6. Mitigation and incentives: the insurance system should integrate mitigation with personal incentives for disaster reduction and share mitigation responsibilities among stakeholders (government, insured, insurer) as appropriate; 7. Competent authority and dedicated management organization: mitigation is an inseparable part of natural disaster insurance, which is appropriate for the work divisions of cross-administrative organizations and interactive governance in functions; turn the Taiwan Residential Earthquake Insurance Fund into a natural disaster insurance fund for dedicated management; 8. Risk diversification mechanism: set a multi-level risk sharing mechanism through legislation, in which the insured shall be responsible for low-level losses in small amounts; the insurer, natural disaster insurance fund, re-insurer, and capital market share the middle-level liabilities; and the government shall bear the extremely large losses.

公共空間的私營化?由「市定古蹟紫藤廬」審視台北市古蹟委託經營管理的政策與執行 / Privatizing the Public Space? A Review of the Implementation of the Historic Conservation Policy in Taipei through the Case of Wisteria Tea House

余映嫻, Ying-Hsien Yu January 1996 (has links)
市定古蹟紫藤廬是台北市文化局第一個古蹟委託私部門經營的館舍,也是嘗試將物理性的、實質的古蹟空間與紫藤廬長期的使用者與經營者所在意的,有茶文化與都市公共空間意涵的相互結合的,整合性保存案例。 在歷經一連串的保存運動而指定為古蹟之後,紫藤廬由一個私人經營的茶館,轉變為由台北市文化局委託社團法人中華紫藤文化協會(以下簡稱協會),協會再將大部分空間以分包的方式承租給紫藤廬小吃店,以此構成市定古蹟紫藤廬的委託經營主體。 本研究以公共空間的理論角度切入,以四個層次的公共性,審視在台北市古蹟委託經營管理政策的執行下,市定古蹟紫藤廬的「公共」如何在這過程中挪移。市定古蹟紫藤廬的委託經營管理,原是摸索一個公共空間私營化,並將部分回饋於公共的創新方式,但在執行過程中,新的政府的公權力介入,原先私人經營的茶館轉而變成在契約下的商業行為,以及在公權力及私人經營主體之間扮演中介角色的協會,這三者之間交錯的關係,權力的拉扯,正是本研究的核心。 / Wisteria Tea House is the first case of the privatization of the management of historic site which also an integrated conservation case to attempt to integrate the physical historical space with the tea culture and the public space/sphere in the city. After the designation of historic building due to a series of conservation movements, the manager of Wisteria Tea House had transformed to Chinese Wisteria Cultural Association from private Wisteria Diner (an informal restaurant). Then the Association subcontracts the most of the space to Wisteria Diner to constitute the management subject. This research analyses the four dimensions of publics through a perspective of public space to review “the shift of public” in the implementation of the historic conservation policy of Taipei municipality. The management of Wisteria Tea House was an innovative way to search for the privatization of public space with the feedback fund. The core of the research is the tensions of power and the interwoven relationships through the commercial contracts among public power of municipal government, the mediator of the public organization of Association, and the real private manager, Wisteria Diner. / 第一章 導論 1 1.1研究緣起 1 1 .2文獻及理論回顧 4 1.2.1從公共的觀點談起:公共的多重性展現 4 1.2.2文化消費與古蹟保存 8 1.2.3作為一個個案:紫藤廬的既有研究 11 1.3研究發問與研究方法 13 1.3.1研究發問 13 1.3.2研究方法 14 1.3.3寫作架構 17 第二章 市定古蹟紫藤廬形構的歷史脈絡 19 2.1紫藤廬的歷史 20 2.2在什麼脈絡下保存策略提出 21 2.3從私人茶館到承租古蹟的私營關係 23 第三章 臺北市政府公權力的介入 27 3.1古蹟保存政策的轉變:從保存到管理維護到委託經營 28 3.2古蹟委託經營相關法規與其續約合約書的對照及現況分析 30 3.2.1委外經營雙方應簽訂書面契約 31 3.2.2委託經營管理項目 32 3.2.3再利用及委外經營管理 33 3.2.4經公告程序徵求民間機關參與 35 3.2.5委託時間(約期)的限制 36 3.2.6關於經費之編列 37 3.2.7定期監督 38 3.2.8市定古蹟紫藤廬租金及相關使用費 39 3.2.9各項稅捐 41 3.2.10各項收費 42 3.3契約書之比較分析 43 第四章 社團法人中華紫藤文化協會的角色與作用 45 4.1混沌之期:從無到有的過程 45 4.1.1紫藤廬指定古蹟之後的摸索階段 45 4.1.2成立紫藤文化協會:呼應市民連署之名,強調由下而上的組織 46 4.2古蹟委託經營管理時期:紫藤文化協會的更替及分析 47 4.2.1紫藤文化協會的更替 47 4.2.2協會更替所帶來的角色轉換 49 4.3紫藤文化協會及其協同團體的轉變及分析 50 4.3.1社區互動從有至無 50 4.3.2協會協同團體的轉變 51 4.3.3從相互合作到互相競奪 53 4.4分包合約的比較分析 56 4.4.1關係切割:從營業額回饋到租金概念 56 4.4.2免費活動場次消失 58 4.4.3資金流向 58 4.5在紫藤文化協會與公部門之間 59 4.5.1優勢?茶館為原有經營團隊 60 4.5.2古蹟營運督導委員會 61 4.6修繕計畫 65 第五章 紫藤廬的公共的多層次意義 69 5.1從私營變成公共空間私營? 69 5.2從產權為公的官員宿舍到私人經營的茶館,公與私的不清 70 5.3成為古蹟必須延續的精神與公共性 71 5.4忽略差異,對公共性的實質傷害 72 5.5市定古蹟紫藤廬:私營化下的公共領域 73 5.6轉變:是公共還是私人 76 5.7假公共之名? 77 第六章 結論 79 6.1古蹟委託經營管理:公權力與私經營的角力競奪 79 6.2市定古蹟紫藤廬作為一個公共空間的恢復 80 6.3古蹟委託經營是萬靈藥? 81 參考文獻 83 書目及期刊 83 相關法規 88 其他資料 90 附錄 93

臺北市社區安全與隱私權問題之探討:以里鄰錄影監視系統為觀察焦點 / Research for Community Safety and Privacy Issues in Taipei:Focus on Neighborhood CCTV

陳碧蘭, Chen, Pi Lan Unknown Date (has links)
中文摘要 近年來治安問題日益受到重視,錄影監視系統之設置也成為改善治安的重要策略之一,臺北市里長以裝設錄影監視系統作為預防犯罪的重要政見,致里鄰監視器大幅成長甚至達全國之冠。里長無公權力且缺乏維管監視系統之專業力,為解決里辦公處設置之錄影監視系統大幅成長衍生纜線附掛凌亂、維修經費不足及隱私權等問題,臺北市政府決定整合並移轉警察局專業管理。 本研究以網絡政策治理的觀點分析臺北市錄影監視系統建置政策決策,探討里鄰錄影監視系統產生治安與資訊隱私難以兼顧之政策弔詭。個案聚焦於臺北市錄影監視系統之整合過程相關利害關係人意見,期能回顧建置過程相關問題並針對現況缺失提出改進之策。 本研究以立意抽樣的方式選定臺北市錄影監視系統整合期間實務運作者進行深度訪談,並蒐集官方機構有關臺北市錄影監視系統建置相關資料,兼採文獻分析法及個案研究法以取得描述性資料。研究主要目的包含:(1)探討臺北市里長建置管理錄影監視系統產生的問題;(2)探討臺北市錄影監視系統整合政策決策過程;(3)依據研究結果提供建置錄影監視系統相關建議及公部門如何與民力合作改善治安之未來方向。 研究結果如下:(1)人民重視治安甚於隱私;(2)里長沒有公權力不適合管理監視器;(3)里長建置之錄影監視系統機器老舊廠牌規格各異,警察局無法以接收方式整合;(4)新系統設置點位經警察局以治安專業評估,移轉過程難以配合里長一支換一支的期待;(5)利害關係人意見往往沒有那麼客觀;(6)警力有限民力無窮,以中長期而言整合社區資源結合民力協助警力為重要的未來方向。 而針對上述的研究發現,本研究提出三點建議:第一、維護治安應凝聚社區認同;第二、應加強風險管理及危機處理能力;第三、落實民間設置錄影監視系統之管理。 / Abstract Recently, the public security is a significant issue concerned by government. Setting the closed-circuit television (CCTV) system is one of the strategies for improving the public security. Village chiefs in Taipei have an important political view: To set neighborhood CCTV for crime prevention. As the result of that, the number of neighborhood CCTV in Taipei is the top in Taiwan. However, the village chiefs have neither public right nor the specialty for maintain the CCTV system. In order to conquer the problems: messy cables, lack of funds and privacy issues caused from the neighborhood CCTV, the Taipei City Government make a decision to shift the management rights to the police department. From my studies, I analyze the policy of Taipei CCTV and search for the community safety and privacy issues caused by the neighborhood CCTV. My research cases focused on the related-stakeholders’ opinions to the processing of Taipei CCTV integration. As we focus on that, we can propose better policies to improve the problems we have now. I chose purposive sampling as the way to select the workers in Taipei CCTV integration processing to have in-depth interviews. Moreover, I collected some information of Taipei CCTV from government resources and used literature review methodology with case review to have a descriptive research. The main propose of my studies including (1) To investigate the problems from the setting of CCTV by village chiefs. (2) To verify the processing of making Taipei CCTV integration policy. (3) To give some suggestions about how government and citizens work together to improve the community security in the future. Result as below: (1) Citizens thought security is more important than privacy. (2) Village chiefs aren’t suitable to manage the CCTV because they have no public right to do that. (3) It is difficult for police department to integrate the CCTV system because the monitors were old and the brands of CCTV were different. (4) The new CCTV system from police department is difficult to meet the every requirement from village chiefs. (5) The Opinions from related-stakeholders are not quite objective. (6) The number of police is limited. Thus, it is important to combine the citizen and police together to improve the public security. As follows, I have three recommendations. First, we need to agglomerate social identity to maintain the public security. Second, we need to improve the abilities on risk management and crisis handling. Third, we need to manage the setting of CCTV system.

台灣家族控制企業與私有資訊交易之分析:以融券放空為例 / Family-Controlled Firms and Informed Trading in Taiwan: Evidence from Short Sales

林淑鈴, Lin, Shu Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究在探討家族、非家族控制企業與私有資訊交易之關係,私有資訊交易是以當未預期盈餘為負時,在每季盈餘宣告前之異常融券放空為判斷依據。我們希望了解家族控制企業相對於非家族控制企業是否存在較多之私有資訊交易。實證結果指出當未預期盈餘為負時,在每季盈餘宣告前,家族控制企業相較於非家族控制企業確實存在較多異常融券放空之現象。另外,我們從實證結果亦發現當未預期盈餘為負時,則家族成員涉入經營程度愈高、家族盈餘分配權愈低以及股份盈餘偏離程度愈高之公司,在每季盈餘宣告前,其融券放空之行為相對於其他企業會比較多,由此推論出家族控制特性與所有權結構和隱含資訊之融券放空行為有關。此外,研究結果亦指出巨量融券放空可以用來預測股票未來之異常報酬,但家族控制企業之巨量融券放空相對於非家族控制企業並沒有提供較多有用資訊來預測股票未來之超額報酬。 / We investigate the relation between the information content of short sales and organization structure. We want to know that informed trading occurs more readily in family-controlled firms than in nonfamily firms. Our analysis indicates that family-controlled firms experience substantially greater abnormal short sales prior to negative earnings shocks than nonfamily firms. The analysis also indicates that family-controlled firms sustain marginally less abnormal short sales prior to positive earnings surprises than nonfamily firms. Supplementary testing indicates that characteristics of family control and ownership intensify informed short selling. Further analysis suggests that high short-selling tend to be informative in predicting future returns. However, we find that high short-selling in family-controlled firms do not contains more useful information in forecasting stock returns than nonfamily firms.

使用本體論與規則執行企業隱私保護規範 / Using ontologies and rules to enforce enterprise privacy protection policies

郭弘毅, Guo, Hong Yi Unknown Date (has links)
在今日愈來愈普及的電子商務方面,客戶資料的搜集來源更加廣泛,對於個人資料外洩的影響將非常嚴重,可能帶來個人財務上或者公司信譽上的重大損失。本研究期望可以建構一個在企業內部(backbone)架構的環境中,透過語意網(Semantic Web)中的本體論(Ontology)和規則(Rule)的加入,希望實現具有語意的個人隱私保護規範架構,實現在語意層級上的隱私權政策安全控管。找出並且驗證以Ontologies+Rules為規範的表達與管理的架構的優勢,以確保各企業伺服器平台在收集客戶個人資料時能夠遵守最初協商後的承諾。最後本研究可以透過第三方平台的架構來加以落實個人資料的流通、分享、與保護。 / In today's increasingly popular e-commerce, ways to collect personal data of customers are is more extensive, and the impact of data disclosure will be very serious, maybe it will cost heavy losses on personal reputation or the credit of companies. We hope to build a in-house (backbone) structure of the environment through the semantic web in the ontology and rules, hoping for enabling the semantics of personal privacy protection normative framework to achieve the privacy policy on the security control. We will identify and verify Ontologies + Rules to regulate the expression of the advantages of the structure and management to ensure that the enterprise platform servers will obey the usage of personal data after their initial consultation commitment. Finally, we propose a third-party platform to enforce data sharing and protection of personal data.

人才產業的發展對公立就業服務機構的挑戰 / Research on the Development of Private Employment Agencies and its Challenge to Public Employment Agencies

林俊豪 Unknown Date (has links)
由於勞動市場的變遷及私立就業服務機構的限制解除,使私立就業服務機構的發展變得更快速與多樣化,私立就業服務機構便逐漸形成一個新興的人才產業。而本研究主要即是探討我國目前人才產業的現況,及公立就業服務機構所受到的挑戰,運用文獻分析比較兩者間的互動關係,並透過西方國家的經驗來對照台灣目前的現狀。 根據研究分析結果發現: 一、公立就業服務機構:在就業服務市場化的帶動下,人才產業已逐漸成型,雖然在國家勞動政策的執行上,公立就業服務機構仍有其不可或缺的重要性。但私立就業服務機構在就業服務的功能上,確實已帶給公立就業服務機構一定程度的挑戰。也使其在勞動市場裡壟斷性的地位已無法維持,而須採取適當的調整來謀求和人才產業的合作與共存。另一方面,為了使就業服務能夠更加貼近於所需的民眾,也為了滿足不同需求的人,公立就業服務機構地方分權化的情形將越來越常見。 二、在我國,人才產業自就業服務法通過以後,因私立就業服務機構的設立有了法律的依據,而加速了人才產業的發展。經過多年的演進,人才產業已對公立就業服務機構產生三個重要的影響,首先是使公民營就業服務機構的服務對象產生了區隔與分眾化的現象;第二,受限於經費及人力的不足,使公立就業服務機構開始藉由人才產業的專業能力來提升本身就業諮詢服務的能力。最後,則是人才產業樣態多元化的發展,顯示我國目前就業服務法的規定已不符勞動市場現況,而需適當的法律修訂已維持良善的勞動市場

政府機關提高隱私保護信任機制之研究-以金融監理為例 / A study on improving the trust mechanism of privacy protection in government agencies -a case of the financial supervision system

林占山 Unknown Date (has links)
個人資料保護係屬隱私權的範疇之一, 現代化政府不斷面臨內外在施政環境變遷的衝擊與挑戰,其中資訊科技的快速發展與廣泛運用,更直接衝擊著政府施政定位、服務範圍、運作模式及治理原則。現代化國家在思考打破施政的常規和舊制,面對資訊公開與行政效率要求下,走向電子化政府的道路,也就成為勢之所趨。但另一方面,資訊革命所帶來對隱私與個人資料保護的衝擊,亦較以往更為強烈而深刻。從許多文獻可得知為何民眾可能不信任政府的原因是多方面的,這些原因與他們個人資料安全、隱私權保護及完整性維護是息息相關連的。在政府努力發展電子化政府以便民眾享受其便利性的同時,如何建構政府機關及政府企業間之個人資料隱私保護電子治理機制及協同作業,以強化我國公共治理指標之政府效能、回應力及課責能力,確保個資的合理流通,並能兼顧隱私保護,提昇整體政府信任度,實為電子化政府對人民基本權利之保障及實踐「隱私保護」之重要課題。 新版《個人資料保護法》已於民國九十九年四月在立法院三讀通過,在新法實施後,將因擴大適用個資法之主體範圍,規範個人資料蒐集與處理程序,加重持有個資業者的保管責任,並調整資料外洩求償上限至二億元,預計將加重企業蒐集與利用個人資料的成本與相關責任。本研究之目的在於探討政府機關如何透過持續隱私保護IT治理框架及系統,設計有效的「行政程序控制」(administrative procedural control)、課責(Accountability)及透明(Transparency)機制進的定期公開與積極散佈。透過個人控制自己資訊應該如何被處理與使用的資訊自我控制(local control)權利,一方面提高了政府的施政透明度及政府課責,另一方面也增強隱私保護及人民信任度;同時並以金融監理體系為例,如何因應新版個資法的衝擊,有效的調整內部資料蒐集與資安控管流程,試圖以銀行業透過監理機制建構雛型,監督管理金融業之營運,以期能提供客戶最佳之服務,有效避免新個資法為金融機構帶來的營運風險,進而建議政府機關隱私保護之IT架構,冀能提供主動積極安全又便利之服務,以贏取國民對政府之信任與向心力。 / Personal data protection is one of the categories in privacy. Modern governments constantly face impacts and challenges of political environment changes internally and externally, which rapid developments and extensive applications of information technologies affect the government policy positioning, service ranges, operation modes, and governance principles directly. Modern countries are always thinking over to break routines and aged systems of administration. Under requirements of facing the information disclosure and the administration efficiency, it has become a potential of the trend towards the road of e-government. However, on the other hand, compares to impacts of privacy and personal data protection which have been brought about by the revolution of information, currently, it becomes more intense and profound than before. Many literatures reveal why civilians may not trust the government for reasons in multiple aspects which is related closely with their personal data security, privacy protection, and integrity maintenance. In the meantime, in order to strengthen our government performances of public governance indicators, responsiveness, and accountability for ensuring a reasonable flow of private data, taking into account of privacy protection, and enhancing the overall trust into government, government is striving to develop e-government for civilians’ ease to enjoy its convenience, and this is truly the important subject for e-government of how to construct e-governance mechanisms of personal data privacy and collaboration operations between government organizations internally and between government vs. business enterprises externally on the protection of civilians’ basic rights and the practice of "privacy protection”. The new version of “Personal Data Protection Act” has been passed after third reading by Legislative Yuan on April, 2010. After taking effective of this new law, due to the applicable main scope enlargement of Personal Data Protection Act, it regulates personal data collections and processing procedures, expends the custodial responsibility to dealers who own the personal data, and adjusts the limitation of penalty up to NTD$200 millions for data leakage, which expects to enlarge the cost and relative responsibilities to enterprises for collecting and using personal data. The object of this analysis is going to explore how government organizations go through IT government frameworks and systems of the consistent privacy protection to design effective “Administrative Procedural Control”, “Accountability”, and “Transparency” mechanisms for proceeding periodic disclosure and positive broadcast. Not only to increase the transparency of government administration and the government accountability, but also to enhance the privacy protection and the trust to civilians, through the right of information “Local Control”, individual controls over self own information which should be dealt with and used. Meanwhile, for example of governance system in financial industry, how to respond to the impact of the new version in Personal Data Protection Act to adjust internal data collections and information security control processes effectively, and try to build up the prototype through governance mechanisms in banking for supervising and managing operations of financial industry. Furthermore attempt providing clients with the best service to avoid operation risks effectively for financial institutions which are caused by the new version of Personal Data Protection Act, and then suggest the IT infrastructure of privacy protection for government organizations. Hope to be able to provide active, positive, safe, and convenient services for winning upon trust and cohesion from civilians to the government.

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