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從PISA視角探討澳門中學生科學素養表現及其相關因素 / Study of scientific literacy performance of secondary students in Macao and its related factors from the PISA perspective梁耀華 January 2011 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education
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政治科學中的價值問題 : 方法論上的分析 / English title郭秋永, GUO, GIU-YONG Unknown Date (has links)
antibehavioralism )的武斷。並進而透過概念的系統意含及經驗意含之分析,以顯
旨,均以概括性的方式,在結論中逐一加以說明。 /
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環境管制行政中的科學框架與決策困境:以台灣石化產業環評爭議為例 / The Science Framework and The Decision Making Dilemma in The Environmental Regulatory Administration: the EIA case studies of the Taiwan Petrochemical Projects.施佳良, Shih, Chia Liang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以國光石化開發案的健康風險議題與六輕工安大火事件兩個案的環評過程為分析案例。在國光石化環評過程,健康風險議題是主要爭議焦點。當時有學者研究指出國光石化營運之後,將對台灣民眾的健康風險帶來重要影響,並指認環評書中所低估或錯估的部分。面對不同的科學研究爭議,環保署依其狹隘的科學框架,欲創制一套評判程序以解決爭議,卻適得其反。與此同時,六輕也在 2010年7 月傳出工安大火事件,地方陸續傳出有吳郭魚、文蛤、雛鴨等大量死亡的農業損失情事,使六輕營運後所造成的環境影響與健康風險問題,受到社會高度矚目。環保署因而要求台塑提出「環境影響調查報告書」進行審查。但環評專案小組因著科學不確定性而難以依科學論證作為基礎做出決策。最終則是以法院判決來作為決策的正當性來源。
本文透過多重資料來源的蒐集,包括田野訪談、環評專案小組會議、專家會議等相關之會議紀錄、相關事件的剪報資料,以及相關會議的參與觀察紀錄等。藉由兩個案的分析,探討行政程序建立在狹隘的科學框架之上時,為何產生行政決策的僵局,探討結構上的侷限與受到的正當性挑戰。並以論述應邁向具社會強健性的知識建構為基礎的開放行政程序,以強化決策正當性的根基。 / The scientific assessment in the traditional environment regulation policy is generally regarded as a rational technique. The common impression of scientific assessment is neutral and specialized, which is similar to the major principle of Bureaucracy, organization by functional specialty, defined by Max Weber. Therefore, the scientific assessment has been not only a foundation of environmental administration procedure, but also a resource of legitimacy. On the contrary, while the government just focuses on the scientific evidence in administrative procedure, there will be the political debates unable to resolve effectively. Because administrative procedure is unable to include multi-knowledge from different stakeholders, administration deal with environmental problems only limits to the sufficiency of scientific evidences. Consequently, administration transfers the responsibility about decision making to the experts committee. But experts committee could not make decision definitely, and the decision would be conservative, because of scientific uncertainty. As a result, the interpretation of environmental problems is narrowed to the proof of causal relationship between pollutants and environmental impacts. Since unknown causal relationships always exist, there will be ongoing arguments and disputes of environmental problems. Taking two examples of the environment impact assessment of a fire accident in the sixth naphtha cracking project in July, 2010, and the KuoKuang Petrochemical Project, 2011, the research analyze the hidden science framework and limitation behind the administrative procedure. The finding is that the technicalization of administration leads to government role shrinking and erodes the legitimacy of decision. In order to strengthen the foundation of legitimacy, administration should rebuild an open administrative procedure to foster socially robust knowledge.
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刑事判決中教化可能性的生物醫學模式之探討 / The potential biomedical model in determining the possibility of rehabilitation and education in criminals.林芳瑩 Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣電視氣象播報傳播研究--以一個颱風的生與死為例 / TV Weathercast in Taiwan – A Case Study on the Life Cycle of a Typhoon陳秀鳳 Unknown Date (has links)
氣象主播的個性發揮與風格確立,關係品牌形象與信賴感。專業氣象人有過實務或學術訓練,如果加上好的展演訓練及觀眾緣,或者是非氣象專業的新聞人,經由豐富的新聞訓練及額外自修,都能獲得觀眾的喜愛與信賴。本研究經由對四位氣象主播播報的分析與歸納,最後提出一套颱風氣象播報準則,俾以提供有志從事電視(影音)氣象播報工作者之參考。 / Since the world has experienced extreme weather and natural disasters constantly, weather information has been closely related to the lives of human being. According to the survey conducted by the Central Meteorological Bureau in 2015, TV is still the main channel for the public to access to meteorological information and meteorological communication is a part of science communication. Based on a typhoon from the birth to death, this study explores 4 weather presenters during prime time broadcasting by the use of content analysis which includes 3 aspects: message presentation, media design and performace. Also, by conducting in-depth interviews with the 4 presenters, this study examines how the domestic weather presenters communicates with the public before and during the authorities announces the typhoon alert, and after the alert is lifted.
News media face fierce competition in recent years which leads to the rise of infotainment. For example, TV weather presenter starts to dramatize the strength of typhoon when it's just 1000km or 2000km away. This study found that presenter’s academic background in science does affect the structure of narration. When typhoon is still far away and the impact is variable, Ren Li-yu and Lin Jia-kai are more likely to present with a conservative tone while Dai Li-kang is more suggestive. Wang Shu-li has the strongest suggestive tone. During the alert, Ren Li-yu focuses on the typhoon analysis, Lin Jia-kai is fond of using charts and graphics to analyze the current wind speed and rainfall. Dai Li-gang puts more emphasis on reminding audience to be cautious and to do as much as one can to prevent the typhoon. Wang Shu-li’s style is relatively lively and she tends to make an analogy with surrounding things to describe the typhoon. After the typhoon alert is lifted, Ren Li-yu, Lin Jia-kai and Dai Li-gang resumes to the usual weather broadcasting style immediately. However, Wang Shu-li’s way of presenting stays the same. From the aspect of media design, Lin Jia-kai presents in a virtual studio with particular TV screen layout, charts and graphics which is clearer and better than the other three. When it comes to performace style, the 4 presenters have their own style, Ren Li-yu is sincere and serious. On the other hand, Lin Jia-kai is more approachable and affinitive. Dai Li-gang seemed to be more aggressive and provocative. Lastly, Wang Shu-li tends to present the program with a lively style. Gestures and stylus could be important tools while presenting. Gesture weighs during broadcasting while the stylus could be used to show their professionalism, attracting more viewers.
From the results of the analysis, the study also proposed typhoon forecasting criteria, first of all, the weather presenter’s long-term professional image. The narrative structure of the message must be adjusted as the typhoon approaches. When the typhoon is far away, the narration should be focused on “educating” the audience the knowledge of the atmospheric environment. While the typhoon is gradually close, the capacity to analyze the typhoon is the key to prevail against others. When the typhoon alert is announced, the ability to explain how the typhoon would impact Taiwan is the concern of audience. The key principle for weather forecast's animated background is visualization. The graphics and texts should be simple and easily digestible. Also, the program should let viewers absorb and familiarize with these presented charts. One thing that needs be avoided is visual fatigue. In terms of performace, some presenters are calm and serious, some are cordial and lively. Since television relies heavily on visualization, moving pictures are more eye-catching than still images. Otherwise, both eye contact and facial expressions, gestures, the use of touch pen, or even the body movement all play a dispensable role. Combining weather presenter’s narrative, gesture and chart, can deliver the best weather forecasting performance.
TV weather presenter’s personality and personal style establishment is helpful to build brand image and earn the trust of the audience. Professional weather presenter with practical and academic training, plus good performance training; or for journalist without meteorological background, through abundant professional news training and self-study, they can win audience’s heart and trust.
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電視和報紙記者形象的研究丘彥明, Qiu, Yan-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
第一章緒論, 第二章研究目的, 第三章研究理論架構, 第四章研究方法, 第五章研究
結果分析, 第六章結論與檢討。
過去, 曾有一些小說或是其他短評, 文章提及新聞記者形象的問題, 卻沒有人以社會
本論文是以調查法, 抽樣訪問臺北市一般民眾對報紙記者和電視記者形象的偏向, 來
探討多年來新聞教育的功效, 並由分析結果來做新聞媒介自我檢討的參考依據。
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協同式創造力學習之線上腦力激盪系統 / Idea Storming Cube: An Online Brainstorming System to Support Collaborative Creative Thinking黃俊傑, Huang,Chun-Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
本論文之研究目的為開發一線上合作式創造力學習系統。本文將描述一以遊戲為基礎之創造力思考輔助工具"Idea Stroming Cube"。它的目標在於讓學生養成創意思考與典範轉移能力的習慣。此系統會汲取學科專家的知識,使用者歷史記錄,和腦力激盪中的個人創意,提供使用者、目標及情境感知的學習支授。比較相關的教學系統,它更注重於刺激發散情思考之能力。此系統可分為兩種學習模式Base Mode和Agent-Assist Mode:一為提供學科知識學習之輔助,另一為提供學習發散性思考能力之輔助。
本文提出合作式創造力思考輔助之Human-Computer Interaction(HCI)的系統已初步實作完畢,本文並報告了兩個相關的實驗以測試系統效能。本研究的主要結果符合實驗假設,以遊戲情境為基礎之創造力支援系統相較於其他類似系統,更有助於學生學習創造力,另外,籍由適當且適時的智慧型思考輔助Agent,亦能提供學生不同面向的思考觀點,有助於學生用更多觀點學習知識。 / The objective of this research is to develop a Web-based collaborative tool for learning creativity. This research describes a game-based system, Idea Storming Cube, in support of creative thinking. It aims to make people form a creative and Perspective-Modifying thinking habit. Based on theories of this kind support system and prior studies, we propose to integrate exciting game environment and intelligent support mechanism into the creativity thinking support system. The system acquires knowledge from domain expert, user inputs history, and individuals of a brainstorming group, and then provides user-, goal- and context-sensitive supports. Compared to classic tutoring systems, it focuses more on stimulating divergent thinking. The system can be utilized with two distinct support strategies, Basic Mode and Agent-Assist Mode, in order to support different learning objectives. One focus on knowledge learning, the other highlights the divergent thinking ability.
The proposed Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) tool for collaborative idea generation has been implemented, and two experiments for preliminary evaluation of the system are also reported in this thesis. The major results of this study show that the game-based brainstorming system with appropriate intelligent support outperforms the other types of systems because the game competition environment can make them concentrate on the brainstorming tasks and let them think more from different view points for learning the knowledge with the support of the peer-like agent.
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博物館導覽系統之實驗性研究:行動應用程式對參觀者之效用 / An experimental study of museum navigation system: does mobile application matter to visitors?陳貞羽, Chen, Chen Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究首先從文獻回顧及實際調查中深入探討影響參觀者使用博物館行動導覽系統的七大影響因素,接著據此設計並實作出在智慧型手機平台上使用之一套博物館行動導覽系統,以期有效解決現有參觀者遇到的導覽問題。研究中使用設計科學之研究方法,提出解決方案,並且依據實際環境、背景以及文獻基礎,設計整體的系統架構。接著以故宮為例,建構出本研究之博物館行動導覽系統手機應用程式。系統開發完成後,以實驗法進行設計之驗證,評估結果顯示:本研究所提出之行動導覽系統相較於傳統之紙本導覽,可提升參觀者使用博物館行動導覽系統的意願、感知價值及滿意度。本研究之博物館行動導覽系統建置過程、以及系統成效的驗證,可作為手機應用程式(APP)廠商建置行動導覽系統或使用設計科學法開發其他類別的APP之指引;亦或作為博物館策劃展覽活動與導入行動導覽系統之依據;此外本研究亦指出使用者預期實際使用系統之感知與預期系統需求之落差,以供未來相關研究參考。 / In this research, according to literature review and field observations, we first identify and discuss seven design factors affecting visitors’ usability in museum mobile navigation systems. We then design and construct a museum mobile navigation system on the basis of the seven factors. The purpose is to meet the visitors’ needs and increase the visitors’ intention and satisfaction toward using the museum mobile navigation system. Design science research method is used in this research to propose solution plans. According to actual environment, context, and literature, the complete system architecture is designed. We then build a mobile navigation application on Android for the National Palace Museum and evaluate the design to ensure this system can effectively solve the problems that the visitors encountered during navigation process. In this research, the building process of the mobile museum navigation system and the evaluation of the system performance could provide guidance to APP vendors; or a basis for museums to plan an exhibition and to implement a mobile navigation system. Moreover, the gap between users’ perception of using the real system and their expected system requirements can be identified; this could serve as the reference point of future related research.
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POE教學策略對於八年級學生學習 密度 概念改變之行動研究 / Study of POE teaching strategy on the Eighth Eraders' conceptual changes余欣欣 January 2008 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education
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中國內地高中化學課程中科學素養主題的研究 / Study of the high school chemistry curriculum for scientific literacy themes in the P. R. China陳博 January 2011 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education
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