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以BDI代理人架構為基礎於網路虛擬社群 之群體犯罪偵測 / A BDI-based Collective Crime Detection Service for Virtual Community莊竣丞, Jhuang, Jyun Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
本論文所定義之「網路群體犯罪」,不同於組織犯罪般有結構的犯罪團體,亦非為了追求共同利益而合作的共犯夥伴,而是網路使用者自發性互動行為下逐漸浮現的群體近似犯罪行為,並且普遍存在於當今各式各樣的網際網路社群,以各種不同的樣貌與形式展現。本研究以Sutherland(1978)提出之差別接觸理論與Bandura(1977)提出之社會學習理論為基礎,運用理論相關的元素與概念作為食材與食譜,以BDI代理人模式為方法來設計網路群體犯罪之模擬模式,透過動態模擬群體犯罪在不同條件下展現不同之面貌。更運用Watts(2003)主張的網路科學概念與分析方法,來分析犯罪關係網絡之特性,本研究藉由控制網路社群之使用者人數(Size)與初始犯罪率(ICR)來觀察不同組合之下所演化的網路結構差異,並從四個衡量指標:犯罪技能平均數、群聚係數、前10%使用者平均連結度、連結度小於10之比率,標示演化之網路結構的特徵。研究結果發現:1. 犯罪技能擴散的速度受到ICR高低的影響,當ICR越高的時候犯罪技能擴散的速度越快,反之,當ICR較低的時候犯罪技能擴散速度隨之減緩。2. 當ICR超越某一特定臨界值之後,使用者擁有的犯罪技能平均數與所屬社群人數成正向關係。3. ICR的高低對於群聚係數的高低有反向關係,當ICR越高則群聚係數越低,反之,當ICR越低時群聚係數越高。4. 社群使用者人數越多的情況下,群聚係數越低。5. 前10%使用者的平均連結度有隨著演化次數逐漸增加的趨勢。6. 初始犯罪率的高低與前10% 使用者的平均連結度成反比關係。7. 不論演化次數、社群人數多寡與初始犯罪率值之高低,均僅有少數犯罪者擁有高度的連結,絕大多數的使用者或犯罪者其連結度數均不高(符合power law分佈)。 / Collective crime is an emerging phenomenon along with collective intelligence in recent years. It is defined as a form of universally distributed crime originated from spontaneous interaction among community users in this paper. The issues that collective crime addresses focus on deviant or criminal behavior existing in common groups or crowds rather than traditional topics at computer crime or cybercrime. The theories, “differential association” proposed by criminologist Sutherland(1978) and “social learning” proposed by sociologist Bandura(1977), underpin the explanation of collective crime phenomena and the model design of agent-based simulation. The detection function of collective crime consists of the evolving network function based on the micro-simulation and an analysis of the function along with four indicators: average amount of crime skills, average cluster coefficient, average degree of top 10% users, and rate of users with degrees smaller than 10. The research findings are: 1. A community with higher initial crime rate (ICR) results in faster spreading of crime skills. 2. A negative relationship between the community size and the average amounts of crime skills exists, as ICR exceeds a threshold. 3. As ICR gets increasing, the average cluster coefficient gets decreasing, and vice versa. 4. The average cluster coefficient gets decreasing along with increasing community size. 5. The average degree of top 10% users gets increasing along time. 6. A negative relationship exists between ICR and the average degree of the top 10% users. 7. The distribution of the degrees of community users follows the scale-free power law distribution – whatever the network evolution times, community size and ICR are, most of the community users have fewer degrees and only few criminals have pretty high degrees relatively.
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透過專利、學術論文分析技術發展趨勢-以蝕刻技術為例 / Technology Trends Analysis via Patent and Scientific Publication - A Case Study of Etching徐竣祈 Unknown Date (has links)
競爭是現代社會中無所不在的行為,國家或企業透過產業競爭分析、企業競爭分析,乃至市場分析及技術預測(Technological Forecast),才能知己知彼並且擬定正確的決策。對科技產業而言,若企業無法隨時掌握技術發展的趨勢,儘早投入技術研發或調整企業的經營策略。不久之後,市場便會被其他競爭對手所佔據。所幸,沒有一項技術發明是直接由發明者的腦袋直接跳到廣泛應用的境地。其間總是經過好幾個連續階段,每一個階段都使得「實用性」及「有用性」更成熟。因此若能掌握科技發展的脈絡,早期投入研發,便能維持企業的競爭優勢。
過去曾有眾多的研究利用書目計量來分析學術論文或專利資訊,而最近幾年則陸續出現利用文字探勘來分析學術論文或專利資訊,但這樣的分析結果是片段而不完全的。本研究提出整合性的概念,同時結合計量分析(Bibliometrics)與文字探勘(Text Mining)兩種方法,分別對學術論文(Science Citation Index Expanded)與專利資訊(Derwent World Patents Index)這兩種文獻資料作分析,透過互相比較來瞭解技術發展的趨勢。除此之外,也希望透過個案分析,對本研究所提出之方法論本身,探討之間的關聯性。
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不同教學介入對幼兒知識表徵的影響-以幼兒科學問題解決歷程為例丘嘉慧, Chiu, Chia Hui Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在探討不同年齡幼兒解決需同時考量兩個因素的科學問題及遷移的表現,並探討不同教學介入對幼兒解決科學問題表現及遷移表現的影響。本研究共分二個研究,使用「幼兒認知作業」,分別在研究一探討128位,研究二探討286位3至6歲幼兒的表現。研究結果顯示,幼兒的蒐集訊息、分析整理訊息與解決問題表現間有因果關係。年齡愈大的幼兒在各個歷程的表現愈好。若是作業內容與幼兒生活經驗相關,4歲幼兒在行為上可以表現出同時考量兩個因素解決問題。解決不同概念的問題,幼兒有不同的表現。6歲幼兒無法表現需同時考量兩個因素問題的遷移。幼兒在解決需同時考量兩個因素問題時,行為及語言知識表徵層次有六個層次(層次0至層次5)。各種教學介入對層次1幼兒沒有影響。當幼兒處於層次3時,教學介入有影響效果,透過語言的說明可以幫助此時的幼兒提升表徵層次,但這些教學介入效果不足以讓幼兒達到層次5,也無法影響至幼兒的遷移表現上。 / The purposes of this study were to investigate young children’s ability to resolve problems with two dimensions and transfer, and the influences of instructional interventions on resolving these problems and transferring. There were 128 and 286 3 to 6-year-old young children in study 1 and study 2 respectively. Young children’s cognitive task was used. Results revealed the processes of searching information and analyzing information were related to the problem-solving. 4-year-old children could resolve the problems with two dimensions, when the problems were familiar. There was domain-specific knowledge on problem-solving. 6-year-old children could not transfer two dimensions to new and similar conditions. There were 6 levels knowledge representations of resolving problems with two dimensions in this study. The instructional intervention of explaining improved the level of children with level 3 to level 4, but not to level 5. And there were not effects of instructional interventions on transferring.
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資訊科學先驅的共被引研究:以美國資訊科學學會最佳貢獻獎得主為例 / A Co-citation Analysis on Information Science Pioneers:The Winners of Award of Merit of American Society for Information Science黃瑞期, Huang, Ruei Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用書目計量學研究方法中的共被引分析法,以美國資訊科學學會所頒發「最佳貢獻獎」之得主為研究對象,並以1900年至2007年為研究範圍,進行資訊科學家之間的主題性分析。本研究旨在探討44位資訊科學先驅的共被引情況,以瞭解各位先驅和各領域主題的群集現象,進而探討資訊科學的知識結構。本研究透過Web Of Science資料庫分別對於44位資訊科學家與個人被引用最多之著作進行共被引次數檢索,製成共被引矩陣,除了瞭解資訊科學家與其被引用最多之著作的共被引強度外,並以KNOT軟體進行路徑搜尋網路分析,進一步探討資訊科學之主題分佈情況,並與前人所做的相關研究進行比較。
(一)資訊科學領域以五大領域為主要範疇。分別是以Salton, G所領軍的資訊檢索領域;Lancaster, FW所代表的圖書資訊學與圖書館教育、圖書館自動化與自動化系統、圖書館與資訊服務評鑑等領域;Garfield, E為核心的資訊計量學與引用文獻分析之領域;Belkin, NJ所代表的使用者研究與資訊尋求行為領域;Saracevic, T為主的圖書資訊科學概念與理論、圖書資訊科學史的領域。
三、本研究與White, HD (2003a)研究結果之比較結果
(二)資訊科學中心點的不同。本研究所得的網路圖是以Salton, G為圖形的中心點,而White, HD (2003a)則是以Lancaster, FW為圖形中心點。
四、資訊科學領域有跨學科之性質。透過分析結果可以發現資訊科學有跨領域的特性,在許多的資訊科學先驅本身的研究範疇不只侷限於資訊科學,甚且有跨越其他學科主題,例如:電腦科學、社會網絡分析、數學、統計學等。 / Newton, one of the great scientists, said:「If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.」The development in any discipline, in the founding and evolution of the process , there must be a group of forward-looking with the leadership style of the researchers. They make concrete contribution by virtue of their own abilities and intelligence, outstanding efforts and dedication. They through the same idea lay the foundation of their subjects and flourish their disciplines.
This study aims at using co-citation analysis of bibliometrics, and regards the Winners of Award of Merit of American Society for Information Science as the research objects to analyze the relevance between and between information scientists, and the research years from 1900 to 2007. The main purpose of this study is to explore the co-citation counts of 44 information scientists to understand the pioneers and the major subjects in information science, and further explore the structure of scientific knowledge of information science. This study through the Web Of Science database retrieve the co-citation counts of 44 pioneers of information science and the most cited of their works to build co-citation matrix. The result let us understanding the co-citation strength of 44 pioneers of information science. We also use the KNOT software in the analysis of PFNETs, try to explore the subjects how to distribute in information science, and take the results compare to the results of the study by White, HD in 2003.
The results of the study reveal that:
1.Cited counts and co-citation counts of 44 pioneers of information science
(1)The difference between higher counts and lower counts. The higher counts can strengthen the connections between the network, the lows counts can response to the different structures of information science.
(2)The higher co-citation counts commonly have the characteristics of cross- discipline.
2.The PFNETs of 44 pioneers of information science
(1)The fields of information science divide into five main areas. Salton, G lead the field of information retrieval. Lancaster, FW represent the education of library science and information science, library automation and automated systems, the evaluation for library and information services etc.. Garfield, E as the core of the field of informetrics and citation analysis. Belkin, NJ represent the field of the users research and information-seeking behavior. Saracevic, T represent the field of library information science concepts and theories, the history of library and information science etc..
(2)The network map of the most cited works of 44 pioneers of information science cannot be differentiated.
3. Take the results compare to the results of the study by White, HD in 2003
(1)The field of information science disciplines have not much change in the scientific structure.
(2)Different focal point in the maps of information science. This study is based on the network map as Salton, G as focal point for the network, and White, HD (2003a) is based on the network map as Lancaster, FW as focal point for the graphics.
4. The field of information science has the nature of interdisciplinary. The results can be found through the co-citation analysis of information scientists on cross-cutting nature of information science. A pioneer in many areas of study itself is not limited to information science, and even likely to go beyond the subject of other disciplines, such as: computer science, social network analysis, mathematics, statistics etc..
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台灣筆記型電腦產業流程差異化探討-以服務創新為分析架構賴宗志 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究將使用Rob Bilderbeek與Pim DenHertog等學者於1998年8月發表之論文中指出服務創新的四個構面進行個案撰寫,素材則是深度訪談與次級資料並用,個案的公司是我國筆記型電腦第一大廠-廣達電腦(Quanta),以及由研究者立意選的華宇電腦(Arima)與精英電腦(Elitegroup)。最後將產業分析與個案分析進行比對,做出本研究之結論與建議,並針對流程差異化在筆記型電腦產業所引發的服務創新相關議題進行省思。 / The service innovation in Taiwan has been thriving in recent years. With the development of service science, we can see its future potential to be the next trend of popular study. Many famous colleges and research centers all over the world invest a lot in research of service science and the cultivation of the experts. Even a manufacturing industry will put a high emphasis on its services. They hope to compete with their counterparts by adding the value and strengthening their competiveness through service. Therefore, how to strengthen competitiveness through service innovation has become an
important issue.
This research will use service innovation as a framework to discuss process differentiation, expecting to find much more profound thoughts of innovation services and then open a new gate for industry. Taiwan’s notebook computer fundry industry composes 90 percent in the world market thanks to the acknowledgement from global brand-names in terms of loyalty to the brand and satisfaction of service. This research will analyze the notebook industry from the aspect of service innovation and then the effect of process differentiation has on competitiveness.
Rob Bilderbeek and Pim DenHertog’s essay in August 1998 discussing service innovation in four dimensions are used in my essay, which are: new service concept, new client interface, new service delivery system and technological options.
Interviews in depth and secondary data will be used at the same time. The case studies included are Quanta, Arima and Elitegroup. Quanta have the largest scale in Taiwan notebook industry which may be resulted from their service innovation that enhances their competitiveness. Through their case, I hope to find the edge of those similar companies in Taiwan.
To sum up, this research touches on the innovation services especially of notebook computer industry. Comparing industry analysis and case study can lead us to think about the following issues: whether service innovation is easy to be come up with, whether there are too many similar aspects in this industry, what competitive situation or custom can lead to such a desirable result, and how we can deal with the problem when there are too many people doing the same thing.
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電腦支援協作知識翻新教學與提升學生科學理論本質理解之相關研究 / Exploring the Relationships between Computer-Supported Collaborative Knowledge Building and Students’ Understanding of the Nature of Scientific Theories李佩蓉, Li, Pei Jung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討,基於知識翻新教學(knowledge building pedagogy)所建立的電腦支援協作學習環境,能否協助提昇學生對科學理論本質的理解。研究對象為52位修習「自然科學概論」課程的大學生。教學設計以知識翻新教學法為原則,並輔以知識論壇(Knowledge Forum)線上合作學習平台。
針對上述結果,本研究提出相關討論與建議,以供現場教師或未來研究者之用。 / The aim of this study was to investigate whether students can develop a better understanding of the nature of scientific theories after engaging in a computer supported collaborative knowledge building environment. Participants were 52 undergraduate students who took a course about nature sciences. The instruction of this course was designed based on knowledge building pedagogy, using Knowledge Forum as a tool for students to construct their theories about scientific phenomena through online collaboration.
Data sources included: (1) a pre-post open-ended questionnaire that investigated students’ understanding of the nature of scientific theories; (2) the content of an online forum in which students posted their ideas; (3) students’ activities in the forum, for instance, number of students’ notes contributed, or number of notes built-on to each other’s notes. Data were analyzed through both qualitative and quantitative methods. From a qualitative perspective, we used content analysis to evaluate the quality of students’ discussion; from a quantitative perspectivea, paired t-test and chi-square were used to examine students’ change of views regarding the nature of scientific theories after the course.
The results showed that after a semester, students were able to develop a more constructivist-oriented view toward the nature of scientific theories. Their view shifted from a more positivist-oriented perspective to a more constructivist-oriented one. Further, the finding showed that there was significant improvement in students’ scientific inquiry as reflected in the progressively more sophisticated levels of the scientific concepts discussed online. Moreover, it was found that there was a statistically significant, positive correlation between students’ enhanced understanding of the nature of scientific theory and the intensity of students’ online activities. Additionally, the results also indicated that there was a significant, positive correlation between the depth of students’ scientific inquiry ( as reflected in the concepts inquired and discussed online) and the extent of students’ online activities. Some further suggestions and implications were also discussed in the study.
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臺灣地區青少年休閒價值觀之研究─以台北、宜蘭的國中生為例─傅立恆, Fu, Li-Heng Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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通俗心理學作為理論或實踐?─取消式唯物論與工具論的爭論及一個嘗試的解決 / Folk Psychology as Theory or Practice?─The Debate Between Eliminative Materialism and Instrumentalism, and a Tentative Solution劉增平, Liu , Chen Pin Unknown Date (has links)
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影響國際快遞物流服務客戶喜好因素之研究-暨客戶服務決策支援系統概念設計 / Research into customer preferences factors in the field of global express logistics and conceptual design of customer service decision support system鄭銀華, Cheng, Yin Hua Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以層級分析法(AHP)之操作步驟,找出對映客戶需求的四個服務品質構面及衡量構面的十二個準則,在建立一顧客喜好因素架構後,訪談某國際快遞物流前四十大客戶,以Expert Choice的整體階層不一致性判斷值(Overall Inconsistency Index, O.I.I)進行效度檢驗,通過一致性之問卷為32份。研究分析結果發現影響國際快遞物流顧客的喜好之準則,其權重依序是「誠實值得信賴」、「容易使用」及「遞送速度」,構面則以反應性及關懷性最為客戶所重視,並且從驚喜性構面發現,客戶在意的是持續性的改進與穩定的提供服務,而不喜歡沒有系統的改變與創新。在統計分析中,客戶重視程度離散度較大的有「遞送速度」及「誠實值得信賴」兩準則,顯示有特別重視此兩項因素之樣本群,而某些喜好因素間具有中度相關之關聯。
接著本研究為落實服務科學之思維與方法,將影響客戶喜好因素之架構結合決策支援系統,以決策支援系統的三個主要元件,資料庫、模式庫、對話管理提出概念設計,以重要性-績效矩陣(IPA)作為改善服務之排序參考,以及使用品質機能展開(QFD)作為在設計與創新服務的過程中納入客戶需求之方法;此外,也使用權重及客戶滿意度作為瞭解客戶對國際快遞物流服務之偏好程度及對方案之態度參考,使國際快遞物流企業能更有效率的提供滿足客戶個人偏好的服務。 / The maturity of industries and the saturation of markets make industrial competition more and more cost-oriented and service-oriented. To survive the keen market competition, the logistic industry has no choice but to reduce price, which leads to a lower level of service quality. With the uprising consumer awareness and service science, the management of service quality becomes more and more important.
Driven by the need of higher service quality and lower cost, international logistic enterprises should combine relevant technical advantage and service science intellect to meet consumer demand, increase service efficiency, and innovate service.
This research utilizes AHP method to create 4 service quality dimensions corresponding to customer demand and 12 criteria to measure these dimensions. After the establishment of customer preference framework, interview with 40 largest customer of a certain international logistic company and then examine the validity by the O.I.I. of Expert Choice. There are 32 questionnaires pass the consistency check.
Analysis found that the weight of criteria which effect customer preference in sequence is “Integrity / trust worthiness”, “Easy to use”, and “speed of delivery”. As to dimensions, customers value “Respond” and “ Understand me” most. From the “Surprise” dimension we found customer need continuous improvement and steady service. Unsystematic changes and innovates are not preferred.
In statistic analysis, “Speed of delivery” and “Integrity / trust worthiness” two dimensions have greater level of scatter on customer emphasis, which indicates there are some samples have special emphasis on these two factors and some factors have mid-level correlation. To practice the intellect and method of service science, this research combines the framework of factors that affect customer preference and decision support system.
Concept designed by the 3 main part of a DSS : Database, Model base, and Dialog management, use IPA as the reference of service sequence improvement, and utilize QFD to bring in customer demand in the design and innovation of service. In addition, use weight and customer satisfaction as refer to understand international logistic service preference level and attitude toward programs. To bring more efficient and customer preference satisfied services.
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