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臺灣解嚴後的政黨競爭:以空間理論分析黃清賢, Huang, Qing Xian Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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科學園區危機管理跨域聯防之研究-以科學工業園區管理局為例 / The study of joint defense across boundary of crisis management of science park: a case study of science park administration葉慧君 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用文獻探討法及深度訪問法等二種研究方法,試圖就科學園區危機類型做一分類,並以危機管理四階段理論及運用「全盤型弱點管理」觀點,檢視科學工業園區管理局危機管理機制之運作,找出其脆弱度,透過跨域聯防相關理論、兩個案例經驗借鏡及相關人員深度訪談資料之歸納分析,試圖提出建構科學園區危機管理跨域聯防機制之策略,並輔以政策工具理論,作為可能面臨困境之對策,以提供科學工業園區管理局及相關單位參考。 / To meet the trend of global science parks, the first science park in Taiwan, Hsinchu Science Park (HSP), was established in 1980. After endeavored for years, it has become one of the most successful science parks in the world, which Business Week called, “Taiwan’s Silicon Valley.” It is a very important lifeline of Taiwan economic development, and a key factor of maintaining Taiwan’s competitive advantage. Under the jurisdiction of the National Science Council, the Science Park Administration (SPA) is given the responsibility of developing, operating and managing the park.
This study adopts two research ways: literature review method and interviewing method, and attempts to classify the crisis type of the science park. Based on the four steps theory of crisis management and the point of view of “Comprehensive Vulnerable Management,” it is to inspect the operation of crisis management of Science Park Administration to find out its vulnerability. Through the generalization and analysis of the related theory of joint defense across boundary, two cases review and related further interview, it attempts to set a strategy for joint defense across boundary of the science park, assists with policy instruments theory to offer a solution for coming difficulty, and to be a reference for Science Park Administration and related organizations.
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人文與社會科學期刊與圖書被引用分析 / Citation Analysis of Journal and Monograph in Humanity and Social Science吳姵瑩, Wu, Pei Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本研究結果可應用於規畫重要的期刊文獻類型,有助於圖書館或相關研究單位評估人文與社會科學的相關館藏是否足以支援研究,並且藉由與其他領域的老化速度之比較,作為為採購資料之時效性以及期刊裝訂時的必要考量。同時可將研究分析應用於人文社會科學學者的學術資訊需求與特性,藉以提供研究人員完善的資訊服務,由文獻老化速度可以知道學科的發展情形,可作為人文與社會科學學者館藏研究規劃之參考。 / The Humanities and Social Sciences reference categories reflect the use of information of the researchers and highlight the importance of the publication categories. The development of academic research changes over time. Therefore, taking 2000 and 2009 as the major research areas, the study compares the difference between each discipline referring categories. The study also researches the references patterns of different disciplines, the change of referring monographs and journals in different disciplines, and whether they change the pattern due to the transformation and aging of these reference books and journals. Consequently, this study will also probe into the Literature Obsolescence in various references categories of different disciplines, and furthermore to compare the nature and years of journals, hoping to help researchers and experts in humanities and social sciences to understand the information research behavior better and to assist the Library collection development and management.
The results are as follows: 1.The analysis of Citation and Reference in Humanities and Social Sciences (1)the humanities mostly refer to monograph, and the social sciences mostly journal; (2)Review journal is in a higher number of citations; (3) research and review journals of Humanities cites more monograph resources, and social science journals resources; (4)Reference materials of review and research Journals of Humanities in different generations are mainly monographs and periodicals; research journals if social sciences in different years more cites in monographs and periodicals, while review periodicals prefer to reference more monograph and electronic resources. 2. Humanities and Social Sciences Citation Literature Obsolescence reveals that (1)the cited monographs take longer for obsolescence, among which monographs in Humanities take more time; (2) the cited monographs in humanities has published from long time ago. Cited recent and past literature, citation literature of aging are less significant. (3) The half-life of the cited journal of each discipline in the humanities is up to 13-19 years. On the other hand, the half-life of Journal reference in social sciences disciplines are up to 7-19 years; (4) About the Literature Obsolescence of research journals, the humanities tend to the refer literatures in earlier years, from past 6 to 22 years, while the Social Sciences often cited published literature published from 6 to 11 years ago; (5) Review journals in the humanities tend to quote the reference materials of past 12 years for research, and social science scholars frequently cited literatures published from 8 to 10 years ago; (6) The study demonstrated the research and the review types of periodicals are not completely affect the academic literature aging.
The results can be applied to planning an important type of journal, contributing to the libraries or related research units to assess if the humanities and social sciences collection sufficient to support. Furthermore, by the comparison of other areas in speed of aging, this study also can be a necessary measurement for the timeliness of procurement and for the periodicals binding. Meanwhile, the analysis can be applied to the behavior and characteristics of academic information requirement of humanities and social sciences scholars, in order to provide researchers a complete information services. From the speed of Literature Obsolescence, scholars can acknowledge the development of a subject. It can be used as the reference in humanities and social sciences collection planning.
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國科會補助科學志工團隊計畫之機制檢視:非營利組織的觀點 / Examining the subsidy mechanism for science volunteer teams of national science council: from a perspective of non-profit organizations蘇美玲 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要採取深度訪談法、次級資料分析法、參與觀察法,應用鉅觀之Marsh & Smith政策網絡辨證途徑模型非營利組織觀點修正架構,嘗試釐清該補助機制之運作與困境。研究發現科學志願服務乃回應志願服務法規,透過層級委辦與補助途徑,跨部門輸出科學知識轉譯、科學知識建構之服務,交構科學志工之公民知識權內涵。而承辦之國家高速網路與計算中心應用行動者優勢,發展線上平台,提昇國科會科學志工補助機制效率。對於整體資源配置與運用而言,審查委員背景以及其對於科學性之詮釋、團隊計畫書內容品質、以及財務管核體系等,皆影響非營利組織推展科學志工計畫。此外,在公部門有限資源下,團隊組織展示了其專業力、聯結力、培植力優勢;然而,跨部門之間網絡互動連結性弱,對非營利組織來說,整體機制之政策參與度空間有待拓展。
因此,本研究建議應採取策略聯盟行動,強化網絡緊密性,並藉此提昇服務效益,擴散全民受益。最後,則應回歸政策參與管道之建置,以孕育互為主體之跨部門協力溝通場域。 / With “The Volunteer Service Act”, National Science Council (NSC) has developed original Science Volunteer Program since 2002, which is applied to promote the development of science, education and humanities. In order to expand the science volunteer effect, NSC drawn up the subsidy policy in “The NSC Executive Plan for Promoting Science Volunteer”. The subsidy process of Science Volunteer Program practice cross-sectoral partnership between NSC, National Center for High-performance Computing (NCHC), and Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs), and the research takes the perspective of NPOs to examine the subsidy mechanism for Science Volunteer Teams of NSC.
Applying the method of in-depth interview, secondary data and participatory observation in the Marsh & Smith Dialectical Approach of policy networks theory, the research finds that science volunteers are both science knowledge interpreters and makers, which devotes to citizen scientists in Taiwan. About the subsidy mechanism and resource dependence, the plan book, reviewers and financial management from NSC affect the development of Science Volunteer Teams. Besides, the network between NSC, NCHC and NPOs is not strong; and policy participation is also expected to improve. Thus, the research suggests that NSC could modify the interactive manner and take strategic alliance to enhance the beneficial result of interdisciplinary collaborative from different excellent NPOs.
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學習社群在電腦支援合作學習環境中的知識共構--以自然科學史為例 / Learning community constructing their knowledge of natural science history in a computer-supported collaborative learning environment吳佳蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
為協助學生發展更主動與合作的學習方式,透過「學習社群」(learning community)以共構知識,本研究運用以知識翻新(knowledge-building)(Scardamalia, 2002)理念為基礎所建立的數位學習環境—知識論壇(Knowledge Forum)—進行教學。研究目的主要在於探究學生如何透過數位學習平台以進行合作學習、並共構自然科學史知識。研究對象為修習自然科學基礎課程的大學生(N=42)。教學目標主要在幫助學生瞭解自然科學的內涵與歷史發展,並希望藉由知識分享與共構活動讓學生在平台上合作建構科學史。資料來源主要為:(1)授課教師和學生在知識論壇平台上的活動紀錄;(2)學生在知識論壇平台上的貼文與討論;(3)學生共構的科學故事;以及(4)學生對自我學習歷程的期末反思。資料分析主要透過:(1)描述統計—以計算學生在平台上所共構的科學史故事數目貼文數、回文數、與文章閱讀百分比等;(2)內容分析法—以分析教師如何營造知識翻新環境和學生如何發展對科學理論的理解;以及(3)史皮爾曼等級相關分析—以瞭解學生在知識論壇上的活動情形與期末反思強度間之相關性。研究結果發現:(1)以知識翻新原則為取向的課程設計有助於促進學生主動學習;(2)學習社群集體共構科學史可以促進學習者以較宏觀的視野看待科學史;(3)提供合作學習與知識翻新環境(即知識論壇平台)能有效幫助學習者共負集體合作的責任;以及(4)使用知識論壇平台有助於學習者進行更有效益的集體知識建構活動。本研究根據研究結果提出以下幾點建議以供未來有興趣進行知識創新教學的教師之參考:(1)教師應適當採用彈性的課程設計、同時避免過度使用傳統劇本式教學,以培養學生主動學習的習慣;(2)教師應讓學生學習如何面對較彈性、多元的學習內容,使其對某一學習主題可以有機會做更深層的理解;(3)教師應為學生營造知識共構的學習環境,協助學習者創建集體知識;以及(4)教師應善用電腦支援合作學習環境的相關工具以協助學習者進行知識共構與翻新。
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資訊科學之知識地圖與研究前鋒研究 / A research of knowledge map and research front on information science沈純慧 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究分別利用書目對分析與共被引分析的方法,以資訊科學重要期刊之高引用期刊、作者與高被引期刊、作者作為研究對象,建構1991年至2010年之資訊科學知識地圖與研究前鋒。知識地圖的建構,採用文獻內容探勘工具(Content Analysis Toolkit for Academic Research,簡稱CATAR)作為分析工具,利用Web of Science下載書目資料,進行期刊與作者之書目對分析,以了解資訊科學高引用期刊與作者的叢集情況,進而探討資訊科學的知識結構。研究前鋒的建構則是透過Web of Science檢索共被引分析之數據,了解高被引期刊與作者之叢集情形,進而探討資訊科學之核心議題。
本研究結果可看出資訊科學的知識結構與研究前鋒,可應用於館藏規劃與評估,檢視圖書館的資訊科學領域館藏是否完整,並提供資訊科學領域的學者觀察學術研究趨勢之用。 / Through bibliographic coupling and co-citation analysis, this study builds on the knowledge map and research front of information science fields from 1991 to 2010. First, this research use CATAR which based on journal bibliographic coupling analysis and author bibliographic coupling to analyze the high citing journal and author in information science, and plot knowledge map on the subject of Information Science. Second, this research use journal co-citation analysis and author co-citation analysis where journal and author citing co-citation clusters to build the research front of Information Science.
To result of the study reveal that:
1. Library and Information Science, Computer Science are the main disciplines in Information Science area.
2. The field of Information Science has the nature of interdisciplinary. The research area of any journals and authors are not limited to Information Science, and even likely to go beyond the subject of other disciplines, such as: Computer Science, Psychology, Management, Linguistics, History, etc.
3. Co-citation frequencies of Information Science high cited journals and authors are low.
4. The core area of Information Science field is Library and Information Science, Computer Science, Information Technology and Management.
5. During 1991 to 2010, library and information service automation, and design and management of database have been declining.
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科普訊息的接收與理解──以大學生接收奈米資訊為例 / Audience’s reception and understanding of popular science: A preliminary case study of university students' reception on nanoscience information趙又慈, Chao, Yu Tzu Unknown Date (has links)
研究者以「奈米保養化妝品」為實驗科普訊息主題,針對臺灣大學及淡江大學合計507 名的大學生,進行不同形式的科普讀物訊息實驗,並以問卷量測受試者對科普訊息主題的涉入感、先備知識,以及閱讀實驗科普訊息之後,對該訊息內容的認知資訊負荷、態度及理解程度。經過資料整理及統計分析,得到本次實驗相關結果與發現如下:
一、 本次實驗中的科普訊息使用不同圖文呈現形式,但在依變項的傳播效果上並沒有顯著的差異,顯示科普訊息的文字與圖像其實可以各自獨立。
二、 科普訊息的涉入感及先備知識均高度影響閱讀科普訊息時的認知資訊負荷、態度與理解程度;認知資訊負荷較小的科普文本,其傳播效果較好。
三、 不同性別的閱聽人,在閱讀科普訊息的認知資訊負荷、態度及理解程度上均沒有顯著的差異,打破一般認為女性不擅長科學的刻版印象。
四、 理工背景學生在閱讀科普訊息時的認知資訊負荷明顯較小,在理解程度及態度上較非理工背景的學生表現僅為稍佳。
此外,本研究發現,新世代的資訊使用行為可能受網路閱讀行為的影響,因此對科普訊息的取用方式,已轉向使用篇幅短、取用彈性大的訊息內容服務;傳統科普傳播講究循序漸近、結構完整的知識傳遞方式,如何因應新世代的資訊使用行為而調整,是未來所有科普傳播工作者思考創新發展的重要方向。 / Popular science, sometimes called science popularization or literature of science, is to transfer and translate the concepts or results of scientific researches to the public in a comparatively vague manner. It aims at educating, persuading and communicating, so that the public could be learned in understanding science, be competent in scientific thinking and be able to function in the society with a scientific spirit. The mass media is absolutely the best channel for popular science. However, most contents of popular science are very difficult to understand, and this has put popular science in a dilemma and couldn’t be “popularized” at all. Scholars believe there’re three main factors influencing the achievement of popular science: the content design, the comprehension of readers, and the participation of scientists.
This article based on quantitative methods attempts to make a preliminary inquiry into the communication effect of popular science reading materials with different presentation of graphs. The audience’s “cognitive loading”, “attitude” and “understanding of the science concepts” are observed and their “sense of involvement” and “prior knowledge “ are taken into account as variables.
The experiments were conducted at 2 universities in Taiwan in June, 2010. There’re 507 students exposed to 3 different types of nanoscience reading. The result indicates: 1) The communication effect of popular science’s texts and pictures could be independent from each other. 2) Audience’s sense of involvement and prior knowledge both significantly influence their cognitive load, attitude and comprehension. 3) Audience of different genders shows no significant difference in understanding popular science messages.
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科學知識與公共決策:解構中科三期環評爭議 / Scientific knowledge and public decision: deconstruct the controvercy in the EIA process of the third stage of the CTSP張家維 Unknown Date (has links)
筆者認為若沒有深刻討論環評決策的特殊脈絡,公民參與的強調雖然仍屬重要,但很可能會落入「加強溝通」之概念而模糊了對於環境爭議根本上的檢視,在現今面對諸多重大環境爭議的公民參與困境之下,要理解公民參與的不足,首先要先釐清專家、科學知識和公共決策間的關係。科學知識和專家角色在環境決策中的角色自1990年代以後的美國即被廣為討論(Jasanoff,1990; Douglas, 2009; Keller, 2009; Ascher, Steelman and Healy, 2010),本文即延續科學知識和公共決策的分析脈絡,欲解構中科三期的環評爭議。除把握環評會場等各種參與觀察機會的場域、中科三期后里基地的實地走訪,以及對相關專家、環評委員的深入訪談取得質性資料外,也藉由環評會議資料、影像記錄、環境影響說明書等二手資料進行資料蒐集和分析。
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二專生自我調整學習之理論建構與實證研究 / Theoretical Construction and Empirical Study of Self-regulated Learning of Two-year Junior College Students陳品華 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 二專生的自我調整學習,主要包括學習的動機信念與學習策略的使用二個重要歷程,且此二歷程密切關連。
二、 二專生的自我調整學習策略,主要包括認知策略與意志控制策略二類,且此二類策略密切關連。
三、 二專生的個人變項會影響其自我調整學習。
四、 二專生的自我調整學習會影響其學業表現。
五、 自我調整學習策略教學可融入二專學科課程之中。
最後,本研究依據研究結論,提出對二專教師、學校、教育主管機關及未來研究之建議,以作為二專教學、教育政策實施及相關研究之參考。 / The main purpose of this research was to investigate the self-regulated learning of two-year junior college students and the effects of self-regulated learning intervention. In this research, the important processes and factors involved in self-regulated learning of two-year junior college students as well as their relationships with academic performance were examined. Besides, it validated the effects of integrated self-regulated learning strategy instruction.
Employing both literature and empirical researches. It analyzed the concepts, theories, and relevant studies of self-regulated learning on the literature to construct the study framework first, and conducted empirical studies to validate it afterwards. The empirical studies included a survey as well as a teaching experiment. The survey resulted a valid sample totaled 1717, out of a random sample of the current two-year junior college students. The self-regulated learning and academic performance on Chinese learning were analyzed and compared. The teaching experiment was a quasi-experiment. With four classes totaled 222 as subjects; the experiment embedded strategy instruction in the Psychology curriculum of experiment group. The self-regulated learning and academic performance of both experiment group (N=110) and control group (N=112) were analyzed and compared.
According to the findings, the conclusions were rendered as follows:
1. The self-regulated learning of two-year junior college students mainly consisted of two important processes: the motivational belief and the use of learning strategy. The two processes were interrelated.
2. The self-regulated learning strategy of two-year junior college students mainly consisted of two kinds of strategies: the cognitive strategies and the volitional control strategies. The two kinds of strategies were interrelated.
3. The personal variables of two-year junior college students would affect their self-regulated learning.
4. The self-regulated learning of two-year junior college students would affect their academic performance.
5. The self-regulated learning strategy instruction could be integrated in the curriculum of two-year college.
6. Learning feedback was the key factor in the integrated self-regulated learning strategy instruction. It should include learning result feedback and learning process feedback.
7. The integrated self-regulated learning strategy instruction could improve the use of self-regulated learning strategy and academic performance of two-year junior college students.
Finally, based on the conclusions, it provided concrete suggestions for two-year junior college instruction, relevant educational policies, and further studies.
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台灣各大學人文及社會科學領域學術生產力之研究 / Study on the Scholarly Productivity of the Humanities and Social Sciences in Taiwan’s Universities詹二洋, Chan, Erh Yang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對台灣各大學人文及社會科學領域發表於Web of Science之SSCI、A&HCI引文索引資料庫所收錄之文獻,以書目計量學探討台灣各大學人文及社會科學領域學術生產力之研究,並針對人文及社會科學領域不同學門其學術生產方式加以分析。
本研究結果為台灣各大學人文及社會科學領域學術生產力提供一個概括呈現,並協助高等教育評鑑對於全臺灣各大學社會科學領域,學術生產力概況有一背景瞭解,作為日後之評鑑參考。 / This study aims to investigate the scholarly productivity of the humanities and social sciences in Taiwan’s universities by employing a bibliometric methodology. The research data are retrieved from SCI and A&HCI database via Web of Science. In addition, this study reveals the academic production regime in different disciplines under humanities and social sciences.
According to the academic classification by the Ministry of Science and Technology in Taiwan, this study is conducted to divide the humanities and social sciences into 21 disciplines, collect the statistical data, and analyze the output in all the disciplines as well. The findings are as follows. Manegement I, with an output of 6,876 articles, leads in quantity of academic papers. Furthermore, Manegement I is also the most highly productive discipline in the fields of humanities and social sciences by the research papers from 122 colleges. As for numbers of average output papers, the discipline Manegement I, again, indicates that it is currently the main department in social science fields; an average output of 56.36 papers is the highest productivity.
Compare the multi-author documents with the sole author articles in humanities and social science fields; it is statistically found that, the majority are multi-author papers among the disciplines. Only a small proportion of single-author articles in some areas, the ratio are higher than that of the multi-author documents. In the analysis of the average numbers of authors after rounding to the nearest integer, Chinese Literature and Philosophy, with the average number of author--1, are the only two disciplines which are close to single-author output in all 21 disciplines. The average numbers of authors in the 19 remaining fields are more than 1.5 persons.
The results of the study may draw an outline for the scholarly productivity of the humanities and social sciences in Taiwan’s universities. This thesis, on the other hand, may suggest an overview for the further evaluation of the higher education in Taiwan, by building background knowledge for the disciplines under the humanities and social sciences in the universities.
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