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企業識別系統之研究: 分析層級序法之應用

林英貴, LIN, YING-GUI Unknown Date (has links)
章節順序如下: 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究目的 第二節 研究方法 第三節 研究架構 第四節 研究限制 第二章 分析層級程序法之理論與應用 第一節 引言 第二節 分析層級程序法之理論基礎 第三節 分析層級程序法之應用 第三章 企業識別系統之理論及應用 第一節 企業識別系統─企業形象─企業相關群體之行為三者間之關係 第二節 企業識別系統之實施要素 第三節 企業識別系統之發展及應用實例 第四章 實證研究 第一節 由高層管理者及專家層面看企業識別系統 第二節 由消費者層面考慮企業識別系統 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 結論 第二節 建議

PC品牌商生態系統建構策略 / The strategy for developing PC brand vendors' eco-system

侯永煇, Hou, Yung Hui Unknown Date (has links)
傳統 PC市場在歷經高速成長後,已逐漸歷經高原期而邁入衰退期。面對這個連上下游都競爭十分激烈的環境,所有PC品牌商都面臨生存保衛戰,只是基於各自不同的競爭力而往不同的方向調整。個案公司透過觀察上游作業平台所建構之生態系統找出一個有別於傳統價值鏈垂直上下游整合的零和方法。經由盤點自身的核心能力,配合外部策略機會,找出了有別於其他PC品牌商的策略定位。透過建立平台,架構有利於自己的生態系統,再透過併購,策略投資,策略聯盟,合組合資公司的方法將擁有關鍵核心能力的廠商整合進這個生態系統,強化生態系統的競爭力。在以此吸引更多具有關鍵核心能力的廠商加入,壯大生態系統,產生正向循環。透過打群架的方法與其他生態系統合作或對抗。如此將可協助企業快速獲得轉型所需要培養的人才與能力,爭取時間度過轉型期,邁向新的事業高峰。

物件導向企業框架之研究-以會計總帳系統為例 / Research of Object Oriented Business Framework : Accounting General Ledger Experience

陳泓志, Chen, Hong Chich Unknown Date (has links)
應用系統的發展從以前的部門資訊系統,到目前的企業整體資源規劃系統(Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP),更而甚之地橫跨企業組織的供應鏈管理系統(Supply Chain Management, SCM);從這樣的趨勢發展我們可以輕易地發現應用系統的範圍逐漸擴大,而且對系統品質及穩定度的要求越來越高,因此也讓軟體從業人員面臨了三大挑戰:系統複雜度提高、開發效率的提升及系統品質的確保。 1997年物件管理委員會(Object Management Group, OMG)通過了統一化塑模語言(Unified Modeling Language, UML)成為物件導向塑模語言的標準之後,物件導向開發方法開始被軟體從業人員所重視。 雖然物件導向系統發展方法從分析到設計階段能有效地讓系統具有低耦合力(low coupling)及高內聚力(high cohesion)之特性,而且企業應用框架(Business Framework)在系統設計到實作、測試及維護階段能夠以其標準化的企業物件、系統開發方式及彈性化的架構讓整體成本下降。然而企業應用框架的提供廠商通常欠缺著一套結合了物件導向分析與設計和企業應用框架的系統發展方法,因此本研究的目的在於透過對物件導向塑模語言、軟體工程及專案管理和企業應用框架的研究與了解,試圖將企業應用框架與UML及Unified Process結合,以彙整出一套系統發展指引,稱為以框架為基礎之元件化系統發展方法(Framework-based Componentized System development Process),以期有效提升軟體的生產力及品質,成為下一代開發應用系統的方法。


黃彥穎, Huang, Yan-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
金融資訊科技的發展及未來社會走向資訊化的必然趨勢下,自1960年至1970年間建置的銀行業大主機架構,多己到達設備投資轉換及軟體效率不足、系統發展週期過長及維護成本過大之瓶頸。由於核心銀行作業系統的複雜性及重要性,系統轉型的龐大投資計畫失敗時可能對銀行產生相當大的影響,系統廠商的評估選擇非常重要。本研究主要提出資訊系統整合廠商評量模式之形成及應用方式,針對核心銀行系統進行評估及選擇適當的系統整合廠商。 經由文獻探討及針對國內某商業銀行的個案研究,我們先建立一個初步的模型,定義出考量層級及涵蓋因素。之後,配合分析層級法(Analytical Hierarchy Process)設計問卷,收集國內各型銀行的資訊主管及業務主管針對「資訊系統整合廠商評量模式考量因素」進行兩兩比較所回應的相對重要性認知,經AHP運算建立層級因素間的權重分派,之後再依受測者所屬銀行類別及職務類別進行統計分析,作為評估廠商時參考的對象。決策者可根據各自銀行狀況再作權重調整,以此標準評量廠商資料,計算最後評比結果,AHP可在評量模式形成時,彙整產業認知資訊計算出考量因素之權重分配;也可在評量模式應用時彙整參與決策者意見,調整考量因素之權重分配,甚至在廠商評選時彙整參與決策者意見,如同計算權重分配一樣,計算出各合作廠商之優先次序。本研究可用來探討資訊系統整合廠合評量的主要考量因素,思考新的資訊科技可能所帶來的危機或轉機,而加以因應或利用;所發展的評量模式可以提供實務使用,期能協助銀行業,在核心銀行系統轉換需求過程中,建立一個對合作廠商評估與選擇的考量模式,在參考產業認知及層級分析的運算作業下,縮短系統轉型之時程,提高成功機率。 / Facing the technology advancement, it is about the time to upgrade the core banking systems built during 1960s and 1970s. The massive variety of banking operation requirements and the IT dependency of critical banking services make the system upgrade transition an enormous burden. This study aims to establish an evaluation model to be used for selecting appropriate system integration vendor of core banking systems. We review the literature and establish an initial model by identifying a group of consideration categories and their included factors. These factors are conformed to real world situations through a case study on a commercial bank at Taiwan. In the following survey, the weight allocation for these consideration factors is to be investigated from the banking community at Taiwan. A questionnaire based on the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is used to collect the comparative perceptions for the importance of the consideration factors. Through the AHP, the aggregated evaluation weights can be calculated. Based on the perception difference among bank types and manager types, a statistical analysis will be conducted later. The decision-makers may adjust the evaluation weights based on the ad-hoc needs for their banks. The comparative scoring of the evaluated vendors is then calculated based on the evaluation weights. The study contributes to investigate the important consideration factors for core banking systems and establish an evaluation model based on the industry perception. The similar approach can be extended to other information systems evaluation in the future.

如何在策略資訊系統規劃過程中整合CEO與CIO的觀點 / How to integrate the views of CEO and CIO in the process of strategic insormation systems planning

洪維林 Unknown Date (has links)
由於資訊科技具有策略上的價值,結合資訊系統與組織策略的策略資訊系統也日漸受到組織高層重視。策略資訊系統應用的目的,不只是提供市場更多元的產品與迅速的服務,甚至可以重新定義產業競爭的方式使得組織從中獲利。而良好的策略資訊系統規劃,才可以真正讓組織從資訊科技的應用中獲得競爭優勢。 本研究主要探討如何在策略資訊系統規劃過程中整合CEO與CIO的觀點。本研究由文獻中整理策略資訊系統規劃所應該具備的要素並評量12個SISP方法對於要素的支援情形。然後探討SISP過程中相關的決策議題,包括權力、政治行為、衝突與協商,以及漸近式的決策形成過程。以文獻為基礎所建構的觀點整合資訊規劃方法中,將可以發現CEO與CIO兩人的觀點其實是具有相當多的分歧存在。本研究並利用動態網頁的技術,以IC製造業公司的資料為例,建構一套可行的雛型系統以輔助SISP方法之應用。 / Information technology is valuable in strategic way. So, the top management of organizations has paid more attentions to Strategic Information Systems (SIS) that link information strategy with organizational strategy. The purpose of the use of SIS is not only to offer new services, but also to redefine the way of competition. A good Strategic Information Systems Plarniing (SISP) can help the organizations take competitive advantages by the information technology. The purpose of this research is to study the issues of the different views of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chief Information Officer (CIO) in the process of SISP. After reviewing the literature, we have established the key characteristics of SISP and evaluated 12 SISP methods accordingly. Then, we study the human issues of the SISP process including power, political behavior, conflict and negotiation, and incrernantalism. On the base of these studies, a View Integrated SISP method has been proposed. This method emphasis on the different views of CEO and CIO. A prototype system (VICAS) in WWW has been implemented. Some testing data from an integrated circuit manufactory company has been tried.

獨立專家系統與資料庫鬆散結合介面之研究 / The Study of An Interface for Loose Coupling of Independent Expert Systems and Databases

黃允暐 Unknown Date (has links)
智慧型資料庫的研究重點,在於發展一個能結合專家系統的知識表達、推論及問題解決能力與資料庫的大量資料儲存管理能力的資訊系統。目前有四種主要類型的結合方式:(1)增強式的資料庫系統、(2)增強式的專家系統、(3)獨立專家系統與資料庫的鬆散結合、(4)專家資料庫。   由於目前企業中已有許多資料庫系統在運作之中,上述的結合方式以獨立專家系統與資料庫的鬆散結合方式較為合適,其它三類則因需要對現有系統配合新的架構加以修改,在成本效益上較不經濟。   因此,本論文針對獨立專家系統與資料庫的鬆散結合架構進行研究。首先從文獻中瞭解其它相關研究對結合所提出架構的優缺之處,而從資料庫的獨立性、專家系統的獨立性、系統的複雜度、系統的擴充性等四點考慮,提出一個較為獨立、有效率,且建立容易的系統架構。並以財務診斷此一特定應用領域,成功地發展出一套結合財務診斷專家系統與會計資料庫系統的雛形系統,驗證了本架構的可行性。最後並提出進一步的研究建議,以供後續研究參考。 / The reserach objective of the integration, of expert systems and database systems is to develope an information system which can integrate both the capabilities of ex-pert systems (inferencing and problem solving) and capabilities of databases (storing and managing of huge amount of data). There are four ways to integrate them: (1) enhanced databases, (2) enhanced expert systems; (3) loose coupling of independent expert systems and databases, (4) expert database systems.   Since there are many existing database systems, the loose coupling of independent expert system, and database is considered to be the most appropriate approach. The other three ways are not cost/benefit feasible because they need major modification of the curresn systems.   The focus of this reserach is on loose coupling of independent expert system and database. The strengthes and weaknesses of the relevent researchs are discov-ered through literature review. There are four major considerations in developing the architecture: database independency, expert system independency, system, complexity, system, extendibility. The proposed architecture is more independent, efficient, and easy to be bulit. This research has also built a prototype system coupling a financial diagnosis expert system, with an accounting database. The feasibility of the prototype has verified the usefulness of the proposed architecture. Future reasearch suggestions are also stated.

台灣銀行業系統重要性之衡量 / Measuring Systemic Importance of Taiwan’s Banking System

林育慈, Lin, Yu Tzu Unknown Date (has links)
本文利用Gravelle and Li (2013)提出之系統重要性指標來衡量國內九家上市金控銀行對於系統風險之貢獻程度。此種衡量方法係將特定銀行之系統重要性定義為該銀行發生危機造成系統風險增加的幅度,並以多變量極值理論進行機率的估算。實證結果顯示:一、系統重要性最高者為第一銀行;最低者為中國信託銀行。其中除中國信託銀行之重要性顯著低於其他銀行外,其餘銀行之系統重要性均無顯著差異。二、經營期間較長之銀行其系統重要性較高;具公股色彩之銀行對於系統風險之貢獻程度平均而言高於民營銀行。三、銀行規模與其對系統風險之貢獻大致呈現正向關係,即規模越大之銀行其重要性越高。在此情況下可能會有銀行大到不能倒的問題發生。四、存放比較低之銀行系統重要性亦較低,而資本適足率與系統重要性間並無明顯關係。 / In this thesis, we apply the measure proposed by Gravelle and Li (2013) to examine the systemic importance of certain Taiwanese banks. The systemic importance is defined as the increase in the systemic risk conditioned on the crash of a particular bank, and is estimated by the multivariate extreme value theory. Our empirical evidence shows that the most systemically important bank is First Commercial Bank, and the CTBC Bank is significantly less important than other banks, while the differences among the remaining banks are not significant. Second, banks established earlier have higher systemic importance; and the contribution to systemic risk of public banks, on average, is higher than the contribution of private banks. Third, we also find out that the size of a bank and its risk contribution have positive relationship. That is, the bigger a bank is, the more important it is. Under this circumstances, the too big to fail problem may occur. Last, the bank which has lower loan-to-deposit ratio will be less systemically important than those with higher ones, while the relation between capital adequacy ratio and systemic importance is unclear.

ERP系統導入過程及成效之研究:以A公司兩岸三地關係企業分期導入SAP系統為例 / Analyze on the process and effects in the implementation of ERP System – Case Study of Using three projects to implement the SAP Program in a Cross-Strait Group

孫靖雯 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著中國成為世界工廠,全世界都被捲入低價漩渦,在此微利時代,企業為了維持競爭力,只能學會與微利共存。由於2008年金融海嘯席捲全球,導致通貨緊縮,產業界面臨前所未有的挑戰,終端消費者變得越來越在意價格,企業降低成本之壓力也愈來愈大,全球處於高度價格競爭的環境。針對全球化的趨勢,如何善用良好的企業資源規劃系統(Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP)來加強資訊整合,使決策者即時掌握經營績效,進行差異化管理,提升價值活動,創造競爭優勢,是企業在微利時代中維持競爭力之關鍵課題。 本個案公司為一跨國性企業,但未將旗下眾多子公司整合在同一資訊平台,經營者難以獲得即時管理資訊,做出正確決策。因此,管理當局期望透過ERP系統的升級,提供決策者便利且即時的管理資訊,以增加市場競爭力,並藉由導入新ERP系統進行企業流程再造,達到集團之使命與願景。本論文以個案公司三次導入SAP系統之專案籌備、業務藍圖、具體實施、上線準備,以及上線與支援階段等五個階段,深入記錄與分析SAP系統對使用者的影響、新作業流程帶來的成效,決策者對經營績效的掌控與跨國組織的變革。另經由比較分析三次導入該系統的異同,探討對企業產生的成效及影響,期望透過本論文對個案公司的專案推動小組及管理者提供一些建議,也作為其他企業導入ERP系統之借鏡。 / As the world market is approaching Chinese price, the enterprises worldwide are involving in a low-profit war. In 2008, the financial tsunami severely impacted global economy and caused a deflationary spiral. As a result, consumers care more about price such that enterprises are forced into cost-cutting battles. For an enterprise to thrive in this low-profit era, it should effectively develop and use an enterprise resources planning (ERP) system to enhance its information conformity, competitive ability, and enterprise value. This study uses a case company to test the theories and best practices for implementing an ERP system as suggested by the relevant literature. The case company is a multi-national enterprise with its subsidiary companies not sharing the same information systems. It was very difficult for the management to obtain up-to-date information and make correct decisions. Its top management expects that an ERP system can integrate all the data and provide timely information for decision making. The expected benefits include higher competitive advantage, satisfactory fulfillment of group targets, and positive organizational change. By illustrating the case company’s three-phase process of implementing its SAP ERP system, this study explains how the company deals with the issues with the above implementation and compares its practices with literature. Based on the research results, this study summarizes the issues of implementing ERP systems and offers numerous suggestions.

博物館館藏管理系統之研究:以鴻禧美術館為例 / On Museum Collection Management System

吳紹群, Wu, Shao-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
博物館應用資訊科技已有數十年的歷史,其中最為基礎也最為核心的部份就是博物館的館藏管理系統(Collection Management Systems,CMSs)。尤其在資訊社會之中,博物館如何應用資訊科技來傳播知識、提昇自己的地位更是十分重要的議題。因此,博物館界加強對應用資訊科技的研究有相當程度的必要。以我國情形而言,由於沒有以博物館為市場對象的資訊系統廠商,也沒有強有力的合作組織,除了少數大館之外,在館藏管理系統的發展上多半不甚完善。本研究選擇以私立鴻禧美術館為研究對象,針對其館藏管理系統的發展和使用進行訪談,並和國外的美術館館藏管理系統TMS (The Museum System)進行比較分析,了解國內外的差異,並對未來的發展提出建議。 根據訪談結果,發現鴻禧美術館的典藏資料庫是用Microsoft Access改寫而成,在發展和使用上則各有其優缺點。優點是成本低廉、使用容易、維護簡單、符合需求;而缺點則是功能特性不彰、記錄資訊太少、缺少連結和有組織的呈現資訊、對館內業務幫助不大、沒有標準化、沒有網路連線的功能。而TMS則是商業化的資訊系統,已發展到第9版,其功能架構共有九個模組,功能範圍包括物件、人事、媒體、展覽、出借、書目、事件、場址,具有多種易於使用的功能特色,其軟硬體架構也較具標準和彈性,並有完備的支援和諮詢服務,也有支援網路檢索的功能套件。 經由比較的結果,國內中小型博物館的系統和國外系統之差距,主要表現在幾方面:國內中小型美術館的系統功能和設計不符合美術館工作的需求、不注重合作與標準化、未考量使用者的需求、系統分析和管理的觀念不足、未能支援館內其它業務、使用和管理的素養不夠。針對這些問題,分別對博物館學界和中小型美術館提出以下的建議:1.對博物館學界的建議:應盡快研訂採用一致的相關標準、注重博物館資訊系統問題的研究和討論、提高博物館從業人員的資訊知識和素養、加強與其它學科領域的交流與合作、加強博物館界內部在此方面的合作;2.對中小型美術館的建議:重視網路技術的使用、建置系統時資訊的收集和組織應力求完整、加強系統分析與規劃管理的觀念、重視館藏管理系統與館內其它部門業務的整合、視自身的情況來衡量發展系統的策略。而未來的進一步研究議題則有其它類型博物館館藏管理系統的研究、各種資訊組織標準與相關規範之研究、博物館內其它領域應用資訊科技的研究。


林家全, Lin, Chia-Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
圖書出版業,包含出版中外圖書、雜誌、有聲出版品與報紙等。近年來,圖書出版業快速發展,國內圖書產量遽增,各種外文書也大量進入台灣市場。這對圖書業者而言,圖書品項管理與流通複雜度也隨之增加。而圖書流通業者,負責圖書批發、運輸倉儲與零售等,上游有多家出版社,而下游面對更多的零售業者,其擁有圖書種類與數量豐富,所以圖書管理複雜度比其他上游出版業者、下游零售業者更複雜。 無線射頻識別系統(Radio Frequency Identity,RFID),以RFID標籤辨識物件(棧板、物流箱,單品)獨特的產品電子碼(Electronic Product Code,EPC),並由建置在各地的讀取器和RFID中介軟體,記錄和擷取對應的物件資訊,對於存貨及物流管理來說,RFID出現帶來新方法讓貨品管理與追蹤變得更有效率。把流動於供應鏈的物件貼上RFID標籤,再以共用EPC網絡服務平台(EPC Network Service Platform)作為資訊共享,則將使物件在供應鏈上下游的資訊能見度(Visibility)更加提昇。 本研究先蒐集RFID相關文獻,而後選定對於RFID有基本認識、知道RFID應用方式的圖書流通公司,了解公司對RFID需求及應用方式,再針對業者的需求與應用方式做分析,即完成業者的RFID需求資訊分析,而後對於業者需求,提出一套RFID資訊系統參考架構,以滿足其對RFID的需求。接著再與個案公司訪談,參酌業者意見,進行參考架構驗證與修正,最後圖書流通業者應用RFID資訊系統架構呈現。而結論部分,則為本研究作個總結,並為後繼的研究者提出相關研究建議。 / Publishers publish magazines, books, videotapes, newspapers etc. When it comes to publishing, it is recently developed very rapidly. Many kinds of books have popped up in book industry and have lead to complexity of books management and distribution. Book distributors play important roles in book distribution and retail. Distributors get the books from publishers and send the books to retailers. Distributors have more books than publishers and retailers, so they face much more management complexity. RFID can identify the object and learn its EPC by reading the object’s RFID tag. We can learn the object’s position by building RFID readers and RFID middlewares at the supply chain nodes. Due to RFID’s track and trace function materialflow and inventory management can enhance. Besides RFID, EPC Network Service Platform can strengthen information sharing between partners and lead to high visibility in the supply chain. We collected RFID references and selected book distributors. These book distributors have known RFID. We tried to understand the RFID requirements of the book distributors and then did the RFID requirements analysis of the book distributiors. Based on the RFID requirements analysis, we proposed a RFID system architecture to satisfy the RFID requirements of the book distributors. Following, we interviewed the book distributors and then verified, revised the RFID system architecture. At last the final RFID system architecture is presented and the architecture is offered to book distributors for reference. About the conclusion, we offered some research suggestions for other RFID researchers.

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