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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


趙靜菀 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在從國中女性校長與家長會互動之實際經驗,以微觀之角度深入該場域現象,來探討女性校長與家長會互動之脈絡。首先探討八位女性校長與家長會互動之實際個別經驗,其次分析女性校長與家長會互動之方式與策略,最後提出結論與建議,供女性校長作為辦學之參考。 本研究係採質性研究方法,先尋求願意受訪校長,以訪談方式進行深入對話。共計八位分別任職於小型、中型及大型位居臺北縣市國中女性校長,採取深度的匯談,繼而分析並探討其與家長會互動之情形。 據此,本研究歸納出女性校長與家長會互動之實務經驗有兩部分:(一)互動共同部分;(二)互動不同及特殊部分。國中女性校長與家長會互動策略有:(一)塑造學校眾望所歸的願景與發展學校特色;(二)協助家長會組織健全發展,並提供其所需資源;(三)利用溝通管道,增進彼此雙方了解建立共識;(四)建立學校與家長會的合夥關係,共同討論校務發展;(五)和諧形塑學校優質文化;(六)落實學校本位管理與經營;(七)落實學校與家庭相關親職教育的訓練與進修活動;(八)建立家庭與學校之間的信賴與支持;(九)建立網際網路提昇管理效能的領導。互動策略之分類亦歸納如下:(一)逃避型-保持距離以策安全;(二)整合型-表面層次的合作;(三)單向型-一廂情願有溝沒有通;(四)合作型-攜手共創願景。 最後本研究提出下列建議:(一)對教育行政機關建議(二)對學校行政建議(三)對家長會建議(四)對師資培育機構建議(五)對女性校長建議(六)對後續研究建議 / This study discusses about the atmosphere of interaction models between female junior high school principals and parent-teacher association (PTA). The research approach is microscopic point of view from the practical experiences of the interactions between the two groups. Firstly it observes the personal practical experiences interacting with the PTA of eight female junior high school principals and secondly analyzes the strategies and means used within the communication between the two communities. Conclusions and suggestions are made in order to provide a future assistance for female principals. The research is based on qualitative research methods by holding up intensive discussions with the volunteering principals. Eight female junior high school principals from small, medium, and large-scaled junior high schools of either Taipei-city and Taipei-county attended the discussion by sharing with their own experiences. After generalizing these practical experiences we divide interactions types into two: 1) Similar Interaction Type, 2) The Different Interaction Type. The strategies within these interaction types may include: 1) Modeling a recognized future vision of the school and developing an academic feature 2) Assisting the PTA to be organized appropriately and offering needed resources 3) Increasing the understanding between each other in order to reach for certain consensus by using available communication interchannels 4) Building up a companionship between the school and the PTA and sharing the discussion of future development of the school 5) Modeling an harmonically high-graded school-culture and atmosphere 6) Ensuring a management of a school-centered management and administration 7) Ensuing a familial-parental education further trainings and related activities 8) Establishing the trust and support between the families and the school 9) Establishing inter-nets to increase the management leadership efficiency The generalization upon these strategies can be classified into four types: 1) The Run-Away type: Keep in distance for safety 2) The Integrating type: A corporation that is only skin deep 3) The Single-way type: Communicating without communication 4) The Cooperating type: Building up a future vision together. Keywords: parent-teacher association, PTA, female junior high school principals, female principals, interaction experiences


陳美蓁 Unknown Date (has links)
目前台灣迎娶外籍配偶現象日益增加,「外籍配偶」一詞已成為台灣另一個新興族群的代稱。然多數外籍配偶在低社經地位的處境,加上文化隔閡而導致之教養困境,皆間接影響下一代子女的教育問題。 本研究旨在探究文化衝擊下,外籍配偶教養經驗之內涵與其調適歷程。採個案敘說研究取向,透過訪談一位來台十年、已育有三位子女之印尼客家籍外籍配偶,以敘事文體呈現外籍配偶過往之受教經驗、來台後歷經的教養遭遇並闡述其所持有之「原罪」與「愛必管教 」的教養觀。最後,本文參照家庭生命週期觀點與Anderson遷移者教養子女歷程論,進一步闡明外籍配偶在歷經跨文化衝擊下,獨特的「調整與修正」之教養現象與其教養圖像之形塑歷程。 / Getting married with foreign brides becomes more and more common in Taiwan now. The term, “Foreign Spouse”, has represented another new emerging group. However, most of the families with foreign spouses are in low social and economic status and the culture difference also forms a barrier to children’s education. These factors indirectly influence the education of next generation. The purpose of this research is to discuss the experience of how a foreign spouse educates and nurtures her children and the process of how a foreign spouse adjusts herself to overcome culture difference. This research applies case studies to interview an Indonesian foreign spouse, who has been married in Taiwan for over ten years and has three lovely children. This paper describes the case study as a story. It includes the education background of the foreign spouse and the experience of educating and nurturing children after she came to Taiwan. In addition, the story goes further to explain a very special point of view of education and nurture, which the foreign spouse in this case study possess. That is “the original crime” and “love to teach”. Finally, this paper refers to the viewpoint of life cycle of a family and the Anderson’s theory of a migrant’s educates and nurtures the children, and further explains the unique phenomenon and model of nurture and education, “the Adjustment and Modification”, that a foreign spouse has under the impact of culture difference.

社工員介入兒童及少年校園性侵害案件之工作經驗探究:以高雄市為例 / Social workers involved in work experience for children and teenagers campus sexual assault of inquiry: A Case Study in Kaohsiung

蔡佳玲, Tsai, Chia Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用質性研究方法,運用深入訪談方法來訪談14位處理兒童及少年校園性侵害案件具有實務工作經驗超過5年的警察人員、教職人員、社工員,從中探討社工員在介入校園性侵害案件服務工作的角色扮演及其與警政、學校一同處理案件的衝突,並從中探究社工員本身的工作困境與因應之道,期能作為社工員介入校園性侵害案件服務工作經驗整理的開始,進而可做為社工員在性侵害防治工作領域專業角色扮演,及與他專業合作分工的參考。本研究發現如下: 一、社工員主觀認知的角色功能,與法定職責相似,且社工 員角色在處理性侵害案件與一般兒少保護案件是有所差異的。另警政與教育人員對性侵害業務社工員角色扮演的看法,彷彿停留在社工員可以協助其業務面向或是被害人面對司法問題上。總之,似乎校園性侵害案件真要進入司法程序,社工員的角色功能才得以有所發揮。 二、警察人員最期待社工員能夠先了解案情,且請社工員不要在當事人面前「指揮」警察該如何偵辦案件。又教職人員最期待社工員能夠提供訪談資訊,以協助性平會調查。 三、社工員服務困境主要來自社政體制本身,與對個案及其家屬服務過程的衝突。前者如依法規定24小時訪案沒有彈性、新案影響提供舊案的服務、夜間陪同偵訊問題、與應對司法制度產生之角色衝突困境。後者如被害人拒絕配合調查程序、與家長對案情認定不一致,以及面臨處理兩情相悅案件的複雜性。 四、而專業間對彼此的抱怨,呈現了警察人員最在意社工員過度干涉筆錄製作事項,社工員反覺得警察人員不清楚兒童及少年被害人的情緒反應狀態與行為模式,卻未積極偵辦之情。另一方面,學校教職人員覺得社工員透漏學校通報之情,而破壞學校師生的信任關係,甚至覺得社工員可以不要再重複訪談被害學生了。相對的,社工員對於學校教職人員忽略被害人感受 與對被害人標籤、未能滿足家長期待、不清楚處理流程等等事項有所抱怨。 五、為因應上述之困境,且促進專業間的合作關係,也為個案提供專業服務,社工員對學校性平調查持一定配合程度。另為避免破壞與警政的合作關係,社工員全力協助被害人配合製作筆錄事宜。且為維護被害人的法定權益,社工員應接納被害人的個別差異性,並協調各專業之差異認定與判斷。更重要的是社工員需進行自我心態調整,清楚社工員職責角色的界線,同時接納與了解不同專業的工作內容。 六、綜合受訪者想法、意見,在目前實務工作場域中的情境,發現專業間可以分別辦理共同訓練、整合調查工作、建立跨單位組織、修訂法規等不同方式來建立以被害人為中心的團隊工作模式。 依上述研究發現,從處理兒少校園性侵害案件的制度面與從社工員實務工作面提出建議。首先在制度面上,中央機關可從法令規章的修訂與建立中央跨部會機關間的協調機制來著手,而縣市政府教育局處可成立跨校專責小組以專責處理性平案件調查業務,並結合警政、社政之性侵害業務專責小組成跨專業團隊來專責處理校園性侵害事件。在實務面上,建議社政主管機關要落實性侵害防治業務社工員之在職教育、建立緊急保護社工員的服務體制與倡導社工員的職責角色,且社工員要了解與運用性侵害防治業務相關法律規定,並開放自我與其他專業對話。 / This paper adopts the qualitative research method to have in-depth interviews with fourteen police officers, school faculties and social workers who have the experience of dealing with campus sexual assault cases of children and youth for more than five years. With the conducted interviews, this paper will discuss the role social workers play when involving in the cases of sexual assault on campus and the conflicts aroused among social workers, the police and school faculty. This paper aims to investigate the dilemma that social workers face in their job and the possible solutions to these problems. In hope that these data can serve as an initial record for social workers who work in this disciplinary; a reference for the role social workers play in sexual assault prevention; and a guide for the collaboration with other professions. This paper has thus reached the following findings: I. The subjective perception of social workers’ function is similar to their statutory duty and that their role in dealing with sexual assault cases differs from that handling general child protection cases. Nevertheless, the police and school faculty still have the impression that social workers who handle sexual assault cases can assist them with their respective duties or provide help for the victim’s confrontation with the judicial problems. Ultimately, it seems like it is only when the campus sexual assault case reaches its judicial stage, then social workers can play their part. II. The police expect social workers to understand the case and meanwhile, they do not want social workers to interfere with their investigation, especially in front of the victim or victimizer. On the other hand, the school faculty expects social workers to provide them with the interview information, so as to assist the investigation of the Gender Equality Committee. III. The problems that social workers face are mainly from the rigidity of the social affair system and the conflicts aroused when communicating with the victim, the victimizer, and their relatives. The former problems are such as the inflexibility of the regulation of the law to attend the case in 24 hours; the past cases are affected by the current cases; the problems of accompanied night interrogation; and the conflicts aroused in confrontation with the judicial system. The latter problems are such as the victimizer’s refusal to cooperate in the investigation, the disagreement on the case with the parents, and the complexity to handle the case involving sexual gratification in mutuality. IV. There are complaints between different professions. For instance, the police concern the most about social workers’ excessive intervention when they are making a report of the case. However, social workers feel that the police are insensitive to the child or youth victim’s emotions and behaviors, and therefore they did not carry out the investigation actively. Moreover, the school faculty feels that social workers’ disclosure of the case would damage the trust between students and teachers. Also, they feel that social workers should not interview the victimized student repeatedly. On the other hand, social workers have complaints about the school faculty. For example, their negligence of the victim’s feelings; their tendency to label the victim; their inability to fulfill the expectations of the parents and their ignorance of the procedure of the case. V. To solve the above problems; to initiate the cooperative relations among different professions; and to provide the case with professional service, social workers will definitely coordinate with the school’s investigation on the gender equality cases. Also, in order not to damage the cooperative relation with the police, social workers will provide full assistance while the police are making a report of the case with the victim. Moreover, social workers should safeguard the legal rights of the victim by accepting the victim’s individual difference and coordinating the difference in judgments between various professions. Most importantly, social workers should undergo an adjustment in mentality to understand their role and the borderline of their duty by accepting and understanding the tasks of various professions. VI. By summing up the interviewees’ ideas and opinions, there comes to a discovery that in the practical practices, it is possible for different professions to conduct trainings together, to synthesize the investigation, to establish a cross-unit organization, to revise regulations and many other ways in order to create a victim-centered working team mode. From the above studies, suggestions can be made on two aspects, the system itself and the practical practices of social workers, while dealing with sexual assault cases on campus. First on the system, the central authority can start with the revision of the laws and regulations and the establishment of the coordination from the central to the other departments. For instance, the County Municipal Bureau of Education Department can set up a cross-school team that deals mainly with gender equality cases, and which is able to synthesize the sexual assault investigative teams from the police and social workers. Next, on the practical practices of social workers, it is suggested that the social affairs authority should implement the in-service education of social workers involving in sexual assault preventive project. Also, it is necessary for the establishment of a service system that protects social workers’ safety in case of emergency and the need to advocate the responsibility of their role. Furthermore, social workers are required to understand and exercise the laws and regulations related to sexual assault preventive cases, and to have an open-mind so that the dialogues with other professions can be made possible.

中介化審美經驗怎麼研究?打造一個實用主義符號學的分析與詮釋架構 / How to research mediated aesthetic experience? Building a frame of pragmatic semiotic for analyzing and interpreting

柯籙晏 Unknown Date (has links)
受到電玩遊戲Wii Sports在全球的熱銷,以及研究者個人玩Wii Sports的審美經驗啟發,本研究旨在打造一個能夠用以系統地分析與詮釋中介化審美經驗的工具架構;然後以所打造的架構,實際示範中介化審美經驗怎麼研究;最後回過頭根據研究結果檢討所打造架構的適用性。 據此,本文首先在第二章主要根據Huizinga與Caillois關於嬉戲與遊戲的理論範疇描述,Mead、McLuhan、Winnicot與Bateson對於嬉戲作為一體兩面的、社會化與創新溝通行動的媒介,以及Gadamer的藝術作品本體論(本文稱之為嬉戲-作品-玩賞回饋系統)等理論的探討,整合無論傳統或新媒介所中介,無論玩家或閱聽人,對於嬉戲/遊戲或敘事的審美經驗本體論範疇;其次在第三章透過Dewey與Bentley關於社會科學本體-方法論類型學,以及Peirce與Morris的實用主義符號學的探討,提出一個基於實用主義符號學,適用於系統地分析與詮釋各類型中介化審美經驗的工具架構;第四章利用第三章提出的架構,實際分析與詮釋Wii Sports審美經驗的意義;並在第五章根據第四章的分析與詮釋結果,回過頭檢討第三章所提出架構的適用性。

女性新聞工作者勞動與流動之初探: 以洛杉磯華文媒體為例 / The Study on Female Journalists’Labor-ship and Labor Turnover: An Example of Chinese Media in Los Angeles

俞振儀, Yu, Cheng Yi Unknown Date (has links)
論文摘要 本研究主要以探討在洛杉磯地區的華文媒體中的女性新聞工作者之勞動經驗 與流動因素,以深度的訪談法共訪問美國南加州洛杉磯地區35 位華裔女性新聞工作者,並由女性角度的觀點切入、並結合參與觀察法探討在海外的少數媒體生態中的工作經驗、以及針對走入家庭的女性工作者,嘗試深入瞭解影響她們在面臨工作與家庭的衝突時所作的抉擇及規劃的背後主因。 研究發現,在洛杉磯華文媒體的特殊生態、報導取材、新聞製作及分配, 使女性新聞工作者在新聞產製上佔有優勢。而華裔女性的性別特質,如富有同理心的的刻板印象,使她們在與受訪者建立關係、以及採訪軟性新聞和撰寫上受到重視。在勞動經驗中,許多電視媒體的女性新聞工作者須面臨美感勞動的實踐及適應。 除了語言適應問題和移民身份問題外,許多華裔女性新聞工作者曾遭遇性騷 擾的困境。雖然美國在立法保護及執行上相當徹底,但因國籍背景、文化融入和合法需留權的不同,華裔女性新聞工作者在面對性騷擾問題時,會作出不同的反應及抵抗策略。影響華裔女性新聞工作者流動的因素可分為工作環境、個人因素、及家庭因素。而因美國政策與教育制度對家庭主婦的肯定、職場生態對於婦女再就業給予支持、和家庭結構的不同與經濟因素的考量,使在美的華裔女性新聞工作者,選擇回歸家庭的自主性意願高。 / Abstract This research primary discusses the working experience and labor turnover of the Chinese female journalists in Los Angeles Chinese news industry. The research utilized semi-structured Interview method to interview thirty-five Chinese female journalists in greater Los Angeles area. Through the female’s point of views, observation of work experience in oversea minority media; we will discuss the influence and reasoning of decision when they encounter conflict from their career and family. The research revealed that female journalist have an advantage over male in the news production industry due to the Los Angeles Chinese media special ecological, reports drawn, news production and distribution. Chinese women gender traits, such as stereotype of sympathy will enable them to establish bonding with the interviewee easier, as well as advantage in soft news interviews and editing. In the labor experience, many women television journalists have to face with "aesthetic labor" practices and adaption. Beside the language barrier and immigrant status, many Chinese female journalists have been suffered sexual harassment. Although United States legislature has a sufficient system for protection and enforcement; however, due to the nationality background, cultural integration and the residence right difference, many Chinese female journalists are not able to fight back when they are suffering from sexual harassment. They have to react with different strategy and approach. Generally speaking, working Environment, personal factors, and family factors are three main categories influencing Chinese female Journalists job turnover. On the other hand, United States political policy and education system supports homemaker reemployment. Depends on the economic considerations and family structures; Chinese female journalists Are willing to leave their jobs and stay at home instead.

日治時期台灣的防空 / Air Defense of Taiwan in Japan Ruled Period

范耿鈞, Fan,Geng Jyun Unknown Date (has links)
防空可約略分積極與消極的防空,積極的防空指的是以軍事武力達到防空目的,也就是軍防空;而消極的防空是以民眾動員為主,因而稱為民防空,本篇論文探討的,即是與多數民眾切身相關的民防空。日本於第一次世界大戰之後,派遣人員前往歐洲學習新穎的航空與防空技術,而關東大地震的發生,不僅帶來的龐大人員財產損失,災後的情景也雷同歐洲城市遭受空襲後的樣貌,尤其日本屋舍多是以木材做為建築本體,火勢的延燒速度更是驚人,也促使日本政府加快防火與防空的腳步。 自九一八事件之後,日本帝國進入了所謂的十五年戰爭時期,防空相關法規的制定以及舉行各種防空相關演習是戰時體制下的特色,當時身為日本領土的臺灣,也承襲著日本防空的腳步,以應付日益繁重的防空事項。在戰爭末期面對盟軍的全面轟炸,不論是軍防空或者是民防空都無法應付持續不斷且龐大架次的空襲,疏散民眾已經成為臺灣總督府最後也是唯一的作法。當時總督府對於防空的宣導有相當多的途徑,除了各式的防空宣導途徑之外,防空團體的成立可看出執政當局試圖把全臺灣民眾納入防空體制所做的努力,而家庭防空群以婦女為主要成員的現象,也代表了日治末期人力資源不足的困境。 自1943年底開始,隨著日本軍隊的節節敗退以及喪失太平洋諸島嶼的控制權,臺灣遭受盟軍轟炸的頻率也越來越多,空襲已經成為臺灣民眾日常生活當中不得不面對的一部分。臺灣人民從一開始的恐慌到後期則是聽天由命,甚至是苦中作樂,皆充實反映了臺灣民眾遭到空襲的心路歷程,而無眼的炸彈以及戰爭的無情,卻淡化了臺灣人與日本人之間的隔閡,人性最初單純的關懷與援助也在猛烈的轟炸中顯露無遺。

嚴肅遊戲中感知之精熟經驗、角色依附與內在政治效能之路徑模式 / A path model of perceived mastery experiences, character attachment and internal political efficacy in serious games

黃齡儀, Huang, Ling Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究區分中介之精熟經驗與感知之精熟經驗。前者為玩家在角色扮演遊戲中所獲得之成功經驗,後者指玩家對此中介經驗之整體評估感受,且包含過去經驗。玩家在遊戲中不斷接受挑戰並破關的過程,即包含了成功的中介精熟經驗,此經驗與感知之精熟經驗應為正向相關,且為遊戲中必要之一環。角色依附是探討玩家與其角色關係之重要變項,當玩家越依附於其角色時,越能將此中介精熟經驗轉換成其感知之精熟經驗,越能對其效能感產生正面影響。本研究因此嘗試探討嚴肅遊戲中提供的中介精熟經驗是否會影響內部政治效能感,並探討在這影響機制中,感知精熟經驗,角色依附與內在政治效能感之路徑關係。 本研究採對照組前後測實驗設計。參與者為131位大學生,在本研究發展之政策嚴肅遊戲中,參與者被隨機分派到實驗組與控制組。兩組皆接受遊戲之中介精熟經驗處理,但為了檢驗遊戲中介之精熟經驗與玩家感知之精熟經驗之關係,實驗組提供不同場景以演練技巧之遊戲,控制組則未提供不同場景以演練技巧之遊戲。此實驗過程費時大約60分鐘。玩家在實驗前後於線上填寫問卷。本研究首先使用重複量數單因子變異數分析以檢驗不同性別與組別之實驗結果,接著,再以結構方程模型探討感知精熟經驗,角色依附與內在政治效能感之路徑關係。 研究結果發現:(一) 實驗組與控制組之內在政治效能感皆明顯提升,然而,實驗組之提升幅度並未顯著高於控制組。(二) 在路徑模式中,角色依附會透過感知之精熟經驗間接影響內在政治效能,而前測內在政治效能會透過感知精熟經驗間接影響後測內在政治效能,亦會對後測內在政治效能造成直接影響。 本研究有助於了解嚴肅遊戲之心理機制,其結果對於應用嚴肅遊戲設計與公民教育有重要啟示。 / This study distinguished “mediated enactive experience” and “perceived mastery experience”. The former referred to the experience when a player plays an avatar in a game and the latter referred to a player’s psychological evaluations of the experience including past experience. Mediated enactive experiences is positively related to perceived mastery experiences when players play and make progresses in a game. The experiences are an essential part of a game. Yet character attachment may influence the relationship between players and avatars. If a player attaches to his or her own avatar more, he or she may perceive the mediated enactive experiences more his or her mastery experience, therefore, character attachment should positively contribute to internal political efficacy through perceived mastery experience. A control group pretest-posttest experimental design was conducted in this study. Both groups received policy-related mediated enactive experiences from the serious game. In order to test if players who received more policy-related mediated enactive experiences will upgrade their internal political efficacy to a higher level, 113 college students were randomly assigned to one of the two groups: In the experimental group, players played an avatar with chances for practicing learned skills in three different settings; In the control group, players played an avatar without chances for practicing learned skills. Two repeated-Measure ANOVAs were conducted to analyze if there were gender and group differences on manipulation effects. Moreover, structural equation modelling (SEM) was employed to analyze the proposed path model of character attachment, perceived mastery experiences, prior and posttest internal political efficacy. The results showed that the internal political efficacy of both groups was significantly enhanced. However, the experimental group did not upgrade to a higher level than the control group. Furthermore, in the path model, character attachment influenced posttest internal political efficacy indirectly through perceived mastery experiences; moreover, prior internal political efficacy influenced posttest internal political efficacy through perceived mastery experiences indirectly and also influenced posttest internal political efficacy directly. To conclude, the findings of this study can help understand psychological mechanisms related to gaming as well as can be applied to civic education and serious game design in the future.

北區三類成人教育機構學習者之主動學習與心流經驗比較研究 / A comparative study on active learning and flow experience among three types of adult educational organization learners in northern Taiwan

林怡珊, Lin, Yi Shan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以台灣北區的社區大學、國立空中大學、大學推廣教育三類學習者為研究對象,旨在探討三者於學術性課程上的「心流經驗」與「主動學習」是否有所差異,若有差異則可能的影響因素又為何?並分析心流經驗與主動學習兩變項間的關係。 本研究的樣本總數為729人,採用立意取樣,研究工具係參考前人改編之心流經驗與主動學習問卷一份,問卷中一併蒐集了關於三類學習者在機構中的學習經驗(包含:學習歷程的頻率、學習歷程的品質等),以期能夠在探討差異的同時,找出影響的可能原因。 資料分析方法採用了結構方程模型(SEM)以作為問卷之驗證性因素分析的方法,在確認了信效度後,以t考驗、單因子變異數分析、單因子多變量分析、共變數分析、積差相關、典型相關等統計方法輔助,以回答上述問題。主要結果發現: 一、「師生討論」、「同儕討論」、「做中學」、「田野調查」與「指導同儕」等學習歷程的頻率與心流經驗、主動學習皆有顯著正相關。 二、「互動品質」、「課程公共化」、「經驗學習」等學習歷程品質與心流和主動學習有顯著相關。 三、不同的「學習動機」會造成心流與主動學習的差異,當中以「取得學位」為動機的學習者之心流與主動學習較其他就讀動機者為弱。 四、三類機構在心流經驗與主動學習的差異依序是:社區大學 > 空中大學 >推廣教育。 五、主動學習中的「內在動機與熱情」是目前研究者發現三機構在心流經驗中差異的因素之一。 六、心流經驗中的「自發自足經驗」是目前研究者發現三機構在主動學習上有差異的因素之一。 七、心流經驗與主動學習兩者具有高度正相關。 / The purpose of this study is to compare community university, national open university and university extension education in northern Taiwan, which each refers to flow experience and active learning. This study is also attempted to investigate the possible factors among these organizations which may cause the differences. Another issue in this study is concerned with the relationship between flow experience and active learning. The data was collected from 729 adult learners by judgmental sampling, and the questionnaire was based upon a revised questionnaire concerning their flow experience, active learning, and learning experience (including the frequency of learning process and quality of learning process) in academic courses. The results of this study are as followings: 1. Flow experience and active learning were positive correlation with the frequency of learning process, which includs “teachers and students discussion ”, “peer-discussion”, “learning by doing”, “field work” and “peer-tutoring”. 2. Flow experience and active learning were positive correlation with the quality of learning process, which includs “quality of interaction”, “curriculum publication”, and “experiential learning”. 3. The different learning motivation affect the flow experience and active learning among learners in these three organizations, especially the learners who chose “learning for the academic degree” were averaged lower than others. 4. Comparing with three organizations about the flow experience and active learning performance: community university is better than national open university and university extension education. Moreover, the national open university is better than university extension education. 5. The“intrinsic motivation and passion” is one of the factors which affect flow experience. 6. The “autotelic experience” is one of the factors which affect active learning. 7. The flow experience is positive correlation with active learning.

虛擬社群之價值共創活動 -- 以BBS社群為例

張元力, Chang, Yuan Li Unknown Date (has links)
2000年dot com泡沫化後,許多人對於網路公司的夢想破滅,網際網路回到更務實的面向。網路中的價值創造並非無中生有,但是網路的價值創造打破了價值鍊的架構,而是以一種共創(Co-creation)的形式來進行。本研究以個案探討的方式,深入研究台灣具代表性的BBS虛擬社群平台,藉以探討下列三個問題: --在虛擬社群中,社群成員、發展者與社群平台如何共創價值? --商業化與非商業化社群在價值共創上是否有所不同? --從非商業化到商業化的過程中,虛擬社群的組成有何變化? 研究發現顯示,虛擬社群間的共創價值活動,仰賴著共同的經驗網路,以價值星系的方式來創造。而因為社群組成與內容的不同,會面臨不一樣的管理議題與平台需求。合適的跨平台與平台多角化,將可以拓展虛擬社群間共同的經驗網路,增加價值共創的機會。 而商業化與非商業化的虛擬社群,在價值共創的本質上並無不同,但是社群平台商業化色彩過濃將影響社群成員在其中的活躍度。非商業化社群的經營在學術網路的規範下,能取得營運經費的管道較少。但相對而言是一個較佳的發展環境。 從非商業化到商業化的過程中,產權的轉移需要妥善規劃,而在管理風格與管理理念上,也不應該有太大幅度的變動,否則將導致社群成員的重組、甚至流失。 / After the dot com foam, the dream to the internet company of a lot of people evaporated. The internet got back to more practical facing in 2000. The value in the internet is created and does not create something out of nothing, but the value of the internet creates the structure of breaking the value chain, but goes on in a kind of form created “Co-creation". The way probed into by the case in this research, further investigate representative BBS platform of virtual community of Taiwan, and use to probe into the following three questions: --In the virtual community, how with the platform, community, and developer create value? --Is commercial community different from in-commercial community in value co-creation? --From commercialization to commercialized course, what changes does the composition of virtual community have? Discover that shows, value creation activity among the virtual communities are dependent on the common experience network; create by way of value galaxy. And because the community makes up different content, it will face the different management topic and platform demand. Suitable stepping the platform can expand the common experience network among the virtual communities; offer more opportunities that value is created. Commercialization and in-commercialization virtual community are not different on the essence that value creates, but it will influence community members in activeness degree among them that the commercialized color of community platform is passed thick. Commercialize management of community under academic norm of network, can is it operate channel of funds less to obtain. But comparatively speaking a better development environment. From commercialization to commercialized course, the transformation of the property right needs appropriate planning, in idea; there should not be change by a large margin either in the managerial style and management, otherwise cause the reorganization, even loss of community members.

認知能力與一般化強化學習–凱因斯選美賽局實驗之實證分析 / Effects of cognitive on the Generalized Reinforcement Learning(EWA Learning):an empirical study of Keynes's beauty contest experiment

蔡明翰 Unknown Date (has links)
本文研究的主要目的為研究學習行為與智能的相關性,採經驗加權吸引模型(Experience-Weighted Attraction)來描述受測者在選美競賽賽局(Beauty Contest Game)實驗下的決策及行為,不單只選擇強化學習或信念學習模型,其理由為經驗加權吸引模型綜合了以上兩個學習的特點;在智能的部分,本文以實驗所得的工作記憶能力(Working Memory Capacity)分數的高低,來代表智能高低。   從研究結果發現,智能高與低兩類受測者的初始吸引分配,皆與其在第一期的選擇類似,而低智能的受測者在初始吸引部分,所估計的分配結果會與第一期之後期間的分配較不相似,這可能代表著低智能的受測者對於類似賽局實驗以及此實驗的分析或想像較差;在ψ的參數估計上,由於低智能的初始吸引與最後一期猜測的分配較不相似,以理論來說會遞減較快,也就是說會小於高智能所估計的結果,而真實的估計結果也顯示如此,此外,ψ的估計結果,也表示低智能受測者,對於之前吸引遞減較快,遺忘地較快。本文在δ的部分,高智能的受測者明顯地大於低智能的受測者,這表示高智能的受測者,對於失去的報酬比較敏感,會較關心沒有選擇到的數字所能得到的報酬,本文認為此結果可能隱含高智能受測者的認知階層較高。在受測者對於吸引敏感度λ的參數部分,本研究發現,此兩類受測者並無太大差異,也就是此兩類受測者對於吸引的變動,敏感度差距不大,也就代表影響人們對於吸引敏感度的原因,可能不是來自於智商高低。由本文的實證結果,可以發現學習行為與智能的相關性,因此本文建議在往後與學習行為有關的研究上,也許可以納入智能為主要研究探討的核心。 / The purpose of this paper is to explore possible relationships between individual differences in working memory capacity (WMC) and behavioral heterogeneity revealed in a repeated beauty contest experiment. We use ‘experience-weighted attraction’ (EWA) learning, to describe the decision-making and learning behavior of subjects in the beauty contest game (BCG) experiment. In the intelligence section, the level of the experiment from the working memory capacity score, to represent the intelligence high or low. We found high and low intelligent of the subject's initial attract allocated all its similar to the first period choice. In parameter estimation of ψ, due to the initial attraction of low intelligence subject is less similar to the choice of the following periods. According to theory,ψ of the low intelligence subjects will decrease faster, and the estimate of the results also show that. In addition, part of δ, high intelligence subjects was larger than the low intelligent subjects, which means that subjects of high intelligence, more sensitive to lost revenue. We think that may be implied the higher intelligent subjects are higher cognitive hierarchy. The sensitivity of players to attractions λ, we found that these two types of intelligent is not much difference. This means that the impact of the sensitivity of players to attractions, may not be from the intelligent level. By the empirical results, we can find the relationship between behavioral heterogeneity and intelligence, so we suggests that it may be incorporated into the intelligent as the main research.

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