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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

不同年齡與線上閱讀經驗在線上閱讀歷程及教學策略之差異比較研究 / A study on the comparison of online reading process and instructional strategies between different aged groups and online reading experiences

李彥玫 Unknown Date (has links)
閱讀帶動了文化的傳承、資訊的傳遞,也是學習過程中不可或缺的環扣。透過閱讀,形塑了讀者對訊息的認知思考模式及邏輯組織能力。而數位時代的來臨,網際網路的使用,讓習慣於傳統印刷紙本閱讀形式的社會,面臨了閱讀習慣與學習方式的轉變。是故,本研究旨在探討不同年齡層及不同的線上閱讀經驗的網路讀者,其線上閱歷程之技巧與概念的認知模式。透過概念構圖法,探討28 位線上閱讀者(包含14 位中學生,以及14 位50 歲以上之銀髮族),其線上閱讀歷程的認知架構,並以實際線上閱讀任務之研究方法,瞭解網路讀者在線上閱讀時所面臨之困難與問題,進而提出解決方案與教學策略。 研究結果發現,1.不同年齡層對於線上閱讀歷程之概念有差異存在。根據概念構圖法之結果,中學生對於線上閱讀歷程的認知顯得較為片面與不完整。換言之,銀髮族比起中學生更能掌握線上閱讀之整體概念;2.不同線上閱讀經驗之讀者(生手與專家),其線上閱讀歷程之概念有明顯之差異存在。專家比起生手更加重視線上閱讀歷程中的各種行為與技巧的運用,並能夠用以更高層次的技巧掌握與控制搜尋過程。生手認為線上閱讀時,學會搜尋的方法是重要的關鍵,專家則認為搜尋方法為基本之能力,而在線上閱讀時,能否擴增及延伸搜尋資訊才最重要的概念。 最後,3.不同年齡層之線上閱讀者,當線上閱讀經驗不足時,其所遇到之困難亦有所異同。中學生與銀髮族所面臨的相同困境包括「草率閱讀訊息,以致迷失搜尋方向」、「關鍵字運用的能力不足,侷限搜尋範圍」、「採取負面心態」、「少針對搜尋主題進行客觀思考,多以個人習性引導閱讀」、「缺乏懷疑資訊的能力,以致訊息來源無所根據」、「缺乏主動思考能力,僅被動地接收訊息」,及「未真正釐清搜尋目標」。此外,對中學生而言,也存在著「搜尋方向因個人興趣而偏離主題」之問題;對銀髮族來說,則是「接收訊息超負荷,而無法抉擇資訊」及缺乏網路搜尋頁面之基本操作能力」兩種困境。 綜上所述,本研究針對發現之問題,提出適當之線上閱讀教學策略及解決困難之方案,作為線上閱讀指導者未來教學參考與應用之依據。

雲林縣國中生個人人格特質與校園受凌經驗之研究 / The Study of The Junior High School Students' Personality Traits and Bullied Experience in Yunlin County

陳俊烽, Chun-Feng Chen January 1900 (has links)
本研究主要目的在瞭解國中學生知覺校園受凌經驗與其相關 因素的關係。研究對象:本研究對象以就讀於雲林縣國民中學一至三 年級的學生為主要研究對象,共 580 位。發出問卷 580 份,計回收 550 份回收率 95%,剃除無效問卷 16 份,剩下 534 份為有效問卷, 有效問卷回收率為 92%。統計方法:將所得資料經描述性統計、獨 立樣本 t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、相關分析。 研究結果發現: 研究樣本之國中學生在「個人特質」與「受凌因素」中,個人特 質包含「神經質性」、「嚴謹自律性」,受凌因素包含「個體受凌」、 「反擊霸凌」、「整體受凌」;顯示出「聰穎開放性」與「反擊霸凌」、 「整體受凌」達顯著正相關,「外向性」與「個體受凌」、「反擊霸 凌」、「整體受凌」達顯著負相關。 由此得知,個人特質越「神經質性」或越「嚴謹自律性」在「個 體受凌」、「反擊霸凌」與「整體受凌」上越容易受凌。個人特質越 「聰穎開放性」在「反擊霸凌」與「整體受凌」上越容易受凌。個 人特質「外向性」越負向在「個體受凌」、「反擊霸凌」與「整體受 凌」上越容易受凌。 / The purpose of this study was to understand the junior high school students’ perception of being bullied in school and its related factors. The participants were 534 students in three junior high schools in Yunlin. The data was analyzed by Descriptive Statistics, T-test, One-way ANOVA and Pearson’s Correlation. The results were as follows: Two main factors were analyzed in this research. One was Personality Traits, and the other was Bullied Factors. Personality Traits included Neurotic Traits and Rigorous Self-Discipline. Campus Bullied Factors included Individual Bullied, Countering Bullied, and Overall Bullied. It showed that Intelligent Openness was positively correlated with Countering Bullied, and Overall Bullied. Extraversion was negatively correlated with Individual Bullied, Countering Bullied, and Overall Bullied. From the results of the research, the personality traits with more Neurotic Traits and Rigorous Self-Discipline were positively correlated with Individual Bullied, Countering Bullied, and Overall Bullied items and were easily been bullied. The personality traits with more Extroversion were negatively correlated with Individual Bullied, Countering Bullied, and Overall Bullied items. / 內容目錄 中文摘要................................................................................................ iii 英文摘要................................................................................................ iv 誌謝辭......................................................................... ............. ............. v 內容目錄................................................................................................ vi 表目錄.................................................................................................. viii 圖目錄..................................................................................................... x 第一章 緒論......................................................................................... 1 第一節 研究背景與動機..................................................... 1 第二節 研究目的................................................................. 5 第三節 研究問題................................................................. 6 第四節 研究假設................................................................. 6 第五節 名詞操作型定義 ....................................................... 7 第六節 研究限制................................................................. 9 第二章 文獻探討 ............................................................................. 10 第一節 校園霸凌之定義、型式及起因 ......................... 10 第二節 校園霸凌理論及相關文獻.................................. 22 第三節 受凌的特徵及相關之研究.................................. 27 第四節 受凌經驗之相關因素.......................................... 34 第三章 研究方法............................................................................... 46 第一節 研究架構............................................................... 46 第二節 研究流程圖........................................................... 47 第三節 研究對象............................................................... 48 第四節 研究工具............................................................... 48 第五節 專家效度............................................................... 49 第六節 資料處理與分析................................................... 75 第四章 結果與討論 ......................................................................... 76 第一節 研究樣本之人口背景變項及個人描述之現況分析... ………..76 第二節 不同背景變項的國中學生在受凌因素上之差異比較.. …… 80 第三節 探討不同個人描述的國中學生在受凌因素上之差異比較…..85 第四節 探討不同個人特質的國中學生在受凌因素上之相關分析…..93 ………………..…………………… 第五章 結果與建議 ……........…………………………………….94 第一節 討論…………………....………………………94 第二節 結論……………………....………………........97 第三節 建議 ……………………....……………..........101 參考文獻 中文部分 ………………………....……………………..104 英文部分…………………………....……………………122 附件一預試問卷………………………………....………………….131 附件二正式問卷…………………………....……………………….140 表目錄 表 2-1 校園霸凌各學派理論............................................................ 22 表 2-2 受凌者的特徵 .................................................................... 28 表 2-3 受凌特徵表現一覽表 ........................................................ 32 表 2-4 人格五大因素特質各量尺的說明...................................... 41 表 3-1 個人描述第一回合問卷統計結果與建議 ........................ 50 表 3-2 個人描述第二回合問卷統計結果與建議 ....................... .51 表 3-3 個人因素特質量表第一回合問卷統計結果與建議 ..... ...52 表 3-4 個人因素特質量表第二回合問卷統計結果與建議 …...56 表 3-5 受凌經驗量表第一回合問卷統計結果與建議………....59 表 3-6 受凌經驗量表第二回合問卷統計結果與建議………....63 表 3-7 「個人特質預試量表」項目分析摘要表……………. ..66 表 3-8 個人特質因素分析摘要表………………………… .....68 表 3-9 「個人特質因素」信度分析摘要表 …………………...70 表 3-10 「受凌因素預試量表」項目分析摘要 表 …………..71 表 3-11 受凌因素分析摘要表 …………………………………72 表 3-12 「受凌因素」信度分析摘要表 ……………………….74 表 4-1 國中生人口背景現況分析表 ………………………….77 表 4-2 國中生人口背景個人描述現況分析表………………….79 表 4-3 不同性別國中學生知覺之受凌因素分析摘要表……….80 表 4-4 不同就讀年級國中學生知覺之受凌因素分析摘要表….81 表 4-5 不同學業成績國中學生知覺之受凌因素分析摘要表.....82 表 4-6 不同家庭狀況國中學生知覺之受凌因素分析摘要表.....83 表 4-7 不同個人描述學生知覺之個體受凌分析摘要表(一) ….85 表 4-8 不同個人描述學生知覺之個體受凌分析摘要表(二) ….86 表 4-9 不同個人描述學生知覺之個體受凌分析摘要表(三) ….87 表 4-10 不同個人描述學生知覺之個體受凌分析摘要表(四) ….88 表 4-11 不同個人描述學生知覺之個體受凌分析摘要表(五) ….89 表 4-12 不同個人描述學生知覺之個體受凌分析摘要表(六) ….90 表 4-13 不同個人描述學生知覺之個體受凌分析摘要表(七) ….91 表 4-14 不同個人描述受凌分析總表 …………………….……92 表 4-15 個人特質與受凌因素之相關分析摘要表……………….93 圖目錄 圖 3-1 研究架構 .........................................................................46 圖 3-2 研究流程圖 .....................................................................47

探討複合式創意生活商場以體驗經濟思維之經營 / An Exploration of Combinative Creative Living Mall - In Experience Economy Perspective

卓靖容, Cho, Ching Jung Unknown Date (has links)
觀看過去一般台灣連鎖商場事業,在「坪坪計較」的選體模式下,匯聚眾家精品名牌為商場舞台燈之所在。而在創意經濟潮流之下,漸漸的,許多添加了在地智慧與職人精神的在地品牌與新銳設計開始有機會露出於通路商場之中。當商場中的進駐品牌,背後都有他有意思的地方時;當商場越來越不像商場的時候,成為一個文化場域時;當商場內的體驗活動,無形中讓顧客主動的參與度變得更高時,這時候顧客就願意停留在這個地方更久,與這個地方產生連結感,並創造難忘的回憶。 總是聽說「文化是好生意」,而商場如何運用在地創意生活事業家的智慧與成果,以通路力量將這些吸飽風土涵養的微型文創送上舞台呢,更進一步成為台灣對向世界的文化櫥窗呢?而商場更要擁有什麼樣的能耐與經營模式讓顧客感受到在地創意生活的魅力,進而達成其營運價值與目標?故此,本研究由此著眼,主要探討三項研究問題。 一、複合式創意生活商場與進駐品牌之互動特點? 二、複合式創意生活商場中,其營運組織之特色? 三、複合創意生活商場與顧客的互動關係? 為了解複合式創意生活產業,如何運用體驗經濟思維創造在地文化場域,因此選擇以台灣在地生活為商場營運提案之兩家企業:誠品生活松菸店與林百貨,作為個案研究對象。 本研究發現,創意生活商場主要以開發在地創意生活潛力品牌為選題邏輯,也因在地品牌與商場有深刻在地情感連結之下,願意相互配合,而商場透過其空間力「撫育」品牌,也強化未來商場匯聚品牌之力道。在經營面向上,創意生活商場需要結合商場組織與成員之經歷與學習,將知識轉移成為商場經營核心能耐,而最後需要以創意生活商場為互動平台,創造商場、進駐品牌與顧客之互動,例如主題式活動或體驗販售,以體驗共創來為三方帶來價值,而商場群聚有共同體認者,進一步能成為在地美學社群。 / The term “Experience Economy” was first delineated in an article published in 1998 by B. Joseph Pine II and James H. Gilmore, named "The Experience Economy". In it they described the experience economy as the next economy following the agrarian economy, the industrial economy, and the most recent service economy. In the trend of experience economy, or so-called “Creative Economy”, people place a high value on local experience and craftsmanship in shopping mall instead of caring the size of the space solely. On these conditions, the concept of traditional shopping mall has been transformed into “Creative Living Mall.” Creative living mall operates businesses that orchestrate memorable events for their customers, and that memory itself becomes the product — the "experience". In order to understand how to better leverage the value of experience and memory in creative living mall, this study attempts to discuss the dynamics between creative living mall operators and the brands, the interactions with customers, and the organizational management. Two cases investigated in this study are eslite and HAYASHI. This thesis shed lights on the importance and the meaning of co-creation of memories and experiences in creative living mall. Literature review and in-depth interviewing of the one-year long research led to the following conclusions. First, creative living mall and local brands are emotionally connected to achieve co-existence and co-flourishing. Therefore, co-existence can then offers to both malls and brands enormous growth potential. Second, the operating teams of malls come from diverse and extensive related expertise background. These local and cultural working experiences combine to create precious knowledge and know-how, and further build core competence. Last but not least, this study concludes that customers, malls and local brands are the essence of the value creation system. This value system can further create an environment that fosters the formation of aesthetic community.

《一無所有》中的旅行辯證 / The dialectics of Travel in The Dispossessed

秦小玳, Ching, Shiau Diy Unknown Date (has links)
本論文是以旅行敘事的角度來解讀魏勒恩 (Ursula K.Le Guin) 的科幻小說《一無所有》(The Dispossessed),討論在旅行至異地時,自我與他者的相遇,他者的「異質性」(the alterity of the other,簡稱「他異性」)如何影響甚至改變個人的自主性與既有的社會認同。本論文首先以佛洛伊德 (Sigmund Freud) 所提出的「怪異經驗」(the uncanny experience) 理論,以及克莉斯緹娃 (Julia Kristeva) 對此經驗的闡述,說明人對「他異性」所引起的反應,其實是來自於其本身早已具有的異質性。 克莉斯緹娃認為人之所以會將他者視為不可理解的陌生人,是因為人的內心也蘊藏著一個陌生人。本論文接著引用列維納斯 (Emmanuel Levinas) 「絕對他者」(the absolutely other) 的理論,延伸克莉斯緹娃的主張,並且將自我與他者的關係構築成一個倫理關係。列維納斯認為他者的激進他異性無法整合進入自我的知識系統,因為它只能被經驗感知,既不能被概念化,也不能被智性思考。因此,他者的無限內在性無法被掌握,而主體有選擇是否回應他異性的自由。對於列維納斯而言,選擇回應並超越自我中心,或者不回應且拒絕面對他者之無限性,二者並無對錯可言,皆為可接受之選項。 《一無所有》的主要人物薛維克 (Shevek) 的故事敘述他如何成為列維納斯倫理的見證人。他的故事提供了一種另類模式,用來觀照現代殖民旅行小說 (modernist colonial odysseys) 中主要角色的旅行經歷。亞當斯(David Adams) 主張這些小說中的主角旅行至殖民地,是尋求在家鄉已不復見的神聖他者,換言之,即上帝的角色。西方世界因宗教的絕對權威崩潰,導致人類的存在價值無法再由神來保證,而有關存在的問題無法由神學來回答。這些小說的主角在異國土地上找不到答案,無功而返,甚至釀成悲劇。列維納斯認為尋找上帝的路是透過對他者沒有保留的仁慈與慷慨而展開,薛維克的故事正好詮釋了列維納斯的主張。 本論文的主要論證是將《一無所有》這本小說定位成繼承現代殖民旅行小說的脈絡,卻成就另一番文學風貌,不僅因為此書解決了現代殖民旅行小說的神學難題,也因為早在十九世紀末,當地球上已無多餘之地可供殖民時,已有作家在文學的領航下,開始了在異想世界或外太空的殖民。 / This thesis tries to examine Ursula K. Le Guin’s work of science fiction, The Dispossessed, as a travel narrative in terms of the dialectical relation between the self and the other. The term dialectics means the condition of the tension or opposition between two interacting forces or elements. The thesis aims to discuss how encountering others exerts the impact on the self whose autonomy and identity structured in the homeland are re-structured during travel in a foreign land. It will first explicate that the uncanny response to the otherness arises from one’s own otherness by employing Freud’s theory of the uncanny and Kristeva’s re-investigation of Freud’s. Secondly, Emmanuel Levinas’s theories concerning the absolutely other is used to broaden Kristeva’s contention that one is always already a stranger in her/himself, and to turn the relation between the self and the other into an ethics. Levinas maintains that the otherness of the other (“alterity” by Levinas’s term) is radical and cannot be incorporated into the self’s totality; the alterity in the other is as infinite as that in the self. Neither the other nor the self is graspable. The subject is free to choose between responding to the alterity of the other in order to transcend its own solipsism, and incorporating the other and treating it simply as a reflection of the self. To Levinas, there is no right or wrong with either choice. The story of the protagonist, Shevek, delineates how he becomes a Levinasian ethical man. His travel experience provides an alternative model that would otherwise accomplish the quest that the modernist colonial odysseys have failed—according to David Adams, to seek the divine absolute in an age when the theological questions in the Western world are no longer answered as God has been perceived to be absent. Levinas suggests that the way to the divine absolute, that is, God, is through the detour of opening oneself to the other with generosity and hospitality, which Shevek demonstrates in his travel. The theoretical argument of the whole thesis expects to put The Dispossessed in the continuum of the modernist travel narratives because it offers the solution to the theological problems embedded in those travel narratives, and because to colonize or to transform a familiar place into an imagined land has, since the late 19th century, long been manifested in the works of those writers of science fiction.

城市經驗:賴芙莉《心城》的現代性、空間和心靈 / The Urban Experience: Modernity, Space, and Mind in Penelope Lively's City of the Mind

黃襦慧, Huang, Ju-hui Unknown Date (has links)
《心城》描寫主角馬修的邂逅戀情和著墨他平日對倫敦市景的冥想。兼具建築師專業和都市行人特質使他更能洞察倫敦,而其城市冥想和四位時代的敘述者交替更迭,《心城》編織出層層刮覆式和萬花筒般視界。若簡化看待交錯的今昔倫敦時空,《心城》不是被視為情節貧乏空有冥想,就是被冠上賴芙莉以往作品中貫有特色的印記─即強調歷史和記憶。因此本論文企圖利用馬修的城市經驗來重新檢視《心城》,並漸次引申城市論述中互為錯綜的三面向:現代性、空間和心靈。 本論文第一章說明賴芙莉的研究價值和生平、摘要小說、回顧評論,和闡述如何以城市經驗的三面向為研究重心。第二章探討《心城》的現代性面向,馬修扮演和修飾波特萊爾型和班雅明式的漫遊者(the flâneur),以簡克斯提出的「步行方法論者」(walking methodologist)強化馬修和現代性的聯繫。第三章探討《心城》的空間面向,以傅柯的「異質空間」(heterotopias)和列斐伏爾的「空間生產」(production of space)討論馬修的空間經驗,而《心城》不僅是倫敦的城市文本並呈現特殊「時空壓縮」(time-space compression)型態的空間文本。第四章探討《心城》的心靈面向,以齊莫爾提出的「神經刺激的強化」(intensification of nervous stimulation)和班雅明對現代都市反省出的「震驚」(shock) 和「憂鬱」(melancholy)輔助論述城市和馬修的心靈互動,並指出馬修的心理狀態與四位倫敦歷史人物亦互相映照。希冀透過檢視《心城》能從中反省文學作品中的城市形象和城市經驗。 / City of the Mind (hereinafter CM), Penelope Lively's ninth novel (1991), is about Matthew Halland's budding love story and his meditation on London. As an erudite walking architect, Matthew gives a portrait of a metropolis. Due to the textured images of the cityscape, his narration is periodically punctuated with the episodes of four different historical figures. Lively builds up a palimpsest and kaleidoscopic web where time and space collide. However, most book reviews and scholar critics either regard CM as a novel with a thin plot or think of it as a repeat of Lively's consistent concern, the operation of memory and history. I think otherwise. Since CM is a book about the city of London, Matthew's urban experience braids together from modernity displayed by walkabouts, the production of urban space, and a metropolitan mind. The first chapter clarifies the scholarly value of the Lively study, marks the influence of her unusual childhood in WWII Egypt, gives a summary of CM in a palimpsest and kaleidoscopic vision, discusses previous approaches to CM, and points out the scaffoldings for a troika of my study—modernity, space, and mind. In Chapter Two, I first explain the Baudelairean poetic flâneur and the Benjaminian Marxist flâneur, and support Chris Jenks's walking methodologist or the flâneur in the (post)modern city with which Matthew modifies the flâneur and revisits modernity or contemporaneity. In Chapter Three, I notice Matthew-as-architect walker with a flair for the spatiality of the urban spectacle. The influence of space piques Matthew to experience Michel Foucault's “heterotopias” and Henri Lefebvre's “production of space.” Because space and time are not mutually exclusive, I propose a concept of time-space compression with which CM as a spatial text represents a particular sort of urban space. In Chapter Four, as the book title suggests, I explore how the city sophisticates mental life. I take Georg Simmel's “intensification of nervous stimulation” and Walter Benjamin's “shock” and “melancholy” to describe how a metropolitan mind like Matthew's subtly interacts with a metropolis. Especially, four different historical figures resonating in London are counterparts of Matthew's psyche. A final concluding chapter emphasizes that the trio of my study on CM reflect upon urban representations and upon metaphors and metamorphosis in city fiction.


吳巧瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的是想要了解教師任教學校(幼稚園、國小)、教師教學年資與教師的創意生活經驗、教學內在動機、教學創新行為與幼兒特質的偏好、幼兒創造力特質之知覺、對幼兒創造力特質的偏好、幼兒創造力的信念之關係。 以便利取樣的方式選取台北縣市公私立幼稚園共26所、國小公立學校共15所學校,研究的參與者包括幼稚園教師190人,國小一二年級教師219人,共409位教師。本研究使用「理想兒童檢核表」、「幼兒創造力信念量表」、「創意生活經驗量表」、「教學內在動機量表」、「教師教學創新行為量表」等研究工具,以皮爾森積差相關、多變量變異數分析(MANOVA)考驗研究假設,獲致以下的結果: 一、幼稚園和國小教師在「幼兒創造力之知覺」方面有顯著差異 (一)在「教師對幼兒特質的偏好」的「情緒智力特質」上有顯著差異,國小教 師比幼稚園教師較偏好其中的「情緒智力特質」; (二)在「教師對幼兒創造力特質的偏好」的「情緒智力特質」上有顯著差異, 國小教師在「對幼兒創造力特質的偏好」上,較幼稚園教師符合其中的「情 緒智力特質」; (三)在教師對幼兒創造力信念的「固定信念」有顯著差異,不管是幼稚園或是 國小教師都比較不傾向固定信念,但兩者之間有差異,幼稚園教師比國小 教師更不贊成「幼兒的創造力是不能改變的」,也就是說幼稚園教師比國 小教師更同意幼兒的創造力可以經由學習或訓練改變的。 二、不同教學年資的教師,在「幼兒創造力之知覺」方面沒有顯著差異 三、「教師創意生活經驗」與「教師對幼兒創造力之知覺」的關係 (一)幼稚園教師 幼稚園教師的創意生活經驗越多,其對幼兒特質的偏好,越符合「創造力特質」及「複合特質」;其「對幼兒創造力特質的知覺」的皆符合「情緒智力特質」及「創造力特質」;其「對幼兒創造力特質的偏好」越符合「創造力特質」;其創意生活經驗越多越贊成「幼兒的創造力是與生俱有的,只要提供機會,就會自然發展」。 (二)國小教師 在國小的部份,我們發現教師的創意生活經驗與對「幼兒創造力的知覺」的相關有達顯著的並不多,在「教師對幼兒特質的偏好」部分,有越多「表演藝術創新」、「生活風格的變化」、「製造意外驚喜」的教師,越不偏好具有「情緒智力特質」的幼兒。「視覺生活的設計」經驗越多,越偏好「創造力特質」;「科學創新的問題解決」、「視覺生活的設計」經驗越多,在「對幼兒創造力特質的知覺」越符合「情緒智力特質」。「開放心胸」經驗越多,其對「幼兒的創造力是與生俱有的,只要提供機會,就會自然發展」的信念越贊同。 四、「教師教學內在動機」與「教師對幼兒創造力之知覺」的關係 (一)幼稚園教師 幼稚園教師的教學內在動機越強,其對「幼兒特質的偏好」越符合「創造力特質」;其「對幼兒創造力特質的知覺」的皆符合「情緒智力特質」及「創造力特質」;其「對幼兒創造力特質的偏好」越符合「創造力特質」;教學內在動機越強,越同意「幼兒的創造力是與生俱有的,只要提供機會,就會自然發展」。 (二)國小教師 國小教師的教學內在動機越高,越不偏好「情緒智力特質」、「複合特質」;在「教師對幼兒創造力特質的偏好」上越不符合「情緒智力特質」;在信念上,越不贊成「幼兒的創造力是不能改變的」;對於「幼兒階段是一生中最具有潛在創造力的階段」的看法越贊成。 五、「教師教學創新行為」與「教師對幼兒創造力之知覺」的關係 (一)幼稚園教師 幼稚園教師的教學創新行為越多,其對幼兒特質的偏好,越符合「創造力特質」;其「對幼兒創造力特質的知覺」也皆符合「情緒智力特質」、「創造力特質」;其「對幼兒創造力特質的偏好」越符合「創造力特質」;教師的教學創新行為越多,也越贊成「幼兒的創造力是與生俱有的,只要提供機會,就會自然發展」的看法。 (二)國小教師 國小教師的教學創新行為越多,其對幼兒特質的偏好(顯著負相關),越不符合「情緒智力特質」;其「對幼兒創造力特質的偏好」越不符合「情緒智力特質」(顯著負相關);教師的教學創新行為越多,(顯著負相關)越不贊成幼兒的創造力是不能改變的。 本研究最後針對研究結果在教育上、未來研究上提供一些建議,做為教育機關、師資培育單位、後續研究的參考。 關鍵字:幼兒創造力知覺、創意生活經驗、教學內在動機、教學創新行為、創造力


林碩俊, Lin, Shuo Chun Unknown Date (has links)
消費者對於產品的要求逐漸走向精緻化與客製化,貼近消費者需求的產品,在行銷上有更佳的說服力。在網路購物風氣逐漸成熟的情況下,購物網站為了更好的經營績效,經營顧客忠誠度,是很重要的課題。如何針對網路特性瞭解消費者知覺地付出溢價購買產品,以及相關的消費者購買行為形塑過程,與購物後的情感滿足是很重要的課題。另外,企業對於如何滿足網路消費者的顧客價值,乃至於提供消費者物質乃至情感滿足,尚未有從消費者觀點的完整瞭解。本研究以理性行為理論探討線上購物時消費者從重要他人、主觀規範、個人態度、購買意願、乃至於知覺地形成購買行為的影響因素。 本研究以調查研究法為主,針對台灣地區的網際網路使用者發放網路問卷,所有資料經過分析之後顯示,網路購物時顧客付出溢價的存在,此與一般對於網路購物廉價的印象相左。除此之外,產品類型、品質敏感、情感、安全及品質會影響網路購物溢價購買態度;而環保及時間的影響則不顯著。另一方面,在網路購物時,溢價購買態度及主觀規範會影響網路購物溢價購買意願,而以主觀規範影響為大。 關鍵字:溢價、理性行為理論、主觀規範、搜尋性產品、經驗性產品

書寫、經驗與身體感-以當代飲食書寫為考察核心 / Writing, experience and bodily feeling: a study based on the contemporary food writing

賴怡潔, Lai, Yi Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
本文探討寫者如何將日常經驗轉化為文字作品,尤其如何將難以言喻的飲食經驗透過文字生動地表現。透過此問,試圖揭櫫經驗訴諸文字的過程,以及其間複雜交錯的課題。本文採用體現的取徑(embodied approach),以當代飲食書寫為考察對象,擇取其中代表作家,蔡珠兒與謝忠道的文字作品與兩位作家的訪談資料,來詮釋經驗轉化為文字的脈絡,梳理經驗、身體感以及書寫之間的關係。本文的研究結果為,第一,書寫並非只是由「心」而完成的活動,也涉及「身體」的角色。第二,書寫並非是文字單純對應經驗的表徵過程,而是重新創造的過程,經驗、身體感與文字三者彼此相互作用,在書寫之下連動與共生。第三,本文以飲食書寫來關照書寫活動,重新揭示「書寫」的本質。最後,本文認為體現取徑可作為文學評論的全新視角,並以此對飲食書寫的寫作策略提出相關建議。 / The article explores how does a writer transform ordinary experiences into written languages, and how does he vividly express diet experiences that are beyond expressions. Based on these, this article tries to answer a sophisticated question about the relationship between experiences and languages. Taking the embodied approach to study contemporary food writing, this article discovers the context of experiences transforming into written languages, with representative written works and interviews by two writers, Jewel, Tsai and Chung-Tao, Hsieh. Also, with these materials, I explain the dynamic relationship among experience, bodily feeling and written language. The findings of this research include three points. First, writing activity is affected not only by human mind, but also by human body. Second, writing is not the simple process that languages represent experiences, however, it is the creative process that experiences, bodily feeling and languages interplay each other. Third, this article redefines the essence of writing. Especially, I think that the embodied approach is likely to be a method of literary criticism. On the basis of this approach, I suggest some writing strategies about the contemporary food writing.

青少年情緒經驗、反芻風格與自我傷害行為的關聯性 / The correlation between emotion experience, rumination style and non-suicidal self-injury in adolescent

李羿璇 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在於探討在不同情緒經驗及反芻風格對男女性自傷行為的影響。回顧過去研究,情緒被認為是多數自傷者自傷的動機及原因之一。可惜的是,大多數研究聚焦在負向情緒經驗,而較少探討正向情緒及不同激發程度的影響力。Selby(2008)的情緒瀑布理論提出反芻風格能夠增加負面情緒強度的論點,也暗示了反芻風格也是另一個與自傷行為相關認知因子。因此本研究認為情緒經驗與反芻風格可能皆為自傷發生的關鍵。有鑑於許多文獻結果指出,男女性的自傷危險因子可能存在差異,本研究便把性別差異納入考量,欲了解男、女性是否在情緒經驗及反芻風格的自傷預測因子有所不同。 本研究對象為508位北部某私立高職部學生,請學生填寫包含基本資料、反芻風格、自傷狀況及情緒經驗的評估共四部份問卷。研究結果顯示,在預測過去一年自傷行為的因子上,的確有性別差異。對女性來說,預測過去一年是否自傷的有效因子分別為負向情緒及負向低激發情緒,男性則是負向情緒及正向低激發情緒。在自傷頻率方面,對男女性來說,沒有任何情緒經驗或反芻風格為有效預測因子。在自傷種類數方面,沒有任何情緒經驗或反芻風格為女性自傷頻率的有效預測因子;對男性來說,則是負向情緒及低激發情緒能夠有效預測過去一年自傷種類多寡。研究最後針對這樣的結果做進一步討論及提供實務上的意涵及應用。 / The purpose of the present study was to investigate the influence of emotion experiences and rumination styles on Non-suicidal self-injury behavior (NSSI) in males and females. According to past studies, emotion was considered a critical factor in motivating individuals to practice NSSI. However, most studies focused on negative emotion experiences, and ignored the role of positive emotions and the effect of emotion activation level. Moreover, Selby’s Emotional Cascade Model proposes that rumination style will increase the negative affect intensity, suggesting that rumination style may be another key factor to NSSI. In addition, due to several studies have shown gender differences in risk factors for NSSI, the gender difference will be also take into account in the present study. To sum up, the present study aimed to examine gender differences in predictors (i.e., emotion experiences and rumination styles) for NSSI. The participants were 508 high school students from one of the private vocational high school in Northern Taiwan. All participants were asked to fill out the questionnaire pack which included demographic questionnaire, short-form rumination style questionnaire, deliberate self- harm inventory, and affect valuation inventory. The results show that gender differences in predicting NSSI existed: First, in predicting the occurrence of NSSI in the past year, negative affect and low arousal negative emotion were the most effective factors for females; negative emotion and low arousal positive emotion were the most effective ones for males. Second, neither emotion experience nor rumination style can predict the frequency of NSSI in the past year for males and females. Third, in predicting the numbers of types of self-injury used in the past year, there was no effective predictor for females; negative emotion and low arousal emotion were the effective predictors for males. Finally, the results and the practical implication were discussed in the thesis.

青少女母親之復學經驗探討 / The Case Study of Re-enrolling Experience among Adolescent Mothers

方韻喬 Unknown Date (has links)
青少女未婚懷孕已是我國重要的社會議題之一。多數的青少女在發現懷孕後,面臨一連串的抉擇,少女將思考是否生育,以及選擇將孩子留養、出養或寄養。然而,選擇留養後的青少女,多數面臨親職與經濟的壓力而無法持續就學。 本研究以質性研究深度訪談的方式,企圖瞭解青少女母親在留養後,回歸學校的校園生活,探討青少女母親的復學因素、復學適應,以及學校輔導系統提供的服務內涵。研究最終訪談九位青少女母親,研究結果發現: 1. 青少女母親的復學因素,包含主要因素與使能因素。主要因素為少女個人對於完成學業的想望;使能因素共有四項,包括:「家庭因素」、「學校因素」、「社會因素」及「其他因素」。此外,少女的復學因素與擔任親職及婚姻狀態(生活經驗)相關聯。 2. 青少女孕期的校園生活經驗,與物理空間環境、老師與同儕的態度有關。在復學適應部分,面臨「學習適應」與「人際關係適應」,少女復學適應與少女的生活經驗具有關聯性,少女亦隨著學校風氣規範及老師、同儕的態度不同,其適應的議題有所差異。 3. 青少女母親就學之學校輔導部分,包含懷孕與復學期間兩部分。孕期的學校輔導服務分為學校支持性措施、個人輔導與重要他人協談;復學之輔導服務將與學校的作法和少女接受輔導服務之意願具有關聯性,亦影響少女所接受的服務內涵。 研究結果證實青少女母親穩定就學原因,與少女不同的生活經驗、不同的就學歷程,再加上學校風氣與上課規範不同,少女所要適應的議題具有個別性。少女在就讀學校選擇的考量,包含上課路程近、上課時間短,以及選擇規範不嚴格的學校為主要。在學校部分,校方提供通融作法、學校輔導服務以及家庭支持程度是少女回歸校園的重要關鍵。研究者依據研究結果提出實務上與學術上的建議。 / “Unmarried pregnant adolescents” has become one of the important social issues in Taiwan. When most adolescent girls were found pregnant, they are facing a series of choices, they need consider whether to give birth, whether to keep and raise the baby, as well as the option to leave the baby to child support or foster care. However, when adolescent girls choose to keep and raise the babies, a majority of them are facing financial stress and the pressure of parenting. Thus their education can no longer sustained. In this qualitative research, we use in-depth interviews in order to understand the following aspects. First, when adolescent mothers choose to keep and raise the baby, what their campus lives are going to be like when they return to school. Second, to explore the factors of adolescent mothers’ re-enrolling, as well as the adaptation for continuing their education. Third, the counseling service content provided by the school counseling system. This study finally interviewed nine adolescent mothers, and the findings are as followed: 1. The factors for adolescent mothers to re-enroll include main factors and enabling factors. The main factors are teenage mothers’ personal desire to complete their studies. As for the enabling factors, there are a total of four prospects, including: "family factors", "school factors", "social factors" and "other factors." In addition to this, re-enrolling factors for teenage mothers are related to their roles in parenting and marital status (life experiences). 2. The campus life these adolescent mothers experiences during pregnancy, are related to the physical environment, as well as teachers and peers’ attitudes. In the aspect of “Re-enrolling Adaptation, these girls are facing “learning adaptation” and "interpersonal adaptation". Teenage mothers’ re-enrolling adaptation is related to their life experiences. Besides, with different school climate, teachers’ and peers’ attitudes, these influences can also affect teenage girls’ adaptations. 3. Teenage mothers’ enrolling school counseling service, includes two parts; the pregnancy part and the re-enrolling part. Pregnancy counseling services are divided into “school support measures”, “individual counseling” and “joint counselling with significant others”. Counselling service after their returns to school is related to school measures and the teenage mother’s willingness to accept counselling service. And these aspects would also affect the service content these adolescent mothers receive. The study results confirmed that, the reason for adolescent mothers to have a stable re-enrolling are related to their different life experiences, different school histories, coupled with the different school climates and regulations. Thus teenage girls’ adaptation issue is individualized. Their choices for attending school includes, distance from home to school, the length of school time, and a more tolerant school regulations. Beside, with the school offering accommodating standards, counseling services and also with family support; these are the key for adolescent mothers to re-enroll. The researcher has made the recommendations above, both in practical practice and academic fields, based on this research.

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