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電腦自我效能、電腦經驗及他人支持三者與電腦態度及電腦焦慮之關係 / Computer attitude and computer anxiety: relationships with computer experience, computer self-efficacy, and others' support黃郁雯 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的在探討「電腦自我效能」、「電腦經驗」及 「他人支持」三者與「電腦態度」及「電腦焦慮」之關係,並探究「電腦經驗多寡」與「電腦態度」、「電腦焦慮」間的關係,是否透過「電腦自我效能」的中介效果存在;「電腦經驗品質」與「電腦態度」、「電腦焦慮」間的關係,是否透過「電腦自我效能」的中介效果存在;「他人支持」是否會調節「電腦自我效能」對於「電腦態度」與「電腦焦慮」的關係。
本研究採取問卷調查的方式進行,以304名台北縣立及台北市立國民小學合格教師為研究對象。根據階層迴歸分析結果顯示:「電腦經驗多寡」是會透過「電腦自我效能」此一中介變項(mediatorvariable),影響「電腦態度」及「電腦焦慮」,研究的假設獲得支持,但「電腦經驗品質」則無中介效果;此外,「他人支持」並非是 「電腦自我效能」與「電腦態度」、「電腦焦慮」之關係的調節變項(moderatorvariable)。
本文最後針對所有研究結果進行整合性討論 ,並根據研究所得結果,提出可能的限制、未來研究方向的建議,以及學術、實務上之應用。
關鍵字:電腦態度、電腦焦慮、電腦自我效能、電腦經驗、他人支持 / This study was designed to investigate: (1) the mediating effects of computer self-efficacy on the relationship between the quantity of computer experience and computer attitude, and the relationship between the quantity of computer experience and computer anxiety; and (2) the mediating effects of computer self-efficacy on the relationship between the quality of computer experience and computer attitude, and the relationship between the quality of computer experience and computer anxiety; and (3) the moderating effects of others'support on the relationship between computer self-efficacy and computer attitude, and the relationship between computer self-efficacy and computer anxiety.
Subjects were 304 elementary school teachers from Taipei County and Taipei City. According to hierarchical regression analysis, the results provided support for the hypothesis that computer self-efficacy mediated the relationship between the quantity of computer experience and computer attitude, and the relationship between the quantity of computer experience and computer anxiety. However, computer self-efficacy neither mediated the relationship between the quality of computer experience and computer attitude, nor the relationship between the quality of computer experience and computer anxiety. Furthermore, others'support neither moderated the relationship between computer self-efficacy and computer attitude, nor the relationship between computer self-efficacy and computer anxiety.
The implications, limitations, further research directions, and applications in management are discussed at the end.
Keyword: computer attitude, computer anxiety, computer experience, computer self-efficacy, others'support
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新興宗教中知識份子參與靜坐修煉的宗教經驗--以天帝教為例 / The intellectual's religious experience of participating in the meditation practice among new religions: a case of the lord of universe church (T'ienti chiao)袁亦霆, Yuan, Yi-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵詞:新興宗教、天帝教、知識份子、靜坐、宗教經驗 / Recent years in Taiwan, new religions and religion-like spiritual practice cults appeal to higher educated intellectuals. The main purpose of this study is to realize why these science-ration educated intellectuals were enthusiastic in sectarian religious practice. In this study we discussed their motivation and need for learning meditation. Further more, we'd also like to know whether they have some kind of science-ration patterns of cognition on their religion belief and practice.
By case study on The Lord of Universe Church (T'ienti Chiao), a qualitative aspect, such as participant observation, non-structed interview and literature analysis is employed by this study, which tries to understand the process of the intellectuals among the Lord of Universe Church participating in meditation practice, including their motivation of learning meditation, mystical experience of“CHI”, changing of relationships, and the construction of rationalizing belief discourse.
Key Words: new religions/ The Lord of Universe Church (The T'ientVs Teachings/ T'ienti Chiao)/ intellectuals/ meditation practice (Quiet Sitting)/ religious experience
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網路商店進行網路口碑管理之研究:以網路化妝品商店為例 / A Study on Electronic Word-of-Mouth Management of Online Stores: Online Cosmetic Stores謝松齡, Hsieh, Sung Ling Unknown Date (has links)
對於網路化妝品商店來說,其所販售的產品屬於經驗性商品,消費者在無法透過實體商店進行試用的情況下,相當依賴網路口碑了解產品資訊與效果;此點從國內最大的口碑社群網站 「FashionGuide」與「UrCosme」皆以化妝品使用心得為討論主題即可窺知。並且,觀察到國內網路化妝品網站多半設計有「使用心得分享」的機制,顯示大部分的業者都認為在網路上放上使用者的心得,將對於產品銷售有所助益。
本研究的研究問題有四:1.網路化妝品商店進行網路口碑管理的動機為何?2.網路化妝品商店如何監視網路口碑? 3.網路化妝品商店如何回應網路口碑?4.網路化妝品商店如何促進網路口碑傳播?
在網路口碑管理理論方面,本研究的主要貢獻有三:1.彌補網路口碑回應與傳播促進的研究缺口。2.提供網路口碑管理研究者模型修定之考量。3.發現網路口碑與傳統行銷廣告的新關聯性。 / Entering Web 2.0, online shoppers are more used to search product information before purchasing and share their comments after shopping. The MIC survey indicates that over 70% of online shoppers will explore the comments of others before purchasing and be affected. This shows that electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM) has a great influence on customers’ purchasing decision and worthy watching.
Cosmetic in online stores could not be trail before purchasing, which is contrary to its experice quality product characters and lead to the booming of cosmetic community sites. In addition, many of the online cosmetic websites include the function called “True Story” to encourage customers share their experiences after using products, which means online cosmetic stores already know the power of eWOM and start to apply it in business operation.
Even the influence and application of eWOM are already been proven, there are only still little researches relate to eWOM management. This study built a systematic structure to find the motivation and process for eWOM management of online cosmetic stores, tried to identify the context of this vague but important issue.
The study aims to investigate the following questions: 1. What are the motivations for online cosmetics stores to manage eWOM? 2. How do they monitor eWOM? 3. How do they respond to eWOM? 4. How do they disseminate eWOM?
Through interviewed three online cosmetic stores in Taiwan and applied secondary data analysis, the preliminary research findings include: 1. The motivations to manage eWOM for online cosmetic stores are collecting market information and building brand trust. 2. Online cosmetic stores take advantage of cosmetic community sites and official websites to monitor eWOM, identify the importance of eWOM by the detail descriptions. 3. Online cosmetic stores will optionally respond to negative eWOM to pacify and show the sense of responsibility. 4. Online cosmetic stores apply customer referral program, beauty knowledge conveying and promotion activities to increase the positive eWOM. 5. The respond mechanisms in online cosmetic websites also contribute to monitor and dissemination of eWOM.
The study also contributed to the eWOM management theory by: 1. Supplement to the lack of eWOM respond and dissemination mechanisms. 2. Provide new references for eWOM management model revising. 3. Found the new relationship between eWOM and traditional marketing communication tools.
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照顧家中失能老人中年女性生命經驗之研究 / The Life Experience of Midlife Women Who Caring Disabled Elders at Home李德芬, Lee, Te Fen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採質性研究(qualitative research)之深度晤談法(indepth interview)進行資料收集,再以紮根理論方法進行文本分析,共訪12位中年女性,本研究結果如下:
關鍵字:中年女性照顧者;生命經驗;失能老人;身心知覺;家庭關係;自我發展。 / The main purpose of this study was to explore the life experiences of midlife women who caring disabled elders at home. Twelve midlife women participated in this research. In this study, the semi-structure and in-depth interviews were used to collect data. Their answers were audio-taped as data collection. Ground theory analysis was used to analyze the data. The major findings were divided into three parts according the purposes of this study as follows:
(1) The experience and perception of caring disabled elders which we found in this study:
The reasons of midlife women caring disabled elders were the sense of responsibility, marriage connection, repay the kindness from disabled elders and didn’t want to be a guilty person. The stressors of caring disabled elders were short of homecare skills, the strain of interpersonal relationship, distress of daily life and deficiency of family support. The coping of the stressors were modifying the cognition of caring responsibility, finding the meanings of caring, and leaving the caring setting for a while. In this study, we didn’t find the efficacy of family care polity.
(2)The life experience of mid-age women were divided into three parts:
The first part result is psychosomatic perception, we found that women are going through psychosomatic change and more concerned about health. Climacteric is just a nature event for them, most mid-age women never minded that and refuse treatment by medicine. They also expressed the sexual relationship with their husbands are improving in the midlife.
The second part is family relationship of the midlife women, we found the marital relations and parent-child relations were dynamic and changeable. The couples had the clear division of gender role, who had the conflicts and were handled finally. Free mind, independent, similar value and stable income were important key points of marriage satisfaction. The midlife women have good parent-child relationships who treat their children as friend. The relationship between midlife women and their adult children turn into mutual benefits.
The third part is self development of the midlife women, we ask midlife women to descript themselves focusing on social self and psychological self. We found multiple dimensions of self when women interact with others . All of the twelve mid-age women thought that off time events or on time events are both the turn points in their life-cycle, but climacteric or menopause is not. It is just a nature event.
(3)The influence of caring disabled elder for the life experience of midlife
Caring disabled elder induced some psychosomatic symptoms, disturbing the intimate relations and emotion bond of couples. The influence of caring disabled elder for the parent-child relationships were children of midlife women need to help the caring work, mid-age women were the role model of their children and induced the contradiction between midlife women and their children. In the aspect of self development, caring disabled elder interrupted their plans of the future, reminded mid-age women to prepare their elder life and thinking about death issue.
Key words:midlife women; caregiver; life experience; disabled elders; psychosomatic perception; family relationship; self development.
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一個經濟弱勢兒童學校生活經驗之研究 / A study on the school experience of an economically disadvantaged child胡慧君 Unknown Date (has links)
最後,除了對研究初衷的反省與思考,亦分別對教育實務與後續研究提出若干建議。在教育實務上,除設置「學校社會工作師」協助家庭、教師和學校整合地處理弱勢兒童問題外,亦可減輕教師教學事務負擔,以增進班級導師和經濟弱勢學生的互動品質,而教師亦應試以「轉化型知識份子」的角色,協助經濟弱勢兒童自我增能,並思考如何突破種種結構體制上的限制,創造一個可協助弱勢者「增能」的學習體制。在後續研究上,建議未來相關研究,可在理解之虞,更進一步探究學校場域中,教師和經濟弱勢兒童的師生關係、互動歷程及在互動歷程中如何協助其增能的可行策略,並對經濟弱勢兒童的街頭世界進行認識與理解。 / The purpose of this study is to explore the school experience (including attitude toward school, interpersonal adaptation, academic adaptation, regulation adaptation, and self-concept) of an economically disadvantaged child who is a high-grade elementary school student from a low-income family. Educators and welfare policy makers can refer to this study to better understand the outlook and feelings of children from similar backgrounds.
This is a qualitative case study that uses participant observation as the main source of data, complemented by interviews and document analysis. After collecting the relevant information on this economically disadvantaged child, her school experience is presented in accordance with her attitude toward school, interpersonal adaptation, academic adaptation, regulation adaptation and self-concept.
The character of this story expresses her powerlessness and fear in school physically, behaviorally and psychologically, and exhibits fear and unwillingness with respect to her studies. She is often tardy and is unable to attend school regularly. This not only affects her academic performance, but also results in that she is tending to be excluded from class activities by classmates, especially when the teacher gives her special treatment. By treating her differently, even if out of goodwill, the teacher is making her situation worse in that her classmates increasingly identify her as belonging to a “minority group”. In a sense, exclusion in the classroom is no different from social exclusion. Though teachers are willing to help, there is still no improvement in her school life. It seems that value differences between the middle class and the economically disadvantaged, as well as attempts to bring about change without fully understanding the circumstances in a student’s life, are not conducive to effective teacher-student communication. She is energetic, yet resists going to school and shows a poor academic performance. Even though she occasionally exhibits motivation for learning, the sense of helplessness she brings from home robs her of confidence in her schooling. In regulation adaptation, she takes pride in abiding by school rules and staying out of trouble. However, this implies that she might be enduring bullying from her classmates and that she lacks confidence in the ability of her teachers and her school to prevent it. Due to the resulting sense of isolation and helplessness, she exhibits depression and self-deprecation in her school life.
In addition to a discussion on the original intent of this study, recommendations for educators and for future studies are also offered. In education practice, school social workers can help families, teachers and schools to collectively address the problems that disadvantaged children face. At the same time, we should lighten the burden on teachers and improve relationships between teachers and economically disadvantaged students. Furthermore, teachers should try to be “transformative intellectuals” who can empower these children, by considering methods that can surpass the limitations of contemporary institutions. In future studies, researchers may explore teacher-student relationships, interactive processes between teachers and economically disadvantaged children, as well as feasible strategies that can empower economically disadvantaged children. Another topic for future studies would also be to understand the street life of economically disadvantaged children.
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台灣補習教育經驗之研究 / A Study of Cram School Experience in Taiwan欣怡, Rebecca Gourrier Unknown Date (has links)
一國如在教育上過度強調以學業為導向,就會出現具有雙刃劍角色的補習現象通常會,一方面幫助學生在學術能力測驗中取得高成就,另一方面限制了學生的創造性發展。部分學生因為在普通學校中無法取得足夠的知識和技能,故而轉向補習班為測驗做準備。尤其在英語科目成為主要考核科目之後,補習班的項目也因此更加多元。本研究旨在關注台灣補習教育何以在1990年代教改之後,依然擴張的現況,補習班如何從日常學習的補充角色,轉向台灣中學生教育中的必要部分。研究者針對補習班英語教學方法進行探討,透過對補習班經營者、教師和補習學生進行深度訪談,來瞭解他們的相關經驗。研究結果發現,補習班經營者意透多元與另類等途徑,聘請英語教師,來提升教學的創意。至於教師的訪談發現,英語教師通過嘗試新的教學方法來幫助學生在學業方面取得更好的成績,但是這種方式存在一定的局限性。本研究印一步發現補習班教師包括來自英語國家的和非英語國家,即使某些補習班老師並未取得教師資格證書,但在學生看來比一般學校的英語任課老師更加優秀。值得注意的是,大多數學生認為補習班的教學方法與一般學校相差無幾,但是學生滿意度明顯高於主流學校英語教師。本研究進一步確認補習班因商業利益等考量,許多訊息備受保密,使得研究者難以獲得一套完整的教學方法和學生經驗。 / In an academically oriented nation, there is a realization that attending a cram school can be double-edged, as they often offer great outcomes in students’ academic achievements especially with their test scores but they can also limit students’ creative development. Unable to obtain sufficient knowledge and skills for tests in mainstream schools, students have commonly turned to cram schools for examination preparation. Educational reforms enforcing English as a main examination subject greatly diversified the possibilities for tutoring and in fact helped cram schools’ diversification. The study focuses on the phenomenon of the influx of cram schools, and how it’s no longer a supplement, but instead a necessity of a secondary student’s education in Taiwan. This study starts with investigating the cram school phenomenon, as well as to discuss the teaching methods used in English classes. Finally, data has been collected through in-depth interviews among cram school owners, teachers and former attendees to look at their experience in cram school . The results of the study shows that the cram school owners approved the necessity to enhance creative teaching through alternative methods so as hiring teachers with supplementary talents. The teacher interviews revealed that trying new approaches to teaching have helped students achieve better outcomes academically, but sometimes only to a certain extent that is why cram schools can be double-edged. The paradox of this study is the cram school teachers’ qualifications for both native and English speakers. In fact, even though they may not have any teaching qualifications, cram school teachers are described by students as being better teachers compared to the ones in regular school. Significantly, the study discovered that a majority of students find cram school teaching methods in general so as the overall experience to be more satisfactory than with mainstream school The study finally showed that gaining information about cram schooling can be difficult as there is some secrecy surrounding it. This prevented the researcher from gaining a complete picture of cram school teaching methods and students’ experience.
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借鑒美國經驗,結合中國實際,試論中國特色式管制下互聯網金融發展趨勢 / According to American Experiences, Combined with China's Actual Situation, to Forecast the Development Tendency of Fintech under China's Characteristic Governance范怡 Unknown Date (has links)
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智慧桌遊— 運用數據記錄與分析瞭解使用者體驗與學習歷程 / Intelligent Board Game : Applying Data Analysis in understanding User Experience and Learning Progress宋如泰, Soong, Ru Tai Unknown Date (has links)
總結,本研究成果為(1)透過訪談瞭解桌遊產業對數位桌遊的需求與想像。(2)設計出能體驗與學習供需法則的數位桌遊《寶島建設》,並獲得遊戲參與者們對遊戲體驗正向的回饋。(3)數據分析系統能透過歷程分析了解學習者的困難與障礙,從數據分析圖表裡也可發現學習者逐漸掌握價格區間,這顯示透過數位桌遊《寶島建設》的競標機制能有效學習掌握需求與價格的關係。 / Board games in Taiwan has risen from leisure and entertainment towards teachings in schools, by introducing fascinating game mechanism and theme to enhance student motivation makes learning more fun. Digital board games, a concept combining the advantages of digital technologies to enhance learning and entertaining arose with the rise of educational board games; however, from the aspect of industry, learning and entertainment, what characteristic should digital board game have? Does it create good experience? Is learning effective? Through these question, this research aims to (1) Understand the visions and needs of industry towards digital board game, (2) Design a digital board game to learn the law of supply & demand, (3) Evaluate the learning effectiveness and gameplay.
First, the research uses the experiential cycle and constructism learning theory to design the board game Formosa Construction Ltd, then interview several industrial stakeholders to understand the needs and visions of digital board game, through the interviews concluded a design guidelines, finally the digital version of Formosa Consturction Ltd was built along with the data analysis program use to evaluate user experience and learning portfolio in game.
Experiments was conducted with 32 participants, gameplay data are collected during gameplay, participants was asked to fill in a questionnaire with flow experience and acceptance, an interview session regarding gameplay and learning will be held after the questionnaire. Results indicate that participants are satisfy with the game, and data collected from auction showed that participants were progressively mastering the price range; The data analysis program was able to find reasons for participants that did not perform well, having chance to provide advice to learners.
In conclusion, the research results are (1) Understand the needs and visions of digital board game through interviewing The Taiwan Board Game Industry. (2) Design Formosa Construction Ltd and obtain positive feedback. (3) The data analysis program showed the obstacles learners met through portfolio analysis, auction data analysis also showed participants was progressively mastering the price range, showing that Formosa Contruction Ltd is effective in learning the relation between needs and price.
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明□電通公司之動態策略研究鄭金翰 Unknown Date (has links)
(三)、企業體系建構完整、競爭實力強 (「實力」有助於「體系」的建立,「體系」有助於「實力」的強化)。
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年齡、性別、成就目標、目標導向與創意生活經驗、創造力之關係 / The relationships among creative life experiences, creativity, age, gender, achievement goals and goal orientation.劉士豪, Liu, Shih-Hao Unknown Date (has links)
過去有關創造力的研究主要是依據 Guilford (1956) 與 Torrance (1966) 的理論,從心理測量的觀點來界定創造力的歷程。80 年代以後,在研究方法與研究領域方面產生了一些變化:第一個變化是 Amabile (1983) 等人開始以評量創意的方式進行實驗研究;另一個變化則是研究者開始對日常生活的創造經驗產生興趣,並進行相關的研究 (Richards, 1988)。本研究中所探討的「創造力」,除了包含 Guilford、Torrance 等人所界定的「創造思考能力」以外,也包括以 Maslow (1958) 為主的學者所提出的「自我實現的創造力」,也就是「創意生活經驗」。
本研究的樣本包括:小學六年級、國中一年級、國中二年級、高中一年級、高中二年級學生以及大學生,共 672 人(男女各佔一半)。研究中所使用的測量工具包括:「創意生活經驗驗量表」、「新編創造思考測驗」、「成就目標量表」、「目標導向量表」四種。研究的結果如下:
本研究對於六個年齡層學生所收集的創造思考能力與創意生活經驗之資料與研究結果,可供往後研究者在教學與研究方面的參考。 / This research explore the relationships among creative life experiences, creativity, age, gender, achievement goals and goal orientation.
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