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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


李樺瑾 Unknown Date (has links)
運用資訊及電腦科技的數位學習,漸漸改變許多人的學習方式。過去有許多數位學習之相關研究,大多從認知心理學、學習風格等學習理論面向,探討數位學習者的動機、參與態度、行為、滿意度、學習成效等;但是對於數位學習的內容應如何設計以達到滿意度與學習成效卻甚少研究,且使用者(教學者/學習者)在數位學習的設計過程中往往缺席。而事實上使用者的需求,才是數位學習設計的核心。 本研究以國中幾何為例,探討數位教學輔助系統之設計應如何融入學習活動。亦即以使用者為中心,了解其需求,考量上課情境及學習能力。於開發過程反覆請使用者評估並將回饋意見納入下一輪的設計。系統完成後,請使用者在課堂實際教學情境中運用本系統進行學習活動。 評估結果顯示,系統的內容與教學概念緊密扣連,其互動控制程度及回饋方式提供老師、學生可以逐步並重覆學習,達到教學目標。同時學生認為這樣的上課方式較專注、容易學習、新鮮有趣。因此,本研究所主張之設計方法達到實質成效,並且創造良好、愉悅的教學/學習經驗。 / E-learning has shaped and transformed the ways people learn. Previous e-learning related researches have focused much on the motives, attitudes, behaviors, satisfactions and effectiveness of the learners. However, the users’ (teacher/learner) learning activities have never been taken into consideration during the e-learning design process. The research intends to bridge the gap between the learning activities and the design process. During the initial design stage, the researcher interviewed Math teachers from several junior high schools to identify the suitable e-learning subjects which are too abstract to teach otherwise. After the discussion, Geometry was chosen for the e-learning subject. Through the entire design cycle, whether or not the system meets the teaching objects, students’ learning capacities, and classroom environments were iteratively evaluated and modified. The math teachers were involved in the entire design process. At the end, the completed system was used by teachers in their real math classes. From the results of evaluation, we find that the e-learning system has highly linked to the teaching concepts. The system provides enough interactive controls and feedbacks that allow teachers and students’ to set their own paces to learn gradually or repeatedly. Students agree that this learning process helps them to concentrate more, and achieve better performances. In addition, this e-learning system through the proposed designing process causes a more positive, pleasure and effective learning/teaching experiences.

從超脫之理論與實踐看艾克哈特之密契主義 / The Theory and Practice of Detachment in Meister

黃恩鄰, Huang,En-Lin Unknown Date (has links)
不同於過去將密契經驗侷限於一特殊意識狀態的經驗,本文試圖從艾克哈特關於超脫 的觀點來說明密契主義和其經驗的形式如何受到其社會與時代背景所影響。 過去學者的研究說明艾克哈特關於超脫的概念,是其形而上學和密契主義的核心。但 超脫此一概念不僅是密契主義中用以顯示辯證法和否性神學的形而上概念,從艾克哈特的德 文著作中我們還可以發現該辭彙的產生與其所面對的聽眾和當下的信仰情境息息相關。 艾克哈特將信徒在信仰操作上所遇到的困境和壓力視為一種苦難的來源,因而以童貞 婦人的形象要求信徒應當轉而重視信仰的態度,以超脫的態度在入世或既有的宗教生活中實 踐其信仰,最後達到沒有原因的生活與意志的貧乏。艾克哈特關於超脫所建構出來的密契經 驗有著與其時代相關社會的、實踐的或倫理學上的生成因。 此外,透過對 Gezücken 等辭彙的探討,我們發現超脫一概念包含著形而上學、倫理 學和密契的不同層次。這些層次說明了艾克哈特對密契經驗的概念並指導他的聽眾如何正確 的對待自己的宗教經驗。超脫因而是艾克哈特密契經驗的主題,實踐和內容。 我們因而可以說,在艾克哈特的範例中,密契主義及其經驗具有不同層面,並且如同 史蒂芬卡茲所說,是一種處在宗教、文化等生活實境中所建構的經驗形式。 / By studying the concept of "Detachment" of Meister Eckhart, this article presents that the forms of mysticism and mystical experience are influenced and restricted by its own social and religious contexts. According to previous studies of scholars, the idea of "Detachment" is a central and metaphysical idea of Meister Eckhart's Mysticism. However, the idea of "Detachment" is not only a concept that contents neoplatonical idea of dialectic and negative theology but also a concept that responds to its contemporary religious trends which we can find in Eckhart's German works. Eckhart considered the heavy pressure of religious practices as sufferings and persuaded his audiences to concentrate on their own detached attitudes instead. He suggested that the life of detachment was a model of "virgin wife" that presented purest religious life in the normal daily life, and the purpose was to live without a why and to reach spiritual poverty. The mysticism of Meister Eckhart, which has "detachment" as its central idea, therefore has its social, practical, and ethical causes. Meanwhile, by studying the concept of Gezücken, we found that the idea of "Detachment" is a concept combined with metaphysical, ethical, and mystical layers. These layers presents in Eckhart's discourse about mystical experience and direct his audiences to treat their religious experiences with correct attitudes. "Detachment" therefore is both the main theme, the criteria, and the content of Eckhart's idea of mystical experiences. We can finally conclude that, like Steven Katz's theory, in the situation of Meister Eckhart the mystical experience is a experience formulated by its own religious and cultural situations, a experience that "Sitz im Leben".

一位美籍英語教師在台灣的教學經驗 / An American English Teacher's Teaching Experience in Taiwan

呂佳儒, Lu, Chia Ju Unknown Date (has links)
在全球化快速的腳步之下,英語教育逐漸受到非英語系國家的重視。各國政府紛紛將英語納入國小必修課程之中。為了提升孩童英語能力,各國更是積極引進外籍教師。因此,外籍教師的教學開始受到關注(Arva & Medgyes, 2000; Barratt & Kontra, 2000)。然而,許多國內研究皆顯示引進外籍教師的成效無法完全彰顯。其原因除了外師缺乏教學經驗與技巧之外,外師的流動率也是主因之一(林怡瑾,2002;周美瑜,2005;溫智雄,2006;陳錦芬,2007)。本研究以個案研究方式探討一位美籍英語教師,Bert,在台超過十四年的英語教學經驗以及其教學現況。本研究採取質性研究法,透過訪談、教室觀察與文件分析收集資料,並討論三個議題:(1)Bert的教學經驗及其影響,(2)Bert的教室教學、教學成效以及教學問題,(3)Bert在台所遇到之困難。本研究結果顯示Bert豐富的教學經驗、認真的教學態度、以及積極的面對困難的個性使得他能成功在台灣長期從事英語教學。最後,依據本研究結果,針於在台外籍英語教師以及政策制定者,進一步提供相關建議,以作為未來外籍教師在英語教學專業成長上,以及政府外籍教師引進政策制定及修訂之參考。 / With the rapid pace of globalization, many Asian governments have introduced English education to elementary school curriculum with the recognition of the importance of English. Meanwhile, many native English-speaking teachers (NESTs) have also been recruited to teach local students to enhance their English competence. However, many studies indicate that the effect of recruiting NESTs has been reduced because of NESTs’ insufficient professional knowledge and their high turnover rate (Lin, 2002; Chou, 2005; Wen, 2006; Chen, 2007). Thus, the purpose of this research is to investigate the teaching of one American English teacher, Bert, who has taught English in Taiwan for over fourteen years. A qualitative research method was adopted in this case study. Data were collected through interviews, classroom observation and document analysis to discuss three issues concerning Bert’s teaching experience: (a) his past teaching experience, (b) his current classroom practices, teaching effectiveness, teaching problems and (c) the difficulties he encountered in Taiwan. The study concluded that although Bert began his teaching with insufficient EFL teaching knowledge and skills, his rich experience, serious teaching attitude and his positive personality toward the difficulties he encountered in Taiwan have enabled him to successfully teach English in Taiwan. Finally, pedagogical implications and suggestions derived from the discussions were offered to the NESTs in Taiwan for professional growth and to the government for policy-making.

從梅洛龐蒂的身體知覺談抓拍的原初經驗 / On Primordial Experience of snapshot----from Merleu-Ponty's view on bodily perception

曾雅惠 Unknown Date (has links)
我們透過梅洛龐蒂對身體知覺的探究,如何直指並恢復與現象世界的聯繫,去問引發我們身體呼應周遭世界的因素為何。 什麼是原初經驗?提出這個問題是為了呈現「自身與世界的不可分」,重新看待理性判斷劃分的範疇,對事物的「已知」規定的客觀基礎,在實際可見卻無法立即說明與判斷的模糊期待中,它的感覺經驗如何安立成為我們依賴的約定俗成,差距在於判斷的預設始終未對現象世界的直接經驗提供嘗試性的描繪。 梅洛龐蒂企圖恢復知覺世界而朝向真理的知覺領域,他所要恢復的,是「我們和我們的身體、以及和相關知覺到的事物之間的模糊關係。」 知覺經驗的歷程是為了探求,原初經驗就是對事物有一個想要了解的動機,後續的知覺歷程是為了想要圓滿這個動機,在這個過程中,身體一直扮演著提問者以及答覆者的角色, 當你不斷地跨越自我認識的設限,這才是真正地認識事物,而不是固守自我概念的內容,自我也成為一個與知覺經驗不斷相應的知覺心靈,身體行動符應知覺心靈,內在世界與外在世界的融合,也就是知覺心靈與身體行動一致,與周遭世界互動而按下快門的瞬間。


魏惠莉 Unknown Date (has links)
在台灣,成年婦女不(低)識字率較男性高出許多,根據心理學家的研究發現,男女兩性在智力、學習能力上均無顯著差異,因此,女性不識字率高於男性的事實,顯示女性為教育的不利人口。她們的受教機會受到哪些阻礙,而在成功參與識字教育後,她們生活中各個面向的生命經驗產生了什麼樣的轉變。因此,本研究的研究目的在於: 一、探討婦女參與識字方案的障礙與問題。 二、探討成年婦女參與識字教育歷程中生活適應上的轉變及對於其自我看法上的改變。 本研究質性研究法為基礎,以一般性訪談導引法訪問十五位學齡期失學,現已自國小補校畢業或參與三年以上成人基本教育研習班並已結業的成年婦女。根據訪談結果整理參與識字教育之成年婦女參與識字教育的阻礙、如何因應與處理之前不(低)識字的生活、參與識字教育的意義為何以及參與識字教育經驗中她們對自我看法的轉變。研究結果摘要如下: 一、女性參與識字教育的障礙:性別、貧窮、戰爭及抗拒。 二、成年婦女參與識字教育的原因及動機:彌補缺憾、排除不(低)識字對生活的不便;家庭責任告一段落則是她們得以無心理負擔的參與識字教育的原因。 三、參與識字教育對成年婦女的意義在於:她們要證明自己也可以樂於學習;希望在為家庭及子女著想外也能為自己著想;參與識字教育對她們而言是種生活上的寄託。 四、成年婦女參與識字教育後自我概念的轉變: (一)自信心的提升。 (二)較喜愛自我。 (三)對生活與成就感到滿意。 (四)被他人欣賞的感覺。 (五)積極扮演社會角色。


蔡英地, Cai, Ying-Di Unknown Date (has links)
本研究將Libby & Luft(1993)所提出之績效模型一般化到現實議題,探討稅務會計人員執行兩稅合一績效之影響因素,將績效分為執行「年度結算申報」、「未分配盈餘加徵10%計算與申報」、「兩稅合一租稅規劃」三工作之績效,知識則依「新」、「舊」分為兩稅合一知識與一般營利事業所得稅知識,並以「教育程度」衡量一般解決問題的能力;以「職業屬性」、「年資」、「在學教育」衡量經驗。研究結果發現: 影響「一般營利事業所得稅知識」高低之因素包含職業屬性、年資,而不受一般解決問題的能力、在學教育(選讀科系)所影響;影響「兩稅合一知識」高低之因素則為職業屬性、一般解決問題的能力及「一般營利事業所得稅知識」,而不受年資及在學教育(選讀科系)所影響。 知識越高者,執行與該知識相關之工作績效越好,故「一般營利事業所得稅知識」高低與執行「期末結算申報」績效呈正相關;「兩稅合一知識」與「未分配盈餘加徵10%的計算與申報」績效呈正相關;「一般營利事業所得稅知識」、「兩稅合一知識」亦與「租稅規劃」相關。 由於績效之衡量是由受試者自行評估,在不認為未分配盈餘加徵10%的相關規定是「新」的知識及受「定錨與調整」經驗法則偏誤影響下,一般解決問題的能力與執行兩稅合一相關工作績效實證結果並無顯著關係。 記帳業者自行評估績效時較會計師樂觀,又受「定錨與調整」經驗法則偏誤所影響。導致記帳業者之知識較會計師業低,但自行評估之績效卻優於會計師業。 受試者皆普遍認為兩稅合一後相關工作較兩稅合一前困難,但除了非上市上櫃公司之稅務會計人員表達不太能勝任外;其他屬性之稅務會計人員則皆「不」認為自己「不能勝任」兩稅合一後相關工作。受試者亦認為外部教育機構所開立之兩稅合一進修班或研討會對其在兩稅合一知識的吸收上,幫助最大。 / This study employees the Libby & Luft's model (1993) to investi-gate the determinants of performance in implementing the new tax system--the integrated income tax system. Three type of tasks performance measured are: filing of tax return, the computation of 10% extra income tax on retained earnings, and tax planning under the integrated income tax system. Knowledge is defined as “specific knowledge in the integrated income tax regulations” and “general income tax knowledge”. General problem-solving ability is measured by education level, and experience is caught by the subject’s career attribute, years of career and school instruction. The conclusion of this study were described briefly as follows: 1. Effects of Experience and Ability on Knowledge acquisition Career attribute and years of career influence “General income tax knowledge”. Specifically, career attribute, general problem-solving ability and “General income tax knowledge” influence “specific knowledge in the integrated income tax regulations”. 2. Relations of Knowledge, Ability and Performance Those who possess more knowledge perform better while they are doing their jobs, which related to what they had learnt before. So, those with sufficient "General income tax knowledge" performs better in “filing of tax return” and those with sufficient "knowledge in the integrated income tax regulations" also performs well in “the computation of 10% extra income tax on retained earnings”. Meanwhile, “General income tax knowledge” and “specific knowledge in the integrated income tax regulations” are related to the “tax planning”. The evaluation of performance is self rated by the subjects. And we find that the agent of bookkeeping and taxation seems to be more optimistic than the CPA does. Since the knowledge score of the agent of bookkeeping and taxation is less than that of CPA, but the self-rating of performance is higher than that of CPA.

吳濁流的大陸經驗及其相關作品研究 / Study of Wu Cho Liu's Mainland China experience and its influenced on his works

白筱薇, Bai, Hsiao Wei Unknown Date (has links)
日本殖民統治末期(1937-1945)中,因為日本政府所倡導的「戰爭動員」等政策與台灣所具備的地理位置優勢,台灣逐漸成為中日戰爭中協助日本政府的「協力者」。當時部分台籍作家,在這段時間中曾因各種原因,選擇前往大陸生活。這群擁有大陸經驗的作家皆是出生於日本殖民時期(1985-1945),受日式教育的「日語世代」。他們對於中國大陸的印象大多建立在長輩傳達的觀念,模糊卻帶有憧憬。他們前往大陸後,心中的中國印象與實際接觸的大陸事物之間產生了落差。因此他們對於中國大陸的觀感或是戰後(1945-)強調的「祖國」認同感受,比起未離開過台灣的作家們顯得更為深刻且不同。 本文以吳濁流1941年至1942年之大陸經驗為例。透過戰前報紙《大陸新報》、戰前作品《南京雜感》與《胡志明》,觀看吳濁流的大陸生活。並透過戰後初期小說《波茨坦科長》及戰後回憶錄《無花果》與《台灣連翹》中涉及大陸經驗的內容,釐清大陸經驗「再現」於作品中的含意。以期檢視吳濁流前行研究的缺漏,補足這段研究者忽略的大陸經驗。

我在虛擬人海中寫作:論網路小說的寫作經驗與作者—讀者關係 / I write for the virtual crowds: Analysis of the writing and writer-reader relationship of online novelist

朱恆燁, Chu, Heng-Yen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以網路小說為研究題材,探討網路小說的寫作經驗,以及存在於網路小說當中的作者—讀者關係。過往研究多將焦點置於寫作動機、參與寫作行為的理由,或是從社群觀點出發,而本研究則從寫作經驗切入,試圖瞭解網路小說的寫作者如何看待他們的作品、以及與他們在網路上交換訊息的讀者。 / 不同於以往的出版機制,網路這個開放人人使用的媒介使得以往無法發表的作品、以及無法出頭的寫作者得以大量曝光,相對的,也讓人充分理解到網路是一個允許人們自由發表創作的場所。相對的,在關於寫作的探討上,也就有新的理論產生。本研究將關注的焦點放在作者身上,因而理論探討也以作者、文本的意義為中心向外擴張,沿用與文學相關的理論、後結構主義觀點以及與網路書寫虛擬社群等相關理論,探討網路小說與傳統小說在寫作與閱讀方面的不同之處、作者在網路小說的寫作和發表過程採用何種經營態度或是策略、作品發表之後來自讀者的回饋對於作者本身和作品的內容造成之影響、以及社群、審稿機制等外在情境對於作者們的影響,發展出包含四大要素(作者權與詮釋權、網路小說與傳統小說之異同、回饋機制、社群與權力架構)的研究架構與研究問題,而成為本研究的理論基礎、以及實際進行研究時的操作原則。 / 本研究採行深度訪談法,訪問的對象為在網路上連載網路小說、與讀者有所接觸的作者,成功訪問到的樣本為十二人。從訪談當中,可以歸納出文本特性、作者風範、社群與權力觀點、現實社會的影響力、以及作者本身的變化等五點。 / 本研究發現,網路小說具備有後現代主義當中的拼貼特質,不管是在文類或是呈現的方式上都與傳統實體書出版的小說有相當的差異;而寫出網路小說的作者亦然,他們在網路上會承受到來自讀者、來自社群以及外在環境例如出版機制與來自市場的影響力,這些外在的力量會對存在於作者身上的主體性加以挑戰,而作者在回應挑戰的同時、除了衛護自己對於作品的主導權之外,自身的想法亦有所改變,呈現所謂「延異」的現象。

一樣照顧兩樣情:女性家庭照顧者成為照顧服務員之初探 / The same care tasks, different care experience - A preliminary study on roles between family caregivers and care workers

許裕昌, Hsu, Yu Chang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究試圖探究走過家庭照顧歷程決定成為照顧服務員這群女性勞動者,從這群女性勞動者的生命圖象中,分析這兩種角色之差異性,並進一步探討研究對象對於這兩種角色轉換之轉換歷程與因應策略。 本研究使用質性取向的研究方法,以半結構式的深度訪談進行資料蒐集,有效受訪對象共訪談8位曾有家庭照顧經驗之照顧服務員,年齡介於44歲~63歲之間,教育程度則以高中職為主。婚姻狀況單身3名、單親2名、已婚育有子女3名。照顧關係中女兒照顧者與媳婦照顧者各半。家庭照顧期間從1年到16年皆有,照顧服務員工作年資則從2年到13年不等。 本研究首先歸納整理女性成為主要照顧者的原因,並整理當照顧情境改變時家庭照顧者重返勞動市場之考量因素。研究發現,家庭照顧者在成為照顧服務員的過程當中,受服務經驗扮演相當重要的中介角色,受服務經驗是這群中年婦女在求職過程的一個重要催化劑,轉而投入照顧服務工作。接著耙梳照顧服務員在職場的工作困境,研究發現照顧服務員所面臨到的工作困境相當多元,本研究分從個人面、互動面、實務面及制度面四個層面加以說明。 研究最後統整了兩種照顧經驗之比較,研究發現家庭照顧者成為照顧服務員之後,因照顧對象的不同,隸屬於不同的關係中,佔據不同的位置,扮演不同的角色,並依循此角色之責任義務規範行事。兩種照顧經驗的差異展現在照顧角色轉換的經驗感受、照顧基礎的差異以及照顧過程中照顧者的自主性三個面向上。同樣的照顧工作,一是無酬一是有酬,一是親屬關係一是專業服務關係,一是基於責任一是基於契約提供照顧,一是在家庭成員共識認可下照顧,一是依循科層組織規章在契約的規範下照顧,兩者在不同的面向上呈現相當不同的景象。然而,具有家庭照顧經驗的照顧服務員,對日後的照顧工作是有影響的,其關連性主要包括在下列三個部分:照顧的知識技巧、同理以及情感轉移上。其照顧與互動的技巧是可以透過反覆的實作而熟能生巧,照顧技巧的經驗累積可以視為是一種延續。 私領域的家庭照顧者與公領域的照顧服務員間之兩種照顧經驗,在照顧的任務(care for)上其實大致相同,但在照顧者對他人個感受(care about)上卻大相逕庭。因為照顧關係與照顧基礎的不同,親屬關係的家庭照顧承載著較多的感受狀態,家庭照顧者需時時刻刻、盡己所能地回應失能者所有需求,關注受照顧者的福祉,也因此照顧者會感受到較大的照顧壓力。反觀照顧服務員的照顧本質,對於情感的指涉相對較低,關係建立僅是互動的基礎,互動的時間也多在服務的時數範圍內,對受照顧者而言,更多的關注是在照顧任務是否精確完善的被執行。因此,一樣照顧兩樣情,相似的照顧工作,在不同的照顧場域中,照顧技巧的經驗會延續,但照顧歷程的差異感受卻是呈現相當多元的樣貌。 / This research aims to investigate female laborers who decide to become care workers owing to the experience of being family caregivers. It analyzes the difference between the two roles as well as the transformation and strategies that are taken. With the qualitative approach, the data were collected by semi-structural in-depth interviews.There are 8 valid once-family-caregiver interviewees who are now care workers aged 44 to 66, with the educational background of senior or vocational high schools. Among these interviewees, three are single, 2 are single mothers and 3 are married and have children. Four of whose family roles are daughters, four daughters- in- law. They have 1-16 years of experience of being family caregivers respectively and 2-13 years of being care workers. The study starts with a generalization of reasons that makes females as main caregivers and factors of their returning to the labor market when care-taking conditions change. It discovers that the experience of having been taken care of plays a crucial role in the transformation—from family caregivers to domestic ones. The experience serves as an important catalyst for these middle-aged women to become care workers. The study, then, scrutinizes the predicament these care workers encounter, followed by an analysis of their mutiple predicament derived from four respectives: personal conditions, interactive relationship with their patients, care-taking practice and public system. The study wraps up with a comparison-- after becoming care workers, these once-family-caregivers make adjustments according to different relationship and roles. The diversity between the two experience presents upon three dimensions: relationship with patients, different care-taking basis and autonomy of patients. Although both family caregivers and domestic ones are responsible for taking care of patients, the formers are unpaid; doing the job out of familial affection and obligations with the consensus of other family members, while the latters are paid workers, looking after their patients on the basis of profession and contracts under relevant regulations. Each unfolds quite disparate views in front of us. As divergent as they are, the experience of family care-taking has impact on the domestic caregiving work in terms of relevant knowledge and skills, compassion and communication abilities. The accumulation of similar experience can be extended and easily applied. The mission of 'caring for' patients is generally identical for both private-domain family cargivers and public-domain care workers, nevertheless, the extent of “caring about” patients varies. Family caregivers carry more affection and emotions; they have to do their best all all times to respond every need and well-being of the disables, which generates much stress. Care workers, however, are less affection-expected; their relationship with the patients is contract-based and they serve their patients in work hours. Instead of emotionally dependent, patients focus more on whether and how the tasks are being done. Two different perspectives are revealed which give us more lights on the care-taking work.

中國大陸大學生在港澳台之跨境經驗及展望個案 / Cross-border Experiences and Perceptions of Mainland Chinese University Students in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan

柯塞恩 Unknown Date (has links)
香港與澳門的教育系統被中國視為歐洲的傳承並受到高度的重視,尤其是對在中國的新城市菁英而言。 隨著英語教育的需求增加,香港與澳門的大學在中國大陸學生招生方面歷經快速的成長,中國學生在特別行政區域(SARs)的社會中占有愈來愈大的存在比例。台灣在2011年開始開放陸生來台後,也成中國學生留學的新興目的地。此份研究主要分析中國大陸之學生在抵達香港、澳門與台灣前後對移入地的觀點,定義中國菁英學生在這些移入社會的新人口群體,並討論此新群體對其留學目的地與及中國所具有的社會意涵。 本研究透過質性研究方法與資料,發現選擇就讀於特別行政區域(SARs)的中國大陸學生,是因為地緣位置接近、文化、語言相同性及相對的教育價值等因素。這些中國學生也被視為特別行政區域(SARs)及海外的潛在移民者。本研究亦透過問卷訪問在台灣就讀的陸生,這些在台陸生仍是相對未被深入研究的人口群體。此份研究成果適合用於教育學、移民學以及社會學,亦對兩岸學術研究者具有重要的參考價值。 / Hong Kong and Macau's education systems are perceived to be part of their European legacy which is highly regarded in mainland China, especially among China's new urban elite. Along with a consistent increase in demand for an English education, universities in Hong Kong and Macau are henceforth experiencing rapid growth in enrollment of students from mainland China, who are ever more present in the Special Administrative Regions' (SARs) societies. Moreover, mainland Chinese students studying in Taiwanese universities just recently commenced in 2011 and it is a policy in its infancy. This study aims to analyze mainland Chinese students' perception of Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan before and after arriving, define a new demographic of elite mainland Chinese students in these three regions, and draw potential social implications these students have for their respective host societies and Chinese society. This study used qualitative research methods and data to confirm that mainland students who chose to study in the SARs because of closer location, cultural and linguistic familiarity and relative value of education. They were also considered potential immigrants to the SARs and abroad. This study provides insight using primary source data on mainland students in Taiwan, which remains a relatively un-researched demographic. This study is applicable to disciplines such as education studies, immigration, and sociology. Information from this study may also be of interest to those who study cross-strait studies, as mainland Chinese students studying in Taiwanese universities just recently commenced in 2011 and it is a policy in its infancy. Hence, this may have implications for future cross-strait policy changes.

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