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臺灣的倉儲媒合平台 / Online platform for storage in taiwan葛凡習, Grajales, Francis Unknown Date (has links)
2Store is an online platform for Storage in Taipei, our business model is based in peer to peer network, we will be connecting people who need a space to storage their belongings (Renters) and people with empty space in their house and willing to gain an extra revenue renting their space for storage (Hosts), 2Store will aggregate independent service providers. In fact, one of the key characteristics of 2Store is that Hosts and Renters can set the characteristics of the service that they want. For example, size, location, conditions of the place, security, insurance etc. therefore users of the service can adjust the service according to their requirements.
2Store online platform will charge host and renters a commission fee as a broker, therefore 2Store doesn’t require to invest in real estate or warehouses, our operating cost are relatively low compared with the competitors in the storage business, this convert 2Store in an attractive and innovative business model.
Taipei have more than six companies involved in the storage business with about 12 warehouses and 44,000 mini warehouses. We also have analyzed the more than 2,7 million of persons in Taipei as our target market and the attraction of Taiwanese for new technologies and similar business models like Airbnb and Uber makes us believe that we have an opportunity of start operations in Taipei.
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線上社群協作及其前置因素之研究:檢驗社群投入度之中介效果 / Online community collaboration and its antecedents: the mediating effect of community engagement蕭丞傑, Hsiao, Cheng Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之研究情境為玩家公會社群,本研究自一知名大型多人線上遊戲中收集340份有效問卷進行資料分析與假設檢驗,研究結果顯示:(1) 除社群禮貌外,社群投入度對於社群合作行為、助人行為與運動家精神皆有正向影響;(2) 對個人之結果預期與線上社群協作行為之關係,會受到社群投入度所中介;(3) 對社群之結果預期與線上社群協作行為之關係,會受到社群投入度所中介;(4) 知覺社群信任與線上社群協作行為之關係,會受到社群投入度所中介;(5) 知覺社群規範與線上社群協作行為之關係,會受到社群投入度所中介,但社群規範對於運動家精神亦有直接負向效果;(6) 知覺社群認同與線上社群協作行為之關係,會受到社群投入度所中介,但社群認同亦會直接正向影響社群合作與助人行為;(7) 然而,知覺社群支持與線上社群協作行為之關係,並不會受到社群投入度所中介。針對上述之研究結果,本研究進一步闡述其學術研究意涵、實務管理意涵,以及研究限制與未來研究方向。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships between online community collaboration and its antecedents by examining the mediating effect of community engagement. First, this study proposes a classification of online community collaboration by following the typology of in-role and extra-role behaviors. Accordingly, this study will further examine some of online community collaboration behaviors, including community cooperation, helping behavior, community courtesy, and sportsmanship. Second, drawing upon social cognitive theory and social exchange theory, this study identifies several antecedents of online community collaboration, including person-relevant outcome expectancy, community-relevant outcome expectancy, perceived community trust, perceived community norms, perceived community support, and perceived community identification. Finally, from the perspective of engagement, this study will examine the mediating effect of community engagement on the proposed model.
The research setting of this study is online gaming communities. After collecting 340 valid responses from a famous Massive Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG), our results show that (1) community engagement affects community cooperation, helping behavior and sportsmanship positively, but does not have a significant effect on community courtesy; (2) the relationships between person-relevant outcome expectancy and three online community collaboration behaviors are mediated by community engagement; (3) the relationships between community-relevant outcome expectancy and three online community collaboration behaviors are mediated by community engagement; (4) the relationships between perceived community trust and three online community collaboration behaviors are mediated by community engagement; (5) the relationships between perceived community norms and three online community collaboration behaviors are mediated by community engagement, but perceived community norms also has a direct and negative impact on sportsmanship; (6) the relationships between perceived community identification and three online community collaboration behaviors are mediated by community engagement, but perceived community identification also has direct and positive impacts on community cooperation and helping behavior; (7) the relationships between perceived community support and online community collaboration behaviors are not mediated by community engagement. According to these findings, this study concludes with research implications, managerial implications, research limitations and future research directions.
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多人線上戰鬥競技場遊戲之團隊成員推薦機制 / A Team Member Recommender System for Multiplayer Online Battle Arenas周佩諄, Chou, Pei Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目標旨在提出一個結合資料探勘與社群網路分析的方法來分析玩家與團隊績效之間的關係,並用於團隊績效預測與團隊組成上,藉此進行隊友的推薦。首先從抓取來的資料中取出三種玩家與英雄之間的關係,考量玩家的合作關係與英雄的組合關係,藉此篩選出具有高相關度的玩家作為推薦候選人。而在團隊績效預測的部分,取出對玩家個人表現或團隊表現具有影響的特徵值,並分析勝利的玩家或團隊通常會具備什麼樣的特質,再進行團隊表現的預測模型的建置。最後再結合兩者推薦出適合此隊伍的隊友供團隊選擇。 / Multiplayer online battle arenas (MOBA) is a subgenre of strategy games and has become the most popular online game genres recently. Teams of players could fight against each other in arena environments. To find good team members when playing MOBA is a challenge. In this thesis, we proposed a team member recommender mechanism to recommend team members for MOBA. The proposed mechanism first takes the team chemistry into consideration and generates the candidates based on the cooperation history among players and associated heroes. Then the proposed win/lose prediction model is employed to predict the win rate of each candidate by considering characteristics and proficiency of players and associated heroes. The recommended team members are ranked according to the predicted win rates. The experiments show that the proposed win/lose prediction model achieves approximately 91.6% accuracy and our mechanism could recommend players who have close cooperation with query players instead of considering the win rate only. Our proposed method could help the team formation and may enhance team performance of the on-line game.
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網際網路仲介公司智慧資本管理制度之探討—以線上旅遊與人力銀行網站為例王梓齡, Wang Tzyy Ling Unknown Date (has links)
◆ 人力資本
◆ 流程資本
◆ 創新資本
◆ 關係資本
◆ 人力資本
◆ 流程資本
◆ 關係資本
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英文聽力字彙與聽寫練習題輔助出題系統之研究 / Computer-Assisted Item Generation for Listening Cloze and Dictation Practice in English黃上銘, Huang, Shang-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
以Web為基礎的語言測驗(Web-based language test)目前多為靜態網頁或是互動性低的動態網頁,如何提昇測驗系統的互動性,仍有待探討。目前已有學者利用自然語言處理技術來自動產生試題,並分析學生的作答錯誤。然而,相關研究仍多著重於字彙測驗與文法評量上。本研究針對聽力測驗,發展一套線上練習系統,並運用自然語言處理技術來自動產生聽力選擇題,以及分析學生的聽寫錯誤。我們分析語料庫中的詞彙,將發音相近的單字歸為一類,系統要產生聽力選擇題時,即從單字所屬的群組中,隨機挑選其他發音相近的單字當作誘答選項。而在分析聽寫錯誤方面,我們從語尾變化、拼字、拼音三種層次來分析學生的作答;系統批改完後,會按照學生的錯誤類型,提供不同種類的練習。本練習系統共有聽寫測驗、單字聽力選擇題、單字組聽力選擇題三種題型。系統可以輔助教師大量地編製試題與測驗,並輔助批改學生的作答。學生則可透過網路來接受測驗,並針對自己的弱點單字來作練習。 / Most Web-based language tests are presently static pages or dynamic pages with low interactivity. How to enhance the interactivity of the test systems is still under development. Today some researchers have utilized natural language processing techniques for automatic item generation and intelligent error analysis of students’ answers. However, most known research works put more emphases on vocabulary tests and grammar correction. In this paper, we propose a Web-based practice system for English dictation and listening cloze. We use natural language processing techniques to automatically generate multiple-choice item and analyze students’ dictation errors. First, we analyze the words in the corpus and group them based on the similarity of the phones. When the system generates multiple-choice items, it will search the matched cluster and randomly pick other words with similar phones. Second, we analyze students’ dictation from three aspects: inflected form, spelling errors and phoneme structures. After analyzing students’ answers, the system will provide different practice items according to the error types. Our practice system has three item types: one for dictation and two for multiple-choice listening cloze. The system can assist teachers in authoring items and grading the test results. Students can take the test through the Internet and practice on their weak words.
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線上音樂商店經營模式 --從台灣市場需求的觀點 / Online Music Business Model-- From the Perspective of Taiwan Market葉舒菁 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網路普及而興起, MP3音樂檔案格式在1999年入選美國時代雜誌TIME 所公佈十大最佳網路科技。而MP3這項殺手級科技(Killer Application)更強力促進了線上音樂的盛行,尤其是自蘋果電腦聯合五大唱片商合作誕生出iTunes這種革命性的音樂經營模式出現後,合法授權線上音樂這塊市場更是呈現出爆發性的快速成長局面。
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藝術數位圖書館推廣利用之研究—以國立臺灣藝術大學圖書館為例 / A Study of Library Resources Application on Digital Arts Library — A Case Study of the National Taiwan University of Arts Library曾聖峰, Tseng, Sheng-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
第一章說明研究動機、目的,並提出研究問題。第二章說明數位圖書館、數位博物館、網路教學的內涵與國內外發展概況,並說明臺藝大圖書館「數位圖書館暨虛擬藝術館」專案計畫發展與系統功能。第三章說明研究方法、範圍與限制、深度訪談對象之產生方式、研究實施步驟。第四章根據深度訪談內容,提出綜合分析。第五章根據研究結果提出結論,並針對臺藝大圖書館「數位圖書館暨虛擬藝術館」系統推廣及網路教學資源服務發展與利用推廣,分別提出未來發展建議。 / The evolutions of information science and technology and the developments of the Internet cause the revolutionary changes in production, preservation and dissemination for knowledge. Each kind of World Wide Web emphasizes diversification, immediateness, convenience, and interaction, and have gradually become the education resources for all levels of education organizations. When universities face the fundamental influences with technical evolutions and social transitions, and keep up with the current situation, to carry on reforms with great exertion, the university libraries also must improve their effectiveness in the information service methods and the patterns to satisfy information needs for teachers and students in the activities of research and teaching.
This research discusses the related issues about the digital library, the digital museum, the web-based instruction, and e-learning and investigate on the basis of the reinforcement for promotion and utilization of "Digital Library and Virtual Gallery" implemented by National Taiwan University of Arts(NTUA) Library, the feasible models and effectiveness analysis for university libraries integrate learning environment and the establishment of the online education resources system according to the needs of universities in teaching and research, so as to be useful reference for NTUA to design online education resources system and for other academic organizations as the impetus to similar projects in the future.
The first chapter shows the research motivation, purposes and brings up the research questions. The second chapter explains the meanings and universal developments of the digital library, the digital museum, and the web-based instruction and illustrates the developments and system functions of "Digital Library and Virtual Gallery" of NTUA library. The third chapter explains the research methods, limitations, the selection of respondents for in-depth interviews, and stages of the study. The fourth chapter presents the conclusions of the interview notes. In the end, the fifth chapter brings up conclusions based on the results of this research and offers the suggestions for the future growth according to the promotion of "Digital Library and Virtual Gallery" of NTUA library and services of online education resources.
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數位內容著作權管理之研究-以線上學習(e-learning)為例林煜程 Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路的出現對我們的生活造成了重大的改變,我們面臨的是一個全新的世界。不論是工作模式、娛樂型態皆產生極大的變化,那網際網路下一步是什麼?思科系統執行長 錢伯斯(John Chambers)告訴了我們一個答案:「網際網路中成長最巨,而日後也會證實是促進變革的最大動力,就是e-learning。」數位科技使得內容變成了「數位內容」,帶來了相當多的便利,但同時也帶來了許多的改變,不論是產業面、科技面、法律面或是管理面,皆須面臨新的挑戰與新的議題。
在數位課程運用階段,數位課程運用策略有內訓策略、教學策略、委用策略、 賣斷策略。著作權管理議題則有與數位課程使用者進行契約的簽訂、數位課程其著作類型是多媒體著作、數位課程著作權保護方式的進行。
而在其他發現,在外部經營問題主要為市場需求不足,而內部經營問題則為教師合作意願不高、缺乏跨領域專業課程企畫人才、缺乏整合性業務人員。 / The rise of internet has changed people’s life style dramatically. Nowadays, we are facing a whole new world. E-learning is considered as the star of the next century. Even John Chambers once mentioned that “the next big killer application for the Internet is going to be education.” Digital technique has digitalized the existing contents. Internet does not only deliver much convenience, however, internet related topics are also conducted and challenged from the perspectives of industry, law, and management.
The objective of this thesis is to examine
1) The general framework for e-learning management model,
2) The relationship between the primarily resources and the management on e-learning,
3) The instructional development process for e-learning and its related copyright issues, and
4) Management model for copyrights on digital contents.
The method of this research is primarily based on case study, six e-learning related companies. The interviews with the e-learning companies have contributed the great insights about the information of company resources, development process of digital content, and the modes of content management. Furthermore, collected information from the interviews has been analyzed about how original resources affect the digital content management strategy and the copyright issues in the development process of digital content.
This study has found that there are four stages: Instructional material acquisition, digitalized course acquisition, digital course application stage, and business Strategy.
In the Instructional material acquisition stage, the strategies of acquiring the instructional materials for e-learning is in-house finding, outsourcing or both. Licensing contracts and guarantees on course materials become an important issue when dealing with the material providers.
In the digitalized course acquisition step, the strategies are self-manufacture, out-source manufacture, copyright acquisition, and buying copyright. The copyright issues are discussed and contracted between company and digital engineers, and in general, the company is responsible for the digital engineers.
In the digital course application stage, the strategies are training, teaching, licensing, and selling. The copyright issues are discussed and contracted between company and digital content users. One should notice that the digital contents belong to multi-media.
Moreover, in the final stage, core business, collaboration, ODM, channeling are the business strategies that the companies use for e-learning applications.
In additional findings, this study found that market demand is the primary problem of e-learning environment, and there are three major problems within the e-learning companies: the motivations of the teachers, the lack of cross boundary-expertise and integrated business manager.
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參考服務在國內檔案典藏單位應用之研究 / Application of Reference Services in Archival Repositories of Taiwan陳憶華, Chen, I Hwa Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:檔案參考服務、線上參考服務、檔案應用、數位檔案應用 / Archive is a treasury of government knowledge and humankind culture record. It has a significant meaning for every level from individual to entire nation and society. Archive application plays an essential role, and it is required to provide the convenient tool for searching, therefore enables users to search easily, so that the archive’s value of existing and function can be manifested.
Reference service is the most important part in reader service. It represents the image of external service, and has a significant influence on Archives’ reputation as well. The quality of reference service influences the image of Archival Repositories. The reference service satisfaction of a user is oftentimes equivalent to his satisfaction toward the entire Archives. Accompanied with the prosperity of the network technology and the emphasis of personalized service trend, archive reference service not only continues to provide traditional reference service but also has formed up in digital online reference service, with the ideal purpose of reaching without time and space limitations, providing users to inquire and access in a far distance.
The research adopts “Documentary analysis”, “In-depth interview”, and Website content analysis methods to analyze the practice of the reference service in the past and present, the attitude and respond of archive personnel to the reference service, the scheme of establishing personalized information service, and the trend of archive users looking forward to the online reference service. The research is based on the qualitative methodology.
The four cases studied in this research paper are National Archives Administration, Academia Historica, Taiwan Historica and the Archives of Institute of Modern History of Academia Sinica Interviewees are the super visors, archivists who are in charge of reference service and users who use archival materials frequently. They expressed suggestions on textual reference service and online reference service, their viewpoints,and their visions in the hope of sharing with the archival institutions.
The research has six findings concluded as follow:
1. Archive reference service needs to be improved urgently, and its content should aim to be multi-dimensional and abundant.
2. Reference services policy, practical procedure, and standardized practice protocol need to be formed up urgently for the staff and users to follow.
3. It has a gradual tendency toward the online reference service, emphasizing on its imminence and accuracy, and having a good sense of user’s informational need and behavior.
4. To enhance the staff training on their abilities of need assessment and network information exploitation, and to focus on their fundamental accomplishment and core ability, such as service attitude and answering ability to reference questions.
5. To upgrade the service quality, putting the ideal of serving readers into practice, and to intensify the wideness and depth of the service.
6.Impact of archive digitalization to reference service.
According to the research result, six suggestions can be made as follow:
1. The digital resources and information technology should be exploited for the archives integration of the whole nation and the cooperation between Archives.
2. To establish the service concept from the viewpoints of user. More specifically, reference service personnel needs to understand the personal need of every user.
3. To customize archive reference service working process and the relevant regulations, based on Archives scale, organization, Archival data, Archives establishing purpose, and service object accordingly.
4. Due to the external changing environment and network technology improvement, Archives party should plan the complete on-the-job education and learning system for archive reference service staff.
5. To pay attention to reference service and plan multi-dimensional and abundant service items, satisfying researcher’s need by all means, in order to establish knowledge-oriented archival service environment.
6. Sitting up distant and update digital reference service to assist users in searching information.
7. Providing a channel for users to comment to meet users' research need.
8. To enhance its promotion and marketing, and develop the knowledge and accomplishment of archive, in order to encourage all parties to exploit archives widely.
Keywords:Archives reference services, Online reference services,
Archive Application, Digital Archive Application.
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Web2.0線上影音產業以YouTube為核心之龍捲風暴分析 / The “Inside the Tornado” Analysis of Web2.0 Online Video Industry, Core Case: YouTube李廷芳, Li,Ting- Fang Unknown Date (has links)
Web2.0締造了許多創業神話與熱潮,但是往往能夠迅速火紅的網站鳳毛麟角,因此本研究以網際網路史以來使用者擴散最快的網站- YouTube做為核心個案,共12個研究個案,研究兩個問題:
1. YouTube使用者能迅速擴散、人氣起飛的原因為何?
2. 類似的概念許多影音分享網站比YouTube先做、有的和YouTube同時做,為何是YouTube第一個吃下市場,而非所謂有先進者優勢的創新公司?網路是服務複製十分快速的產業,面對後起者的大企業挾金彈攻擊模仿,YouTube為何仍能屹立不搖?
早在1997年,在頻寬成本都還很高的時候,ifilm就已經開始了線上影片上傳的服務,後續也推出免費上傳影片。Break(1998) 也以主打男性幽默,累積了很高的影片數量,然而當時相關環境卻還不成熟,部落格和線上相簿分享都不普遍。。在2003~ 2005年間,同時有Metacafe(2003)、Grouper(2004)、Sharkle(2004)、Vimeo (2004)、Veoh (2005)、Revver (2005)等影音分享網站各自以精緻影評、P2P、藝術取性、利潤共享等概念切入市場。從YouTube(2005.2)的成長可看到一段不斷嘗試錯誤的過程,從一開始主打美女影片概念、「你的數位儲藏庫」、「上傳、標籤並與世界分享你的影片」、最後出現富有Web2.0精神、彰顯自我的「Broadcast your self」,Slogan改了四次,使用者介面設計也有大幅的改變,程式上也對處理遽增的流量做了大量調整。
資源豐富的大公司Yahoo! 在面對YouTube的成長無所知覺,堅守影片搜尋,錯失先機;而Google雖然比YouTube早推出,但卻仍從搜尋出發,並且對使用者上傳有嚴格的限制,歷經轉型線上影片商店失敗,最後以16.5億美金收購YouTube收場(2006.11)。YouTube發展出「嵌入影片」的功能 (2005.6),使用者以病毒式擴散,MySpace成為其流量的主要來源 (超過20%),引發MySpace自家推出MySpace video (2006),誓言複製一個YouTube。但YouTube腳步並未因為複製而停下,隨著創意影片越來越多,持續針對使用者需求開發新功能,不斷快速設計、測試與修改,YouTube是與使用者共同開發、一同成長,成為YouTube魅力所在。
本研究發現:(一)在嶄新的產業或原創的領域中,學習對象並非專家或權威,而是市場。對於願景的堅持,不斷的針對市場修改,才是持續成長的原因。(二)連結比產能重要,應同時啟動網絡效應與間接網路效應:找到巨人的肩膀,有效利用外部資源,專注自己的核心(三)網路產業複製迅速,先進者難有優勢。優勢來自於企業能夠快速跟上環境脈動的反應力和市場觀察力。並且從利基市場出發,與使用者共同演化完整商品(四)草根策略:大量試驗以聆聽使用者的聲音,速度比正確重要,追求「夠好」而非「最好」,培養能讓創新不斷生長出來的土壤。(五)如果不能有效的輸入知識,核心能力=核心僵固。 / “Web2.0” creates lots of entrepreneur legends and becomes a new trend. But only few of the Web 2.0 websites can grow and become very popular. Therefore, this study picks “YouTube”, the fastest growing website in the Internet history as its core case, and it includes 12 study subjects in total.
The two research questions are listed below.
1. Why did YouTube grow so fast?
2. The concept of video sharing which YouTube provided appeared frequently. Some of the websites started their service first; some of them did similar things at the same time. Why not the other competitors who had first mover advantage could win, but YouTube won? One of the characteristics of Internet Industry is “easy to copy”. When facing the competition of big companies which duplicate their idea and attacked with abundant resources, why did YouTube still survive?
Ifilm (1997) started its online video sharing business when the cost of bandwidth was still very high. And it served online videos for free afterwards. Break (1998) featured male’s humor, attracted a large number of videos. However, the related environment was not ready. Blog and online photo sharing were not popular at that time. In 2003 to 2005, lots of similar competitors such as Metacafe (2003), Grouper(2004), Sharkle(2004), Vimeo (2004), Veoh (2005), and Revver (2005) established. Some of them used P2P technology; some of them had great editor reviews, and the others provided revenue sharing model. On the other hand, YouTube’s growth came from continuous try-and-error. It failed to be a hotties video sharing website in the begining, and then tried to be “Your Digital Repository”, “Upload, Tag and Share Your Video Worldwide”, and now positions itself as a website for “broadcast yourself” which represents the spirit of Web 2.0. The slogan of YouTube has changed for four times, and the user interface has also changed dramatically. When facing increasing users and videos, YouTube tuned their program very often as well.
Yahoo! lost the timing of catching up. Because it stayed in its core capability- search. Although Google video got online a little bit earlier than YouTube, it still started from video search. Moreover, the upload policy is too strict. Google ended up with acquiring YouTube for 1.65 billion dollars after the failure of operating an online video store (2006.11). YouTube developed “Embed” feature and caused a viral spread. MySpace became its main upstream (over 20%). That made myspace build its own “MySpace video” service and vowed to duplicate a similar service as YouTube. Neverthless, YouTube was not stopped by MySpace’s reaction. As creative videos became more and more, YouTube continued developing new features to fit users’ needs. It rapidly went through the cycle of “build-design-test”. Because YouTube grew with its users, co-development with the users became its charisma.
The findings are as following. (1) In a developing industry or a new field, the gurus are not experts or authorities, but are the market audience. The insistency of vision and the will to change with the market are the reasons why YouTube continues to grow. (2) Both network effect and indirect network effect should start and be used simultaneous. Linkage is more important than productivity. Take advantage of external resourses efficiently; especially take advantages of those giants in the other industry. Concentrate on company’s own core capability. (3) Because duplication happens often in the Internet industry, the first mover advantage seldom exits. The real advantage is from the ability of quick reaction and deep consumer observation. (4) Grass strategy: using a large scale testing to hear the voices of consumers. The changing speed is more important then accuracy. Pursue “good enough” solution, not “the best” one. The formation of enterprise strategy is like growing grass. The point is keeping the soil fertile and keeping it free to grow. (5) Core capability will be core rigidity if one company can not input knowledge into its organization.
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