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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

影響線上唱歌網站之顧客忠誠度之整合模式研究 / Influence on Customer Loyalty of Online KTV–An Integrated Model

向玲萱 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以「線上唱歌網站」為研究標的,探討使用者對於線上唱歌網站所重視的服務內容,以及影響其顧客忠誠度之重要因素。透過與線上唱歌服務的業者訪談,並回顧相關文獻,以提高顧客忠誠度為課題,探討服務品質、服務價值、虛擬社群及顧客忠誠度之間的關係。 本研究以個案線上唱歌網站的會員為研究對象,並且與國內各家線上唱歌業者進行訪談,設計本研究架構與內容。其後對個案公司的會員進行網路問卷調查,蒐集使用者的意見進行分析,提出結果與建議,作為線上唱歌網站服務方向及經營管理之參考。研究結果如下: 一、 使用者對線上唱歌網站的認知服務水準會影響其整體服務品質 二、 整體服務品質對服務價值有正向影響 三、 不同的使用動機對不同構面的服務品質之期望服務水準有顯著不同 四、 虛擬社群參與度對使用者顧客忠誠度有正向影響 五、 服務價值在整體服務品質對顧客忠誠度之關係具中介作用 六、 服務價值與使用者顧客忠誠度有正向影響

代購的經濟模式與其帶來之影響 – 以中國市場為例 / A Study on the Business Models and the Impacts of Daigou – Taking Chinese Market as an Example

沈嘉慈, Sham, Kachi Unknown Date (has links)
“Daigou” (代購), a term originally from mainland China, has become a robust industry and novel business model in China for a few years with the market expanding 19 times between 2008 and 2012. Due to government intervention and trust-related problems, Daigou market size has been in decline since 2014 with sales volume of only about 40 billion CNY in 2015 (as compared to 57 billion CNY in 2014). In order to fully understand what Daigou is and how it works, this paper focuses on the Chinese market. The Thesis not only investigates many aspects of the Daigou industry including its key elements, target products, customer groups, market potentials, development trends, and influences, but also sums up all information about the current Daigou market in China and to analyze how its future may be. As Daigou business grows from startup to maturity, different problems and opportunities arise, demanding different business solutions. The change of business models is necessary to suit today’s market needs because what worked a year ago might no longer be the best approach nowadays. The evolution of Daigou is presented by making use of five major business models to show how each business model changed to keep up with the market. The impacts of diverse factors on different business models and to the individuals, community and other businesses, are also covered with the use of literature review, personal interviews and qualitative research.

健保醫療費用審查自動化之研究 / The Research of Automatic Peer Review in National Health Insurance

王復中, Wang, Fu-Chung Unknown Date (has links)
全民健康保險自實施以來,透過危險分擔與社會互助的原則,降低了民眾就醫時的財務障礙,進而促進了全體國民的健康。可是由於收入成長減緩與支出不斷增加的情形,使得這個制度目前已面臨嚴重的財務危機,然而在目前政治與經濟環境的雙重影響之下,健保收入已無法有效增加,因此努力控制醫療費用支出,便成為當務之急。但是全民健康保險是一項社會福利政策,不能因為控制醫療費用而降低了醫療品質。如何將醫療資源有效分配,以便減少醫療資源浪費、維持醫療品質並減輕醫療費用的支出,便需依賴一個良好的審查制度。 然而對於醫療費用的審查,不管在設計、分析、控管乃至評估上,都是知識密集的工作,而且審查的過程還必須藉由專業審查者的參與始能完成,因此如何善用資訊科技予以適當之輔助,便成為醫務管理上一個非常重要的議題。 本研究使用健保局北區分局感冒等疾病之就醫資料作為樣本,在分析過國內外對醫療費用審查的建議方式後,嘗試設計一個新的自動化審查機制,並發展一套以資料發掘為基礎的自動化審查雛型系統,希望能在醫療院所申報的記錄中找出共同的規則,並利用這些規則自動將有問題的資料篩選出來,幫助健保局與專業審查者將焦點集中在有問題的資料上,以便能更有效率的進行審查的工作。 本研究所得到的結果,經健保局人員與專業審查醫師檢視後,認為確實可行,除了證明資料發掘技術可以有效地應用在醫療費用審查,並帶來可觀的效益之外,還達到有效降低審查人力、提昇審查效率的目的。而對於這種自動篩選出異常的審查方式,應如何實際加以應用,本研究也提出了具體的建議架構及實施步驟,供健保局在未來建立自動化審查制度時的參考依據。

中文電子資源合作編目規範之研究 / A study of cooperative cataloging specifications in Chinese electronic resources

曾秋香, Tseng, Chiou Shaing Unknown Date (has links)
電腦網際網路的日益蓬勃發展,帶動各種資訊媒體的不斷興起。面對網路資源的豐富化與多樣化,如何有系統的組織與整理多元出版形式的電子資源,以達到有效的書目控制,是圖書館當前面臨的重大挑戰。本研究旨在研究圖書館對圖書資訊組織的規範,是否也能適用在網路資源的組織。採用個案研究法,探討OCLC對網路資源編目所推動CORC系統所依循的規範內容;再用實驗研究法,實地利用現行的中文編目規範在政治大學圖書館的自動化系統上編一百筆中文網路資源,以瞭解其適用性。   本研究發現OCLC的CORC研究計畫,含有許多特色:提供圖書館有效組織並控制網路資源組織的工具;可提供多種建檔格式及多種顯示及輸出格式;可同時截取多筆書目自動編目;提供Pathfinder的功能;提供全球圖書館共同分享合作編目的成果等。在實驗研究時,發現利用現有的編目規範整理中文網路資源是可行;電子資源的館藏發展政策是很重要;圖書館自動化系統需具備連結與維護URL的功能、應注意使用該網路資源的配備等。   根據研究結果對中文網路資源作業規範提出幾個結論:作業規範是合作編目的基本要素;現有編目規範可適用;訂定網路資源的評選原則;網路資源書目著錄有許多特色;中文網路資源應著錄的欄位等。同時提出幾個建議:成立常設機構探討與研訂電子資源的編目規範;各圖書館應成立一個電子資源工作小組;開發自動編目的自動化系統;開發可以容納併存多種建檔、顯示與輸出的metadata;促進華文網路資源合作編目的組織機制等。

大中華地區跨域實境事業之創新經營模式─以KTV產業為例 / An Innovative Business Model of Across Area Service - A Case Study of KTV Industry

李旗川 Unknown Date (has links)
在大中華地區,與親朋好友至實體店面KTV唱歌是極為常見的娛樂方式,但近年來至外地念書以及至外地工作的情形屢見不鮮,因此要與親友齊聚一堂、共同歡唱實屬不易。本研究的目的乃是要提出一種創新服務的經營模式,藉由現有攝影、投影和軟體技術的組合與改良,搭配空間情境的塑造,打破地域的限制,滿足不同地區親友與網友跨地域聚會歡唱的需求。 為了找出可行的商業模式,本研究透過實地訪查臺北、北京、深圳以及雲南等地的實體店面KTV,以比較各地經營模式與服務內容的差異性;並透過實際嘗試使用線上KTV網站,以了解目前線上KTV的營運模式與優缺點;更透過訪談各類潛在消費者以及問卷調查與分析,來確認目標客群並評估目標市場的大小。本研究從調查中發現,此種跨域實境的服務除了可以滿足各地親友互相聯繫的需求外,還可滿足商業溝通、愛唱歌者媒合以及陌生網友聯誼等需求。本研究針對這四種需求的目標客群,設計不同的行銷計畫與收費方式,並提出階段性的事業發展計畫。 / In the Greater China region, singing at KTV with friends and family members is a very common entertainment. Studying and working outside the hometown has become very popular recently, so if you want to sing and gather with family and friends it may be quite difficult. The purpose of this study is to propose an innovative service business model, by combining and improving the existing photography, projection and software technology. The purpose will be achieved by shaping space scenarios, creating innovative goods and services that can break the geographical restrictions, and will give people opportunity to gather together. In order to find the viable business model, in this study I will compare differences between business model and services in KTVs in Taipei, Beijing, Guangzhou and Yunnan. I will try to use the online KTV site to learn the operating mode, pros and cons of online KTV, interview potential consumers, use the questionnaire survey, and then evaluate the size of the target market, identifying target customers and a viable business model. After being verified and amended repeatedly, this service will not only satisfy the demand of those, who want to gather with relatives and friends, but will also satisfy the demand of commercial communication, matching the people who love singing, and will also satisfy the activities of unfamiliar netizens. In this study, according to the demand for these four target customers, different marketing plans and charging methods will be designed, and phased development plan will be proposed.


林敏 Unknown Date (has links)
海關一向在我國整體經貿發展中扮演重要的角色,近年來,為因應快遞業務、國際物流中心的崛起等國際貿易型態的轉變,正逐步引進新的經營理念,推動業者自主管理,並於貨物通關流程中引進風險管理理念;自1995年全面實施海空運貨物通關自動化以來,通關流程中各作業點均已納入自動化範疇,但因現行資訊系統只適合在系統規範的模式下提供資訊,難以依據不同的決策需求靈活、隨意組合查詢條件,迅速產生所需資訊,亦無法提供多樣性的趨勢資訊供決策階層運用。 商業智慧系統的出現,就是利用企業在日常經營過程中搜集的大量資料,將它們轉化為資訊和知識,提供決策階層使用;本研究針對海關決策分析資訊需求進行商業智慧應用設計,並探討前述科技對提升資訊作業與展示效益的可能改善,以及分析性資料的方便取得對管理面及決策的支援程度。 經由本研究獲得以下結論:應用商業智慧,資訊系統可依據需求適時提供正確資訊,提升資訊作業之效益;應用於電子通關作業,因多維度分析資料的方便取得,能迅速掌握決定通關方式的相關因素,可提升通關作業效益,此外,亦能藉由相關分析資訊的輔助,提升海關行政管理效能。 / Customs service has been playing an important role in the country’s trade development. In the past years, to respond to the emerging of the express business and global logistics, the Customs is introducing new concept into its operation including promoting autonomous management and adopting the principle of risk management in deciding how goods are cleared through Customs. Although the automated cargo clearance system, which was implemented in 1995, has covered all the cargo clearance procedures, it can only provide information in a predefined specification. Being a transaction system, it can hardly meet the decision-making requirements which often contain flexible query conditions, not to mention providing a wide variety of trend information to the top executives. Business Intelligence System can integrate data gathering from daily business operation and transform them into information and knowledge for decision making. By designing a Business Intelligence application according to Customs decision analysis requirements, this study explore how Customs can benefit from this technology in information management and information presentation as well as the effect of easy access to analytical information on Customs administration and decision making. The study reaches the conclusion that, by adopting Business Intelligence, information system can easily deliver the right thing to the right person at the right time. Customs clearance efficiency can be enhanced as well because Business Intelligence facilitate multi-dimensional analysis on factors related to ways of clearance. In addition, with the help of analytical information, Customs can also raise its efficiency in administration.

高等教育分層在傳統與非同步教學環境對學習成效之影響 / Influence of the Stratification of Higher Education on Students’ Learning Effectiveness by and F2F and ALN Environments

游聖瑾, Yu, Sheng Chin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用實驗法,控制會影響高等教育課堂學生學習成效因素中的教學者、課程設計和網路教學系統這三個變項,來觀察學校行政和學習環境以及學生個人特性差異對學生學習社群發展和學習成效的影響。以一所國立研究型大學和一所私立技術學院各2班學生為實驗觀察對象。 研究結果發現:(1) 高等教育的階層化導致兩類型校學生在對學校行政和學習環境的認知以及學生個人特性有顯著差異;(2)在傳統面授和非同步線上教學裡,兩類型學校的學生對學校環境認知和個人特性差異的不同影響「學習社群發展」。(3)在傳統面授和非同步線上教學裡,兩類型學校的學生對學校環境認知和個人特性差異的不同影響「學習成效」。(4)在相似的數位環境下,使兩校學生的資訊對稱,即非同步遠距線上教學環境可以削弱學校環境以及個人特性背景對學習成效所造成的影響,拉近優勢與弱勢族群的差距,驗證線上學習系統支援跨校遠距教學可提升學生學習成效。 / Findings indicated that: (1) the categorization of higher education institutions in Taiwan indeed created a “differentiating” effect; (2) Both in traditional classroom settings and an asynchronous online learning environment, recognition of school environment and students’ characteristics do affect how learning communities are formed; (3) In asynchronous online learning, school type does affect how students learn and their learning outcomes; (4) In similar learning environments, an asynchronous online learning environment will lower the impact of the school environment and students’ characteristics on interactive models of learning communities, thereby narrowing the gap between dominant and fringe groups.

行政機關公文線上簽核系統推動之研究:以交通部觀光局為例 / The Study of Document On-Line Approval In Government:Case Study of A Tourist Agency

陳宜珊 Unknown Date (has links)
面對科技的發展、普遍應用,及節能減紙的環保綠能意識抬頭,行政院研 究發展考核委員會於民國98 年3 月頒佈電子公文節能減紙推動計畫,以「省時、 省力、省紙張」為目標,並規劃於民國101 年全面完成公文全程線上簽核系統。 對行政機關而言,這個系統的推動,本質上是一種工作方法及工作流程的變革。 因此本研究以組織變革的觀點,觀察公文線上簽核系統推動在機關中所產生的 變革歷程,並以Wixom & Watson 的資訊系統模式為架構,透過訪談個案機關人 員並,探析個案機關組織面、技術面及專案面的關鍵成功因素。 首先,本研究發現,個案機關公文線上簽核系統推動所產生的變革歷程中, 採取了「計劃式變革」及「漸進式變革」的方式來推動,其推動歷程包含一、 系統設計規劃、建置,二、上線測試、教育訓練、駐點,三、正式上線等三階 段,其過程係對應Lewin 三階段變革理論模式。 而個案機關在推動公文線上簽核系統過程中,其關鍵成功因素包含一、組 織構面因素:(一)高階管理者支持;(二)相關單位支持;(三)漸進式、計畫 式的推動計畫;二、專案構面因素:(一)使用者參與程度;(二)專案團隊技 能;三、技術構面因素:(一)系統品質;(二)技術品質;四、使用者構面: (一)使用者資訊素養;(二)使用容易度認知。依據Wixom & Watson 之觀點 架構中,認為可供使用資源是關鍵成功因素,然而本研究發現該項因素並非影 響個案機關推動的關鍵成功因素,並發現在組織構面因素中「漸進式及計畫式 的推動計畫」,及使用者構面的「使用者資訊素養」、「使用容易度認知」等這三 項是Wixom & Watson 之觀點架構中未強調的因素,因此本研究之研究結果修正 及補充了Wixom & Watson 資訊系統成功因素理論的架構。

台灣大學生對網路影音新聞可信度之影響因素研究 / The study of factor and impact of Taiwanese student on credibility of online video news

林俊孝, Lin, Chun Hsiao Unknown Date (has links)
近來國內網路社群逐漸普及,國內翻拍網路影音新聞已經成為電視新聞的重要素材來源。不少人宣稱Web2.0平台之後,使用者自創內容(user-generated content)得以擴大公民參與,但學界與實務界都有正反兩面的評價,本研究將從長期使用網路影音內容的台灣大學生,探查網路影音新聞可信度的影響因素為何? 本研究採用紙本問卷調查,隨機抽樣國內十三所大專院校,有效樣本共達731份,研究結果顯示:(1)大學生主要獲知新聞訊息的管道為網路,公民影音素材對於電視新聞採用作為報導題材而言具其重要性,娛樂影音素材則衝擊新聞專業。(2)電視採用網路影音可信度及網路影音可信度皆獲得較低可信度評價,但在公民參與社會發展上有其意義。(3)大學生使用網路動機上愈偏離求知動機,且重視社交動機;愈注意電視採用網路影音作為素材的新聞,以及愈認同公民影音素材認知與娛樂影音素材認知會有傾向愈高的電視新聞採用網路影音專業可信度,另外,大學生使用網路動機上愈重視社交動機;越注意電視採用網路影音作為素材的新聞,以及愈認同公民影音素材認知與娛樂影音素材認知,會有傾向愈高的電視新聞採用網路影音參與可信度。(4)大學生使用網路動機上愈偏離求知動機;愈注意電視採用網路影音作為素材的新聞,以及愈認同娛樂影音素材認知會有傾向愈高的網路影音內容可信度,另外,大學生使用網路動機上愈偏向求知動機、社交動機與娛樂動機,以及愈認同公民影音素材、娛樂影音素材,會有傾向愈高的網路影音社會可信度。研究顯示網路影音可信度上雖然存疑,但對整體公民社會發展上,有其不容抹滅的意義。 / Social networks have been popular in Taiwan recently, and the online videos becomes the main source of TV news. An argument arises whether user-generated content can enhance civic participation after the appearance of Web 2.0 platform. Therefore, the purpose of thesis aims to examine the news credibility of Internet video news among Taiwanese college students who used to watch video content. The survey employed random sampling to collect 731 valid samples among 13 colleges. The important results of this thesis are listed as below: 1. Internet is the main outlet to gain news information for college students. Civic video is important theme of TV news, while entertainment video content has negative impact on journalism. 2. Both TV news which adapt Internet video and Internet video news have low credibility. 3a. College students who have lower information seeking motive and higher sociability motive for Internet use pay more attention on TV news which adapted Internet videos. 3b. College students who are more identified with civic videos and entertainment videos more likely think TV news which adapted videos have credibility. 3c. College students who have higher sociability motive for Internet use pay more attention on TV news which adapt online videos; 3d. College students who are more identified with civic videos and entertainment videos more likely think TV news which adapted videos have credibility. 4. College students who have less information seeking motives for Internet use pay more attention on TV news which adapt online videos, and college students who are more likely identified with entertainment news video have more credibility on Internet video news. In general, there are positive significant difference between online video credibility and the motives of information seeking, sociability, and entertainment. The results showed that although the credibility of online video is still in doubt, it still have positive devotions.

從企業角度探討O2O的關鍵成功因素 / The Critical Success Factors of Online to Offline Business Model – A Business Perspective

楊欣庭, Yang, Abby S.T. Unknown Date (has links)
O2O 是一個嶄新的商業模式,透過網路上的服務提供導引線上消費者到線下店面進行消費或是取用實體服務。在近年,O2O迅速成為眾企業討論的話題。除了知名零售和電子商務企業,O2O商業模式以在各行各業中逐漸發展,舉例來說,知名零售業的Walmart和Target; 服飾業的Uniqlo和GAP; 配件-眼鏡的Warby Parker和餐飲業麥當勞和Instacart。業界充滿林林種種的實際個案,但學術上卻缺乏完整的研究來說明O2O的現況,我們不了解O2O的定義和範圍,甚至對於企業來說,到底該如何成功地實現O2O的精華。此篇研究的目的是希望能提供企業更具體了解O2O的概觀,並可以檢視在規劃一個O2O專案的發展需要有哪些關鍵成功因素。 基於之前少數的文獻和大量從網路、報章雜誌所蒐集的業界個案,我們的研究透過這些資料蒐集分為兩階段研究。第一階段,根據蒐集的資料,我們建立五種型態的O2O 商業模式 –(1) Commerce O2O; (2) Try-on O2O; (3) Promotional O2O; (4) Experience O2O; and (5) Crowdsourcing O2O。我們專注在promotional O2O的五家在台灣企業的個案研究。第二階段,根據文獻我們先定義出可能的關鍵成功因素列表,再舉辦深入的企業訪談,透過訪談的方式來驗證並修改原本的關鍵成功因素列表,為3個分類-(1)4個技術關鍵成功因素: 系統操作友善, User Interface 設計, 精確的定位, 穩定的IT系統承載的能力;(2)5個管理關鍵成功因素-管理者支持, 客戶關係管理, 使用者參與方案設計, 專案執行的高貫徹度, 專案的監控管理追蹤;(3)4個組織關鍵成功因素-完整的人員訓練, 線上線下的流程無縫整合, 不斷創新與思考方向, 明確的專案目標。最後,我們希望這篇研究可以幫助企業更了解O2O商業模式,並且幫助他們有效的發展O2O專案。 / Online-to-Offline (O2O), a brand-new business model that drives online visitors to purchase in-store by offering services online, has received a great deal of attention. In addition to well-known retailers and ecommerce businesses, the O2O business model has been adopted by companies across a variety of industries, such as Target and Macy's in retailing, GAP and Uniqlo in apparel, Warby Parker in accessories and McDonald’s and Instacart in food. However, less attention has been paid in the literature to the clear definition and scope of both online and offline businesses in the O2O business model, and there is limited understanding of how to build a successful O2O project. The objective of this study is to organize comprehensive information for the O2O business model and to examine the critical success factors (CSFs) for building O2O business models. Based on the literature and case studies of the O2O business model, this study builds a framework for data collection and is conducted in two stages. First, we build a preliminary finding regarding the five major types of O2O business models—(1) Commerce O2O; (2) Try-on O2O; (3) Promotional O2O; (4) Experience O2O; and (5) Crowdsourcing O2O—based on the literature and more than 50 practical cases and select five promotional O2O companies in Taiwan as our focus. Second, we conduct an in-depth case study on selected cases related to possible CSFs for successful O2O implementation. The critical success factors (CSFs) for building O2O business models are–(1) Four factors of technological dimension- User Interface design, Ease of use application, Accurately located function and IT load balancing capability; (2) Five factors of management dimension- Management support, Good CRM system, Strategic execution capability, Actively involve end users in solution design and Measure, monitor, and track; (3) Four factors of organization dimension- Complete staff training, Seamless the process of online and offline channels, Reinvent the company's future and Establish a clear project goal. The research results not only provide a complete O2O overview but also verify and enhance the list of CSFs for building O2O business models. It is hoped that we can gain a better understanding of the O2O business model from these cases and thus help companies develop effective plans for building O2O projects.

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