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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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台灣遊戲產業經營策略之個案研究 / A case study of business strategy on Taiwan game industry

黃勝田 Unknown Date (has links)
2009數位內容白皮書中指出,我國數位遊戲產業在金融海嘯的環境下,因宅經濟和社交遊戲的興起,以及海外市場授權奏效而有顯著的突破,2009年遊戲產值約為新台幣354億, 相較2008年成長約為25.09%,其中以電腦遊戲(含線上遊戲)為主要區隔,佔整體產值90%以上。而大陸地區的整體產值約四倍於台灣地區,大約是新台幣1200億上下(見2009年中國網絡遊戲市場白皮書)。台灣遊戲產業原本就已經競爭激烈,隨著兩岸經貿往來愈來越密切,以及政策上的鬆綁,將為台灣的遊戲產業帶來更多的競爭變數和機會。 個案公司原本的產品僅有商用遊戲機,在產業競爭與追求業績成長的考量下,於2000年新增個人電腦遊戲的設計與研發,隨後更在2003年進軍線上遊戲市場,其策略形成和轉折為何?而個案公司的經營績效和表現也優於大部分其他遊戲公司,個案公司有何競爭優勢和過人之處也是本研究動機所在之一。 本研究主要探討台灣遊戲產業發展現況與個案公司的經營策略為主,本個案研究藉由廣泛的資料蒐集與個案訪談的方式,希望達成的目的有: 1. 經由產業分析,了解台灣地區遊戲業者所面臨的困難與挑戰,如何進行策略佈局以及策略執行運作的方向和方法。 2. 透過個案資料分析與深度訪談,及學術文獻探討印證,分析個案公司的經營策略,從學術上的角度給予適當的建議,並做為台灣地區遊戲業者的參考。

家庭飲食管理暨線上購物平台創業計畫 / Business Plan of Household Diet Management and e-Commerce

王馥容, Wang, Judy Unknown Date (has links)
This business plan is about a system that integrates the process of diet from planning, execution, and result tracking. The author has noticed the wide penetration of smart phone in Taiwan, and the unique benefit of health care mobile device application software (“Apps”) in preventing diseases and managing individual health that traditional medical service fall short to offer. She also has witnessed the growing trend of ecommerce in Taiwan that the items being traded online have further expended to food and grocery. Her idea is to link the diet plan, grocery shopping, and body measurement tracking all together on the same platform to provide household a simple, efficient, and effective way to lead a health life. The system of this business plan doesn’t involve with any new technology, either is it the first diet related software on the market. But it is the first one that links the process with online food and grocery shopping, which is able to help consumers save a lot of time. Another competitive advantage is, unlike competitors offering single objective/method of diet, the nutrition knowledge on this system is designed to be open-sourced, which means it can be applied on diet of all purposes. Consumers are able to choose the diet method that is most effective on them. The business plan is meaningful to carry out. First of all, the usage of Apps is proved to have the positive effect on users’ health. It helps them to understand the linkage of their behavior and health level. It also increases users’ self-accountability on their own health. Second, this system is expected to boots behavior of cooking at home by mitigating the pain in shopping and providing incentive by it with diet. Cooking at home is foundation of healthy eating. The two together is able to enhance the health consciousness and health management implementation at both individual and household level. If wildly adapted, it will be able enhance overall health level of the nation. It will save medical expense, and burden on national health insurance. People of Taiwan will live in a high quality life with better health status. This business is also profitable to carry out, if executed properly. Unlike other items, food and grocery are things that customers have to purchase periodically. Thus, it brings in most stable and sustainable sales. The reason online food and grocery grows slower than other items is because it required substantial trust from customers, which is possible to achieve with sufficient quality control and promotion. Once it is built, such revenue is more resilient than other items which can stand economy downturn. The online shopping of this system is also designed to be an open platform which linked with multiple sellers. The revenue is transaction fee. By investing in this attractive and value added system to customers, investors will be able to enjoy the benefit from growing online food and grocery market. However, since this system doesn’t involve with new technology, it might be mimicked by competitors quickly. The key to success is to attract as many users as possible in a short period of time, leaving no room of survival for late comers. Therefore, this business is more suitable for blue-chip internet/software companies, like Yahoo, or eBay, or Amazon in US, books.com in Taiwan(博客來) …etc. With their existing experience in system development, customer service, and abundant capital, they are able to make this move fast and accurate. To them, developing this business is like opening another revenue stream with the least effort.


張誌銘 Unknown Date (has links)
數位內容產業的五個核心子產業中,數位學習產業是台灣具有相對較佳全球競爭力的領域。本研究從購買者的角度出發,引用科技接受模式(TAM) ,建構消費性數位學習產品之產品特性如何影響產品購買者之知覺及產品滿意度的評估模式,並進一步根據研究結果對業者提出具體建議。 本研究透過文獻瞭解影響數位學習產品購買者滿意度的產品特性及變數間之路徑關係,進而發展研究問卷;以大台北地區之購買者為樣本進行問卷調查;應用敘述性統計、路徑分析及單因子變異數分析等統計方法及問卷調查所得資料進行分析與推論。 根據有效樣本的歸納結果發現,購買者以36~40歲、大專學歷、從商、家庭每月總收入約8萬至12萬間者為多。顯示此產品的購買者主要以小康家庭的父母為主。 由路徑分析結果可知,數位學習產品的三項重要特性當中,產品互動性是影響產品滿意度之最重要因素,內容豐富性次之,產品便利性又次之。反應出購買者最重視數位學習產品是否能夠有效做到介面互動、教材互動與人際互動。此外,購買者亦相當重視產品內容能否幫助購買者減輕經濟負擔及教改一綱多本所導致的困擾。 路徑分析結果亦揭露了購買者對數位學習產品的知覺有用性較知覺易用性對產品滿意度有更大的影響;因此,業者在媒體行銷策略之重點上,仍難免如傳統補教業者訴諸見證的廣宣手法;此外,業者也應進一歩進行數位學習學習與認知之基礎研究,實質探討如何有效提升購買者之知覺有用性。 由單因子變異數分析結果可知,購買者的背景差異會影響其產品滿意度。因此,業者可以在市場區隔、產品組合、定價方式等政策執行面上考量更有彈性做法;並根據顧客資料,重點加強客服作業,彌補業務通路體系之不足,以建立更佳的產品口碑。 / In five nucleus sub- industries of the digital content industry, the e-learning industry is the realm that Taiwan has an opposite global competitive advantage. This study bases on the angle of purchaser, quotes from the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), tries to construct a valuation model to study how characteristics of e-learning products could influence the consciousness and the product satisfaction of the purchaser. Furthermore, this study will make suggestions to the suppliers according to the statistical analysis. We develop a questionnaire after recognizing the path relations between the variables and the characteristics (convenience, interaction, content abundance) which influence the e-learning product satisfaction through the previous studies. Then carry on analysis and inferences by applying convenience sampling, description statistical analysis, path analysis, and single factor variation analysis etc. According to the valid samples, it induces that middle-class families are the mainly purchaser group of ladder100. And by the path analysis, the results show that the interaction is the most important of three factors which influence the e-learning product satisfaction, and then sequentially the content abundance and the product convenience. The path analysis also reveals that purchasers’ perceived usefulness has greater influence to the e-learning product satisfaction than purchasers’ perceived ease –of –use. By single factor variation analysis, we know that purchasers’ different back ground will influence their product satisfaction.


郭家融 Unknown Date (has links)
數位時代,媒體的敘事語言產生許多變異與革新,諸多理論、觀念與想像不斷萌發,同時具體的實驗和作品也不斷在數位媒體的發展下產生。本研究嘗試在理論與實務之間,求取一個對話與測試的實踐空間,一方面進行數位敘事的理論整理與思考,一方面則將這些理論想像具體化,建構出一個實際的數位敘事實驗作品。 本研究分為兩個部分,第一個部分是「關於數位敘事的幾種理論與思考」,包括了數位敘事的理論整理,如互動非線性敘事、後設敘事、互文性與資料庫、解放性書寫、真實與虛擬、銀幕空間、共時性敘事與有機敘事文本等等,並經由一些電玩遊戲和電影文本的觀察,提出了互動非線性敘事需要的可能是如「近文本性」的「無關緊要的敘事結構」、解構敘事元素並重新加以拼貼的「自製電影」式的後設敘事玩法、真實虛擬風格成為數位敘事主要類型文本,以及數位敘事中建構互動故事世界與空間之重要性等等的設想與思考。 第二部分則為具體的「觸景生情」網站作品(http://www.denniskuo.com/)與闡述其製作理念與過程的工作報告。「觸景生情」網站應用了Benjamin的斷裂式回憶與Bachelard的家屋想像於網路空間中,呈現一個家屋與之中的物件,點選每一個物件便會出現其代表的一段回憶,閱讀形式上成為不具前後順序的非線性結構。視覺形式上使用多媒體整合並且如同一個「線上漫畫」,以停格靜止方式提供讀者選擇進而呈現故事。主文本之外並有許多近文本的設計,如網路小遊戲、元電影資料庫介面設計、閱讀動線設計、網路攝影機使用以及對話空間平台等等。除了數位敘事上的實驗之外,最後還包括了以Web2.0為概念所設計出的網路商務模式,網站在主文本之外,有一個介面可以讓讀者上傳自己的影像、聲音或文字素材等等,經由「客制化」或「精緻化」兩種模式的選擇模式,讀者可以建立一個屬於自己的「網路動態明信片」,將想說的話透過網路或下載以多媒體方式向他人訴說。 「觸景生情」的內容在傳統媒體的範疇與定義裡是一個簡單的故事,但在數位網路化世界裡,可以藉由網際網路的特性產生許多趣味變化、閱讀方法、甚至延伸的網路商務應用,思考並呈現了數位時代敘事語言的豐富樣貌。


張誌銘 January 1994 (has links)
數位內容產業的五個核心子產業中,數位學習產業是台灣具有相對較佳全球競爭力的領域。本研究從購買者的角度出發,引用科技接受模式(TAM) ,建構消費性數位學習產品之產品特性如何影響產品購買者之知覺及產品滿意度的評估模式,並進一步根據研究結果對業者提出具體建議。 本研究透過文獻瞭解影響數位學習產品購買者滿意度的產品特性及變數間之路徑關係,進而發展研究問卷;以大台北地區之購買者為樣本進行問卷調查;應用敘述性統計、路徑分析及單因子變異數分析等統計方法及問卷調查所得資料進行分析與推論。 根據有效樣本的歸納結果發現,購買者以36~40歲、大專學歷、從商、家庭每月總收入約8萬至12萬間者為多。顯示此產品的購買者主要以小康家庭的父母為主。 由路徑分析結果可知,數位學習產品的三項重要特性當中,產品互動性是影響產品滿意度之最重要因素,內容豐富性次之,產品便利性又次之。反應出購買者最重視數位學習產品是否能夠有效做到介面互動、教材互動與人際互動。此外,購買者亦相當重視產品內容能否幫助購買者減輕經濟負擔及教改一綱多本所導致的困擾。 路徑分析結果亦揭露了購買者對數位學習產品的知覺有用性較知覺易用性對產品滿意度有更大的影響;因此,業者在媒體行銷策略之重點上,仍難免如傳統補教業者訴諸見證的廣宣手法;此外,業者也應進一歩進行數位學習學習與認知之基礎研究,實質探討如何有效提升購買者之知覺有用性。 由單因子變異數分析結果可知,購買者的背景差異會影響其產品滿意度。因此,業者可以在市場區隔、產品組合、定價方式等政策執行面上考量更有彈性做法;並根據顧客資料,重點加強客服作業,彌補業務通路體系之不足,以建立更佳的產品口碑。 / In five nucleus sub- industries of the digital content industry, the e-learning industry is the realm that Taiwan has an opposite global competitive advantage. This study bases on the angle of purchaser, quotes from the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), tries to construct a valuation model to study how characteristics of e-learning products could influence the consciousness and the product satisfaction of the purchaser. Furthermore, this study will make suggestions to the suppliers according to the statistical analysis. We develop a questionnaire after recognizing the path relations between the variables and the characteristics (convenience, interaction, content abundance) which influence the e-learning product satisfaction through the previous studies. Then carry on analysis and inferences by applying convenience sampling, description statistical analysis, path analysis, and single factor variation analysis etc. According to the valid samples, it induces that middle-class families are the mainly purchaser group of ladder100. And by the path analysis, the results show that the interaction is the most important of three factors which influence the e-learning product satisfaction, and then sequentially the content abundance and the product convenience. The path analysis also reveals that purchasers’ perceived usefulness has greater influence to the e-learning product satisfaction than purchasers’ perceived ease –of –use. By single factor variation analysis, we know that purchasers’ different back ground will influence their product satisfaction. / 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究動機 5 第三節 研究目的 6 第二章 文獻探討 7 第一節 數位學習 7 第二節 數位學習產業之現況 12 第三節 階梯數位學院 14 第四節 科技接受模型理論 18 第五節 外部變數推導 23 第六節 消費者滿意度 30 第三章 研究方法 34 第一節 研究架構及研究假說 34 第二節 研究變數之操作性定義 40 第三節 問卷設計與調查過程 43 第四節 統計分析方法 45 第四章 研究結果與分析 47 第一節 樣本基本資料分析 47 第二節 信度分析 51 第三節 假說檢定之路徑分析 53 第四節 單因子變異數分析 62 第五章 結論與建議 75 第一節 結論與建議 75 第二節 研究限制與後續研究建議 80 參考文獻 82 中文文獻 82 英文文獻 84 附件 正式問卷 88 表目錄 表2.3.1 階梯數位學院線上課程分類 16 表3.2.1 學習便利性衡量題項 40 表3.2.2 學習互動性衡量題項 40 表3.2.3 內容豐富性衡量題項 41 表3.2.4 知覺易用性衡量題項 41 表3.2.5 知覺有用性衡量題項 42 表3.2.6 產品滿意度衡量題項 42 表4.1.1 樣本基本資料表 48 表4.2.1 數位學習產品購買者滿意度調查表之信度分析結果 51 表4.3.1 因果關係影響路徑及效果分類表 54 表4.3.2 模式總檢定結果摘要表 55 表4.3.3 路徑分析邊際檢定結果摘要表 59 表4.3.4 本研究之假說檢定結果彙整表 56 表4.3.5 路徑分析各項效果總表 58 表4.4.1 性別對各構面之獨立樣本T檢定結果 62 表4.4.2 年齡對各變項之單因子變異數分析總檢定結果 63 表4.4.3 年齡對產品滿意度之單因子變異數邊際檢定結果 64 表4.4.4 職業對各變項之單因子變異數分析總檢定結果 64 表4.4.5 職業對各構面之單因子變異數邊際檢定結果 65 表4.4.6 教育程度對各變項之單因子變異數分析總檢定結果 67 表4.4.7 教育程度對各構面之單因子變異數邊際檢定結果 68 表4.4.8 家庭總收入對各變項之單因子變異數分析總檢定結果 70 表4.4.9 教育程度對各構面之單因子變異數邊際檢定結果 71 表4.4.10 小孩數對各變項之單因子變異數分析總檢定結果 73 表4.4.11 家庭小孩數對知覺有用性之單因子變異數邊際檢定結果 74 圖目錄 圖2.3.1 理性行為理論 18 圖2.3.2 科技接受模式 20 圖3.3.1 研究架構 35 圖4.3.1 路徑分析邊際檢定結果 56


陳毓宏 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的在探究台灣線上遊戲廣告其訊息結構之特色,並對不同來源國、不同類型之遊戲廣告加以分析比較。期能將研究結果與相關文獻作一對照探討,提供後續線上遊戲廣告研究之基礎,以及對業界實務執行之建議。   本研究採用內容分析法。以2000-2004年《軟體世界》雜誌所刊載之401則線上遊戲廣告為分析對象,探究其語文和非語文之訊息表現。研究發現,台灣線上遊戲廣告在版面尺寸方面,較多是「單頁」篇幅;產品的照片張數則主要分佈在「1-10張」間;大多採用「標準式」版面佈局;版面色彩則以「混合色系」居多。再就主角類型來看,通常是使用「虛擬人物」,而主角的性別往往「男女均有」;廣告目的方面以「品牌告知」為主,廣告標題形式則多採「新聞式」;資訊內容中遊戲的「成分或內容」是最被強調的;廣告中偏重「理性訴求」者較多;訴求的對象性別通常並未限定或者表達得不明顯;演出方式則以營造「嚴肅」氣氛的最多。   就遊戲來源國別分析,在廣告尺寸上,台灣、日本呈現較多的的「單頁」篇幅,中國大陸、韓國則以「跨頁」較多;在版面色彩的部分,台灣、中國大陸、日本多用「混合色系」,韓國則多用「冷色系」;在廣告目的方面,台、中、韓、日四國同樣以「品牌告知」為主,但以「周邊商品告知」為目的者僅出現於台灣、韓國的廣告中;而就廣告資訊內容中「價格或價值」線索來看,以日本遊戲的廣告最常提供。遊戲類型別的分析則顯示,在資訊內容上,動作類遊戲廣告提供較多的「價格或價值」、「功能表現」、「新觀念」、「直接回應機制」線索,此類別的資訊內容分數也最高;益智類遊戲則是提供較多的「可獲得性」與「特別優惠」線索;至於訴求方式上,角色扮演、益智、動作類的廣告都是以「理性訴求」為主,僅有其他一類較傾向使用「感性訴求」。


劉玄達, LIU,XUAN-DA Unknown Date (has links)
整合電腦及通訊網路技術之分散式系統(Digtributed System),係將分散各地的電腦 系統及相關的資訊設備透過通訊網路連接在一起,以形成能夠相互效換資訊,分享資 源,並具備分散式處理能力的系統。由於電腦及通訊網路技術突破性的進展,在許多 情況下,已使分散式系統較傳統的集中式系統具有低成本、高可靠度、容易擴充、效 能較佳等優勢。 本研究根據分散式系統的基本架構,使用排隊網路(Queueing Network)分析技術,建 立一套一般性的分散式系統模式,此模式可用以評估分散式系統運作之效能(Perfor- mance),探討影響分散式系統效能的因素。同時,本研究進一步利用系統模擬(Syst- em Simulation)技術分析分散式系統模式,並進行分析結果的比較與驗證,以做為規 劃與設計分散式系統的參考依據。為說明其應用,我們並以校園線上即時選課資訊網 路系統為例,找出影響其效能的主要因素及可接受的設計方案,以做為校園資訊網路 整體系統架構設計決策的參考依據。 本研究之預期貢獻主要在於提供一套簡單經濟且具有相當程度準確性的方法,藉以模 擬、預測或評估分散式系統之行為與效能,這套方法可以廣泛應用在各種不同組態下 的分散式系統。

社群導向系統的使用者需求擷取之研究 / A Study of User Requirement Elicitation for the Design of Community-Oriented Systems

唐日新, Tang, Jih-Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
在傳統資訊系統開發過程中,需求分析通常被視為非常關鍵的步驟。但在Web-based的資訊系統開發中,需求分析卻很少被提及。這篇論文提要主要強調傳統資訊系統與Web資訊系統的差異,並提出一個社群導向系統的需求擷取架構。這個架構將需求擷取分成三個階段:初步分析、關鍵使用者需求分析以及一般使用者的反應。目前Web的開發技術以及社群設計的方法,通常只做初步分析,在系統開發過程中並不直接蒐集使用者的需求。本文提出的三階段架構強調關鍵使用者的重要性,並建議採用社會網路分析作為辦識關鍵使用者的工具。 關鍵使用者區分為資訊、溝通、交易以及娛樂四大類別。初步預試這四種不同類別的關鍵使用者是否會產生較多該類別的資訊需求,以及是否產生較多的需求總數。結果發現只有資訊的關鍵使用者產生較多的資訊需求以及總需求,而其他類別的關鍵使用者與產生需求數量上的關係都不顯著。而另一項有趣的發現是:20%資訊關鍵使用者可以產生大約80%的需求總數,與Pareto規則的預測相似。資訊關鍵使用者的意見是否可以代表全體的意見,預試的結果顯示80%以上的需求重要性評估,關鍵使用者與全體的意見沒有顯著差異。 實地研究採用則探究兩個線上社群,一為關係導向社群,另一則為興趣社群,用以探索使用者角色,涉入程度以及需求知覺間的關係。多變量共變數分析的結果顯示:去除涉入程度的影響後,使用者角色會顯著影響使用者對於需求的知覺,雖然影響的方式以及程度並不相同。高涉入的使用者對於需求的敏銳度,普遍比低涉入者需求要高,並不因為需求種類而有所不同,最後並討論管理的意涵以及日後的研究方向。 / Although the requirement analysis is generally considered a critical stage in traditional information systems development (ISD), but it does not get enough attention in most Web-based information systems development (WISD) or the emerging community-oriented design. The thesis highlighted the difference between ISD and WISD, and proposed a three-stage model of user requirements elicitation for community-oriented design. This model divides the requirements definition in three stages: initial analysis, key user requirements elicitation, and regular user responses. Most current WIS and community design methodologies consider only initial analysis or attempt to build common system architecture, and neglect actual users’ requirements. Key user input is emphasized in this model, and social network analysis (SNA) is proposed as a tool for identifying key users. The pilot study empirically tested the relationship between the number of key users and that of elicited requirements. The study applied SNA to identify key users (defined as their influence) in “information”, “purchase”, “communication” or “entertainment” networks, and then elicited their requirements of two WIS. The preliminary results demonstrated that the number of key users in “information” dimension was significantly correlated with the numbers of elicited “information” requirements and overall requirements. However, the number of key users in “purchase”, “communication” and “entertainment” dimension had no significant relationships with the number of the elicited requirements. The requirements collected from 20 percent of “key users” accounted for approximate 80 percent of total requirements, similar to the results predicted by Pareto’s rule. In addition, the representativeness of requirements from key users opinions was also tested. Two online communities were designed to explore the relationship between user roles, user involvement and users’ perception towards requirements. And the MANCOVA results showed that user role (with user involvement as a blocking variable) has a major impact on an individual’s perception towards requirements, though the difference varies in a certain way. User involvement has also a determining effect on a user’s perception toward each type of requirements. Managerial implications were also discussed.


黃愷銘 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在呈現筆者如何透過「行動研究」的方法與「線上學習」的途徑,來改善「族語教學」的困境。研究參與者以阿美族學生會的成員為主,研究過程是透過行動研究的方法,不斷修正與改善「線上學習融入族語教學」各種教學實驗模式,來進一步模擬「浸滲式教學」的情境,營造出族語的環境,進而解決學生會「族語教學」的困境。主要的研究發現和貢獻如下: 研究發現 一、「線上學習」可以解決學生會「族語教學」的困境。 (一)族語環境:以「網路非同步教學」尤佳。 (二)學習動機:以「維持」與「滿足」學習動機為主。 二、建構出適合學生會的族語教學模式,其中以「線上學習融入小班課堂教學」效果最好。 三、「教學模式」愈接近「浸滲式教學」的情境,愈能解決族語教學的困境。 四、族語教學所產生的問題(族語環境缺乏、民族認同變遷等),大多是主流社會所造成的。 研究貢獻 一、「線上語言巢」的提出—族語教學的最佳模式。 二、提出「轉化模型」和「並存模型」來說明推動「族語」 發展的迷思。 關鍵字:線上學習、族語教學、行動研究、浸滲式教學、轉化模型、並存模型 / The purpose of this thesis will solve the difficulty of ethnic language program by action research and e-learning approach. The participants rely mainly on member of Pangcah Students Organization(PSO). By method of action research, it can constantly modifies and improve the model of infusing e-learning into ethnic language program and simulates condition of ‘immersion program’ , and goes a step further to construct environment of ethnic language to solve difficulty of ethnic language program. The main findings and contribution are as follows: Findings First, e-learning approach can solve difficulty of ethnic language program of PSO. (1) Environment of ethnic language: Asynchronous teaching and learning is the best. (2) Learning motivation: It only maintains and satisfies learning motivation. Second, it has constructed models of ethnic language program, and the third model (infusing e-learning into little class program) is the best. Third, the more the model is close to immersion program, the more it can solve difficulty of ethnic language program. Fourth, the questions of ethnic language program (lack of environment of ethnic language, shift of ethnic identity etc.) cause by mainstream society. Contribution First, researcher address that the best model of ethnic language program will be ‘On-line Language Nest’ in the future. Second, address ‘Convert Model’ and ‘Compatible Model’ to break myth of ethnic language development. Key word: e-learning, ethnic language program, action research, immersion program, convert model, compatible mode.


金希修, Kim Hee Soo Unknown Date (has links)
在台灣與韓國政府及業者對資訊產業積極努力與投資之下,短短的時間內,台、韓的資訊產業急速發展。台灣專長電腦硬體業,而韓國這兩年在線上遊戲的表現比台灣好。韓國與台灣幾乎同時開始形成網路咖啡市場,但因為兩國政府對網路咖啡業之相關政令政策及業者本身之經營策略差異愈大,故至今兩國網咖產業的發展結果亦大不相同。 本研究之目的係透過比較研究發現影響兩地網咖發展之因素及未來之改善方向,為達此目的,本研究過程如下: 一、 運用鑽石模型及五力分析,找出兩國網咖業發展SWOT分析的內外部因素。 二、 採用台、韓兩家網咖連鎖公司個案研究比較,驗證研究分析。 三、 討論兩國網咖業未來發展與相關的影響。由網咖產業之外部性在整個ICT產業發展上的影響,從而整理出目前兩國對ICT產業(例如數位內容產業)的作為與後續發展論點。 兩國網咖主要影響因素都屬於外部性因素。在台灣因為學校網路建設優良,以及家庭寬頻網路成長迅速,使得大部份消費者選擇在學校或家庭上網,去網咖的動機薄弱,因此台灣網咖產業不利成長。相對於台灣,韓國對網咖成長的主要因素是政府支持輔導網咖及其相關產業(遊戲軟體)。 另外針對兩國整體ICT產業比較,台灣在數位內容產業方面的發展比較均衡;韓國過於集中在遊戲軟體的支持與發展,所以整體數位內容產業發展以台灣較為有利。韓國必須準備下一代可取代遊戲軟體之產品,以利整體ICT產業之均衡發展。 最後,我們討論出兩國網咖產業未來發展工作,如下: 一、提供適時適所的政府支援。 二、強化多樣性的經營模式與附加價值。 三、開發豐富的網咖服務內容。 四、發展健全的資訊休閒文化。 / Both the Governments on Taiwan and of Korea invest heavily in IT industry. Many companies in both countries also enter IT industry aggressively. The Internet Café industry, or so-called Cyber Café, which provides a new kind of IT services, develops quickly in a short time in both countries. In the past, Taiwan companies, based on the strong capacity of Taiwan’s industrial sector of hardware manufacturing had more profits than their Korean counterparts. However, since recently, there is a stark trend that emerging Korean Cyber Café houses providing on-line-game services are making more profits than their Taiwanese counterpart. Though the Cyber-Café houses of the both fractions started about the same time of the 1990s, the status quo of both sides result very differently because of different government attitudes and policies. As a result, Cyber-Café house of both fractions have to adapt different strategies. The objective of this research is to discover the factors that affect the development of Cyber Café in Taiwan and Korea via comparative study. In order to achieve the goal, the procedures of this research are as follows: 1. To collect indexes and background data of the Internet Café Industry in both countries, then to apply Porter’s diamond model to analyze their competitive advantages as well s employ Porter’s analytical model of five forces to analyze their competitive advantages. 2. To conduct case studies on 2 corresponding firms with SWOT analysis to validate the aforementioned analysis. 3. To summarize research the competitive advantages of sides as findings of this research, and further discussions to provide the possible improvement of them. One of the major findings is that external factors play a major role in the Internet Café Industry in both countries. From this point, this paper presents a discussion about ICT industry development in both fractions, eg. the digital content industry. As the result, I argue for that the ICT industry in Taiwan engages even in diversified sectors, but Korean, on the contrary, are starkly narrowed in few sole sectors such as on-line game software. From this viewpoint, related Korea government agencies should foresee adequate substations for on-line-game related IT sectors. Last but not least, suggestions for the future development regarding Cyber-Café can be stated as follows: 1.Governments should carry out appropriate policy in-time for their own industry. 2.Cyber-Café houses have to find the value-adds and provide diversified innovative services on the Internet. 3.These enterprises should also create richer contents they can serve. 4.Governments and the Cyber-Café should enhance the healthy of entertainment and culture on the Cyberspace.

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