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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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線上社交網站之媒介溝通經驗研究 / Study on media communication of on-line social network sites

尤芷芸 Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探究,在線上社交網站(Socail network site,簡稱SNS)風行的時代,網路社交行為將對社交生活、社會關係以及傳播互動造成何種影響,背後意涵為何。 本文選定機緣理論作為研究視角,透過文獻探討、參與觀察與深度訪談,一方面探究SNS的傳播脈絡,另一方面尋查SNS的活動開展。循著機緣觀點的理路,奠定觀察準則在於:將SNS視為一處媒介空間,具有其特有「情境的空間性」,而此空間性來自媒介的科技特性、使用者對媒介的知覺、實際使用行為等的多方形塑,因而SNS的媒介溝通經驗為一循環互動的過程,緊嵌著使用者的個人脈絡而發展。 研究發現有三部份。首先,SNS以介面為據點、以有機成長的網絡為運作邏輯,因而形成具有一體兩面效應的媒介空間;且SNS所具備之「表達性網路」的媒介特性情境,結合個人的日常使用脈絡,提供了「短暫溝通」的可能。其次,SNS機緣彰顯出「規格化」、「若即若離」的溝通可能;另外,本研究歸納出六組不同的鑲嵌關係,揭示出,個人如何領略到SNS所能提供的溝通可能性,與個人心中對於「虛擬化與現實化之辯證」的光譜落點息息相關。最後,發現SNS之所以作為SNS的意涵有二。第一,人們對使用線上社交工具進行溝通有「雙重期待」:要能「拓展」關係又要能「縮減」關係、要能「短暫溝通」又要能「永續聯繫」。第二,溝通在此特定情境中具衝突本質:其一為「界線的挪移不定」,其二為「想溝通但不想對話,卻又無法擺脫溝通目的之束縛」,其三為「速度導致記憶感的缺失」。


杜業榮 Unknown Date (has links)
線上音樂在歐美國家的發展已逐漸進入成熟期,不論廠商家數與市佔率皆顯著成長,而台灣尚在起步階段。本研究擬對此新興市場消費者的接受意願與廠商的最適定價進行研究。 以巢式logit模型對線上音樂接受意願分析的結果,發現每月對音樂產品的花費愈高會增加單曲服務的接受意願;屬於只對主打歌有付費意願的消費者,他們比其他消費者更不可能購買線上音樂中的單曲服務;線上音樂服務的種類優勢愈強也會增加付費意願。 在線上音樂廠商定價策略上,藉搭售音樂周邊產品維持營收的廠商,才能忍受單曲微薄的利潤;而以銷售線上音樂為主要營收廠商,在發展混合套裝組合策略時,應著重套裝組合策略,藉規模經濟以達到較高的利潤。


莊守禾, Chuang,Sou-Ho Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,網路科技發達直接衝擊到許多產業的經營結構,其中又以音樂產業所受到的影響為大。面對消費者在音樂使用和消費習慣的轉變,音樂銷售管道與格式也漸漸從實體轉變成虛擬,於是,線上音樂產業隨之蓬勃。 本研究從美國及台灣線上音樂產業環境的概況與發展分析為背景,並透過對美國成功個案Apple iTunes Music Store和台灣個案明基Qband、願境網訊KKBOX及真實龍馬RealMa的次級資料與深訪研究,最後,比較美國及台灣線上音樂產業的行銷策略及經營模式兩方面的異同,試為台灣線上音樂產業擬定未來可行的方向。

創新線上遊戲經營模式影響獲利之研究 / Research on the Influencing Profitability of the Business Model for the Innovative Online Game

曾宥澈 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,由於資訊與通訊設備的演進,以及科技產品的發展,不僅改變了民眾的生活習慣與行為,更讓民眾對於科技產品的使用頻率呈現大幅增加的現象。這樣的現象帶動了相關應用程式的發展,以2015年至2020年的全球應用程式(APP)收入的資料顯示,在近三年的實際收入值及未來三年的預測收入值中,遊戲類APP的收入的占比均較非遊戲類APP的收入為高,顯示全球遊戲市場的具有高發展潛力的趨勢。然而,在資訊技術逐漸成熟及應用程式廣泛應用的環境帶動下,線上遊戲產品的開發也逐漸受到關注,表示線上遊戲產業的發展也逐漸受到市場的重視。 因此,考量從國內線上遊戲市場的環境現況,以及目前國內資訊與通訊產業的環境現況,進而探討創新線上遊戲的經營模式的內容及其所發展的項目。本研究透過文獻探討分析及SWOT分析等研究方法的應用,針對所蒐集的資料進行分析且獲得以下幾項研究發現: 一、 跨域整合經營可以提升市場競爭力; 二、 附加直播、音樂、社群、影視等功能之創新線上遊戲可以提升獲利營收; 三、 創新線上遊戲的經營策略可以創造線上遊戲的附加價值; 四、 創新線上遊戲的經營策略會帶來開拓市場的契機。

檔案線上展覽網站設計及內容分析研究 / The study on online archival exhibition design and content analysis

游輝彥, Yu, Hui-Yen Unknown Date (has links)
現代科技日新月異,博物館發展出線上展覽,突破了傳統博物館之展示形式,為觀眾提供更多元化的參觀服務模式。結合了多項科技的視聽娛樂及效果,使用網際網路的傳播功能,為觀眾提供方便且不用出門就可看見展示。   檔案館亦是如此,透過線上展覽的呈現,讓觀眾不必親自到館就能觀看展覽內容,節省了車程與時間上的花費,更添加檔案館本身的知名度。線上展覽方式提供一個不受空間與時間限制的展覽,讓參展民眾從線上互動中學習知識與歷史,進而更加深入了解過去、現在與未來。   本研究旨在藉由國內外檔案線上展覽網站功能相互比較,對國內未來檔案線上展覽網站之建置提出相關建議。研究方法為內容分析法,透過研究者設置的評分指標,分析國內外檔案線上展覽網站之功能。研究結果顯示,國外檔案線上展覽網站整體平均分數優於國內,但並非所有指標都高於國內,國內檔案線上展覽網站在展覽消息的提供與更新、相關連結的提供、互動遊戲與活動等三項指標上優於國外。另外,國外檔案線上展覽網站有些許功能可供國內參考學習,如:一、檔案線上展覽網站與母機構設置在同一網站。二、建立Blog或是社群網站提供更多相關主題資訊與教材。三、提供相關商店販賣一些文創產品。四、在Google Arts & Culture建立網站。   本研究建議國內檔案線上展覽網站未來五項可改進的方向:一、提供展覽最新消息。二、建立完整的輔助導覽功能。三、提供展覽資料的豐富性。四、互動性再提升。五、跟隨使用者進行推廣。 / Nowadays, with technology advancing greatly, museums have developed “online exhibition,” which breaks through its former limitation of traditional forms of display and have the intention of providing audience with multiple touring services. Online exhibition combines several technological entertainments and effects together and communicates by the means of the Internet so as to make audience view the exhibitions easily without going outside.   This convenience also can be seen in archives. With the presentation of the online exhibition, the viewers no longer have to get to the museum in person for any themed exhibition, which spare them their road trip and time and even promote the archive’s popularity. Online exhibition provides exhibitions beyond the space and time limitation, thus acquainting citizens with knowledge and history through online reaction as well as understating the past, the present and the future.   The research aims to propose suggestions for future domestic archival online exhibitions after comparing functions among domestic and foreign websites of archival online exhibition. Based on content analysis approach, this study sets assessing indicators to analyze aforementioned websites.   The result suggests that foreign websites of archival online exhibitions is higher in average scores than domestic ones. However, not all of the indicators of foreign websites are higher than those of domestic ones—the indicators of “the news offering and update,” “the offering of relative links,” and “services of interactive games and activities.” In addition, some functions of foreign archival online exhibitions are outstanding enough for us to learn from. First of all, the foreign archival online website is structured within its parent institution. Secondly, Blogging function or social media platforms are established so that more relative information and teaching materials can be provided on foreign websites. Third, there are goods of cultural and creative industry sold in certain stores. Finally, the foreign archival online exhibitions also construct their website on Google Arts & Culture.   This research proposes five suggestions to domestic archival online exhibitions for future improvement. First and foremost, they could provide the news update service. Secondly, they could construct sound and comprehensive assisting touring services. Thirdly, they could enrich the content information of their exhibitions. Next, they could improve the interactive aspect of their online exhibitions. Lastly, they could further promote their online exhibition by means of their existing users.

線上決策輔助是否改變傳統上消費者之決策漏斗 / Do online decision aids change the traditional decision funnel for customers

蘇曉淳, Su, Annie Unknown Date (has links)
The goal of this study was to build a more holistic and comprehensive look of the effects of search and decision tools (collectively known as decision aids) on the traditional consumer decision process. Specifically, how it affects the information search and alternative evaluation stages. It combined multiple models and concepts from different areas of consumer decision behavior, decision support systems, technology acceptance and task-technology fit theory. It explores how consumers use five different decision aids that are commonly found in today’s marketplace: consumer reviews, social media and electronic-word-of-mouth, comparison matrices, filter agents, and virtual assistants. The effects of these different decision aids were compared in both the information search stage and alternative evaluation stage. In information search, a 5x2 within-subject factorial study was used to determine the effects of decision aids over time (present vs. ten years ago). Two-way repeated ANOVA found that the effects of decision aids in terms of perceived usage across all decision aids have increased from that of ten years ago. Also, consistent with task-technology fit theory usage between each decision aid differed based on how well the decision aid’s capabilities matched the stage’s need. In the alternative evaluation stage, three treatments were manipulated: decision aids, task complexity (high vs. low) and step within the alternative evaluation stage of the consumer decision process (screening vs. evaluation step) in a 5x2x2 within-subject factorial design. The treatments were compared by measuring its effects on four dependent variables proposed in technology acceptance literature: perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, trusting beliefs and intention to use. Three-way repeated ANOVA showed that consumers rely on a two-step process when faced with high task complexity, screening out alternatives based on a simple non-compensatory rule before more detailed evaluation of the remaining alternatives are evaluated. The results were also consistent with task-fit theory with decision aids differing based on how well their capabilities matched each stage. The study however couldn’t provide definitive proof of differences in the two steps within the alternative evaluation as the significance of the results varied.

消費者輿情對跨境網購產品銷售量之影響:以淘寶網為例 / The Effects of Consumer Comments and Sentiments on Product Sales of Cross-border Shopping Websites: The Taobao Case

呂奕勳 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來傳統線上購物正面臨著一連串的市場困境,如削價競爭、廉價品競爭等,因此導致銷售量之成長趨緩,反觀跨境線上購物卻出現了蓬勃發展的態勢,因而讓跨境線上購物成為驅動經濟活動與國際貿易的新引擎。另一方面,由於跨境線上購物的情境複雜性遠高於傳統的境內線上購物,業者們欲開發一海外新市場,必須先了解該地消費者行為與其購買決策過程後,才能制定出好的商業策略,並且進一步將產品導向的服務轉化成為以顧客導向的服務,才有機會為傳統線上購物之困境另闢生機。因此,引取並了解消費者所體認的內在價值是經營跨境線上購物最重要的成功因素。 本研究將試圖將傳統境內線上購物研究擴展到跨境線上購物議題,藉由文字探勘(Text Mining)分析、語意情感分析與 k-means 分群演算法,挖掘出消費者對於所購買商品之評論的常見內容型態與所購買商品之類別,並試圖找出跨境網購平台上各項因素及商品評論對於產品銷售量間之關連性,提供未來研究者及跨境網購平台業者決策之依據。 / While online shopping websites are facing the difficulties of price and low-quality competition, cross-border online shopping is on a vigorous development trend, showing that cross-border online shopping is an important trend of online shopping field. Due to the complexity of cross-border online shopping is much higher than the traditional domestic online shopping, so understanding the value of cross-border online shopping consumers is the most important success factors. Companies want to develop new markets abroad, must understand the local consumer’s behaviour and their decision-making process in order to make good business strategies. This study uses text mining analytic technology, semantic analysis techniques, and k-means clustering algorithm to identify characteristics of consumers’ reviews and the common categories of goods they purchased. After getting the reason why consumers use cross-border online shopping service and what values they got in this service. Researcher can predict and analyse the evolution and development of cross-border online shopping, provide reference for future online shopping academic studies and online shopping industry’s decision-making.

消費者如何使用說服知識來判別網路口碑之真偽 / Consumer’s use of persuasion knowledge on ewom

陳禹安, Chen, Yu An Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解消費者如何運用說服知識,來判讀線上口碑訊息之真偽。說服知識一詞,最早於1994年,由Friestad以及Wright在其著作「說服知識模型:人們如何回應他人的說服意圖」一文中所提出。該模型在當時線上口碑尚未流行的年代,是完全以線下情境為研究主題開發而成。也因此,本研究希冀打造適用於線上口碑環境所使用的線上說服知識模型,藉由深度訪談八位受訪者,了解他們使用線上口碑的情形,進而深入探討,他們如何在今日線上口碑充斥著置入性行銷口碑的環境中,運用自身的說服知識,來辨認線上口碑訊息之真偽。在受訪者分享如何辨別偽口碑的經驗談時,本研究也因此了解人們是如何運用自身對產品、議題、品牌等主題知識(topic knowledge),如何運用說服知識(persuasion knowledge),如何應用說服者知識(agent knowledge)等由Friestad以及Wright所歸納而成的三大知識體系,來辨別線上口碑的真實性。本研究更進一步指認出台灣線上環境所特有的”鄉民”知識,並將之融入到線上說服知識模型之中。本研究結果顯示,人們對線上口碑環境的熟悉程度(是否經常瀏覽特定網站),以及個人涉入口碑的深淺程度(觀看線上口碑的頻繁程度),都影響到個人線上說服知識模型之架構。本研究是線上口碑文獻中,首度建構線上說服知識模型之研究。 / This research explores consumers’ use of persuasion knowledge in judging the credibility of eWOM. Persuasion Knowledge is a concept first coined by Friestad and Wright (1994) in their work of The Persuasion Knowledge Model: How people cope with persuasion attempts. The Persuasion Knowledge Model, however, was designed specifically for the offline context. This research aims to build an online Persuasion Knowledge Model by conducting in-depth interviews to eight participants in identifying their perceived dubious eWOM triggers. Throughout the process of participants’ reasoning with these triggers, we were able to see how consumers judge the credibility of eWOM by using their persuasion knowledge, topic knowledge, and agent knowledge in the online context. The findings also suggest a fourth knowledge base—villager knowledge—in the online WOM context. Furthermore, this study shows that one’s familiarity with an online WOM environment and one’s level of involvement with online WOM all influence the construction of one’s online Persuasion Knowledge Model. This study is a first in constructing the online Persuasion Knowledge Model in the eWOM literature.


賴乃綺, Lai, Nai-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
網路「線上促銷」,以鼓動線上購買,或是提供給網路使用者各式各樣優惠的誘因贈獎訊息來吸引點選,在網路行銷及廣告的運用上,越來越頻繁。而根據網友點選廣告意願的調查,指出約有57-65%的網路使用者願意點選「贈獎、誘因式」的廣告;而包括最吸引網友點選的廣告訊息,以「優惠折扣」居首,佔69%。 誘因贈獎的風行,使得網友上網就往好康去,而有「免費(FREE)」字樣的廣告的點選率也的確算是一枝獨秀。但也有人質疑,這種以「誘因」與「贈獎」做為廣告訴求,是否會使得網路廣告效果落入誘因與贈獎的陷阱中,而無實質的廣告傳播效益? 因此本研究將以網路橫幅廣告為研究主體,探討利用誘因、贈獎做為主要廣告訴求,從MOA的概念出發,探討該類型網路廣告效果,其中包含討混有告效果研究,涵括目標對象、對廣告整體一般態度、誘因線索與主產品的互補程度等概念。 又因為網路環境與網路行為的多變,使得網路理論的驗證與現象的觀察無法分割,本研究將以線上實驗的設計方法,除了驗證變項之間的因果關係之外,亦詳加記錄了線上實驗法過程中,可能發生的問題點,提供未來相關網路研究、實驗的參考。

線上遊戲之雲端服務平台發展研究 - 以台灣Z公司為例 / A research on development of the online game cloud service platform - a case study of Taiwan's Z Company

傅慧娟, Fu, Hui Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文將針對線上遊戲產業之雲端運算服務平台之發展進行研究與探討。從線上遊戲產業發展的現況與趨勢中,看到線上遊戲仍是市場的主流,更是付費機制的成熟產品,但也看到新興遊戲如SNS網頁遊戲、App遊戲的衝擊下,線上遊戲已不再是大型遊戲或是只有大型公司才有能力開發製作的產品,而中小型團隊也開始蜂擁加入開發的行列。 在線上遊戲產品開發流程與產業價值鏈的文獻探討中,看到線上遊戲的開發與營運價值單元,且這些價值單元都是非常符合雲端運算的功能與架構,並再透過詳細解析產品開發流程與營運價值鏈的每個環節中去對應雲端運算架構與功能,分析雲端運算對線上遊戲之開發端及消費端所提昇之價值與效益面,以及線上遊戲之雲端運算服務平台的可能功能與服務模式。 線上遊戲因為具備文件、物件資料量龐大、即時運算需求極高、中小型開發團隊須降低軟硬體開發成本需求殷切以及需要共用之伺服器軟硬體環境,還有備援且不允許因維運、修改、除錯等而可能停機或當機之風險產生等特性,使得在這一波雲端運算的潮流與趨勢中,選擇提供線上遊戲開發與營運之雲端運算平台服務,應是一項可預期的發展機會。 本研究最後透過一家已推出線上遊戲雲端運算服務平台的個案研究,再呼應前面線上遊戲與雲端運算功能與架構的關聯框架及分析,最後提出對個案公司應以大量即時運算為核心能力,提供跨業服務、以核心技術發展技轉與合作營運模式、結合HTML5或Yahoo的YUI等技術,全力搶攻新興連線遊戲市場、研發雲端Server端引擎產品等建議外,也對線上遊戲之雲端運算服務平台提出可發展SaaS、PaaS、IaaS等各別專業及可具備彈性且可發展成機動組合的混合型雲端服務模式之結論與建議等。 / This report is the research and investigation of the cloud computing platform development in online game industry. We find that online game is still the mainstream as well as a developed product under the paid mechanisms through the condition and trend of online game industry. However, because of the impact of SNS website game and App game, the online game no longer just a hug online game or develop by big companies, instead the medium and small groups can develop the online game as well now. We find out that there are some unites in the literature investigated the development process and industrial value chain of online fit in with the function of cloud computing and its framework. In addition, we will do the detailed analysis of production developing process and operation value to correspond to the function and framework of cloud computing, analyze the value and benefit the cloud computer can do to improve the beginning and consumption-side of online game and its possible function and service mode for online game. The online game needs huge quantity of data in document and object, so the need of instant cloud computing is high. For that reason, when develop the software and hardware, the medium and small groups need to reduce the cost. Moreover, they need the server that can use in both new software and hardware, the backup, un-interruptible power supply and the feature of operating normally while doing the maintenance, modification, debug, etc. So, in the trend of current cloud computing, one of the predictable development opportunity is have the cloud computing platform service that can help to develop and operate online game. In the end, the study will take the case study of cloud computing platform that have released online game as example, correspond to the relevant framework and analysis from the previous online game and the function and framework of cloud computing and finally give the suggests and conclusion to the case company, which is taking great amount of instant cloud computing as core ability, provide cross-field services, use core technology development transformation and cooperation service mode, The use of HTML5 or Yahoo's YUI technology put in all effort to earn the new market of online game and research and develop the cloud computer server engine. Other than that, we also bring up the individual professional service that can develop in the cloud computing platform of online game such as SaaS, PaaS, IaaS and the suggestions and conclusions relate to the flexible and assembling-based complex cloud service.

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