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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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數位影音加值效果之研究 –以戲劇類型影音為例

蔡雨軒 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討數位影音經過加值動作,是否能夠為消費者和內容生產者創造更高的價值。在媒體數位化的時代,隨著VOD、數位電視、影音分享平台的興起,消費者對於影音內容的互動性、對於觀賞影音內容的主導權要求越來越高。目前線上數位影音服務只能提供消費者觀賞影音的時間彈性,以及多部影音的同時選擇,當使用者點選了某影音內容觀賞時,影音的呈現模式與傳統透過電視觀賞的模式相同,消費者是被動接受該部影音節目的編排和觀賞邏輯,無法自行編碼、重組。換言之,目前的線上影音內容並未經過加值。 本研究藉由實地設計一套影音加值方式,透過線上實驗來暸解:一.觀賞者在加值影音與未加值影音的觀賞行為。二.觀賞者對於經過加值後的影音節目的主觀態度。三. 不同年齡、性別、教育程度、職業的消費者間的觀賞行為比較。四. 不同年齡、性別、教育程度、職業的消費者對於經過加值後的影音節目的主觀態度有何差異性,以獲得數位影音加值的效果。 本研究發現: 一. 相較於未經加值的影音,使用者看完加值影音的意願較高。 二. 從使用者觀賞行為追蹤研究發現,加值的影音給予使用者多樣化的觀賞方式 是具有意義的。 三. 使用者對經過加值的影音,在主觀上的態度呈現正面的現象。六成以上使用者很喜歡加值過的影音、七成以上使用者認為加值後的影音在觀賞上很方便的;不喜歡加值影音和認為加值影音不方便者各低於百分之二。


曾文達 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣目前國人的電腦和網路的普及率相當的高,電子商務也連帶迅速的發展, 其中相當重要的平台就是線上購物與網路拍賣,線上購物和網路拍賣都是近十年來蓬勃發展的網路平台,2007年兩者的總產值超過1800億台幣,台灣的消費者目前相當習慣去網路平台瀏覽、購買商品。但是台灣的網路拍賣出現一個比較特殊的現象,那就是網路拍賣有一部分市場朝向線上購物,消費者是以購買新產品為主,而非過去網路拍賣是購買二手品、收藏品為主,這也讓本人想要研究探討其中的原因。 本研究主要研究為線上購物與網路拍賣的平均價格、價格分散程度是否有顯著差異,並且假設線上購物在平均價格與價格分散程度都會比網路拍賣大,以筆記型電腦和液晶電視為探討商品,調查所有品牌的型號,並且以型號為基準去比較是否有支持本研究之假設,進而探討筆記型電腦與液晶電視整體與個別品牌結果差異的原因。

線上遊戲領導力形塑歷程研究-以魔獸世界公會為例 / A process analysis of how the leadership skills honed in multiplayer online games: A case study of a world of warcraft's raiding guild.

劉瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
多人角色扮演線上遊戲內是否有領導力?若有,這種能力如何培養、展現與有效實踐?本研究期待藉由探索魔獸世界公會團隊隊長(Raid Leader,簡稱RL)的遊戲歷程,探究線上遊戲如何可能成為形塑領導能力的場域,並分析此領導力應用於現實世界的機會與限制。 / 以線上遊戲「魔獸世界」為觀察環境,從RL在遊戲裡的日常工作、與他人相處、副本經歷到追求集體目標的過程,了解RL如何帶領玩家獲得成就感及形成影響力。擁有深遠故事背景、明確角色定位、任務導向及短中長期目標的「魔獸世界」正好提供良好的虛擬試煉空間,讓玩家組隊挑戰副本空間,讓玩家在自由組隊及各種征戰練習中,以團隊的力量尋找解答與達成擊敗魔王的目標。投入條件不斷變化的副本環境獲得利益與經驗等級,此過程所產生的情感與經濟的交換,使玩家間的關係變得複雜,也增加玩家對遊戲的黏著度,線上遊戲不但塑造出新的交友管道,更可能追引出新的管理模式與領袖培養機制。 / 本研究透過不同年齡與社會歷練之RL深度訪談,加上公會論壇的內容分析,察知在管理公會事務與副本征戰過程中的RL,將會於實踐遊戲目標之際建立自信與玩家間的信賴關係,並逐步形塑其領導力。此歷程中發現之策略運用、資源交換等遊戲技能;風險承擔與情緒管理等服務態度與合作分享等人格特質,與Drucker與Senge提出的領導力特質不謀而合,玩家將遊戲裡所獲得的心得分析、重組、整合,並把遊戲中與朋友相處的法則與解決問題的方式轉化及複製為現實社會裡的應用知識,線上遊戲除了可形塑創造願景、審時度勢、協調利益、嘗試創新、激勵賦能等領導者能力,可轉換至現實社會或不適宜轉換但可引以為戒的反向思考與限制也將一併於本研究中呈現。 / Is leadership really existent amongst on-line games? If so, how can those players develop, display or effectively practice their leadership when playing games? Then what will this capability affect or contribute to the virtual environment and our physical social context after players possess it? In order to answer these questions, this research has examined the character Raid leader or RL in on-line game, the World of Warcraft, investigated the forming process of his leadership and explored the ways in which an on-line game has become an arena to train leadership. Based on the World of Warcraft, we have observed RL’s daily routines in the game, the interaction with other players and the process from the dungeon (also called instance) experience to achieve team’s goal pursuit in attempts in order to realize the model of interaction in on-line game as well as the ways in which RL has led all the team member to attain achievements and form their influence. MMORPG with a long storyline, clear role position, mission orientation and different term goals offers an on-line gaming world where designed a series of quizzes and a dungeon for different player communities to challenge. Player can team up with the others, match with one another and conquer difference practices to find the resolution and defeat the monsters (also called Boss) in the dungeon. After campaigning with team members in different personalities and joining continuously changing dungeon environments to gain different bonus and experience levels, players may form a close bond with one another and exchange treasures or information on hand in terms of their economic profit during the game. Furthermore, after having some intensive interviews with RLs who are at different ages and having their own social experience in the real society as well as the analysis of the context in the guild forum, this research has discovered that RLs who manage guild affairs and conquer dungeon will establish their self-confidence and dependence with the other players when achieving the goals in games, and extend his leadership to those players. Those findings from this forming procedure not only agree with the rules to hone leadership asserted by Drucker and Senge in recent years and the characteristics but also drew forth a team dynamics force to on-line player communities and a new mass movement that may influence the social impression or educational direction in the future. By means of daily play of on-line games, players analyzed, re-organized and integrated their own feedback from the games, and involuntarily transferred the ways to get along with friends in games and to solve questions to tacit knowledge to manage the real society. In addition to the search for the vision formed in on-line games and the characteristics of leadership as consideration of the situation, co-ordination of the profits on hand, attempt to innovate and ability to stimulate talents, some changeable key points, mechanism or limitation to the real society or unchangeable but referring points will also be presented in this research.


陳臻 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著資訊科技的蓬勃發展,使用者的資訊搜尋行為有了新面貌,線上公用目錄亦面臨重大轉變及挑戰。圖書館界應站在使用者角度來思考,設計及建置一個使用者滿意的線上公用目錄系統。國際圖書館協會聯盟(IFLA)在2005年提出的《Guidelines for Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) Displays》報告中,認為線上公用目錄的設計該有其原則,尤其應該考慮到使用者的需求。   本研究旨在從使用者角度出發,建構一套適合國內大專院校圖書館線上公用目錄的設計原則。本論文參考國內外線上公用目錄設計內容,除了參酌IFLA的原則基礎外,並融入其他學者專家、機構團體對於未來線上公用目錄的意見及建議,彙整一套從使用者角度思考的線上公用目錄設計原則草案。為了獲取使用者的意見,本研究共舉辦三場焦點團體訪談,藉由使用者的想法來修正草案內容,再將修正後之草案,經由分別針對學生與館員的問卷調查,來進行最後的原則項目清單之確認。   根據研究結果,確認使用者認同的線上公用目錄設計原則總計六大類35項原則。該六大類分別為「使用者需求」、「介面設計」、「內容及資料安排」、「檢索技術」、「個人化服務」及「資源整合」,並依平均數高低區分為不同重要性。未來圖書館員與廠商欲進行線上公用目錄設計的溝通,或評鑑線上公用目錄時可作為參考之用;並經由本研究發現使用者與館員的想法差異相當大,圖書館在建置線上公用目錄前應更瞭解使用者的資訊使用行為及習慣。 / The behavior of users’ information search has changed in the past years in accordance with the development of information technology. Therefore, Open Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) is facing great transformation and challenges. Libraries should design and construct an OPAC system from users’ perspective. In 2005, a report from International Federation of Library Association and Institution (IFLA) titled “Guidelines for Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) Displays” outlined principles in designing OPAC and highlighted the importance of users’ need. This study aims to offer a draft of design guidelines of OPAC for universities and colleges in Taiwan. It refers to IFLA guidance, local and abroad interfaces of OPACs, and blends in the feedback from scholars and educational institutions on the OPAC design. It also held three focus groups in order to gauge users’ views on how to improve the drafted guidelines. Then the revised guidelines were used to conduct further questionnaires on librarians and students. From there, it gave birth to the final guidelines. The analysis of the study came up six major categories and 35 principles. The six categories are: users’ need, design interface, content and information arrangement, retrieval technique, personalized service and information integration. This study could serve as the future guidance when librarians are in talks with vendors in their OPAC design, and when the evaluation of OPAC system is needed. This study also revealed that there is a gap between the opinion of users and librarians. Libraries should thus pay more attention in understanding what users want when constructing OPAC.

不同城鄉學生組成之線上讀書會對於閱讀成效的影響研究 / The Effects of Urban and Rural Group Members in On-line Reading Groups on Reading Performance

黃姮惠, Huang, Heng Hui Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過網路通訊平台Skype經營線上讀書會,讓偏遠地區學童與來自不同區域的學童進行閱讀討論活動,藉此觀察研究對象之間的互動討論情形與討論的對話內容層次,以探究偏遠地區學童與來自不同城鄉區域的學童組成線上讀書會,對於閱讀成效的影響。本研究之實驗對象共分為三組,實驗組一為偏鄉地區與都會地區國小六年級學童各2名,合計4名之國小六年級學童;實驗組二為偏鄉地區不同國小六年級學童各2名,合計4名之國小六年級學童;對照組為偏鄉地區相同國小共4名之國小六年級學童。本研究在實驗前後實施閱讀理解測驗,並針對各組線上讀書會的討論對話進行內容分析,實驗結束後再針對研究對象進行半結構式訪談。研究結果歸納如下: 一、基於文學圈經營線上讀書會為一可行之線上合作學習模式 二、偏遠地區學童與都會地區學童的線上讀書會成員的異質組合,有助於提升偏遠地區學童的閱讀理解成效 三、偏遠地區學童與都會地區學童的線上讀書會成員組合,有助於激發高層次之討論對話 四、同為偏遠地區但不同學校的線上讀書會成員組合,有助於營造愉快的討論氣氛 五、在討論對話中,偏遠地區學童發表高層次思考型問答以及使用推理用語的次數越多,其閱讀理解成效越好 本研究之研究結果可作為教師基於同步討論經營有效線上讀書會的實施模式參考,也對於有興趣於線上讀書會的研究者提供許多值得探究的研究方向。 / In order to explore the possibility of using information and communication technology to help the children in rural areas and the effects of rural-urban disparity on collaboration learning, this study organizes three online reading groups with different compositions of group members by implementing Literature Circles, a student-led and structured book club. The members of experiment group1 are 2 sixth graders from a rural school and 2 sixth graders from an urban school. The members of experiment group2 are 4 sixth graders. All of them are from rural schools but half of them are from a different school. The members of the control group were 4 sixth graders. All of them are classmates in a rural school. The results of reading comprehension tests and the dialogues of three groups are analyzed to collect quantitative data. A semi-structured interview is conducted to collect qualitative data. The research outcomes shows that the heterogeneous group of rural-urban students could best improve the reading comprehension of rural students and produce high level thinking dialogues. In addition, the group of rural students from different schools could conduct the dialogues in the most delightful atmosphere among all three groups. Based on the research outcomes, relevant applications or in-depth researches could be further preceded in the future.

客戶回訪預測模型應用於線上預約服務 / Predictive modeling of customer retention in online reservation services

林煥禹, Lin, Huan Yu Unknown Date (has links)
隨著電子商務近年的蓬勃發展,許多形形色色的創新服務應運而生。本研究針對具指標性的線上餐飲訂位平台---EZTable(簡單桌)進行分析,對於EZTable而言,前來訂位的客戶是十分重要的,因為高客戶忠誠度能為其帶來更多市佔率。因此,本研究將會針對以下兩點問題進行研究分析:(1)為了能夠準確預測顧客回訪率,那些因素與客戶回訪率是高關聯性的?如訂位者、餐廳、地理位置等資訊。(2)應如何建構並驗證高準確度的預測模型?根據以上問題,本研究使用廣義加成模型(GAM)、決策樹(decision tree)、套袋抽樣(bagging)、隨機森林(random forest)等模型訓練方法,搭配EZTable大量的訂位資料,建構不同的預測模型來預測客戶回訪率。以EZTable的資料而言,本研究發現比起訓練模型的方法,模型變數的選擇更明顯影響了預測表現,而關於訂位本身的資訊,如訂位狀態,能夠大幅度提升預測準確度。這些發現能夠幫助如EZTable等服務提供者,了解哪些變數對於顧客忠誠度是相當重要的;再者,公司能夠透過這些資訊,為有較高回訪率的會員量身打造適合的促銷活動。透過將行銷資源集中在特定的客戶上,這些提供服務公司的行銷成本也能夠因此減少。 / Electronic commerce still grows rapidly in the recent years and innovative services are introduced in the recent years accordingly. This research analyzes a representative online reservation service provider – EZTable. Loyalty of customer is crucial because EZTable can obtain more market share with high customer loyalty. Therefore, we expect to answer the following research questions: (1) What are relevant and useful consumer, restaurant, and demographic factors to predict customer retention? (2) How do we develop and determine effective predictive models? We apply generalized additive model, decision tree, bagging, and random forest, to a large volume of operational data from EZTable and develop a set of predictive models. Instead of model complexity, identifying critical variables from the research context determines predictive performance. Transaction-dependent factors could substantially enhance predictive performance. Our findings enable companies like EZTable to understand what predictors are critical to customers’ loyalty. Further, the company can design effective promotions for customers with higher return probability. Our modeling effort could help those service providers reduce advertising cost by allocating limited resources to customers with higher probability to place orders again.

O2O消費的使用與滿足和科技接受整合模式——以線上買票,線下觀影為例 / A Model of O2O Consumer Motivation, Combination of Uses & Gratifications and Technology Acceptance Model: A Study on Movie Ticking

區谷怡 Unknown Date (has links)
電子商務多年的發展之下,人們在生活中已經習慣於網路購物,而隨着智慧型手機等行動裝置的普及,跨越線上與線下的O2O消費掀起了新一波風潮。其中,電影O2O在中國更是以爆發式地增長中。 本研究以電影O2O為例,希望探討消費者在線上購買電影票再到線下電影院觀影的消費行為背後的心理需求動機,以及在使用線上介面時前置因素如何影響其使用行為,以建構結合使用與滿足理論及科技接受模式(Technology Acceptance Model)的O2O消費行為模型。 本研究收集到460份有效問卷,研究結果發現消費者使用O2O的動機包括娛樂性、便利經濟性、社交性,其中娛樂性、社交性動機對促成使用行為有正向影響;而線上使用介面的知覺有用易用性對消費者的線上使用行為有正向影響。 / As e-commerce has been flourished for years, people getting more and more used to shopping online, on the other hand, popularization of mobile device leads to a new trendy of O2O service, which broke the wall between online and offline. For example, movie ticketing O2O is experiencing a great development in China. This study focus on movie ticketing O2O and try to clarify its user motivations, besides how actual uses were influenced by the factors of online interface. Altogether it is tempt to build up an O2O user model which combine with Uses and Gratifications Theory and Technology Acceptance Model. Collected 460 web questionnaires, the findings of this study show that entertainment, convenience and economy, sociality are all motivations of using O2O ticketing, entertainment and sociality indicate significance influence to actual using. For the part of online interface, perceived usefulness and ease of use are combined together to affect the online using positively.

壽險業新契約作業的演進與未來發展 / The evolution & future development in processing the new business of life insurance

吳雲嬌 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著資訊科技的日新月異與網際網路的普及應用,各企業在面臨全球化的競爭環境下,皆積極尋求應用先進的資訊技術,力求創新與躍進,以期用最有限的資源創造企業最大的效益。對以客戶服務為主的壽險業而言,隨著新契約快速成長、產品多樣化、行銷管道多元化,壽險業所面臨的挑戰與競爭亦隨之加劇,因此,保險公司除了業務推廣外,更須加快求新求變的腳步,提供更創新、更超乎預期的客戶服務,還要兼顧營運成本管控,才能在瞬息萬變的金融保險市楊,持續保有競爭優勢。 本研究主要探討個案公司的新契約作業,在面臨業務量急速成長又要兼顧成本/利潤而無法同步大幅增加人力下,如何突破作業瓶頸,以及面臨每一階段的困難與挑戰時,如何事先評估風險與因應措施,並運用科技技術及專業團隊來大幅提升服務品質與作業效率。並且探討個案公司在完成每個階段的變革後,如何分析專案的執行成效,又如何持續提出還可再提昇改善的事項、問題以及未來可能的發展方向。個案公司的新契約作業演進過程摘要如下: 1.由於早期的人工作業已難以負荷大幅成長的業務量,故個案公司於1992年建置了「自動化核保系統」(Underwriting Automation)。然在專案推動過程中,面臨了〝如何建置完善的自動化系統〞、〝如何在兼顧成本與流程順暢下,決定最佳的系統建置方式〞及〝如何讓人員接受作業改造〞的問題, 透過專案小組以使用者的角度規劃系統流程,並且不斷地與相關人員進行充份溝通與宣導後,終於獲得所有人員的認同與支持。透過自動核保系統,不僅解決因業務量急速成長所面臨的作業瓶頸,也大幅提昇核保效率、降低人為核保錯誤率並且節省人力成本。 2.Underwriting Automation系統雖已提昇核保/發單效率,但仍面臨因產品的多元化以致業務員反應記不了這麼多的投保規則、以及無法在與客戶洽談保險當時即提供保戶確定的核保結果,因此,個案公司於2001年建置了「線上快速投保系統」(e-Application)。然在專案推動過程中,須克服的問題是〝如何提昇業務員使用系統的意願〞,透過專案小組不斷地與業務員進行溝通、並不斷地修正系統與持續地教育訓練及推廣,終於將e-Application系統使用率提昇到98%。透過e-Application系統,業務員不再有投保規則複雜的困擾,且不論上班/下班時間或例假日,都可隨時經由網際網路(internet)在客戶所在之處完成e受理、e核保,提供保戶即時的保障承諾,大幅提昇業務員的保險專業形象及行銷便利性。 3.e-Application系統雖可立即獲得核保結果,惟業務員仍須將要保文件寄達分公司才能處理後續作業。再加上投資型商品熱賣且作業較傳統型商品複雜,致核保人員的作業負荷增加。為了大幅提昇作業效率且運用有限的人力資源發揮最大的效益,個案公司於2006年建置了「影像線上作業系統」(Image & Workflow)。然在專案推動過程中,面臨了〝如何改變核保人員的作業習慣 〞、〝如何將分公司人力順利移轉至簡易作業中心〞等問題,專案小組透過不斷地溝通及訓練,協助核保人員適應全程線上作業的變革;並提早一年與分公司溝通及規劃人力移轉事宜,讓人力及作業能夠順利移轉。透過Image & Workflow系統,其快速便捷的e化流程,5秒鐘即可傳遞要保文件影像,不僅有效改善新契約受理高峰量之人力及作業負荷問題,且簡易案件的分流已大幅提昇核保效率且降低行政作業成本,並使核保員可更專注於複雜案件的處理與溝通,提供保戶及業務員更優質的核保服務。 保險是永續經營的服務事業,因此,流程變革是保險公司必須與時俱進且持續研討的重要課題。本研究藉由個案公司流程變革的過程、經驗及成效的分享,建議小型壽險公司推動核保自動化/影像化、中大型壽險公司全面e化/影像化/無紙化,並建議個案公司在邁入e化、影像化、無紙化的流程後,針對仍須仰賴人工處理的輸入作業,以及體檢核保人員養成不易的問題,可再進一步研議如何運用更精進的文字辨識技術與醫務專家系統,同時結合相關產業資源,採分階段方式逐步建置更科技化的系统平台,讓新契約作業邁向更快速、更專業的服務新里程。 / Along with the time evolution, the application of high technology and the spread of Internet are popular. The companies, currently are facing the competition environment in the era of globalization, all are looking for the modern technology aggressively to improve their service / operation in creative innovation way and to achieve the maximum benefit with limited resources. For the insurance companies, whose main focus is to provide customer service, they are facing more and more dramatic challenges and strict competition as the rapid growth of new business, variety of products, and diversity of promotion methods. Therefore, to maintain competitive advantage in the fast-changing financial-insurance market, the insurance companies need to strive for accelerated changes newly (as called re-engineering) not only to provide the innovative service which is beyond customer’s expectation, but also to manage the operation cost, besides promoting new business. This thesis is a case study of the new business process of the insurance company. It showed us how to break the process bottleneck, while the company faced the difficult situation that the business volume grown rapidly but no enough manpower can be added considered the cost/benefit justification. In addition, while the insurance company faced the difficulties and challenges of processing new business in each phase, how to evaluate the risks in advance and the corresponding countermeasures, adopting technology and professional team work to enhance the service quality and the operation efficiency. In these topics, we also discussed about how to evaluate the outcomes of re-engineering in each phase, included the way of reviewing the achievements / benefits of projects, continuously identifying the issues that can be improved, and the future development direction. The summary of the new business process evolution of the insurance company as below, 1.Considered the previous manual process barely handled the loading along with the huge growth of business volume, the insurance company implemented the Underwriting Automation system in 1992 to release the work load. However, the company faced several problems as “how to implement a comprehensive automation system”, “how to decide the best implementation way to achieve the objectives of that the cost is justified and the flow is smooth”, and “how to let the user to accept the process re-engineering”. Through planed the system workflow from user’s point of view and keep fully communicating with the stakeholders by the project team, this project gained all the stakeholders’ recognition and support eventually. By using the Underwriting Automation system, not only the process bottleneck caused by the huge growth of business volume can be solved, but also can large improved the underwriting efficiency, decreased the manual underwriting error rate, and saved the manpower cost. 2.Even though the Underwriting Automation system had improved the efficiency of underwriting and policy issuing, the agent still complained that they cannot remember so many underwriting rules and unable to provide the confirmed underwriting result timely when they sell the insurance product in front of the customer. Therefore, the company implemented e-Application system in 2001. However, the project team had to overcome the problem as “how to promote agent’s usage on this system” during the project implementation period. Through keep fully communicating with the agent, continuously enhanced the system features, training and promotion by the project team, the e-Application system usage rate finally raised up to 98%. By using the e-Application system, not only the agent’s persecution caused by the complex underwriting rule can be solved, but also can promise the protection to the customer in time as soon as the agent completed the e-submit, e-underwriting on customer site through the internet anytime. The professionalism and convenience of sales were big improved. 3.Even though e-Application can reply with the underwriting result immediately, the agent still need to mail out the signed copy of the application documents back to branch office for further process. Furthermore, the hot sale of Investment Link Product (ILP) and more complicated process of ILP product than the traditional product that caused the underwriter work load increased. In order to improve the operation efficiency and elaborate the best effectiveness under the limited human resource, the insurance company implemented the Image & Workflow system in 2006. However, the company faced several problems as “how to change the usual practice of underwriter”, “how to smoothly transfer the manpower from branch to the simple processing center” during the project implementation period. The project team was not only keep training and fully communicating with the underwriter, helped them accommodate to the change to entire on-line process, but also well planed the transformation and communicated with the branches one year ahead to smooth out the transfer of process and manpower. By using the Image & Workflow system, the fast convenient auto-flow that enable the document image be delivered in five second, not only can effectively solve the work load problem caused by the new business peak volume., but also can separate the simple case process to improve the underwriting efficiency and lower the operation cost. So the underwriter can more focus on the complicated case handling and communication to provide the best underwriting service quality to the agent and customer. Since insurance is the business of providing sustainable service, the process re-engineering is important task to the insurance company and has to be examined and modified concurrently with the times. In this thesis, with sharing with the experience and the achievement of the insurance company’s re-engineering process, it is suggested to implement the underwriting automation and imagelization within the small scale of insurance company, and fully implemented the electronic, imagelizing and paperless process within the medium or large scale of insurance company. After the insurance company had done the process re-engineering in electronic, imagelizing and paperless ways, it is also suggested that for those key-in works still rely on the manual process and the difficulties of developing and training medical underwriting personnel, the company can further study how to apply more advanced handwriting identification (OCR) technology and medical specialist system to solve the problems. Through utilizing the resource from the related industries to implement the highly technological system platform by phases, so as to the new business process toward more rapid and professional service milestone.

網路評比資料之統計分析 / Statistical analysis of online rating data

張孫浩 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網路的發達,各式各樣的資訊和商品也在網路上充斥著,使用者尋找資訊或是上網購物時,有的網站有推薦系統(recommender system)能提供使用者相關資訊或商品。若推薦系統能夠讓消費者所搜尋的相關資訊或商品能夠符合他們的習性時,便能讓消費者增加對系統的信賴程度,因此系統是否能準確預測出使用者的偏好就成為一個重要的課題。本研究使用兩筆資料,並以相關研究的三篇文獻進行分析和比較。這三篇文獻分別為IRT模型法(IRT model-based method)、相關係數法(correlation-coefficient method)、以及矩陣分解法(matrix factorization)。 在經過一連串的實證分析後,歸納出以下結論: 1. 模型法在預測方面雖然精確度不如其他兩種方法來的好,但是模型有解釋變數之間的關係以及預測機率的圖表展示,因此這個方法仍有存在的價值。 2. 相關係數法容易因為評分稀疏性的問題而無法預測,建議可以搭配內容式推薦系統的運作方式協助推薦。 3. 矩陣分解法在預測上雖然比IRT模型法還好,但分量的數字只是一個最佳化的結果,實際上無法解釋這些分量和數字的意義。 / With the growth of the internet, websites are full of a variety of information and products. When users find the information or surf the internet to shopping, some websites provide users recommender system to find with which related. Hence, whether the recommender system can predict the users' preference is an important topic. This study used two data,which are "Mondo" and "MovieLens", and we used three related references to analyze and compare them. The three references are following: IRT model-based method, Correlation-coefficient method, and Matrix factorization. After the data analysis, we get the following conclusions: 1. IRT model-based method is worse then other methods in predicting, but it can explain the relationship of variables and display the graph of predicting probabilities. Hence this method still has it's value. 2. Correlation-coefficient method is hard to predict because of sparsity. We can connect it with content filtering approach. 3. Although matrix factorization is better then IRT model-based method in predicting, the vectors is a result of optimization. It may be hard to explain the meaning of the vectors.

女性線上購物商業模式之研究-以PayEasy為例 / Research on business model of women online shopping - use PayEasy as the case

陳志勝 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,線上購物已成為趨勢,方便、不受時間地點限制想什麼時候買就什麼時候買,根據資策會MIC在2009年的調查,曾經參與網路購物經驗的民眾比例高達90%以上,其中女性網購比例高於男性,主要消費年齡層都是在20歲到39歲之間,佔整體比重約為80%。 成立於2000年的PayEasy.com(康迅數位整合)不同於其他網站,PayEasy鎖定女性會員為主要消費族群的電子商務網站,以虛擬百貨的經營模式及網群的發展概念深獲女性網路族的認同,發展至今,產品線已擴展到食、衣、住、行、育、樂等全面生活所需,此外它結合了女性時尚電視節目,營造出一個全方位的女性購物商城。 本研究主要擬以PayEasy為研究對象,探討該個案針對台灣女性消費者之線上購物獨特成功之商業模式,以了解其實務發展之歷程、問題及因應策略,相信對於相關電子商務業者亦有相當的實務價值啟發。 另外,本研究從實務的觀點推論,依照女性經濟、線上購物的電子商務、商業模式三大面向的相關次級資料,進行文獻探討;其中以商業模式做為本研究訪談大網之基礎,瞭解五位受訪對象之作為及想法後,針對訪談內容進行編碼及內容分析,最後產生研究結論與建議。 / In recent years, online shopping is becoming a tendency. You can buy anything with any time and any place, more importantly, it’s convenient. According to the research by MIC in 2009, the percentage of the consumers who had the experiences with online shopping was accounted to more than 90%. Furthermore, the propotion of female was more than the male, and the age between 20 to 39 years are the major purchasing group, it accounted to 80%. PayEasy.com was founded in 2000; the difference between PayEasy and other online shopping websites is that PayEasy focuses on female grouping, to acquiring woman’s identification by the business model of virtual department store and the development of online community. So far, PayEasy’s product lines have extand to not only the basic necessities of life, but also educate and entertainment. Besides, PayEasy cooperate with female fasionable TV program, to establish a whole new and omnibearing woman’s online shoppoing mall. In this study, we select PayEasy as our research object to discuss the business model of woman’s online shopping, to realize the developments, dilemmas, and strategies of PayEasy; it would be constructive and valuable for the e-commerce entrepreneurs. Additionally, we stand on a point of practice view to discuss the literatures based on the secondary data of woman economics, the e-commerce of online shopping, and the business model. Among that, we select business model as the foundation to design our interview outline. After meeting 5 participants, we use their opinions and thoughts to do coding and analyzing, and than acquire conclusions and suggestions in the end.

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