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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


陳家興 Unknown Date (has links)
在探討注意力的選擇基礎時,一般可區分為空間為基、物體為基、特徵為基以及面為基四類論點。直至目前為止,各類注意力選擇基礎的論點,都有其支持證據以及可解釋之處。本研究的主要目的在探討,當實驗操弄較適合面為基的注意力選擇時,內因性與外因性導引線索的注意力作用情況為何?本研究採用快速物體運動改變(RSOT)實驗典範,此乃由於該典範的刺激呈現方式,能排除空間為基以及特徵為基的解釋,並且受試者實際上是知覺到兩個重疊面,所以適合作為討論面為基注意力的實驗典範。   在探討注意力選擇的議題上,導引線索的內因性與外因性,常被用以觀察注意力選擇的作用情況。由於內因性與外因性導引線索的注意力控制機制是不同的,而且在時間向度的發展也不一樣,故本研究欲觀察內因性與外因性導引線索,在重疊面的情況下,注意力控制的作用情形。   實驗一主要探討外因性導引線索之攫取注意力的作用以及在時間向度上的發展情況,並為RSOT實驗典範提供在反應時間面向上的資料。實驗二則是以目標刺激與干擾刺激同時呈現的方式,探討內因性導引線索的集中注意力效果,在時間向度上的發展情況,並進一步觀察不同的目標刺激與干擾刺激相對關係所造成的影響。   研究結果發現,在重疊面的實驗典範中,以反應時間為依變項,外因性導引線索須在持續時間方面符合注意力設定(attentional set)的情況下,才能發揮攫取注意力的效果。而內因性導引線索則須在SOA的時間間隔夠長時,才會發揮集中注意力的效果,而可排除另一面上的干擾刺激所產生的干擾作用,研究結果顯示適當的SOA時間間隔約為300毫秒。而此內因性與外因性注意力控制的作用情況,與空間為基以及物體為基的相關研究結果相符合。

過度自信的研究:問題、困難度、抽樣方式與線索有效性對過度自信的影響。 / OMIT

彭兆禎 Unknown Date (has links)
有關主觀機率判斷的心理學研究發現,人們判斷的品質通常並不佳,而普 遍有過度自信(overconfidence)的現象存在。本研究乃根據 Gigerenzer ,Hoffrage,& Kleinbolting(1991)所提的機率心理模式 (Probabilistic Mental Model; PMMs)為架構,透過圖形知 在實驗一 中操弄問題的抽樣方式(代表性 vs 選擇性)及困難度 高 vs. 低)來檢 視問題的抽樣方式、困難度的影響效果;以及難易效果逆轉(reversal of the hard-easy effect)的現象。實驗二中操弄圖形間的相似度(高 、中、低)作為選擇抽樣的依據,目的在進一步檢視。研究結果發現:( 1)在知覺材料問題的判斷上受試者仍普遍發生過度自信。(2)高困難 度題目較低困難度題目有較高的過度自信產生。(3)選擇性抽樣問題會 較代表抽樣問題有較嚴重的過度自信,但不同的選擇性抽樣會有不同的影 響效果,而在本研究中,只有線索有效性。

目標理解影響嬰兒的動作模仿 / Goal understanding influences infants' imitation of actions

王維屏, Wang, Wei Ping Unknown Date (has links)
目標解讀在許多不同的模仿理論中均受到重視,並被認為是模仿學習中的關鍵。其中,目標導向的模仿理論認為在模仿過程裡,觀察者會將動作要素以階層關係重組為主要目標和次要目標,在資源有限的情況下,次要目標在模仿中容易被忽略,只重現主要目標。本研究修訂過去研究嬰兒目標導向模仿之作業,探索示範中的動作方向及口語提示線索如何影響嬰兒的目標導向模仿。在實驗1中,嬰兒看到示範者以跳躍或滑行的動作方式將玩偶移動至桌面或盒子裡,結果發現嬰兒會在沒有盒子的情境中模仿不同的動作方式,並在有盒子的情境裡模仿示範者的位置選擇。實驗2修訂實驗1的程序,延後呈現運動方向提示目標的時間,結果發現移動路徑的改變會使嬰兒在有盒子情境裡模仿位置選擇的正確性下降。實驗3在示範開始前加入口語提示協助嬰兒區辨目標位置,並使用與實驗2相同的移動路徑,結果發現口語提示無法增加有盒子情境位置選擇的正確性,反而使無盒子情境中模仿動作方式的表現減少。嬰兒的模仿行為不能完全用目標導向模仿理論中目標的階層排序解釋,示範情境、溝通互動以及語言等不同線索皆可能影響嬰兒推理目標的方式,改變模仿的傾向。 / The goal-directed theory of imitation claims that infants imitate an action by decomposing it into separate and hierarchically organized goals. When resources are limited, infants ignore less important goals to reproduce main goals. The evidence of this theory is that infants prefer to imitate action outcomes over styles when an external goal was present. In contrast, infants take action styles as major goals when there was no observable outcome. In this research, we investigated how movement direction and verbal information influence the goal-directed imitation process. In Experiment 1, we replicated the goal-choice imitation task used in previous research. 18-month-old infants observed an adult moving a toy animal in different action styles (slide or hop) into one of the two boxes (box condition) or onto the table (no-box condition).The results showed that infants imitated the action styles in no-box condition and matched the location choice in box condition. In Experiment 2, we modify the task by delaying the timing of movement direction cue for goal choice. Infants imitated the box choices less accurately after observing the modified demonstration. In Experiment 3, we verbalized the actor’s goal to investigate whether the goal choice errors in Experiment 2 are due to the lack of goal salience. We found no increase for the accuracy of matching location in the box condition but a decrease for the imitation of action styles in the no-box condition. In addition to the tendency to imitate different goals in different conditions, the study suggests important roles of movement direction and verbal cues in infants’ goal-directed imitation.

產品知識對組織採購行為之影響-以雷射印表機為例 / The Influence of Product Knowledge to Enterprise Purchase

樊祖燁, Fan Tsu-yah Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的是探討提供不同複雜度之產品資訊給組織採購中,不同產品知識程度的消費者,對其產品品牌選擇及品牌態度的影響。由於過去有關消費者產品知識對其購買決策影響的研究,多集中於一般消費品,對真正需要產品知識的組織採購型產品則付之闕如,因此本研究以企業採購工作群組級雷射印表機為例,探討產品資訊與產品知識的影響效果。 在組織的採購過程中,採購流程相關人員所扮演角色不同—使用者、把關者、影響者、決定者、同意者、購買者,其所具備的產品知識與考慮因素亦有差異。本研究共調查了71家公司中,394位有關採購流程的各種角色人員。研究採用在現實生活中進行之擬實驗法,以增加本研究之外部效度。實驗流程是由訪員先對每一企業中的六種角色人員進行問卷調查,以得知其產品知識、品牌態度及選購品牌意願,填寫問卷後並給予複雜的產品資訊文章或僅有簡單資訊的產品廣告,數日之後,再進行第二次問卷調查,以得知在閱讀產品資訊後,其產品知識、品牌態度及選購品牌意願的改變。 研究結果顯示,把關者、影響者及決定者的產品知識較高;非專家型的消費者雖然在閱讀資訊後產品知識顯著增加,但仍然無法與專家型的消費者相比。無論專家型或非專家型受訪者在選購雷射印表機的因素均以列印品質、售後服務和故障率低為優先,並不因其產品知識的多寡而有重視本質線索或周邊線索的不同。整體而言,複雜的產品資訊比簡單的產品資訊更能造成消費者的產品知識增加。 本研究亦發現給予非專家型消費者簡單的產品資訊,比給予複雜的產品資訊更能造成其態度改變及品牌選擇意圖的改變,此結果應是基於非專家型消費者並不具備消化吸收複雜資訊的能力,而較難受複雜資訊影響;但是給予專家型消費者不同複雜度的產品資訊則並無不同的效果。 本論文並根據前述研究結果,實際於一家代理國外品牌雷射印表機之中小企業進行實徵研究,以一款在國外評鑑優異,過去之銷售卻未盡理想的工作群組級雷射印表機為實徵產品,改變其廣告訴求,並主動提供其潛在客戶大量且態度中立的產品資訊,經過為期二個月的操作結果,該公司之此款雷射印表機銷售量得到顯著成長。 研究結果可以提供給市場上行銷資源有限之優質弱勢品牌做為參考,建議以產品資訊報導的公關方式或是透過長期提供客戶正確的產品資訊,提昇客戶的產品知識,進而產生對優質弱勢品牌的偏好。 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究目的 3 第三節 研究對象範圍 4 第四節 產業背景 5 第二章 文獻探討 10 第一節 組織採購行為 10 一、 採購的定義 10 二、 消費者及組織購買行為之比較 18 三、 組織採購的資訊搜尋行為 20 四、 購買模式及溝通效果層級 26 第二節 產品知識 28 一、 產品知識的定義 28 二、 有關雷射印表機之產品知識定義 30 三、 本質線索及外部線索的運用 31 第三節 產品知識與資訊搜尋行為 34 一、 資訊搜尋 34 二、 產品知識與資訊搜尋行為的關係 36 三、 資訊來源認知對資訊來源的影響 38 四、 資訊搜尋的主題與供應商選擇因素的關係 39 五、 資訊來源與資訊主題的關係 41 第四節 產品知識與資訊瞭解力 43 第三章 研究方法 46 第一節 研究架構 46 第二節 研究對象與產品選擇 47 第三節 預試 48 第四節 研究設計 50 第五節 問卷設計 52 一、 第一階段問卷(參附件五): 52 二、 第二階段問卷(參附件六): 52 第六節 變數 53 一、 自變數: 53 二、 依變數: 53 三、 共變數: 53 第七節 分析方法 54 第四章 研究結果與分析 55 第一節 受訪者雷射印表機使用狀況 56 第二節 產品知識 59 第三節 選擇雷射印表機之考慮因素 63 第四節 受訪者目前選擇的雷射印表機品牌及品牌態度 67 第五節 受訪者閱讀提供資訊前後之態度改變 69 第六節 受訪者閱讀提供資訊前後之品牌改變 71 第七節 資訊來源 73 第八節 研究結論 75 第五章 實務應用結果 77 第一節 實徵對象與公司背景: 77 第二節 實證產品 78 第三節 進行方式 79 第四節 實證結果 81 第六章 研究結論與建議 83 第一節 結論 84 第二節 研究限制 86 第三節 建議與貢獻 87 附件 95 一.受訪公司名稱一覽表 95 二.預試問卷 97 三.廣告DM 99 四.雷射印表機規格導讀文章 100 五.第一階段問卷 104 六.第二階段問卷 110 七.國內工業採購相關行為模式研究彙整表 114 八.實際驗証中媒體刊登計劃 117 九.以往刊登了一年的廣告稿 118 十.實際驗証中廣告稿 119 / The purpose of this research is to investigate the influences of providing simple or complex information to buying center members with different levels of product effecting brand attitude or purchase decision. In previous research, most product knowledge related studies focused on consumer products. However, product knowledge is even more important for business purchase decisions. This research uses working group laser printers to explore the influences of providing product information on six decision roles of a buying center —users, gatekeepers, influencers, designers, approvers, and buyers. The research employed a field experiment to keep its external validity. The interview process involved two-waves of surveys. The first wave of questionnaires was to evaluate respondents’ original product knowledge, brand attitude, and purchase intention. After the survey, the interviewer randomly gave the respondents a document to read, either a simple DM about a laser printer or a complicated article with all important laser printer information. After several days, the second questionnaire was administrated at the appointed time to measure the changes in respondents’ product knowledge, brand attitude and purchase intention after reading the information. There were 394 respondents from 71 companies in total. The findings of this study illustrated that gatekeepers, deciders, and influencers perceived more product knowledge than the other roles did. Although novice consumers were able to gain more product knowledge than experts did after information provided, their product knowledge level still could not compare with experts. Both novices and experts selected printing quality, after-service, and reliability as the most important factors when making a purchase decision of a laser printer. Novices and experts did not utilize intrinsic or extrinsic cues differently. Overall, respondents obtain more product information from the complicated product information than the DM. It was also found that novices changed their brand preferences and purchase intention more when simple information was provided than complex information. This was explained by the idea that novice consumer might not be able absorb the complicated information as easy as the simple one. On the other hand, simple and complex information had similar effects on experts. The results of this study were applied upon a small enterprise, which is a local agency of IBM laser printers. Info20 is a workgroup laser printer model which has won the “Editors’ Choice” by PC Magazine but its sales in Taiwan could not match its quality. After changing its advertising appeals and providing prospective customers with neutral product information for 2 months, its sales had significantly increased. This research demonstrates a good example for some companies with a superior product but with a weak brand image. It is suggested that these companies may publish product evaluation reports in professional magazines or provide clients with correct product information periodically to educate prospective customers. In the long run, consumers with more product knowledge are more likely to select a product by its quality rather than by its brand name.

消費者視覺觀點與廣告訴求類型適配度之體現模擬與溝通效果 / The Effects of Embodied Simulation of Fit between Customers' Visual Perspectives and Advertising Appeals

董重麟 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討消費者想像視角與訊息相適配之說服效果。心像是指感官資訊在短期記憶中運作的心理歷程,在說服文獻中扮演著重要的角色。由過去文獻可知,個體在進行想像時,可以採取兩種不同的想像觀點,一個是行動者觀點,另一個是旁觀者觀點。兩種不同視覺觀點會提供不同的心像資訊,進而影響個體對所想像事件或行動的解讀。旁觀者觀點強調行為的個人意義及個性上的展現,而行動者觀點則強調情境所賦予的感覺及所喚起的情緒。視覺觀點在社會心理學中已有廣泛的研究,但尚未應用到行銷說服領域中。本研究藉由整合心像、視覺觀點、及體現模擬的相關文獻,提出一個觀念性的研究架構,試圖說明當消費對採用不同的視覺觀點時,是如何影響其對廣告訴求的偏好,且是藉由何種心理機制來中介視覺觀點與廣告訴求相一致的說服效果。 針對上述的研究目的,本論文設計三個研究來驗證視覺觀點與廣告訴求適配的說服效果。研究一主要是驗證,若消費者採用行動者觀點來想像,則偏好體驗型產品,相反的,若消費者採用旁觀者觀點來想像,則偏好象徵型產品。研究二主要驗證,若消費者採用行動者觀點來想像,則廠商的溝通策略應強調產品屬性的體驗性利益,相反的,若消費者採用旁觀者觀點來想像,當廠商的溝通策略應強調產品屬性的象徵性利益。研究三是植基體現模擬中預設用途的概念,主要探討的是,如何在廣告圖片中安排預設用途線索,進而可以激發不同的視覺觀點。特別的是,當廣告圖片中有互動的預設線索時,則可以激發出旁觀者觀點,此時應強調象徵型訴求,相反的,當廣告圖片中沒有互動的預設線索時,則可以激發出行動者觀點,此時應強調體驗型訴求。且由三個研究結果可知,視覺觀點與廣告訴求相適配所產生的較佳產品態度,是由體現模擬所中介的。 / The purpose of this research is to understand the persuasive impact of the fit between the visual perspectives and the advertising appeals. Mental imagery, the process by which sensory information is represented in working memory, plays a critical role in persuasion. From a review of the literature, we realize that events can be imagined through the first-person perspective or the third-person perspective. The adoption of the specific vantage point can determine the inference people make about an imagined situation. In particular, the third-person perspective results in a greater dispositional inference, and highlights the broader meaning of the imagined situation, whereas the first-person perspective discloses more information about the inner, affective components of the imagined situation. Visual perspectives have been studied extensively in social psychology, but its implication is rarely applied to consumer behavior. This study adopts three experiments to examine the persuasive impact of fit between the consumers’ visual perspectives and advertising appeals. Study One suggests that when consumers adopt the first-person visual perspective, compared to a symbolic product, consumers would prefer the experiential product; on the other hand, when consumers adopt a third-person visual perspective, compared to an experiential product, consumers would select the symbolic product. Study Two proposes that when consumers adopt the first-person visual perspective, manufacturers should emphasize a product’s symbolic benefits. On the contrary, when consumers adopt a third-person visual perspective, manufacturers should stress a product’s experiential benefits. Study Three demonstrates that affordance cues would prime different visual perspectives, and when the visual perspective and advertising appeals fit mutually, it will have a strong persuasive effect. In particular, when there is an affordance cue in an advertisement, it will encourage consumers to adopt the third-person visual perspective, and then prefer symbolic appeals. On the contrary, when an advertisement does not have any affordance cues, it will stimulate consumers to embrace the first-person visual perspective, and then prefer experiential appeals. All three studies demonstrate that when there is a fit between the visual perspectives and the advertising appeals, consumers will generate a fluent embodied simulation, which would lead them to have a positive product attitude and purchase intention. The results of these three studies not only enrich the literature of visual imagery and marketing communication but also provide useful advice to manufacturers, especially on how to create the fit between product positioning and advertising, in order to promote the the positive product attitude and purchase intention of customers.

不同甄選情境中人格印象、能力評估、喜好程度及應對表現對口試成績的影響 / Effect of personality impression, capability judgment, likeability and interview performance on university enrollment interview with different settings

袁明玉, Meng Gek WANG Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討不同甄選情境中(視聽組、聽覺組、文字組),「人格印象」、「能力評估」、「喜好程度」及「應對表現」對「口試成績」的影響。 本研究以實驗法進行,採3「甄選情境」× 5「考生」二因子混合設計。其中「甄選情境」分為「視聽組」、「聽覺組」及「文字組」三組,「考生」則分為「甲生」、「乙生」、「丙生」、「丁生」及「戊生」五位。每組均由17位口試委員對5位考生進行評分。由於三組之口試委員不同,各組之評分不會彼此影響,因此「甄選情境」為獨立樣本,即受試者間設計;五位考生均會接受17位口試委員之評分,因此「考生」乃相依樣本,即受試者內設計。 本研究以碩博士班研究生為研究對象,請他們在觀看(聆聽或閱讀)口試錄影帶(謄本)後,以大學推甄口試委員的立場對影片中人物所形成之「人格印象」、「能力評估」、「喜好程度」及「應對表現」予以評分,並評定其「口試成績」。本研究採隨機分配,將研究對象分為「視聽組」、「聽覺組」及「文字組」三組。每組17位口試委員,共計51位。在觀看(聆聽或閱讀)口試錄影帶(謄本)前,受試者有5分鐘時間閱覽考生之書面資料,然後在觀看(聆聽或閱讀)考生之口試錄影帶(謄本)後,填寫「人格印象量表」及「口試評量表」。 本研究以3「甄選情境」× 5「考生」混合設計二因子變異數分析檢定不同的甄選情境在「人格印象」(他人親和取向、個人愉悅取向)、「能力評估」(專業能力、問題處理能力、人際關係處理能力、行政能力、外語能力)、「喜好程度」、「應對表現」及「口試成績」上之差異情形,結果發現處在不同甄選情境中的口試委員在這些變項上(外語能力除外)均可獲得頗為一致的判斷。研究者認為造成此結果的可能原因為:(1)參與推甄口試的考生無論是在課業或是人格特質、能力上均有相當程度的相似性;(2)大學推甄所使用的書面審查資料較職場口試中所使用的豐富,足以提供考生之人格、能力相關訊息;(3)實驗過程中口試委員閱讀書面審查資料的時間和口試時間的間隔太短,考生書面資料造成的初始效應過於強烈。 在不同甄選情境(視聽組、聽覺組、文字組)中,「人格印象」、「能力評估」、「喜好程度」、「應對表現」對「口試成績」之影響方面,研究結果發現:(1)「口試成績」與「應對表現」有高度相關;(2)「個人愉悅取向」與「視聽組」及「文字組」口試成績之間僅具低度相關,但卻與「聽覺組」口試成績具高度相關;(3)「專業能力」與「視聽組」及「文字組」口試成績之間僅具低度相關,但卻與「聽覺組」口試成績之間具高度相關;(4)「問題解決能力」與「視聽組」及「聽覺組」口試成績之間僅具低度相關,但卻與「文字組」口試成績之間具高度相關;(6)「喜好程度」與「視聽組」及「文字組」口試成績僅具低度相關,但與「聽覺組」口試成績則具高度相關;(7)「口試成績」與「他人親和取向」、「人際關係能力」、「行政能力」、「外語能力」僅有低度相關。 研究者認為本研究之所以發現「人格印象」與「視聽組」和「文字組」口試成績之間並沒有很高的相關,其可能的原因如下:(1)有些人格特質是無法在短時間內被覺察到的;(2)有些人格特質是比較容易用聽的方式覺察到的;(3)人格特質的判斷通常是以潛意識的方式在進行的;(4)人格特質是可以經由大學四年的教育慢慢成形的;(5)人格特質對口試的影響主要是在對應試者未來工作表現的預測上,而大學校系並不需預測考生未來工作表現。 綜合本研究發現,在大學推甄口試方面,考生的肢體語言、外表、聲音等對口試委員的影響並不是很重要。此外,人格特質在大學推甄口試上的影響亦非常輕微,因此研究認為大學學系應重新衡量是否應繼續保有口試?抑或改以其他方式進行學生的甄選,以達到既有效又節省的取才方式。 / The purpose of the study is to identify which of the following variables: personality impression, capability judgment, likeability, and interview performance, is actually affecting the outcome of the university enrollment interview with different settings. Subjects were 51 post-graduate students, randomly assigned to three groups – “Audio-visual Group”, “Audio Group”, and “Script Group”. Those in video group watched the video of the university enrollment interview, while those in audio group listened to the audio of the same interview, and those in script group read the transcript of the said interview. Vitae of the applicants were given to the subjects for reference prior to the stimulus. Each subject reviewed 5 applicants’ video (audio/transcript), and filled in the Personality Impression Form and Interview Assessment Form. 2-way ANOVA is used to examine the effect of different settings (audio-visual, audio, or transcript) on personality impression, capability judgment, likeability, and interview content, and it is found that all variable can be judged in coincidence among subjects within different settings. Pearson correlation is used to examine the effect of personality impression, capability judgment, likeability, and interview performance on the decision-making of interview in different settings, and it is found that interview result is (1) highly correlated to interview performance in all settings; (2) highly correlated to personality impression, specialty, and likeability in “audio group”, however, it is loosely correlated in other groups; (3) highly correlated to problem solving skills in “audio group”, however, it is loosely correlated in other groups; (4) loosely correlated to inter-personal skills, administrative skills and foreign language in all settings.

以由上而下與由下而上注意力運作探討高齡者對於情緒臉孔的反應 / Top-Down and Bottom-Up Attention in Visual Search of Emotional Faces in Aging

李璦如, Lee, Ai Ru Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討高齡者在視覺搜尋作業中,其由上而下(Top-down)與由下而上(Bottom-up)的注意力運作對於情緒刺激的反應,是否會因為注意力功能退化而與年輕成人的表現不同。過去研究指出,雖然高齡者注意力功能衰退,但是高齡者的由上而下注意力運作,仍可以幫助高齡者的表現。為了解由上而下注意力運作是否對於高齡者的反應有所幫助,本研究以兩個實驗分別探討內因與外因線索以及操弄訊息量所造成的影響。 實驗一包括80%有效的內因線索與25%有效的外因線索兩階段,外因線索階段為由下而上注意力運作,內因線索階段則為由上而下注意力運作,獨變項為年齡(高齡者、年輕成人)、情緒(生氣、快樂)以及線索有效情況(有效線索、中性線索、無效線索),記錄反應時間與正確率。實驗二的兩階段使用不同訊息量的外因線索(80%有效比例為高訊息量、25%有效比例為低訊息量),其餘操弄都與實驗一相同,低訊息量為單純的由下而上注意力運作,而高訊息量兼具由下而上與由上而下注意力運作。 研究結果發現,兩實驗高齡者與年輕成人都對於生氣情緒反應較快,符合威脅優勢。高齡者較年輕人更需要借助由上而下的注意力運作幫助反應,高訊息量的線索對於高齡者幫助也較年輕成人大。另外,實驗一增益效果的結果顯示,有效線索在高齡者搜尋生氣臉孔幫助較大,在年輕成人則搜尋快樂臉孔幫助較大,但是實驗二結果則顯示,有效線索在高齡者與年輕成人搜尋快樂臉孔的幫助都較生氣臉孔大,兩實驗的年齡與情緒的交互作用結果不同可能與高齡者異質性有關。由研究結果可知,由上而下注意力運作對於高齡者在情緒臉孔反應有幫助,在未來實務上,可以多運用由上而下注意力運作的線索幫助高齡者反應。 / This research is aim to understand attention in visual search of emotional faces in aging. Two types of attention process, that is top-down and bottom-up attention, were concerned in this study. In past researches, there are empirical evidences showing age-related declination in attention function, especially in bottom-up attention. But top-down attention is still playing an important role in doing task for the older adults. In order to understand the effect of top-down attention in aging, two experiments using endogenous or exogenous spatial cues were designed. Participants have to respond whether there is a different emotional face or not in a visual search task. The independent variables are age(aging and young), emotional face(happy and angry), and cue(valid, neutral, and invalid). Dependent variables are reaction times and accuracy. In Experiment 1, there are two stages: 80% valid endogenous cues and 25% valid exogenous cues. The endogenous cues stage and exogenous cues stage were designed to probe top-down attention and bottom-up attention, respectively. In Experiment 2, there are two stages: 80% valid exogenous cues(highly informative cues)and 25% valid exogenous cues(non-informative cues). Using highly informative exogenous cues involve both top-down and bottom-up attention. In contrast, non-informative exogenous cues only trigger bottom-up attention. The major results of this study support threat advantage hypothesis that both older and young adults respond to angry face target quicker than happy face. Benefit from top-down attention was larger in older adults than young adults. Highly informative cues help older adults more in searching emotional faces than young adults. The cuing effects in two emotional face conditions were different between Experiment 1 and 2. This inconsistent result maybe relates to aging heterogeneity. In conclusion, top-down attention can help older adults search for emotional faces.

以線索提示作業探討面為基注意力 / On the exploration of surface-based attention with cuing task

張鈺潔, Chang, Yu Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
面為基階段在視覺處理歷程中扮演重要角色,面表徵是高於視網膜影像的視覺表徵,本研究目的在於探討以「面表徵」為選擇基礎之注意力運作。參考過去研究者所採用的面材料,本研究改為同時呈現二個交叉斜面並進行線索提示作業,以同面優勢效果作為面為基注意力運作之指標。 本研究分成四項實驗,每項實驗皆由兩個子實驗構成,此二個子實驗分別使用「外因性線索提示作業」與「內因性線索提示作業」探討面為基注意力的運作。實驗一利用上述「面」的設計及兩種提示作業,得同面優勢效果,反映面為基注意力的運作參與其中。實驗二目的在於排除注意力根據「可能目標的斜度」進行選擇之混淆,因此將面改為擁有相同斜度且互相平行的二個斜面。注意力若根據可能目標的斜度進行選擇,則無法得同面優勢效果。結果顯示在實驗二的兩種提示作業中,仍得同面優勢效果。實驗三目的在於排除可能目標因空間排列而形成簡單的知覺組織,繼而影響注意力分配之可能性。結果顯示在外因性線索提示作業下,仍得同面優勢效果;在內因性線索提示作業下,SOA需延長至500毫秒,才展現同面優勢效果。實驗四則進一步確認在不同SOA下,面為基注意力的運作情況,結果發現:在外因性線索提示作業下,SOA為500毫秒展現同面優勢效果;內因性線索提示作業下, SOA為1000毫秒下展現同面優勢效果。 綜合而言,在外因性線索提示作業與內因性線索提示作業下皆得到同面優勢效果。當可能目標難以群聚後,在長SOA時距下,依然展現同面優勢效果。因此本研究的結果,對於面為基注意力提供了直接的支持證據。 / Surface-based stage plays an important role in visual information process. Surface representation means the representation that goes beyond 2-D image representation. The purpose of this study is on the exploration of attentional selection which is based on surface representation. Referring to the surface material used before, this study adopted two interlacing slant surfaces structured by random-dot stereogram to test the effect of “same-surface advantage”. There are four experiments and each experiment includes two sub-experiments which are exogenous cuing task and endogenous cuing task, respectively. In Experiment 1, the same-surface advantage was revealed. In Experiment 2, the confounding of “slant” was ruled out and the same-surface advantage was still kept. In Experiment 3, we reduced the possibility that candidate targets group together to form simple perceptual organization and then influence the allocation of attention. After rearrange the spatial positions of candidate targets, attention cannot select the simple perceptual organization easily. In exogenous cuing task, same-surface advantage was still revealed. In endogenous cuing task, SOA should be prolonged to 500ms, and it shows same-surface advantage. Furthermore, in Experiment 4, we manipulate three kinds of SOA and confirm the operation of surface-based attention. We found that in exogenous cuing task, SOA should be prolonged to 500ms, and it shows same-surface advantage.In endogenous cuing task, SOA should be prolonged to 1000ms, and it shows same-surface advantage. In conclusion, it shows same-surface advantage in exogenous cuing task and endogenous cuing task. When candidate cannot group together to be selected easily, SOA should be prolonged to longer, and it still shows same-surface advantage. The results provide the direct support evidences of surface-based attention.

嗅覺線索與標的產品一致性對消費者態度及購買意願之影響 - 涉入程度與品牌概念之調節效果 / The Effects of Congruence between Olfactory Cues and Target Product on Consumers’ Attitude and Purchase Intention with the Moderating Effects of Involvement and Brand Concept

蔡佩勳 Unknown Date (has links)
Martin Lindstrom (2005a) 指出除了視覺,嗅覺其實才是人類五官中最重要的,然而目前國內嗅覺相關之研究仍相當稀少。本研究由消費者之觀點出發,主要探討嗅覺線索與標的產品之一致性與否對消費者態度與購買意願的影響,並分析在「涉入程度」及「品牌概念」的調節作用下,對上述關係有何影響。 本研究經由前測,選擇手錶與運動鞋兩產品類別進入正式實驗,手錶產品類別中,以Swatch為象徵型品牌,CASIO為功能型品牌;運動鞋產品類別則以Puma為象徵型品牌,New Balance為功能型品牌。並以模擬的8張彩色平面廣告,施測於530位政大大學部之學生,進行2 (產品類別:手錶/運動鞋) x 2 (嗅覺線索:一致/不一致) x 2 (涉入程度:高/低) x 2 (品牌概念:象徵型品牌/功能型品牌) 的正式實驗。 研究結果顯示:一、就嗅覺線索主效果而言,與標的產品不一致的嗅覺線索比一致性之嗅覺線索更能提高消費者對產品的評價。二、在品牌概念的調節作用下,與標的產品不一致的嗅覺線索比一致性的嗅覺線索更能提升消費者對產品的評價,此情況在消費者面對功能型品牌時比象徵型品牌還要明顯。 整體而言,嗅覺線索的確會影響消費者對產品之評價。本研究提供行銷人員未來在採用嗅覺線索時,可考量的更多因素,以選擇合適的嗅覺線索加以應用。 / Martin Lindstrom (2005a) pointed out that other than sight, smell is the most important sense in the human anatomy. However, research on smell is still rare. This research sets out from the consumer perspective to discuss the effects that consistency between olfactory cues and target products have on purchase intention. Moderating effects of involvement and brand concept are also studied for their effects on the study. Watches and sport shoes were selected as the target products for this study. The symbolic brand in the watch category is Swatch, whereas the functional brand is CASIO; in terms of sport shoes, the symbolic brand is Puma, while the functional brand is New Balance. A2 (product category: watch / sport shoes) x 2 (olfactory cues: congruity / incongruity)x 2 (involvement: high / low) x 2 (brand concept: symbolic brand /functional brand) experimental design collected data from 530 Chengchi university students through 8 color printed advertisements. Research findings indicate the following. (1) In terms of the main olfactory cue effect, olfactory cues that are incongruent with the target product can better increase consumers’ evaluation of the product than congruent olfactory cues. (2) In terms of the brand concept moderating effect, olfactory cues that are incongruent with the target product can better increase consumers’ evaluation of the product than congruent olfactory cues. This is more evident when consumers deal with functional brands than when dealing with symbolic brands. To sum up, olfactory cues do in fact influence consumers’ evaluations of products. This study provides marketers with numerous factors that should be considered when selecting the adequate olfactory cues.

14與18個月嬰兒理解他人的溝通意圖 / Fourteen- and Eighteen-Month-Old Infants Understand Others' Communicative Intents

簡嘉慧, Chien, Chia Hui Unknown Date (has links)
理解他人的意圖,指的是理解他人的行為背後蘊含著一個希望達成的具體目標,是嬰兒社會認知發展中一項重要的基礎能力,而此能力的發展應具有跨文化一致性。然而,過去國內外研究結果顯示,台灣與西方嬰兒透過非語言線索理解他人溝通意圖的能力有明顯的落差。因此,本研究為了瞭解台灣嬰兒理解非語言線索的溝通意圖之能力,並找出可能導致上述不同研究結果的作業差異原因,將藉由兩項實驗來探討此議題。實驗一以藏物遊戲為實驗派典,觀察14與18個月的台灣嬰兒,在「眼神注視」、「手指指示」及「意圖性語音」三種非語言線索情境中,是否可藉由對線索溝通意圖的理解而找出隱藏的意圖目標物。結果發現14個月的台灣嬰兒,可理解他人「手指指示」線索的溝通意圖,但無法理解「眼神注視」與「意圖性語音」線索的溝通意圖,而18個月的台灣嬰兒則是可理解他人「眼神注視」線索的溝通意圖,但卻無法理解「手指指示」與「意圖性語音」線索的溝通意圖。為了排除藏物容器設計可能造成的干擾因素,實驗二調整了藏物容器裝置,以同樣的實驗方式觀察台灣嬰兒理解他人非語言線索溝通意圖的能力。結果發現,14個月的台灣嬰兒仍只能藉由「手指指示」線索理解他人的溝通意圖,但18個月的台灣嬰兒則已可透過「眼神注視」、「手指指示」及「意圖性語音」三種非語言線索理解他人的溝通意圖。此結果說明,台灣與西方嬰兒透過非語言線索理解他人溝通意圖的能力大致相同,即嬰兒理解他人溝通意圖的能力確實具有跨文化一致性。 / Understanding the intents of others, to understand the existence of specific goals that people wish to achieve from their behaviors, is one of important basic abilities in the social cognitive development of an infant. The developmental time frames of such ability should be the same across cultures. However, previous domestic and overseas studies proposed that the abilities of infants to understand the communicative intents of others through nonverbal cues are different between Taiwanese and western cultures. Hence, in this study, two controlled experiments were conducted to explore the abilities of Taiwanese infants to understand the communicative intents of others through nonverbal cues and the factors of the tasks that may cause different results between domestic and overseas studies. In the first experiment, an experimenter used the cues of gazing, pointing, and intentional vocalization in a hiding-game task to examine whether fourteen- and eighteen-month-old Taiwanese infants could infer communicative intents expressed in the three nonverbal cues and find the hidden objects. Results showed that 14-month-old Taiwanese infants could only follow the cue of pointing to find the hidden objects, but not gazing or intentional vocalization. And 18-month-old Taiwanese infants could find the hidden objects by following only the cue of gazing. To exclude the possible interferences of the target containers, the experimenter used the same procedures and settings in the second experiment as the first one, but modified the containers to clarify the hiding-game task. Results showed that 14-month-old Taiwanese infants could still follow only the cue of pointing to find the hidden object, but 18-month-old Taiwanese infants successfully followed all three types of cues. Based on these findings, the abilities of infants to understand others’ communicative intents by following nonverbal cues are the same in Taiwanese and western cultures. That is, the developmental time frames of the abilities of infants to understand the communicative intents through nonverbal cues are the same across different cultures.

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