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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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以雲端平行運算建立期貨走勢預測模型-Logistic Regression之應用 / Prediction Model of Futures Trend by Cloud and Parallel Computing - Application of Logistic Regression

呂縩正, Lu, Tsai Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
在科技持續進步的時代,金融市場發展隨著社會的演進不斷地成長與活絡,金融商品也從原本單純的本國存放款、外幣投資衍生出票券、債券等利率投資工具;除此之外,隨著資本市場的擴張,股票、基金、期貨與選擇權等投資標的更是琳瑯滿目。 而後產生了許多人使用資料探勘工具預測市場的買賣時機。如Baba N., Asakawa H. and Sato K.(1999)使用倒傳遞類神經網路來預測到股市未來的漲跌,而後又在2000年研究當中加入基因演算法來求得倒傳遞類神經網路的權重,得到最後的類神經網路模型。 在做資料探勘的同時,我們得在希望預測目標(Target)上事先定義好一套固定規則,這會使得模型的彈性與可預測度降低,本研究希望能透過資料探勘工具增加預測目標規則的彈性,增加模型最後的預測準確度。 本研究樣本區間選用2010年到2015年的台指期貨數據做為資料,並結合羅吉斯回歸與粒子群演算法建構更加有彈性的預測模型結果,最後發現在未來10分鐘,若漲幅超過0.1114%做為買進訊號的話,其建立出的模型可達到84%的預測準確度。

透過利率期限結構建立總體經濟產出缺口之預測模型 ─ 以美國為例 / Construct the forecast models for economic output gap through the term structure of interest rates ─ evidences for the United States

張楷翊 Unknown Date (has links)
經濟體的產出缺口一直是政策執行者的觀察重點,當一國出現產出缺口時,代表資源配置並不均衡,將發生通貨膨脹或是失業的現象,如能提早預期到未來是否會出現產出缺口,將可讓政策執行者即早進行政策實施,且有文獻指出,殖利率曲線資料中具有隱含未來經濟狀況之資訊。 本研究以美國財政部與聯準會之公開資料,將以殖利率曲線之斜率進行預測產出缺口;本文研究美國1977年至2016年之國民生產毛額成分與殖利率之資料,目標為建立對於未來一季將出現正向或負向缺口現象之模型,本研究建立三種預測模型進行比較,分別為線性迴歸模型、羅吉斯迴歸模型與機器學習中的支持向量機,以實質GDP的缺口預測而言,研究結果顯示,三者預測準確度均達到65%以上,支持向量機的準確度更達到80.85%。 得出以下結論,第一,殖利率曲線對於未來總體經濟產出缺口具有一定之解釋力;第二,對於高維度之預測模型在機器學習中的支持向量機表現會較一般常用之迴歸模型佳;第三,進出口的預測力在三個模型下均表現較差,可能為殖利率曲線對於進出口並不具有完整有效的資訊,可能有其餘的經濟指標或金融市場資訊可以解釋;第四,對於實質消費與投資等民間部門經濟行為有超過80%的預測力。 / The output gap of the economy has always been the objectives of policy practitioners. When a country appear the output gap, it means that the allocation of resources is not equilibrium and the inflation or unemployment will occur. The output gap will allow policymakers to implement the policy as early as possible, and the literature notes that the information of the yield curve has information about the future economic situation. In this paper, we using the data from the U.S. Department of Treasury and the Federal Reserve to predict the output gap by the slopes of the yield curve. Our goal is to construct the prediction model for the next quarter. To forecast the real GDP gap, three prediction models were compared, linear regression model, logistic regression model and support vector machine. The results show that the accuracy of the three predictions are more than 65%, support vector machine accuracy to reach 80.85%. We can have conclusions showing below: First, the yield curve has significant explanatory power for the overall economic output gap in the future. Second, the support vector machine perform better than the commonly used regression model. Third, the predictive power of real import and export in the three models are poor performance, there may be the rest of the economic indicators or financial market information can be explained. Fourth, the real consumption and investment has the predictive power more than 80% of the forecast.

台灣股市規模效應與發生財務危機事件機率之關連 / The relation between size effect and financial distress risk in taiwan stock market

柯貞伃 Unknown Date (has links)
規模效應是資本資產定價模型所無法解釋的報酬異常現象中,最常被討論的一個。本文首先將探討台灣股市是否具有規模效應情形,若有,再進一步檢視其型態為何。接下來,本文試圖了解是否公司發生財務危機的機率高低會與規模溢酬有所關連,亦即,小公司因為較容易發生財務危機事件,因此平均而言,較大公司有更高的報酬率。本研究將採用Shumway(2001)的羅吉斯迴歸模型來估算公司發生財務危機事件之機率,並且比較不同變數之預測能力如何。 經由實證結果,發現1986年至2009年的台灣股市具有規模效應情形,此結果與之前幾位研究者之研究結果相符。而在財務危機事件機率的部份,亦可看出發生財務危機機率較高的投資組合享有較高的報酬率,此情形在小市值規模的公司身上尤其明顯。從以上發現,我們可以推論財務危機風險確實為構成規模效應的因素之一。 / Size effect is one of wildly-discussed pricing anomalies that cannot be explained by capital assets pricing model, we would like to exam whether it exists in Taiwan stock markets and how its pattern is. Furthermore, we assume the higher financial distress risk a company has, the higher expected return it will earn. That is, there is positive correlation between financial distress risk and return. Following the logistic model developed by Shumway(2001), we explore the list of variables which have greater explanatory power in prediction. Through empirical data with stocks listed and ever listed on Taiwan Stock Exchange and GreTai Securities Market, we find size effect does exist. The result is consistent with previous study. We also see firms with higher distress risk tend to have higher returns, this condition is especially obvious in small companies. So we can infer that having higher distress risk is one of the reasons why small companies can earn higher returns, they are consistent with our conjecture.


楊士昌 Unknown Date (has links)
資訊不對稱可能造成市場中買賣雙方無法順利進行交易的阻力之一,而評等制度可以為資本供需雙方架起資訊的橋樑,讓資本市場發揮資金仲介的功能,使得投資者可以降低風險的不確定性、信用風險較低的企業減少付出的籌資成本,進而擴大市場的深度與廣度,增進資本市場的整體效率。為提供金融市場透明化訊息,並有別於過去相關研究方法,本研究多變量統計方法之因素分析(Factor Analysis)及順序羅吉斯迴歸(Ordered Logistic Regression)為基礎,分析影響壽險業信用評等之重要因素,以期在分析過程中獲得一套有效信用評等過程的關鍵方向。   本文以1994年至1997年接受A.M. Best評等之591家美國壽險公司為研究對象。美國壽險公司年報資料來源為NAIC DAATABASE PRODUCT光碟資料庫;而等級資料來源則是A.M. Best資料庫。首先取1994年至1996年共三年之財務資料與評等結果為估計樣本建立順序羅吉斯迴歸模型,並以相同公司的1997年的資料為保留樣本,作為等級預測之用,同時以多變量之因素分析建立1997年之分析預測模型,來比較兩模型之差異及解釋影響模型之重要因素,進而驗證壽險公司之財務報表資料與評等結果間是否有直接關係存在。

創業態度、創業觀感與創業行為關聯之研究 / A study of the relationship among entrepreneurial attitude, entrepreneurial perception and entrepreneurial behavior

許美鈴, Hsu, Mei Lin Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,隨著全球經濟不景氣及金融海嘯的影響,國內失業人口亦逐漸攀高,面臨經濟低迷的衝擊,創業實為促進經濟成長與增加就業機會的途徑之一。創業活動的蓬勃發展除能替個人創造財富,亦能降低失業率與通貨膨脹,為國家帶來經濟效益,可見創業活動與國家經濟發展關係密切。因此了解臺灣民眾的創業行為狀況及其影響因素已成為值得關注的課題。 過去曾有學者從內在因素與外在因素來探討創業行為之影響因素,其中內在因素包含人格特質、個人價值觀、創業態度、創業認知等,外在因素包含政府政策、創業教育、社會資本、組織資源等。本研究之主要目的為藉由實證研究,探討臺灣成年民眾在創業態度、創業觀感上的認知與創業行為間之關聯性,並試圖找出影響創業行為(包含創業傾向、創業活動)的關鍵因素。 研究結果顯示,有創業傾向的比例約占29%左右,參與投入創業活動的比例約占12%左右。影響創業傾向與創業活動之因素並不完全相同,創業傾向除了受到創業態度的影響之外,還與創業觀感有所關聯,而是否參與創業活動則只與創業態度有關,其中以認為自己擁有足夠創業能力的人,以及認識的人當中有創業經驗的人,其有參與創業活動及未來有創業傾向的可能性較高。

BASEL II之銀行企金實務 - 以財簽資料為例

黃俊瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
2007年,台灣將實施新版巴塞爾資本協定,在舊版協定的最低資本要求之外,更擴展成了三大支柱(Pillar):最低資本適足、監理審查程序以及市場紀律(公開揭露)之標準,並且引入了風險評等的觀念來計算法定資本,即信用評等方法,使得銀行能夠自行採用銀行內部自有系統評估風險暴險,並據以計提所需資本,以彌補傳統標準法的不足。 新版巴塞爾資本協定引入了內部評等法(internal rating based approach,簡稱IRB),其又區分為基礎內部評等法(Foundation IRB Approach)與進階內部評等法(Adavanced IRB Approach),此改革欲提升金融機構的信用風險測量能力,並建立自有之信用評等系統,使銀行能夠自行評估信用風險,資本協定並詳述了內部評等法的內涵與規範,例如風險成份、暴險類型、最低要求等等,使銀行在採用內部評等法時能有所依據。 本研究之目的在以台灣之銀行實例,針對內部評等法(IRB)中的企業型暴險,根據新版巴塞爾資本協定與金管會的準則,建立信用評等模型,來推估風險成份中的違約機率(PD)。本研究利用羅吉斯迴歸建構評分模型,顯著之解釋變數包括產業變數、六項財務比率變數、以及二項授信交易資訊,其中財務變數包括一項獲力能力指標、二項經營效率指標、三項償債能力指標。本模型亦完成了新資本協定所規範之七項評等模型測試中的五項,顯示評等模型在正確性、穩定度、區隔能力等各方面均有良好的表現。這些測試包括:預測力測試、標竿化比較、評等同質性測試、評等穩定性測試、壓力測試。

限制員工權利新股實施之成效分析-台灣實證研究 / The Effectiveness of Implementation of Restricted Stock for Taiwan

林耀煒, Lin, Wao Wei Unknown Date (has links)
舊有的員工獎酬制度隨著台灣經濟發展與法制上的改革,激勵的效果已不如以往。為了改善此狀況,我國自2012年透過公司法修訂,台灣企業可開始實施限制員工權利新股(Restricted Stock)制度,為員工激勵措施的新方法。其靈活的操作方式,給與企業更多空間,可以制訂為自己量身打造的激勵條件,預期可使企業績效提升,讓企業達到留才與成長的效果。本文以已經採用限制員工權利新股制度之87間上市公司為標的,研究期間為2010至2014年,以Han(2003)與鄭桂蕙(2005)之迴歸模型做為基礎,搭配兩種典型財務分析的比率ROE與ROA,再利用資料包絡分析法所得到之純粹技術效率值(PTE),三項績效衡量之指標作為因變數,進行實證分析。討論是否透過限制員工權利新股制度之實施,達到提升公司績效的效果。實證結果則顯示,利用此三種任一績效衡量的指標為對象討論,對企業績效的影響是正向且顯著的。此結果說明,實行限制員工權利新股之後,對於公司績效之提升,確實有幫助。對於此制度未來的持續發展,可預期將成為我國員工激勵措施的新標的,並成為我國企業成長的新動力。 / Due to economic development and regulatory reforms, old compensation systems for employees are no longer considered effective. To improve the effectiveness, Taiwan’s Corporation Act was amended in 2012 to allow restricted stock as a new compensation scheme. The flexibility of the tailored-made restricted stocks allows corporations to attract and retain more talents, which may subsequently improve business performance. To examine the effectiveness of restricted stocks implemented among Taiwanese corporations, this thesis adopt three performance indicators, namely two typical financial analysis ratios, ROE and ROA, and a pure technical efficiency (PTE) measure obtained from the data envelopment analysis (DEA). With the regression model proposed by Han (2003) and Cheng (2005), we examine how restricted stocks have affected the performance of all 87 public firms which have adopted this new compensation system during the period from 2010 to 2014. The empirical investigation reveals that all three performance indicators are positively and significantly affected by the implementation of restricted stocks, which implies that the new compensation scheme is beneficial to business performance. It is therefore expected that the adoption restricted stocks will continue to be an important part of Taiwanese firm’s compensation system, and will certainly become a new source of corporate growth.

台灣地區影音著作盜版率之研究 / The study of audio-visual works' piracy rate in Taiwan.

邱奕傑, Chiu,Yi-Jye. Unknown Date (has links)
隨著資訊科技的發展與網際網路的普及,音樂與電影光碟盜版的問題也逐年嚴重,然影音盜版不僅影響權利人團體,影音業者及創作者之生存,亦攸關我國智慧財產之發展,更常成為我國在國際貿易諮商上的重要課題。在種種緣由與現況下,得使國內許多產、官、學、研團體想去研究影音盜版的相關議題,以了解其嚴重程度如何,或有無較客觀合理的指標或評估方式?並進一步研擬有效方法來防範盜版問題進一步惡化,為此上述問題乃是本研究之源起。 目前所有的影音盜版研究,多著重在計算盜版率,探討盜版因素,盜版行為的心理與法制問題,皆還尚未針對影音盜版率,建構出可供學者推論的盜版率機率分配,及其他相關的數量研究,因此,本研究的主要實証方向,乃根據2004年經濟部智慧財產局(intellectual property office ministry of economic affairs,R.O.C)委託政治大學之消費者調查資料,就音樂CD、影音VCD/DVD兩部分,針對筆者有興趣之變項(性別、年齡、有無上網下載等),(1)分別建構各自的混合分配並了解其分配間的差異與趨勢, (2)探討消費者對盜版行為的態度,(3)了解消費者對喜好的光碟所願付價格之差異,(4)建立盜版率分配的信賴帶,以及(5)針對現有的調查資料進行盜版辨別。 最後,就查緝盜版與維護智慧財產權兩方面,實證分析提供政府相關單位作為參考的依據,以求擬訂周詳且完善的措施來防範日益惡化的盜版問題。 / With the development of computer technology and widespread of internet, the piracy problem goes more serious. The piracy situation makes much influence not only on the rights of international oblige societies but also the growing of the intellectual properties in Taiwan. Moreover, it becomes the rock on the road of international commercial negotiations. Beyond the serious situation in the mean time, more researchers and relevant organizations on the island are trying to pay more attention to this important issue. This research intends to understand several questions: How is the actual situation on the piracy problem? Are there any objective evaluation ways? Are there any effective policies to prevent it from going deeper? These questions lead to this research. In the meantime, most of Audio & Video piracy research emphasized only on calculating the piracy rate, or the reasons, or the relevant psychological and law problems, but few on piracy quantitative studies. Therefore the mainly intention of this research is based on the data from the IPO(Intellectual Property Office Ministry of Economic Affairs, ROC), which is executing by National Chengchi University. As for the two parts concerning music CD and visual VCD/DVD, and the variables those I am highly interested including gender, age, education level, downloading or not. The empirical study results show as below: (1)The piracy rate distribution corresponds with the Mixed Model, that mean that it have been proportionally mixed two degenerate distribution (while X=0 and 100) with the Normal distribution. (2) On the facets of distribution differences and trends analysis, not only music CD and visual VCD/DVD, the results of the research by Mann-Whitney test and Kolmogorov-Smirnov two sample test both reveal the rising tendency of overall piracy rate. The generation of 20~29 years old is the mainly pirate group, moreover, higher education grades group does the more pirating behaviors, and lower income group intends more unauthorized copying conducts. Furthermore, along with the development of internet technology, the infringement behavior is more serious on the network connectors than the non-network downloaders. (3) Under surveying the opinions of consumers about the piracy, regardless of whether music or movies, the deviation is more serious on male than female, under 30-year-old than above, low educated than high, low income than high, pirate than non-pirate, downloaders than non-downloaders. The problem locates not only the lack of the concepts and recognition on the intellectual properties rights, but also the scarce of moral or legal limitations on the unauthorized rebuilding or downloading. But in the other curious facet, although the higher grade educated groups got more equitable standpoints on the piracy discussion, but evidenced depend upon the collected data they are also mainly the group who did the piracy behaviors more. (4) On the price range that a consumer would like to pay for, most of the pirate consumer tends to pay low price to buy the A/V goods, most of the non-pirating consumer group tends to pay general price to buy ones, and no significant difference of these two groups with high price, (5) On the facets of confidence bands on the whole music CD and visual VCD/DVD pirating rate, because of the specialties of pirating data- the higher frequency while the piracy rate values 0 and 100, so that the upper and lower bound reveals at 0 and 100. Futhermore, the confidence bands obtains from the population distribution function, therefore it’s suitable for the goodness-of-fit test. The results met the Kolmogorov-Smirnov one sample test. (6) On the data recognition facets, the logistic regression model of piracy is constructed in this research. Classification from the fitted logistic regression models, the results reveals 107 non-pirate are mis-judged to pirating behaviors, 186 pirating samples are neglected to non-pirate ones, the correct recognition rate goes high of 88 %. Key Words:Piracy Rate, Mixture Models, Mann-Whitney, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Logistic Regression Model, Nonparametric Statistics.

「未來事件交易所」的選舉預測分析 / Analysis of Election Prediction of xFuture

辛栢緯 Unknown Date (has links)
選舉事件在台灣一直是屬於重大事件,民眾對於選舉事務都非常關心。根據童振源等人(2009)和Forsythe, Rietz and Ross(1999),透過預測市場的機制來預測選舉結果非常準確,所以近年來預測市場也變得越來越熱門,新聞媒體也開始大幅報導未來事件交易所的預測結果。本論文將透過實證的方式探討除了價格之外,加入與未平倉相關的資訊是否能夠幫助我們更有效地預測選舉結果,並以此建議未來事件交易所揭露網站內的期貨未平倉合約量這項資訊,以提供交易人參考。 本論文使用資料為未來事件交易所中關於2008年總統選舉、立委選舉以及2010年五都市長選舉的資料,資料期間皆為各選舉的最後兩個交易日的資料,採用的變數有最後交易日的合約加權平均價格、最後交易日的合約未平倉量、最後交易日的合約成交量和最後交易日之價格漲跌及未平倉量增減的相乘項,並利用羅吉斯迴歸來幫助預測分析。 研究結果顯示:(一)與過去的研究結果相符合,未來事件交易所中選舉期貨合約的價格能有效幫助預測選舉的結果;(二)未平倉量和成交量均無法幫助預測選舉結果,這可能是由於未來事件交易所使用虛擬貨幣進行交易以及保證金制度,使得部分交易人在交易成交後不再關注自己的部位或是損益所導致;(三)利用最後交易日價格漲跌及未平倉量增減所得到的相乘項對於預測選情有顯著的幫助,當相乘項越大的時候,候選人當選的機率也隨之越小。 一般期貨交易中,透過未平倉合約量這項資訊可幫助交易人得到更多的資訊。而未來事件交易所的選舉期貨合約之未平倉量雖然無法提供額外的資訊,但是仍然建議可以將這項資訊揭露以供交易人參考。此外,相乘項在預測選情時能提供顯著的幫助,因此在交易上或是預測上都可以參考這項資訊以做出更佳的判斷。

資料探勘於保險電話行銷之實證研究 / An Empirical Study on Data Mining in Insurance Telemarketing

方國莉 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著國內金融市場的蓬勃發展,競爭日趨激烈,必須開發不同之銷售通路以降低經營成本與增加銷售規模,而電話行銷市場為金融業爭取市占率的主要競爭策略,其中又以保險電話行銷為最主要,在有限人力規模及商品差異性低之市場競爭下,消費者資訊更顯出其重要,因而開拓消費者資訊及如何自各戶名單篩選適合銷售之客戶名單成為保險電話行銷成功的重要關鍵。 本研究主要是探討零售業客戶之消費行為與保險電話行銷成交之關聯性,利用資料探勘技術建構回應模型,同時找出適合保險電話行銷的客戶資訊,進而達到建立最佳成本效益之人力配置。本研究實證樣本資料為電話行銷業與零售業者合作銷售之個人壽險資訊,取得之樣本客戶名單數為252,727筆,並於2010年08月至2011年07月進行撥打,成交客戶1,071筆,成交率為0.43%,此成交率低於可獲利之狀態,且銷售人員也不願意撥打,故此名單將不適合保險電銷的經營。本研究利用資料探勘技術進行歸納、分析及評分,找出高回應率的顧客族群且高於損益兩平成交率的名單以適合保險電銷的經營,同時避免浪費人力資源。 本研究發現客戶之年齡、職業、過去交易行為等變數皆對成交率有正面顯著影響,且若將客戶透過本模型篩選後並給予評分,再依其分數由高至低排序後,以每以5%均切為20等份,可發現前5%客戶成交率為1.31%,較原先成交率提升3.06倍,故經歸納結果分析,透過資料探勘技術對客戶進行分層,可有效地配置行銷資源,提高電話行銷的經營效率。

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