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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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選制變遷對立法委員連任之影響 / The Influence of Electoral System Change on Reelection of Legislators

余家炘, Yu, Jia Sin Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探討選制變遷對立法委員連任所造成的影響。2005年,我國的立法委員選舉制度自「複數選區單記不可讓渡-封閉名單政黨比例代表混合制」改為「單一選區相對多數-封閉名單政黨比例代表混合制」,並且於2008、2012年實行已兩屆。針對新舊選制之探討甚多,惟聚焦於連任之研究則少見。 筆者關注新舊選制對於區域立委行為的影響,以及區域立委行為和選制本身的制度性因素,對於區域立委追求連任的影響。筆者認為,新舊選制將提供不同的選票經營策略,舊選制-複數選區單記不可讓渡制-不僅重視個人聲譽的培養,且經營策略也較多元,使得舊選制立委能透過不同的選票經營策略連任成功;但新選制-單一選區相對多數制-同時重視個人與政黨聲譽,對立委而言可能左右逢源,也可能顧此失彼。故新舊選制相比,由於新選制的政黨聲譽較舊選制重要,且新選制立委對於政黨聲譽的影響相對有限,使得新選制立委在選票經營策略上的彈性不如舊選制立委,而連任難度較高。 本文發現,由於舊選制提供立委多樣的立法生涯經營策略,立委可藉由建立同選區內立委間彼此之間的區隔性以確保勝選連任。但是在新選制之下,立委一方面需維繫個人選票,另一方面因為選制促成的兩黨對決,也同時需經營政黨選票,在選區的經營策略上缺一不可,為了累積過半選票,既要花更多時間在選區事務上,藉由選區服務討好選民,也要在立法場域中遵循政黨立場以保衛政黨聲譽,造成選區-政黨雙重經營的困境。使得新選制立委的選票經營彈性比舊選制立委低,增加新選制立委追求連任的難度。而在新選制下有許多立委,其所屬政黨在該選區中的聲勢較低,這些立委本來就不易連任,更由於低落的政黨聲勢,使得政黨立場與選區立場衝突的可能性又更高。這些立委即便花更多時間在選區事務上以求獲得更多選票,卻也無法棄政黨聲譽不顧。雙重經營的困境對新選制立委,尤其是選區中所屬政黨較弱勢的立委而言,是連任之路上的一大挑戰。


游佳玲 Unknown Date (has links)
安隆財報醜聞造成其簽證會計師事務所聲譽受損,有鑑於以往的文獻對於Andersen聲譽受損與其簽證客戶股價關聯之探討,多僅限於美國本土,因此,本研究希望能擴大視野,由全球的角度來探討國際結盟會計師事務所聲譽受損在各地資本市場的外溢效果。本研究將針對世界各國Andersen簽證客戶進行研究,研究對象選取同Bhattacharya, Daouk and Welker(2003)所研究之國家,並扣除無法從Datastream獲取股價資料的簽證客戶,故最後選取34個國家892家公司為研究對象。 本研究旨在透過股價的分析,探討國際結盟會計師事務所聲譽受損對客戶股價的影響,研究結果指出,法律執行力較差、避免負盈餘程度越高、資本市場重要性越大的國家,簽證客戶股價因為國際結盟事務所聲譽受損而遭受股價下跌的機率較高。本研究進一步探討股價下跌幅度與不同地區之法律環境、會計資訊品質與資本市場成熟度間的關係,實證結果均無法支持本文先前的預期,各國股價下跌的幅度與該國法律環境、會計特性以及資本市場規模並沒有系統性的相關連。 / The financial scandal surrounding the collapse of Enron Corporation caused an erosion in the reputation of its auditor, Andersen. In consideration of past research about such article was confined to America only, we extend the field of vision to investigate the spillover effects by examining the cumulative abcdrmal returns of clients of the auditors across 34 different areas. In order to include the CPA-firm clients’ name and price data, we merged the data from Worldscope and Datastream, and our sample was 892 firms across 34 countries. In this paper, we examine the auditor’s clients’ stock price reactions to the deterioration of Andersen’s reputation after its admission that a significant number of documents had been shredded on January 10, 2002. Our results suggest that when news about Andersen’s January 10, 2002 shredding admission was released, the areas with weaker law enforcement, higher degree of the loss avoidance, and more developed financial market are more likely to react negatively to Andersen’s tarnished reputation, but there is no further evidence to show that the magnitude of the respond is associated with the legal environments, the characteristics of accounting earnings, and the development of the financial market.


廖益均 Unknown Date (has links)
若盈餘資訊之時效性具有不對稱的特性 – 會計資訊認列壞消息的速度較認列好消息的速度更為及時,則會計實務將此稱之為具穩健原則特性之盈餘屬性。本研究檢視我國盈餘的穩健程度,以及就審計功能的角度而言,我國盈餘穩健程度的影響因素,主要發現如下:首先,我國早期的會計盈餘並不具備穩健原則的特性,但是近期的會計盈餘則已經具備穩健原則的特性。換言之,就穩健特性而言,我國的財務報告品質的確有明顯的進步。其次,就審計功能的角度而言,本研究未能發現會計師的品牌聲譽對盈餘穩健程度有具體增額影響的證據。第三,本研究發現產業專家對盈餘穩健程度有正面影響的證據,其中經由進一步的分析,本研究發現,同時為產業專家會計師事務所與產業專家合夥會計師簽證的客戶,其盈餘的穩健程度最高。但是,單獨僅為產業專家會計師事務所,或僅為產業專家合夥會計師所簽證的客戶,其盈餘數字的穩健程度,與一般既非產業專家會計師事務所且並非產業專家合夥會計師簽證客戶的盈餘穩健程度,其間的差異並不明顯。第四,若追蹤至會計師事務所,查核的最終年度,對會計盈餘具有增額的穩健影響。然而,在相同會計師事務所內的會計師更換而產生的最後一年任期,則對盈餘的增額穩健程度並無顯著的影響。最後,無論係早期或近期,若客戶重要性係追蹤至會計師事務所的層級,本研究完全未能發現客戶重要性對於盈餘的穩健程度有負面影響的證據。但是,若客戶重要性係追蹤至合夥會計師的層級,本研究發現,就早期而言,客戶重要性對於盈餘穩健程度的確有不利影響的證據;但是,若就國近期的資料而言,則客戶重要性對於盈餘穩健特性之影響,僅為方向上的負面影響,未能達傳統的顯著水準。


蘇淑慧 Unknown Date (has links)


高淑琦, Kao ,Shu Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在針對中國審計市場探討財務報表品質是否受到註冊會計師事務所的品牌聲譽(reputation)、產業專業化(indusrty specialist),及客戶重要性(client importment)之影響。 單變量結果顯示,國際四大會計師事務所查核之財務報表品質較佳,然而,在控制其他影響財務報表品質之因素後,本研究無法發現四大所查核之財務報表品質優於非四大所查核之公司。此外,在額外考慮客戶議價能力且僅對四大會計師事務所的客戶分析當中,本研究發現在特定衡量方式下,相對於議價能力高的客戶而言,國際四大會計師事務所在面對議價能力低的客戶時,較能抑制其管理當局操縱盈餘,因此在中國,客戶議價能力在某程度上,的確傷害四大所的審計品質。 在產業專家方面,本研究也未能發現產業專家事務所查核之公司,其財務報表品質優於非產業專家查核公司的證據。此外,本研究也無法發現客戶議價能力會對產業專家事務所造成影響。造成此結果之可能係因掛靠制度及政府之尋租行為所造成之區域性分割使得上市公司對事務所的選擇並不重視其審計品質的高低,而是更看重會計師事務所的掛靠單位,再加上中國審計市場集中度不高,使事務所無發展產業專家之誘因。 至於客戶重要性方面,研究結果顯示當客戶支付之公費金額愈高時,即使其公費佔事務所總公費之比例並不高,仍使會計師允許客戶操弄盈餘的幅度愈大,且此現象主要反映於管理當局操弄盈餘減少時。 / In this study, we examine how auditor’s brand name reputation, industry specialization, and client importmance affect the quality of financial statements in China. Using three kinds of abcdrmal accruals to proxy for earnings quality, our empirical results are as follows: First, univariate results suggest that fiancial statemenets audited by Big 4 are better than those audited by non-Big 4. But after controlling for variables established in prior work to be related to abcdrmal accruals, we find no evidence that clinets of Big 4 have lower abcdrmal accruals than clients of non-Big 4. Besides, we find that when we use discretionary accruals (DAC) to proxy for earnings quality, evidence shows that DAC are lower when clients of Big 4 are small and have little bargaining power. Therefore, client bargaining power indeed impairs audit quality in some extent in China. Second, we don’t find a statistically significant association between abcdrmal accruals and industry specialization. We also find no evidence that client bargaining power will affect industry specialization. Third, we use total fees and ratio of client’s total fees to audit firm’s total revenue as our two proxies for client importance. Evidence shows that total fees are positively associated with magnitude of abcdrmal accruals, especially when abcdrmal accruals are negative.

一個以聲譽為基礎的協同合作信任夥伴選取模式 / A Reputation-based Model for Selecting Trusted Collaborative Partners

陳樂惠, Chen, Le Hui Unknown Date (has links)
協同合作(collaboration)是一個以知識為基礎的互動及建構過程,從1990年中葉起在供應鏈中就被廣泛運用在各項議題中。協同供應鏈成員間的關係主要建立在專案上,彼此間可能沒有合作過的經驗,未來也可能沒有再次合作的機會;事實上,選擇值得信任的合作夥伴是協同供應鏈邁向成功的重要步驟。本研究發展了一個選取信任合作夥伴的模式,在於企業發現新的商業機會時,能選擇一個以往沒有合作經驗但具有高度初始信任(initial trust)的候選人。該模式主要採用聲譽系統(reputation system)和推薦網絡(referral networks)來選取最具有良好聲譽的候選人。我們的模式首先是利用推薦網絡蒐尋到與候選人合作過的第三者來取得候選人的主觀及客觀評選資料,接著利用蒐集到的資料計算出初始信任分數最高的候選人作為協同合作夥伴。在實驗中証實本研究確實可以協助企業選取到具有良好特質的候選人,同時本研究也找出了影響實驗結果的關鍵因素及其值。 / Collaboration is an interactive, constructive and knowledge-based process that has been widely discussed since the mid 1990s. Relationships among participants in the collaborative supply chain are based on projects; with participants have neither histories of interaction, nor any plan for future cooperation. However, selecting a right partner is a critical starting point for successful collaboration in supply chain management. This study develops a Reputation-Based Partner Selection Model (RBPS model) for selecting unknown collaborative partners to explore a new business opportunity, ensure that the partners have high levels of initial trust. The proposed model utilizes the referral networks and reputation system to identify the objective and subjective testimonies of partner candidates from third parties who had previously collaborated with the candidates. These information elements are aggregated into an initial-trust score, and the candidate with the highest score is selected to be a collaborative partner. The experiments were designed to test the model that can help the requestor enterprise to select a partner with the highest initial trust among multiple candidates. The results showed that the candidate, with fine temperament in three trust types (as competence, goodwill and predictability), was selected far more often than other competitors after multiple tests of computer simulations. Additionally, the critical factors and values that most affect the results of RBPS model to select the most reputable candidates were identified.

管理當局預測與權益資金成本關係之研究 / On the association between management earning forecast and cost of equity capital

江幸瑾 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討管理當局自願性盈餘預測與權益資金成本之關聯性,檢視管理當局發布盈餘預測頻率之影響是否反應於權益資金成本上,並進一步檢視管理當局之聲譽是否為影響權益資金成本的因素之一。 在本研究的實證分析結果中,發現管理當局發布自願性盈餘預測之頻率與權益資金成本呈顯著負相關,表示管理當局發布盈餘預測的次數越多時,權益資金成本越低。 在管理當局聲譽對於權益資金成本的影響,本研究實證分析結果發現,管理當局之聲譽與權益資金成本亦呈顯著負相關,管理當局聲譽以管理當局預測誤差和分析師預測誤差來衡量,當管理當局的盈餘預測誤差小於分析師盈餘預測誤差時,投資人認為管理當局對盈餘的預測有效且值得信賴,此時管理當局聲譽提高,投資人認為取得有用的資訊,進而降低企業權益資金成本。 / The primary objective of this thesis is to explore whether the frequency of management forecasts is related to the cost of equity capital. In addition, I further examine whether the association is stronger when management has better reputation. Basing on a sample of S&P 500 listed firms during 2000-2009, I find that, consistent with my prediction, cost of firm’s equity capital decreases with the frequency of management earning forecasts after controlling for other determinants well-documented to be related to cost of equity capital. Second, I find that cost of equity capital is negatively related to the reputation of management; however, I do not find that the association between cost of equity capital and the frequency of management systematically vary with the reputation of management.

社群媒體下的企業聲譽與國家形象建立:台灣的新模型 / Corporate reputation, national image building and Taiwan in social media: a proposed model

朱顏, Zsuzsanna Mangu Unknown Date (has links)
本文的目的在於說明國家形象和企業聲望的重要性,以及二者對國家競爭力的影響,並且針對如何改善台灣國家品牌計畫以提高它的形象建直一個模型。該模型強調在國家品牌計畫中,社群媒體所扮演的重要角色。由於社群媒體愈趨普及與廣泛使用,社群媒體將形成很大的可能性以凝聚民意。 本文主要分析材料分為兩個部分。其一,透過分析機關團體和群眾所編寫的聲望排名列表的內容,所收集到的原始數據,並且該數據也包括一項透過Facebook分析以觀察品牌貫徹的研究;其二,透過社群媒體與形象形成有關的研究著作、網站與書籍等文獻回顧,所收集的補助數據。 原始數據顯示大眾對於在技術媒體網站上建立產品排名有很大的興趣,而且在這些網站上的排名通常與一般機關團體排名有顯著不同,且以Facebook為材料分析顯示,台灣企業的品牌貫徹與全球最有聲望的企業並未有很大的差別。另外,輔助數據也顯示形象與聲望的重要性,以及社群媒體確有極高的可能對象與聲望生高度影響。 由於數據可見,台灣在技術開發和產品質量方面確有良好的形象,本文進一步指出,台灣應該集中這些功能,二非僅是推廣旅遊景點,方能改善國家形象的諸多方面。作為這項研究的結果,本文對於台灣以及和台灣具有相似特徵的其他國家,提出一個較能妥善貫徹國家品牌的模型。該模型強調國家與企業之間合作的必要性,進以改善雙方的形象與聲望。此外,該模型也指出,利用社群媒體提供的工具將有效地達成品牌貫徹。 / The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the importance of national image and corporate reputation and the interrelating power of the two on national competitiveness. In addition I hope to develop a model for the improvement of Taiwan’s nation branding project. The model points to the relevance of Social Media channels in nation branding projects. As a consequence of its increasing popularity and extensive usage, Social Media offers great opportunities for the reformation of public opinion. Data has been collected through a comprehensive literature review of research papers, websites and books on the two major subtopics: Social Media and image construction. Besides, analyses of reputation ranking lists prepared by organizations and the public were conducted. In addition, the paper also includes research through Facebook to examine branding practices. The research demonstrated the relevance of image/reputation, moreover the wide-ranging possibilities inherent in Social Media for exertion of influence. The data also showed that there is a broad public interest in product rankings of Tech Media Websites and that the top companies of those are usually distinct from the favorites of the official listings. The Facebook research did not show relevant differences between nation branding practices of the Taiwanese and the most reputable companies worldwide. The data showed that Taiwan has a good reputation in terms of technological development and product quality. This paper states that Taiwan should concentrate on these features instead of the promotion of tourist attractions, as a spillover effect will eventually lead to improvements in all aspects of national image. Based on the results of the study, this paper includes a nation-branding model for Taiwan and for other nations with similar characteristics to Taiwan. The model emphasizes the necessity of collaboration between the state and the corporate sphere in order to improve the image of both. Additionally, the model illustrates that an effective nation-branding project needs to exploit the tools provided by Social Media.

台灣創投基金對於新創公司 長期表現的影響 / The Effect of Venture Capitals on the Long-term Performance of Start-ups

王家唯, Wang, Chia Wei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過台灣創投基金的聲譽、國際化和政治連結等信號(Signal),探討創投基金對於新創公司初次公開發行後的長期表現的影響。本研究之實證結果發現,創投基金的聲譽越高以及國際化程度越高,對於新創公司的長期表現有正向影響,但是創投基金與國發基金的政治連結卻產生非單一面向的結果,政治連結僅對於新創公司的長期研發投入具有正面顯著影響。政治連結會帶來負向的效果可能由於國發基金所推行的政策影響,或者是其中具有裙帶資本主義的干擾,導致受到國發基金所投資的創投基金對於新創公司的長期表現帶來負面影響。由本研究的結果我們可知若新創公司得到具有高聲譽或國際化的創投投資是對於其未來發展是有所幫助,所以新創公司在尋找創投基金合作時,可以以此作為考量的標準。 / In this research, venture capital reputation, degrees of internationalization, and the political links formed by venture capitals and Taiwanese National Development Fund are hypothesized to influence the long-run performance of start-ups. By utilizing a unique dataset of venture capital investment, we could investigate the sources of higher long-run performance of venture capital teams. Besides, we also inquire the impact of internationalization and political links of venture capitals on the performance of stat-up business. The results show that venture capitals with higher reputation or degrees of internalization impacts positively on long-term performance of start-ups. However, the political links formed between venture capitals and Taiwanese National Development Fund only affects business innovation measures positively. The policy focused or the crony capitalism long existing between Taiwanese National Development Fund and venture capitals can both be the major reasons to trigger the mixed investment influence. Thus, this research can shed some light on the intrinsic factors driving positive investment results other than the venture capital reputations.

初步公開說明書Form S-11資訊對REIT IPO之初期及後續表現的影響 / Can REIT IPO investors know ahead of time? An empirical study of Form S-11 information on post-IPO performance of REITs

潘慶儀, Pun, Heng I Unknown Date (has links)
利用1995-2015年間美國房地產投資信託基金(REIT)的176個初次公開發行為樣本,本研究分析了初步公開說明書(Form S-11)資訊與REITs上市後之當天,短期和長期表現之間的關係。其中,本文著重於探討四個特別領域的相關資訊,包括管理結構,承銷商聲譽,IPO閉鎖期及管理團隊品質。 實證結果顯示,初步公開說明書(Form S-11)包含有價值的資訊,有助於REIT IPO 投資人作投資評估之使用。其中,IPO閉鎖期大於等於產業標準180天的REITs,其在上市後6個月和12個月期間的報酬率高於IPO閉鎖期小於180天的REITs。此外,與過去的IPO研究結果相似,由知名承銷商所銷售之REIT IPOs 在初次公開發行後的短期及長期表現平均優於由知名度較低之承銷商所銷售的REIT IPOs。 然而,儘管過去與REIT相關的研究普遍偏好內部管理,本研究之實證結果支持外部管理的模式。其中,實證結果顯示外部管理的REITs在初次公開發行後的短期及長期表現平均優於內部管理的REITs。 / Using a sample of 176 US REIT IPOs from 1995 to 2015, this study examines the relationship between information provided on the preliminary IPO prospectus (form S-11) and post-IPO initial, short-term and long-term performance of REITs. In particular, this paper focuses on information related to four specific areas: management structure, underwriter reputation, lock-up period, and management quality. The findings of this study suggest that form S-11 carries valuable information, and is useful to investors in evaluating REIT IPOs. The regression results indicate that REIT IPOs with a lock-up period that is at least as long as the industry standard, on average, earn higher post-IPO returns 6-month and 12-month following the IPO date. Moreover, consistent with prior IPO studies, offerings underwritten by prestigious underwriters, on average, yield better post-IPO performance than IPOs underwritten by less reputable underwriters. Yet, unlike prior REIT studies, the findings of this paper tend to favor the external management structure. The results from the sub-sample imply externally managed REITs, on average, earn higher post-IPO short-term and long-term returns than their internally managed counterpart.

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