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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


江炳彰 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣消費性電子產業和以往在資通訊電子產業的經驗,有極大的不同。以往廠商只要在Wintel架構下,依循主流設計發展產品,做個快速的跟隨者,只要掌握製造優勢的條件,往往就能創造硬體產品的興盛。然而,對於沒有共同平台、沒有主流設計的消費性電子產業,這些都不足為憑,只有不斷推出令人驚艷的創新產品,才是價值創造的最大根源。因此,消費性電子產品的創新,不僅來自於豐富的專業的創意,更需要仰賴極致的技術和管理開發的效率。 本研究的目的,旨在探討台灣的企業邁向消費性電子產業的產品創新模式,這種模式必須整合不同的技術、發揮想像力、提高產品開發管理能力及運用企業內外資源等要素。其中,尤以培養創新的組織文化,是企業突破窠臼的重要因素。 本研究,透過單一公司的深入分析,將其創新能力的育成,分為內部管理機制及外部技術資源的運用兩個構面,並以國際大廠做為互補性資產,將破壞性創新產品巧妙的與市場連結,而推展到消費者手上的成功經驗。在研究中,內部管理機制方面,分別探討企業內部的創新平台與組織文化;在運用外部技術資源方面,則討論技術吸收的模式與策略夥伴的幫助。最後,對創新成果做進一步的檢驗,並對此一創新模型的複製與應用提出建議,以提供業界進行消費性電子產品創新管理與發展之參考。 / There are enormous different experiences between consumer electronic industry and IT Industry in Taiwan. In the past, as long as a maker keep himself as a rapid follower under Wintel design concept and grasping the manufacturing advantages, the make normally can easily create a booming market of hardware products. However, that is not enough for the consumer electronic product as there is no standard platform or main stream to follow, thus the true value can only created by the continuous new shinning products innovation and development. Thus the innovation of consumer product is not only from the creativity, it also relies on the ultimate technology and high efficiency of product development. The purpose of this research is to investigate the innovation model of Taiwanese enterprises in consumer electronic industry. This model has to integrate the various technologies, to extend the imagination, to manage the ability for product development and to utilize the internal and external resources; especially to cultivate the creative culture is the key factor for a company. This research adapts the detailed analysis of single company, whose incubates its ability by internal management mechanism and utilization of the external technical resources. To leverage the global firm’s market power as complementary assets, promotes the disruptive innovation product to consumers. In terms of internal management mechanism, discusses the internal innovation platform and organization culture. The other hand of utilizing the external resources, discusses the ways of technical knowledge learning and the support from the strategic partners. In the end, do the further exam on the innovation results, and offer the opinion on the duplication and application for the model. This could be a reference for product innovation and management of consumer electronic industry.


陳重嘉, Chen, Chung-Chia Unknown Date (has links)
知識經濟的時代,企業最重要的資產是「人」與「知識」,如何運用與積蓄這兩項資產,對企業的持續競爭力有關鍵性的影響。本文以知識管理的文獻探討為基礎,從中萃取出攸關的議題,以問卷調查的方式來收集相關資料,並透過統計檢定方法來分析資料,以發掘事實。這些攸關的議題共有八項,分別為:一、鼓勵員工勇於表達自己意見與想法的文化(組織的文化),與員工勇於表達自己意見與想法的行為(組織的行為),彼此是否為正向相關。二、高階主管主動傳授知識與技能的行為(主管的行為),與員工彼此分享知識與技能的行為(部屬的行為),彼此是否為正向相關。三、金錢、名聲、交情與互惠,這四項影響「知識分享意願與行為」的因子,其影響力的強弱順序為何。如果我們能釐清這四項因子影響力的強弱順序,則可據此設計出更為有效的激勵制度,將知識分享所產生的綜效極大化。四、是否超過半數的受訪者,無法容忍一個問題的解決方案,是處於模稜兩可、曖昧不明的狀況。五、當理性的分析結果與當事人的直覺相互衝突時,是否超過一半的受訪者,選擇相信理性的分析結果。議題四與五,主要是由認知風格的差異,來探討人才的多樣性。六、是否超過一半的受訪者,認為管理階梯的社會評價較高,以及肯定技術階梯職位具有激 勵效果。七、是否超過一半的受訪者,無法確定公司是否具有概念傘。八、個案公司的知識管理現況為何。 根據上述八項議題所發掘而得的事實,以及個案訪談所得之資料,本文提出了一個能夠有效活絡知識創造與能耐積蓄的平台,該平台包含五大建構單元,分別為:一、建立優質文化。二、落實雙軌生涯制度。三、建立知識管理專員制度。四、建立系統化的流程來引導知識創造與能耐積蓄活動。五、落實知識管理的配套措施。我們相信,企業藉著由五大單元所建構而成的平台,必可建立企業獨有的環境與氛圍,以利企業核心能力的滋長。最後,本文期盼該平台能為企業界提供實踐的重點與方向,成為一個最佳實施例的範本,並對有志於知識管理的人士,提供智識上的啟發,如此則已達成本文之目的。 關鍵詞:知識管理、企業概念傘、雙軌生涯制度,知識創造,能耐積蓄 / In this knowledge economic era, “people” and “knowledge” are very essential to keep the enterprises’ sustainable competence. Hence, based on the survey of books and papers about knowledge management, this thesis distills diverse perspectives and best practices into eight issues for further study, they are as follows: (1) Is there any positive correlation between “organizational culture” and “organizational behavior”? For an organizational culture that encourages people to express their opinions and ideas without any concerns, can we really have the distinguishable perception that people really behave so in this circumstance? (2) Is there any positive correlation between “managers’ behavior” and “subordinates’ behavior”? If managers are willing to mentor subordinates, willing to share their knowledge and skills, can it become a driving force to make subordinates behave the same? (3) As we know, money, reputation, friendship and reciprocal, all these four factors affect the extent of knowledge-sharing willingness and behavior, but can we figure out the strength order of these four factors? If we can, then we may devise a better, more effective incentive system to maximize the synergy of knowledge-sharing. (4) If the solutions to a problem are ambiguous and equivocal, is it true that more than half the people can not accept this situation? (5) If the rational analysis conflicts with your instinct, which one do you trust? The issue 4 and 5 are actually discussing the varieties of cognitive style. (6) For dual career ladder, is it true that more than half the people give higher evaluation to managerial ladder than technical one? Is it true that more than half the people regard the technical ladder as an incentive? (7) Is it true that more than half the people who are not clear about the concept umbrella of the company? (8) Based on nine indicators about knowledge management, conduct surveys of the four cases, and try to find out the strength and weakness of each case. By the data analysis and case studies, this thesis has found out several facts, and then proposes a platform for knowledge creation and capability building. The platform is composed of five units, they are as follows: (1) Instill good and appropriate cultures. (2) Put dual career ladder into practice. (3) Establish knowledge steward system. (4) Establish systematic procedure as the guide for the knowledge creation and capability building activities. (5) Find out the necessary auxiliary measures for knowledge management, put them into practice. With the platform constructed by the five units, we believe that each enterprise is able to construct a unique environment and atmosphere of its own, which in itself is beneficial to nurture and consolidate the core competence. Finally, we hope this thesis has shed light on the enterprises, and provided some intellectual stimuli for those people who are interested in knowledge management. Keyword: knowledge management, dual career ladder, concept umbrella, knowledge creation, capability building


蔡卓芬, Tsai Cho-Fen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究「台灣醫界聯盟基金會」倡議「台灣加入世界衛生組織(WHO)」議題的過程為觀察對象,探討議題發展的過程中,非政府組織、議題、與議題所處的環境,彼此如何相互影響,以成就議題的生命。 研究發現,就組織層面來看,「台灣醫界聯盟基金會」從社會運動組織轉型為制度化的非政府組織,其發展的過程與台灣許多非政府組織的轉型過程相似,而組織與政府關係的改變,則增加了「台灣加入世界衛生組織」議題的能見度,也成功促使議題進入政府的決策體系。 此外,WHO議題若與其他社會因素(如選舉)或天然災害相結合,能夠增加議題在媒體上的曝光程度;而「台灣醫界聯盟基金會」針對議題進行的各種訊息策略與遊說,雖然不一定完全獲得媒體報導,但的確是促使議題獲得國內或國外能見度的重要因素。


盧佩秋, Lu, Pei-Chiu Unknown Date (has links)


廖楷民, Liao, Kai-min Unknown Date (has links)
以機率或頻率方式呈現訊息對風險知覺評估的影響,過去的研究有不一致的結果,原因可能來自於判斷事件與受試者的自我相關程度不同,而引發捷思或系統性的訊息處理歷程。實驗一發現當事件的自我相關程度高,受試者會採用系統性的認知處理,而事件的自我相關程度低時,受試者會採用捷思性的認知處理。實驗二詢問受試者認為以機率或頻率方式呈現訊息何者較清楚明確,結果發現有77.5%的受試者認為以頻率方式呈現訊息較以機率方式呈現訊息清楚明確。實驗三操弄「事件自我相關程度」與「機率或頻率方式呈現訊息」,結果發現當事件為高自我相關時,機率或頻率方式呈現訊息在風險知覺的判斷上沒有差異;而當事件為低自我相關時,則頻率方式呈現訊息的「風險知覺」與「事件聯想負向詞數量」均大於機率方式呈現訊息。另外,當事件為低自我相關時,訊息明確度與事件聯想負向詞數量對風險知覺有顯著的預測力。以上的結果支持不同事件自我相關程度會引發捷思或系統性訊息處理,而頻率方式呈現訊息較機率方式呈現訊息清楚明確的原因,與Slovic等人(2000)提出頻率較具體,容易想像的推論符合,但不支持Gigerenzer和Edwards (2003)認為機率的參照類別不清楚的假設。此外,自我相關程度與可得性捷思為影響頻率或機率方式呈現訊息對風險知覺判斷結果不一致的重要變項。

資訊委外關係管理之研究- 企業如何利用資訊委外獲得最大綜效 / Reap From IT Outsourcing -- Effective Relationship Management

吳愷暉, Wu, Kai-Hui Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 在資訊科技服務的市場,資訊科技委外(ITO)在市場佔有顯著的地位。過去有許多的報告研究資訊委外廠商的選擇,以及有效的合約管理方法,鮮少針對企業資訊委外合約簽訂之後,企業與委外伙伴之間的互動進行研究。然而依據許多個案報導案例顯示,大多數委外案例的失敗,不是由於雙方關係管理的不適當,就是無法滿足委外企業最初委外目標的期盼。 我們使用在過去的二十六年中臺灣資訊科技委外市場的四十個案例來研究探討如何利用資訊委外關係管理來獲取預期綜效。經過分析與研究,發現四種資訊科技委外的合作關係。這四種合作關係型態分別為:夥伴關係(Partner)、倚賴關係(Dependent)、隨需存取關係(Utility)、以及附屬關係(Subordinate)。不同的委外關係含概了不同的委外服務內容,也含概了不同的關係管理。夥伴的合作關係,企業的期望不止雙方合作達成企業的策略目標,同時也期望委外廠商支援科技創新而提升企業的市場競爭力;倚賴的合作關係,企業對委外廠商支援達成企業策略目標高度倚靠;隨需存取的合作關係,企業期望資源的取得是隨需存取,完全以成本考量;附屬的合作關係,企業則認為該委外廠商僅僅是依附於資訊中心的下包廠商,委外與否完全由企業的資訊中心自行決定。此外,本研究顯示不同的委外關係是由於不同的委外關係無法達成期盼,以及無法交付最終策略利益、經濟利益、或資訊科技利益而終止。 本論文透過文獻探討與深度個案研究,來瞭解影響不同合作關係資訊科技委外的相關因素,和期盼的資訊科技委外的結果。不同型態資訊科技委外關係的管理需要瞭解委外企業對所需服務的期望,以及在合作期間,彼此關係的管理需不斷的注意市場以及資訊科技的變化而提出相對應的策略來因應彼此合作關係,以期從中獲取最大效益。 關鍵字:資訊科技委外,委外關係,市場變化,資訊中心支援能力,委外期望。 / Information Technology Outsourcing (ITO) has gained a big share of the world IT service market. There are many studies about ITO vendor selection and contract management but a lack of understanding of the after-contract practice between the ITO parties. According to reported cases many outsourcing failures were due to either improper relationship management or unable to meet customer expectations. For effective management of this long-term inter-organizational relationship there is a need for understanding the features, affecting factors, expectations and termination of ITO relationship so that the desired outcomes can be achieved and relationship can be sustained throughout the life of the ITO. The above propositions were tested on all existing and changed ITO projects in Taiwan in the past twenty five years. A total of fourty cases were examined and the results show four kinds of IT outsourcing relationship: dependent, utility, partner and subordinate. Different kinds of ITO relationship have different expectations for the ITO services and require different management on the relationships. The dependent type ITO customers rely highly on ITO vendors for supporting strategic moves. The utility ITO customers use ITO as a utility and measure vendors by cost performance. The partner type ITO customers consult vendor for business strategic moves and urge vendor for technology innovation. The subordinate type ITO customers consider ITO vendors as a sub-contractor of IT department and leave decisions to the IT department. Those terminated cases were mainly due to conflicts in the expected and delivered outcome in the three ITO benefit areas. This study provides useful instrument for assessing major ITO factors and understanding expected ITO outcomes. ITO relationship management requires a careful understanding of the expected benefits of the service and continuous monitoring of the business and IT environment. Keywords : Information Technology Outsourcing;Outsourcing Relationship;Business Dynamics;IT Competence;Outsourcing Expectation。

國民小學校長培育課程與校長績效管理能力之研究 / A Study on Principal Preparation Curriculum and Principal Performance Management Ability in Taiwan Elementary School

李冠嫺 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨為國民小學校長培育課程與校長績效管理能力之研究。研究方法為文獻分析、焦點團體座談、問卷調查、與專家訪談。焦點團體座談對象為教育行政機關主管與學者專家10位,國民小學校長10位;問卷調查之樣本為臺灣地區各縣市公立國民小學校長共600人,可用問卷462份,可用率為77%;專家訪談對象為校長培育機構領導者計5位。研究工具包含自編之「國民小學校長培育課程與校長績效管理能力之研究調查問卷」、「國民小學校長培育課程與校長績效管理能力之研究座談大綱」、「國民小學校長培育課程與校長績效管理能力之研究專家訪談大綱」。本研究統計方法為描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析與Scheffé事後比較、皮爾森積差相關、線性結構關係分析(SEM),內容分析等方法。根據研究結果與分析後歸納之研究結論如下: 壹、國民小學校長培育課程之內涵包含校長教育理念、校長專業知能、校長實務實習。 貳、國民小學校長績效管理能力之內涵包括目標執行能力、授權增能能力、敏銳覺察能力、開放對話能力、評量考核能力、省思回饋能力。 參、校長培育課程對校長績效管理能力之發展有重要影響。 肆、國民小學校長知覺校長培育課程之幫助程度,得分程度佳;並於「校長專業知能」向度得分最高;「校長教育理念」向度得分最低。 伍、國民小學校長知覺校長績效管理能力之符合程度,現況得分程度佳;並以「開放對話能力」向度得分最高;「評量考核能力」得分程度最低。 陸、背景變項之探討,國民小學校長之性別、年齡、最高學歷、校長年資及學校區域,於知覺校長培育課程之幫助程度有顯著差異。 柒、背景變項之探討,國民小學校長之年齡、校長年資及學校規模,於校長績效管理能力之符合程度有顯著差異。 捌、知覺校長培育課程之幫助程度對校長績效管理能力之符合程度上有顯著差異。 玖、國民小學校長培育課程與校長績效管理能力具相關性。 壹拾、驗證校長培育課程對校長績效管理能力關係佳。 最後,本研究依研究結果分別提出以下建議: 壹、對教育行政機關之建議 一、參酌校長培育之不同模式進行整合,以規劃統一適用之校長培育制度。 二、建構國民小學校長證照之檢定制度,以提升學校校長之專業素質。 三、建置國民小學校長專業資格檢定制度,以發展校長準則之專業指標。 四、針對現行國民小學校長遴選制度,積極思考未來可行之解決方案。 五、檢討國民小學學校績效管理制度,避免品質考核之績效制度流於形式。 貳、對校長培育機構之建議 一、探討不同校長培育機構之學習經驗,作為規劃未來課程模式之參考。 二、針對國民小學校長準則之專業指標,建構未來培育課程之模式。 三、強化國民小學校長培育之績效管理課程,進行個案研究等案例研討。 四、運用個案研究、問題導向與同儕學習之教學法,促進校長實踐智慧。 參、對校長之建議 一、瞭解不同校長培育機構之課程規劃,持續校長自我專業發展。 二、理解校長實踐學校績效管理之流程與作為,力求自我知行一致。 三、建置校長專業發展之知識分享平台,提升校長績效管理能力。 四、培養校長面對變革之自我因應能力,掌握學校多元之情境脈絡。 肆、對後續相關研究之建議 一、進行校長培育課程與校長績效管理之質性研究。 二、加入他評之研究調查方法進行多元觀點之參照與研析。 三、考量組織文化或型態等背景因素對學校實施績效管理之影響。 四、持續修訂研究量表工具。 / The main purpose of this research is to study the principal preparation curriculum for an elementary school principal and the performance management ability of an elementary school principal. The research methods used was literature analysis, focus group sessions, questionnaires investigation, and interviews. The research instrument was distributed to 600 elementary public school principals all over Taiwan and 462 valid samples were used in this study. The data obtained was interpreted using descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffé posteriori comparison, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, SEM through the use of LISREL 8.71, and content analysis. The conclusions drawn from the study were as follows: 1.Principal preparation curriculum for principal in Taiwan elementary school includes: education idea, professional competency, practical training. 2.Performance management ability of an elementary school principal includes: goal setting and execution, empowerment, perceptiveness, open dialogue, performance appraisal, reflection and feedback. 3.The principal preparation curriculum had an important influence to principal performance management ability. 4.The principal preparation curriculum “principal professional competency” ranked first and “principal educational idea” ranked last. 5.All principal performance management abilities received a positive outcome and “open dialogue” ranked the first. 6.The elementary school principal’s background demography sex, age, educational background, years in service and school district incurred a significant difference with all principal preparation curriculums. 7.The elementary school principal’s background demography age, years in service and school size incurred a significant difference with all the principal performance management abilities. 8.Principals who got high score on the principal preparation curriculum also got better score in the principal performance management ability than low and middle ones. 9.The principal preparation curriculum was positively correlated with the performance management ability of elementary school principals. 10.The“model fit indices” between principal preparation curriculum and performance management ability of elementary school principals was proper. In the last, based on the research results, the researcher proposed some suggestions for educational administrative agencies, principals, researchers.


彭月茵 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討研究生的希望信念、師徒功能、意義建構、學術熱情與情緒調節間的互動關係,以及這些變項對學術動機的影響。本研究以台灣地區公、私立研究所1028位研究生為研究對象,其中包含366位男性、662位女性。研究工具包括希望量表、師徒功能量表、意義建構量表、學術熱情量表、情緒調節量表與學術動機量表。本研究採用單因子多變量變異數分析與潛在變項模式分析進行資料分析。研究發現陳述如下: 一、 以希望信念、師徒功能與意義建構為自變項、以學術熱情與情緒調節能力為中介變項、以學術動機為依變項所建構的路徑模式獲得支持。亦即學術熱情與情緒調節能力會直接影響學術動機;希望信念、師徒功能與意義建構能力則會透過學術熱情與情緒調節能力間接影響學術動機。 二、 參與研究生具有希望信念、知覺到良好的師徒功能、具備意義建構與情緒調節能力、擁有學術熱情與動機。 三、 男性研究生的學術動機高於女性研究生。 四、 已畢業之碩士生的希望信念、所知覺到的師徒功能與意義建構能力均優於全職碩士生。 五、 博士生的希望信念、所知覺到的師徒功能、意義建構能力、學術熱情、情緒調節能力與學術動機皆優於碩士生。 六、 教育學院研究生之希望信念與學術熱情皆高於工學院研究生。 最後,根據本研究主要發現提出若干意見,以提供相關單位與人員在教育以及學術研究上之參考。 / The main purpose of this study was to explore the interactive relationships of graduate students’ belief in hope, perceived mentoring function, ability of meaning making, academic passion, and ability of emotion regulation, and further, how these variables might influence their academic motivation. The participants in this study were 1028 graduate students in Taiwan. Among the participants, 366 were males and 662 were females. Moreover, the employed instruments included the Inventory of Hope, the Inventory of Mentoring Function, the Inventory of Meaning Making, the Inventory of Academic Passion, the Inventory of Emotion Regulation, and the Inventory of Academic Motivation. The collected data was analyzed by one-way MANOVA and SEM. The main findings of this study were as follows: 1. The graduate students’ academic passion and ability of emotion regulation had direct effects on their academic motivation; moreover, the graduate students’ belief in hope, perceived mentoring function, and ability of meaning making had indirect effect on their academic motivation via academic passion and ability of emotion regulation. 2. The graduate students had an above-average level of belief in hope, academic passion, and academic motivation. Moreover, they perceived good mentoring function and had good ability of meaning making as well as emotion regulation. 3. Males had stronger academic motivation than females. 4. Graduated students had stronger belief in hope, perceived better mentoring function, and had better ability of meaning making than full-time students. 5. Doctoral students’ belief in hope, perceived mentoring function, ability of meaning making, ability of emotion regulation, academic passion, and academic motivation were better than those of master students. 6. Graduate students in College of Education had stronger belief in hope and academic passion than those in College of Engineering. Finally, the researcher proposed a few suggestions for education and academic research.

委外關係管理-影響要素,期望利益及其改變促因 / Outsourcing Relationship Management– Influential factors, expected benefits and triggers of changes

楊尚儒, Yang,Shang Ru Unknown Date (has links)
Information technology outsourcing (ITO) has gained a big share of the world IT service market. There are many studies about ITO vendor selection and contract management but a lack of understanding of the after-contract practices between the ITO parties. According to reported cases, many outsourcing failures have been due to either improper relationship management or the inability to meet customer expectations. For effective management of this long-term, inter-organizational relationship, there is a need to understand the features, affecting factors, expectations, and termination of ITO relationships so that the desired outcomes can be achieved and relationships can be sustained throughout the life of the ITO. Based on a dynamic view of outsourcing partnerships, the ITO relationship can be assessed by customer participation, joint action, communication quality, coordination, and information sharing. Prior studies have indicated that these ITO relationship features are mainly affected by business dynamics and the client’s IT competence. Organizations expect from the ITO mainly strategic, economic, and technological benefits. When conflicts exist between expected benefits and delivered outcomes, the relationship is more likely to be terminated. The above propositions were tested on all existing and changed ITO projects in Taiwan in the past twenty-six years. A total of forty cases were examined and the results show four kinds of IT outsourcing relationships: dependent, utility, partner, and subordinate. Different kinds of ITO relationships involve different expectations for the ITO services and require different types of management of the relationships. In the dependent type ITO, customers rely highly on ITO vendors for supporting strategic moves. Utility ITO customers use the ITO as a utility and measure vendors by cost performance. In the partner type ITO, customers consult the vendor for strategic business moves and urge the vendor to engage in technology innovation. The subordinate type ITO is characterized by customers who consider the ITO vendor as a sub-contractor of their IT department and leave decisions to the IT department. Terminations of relationships were mainly due to conflicts in the expected and delivered outcomes in the three ITO benefit areas. This study provides a useful instrument for assessing major ITO factors and understanding expected ITO outcomes. ITO relationship management requires a careful understanding of the expected benefits of the service and continuous monitoring of the business and IT environments.

從動態能力觀點衡量跨組織資訊系統績效 / The Performance Impact of Inter-organizational Systems: From a Dynamic Capability Perspective

陳千慧, Chen, Chien Hui Unknown Date (has links)
現今,許多公司與他們的供應商夥伴建立跨組織資訊系統交換資訊、給予對方更快速的回應,以在快速變遷的環境之下維持競爭力。此篇研究進行文獻探討之後,分別從流程觀點還有動態能力觀點這兩個研究理論的基礎之下建立了研究架構,來衡量跨組織資訊系統的績效。我們的研究架構提出,一間公司有兩個重要的動態能力,分別是供應鏈的整合能力還有協調能力,在資訊科技的投資上還有公司績效之間扮演相當重要的角色。 / 我們在台灣的PC產業中發行問卷來衡量此研究架構,利用線性回歸來驗證假設。實驗結果支持了論文中的兩個假設:(1)跨組織資訊系統正向影響動態能力,(2)供應鏈的整合能力在跨組織資訊系統投資還有公司績效中間扮演重要的中介角色。 / Nowadays, firms usually develop inter-organizational systems (IOS) with their suppliers to exchange information and give each other faster responses to sustain their competency under a fast-changing environment. This study reviewed past literature and developed a research framework to evaluate IOS performance based upon two theoretical perspectives: process view and dynamic capabilities. This framework proposed that firms’ dynamic capabilities-- supply chain integration capability and supply chain coordination capability might be an important mediator between IOS investment and firm performance. / A general survey is conducted in Taiwan PC industry to validate the research model. A linear regression is used to testify the hypotheses. The results support our two hypotheses: (1) IOS investment is positively related to the dynamic capabilities, which also have obvious impact on firm performance; (2) supply chain integration is an important mediator between IOS investments and firm performance, and on the other hand, firm performance is partially mediated by supply chain coordination.

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