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英語教學在職碩士班對高中英文老師影響之研究 / A Study on the Influence of In-svice English Teaching Graduate Programs on Senior High School English Teachers黃素端, Huang,Su Duan Unknown Date (has links)
1. 在專業態度方面,在職英語教學碩士班增強了進修教師嚐試新教學法的動機,
2. 在專業知能方面,進修教師在本身的讀寫能力及語法、構詞及言談分析等語言
3. 在教室實務方面,專業知能的充實非常有助於進修教師應用新的教學技巧於字
4. 運用進修所得知識於教學中讓具有在職英語教學碩士班進修經驗的教師在教
關鍵字: 在職進修 研究所 高中英文老師 專業態度 專業知能
教室實務 / Teachers’ professional development is the key to teacher quality. It encompasses pre-service teacher education and in-service teacher training. In Taiwan, in an effort to promote English teachers’ continual learning, in-service English teaching graduate programs were started in 1999 in place of what was called "Forty-Credit Program".
This study aims to investigate the influence of the in-service English teaching graduate programs on senior high school English teachers. Three methods, questionnaire survey, interview, and classroom observation, were used. In the part of questionnaire survey, a questionnaire was designed to elicit participants’ self-perceptions of the influence the in-service English teaching graduate programs have on their professional attitudes, professional knowledge and classroom practice. Then, a general survey was conducted island-wide. Ninety-eight schools responded with 109 valid questionnaires. Follow-up phone interviews were conducted with seven willing respondents to further explore how they apply their new knowledge to their teaching. Regarding the classroom observation, two groups of English teachers from the same school participated in this part of study. In the first group were two teachers with the in-service English teaching graduate program experience while in the second group were two teachers without the experience. The teaching of one lesson conducted by the four teachers were observed, video-taped, analyzed, and compared. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with each teacher after the observational data were collected. The purpose of the interview was to know the reasons why they adopted current ways of teaching.
This study has the following important findings. Firstly, in terms of
professional attitudes, the in-service programs affect participants most in their motivation to try out new teaching methods, professional confidence, enthusiasm for English teaching and motivation to partake in in-service training activities. Secondly, in the aspect of knowledge about the English language, participants benefit from the programs the most in their own reading and writing ability as well as in knowledge of syntax, morphology, and discourse analysis. Thirdly, with regard to classroom practice, the enrichment of professional knowledge helps a lot in participants' application of new techniques to their instruction of vocabulary, grammatical structure, reading and writing. It also contributes to participants’ use of varieties of learning resources and materials. Lastly, the application of the new knowledge leads to the differences between teachers who have the in-service English teaching graduate program experience and those who do not.
These findings have rich implications for the relationship between in-service English teaching graduate programs and the improvement of English teaching practice of senior high school English teachers, an area well worth more attention and research.
Key words: in-service graduate programs senior high school English teachers
professional attitudes professional knowledge classroom practice
1032 |
企業實質價值之研究--模糊實質選擇權模型 / The Research on Real Value of Enterprises --The Fuzzy Real Option Model錢家驊, Chien,Chia Hwa Unknown Date (has links)
將本模型應用到其他電子產業,發現公司的股價常有遭到市場高估或低估,而偏離真實價值的情形發生。因此本研究建立一套投資策略,並參考模型估計的合理價格為投資的依據,希望能夠賺取價差。策略模擬的結果,獲利能力明顯優於長期持有的方式,也證明了本模型的實用性。 / In this study, we use the real option model from Schwartz and Moon (2000) as the basis, and then combine it with fuzzy theory to create Fuzzy Real Option Model. This study takes one company in solar power industry - E-TON as the sample company to conduct the parameter estimation. We also adopt the Monte Carlo Simulation method to assess the reasonable value of E-TON. After the sensitivity analysis, the results show that initial rate of growth in revenues and cost are the most important factors which influenced on the value of a company.
Furthermore, we apply this model to other companies in electronics industry and discover that the stock prices are often overvalued or undervalued by the market. Therefore, we develop a set of investment strategies for people who want to make profits from the difference of prices. The result of strategic simulation shows that profit is apparently better than the way of buying and holding, and it proves the practicability of this model as well.
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論台灣華語中的限定與非限定子句的區分 / Defending the Finite vs. Non-finite Distinction in Taiwan Mandarin何郁瑩 Unknown Date (has links)
國 立 政 治 大 學 研 究 所 碩 士 論 文 提 要
指導教授:何萬順 博士
本篇論文藉由三段邏輯論證法推翻漢語沒有限定與非限定子句之分的論證;反之,支持此區分在台灣華語中的有效性。鑑於「時式」的普遍性,表現在構詞方面的限定與非限定區分在綜合型語言當中是顯而易見的。雖然台灣華語缺乏明顯的構詞標記,但此限定與非限定的區分透過句法類目以及句法現象的限制依然成立。此外,我們亦將次劃分子句為補語的動詞進ㄧ步區分為三類─限定補語動詞、非限定補語動詞、雙類動詞。限定補語動詞可同時次劃分有明顯主語的限定子句以及經由代詞刪略現象後無主語的限定子句,而非限定補語動詞僅能次劃分不帶主語的非限定子句。至於雙類動詞,一類從舊有文獻中劃分出來的新類動詞,擁有同時次劃分限定子句與非限定子句的能力。當雙類動詞次劃分限定子句為補語時,有兩個條件必須被滿足:一是情狀動詞的出現,此為必要條件;二是明顯主語的出現,此為充分條件。再者,子句主語的出現與否端視於主要句謂語與子句謂語間的緩衝詞是否出現。在詞彙功能語法的架構之下,情狀動詞的出現之所以為雙類動詞次劃分限定子句為補語的必要條件是由於雙類動詞要求其子句補語擁有「非實現貌」的元素,而此元素便是由情狀動詞所提供。基於本篇論文中強而有力的論述,我們強烈主張此限定與非限定子句的區分在台灣華語中是存在的,甚至普及於全人類的語言。 / This thesis provides robust argumentation via syllogisms so as to deny the argument that the distinction between finiteness and non-finiteness does not exist in Mandarin Chinese; on the contrary, to defend the proposition that this finite vs. non-finite distinction does exist in Taiwan Mandarin. In virtue of the universality of the category tense, the finite vs. non-finite distinction, morphologically manifested in synthetic languages, is taken for granted. Opaque as it is in Taiwan Mandarin, there still exist other ways for distinction, such as constraints on syntactic categories and operations. Furthermore, we re-classify verbs subcategorizing sentential complements into three types—finite-complement verb (FC verb), non-finite-complement verb (NC verb), dual-listing verb (DL verb). FC verbs can subcategorize not only finite clauses with overt subjects, but also those with covert counterparts left after pro-drop processes, while NC verbs can only subcategorize non-finite clauses as sentential complement. As for DL verbs, a neonatal one extracted from the so-called persuade-type verbs in the literature, has the capability of subcategorizing dual sentential complements, namely, finite clauses and non-finite clauses. When DL verbs subcategorize finite clauses as complement, two conditions must be satisfied to ensure the grammaticality. They are the presence of modals and the presence of overt subjects. The former is a necessary condition; the latter is a sufficient condition. Moreover, the presence of embedded overt subjects hinges on the presence of proper buffers between main predicates and embedded overt subjects. In LFG’s framework, the reason for the presence of modals being the necessary condition is that DL verbs require their sentential complements to have the value IRREALIS, which is denoted by modals obviously. On account of the tenable criteria mentioned in this thesis, we assert with confidence that this finite vs. non-finite distinction does exist in Taiwan Mandarin and that this distinction is considered universal.
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探討企業社會績效的決定因素:以兩個社會責任評等機制為例的實證研究楊鈞閔 Unknown Date (has links)
企業社會責任已經是現今社會中不可輕視的企業議題,各種評等機構也紛紛開始針對個別企業的社會績效進行量化的評估與排名。本研究的主題即為企業社會績效的決定因素,並依據先前研究而選出規模、國際化程度、差異化策略程度、CEO的功能背景、並且加上本研究自選出企業社會責任的競爭強度為第五個變數來解釋不同企業之間其企業社會績效的差異,以求實證研究的結果。為求有意義的研究議題、以及避免變數資料收集上的偏誤,研究界說範圍乃為美國的製造業公司。 / 研究樣本群有兩個,分別為2007、2008年由CRO雜誌公佈的「百大最佳企業公民」名單中的製造業公司。依其名單中的個別公司的平均分數作為企業社會績效,並以SPSS 8.0軟體進行相關假說的驗證。 / 研究結果證實,企業規模在兩個年度的模型中都得到實證,確定規模愈大的公司其企業社會績效也會比較好。而國際化程度、CEO外部導向的功能背景、及企業社會責任的競爭強度則在2008年模型中得到證實其與企業社會績效的正向關係。最後,企業追隨差異化策略的程度與企業社會績效的正向關係則在2007年模型下得到實證支持。根據以上結果,本研究亦藉由提出兩個年度模型的差異,來推導可能的成因。
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智慧型互動電視之實驗平台的設計-SITV / An Experimental Platform for Smart Interactive TV-SITV劉炳億, Liu, Ping-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,智慧型互動電視是不少數位生活研究的焦點。我們認為,一個好的互動電視系統設計,必須了解使用者觀看電視時的行為與周遭情境。因此,在本研究中,我們以Windows Media Center為基礎,提出一套互動電視的實驗平台系統─「SITV」,希望可輔助我們找出使用者在觀看電視時的行為特徵以及主觀上的需求反應。在SITV上,實驗設計者可以模擬一般有線電視節目的瀏覽方式,安排頻道順序與節目流程,定義電視上的功能,收集使用者的操作資訊,以及整合其他外部應用系統。我們亦設計了幾個實驗來評估我們所設計的電視新功能之效用性,包括新的音量控制方式,快速地檢視最近觀看過的頻道,個人化的節目推薦功能以及幾個具情境感知的應用規則(以電腦視覺技術為主)。我們相信SITV將作為一個創新的實驗平台,可以使得智慧型互動電視的設計更為容易。我們也將持續的進行更多的心理實驗來了解使用者的行為,以及如何設計出有用的電視新功能。 / Smart interactive TV has been the focus of much research on digital life in recent years. We regard that a good design for interactive TV should be based on better understanding of user behaviors and viewing contexts in TV watching. Therefore, in this research, on top of the Windows Media Center, we propose to build an experimental platform called Smart Interactive TV (SITV) to help us find out the characteristics of user behavior and subjective needs when watching the kind of TV. On SITV, designers are allowed to emulate broadcasting programs, schedule the programs, define control functions, collect user interaction data, and incorporate external application systems. We have designed several experiments to evaluate the effectiveness of our new context-aware control functions including volume control, fast retrieval of newly viewed programs, personalized program recommendation, and rule-based context-aware functions by the use of computer vision techniques. We believe that SITV will serve as a novel experiment platform to facilitate the design of smart interactive TV. We will continue to conduct more psychological experiments to better understand user behaviors and how to design effective functions on this kind of TV environment.
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台灣股市營收動能策略之實證研究 / An Empirical Analysis of Sales Momentum Strategy in Taiwan Stock Market甯正宇, Ning, Cheng Yu Unknown Date (has links)
因有眾多實證研究支持若隨持有期不同,而能適時調整投資策略,便可獲取超額報酬,且月營收資訊具有相當程度的資訊內涵。因此,本研究延伸傳統動能策略的概念,而改以三種當月營收成長率做為篩選投資組合的條件,進而形成營收動能策略(sales momentum strategy),研究主要目的為欲確認此策略於台灣股市之有效性,並同時印證『強者恆強』與『漲時重勢、跌時重質』觀念是否適用。再者,亦提供利用市場公開訊息建構投資組合之選擇,以協助彌補一般投資者無法與專業機構法人同步取得領先資訊之劣勢,進而改善投資績效。
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照顧家中失能老人中年女性生命經驗之研究 / The Life Experience of Midlife Women Who Caring Disabled Elders at Home李德芬, Lee, Te Fen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採質性研究(qualitative research)之深度晤談法(indepth interview)進行資料收集,再以紮根理論方法進行文本分析,共訪12位中年女性,本研究結果如下:
關鍵字:中年女性照顧者;生命經驗;失能老人;身心知覺;家庭關係;自我發展。 / The main purpose of this study was to explore the life experiences of midlife women who caring disabled elders at home. Twelve midlife women participated in this research. In this study, the semi-structure and in-depth interviews were used to collect data. Their answers were audio-taped as data collection. Ground theory analysis was used to analyze the data. The major findings were divided into three parts according the purposes of this study as follows:
(1) The experience and perception of caring disabled elders which we found in this study:
The reasons of midlife women caring disabled elders were the sense of responsibility, marriage connection, repay the kindness from disabled elders and didn’t want to be a guilty person. The stressors of caring disabled elders were short of homecare skills, the strain of interpersonal relationship, distress of daily life and deficiency of family support. The coping of the stressors were modifying the cognition of caring responsibility, finding the meanings of caring, and leaving the caring setting for a while. In this study, we didn’t find the efficacy of family care polity.
(2)The life experience of mid-age women were divided into three parts:
The first part result is psychosomatic perception, we found that women are going through psychosomatic change and more concerned about health. Climacteric is just a nature event for them, most mid-age women never minded that and refuse treatment by medicine. They also expressed the sexual relationship with their husbands are improving in the midlife.
The second part is family relationship of the midlife women, we found the marital relations and parent-child relations were dynamic and changeable. The couples had the clear division of gender role, who had the conflicts and were handled finally. Free mind, independent, similar value and stable income were important key points of marriage satisfaction. The midlife women have good parent-child relationships who treat their children as friend. The relationship between midlife women and their adult children turn into mutual benefits.
The third part is self development of the midlife women, we ask midlife women to descript themselves focusing on social self and psychological self. We found multiple dimensions of self when women interact with others . All of the twelve mid-age women thought that off time events or on time events are both the turn points in their life-cycle, but climacteric or menopause is not. It is just a nature event.
(3)The influence of caring disabled elder for the life experience of midlife
Caring disabled elder induced some psychosomatic symptoms, disturbing the intimate relations and emotion bond of couples. The influence of caring disabled elder for the parent-child relationships were children of midlife women need to help the caring work, mid-age women were the role model of their children and induced the contradiction between midlife women and their children. In the aspect of self development, caring disabled elder interrupted their plans of the future, reminded mid-age women to prepare their elder life and thinking about death issue.
Key words:midlife women; caregiver; life experience; disabled elders; psychosomatic perception; family relationship; self development.
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臺灣警察專科學校隊職幹部轉換型領導風格之研究 / A Study on the transformation leadership style of the command leaders in Taiwan police college陳素專 Unknown Date (has links)
研究最後,在政策執行層面提出了短、中長程的建議和省思;此外,對於後續研究者亦提供若干的建言供參。 / Taiwan Police College is the cradle of nurturing basic-level police officers, and the command leaders is the important backhand of students’ life education. In recent years, due to the substantial change of the enrolling students in Taiwan Police College, it has impacted on the command leaders who are responsible for the students’ living education. As a result, it is necessary to do the research in depth.
This research is based on the style of transformation leadership. According to the purpose of the research, some conclusions have been found as following after the literature review, depth interviews and observations. In individual cases, the organization structure is related to the effect of leadership of command leaders and the main way is the transformation leadership. Meanwhile, the command leaders is competent for the core of transformation leadership, and the guide directions of command leaders are mostly parallel, two-ways and multi-ways. Moreover, the efficiency of leadership is closed to the style of leaderships. The leadership practices of the command leaders are mostly as expected, and the pattern of leadership influences students profoundly. However, the self-actualization of the command leaders and the recognition is not in portion.
Finally, some advices and reflections for the short term, mid term and long term policies have been carried on and will be reference materials for the following researchers.
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動能效果與財務危機預測之研究余美儀 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要之目的在於探究財務危機之預測指標,分別探討Beta、公司規模、淨值市價比以及前一年平均報酬(負的動能效果)是否可作為財務危機之預測指標。本研究之樣本公司為1983年至2007年之台灣上市公司,利用Altman提出之Z-score模型將公司區分為危機公司以及正常公司,再將樣本公司依Beta、公司規模、淨值市價比以及前一年平均報酬分別分組,探討這些變數是否可作為財務危機之預測指標。實證結果指出Beta及淨值市價比無法作為財務危機之預測指標,但公司規模及前一年平均報酬(負的動能效果)可以作為財務危機之預測指標。 / With the Asian financial crisis breaking out in 1997, many companies began to suffer financial distress in the following year, and the situations were getting even worse during 1998 and 2005. Faced the new waves of financial tsunami across the world starting from 2007, the investor, therefore, have been adopting a wait-and-see attitudes towards the stock market, fearing of being hit by the “tank stocks”。How many financial problems hidden behind the carefully prepared financial statements? Are they unpredictable? As a matter of fact, just like the human chronic diseases which actually caused by long-term ignorance of health warning, corporate financial distress never happens suddenly. Thus a number of scholars are dedicated to study the reasons for financial problems, attempting to figure out certain indicators capable of being prior reference for investment decision-making.
This paper aims to study the predictors of financial distress. Beta, firm size, book-to-market ratio and average monthly prior-year return (negative momentum effect) are to be considered respectively to determine their possibilities of being predictors. The sample companies discussed in this paper are chosen among the listed companies during 1983 and 2007 in Taiwan. They are grouped into two categories of crisis company and normal company by using the Z-score model developed by Altman. Then the sample companies are divided in terms of Beta, firm size, book-to-market ratio and average monthly prior-year return so as to trace these variables’ likelihood to predict bankruptcy. It eventually turns out that firm size and average monthly prior-year return could serve as predictors of financial distress, other than Beta and book-to-market ratio.
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台灣安全監控廠商核心能力建構模式之研究-以奇偶科技與陞泰科技為例傅肇弘 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以此出發,選定利基產業中最具代表性的安全監控產業作為研究對象,從中選出兩間獲利能力最強的代表廠商奇偶科技與陞泰科技,以深入訪談的方式了解兩間個案公司建立核心能力的途徑,並利用哈佛大學Dorothy Barton(1998)出版的專書「知識創新之泉-智價企業的經營」中所指出的核心能力建構模式加以分析兩間個案公司之所以能形成強大核心能力的關鍵因素。
本研究也指出了整套的核心能力建構流程,供其他位於利基產業的廠商參考,期許台灣未來會出現更多這樣優秀的小規模科技廠商。 / Taiwanese high-tech manufacturing firms stormed the global market with low cost production capability and built solid market share. But there are still some other small Taiwanese high-tech firms that focus on niche markets. They don’t need big assets and large amount of employees, they don’t even use financial leverage to expend their operation. What they depend is the long time focus strategy that assured the high profit and non-replaceable status in their industry.
Surveillance digital video recorder market is one of this kind of niche market. We chose two representative companies-Geo Vision and AVTech to do further case study and adapt the core capability building model which published by Prof. Dorothy Leonard Barton in the book “Wellsprings of Knowledge”to demonstrate the way this kind of niche high-tech companies build their core competence.
Through this research, we found that the companies built their core capability base on the same pattern. Joint product development with users and market information screening made the case companies learn how to set a R&D goal that fits the expectation of users. Based on this goal, the case companies built their own R&D capabilities with different philosophy that their founders believe to realize the product concept. Through this pattern, the two case companies dominant the DVR industry. In this research we also found that the way they build their core capabilities is highly correlated to the back ground of their founder teams
Moreover, we conclude the findings and integrated them into some simple ideas that other companies can adapt to build their own core capabilities.
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