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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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家庭與學校變項對學生學業成就動機的影響--一個後設分析 / The effect of family and school variables on students' academic achievement motivation: A meta-analysis

許崇憲, Chong-shiann Albert Hsu Unknown Date (has links)
此後設分析研究檢驗實驗處與脈絡變項變項對學生學業成就動機的影響,作者從293份研究中取得2542個效應量。結果發現,無論是脈絡變項還是實驗處理,只要能夠滿足學生對能力感、親密感、以及自主感的需求,皆能夠促進學生的成就動機;最有效的是能夠滿足學生能力需求或者滿足兩種需求以上的處理。至於中介變項的影響,性別並沒有發揮作用;各種自變項在不同教育或年齡階段,有不同的影響力。最後,作者針對教育實務與未來研究方向提出若干建議。 / A meta-analysis was performed to examine the effect of experimental treatments and contextual variables on students’ academic motivation. 2,542 effect sizes were collected from 293 studies. It was found that contextual variables or experimental treatments which strengthened students’ sense of competence, relatedness, and autonomy could facilitate their achievement motivation. The variables gratifying the need of competence and those meeting two needs or more had the greatest impact. The effect of four moderators was also analyzed. It was found that the treatment-motivation relationship was gender-free. Types of contextual variable had different impact at different educational levels. In conclusion, some suggestions are provided for educational practice and further study.


詹雅惠, Ya-Hui Chan Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要是利用中國統計年鑑、中國鄉鎮企業年鑑、中國工業經濟統計年鑑及1995年第三次全國工業普查資料匯編各年版所提供的一九九五至一九九七年期間大陸工業三十三個產業別之追蹤資料,研究大陸鄉鎮企業對國有企業經營績效之影響。本文所定義的國有企業經營績效,主要分為兩部分:一為大陸國有企業的獲利能力,一為大陸國有企業的生產技術效率。在大陸國有企業的獲利能力部分,本研究論文是採用固定效果模型(fixed-effect model)之迴歸模型來探討大陸鄉鎮企業的產業發展對國有企業獲利能力的影響。接著在大陸國有企業的生產技術效率部分,本研究論文則採用Battese and Coelli(1995)提出的具有轉移對數形式及可採用時序加截面數據的隨機邊界生產函數模型(stochastic frontier production function model),來探討大陸鄉鎮企業的產業發展對國有企業技術效率的影響。   本文主要的研究發現為,大陸鄉鎮企業確實對國有企業之經營績效產生不利影響。從區分的產業類別來看,大陸鄉鎮企業對國有輕工業部門經營績效之影響,已由損害獲利階段進入不利技術效率之階段,而國有重工業部門則停留在受鄉鎮企業負面影響獲利的階段,此乃由於鄉鎮企業發展階段的不同,所造成的影響結果亦有所差異。在本文之研究期間,鄉鎮企業在輕工業的發展已趨成熟,並開始積極發展重工業部門,所以國有之重工業部門依循其輕工業受影響模式,已出現獲利受到鄉鎮企業影響而下降之情形。   其次,本文之實證結果顯示,國有企業規模對其經營績效有顯著的助益效果。規模較大之國有企業尤其是大型國有之重工業,確實存在顯著的規模經濟效益。亦顯現出大陸政府自一九九0年開始,希望透過國有企業資源之整合,促進其發揮規模經濟效益之政策,在一九九五至一九九七年期間可能已在國有企業及其重工業部門初見成效。 此外,本文之實證結果顯示,資金密集度對國有重工業部門產生不利技術效率的影響,對其獲利能力並無顯著影響。   雖然,本文之研究結果顯示,大陸鄉鎮企業確實對國有企業之經營績效產生不利影響,但這僅是短期之現象,本論文認為鄉鎮企業所扮演的角色除了是市場競爭者外,其更應積極的被視為篩選國有企業之機制,經由鄉鎮企業的競爭壓力及短期內之不利影響,可迫使國有企業為保護其獲利不被損害及在市場上繼續生存,必須採取反應措施,而逐漸走向符合市場經濟的制度,例如讓營運不佳的企業在競爭下自市場退出、選擇適當的技術路線、發展具生產利益的產業及企業必須加強產品的創新,以獲取較高的創新利潤等回應措施。若國有企業在長期下真能依循上述模型進行調整,則國有企業之技術效率將有所提昇,並能改善其獲利低下的情況,進而達到經營績效改善。依此看來,本論文認為鄉鎮企業所發揮的是更為積極、穩定的改革力量,促使國有企業長期且持續的進行經營績效改善。   因此,在解決大陸國有企業經營績效的問題時,國有企業制度的改革固然重要,但若大陸政府在推行改革時,能加以考量鄉鎮企業發展此一重要因素,將大陸鄉鎮企業之發展視為篩選國有企業之機制,淘汰不適於市場機制、競爭力不足、虧損之國有企業,則長期下將可使國有企業達到經營績效改善之效果。 / This thesis investigates the influence of township-village enterprises (TVEs) on the performance of China’s state-owned enterprises (SOEs). Industrial-based panel data from 1995~1997 provided by various published years of the China Statistical Year Book , China Industry Economy Statistical Year Book, The data of The Third National Industiral Census of The People’s Repiblic of China in 1995, and China Township-Village Enterprises Year Book are adopted to estimate the fixed-effect model of SOEs’ profit rate function, and stochastic frontier production function model of SOEs’ technical efficiency function. The primary finding is that the profit rate in the heavy industry and the technical efficiency in light industry of China’ SOEs are both influenced negatively by the output share of TVEs, the above proves the influence of TVEs on the performance of SOEs has changed from profit loses to technical inefficiency, but this condition won’t exist for long because of the policies to improve performance adopted by SOEs , like relocation factors, adjustment size or any useful acts will take effect. Secondly, larger scale of SOEs, especially in heavy industry, gets higher profit rate and higher technical efficiency, the conclusion indicate that size of SOEs brings improvement of performance to SOEs. Besides, improvement of the technical efficiency of SOEs is crossed in capital intensive, but has no effect on profitability. The above proves that SOEs will against the competition by reactions in policy, as long as longtime performance, the technical efficiency of SOEs will make great advances. Therefore, for solving the problem about the performance of SOEs, besides the innovation in economic system, China should concern about the competitiveness of TVEs. In conclusion, China should regard TVEs not only as a competitor but also as a mechanism to sift out uncompetitive SOEs from China’s market so that the performance of SOEs can be improved to reach the crucial position in China.


喬友慶, Chiao, Yu-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
長久以來,國際化議題一直是實務界與學術界關心的重要焦點,對於小型開放經濟體的台灣而言,企業走向「國際化」更是必然的趨勢。國際化是否能為廠商帶來利潤?大部份的研究發現國際化確實有助於企業獲利的提昇,但亦有學者認為國際化為廠商所帶來的正面利益實屬有限,真正有助於提昇廠商績效的因素為廠商的「產品差異化能力」,甚至有學者更強烈地指出國際化與廠商績效的關係並不顯著,廠商本身所擁有的產品差異化能力才是最重要的獲利來源。 然而,相較於歐美大型多國企業,台灣企業規模相對較小,除國際化外,台灣企業擁有那些產品差異化能力可以提昇廠商的績效呢?雖然各方學者所持觀點不一,但其研究的範圍皆以西方已開發國家為關注焦點,顯少針對開發中國家加以研究。此不禁令人產生一些疑問:國際化是否也能為新興工業化國家的台灣企業帶來較佳的績效呢?若國際化不意謂著較佳的績效,那如此高度依賴海外市場的台灣企業該如何是好呢? 此外,「管理能力」在廠商國際化的過程中所扮演的角色在過去研究中並未受到重視。然而,國際化程度的提高,並非對所有廠商在績效上皆能有正面的提昇,廠商必須在海外市場擴張的過程中,隨時調整其管理能力才得以能夠維持優良的廠商績效,此議題的瞭解,有助於對過去實證結果的分歧做更進一步的解釋。 針對上述研究問題,本研究回顧國際化程度、產品差異化能力,以及管理能力相關文獻,經由相關理論之推導,形成三個主要的研究命題,透過以台灣製造廠商為研究對象,同時以量化及質化的研究設計加以探討。 命題一與命題二分別以第三章564家大型製造廠商、第四章170公開上市資訊電子業、第五章3,194家中小型製造廠商、第六章601家中小型紡織業及818家中小型電子業,以及第七章1986年、1991年與1996年三期之大型 (275家,825個樣本) 及中小型 (322家,966個樣本) 製造廠商之長期追蹤資料加以驗證。經由不同廠商規模與產業,以及橫斷面與縱斷面的資料分析,得到國際化程度對廠商績效為一倒U型關係、產品差異化能力 (研發密集度) 對廠商績效為一正向的影響,亦即在研究一 (第三章) 至研究五 (第七章) 的結論發現,國際化程度與廠商績效的倒U型關係皆獲得支持,惟不同的樣本中,國際化程度與績效的最適點不同;產品差異化能力的部份僅於研發密集度與廠商績效的正向關係獲得支持,故支持本研究所提出之前兩項研究命題。 本研究根據量化研究倒U型之結果,分別在研究六 (第八章) 以一家非上市 (櫃) 小型手工具製造業、一家中型上櫃紡織業,以及一家大型上市電子業為研究對象,分析管理能力對國際化與廠商績效關係之影響,經由三家個案廠商的分析,亦傾向於支持管理能力對台灣製造廠商之國際化程度與績效的關係有一正向的調節效果。亦即廠商的管理能力可以調節 (moderate) 國際化與廠商績效的關係,在面對海外市場擴張所面臨的複雜度增加,廠商若能適時調整其管理能力,即使處於高度國際化的狀況,亦能保有優良的廠商績效;反之,若廠商之國際化程度仍未達國際化之最適點,但其管理能力始終沒有在海外市場擴張的過程中做適時的調整,亦有可能產生績效不佳的狀況。因此,支持本研究所提出的第三個研究命題。 整體而言,本論文於第三章至第七章量化研究獲得國際化程度與產品差異化能力對廠商績效一致的結果;透過第八章的質化研究,亦達成管理能力於國際化與廠商績效間關係的釐清。因此本論文的完成亦讓研究者對於台灣企業的國際化程度、產品差異化能力及管理能力,在影響廠商績效的議題上有更豐富的認識與瞭解。 / Internationalization has been the focus to the business and academic communities for years. Actively entering foreign markets for most firms in Taiwan, a small-opened economy, has become a must in the globalized economy. Does internationalization bring better performance for business? Most empirical studies found that internationalization increases firms’ benefits; however, some researchers argued that there are limited the benefits associated with firms’ internationalization. Furthermore, it has been suggested that there’s no significant relationship between internationalization and firm’s performance. That seemed a tendency for researchers to argue that “capability for product differentiation” is the key to profitability. Comparing with multinational corporations (MNCs) from western developed countries, the sizes of Taiwanese firms are much smaller. What kind of capabilities for product differentiation, in addition to the internationalization, could contribute to their performance? So far researchers have different views. On top of that, when excusing the issue, most studies still focused on firms, mostly MNCs, from the developed countries, few has looked into the behaviors of firms from developing countries. This study bridges this gap and proposes the following research questions: (1) Does internationalization affect performance firms from newly industrialized economies, such as Taiwan? (2) Besides internationalization, what characteristics of firms in Taiwan contribute to their performance? Managerial capability truly plays an important role in firms’ internationalization process; however, previous studies did not pay much attention on this construct. Also, higher levels of internationalization does not necessary bring positive impact on firms’ performance. To maintain better performance, firms need to adjust as well as adapt their managerial capabilities during their foreign market expansion process. Understanding the relationship between managerial capability and international expansion helps us to shed new light on the inconsistency findings of past empirical studies. Thus, the third research question tries to understand the moderating role of managerial capability on the relationship between internationalization and firms’ performance. The study reviews related literatures on internationalization, capability for product differentiation, and managerial capability in terms of above mentioned research questions. After deriving three main research propositions, this study employs both quantitative and qualitative research designs to answer the research questions by taking Taiwanese manufacture firms as research samples. For the purpose of triangulation, this study examines propositions 1 and 2 by different sample profiles including cross-sectional and longitudinal data. They are: (1) 564 large manufacture firms (chapter 3); (2) 170 Taiwan Stock Exchange Market listed electronics firms (chapter 4); (3) 3,194 small and medium-sized enterprises (chapter 5); (4) 601 small and medium-sized textile firms and 818 small and medium-sized electronics firms (chapter 6), and (5) 275 (825 observations) large and 322 (966 observations) small and medium-sized firms for three periods (i.e., 1986, 1991, and 1996) (chapter 7). The first two main findings are: (1) the relationship between internationalization and performance could be graphically depicted as an inverted U-shaped curve, and (2) a positive relationship between capability for product differentiation in terms of R&D intensity and performance regardless of firm size and industry. Thus, our findings support the first two propositions. According to the U-shaped result of quantitative analysis, this study explores the relationship among managerial capability, internationalization, and performance by conducting three in-depth company interviews. The firms, including an unlisted hand tool firm, a medium-sized OTC textile firm, and one large listed electronics firm, represent a mix of companies. The third main findings tend to support that managerial capability has a positive moderating effect between internationalization and performance. If firms could adapt or adjust their managerial capabilities to handle the complexity during their foreign market expansion process at the right timing, they could still enjoy better performance with higher levels of internationalization. On the contrary, the complexity associated with high-level of internationalization will burn out the managers and eventually lead to poor performance. Thus, the result supports the third proposition. In summary, on the one hand, the study confirms the relationship among internationalization, capability for product differentiation, and firm’s performance through quantitative analyses in chapters 3 to 7. This study also identifies the moderating effect of managerial capability on the relationship between internationalization and firm’s performance through a qualitative analysis in chapter 8. Theoretically speaking, this dissertation provides better understanding on the relationship among internationalization, capability for product differentiation, managerial capability, and performance of Taiwanese firms.

美國社會安全制度失能給付之研究 / A Research on Disability Insurance Benefits of OASDI of U.S.

林宏陽, Hung-Yang Lin Unknown Date (has links)
失能為所有現代國家主要的社會風險之一,但其原因不僅因職業災害而來,普通傷害所導致的失能問題亦使勞工及其家庭陷入經濟不安全的困境之中。由於失能期間沒有工作所得又需支付額外的醫療、設備等花費,故各國所發展出的相關保障制度同時注重該期間的現金給付、實物給付以及助其早日重回生產性工作之醫療照顧、就業促進與職業重建等福利服務。 以當前世界主要國家美國為例,於1935年通過社會安全法案,並在1956年通過失能給付,將絕大多數的勞工納入的老年、遺屬與遺屬保險(Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance;OASDI)體系之中,1983年更將公務員納入其中。除給予失能勞工及其依附者失能現金給付與所需之醫療給付外,並透過就業促進與職業訓練等相關制度,促使獲給付者早日重回生產性工作,為一生生不息的制度。儘管其制度不若德國實施百餘年之制度來得完善與全面,但已具有相當之規模,且符合世界之公約數。 我國則依照公務人員、軍人、勞工與農民等四群體制訂各自之相關保險給付制度及其退休撫卹制度中,而勞工與農民所享有的保障則極度不平等;目前交付三讀中的國民年金法草案將涵蓋其他國民之相關社會風險。我國目前在一次給付、失能之定義、失能之判定機制、職業重建服務、就業促進等眾多機制上皆顯不足或欠缺,在在背離了各國社會保險制度之公約數,無法給予勞工所需之保護,應立即進行改革。 本研究主要採歷史制度比較法,先對美國之歷史、制度與問題進行瞭解後,再依其經驗找尋我國制度改革上所應依循之方向與應避免之問題。期望未來所建立的制度,除能給予失能勞工足夠的現金、實物給付以及福利服務外,並促進其重回職場,為整體社會之再生產繼續貢獻。 / Disability or invalidity is one of the main social risks in modern countries and has been recognized by almost all the countries since 1880’s. This kind of risk was paid much attention from the inclining of cases that labor got job-related impairments and made their families fall into miserable situations. Those bad conditions are not only caused by job-related impairments, but also ordinary ills and impairments in everyday life. For instance, a person who is hit by a car may be unable to work, and it makes his or her family in danger. Accordingly, this dissertation intend to deal with the issue concerning about the proper measurements of disability determining and protecting. For those people who are physically or psychologically impaired and unable to work temporarily or permanently, almost all the countries will provide all kinds of benefits they need through their Social Insurance programs, such as monthly cash benefits, medical care, vocational rehabilitation, job placement, job training programs and so on, and U.S. is one of thos e countries. Related schemes have been practiced in Taiwan since 1950, but there are many problems waiting for us to amend. For example, the unequal treatment between public servants and other people needs to be reformed. Furthermore, the definition of disability remains at the stage of compensations of impairments, the determination of disability is too loose, and the procedure of determination is too simple etc. The purpose of this dissertation is to get closer understanding of the OASDI of U.S., especially DI. Besides, it is expected to learn something from the case reviewed above and to establish a sound Social Security system in Taiwan, thus to prevent the problems that may occur in advance. In this sense, only to pursue the norms that are internationally share, we can make our society more adequate, equal, and safer than before.

Form-function Mappings in the Acquisition of If-conditionals: A Corpus-based Study / 以語料庫為本對英語條件句形式功能對應習得之研究

柯羽珊, Ke,Yu-shan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討以中文為母語之人士如何學習英語條件句,及其在習得時所遭遇之困難及相關原因。本文除對英語條件句之分類方式做詳盡介紹外,並嘗試以形式功能對應之理論架構,研究其習得之順序,並利用『錯誤分析』區分出條件句之動詞各類錯誤的誤用形式及原因。本研究語料來源為包含一百萬字,以電腦輔助建立錯誤標記之『中國學習者英語語料庫』。 研究結果發現,外語學習者之習得順序為一形式功能對應之過程,具較多形式或功能內涵者愈晚且愈難習得,符合功能認知模式的預測。 中文學習者的錯誤特徵為添加及省略,原因為過度矯正(hypercorrection)及過度類化(overgeneralization)。學習者最大的困難來自對條件句動詞變化規則不熟悉、形式及功能的複雜性、以及對應失敗的結果。本論文建議未來研究方向可深入探討時間指涉與假設程度對條件句使用之影響。 / Issues of conditionals have been highlighted for a long time, but the focus was seldom fixed on acquisition, particularly for L2. The determinate features of tense, mood and modality are interwoven in the conditional construction, thus resulting in an insurmountable obstacle for L2 learners. However, the factors impede acquisition have never been satisfactorily treated. Therefore, this paper attempts to explore the L2 developmental sequence, and to probe the error characteristics of acquiring if-conditionals. Disengaging the expression of conditionality into two dimensions: temporality and hypotheticality, we identified the features of syntactic forms and semantic functions of different conditional types, and created a new scheme to account for their mapping, on which the difficulty levels of acquisition were inferred. In contrast to the previous studies on the grounds of markedness theories, this research described the acquisition of conditionals in a Functional-Cognitive Model. Furthermore, the factors of difficulties were examined via an error analysis. The targets are Chinese English learners, who were well-known to face great problems in expressing conditionals. The data was searched from CLEC (Chinese Learner English Corpus), a big-scale corpus consisting of roughly 1,000,000 words with error tags. The investigation on the acquisition sequence and error patterns shows: (1) the acquisition order parallels to the prediction on the form-function mapping underpinnings: those with heavy content load and complex lexical shapes are acquired later (2) the two prominent misuses of the Chinese learners are addition and omission, resulted from hypercorrection and oversimplification. It was concluded that their difficulties could be ascribed to unfamiliarity of rules, complexities of forms and functions, and their mapping failure. Hence, this present work serves to provide some explanatory accounts, in a hope to unveil the mystery of the arduousness of acquiring conditionals, contribute to the tightening of acquisition theorizing and shed new insights into pedagogical growth.

火災保險自留比例與自留損失相關性分析 / Correlation Analysis of Retained Ratio and Retained Loss for Property Insurance

林文煌 Unknown Date (has links)
決定自留額是保險人承接業務時之主要考量因素,以發揮保險之基本原理原則:危險分散與損失分攤。自留額釐定不當,不僅影響保險人財務結構,甚至波及公司整體核保營運成果而危及清償能力。本文選擇某產險公司實際損失分配資料,探討不同自留比例與再保方式對營運結果之影響,結果顯示在此實際損失分配資料模型下,適度調高自留比例,應可增加核保利潤。本文進一步以相關性分析探討自留配置。 / Retention is a key element for the insurer to determine how much it wishes to retain for its own account for the risks it has written. This point is fundamental to carrying on the business of insurance and akin to the principle upon which insurance is based, namely the spreading of risks and sharing of losses. The risk of incurring a retained loss owning to inadequate retention, which would imperil financial objective even can affect the overall underwriting results and arise insolvency. This paper select data base of occurred loss distribution for the past three years to study the impact of different retained ratio and different type of reinsurance for performance. This paper shows that, the underwriting profit can be expected to increase when the retention increases precisely under the existing loss distribution model . This paper also discuss the related factors in deciding retention by correlation analysis.


吳學修, Joe Wu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的,旨在探討PDM對台灣3C產業研發管理的影響. 先從台灣3C產業研發管理所涉及之組織環境,核心能耐,及組織與知識創造的關聯性做番檢視, 再將主題PDM對焦在研發管理的創新活動中, 復以流程的構面觀點, 透過個案訪談及實驗分析, 理出PDM對研發管理影響之脈絡如下: 一. PDM導入時,進入障礙傾向來自: (1) 研發人員心理. (2) 既有流程漏洞. (3) 橫向協調不易. 二. 需配合的推動要素傾向: (1) 技術系統客製. (2) 流程改造. 三. PDM對研發管理的直接助益傾向: (1) 團隊協同. (2) 專案導向. (3) BOM管理. (4) 既有資料庫整合綜效. 四. A公司導入PDM後, 組織能耐在 (1) 程序效能 及(2) 研發時程進度掌控上, 皆有可觀的進展. 領悟與啟示-----PDM真正帶給研發管理最大的助益, 在於 : 它會刺激我們省思, 加速改造流程..... / Abstract The purpose of this research is to explore the affections of PDM on the Research & Development management, in the environment of Tai- Wan`s 3C industry. Starting from viewing the environments of innovative organizations, Core competencies, and the relationship between the organization and Knowledge creating. Then, focusing the subject PDM on the innovative Activities of Research & Development management. And in the process Point of view, via interviewing of several parties together with experi- ment analysis, to sum up the veins of the affections of PDM on the Re- search & Development management as following : 1. When introducing the PDM system, the entering obstacles tend to cause from : (1) The psychology of Research & Development peoples. (2) The defects of existing processes. (3) Horizontally coordinating being not easy. 2. The key promotive factors to be operated in coordination tend to be : (1) Technical system customization. (2) Process reconstruction 3. The direct benefits of PDM for Research & Development management tend to be : (1) Teamwork co-ordination. (2) Project oriented. (3) BOM management. (4) The interated synergy of existing data banks. 4. After conduting the PDM system, the competencies of party A in the areas of (1) Process efficiency and (2) Research & Development sche- dule control perform conspicuous improvement. Inspiration ------ The most benefit of PDM truly impacts on Research & Development management is : It will stimulate us to make a self-exa- mination. To speed up to improve our process …….

幼托園所主管教學領導行為與教師教學效能關係之研究 / A Study of the Relationship between Directors’ Instructional Leadership Behaviors and Teachers’ Teaching Effectiveness in Kindergarten and Nursery

張維倩, Chang, Wei-Chien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討幼托園所主管教學領導行為與教師教學效能之關係。首先瞭解幼托園所主管教學領導行為與教師教學效能之內涵及現況;其次分析不同背景變項在幼托園所主管教學領導行為與教師教學效能之差異情形;接著探討幼托園所主管教學領導行為與教師教學效能之相關,以及瞭解幼托園所主管教學領導行為對教師教學效能各層面之預測力。 本研究方法除了以文獻探討,分析教學領導行為與教師教學效能之理論與相關研究外,並兼採問卷調查法及訪談調查法。問卷調查之對象以基隆市、臺中縣、臺中市、彰化縣、南投縣,已立案之公、私立幼稚園及托兒所教師為母群體,採兩階段抽樣法進行取樣,共發出720份問卷,總計回收有效問卷493份(有效回收率68.47%)。使用之研究工具為自編之「幼托園所主管教學領導行為與教師教學效能關係調查問卷」,問卷回收後,採描述性統計、信度分析、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、典型相關、逐步多元迴歸及薛費法多重比較,進行資料分析。在訪談調查部分,乃針對十位幼托園所主管及教師,進行電話訪談。本研究所獲致之主要結論如下: 壹、幼托園所主管教學領導行為方面 一、幼托園所主管教學領導行為表現積極,其中以「發展支持的工作環境」表現最好。 二、「園所主管年資」在幼托園所主管教學領導行為達顯著影響;而「園所所處地區」、「園所性質」、「園所規模」及「園所主管最高學歷」在幼托園所主管教學領導行為未達顯著影響。 貳、教師教學效能方面 一、幼托園所教師教學效能表現良好,其中以「教學互動」表現最好。 二、「園所性質」、「園所主管年資」、「教師年齡」、「教師任教年資」及「兼任行政職務」在幼托園所教師教學效能達顯著影響;而「園所所處地區」、「園所規模」、「園所主管最高學歷」及「教師最高學歷」在幼托園所教師教學效能未達顯著影響。 參、幼托園所主管教學領導行為與教師教學效能兩者之關係方面 一、「幼托園所主管教學領導行為」與「教師教學效能」呈現正相關。 二、「幼托園所主管教學領導行為」對「教師教學效能」具有預測力。 最後研究者根據研究結果,分別對幼兒教育行政機關、幼托園所主管培育機構、幼教師資培育機構、幼托園所主管、幼托園所教師以及後續相關研究提出相關建議,以期對未來幼教的發展有所助益。 / The main purpose of this study was to: (1) Investigate current situation of directors’ instructional leadership behaviors and teachers’ teaching effectiveness. (2) Explore the different influence effect of different variables on these two areas. (3) Analyze the relationships between directors’ instructional leadership behaviors and teachers’ teaching effectiveness. (4) Explore the predictive power of directors’ instructional leadership behaviors on the part of teachers’ teaching effectiveness. To accomplish these purposes, literature review was adopted in addition to questionnaire and interview (telephone survey). In questionnaire aspect, the teacher subjects were included public and private kindergartens and nursery schools in Taiwan, specifically Keelung City, Taichung County, Taichung City, Changhua County, Nantou County by means of stratified two-stage simple sampling. “The Kindergarten and Nursery Directors’ Instructional Leadership Behavior and Teachers’ Teaching Effectiveness Questionnaire” was designed to collect the data. 720 questionnaires were delivered, and 493 were retrieved with an effective return rate of 68.47%. The questionnaire data analysis included description statistics, reliability analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson-moment correlation analysis, canonical correlation, multiple stepwise regression analysis, and Scheffé’s posteriori comparison through the use of SPSS 10.07 for Windows. Ten directors and teachers from the sample of questionnaire interviews were selected for the telephone interviews. The major results were summarized as follows: A. In the aspect of director’s instruction leadership: a. Instruction leadership behavior of director is above average. For directors, the best dimension is to “develop a supporting environment”. b. Directors’ service years have a significant effect on director’s instruction leadership. Kindergarten location, kindergarten category of public or private, school size, and highest educational degree of the director do not have a significant effect on director’s instruction leadership. B. In the aspect of teachers’ teaching effectiveness: a. Teachers’ teaching effectiveness is above average. For teacher, the best dimension is to “instructional interaction”. b. Kindergarten category of public or private, directors’ years of service, teachers’ age, teachers’ years of service, part-time administrative position have significant influences on teachers’ teaching effectiveness. Kindergarten location, school size, highest educational degree of the director and highest educational degree of the teacher do not have significant effect on teachers’ teaching effectiveness. C. In the aspect of relationships between directors’ instructional leadership behaviors and teachers’ teaching effectiveness: a. There was a positive correlation between directors’ instruction leadership and teachers’ teaching effectiveness. b. Directors’ instruction leadership was predictive of teachers’ teaching effectiveness. In the last part, based on the findings, the researcher proposes some suggestions for the education authorities, the director training institutions, the teacher training institutions, the preschool directors and teachers, and the future researchers, hoping to benefit the development of preschool education in the future.


林建妤, Lin, Chien Yu Unknown Date (has links)
為提升國內軟體專案生產力和品質,建立度量與分析的機制,本研究參考能力成熟度整合模式(Capability Maturity Model Integration, CMMI)之度量與分析流程領域作為指引,結合GQM (Goal-Question-Metric)及PSM (Practical Software & Systems Measurement)的度量方法論,發展一套提問式驅動度量與分析流程規劃法,稱為QMAP (Questions driven- Measurement & Analysis Process Planning)—運用5W1H (Why, Who, When, What, Where & How) 提問方式,有系統地依據CMMI度量與分析流程的要求,找出軟體專案的成功因素,逐步建立組織內部的度量與分析流程的基準。首先,以某公司之個案情境為例進行背景分析、目標分析和流程分析,接著以使用分析—使用案例及其描述之資訊需求,建議整合運用PSM Insight, MS Project及IBM Rational ClearQuest等工具來支援軟體專案度量與分析流程之自動化。經工具系統之實作展示,再以自我評鑑來檢視QMAP於CMMI度量與分析流程之目標及執行方法的符合程度,而部分未達成的項目則作為未來研究之方向。 / This research proposes a method called QMAP (Questions driven- Measurement and Analysis Process Planning) in order to meet goals and practices in Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI). QMAP is about 5W1H questions which begin with why, who, when, what, where and how. Before answering the 5W1H questions, we start with background analysis, goal analysis, and process analysis based on a sample company’s management context. Use Cases are then described as the formal information requirements of the MA process support system. In the implementation, we suggest to integrate some tools, such as MS Project, PSM Insight, and IBM Rational ClearQuest, to facilitate the measurement data collection and analysis activities during the software project development. After illustrating the implementation prototype, a checklist for self-appraisal is presented to identify the compliances of CMMI goals and practices, and the incomplete parts for future research extension.

國軍人員參與在職進修動機取向及其自我效能、工作績效之研究 / The Influence of Studying Motivation on Self-efficacy and Work Performance for Military Officers

方雪玲, Fang, Hsueh Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國軍人員參與「碩士專班及碩士學分班」在職進修動機與自我效能及工作績效之關係,根據文獻回顧與推論,本研究主張國軍人員參與在職進修的動機會影響到個人的自我效能,並進一步影響其工作績效。根據此一概念,本研究共提出五個假說並進行實證的分析驗證。 研究方法主要是以問卷調查法為主,問卷的編制是以文獻探討與研究假說所形成之研究架構為依據。以便利抽樣之方式針對北區國軍在職進修人員寄發問卷,總共發出200份,回收有效問卷151份,回收率為79.50%。 研究結果顯示,國軍人員參與在職進修之動機會影響進修者之自我效能與工作績效。其中進修動機為「追求成就」、「成長認知」、「專業發展」、「社交關係」及「外界期望」等五個層面得分愈高者,其學習自我效能及工作績效表現也愈高,另外,本研究亦發現在職進修的動機具有多元取向且動機取向間互有關係。 由於目前國內針對國軍人員參與在職進修的動機、學習自我效能與個人工作績效之相關研究尚屬少見,因此本研究結果除了可以提供國軍推動終身學習政策的實務參考外,對自我效能與學習動機的理論發展,也提供了具體之建樹。 關鍵字:國軍人員、在職進修、進修動機、自我效能、工作績效 / The purpose of this research is to probe the relationship among learning motivation, self-efficiency and job performance for military officers who participate in the in-service learning program of master degree or related credit class. Based on the literature review and theoretical inference, this research argues that learning motives of participant will influence learning self- efficiency and, further more, his or her job performance. Accordingly, this research proposes and tests five hypotheses by way of field data. The research methodology is mainly the survey approach and the design of questionnaire is according to the research framework based on the literature and hypotheses. By convenience sampling approach, 200 questionnaire mails were sent to the military officers in northern part of Taiwan and 151 effective questionnaires were received with the valid response rate of 79.50%. The result shows that the learning motivation of program participant has significant impact on self-efficiency and job performance. Among these motivations, the higher of ‘pursuing achievements’, ‘growing recognition’, ‘professional development’, ‘social relationship’, and ‘external expectation’, the higher of self-efficiency and the better of job performance. Furthermore, the study also finds that the learning motivations are multifaceted and correlated with each other. At present, it is rare to study the relationships among learning motivation, self-efficiency, and job performance about military officers. The result of this study, therefore, offers a meaningful mirror for military department to consider the improvement of life-learning program. In addition, this study makes a great contribution in terms of the theories about learning motivation and self-efficiency. Key word: military officers, in-service learning, learning motivation, self-efficacy, job performance

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