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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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董事會監督強度決定性因素之實證研究 / An empirical study on determinant factors of the intensiveness of board monitoring

邱筱茜 Unknown Date (has links)
過去研究指出,增加董事會的開會次數將提高董事會的監督效能。本研究以董事會之開會次數為應變數,納入總經理特性、董事會特性與財務特性,探討影響董事會監督強度之決定性因素。本研究發現,總經理任期、總經理持股比例、董事會規模及前期經營績效對董事會監督強度存在顯著負向關係,而總經理與董事長為同一人對董事會的監督強度呈顯著正相關。進一步將樣本依總經理是否屬於控制家族成員,將樣本分成兩組樣本後,本研究發現,總經理之控制家族色彩會削弱總經理任期與董事會監督強度關聯性,但也具有增強總經理與董事長為同一人、董事會規模與董事會監督強度關聯性的效果。 / Prior researches argue that board meeting time is an important resource in improving the effectiveness of a board (e.g., Vafeas, 1999; Ryan et al., 2007). We use a Poisson model with the number of board meetings as the dependent variable and examine the determinant factors of the intensiveness of board monitoring. We find that the intensiveness of board monitoring is driven by CEO characteristics, board characteristics, and prior performance. CEO tenure, CEO ownership, board size and prior performance are significantly inversely related to the intensiveness of board monitoring. CEO/chair duality positively influences the number of meetings (significant at the 0.1 level). We analyze separately the relations between CEO characteristics, board characteristics, prior performance and meeting frequency for non-family CEOs and CEOs who are numbers of the controlling family, and use interaction term between independent proxies and the controlling family dummy variable to test for the significance of these differences. We find that the relation between the number of board meetings and CEO tenure is weaker when the CEO is a member of the founding family. We also find that the relations between the intensity of board monitoring and CEO duality, board size are stronger when the CEO is a member of the founding family.

組織行為之分析:台北市士東國小的個案研究 / An analysis of organizational behavior: case study of shih-tung elementary school of Taipei city

郭麗美, Kuo, Li Mei Unknown Date (has links)
在台灣經歷少子化而後,國小超額老師問題相形嚴重. 故本論文以個案研究方式探討中型學校士東國小的資深與資淺教師為例,就學校歷史文化,課程設計,領導風格,及學校效能方面來探討教師在教職生涯滿意度與家長對教師之期望. / Since the phenomenon of low fertility rate emergent in Taiwan, the teacher of the primary education suffered and gradually caused the sever problem of the surplus elementary school teacher. Hence, the Shih-Tung elementary, a medium size school, is the scale aligned with optimal scale for government to borrow the experience. The thesis applied a case study method of in-depth interview for related party of teachers and parents of Shih-Tung Elementary School. Initially from retrieving the education core both from definition and ancient wisdom testing the true meaning for the primary education. It is discussed from the culture of the school, the belief of an organization, which is the symbol of pine, big pencil and eraser under persistent learning, preceding that, from the culture to the curriculum design in terms of characteristic of the school, the charm of the school which made less decline of the student enrollment. Moreover, from the leadership style to verify how it formed the consensus and the acceptance form the teachers, which later on lead the effectiveness of the school. Further, it is focused on the organizational behavior analysis applying the Hierarchy of Needs Theory and Motivator-Hygiene Theory to analyze the satisfaction factors of the teachers in the school. The main parts for the central idea are focused on the teachers’ attitude in relation with the satisfaction factors in the case school, in words, the organizational behavior of the case school. Hence, the discussions are brought under school culture and curriculum design, leadership style and school effectiveness, teachers’ working satisfaction and inspiration, parents’ expectation. Consequently, the result and suggestions are made for the 2 parts: one for the school, and the other for the government under the transition of the era. The suggestions are made for the school as to keep the culture and inheritance of the senior to the junior teacher as legacy, and improving the environment for more efficient purpose of using and curriculum design under innovated way under long history. And utilize the human resource of unmarried woman, and build a communicative talk relationship with the parents since the mutual understanding of both parties are changing from authorities to cooperative and increasing junior teachers in the near future.


鄧熙華 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之主要目的在於探討「人力資源政策制定」對「組織競爭力與績效」之影響,並依此發展人力資源政策內涵與運作過程之評量工具。在透過對領導才能、組織使命、人力資源政策、組織文化、與組織競爭力、績效等變項關係探討後,進而運用結構方程模式之統計方法,嘗詴發展「人力資源政策之競爭力模式」,以提供後續相關研究與實務應用之參考。 / 本研究透過嚴謹編製程序,針對研究變項編製相關量表,並進行專家會議與信效度及因素分析。此外,本研究採立意抽樣方式共蒐集136份樣本,經過統計分析後,結果顯示本研究所發展的「領導才能」、「組織使命」、「人力資源政策」與「組織文化」等量表的內部一致性信度皆在.90以上,且在效標關聯效度(與組織績效之r值介於.59-.71之間)檢驗上皆達顯著的效果。另外,本研究「人力資源政策量表」中的政策內涵部份,研究分析發現,此量表包含「執行型人力資源政策」及「策略型人力資源政策」兩個向度,其分量表之內部一致性信度分別為.96與.93,而在效標關聯效度(與組織績效之r值分別為.62與.60)檢驗上亦皆具有顯著效果。 / 最後,本研究之假設考驗及模式驗證之結果顯示:1.領導才能乃是透過組織使命影響人力資源之政策表現; 2.在人力資源政策部份,政策內涵對組織文化具有正向顯著的效果,但政策運作過程與組織文化僅有正向顯著相關,政策運作過程無法預測組織文化;3.策略型人力資源政策並未比執行型人力資源政策對組織文化具有更正向的顯著效果;4.執行型人力資源政策與策略型人力資源政策,透過對組織文化強度的影響,提升組織之競爭力與績效表現。研究者最後針對研究結果及修改後的「人力資源政策之競爭力模式」,與對未來的學術研究及實務應用提出具體的建議。

客語潛能補語構式之事件概念與論元體現:認知模型與構式理論之整合 / Event conception and argument realizations of Hakka potential complement constructions: Integration of cognitive-constructional models

強舒媺, Chiang, Shu Mei Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要採用Jackendoff (2002)之平行結構(parallel architecture)來展現客語潛能補語各次構式在音韻、句法以及語意結構的共性與殊性,並據此呈現此構式於抽象性連續體(continuum of schematicity)上由「完全能產性」(fully productive)、「半能產性」(semi-productive)至「完全獨特性」(fully idiomatic)各區段之分佈狀態,進一步歸納出此構式家族之構式基模(constructional schema)以及繼承階層體系(inheritance hierarchy)。在構式語法精神下,每個構式皆是「形式-功能」之組合,Jackendoff (2002)之平行結構極為精細且縝密地描繪構式之「形式」面向。而為了檢視論元角色如何體現於客語潛能補語構式,認知語法中對事件概念之處理方式是不容忽視的,因此,為了補強平行結構在呈現構式「認知功能」面向之不足,本論文將Langacker (1991)認知模型中「行為鏈」(action chain)、「撞球模型」(billiard ball model)、「舞台模型」(stage model)等認知概念整合至平行結構中,用以顯示說話者對事件之概念化如何影響客語潛能構式之論元體現,進一步檢視此構式形式與功能之象徵性關係在連續體上之展現。藉由構式理論與認知模型之整合,本研究為語言形式與功能之對應提供一縝密之分析模式,並得以反思構式語法之應用性與發展性。 / Adhering to the constructional view claiming that every construction is a form-function pairing, this dissertation provides a detailed analysis of the correspondence between linguistic manifestations and speaker's construal of events. The main focus of this study is on the interactions between argument realizations and event conception in Hakka potential complement constructions. In order to show more vividly the subtle interfacing relationships among phonological, syntactic and semantic structures, this study adopts Jackendoff's (2002) parallel architecture to present clearly the degree of schematicity of Hakka PC constructions. On the other hand, further integrating the cognitive representations such as action chains and stage model from Langacker's (1991) Cognitive Grammar into the parallel architecture crystallizes the symbolic relations between the constructional form and function. Members of Hakka PC constructions are shown to be distributed on a continuum of schematicity, from fully productive cases, to semi-productive cases, and finally to fully substantive cases. Moreover, all subconstructions form a family, organized in an inheritance hierarchy in which the one at the lower level inherits general qualities from its inheritor, and at the same time possess its own uniqueness. Integrating the cognitive and the constructional models, this dissertation proposes a fine-grained and full-fledged analysis of both the regularities and the idiosyncrasies of Hakka PC constructions.


林侑正, Lin, Yu Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
企業之競爭策略,對於其生存與發展具有舉足輕重的影響力,而董事會依法對策略負有監督與協助制定之責,以提升企業績效,極大化股東財富。各理論學派也均同意董事會在策略制定上具有重要影響力。故本研究參考Baysinger and Robert (1990)及Pearce and Zahra (1992)等學者的理論架構,納入策略資源投入(衡量企業策略),並依He and Mahoney (2006)之建議,將董事會特性劃分為董事會動機與能力兩部份,探討董事會動機與能力、策略資源投入及經營績效之關聯性。 本研究之主要研究結論包括: 1.董事會動機和能力與研發策略資源投入有顯著關聯性,但對其餘三種策略資 源投入(降低成本、行銷、品牌)無顯著影響。而Pearce and Zahra (1992)認為策略會影響董事會組成之看法,本研究實證結果並不支持。 2.董事之參與程度越高,企業之經營績效越好,而監察人之參與程度則與經營 績效無顯著之關聯性。 3.納入策略資源投入變數後,董事會動機與能力變數仍維持與企業績效呈顯著 相關,而整體模型解釋力提升。 4.董監持股與經理人持股對所有策略資源投入與經營績效關聯性有顯著影響, 而機構投資人持股、董事會規模、董事會專業性與董事會參與程度則對部份 策略資源投入與經營績效關聯性有顯著影響。 / A company’s competitive strategy plays a crucial role in its sustainable development. In order to escalate the performance of the company and maximize the wealth of the shareholders, the board should oversee in the process of formulating a strategy and assist when the strategy is under its way. All corporate governance theorists agree that the board has important influence on strategy planning. Adopting the framework of Baysinger and Robert (1990), and Pearce and Zahra (1992), this study takes “strategic resource input”(measuring corporate strategy) into another consideration. This research also divides the board characteristics into board motivation and capability according to the advices of He and Mahoney (2006). The present study aims to investigate the relationship among board motivation and capability, strategic resource input and operating performance. Several conclusions can be summarized as follows: First, the board motivation and capability is significantly related to R&D strategic resource input while the other three strategic resource input(cost-down, sale, patent) plays little role in this study. In addition, the empirical results don’t support what Pearce and Zahra (1992) claim that strategy will affect the board’s composition. Next, the results indicate that better operating performance is associated with higher participation figure of the directors but not the inspectors. Next, incorporating strategic resource input into the study enhances the explanatory power of the model whereas the effect of board motivation and capability on operating performance remains the same . Finally, the present study suggests that stock holdings of the board and the manager seem to have significant effect on the relationship of strategic resource input and operating performance. In addition, other factors, such as the board scale, professionalism and participation figure, have partial effect on the relationship between strategic resource input and operating performance.

台灣高中階段英文課程言語行為教學之探討 / Teaching speech act in high school EFL classrooms in Taiwan: a case of invitation

黃宗彥, Huang, Tsung-yen Unknown Date (has links)
在台灣,由於中學英語課程的設計大都是考試導向,教學過程中幾乎完全著重於語言形式的教導,而忽略語言使用功能的重要性,所以台灣的英語學習者在中學階段很少有機會接受語言功能教學。本研究主要是要調查間接性以及禮貌性這兩個語用功能對於邀請句式選擇的適當性是否有所影響,進而調查語言功能教學對於本國的中學生學習英語的可行性與成效性。 本研究先分析了20位美國人在間接性與禮貌性的考量之下,對邀請句式的選擇為何,以便建立美國文化在這方面的規範。然後,再以此規範,設計一套四個單元的語言功能教學課程。有135位來自台灣北部兩所高中的高一學生接受了這項課程。這兩所學校的基測成績高低不同;每間學校各有兩班學生分別接受以功能為主的教學和以結構為主的教學。 前測及後測的結果顯示語言功能教學有效地改善了台灣學生的語言功能表現。再者,語言形式選擇的適當性的確受制於間接性及禮貌性的宰制。此外,情態策略也被驗証比直接策略及暗示策略要來得困難及複雜許多。又,基測成績較高的學校的學生比基測成績較低的學校的學生在學習語言功能的過程中表現較好。整體而言,實驗結果顯示,對於以英語為外國語的學生而言,語言功能教學是有效的、可行的,也是必須的。 另外,雖然台灣學生較偏好結構為主的教學法,但是本研究發現功能為主的教學法比結構為主的教學法成效較佳。最後,從學生對於本課程的評量得知,雖然學生們覺得語言功能學習法不是很有趣,但是他們大多認為這樣的教學方法對學習英語是有幫助的,而且是重要的。 / EFL learners in Taiwan are hardly taught language functions in high schools since most of the English courses are designed in accordance with the examination-oriented goal, which is far more focused on teaching language form than on teaching language use. The purpose of the present study is to investigate whether indirectness and politeness would influence appropriate linguistic choice for invitation, and to investigate the effectiveness of teaching language functions to high school students in EFL classrooms. In this study, 20 American subjects’ ratings of eight linguistic forms for invitation by indirectness and politeness were analyzed to obtain the American norm, based on which a four-unit program of teaching language functions was designed. 138 senior high school students from two senior high schools in northern Taiwan took a pre-test before receiving the instruction and a post-test afterwards. Two classes from each school received function-based teaching method and structure-based teaching method respectively. The results of the pre-test and the post-test, in comparison with the American norm, indicate that teaching language functions is effective in improving Chinese students’ competence of the functional aspect of English. Next, the test results verify that the appropriate choice of linguistic forms is indeed influenced by politeness and indirectness, although these two functional factors are not in a systematic relationship. Moreover, Modality strategy is found to be more difficult and more complex than Direct strategy and Hinting strategy. In addition, although the students from the school of high BCT scores tend to perform better than those from the school of low BCT scores, students of both schools made significant improvement in learning the concepts of indirectness and politeness. The findings given above imply that teaching language functions to high school students in EFL classrooms is feasible, necessary, and effective. In addition, according to the results of the general evaluations to this teaching program offered by the students and the English teachers involved, although the Taiwanese students showed preference to structure-based method, function-based method is verified to be more effective. In conclusion, the students’ and the teachers’ evaluations of this program indicate that learning language functions may not be interesting, but it is helpful and important to the students.

雷曼兄弟倒閉對美國金融機構報酬率的影響 / The Impact of the Bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers on the Stock Returns of US Financial Institutions

郭惠萍, Kuo, Huei Ping Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討雷曼兄弟倒閉事件對美國金融機構股價報酬率所帶來的傳染效果。我們的研究結果顯示,持有雷曼兄弟股份的金融機構受到較顯著的影響,而且在股東當中以商業銀行及投資銀行所受到之衝擊最為顯著,而投資銀行受影響之程度又高於商業銀行。我們也發現,金融機構對雷曼兄弟的持股比例愈高,其股價受到雷曼倒閉危機影響之程度亦愈高。此外,一些規模較小的金融機構在一些事件中亦呈現了顯著的反應,顯示在某種程度上,雷曼兄弟危機事件在金融產業當中引發了傳染效果(Contagion effect)。我們的實證結果也顯示,美國政府此次未介入救援雷曼兄弟的做法,被市場解讀為金融機構不再是「太大而不能倒(too-big-to-fail)」。 / We examine the contagion effect of Lehman Brother’s bankruptcy on US financial institutions’ stock returns. Our results show that financial institutions which held Lehman’s shares were affected more significantly. Furthermore, within Lehman’s shareholders, commercial banks and investment banks were affected most significantly, and impacts on investment banks were more significantly than commercial banks. We also find that the higher financial institution’s ownership percentage of Lehman was, the more its stock price was affected. Besides, some smaller financial institutions were also influenced significantly in some events, to some extent, implying a contagion effect in the financial sector. Our empirical results also indicate that the way that US government not to rescue Lehman Brother was perceived by the market that no financial institutions are too-big-to-fail.

臺灣太陽能光電產業創新發展與競爭優勢 / Innovative development and competitive advantage of photovoltaic industry in Taiwan

張哲源, Chang, Che Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣的太陽能光電產業發展於2000年起發展快速,產值於2008年突破千億新台幣,太陽能光電產業從零到有僅經歷了十幾年的時間,其原因在於臺灣本身擁有良好的半導體技術基礎以及優良的人力素質,也因對於石油煤炭這類能源過度依賴,臺灣缺乏此類資源的情況下,積極發展太陽能光電產業成為了一條尋求替代再生能源的可行之路,本論文將探討臺灣發展太陽光電產業的優勢與發展模式為何,臺灣廠商又如何保持競爭優勢以因應全球化的競爭。 太陽能光電產業在台灣的發展與競爭為本論文研究之核心,在環保意識高漲以及其技術落後於其他先進國家的同時,臺灣太陽能光電產業面對國際競爭,在矽晶片型、薄膜型電池或第三代電池發展中,如何以臺灣原有之產業優勢創造利基;另外,從國家創新系統之發展模式中探討政府、公部門與私部門研究機構在太陽能光電產業發展過程中的位置為何,此一研究不僅討論其在臺灣太陽能光電產業技術升級上是否為推動者,同時檢視在全球化競爭中,政府、研究機構與產業其未來的方向為何。 / The development of photovoltaic industry in Taiwan has grown rapidly since 2000, and the output value surmount 100 billion NT Dollars in 2008. Because of Taiwan has an exceptional semiconductor and TFT-LCD manufacturing technology foundation and an excellent quality of manpower. Photovoltaic industry in Taiwan only takes less than two decades to expand to 5th main manufacturer in the world. Promoting photovoltaic industry is not only a way to solve the excessive dependence on the traditional energy, but also to find an alternative renewable energy for Taiwan. The research explores the advantage and development mode of photovoltaic industry in Taiwan, and researchs how photovoltaic manufacturers maintain the competitive advantage to compete against other foreign manufacturers in the globalization age.

服務系統能力之研究 / A Study on service systems capabilities

游鎮毓, Yu, Cheng Yu Unknown Date (has links)
Service is provided through the application of service systems, which consist of clients and service providers that interact to co-produce value. However, because of the complexity of the management and modeling of people, technologies, knowledge, activities, processes, intentions, organizations, and wide range of types of service systems, formal representation and modeling of service systems is still in its initial stage. There is a need for a clearer understanding of service systems and the capabilities required for excellent service operation and continuous service innovation. The objectives of this study are three-fold: (1) to understand the required capabilities of service systems, (2) to examine service systems using different classifications, and (3) to explore the capabilities of service systems. This study establishes a comprehensive understanding of service systems, service components, different classifications of service systems, and required capabilities of service systems through qualitative media analysis and multiple case studies. The findings of this study are: (1) Service systems components are organized into four major parts: service provider, service client, service controller, and service supporting components. (2) Ten service systems classifications are constructed through the six classifying dimensions of customer participation, communication time, information richness, intimacy, customization, and delivery by ICT (information and communication technology). (3) Five service systems capabilities: integration, customization, technology optimizing, innovation, and learning, are proposed. (4) Six types of service systems are found when exploring the capabilities of service systems. Each type of service systems acts differently to acquire different capabilities. (5) The relationships between classifying dimensions and capabilities are delineated. Capabilities can be influenced by different classifying dimensions This study provides a structural framework for organizing business opportunities, as well as management implications for service systems management.

一個經濟弱勢兒童學校生活經驗之研究 / A study on the school experience of an economically disadvantaged child

胡慧君 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之研究目的為以「經濟弱勢兒童」為對象、「學校生活經驗」為範疇,試圖「由兒童個體本身」出發,探究經濟弱勢兒童的學校生活經驗(對學校的態度、人際適應、學習適應、常規適應及自我概念情形),期能穿透經驗地了解經濟弱勢兒童的想法與感受,由其立場、角度體察其在教育歷程中的需要,以提供教育工作者及福利政策實務更多來自經濟弱勢兒童本身的觀點。 本研究採「質性研究方法」與「個案研究方法」,以參與觀察為主,訪談與實物蒐集為輔,蒐集一位來自經濟弱勢家庭的國小高年級兒童的學校生活經驗相關資料。分析後依序呈現其在學校生活經驗的諸多面向—對學校的態度、人際適應、學業適應、常規適應及自我概念情形。 來自經濟弱勢家庭的故事主角,透過各種生理、行為及心理上的表現,表達對學校內畏懼事務的無力與恐懼,形成對學校「懼學、拒學」的態度。而長期遲到及未能持續上學,不只影響了她的學習表現,更使其從班級活動中漸漸被排除,尤其當老師視其為特殊分子而以標準外的態度相待,即使是出自善意,卻使弱勢者的處境更形孤立,同儕對其弱勢身分的烙印更加強烈,班級裡的「社會排除」使其由主流分離,面臨了更加邊緣的弱勢處境。然而,老師的愛心關懷、善意協助卻無助改善其學校生活,中產階級與經濟弱勢階級的價值差異及未經理解的企圖改變,致使師生間未能產生實質交流,本故事的主角依然朝氣蓬勃地拒絕上學。而逃避上學的結果則使其在學習上不得輪迴的永處失敗區,儘管在看似絕望的學習態度下,偶仍有學習動機,但面對強大、難以招架的習得無助感,幾乎使她喪失信心,失去勇氣,形成對上學無助又無奈的態度。在常規適應上,安份守己、「不會惹事」是她最引以為豪的事,然而所謂的安份守己、「盡量」不惹事卻也隱含了對同學欺侮和輕蔑態度的忍耐壓抑,及對學校或老師能主持正義或終止欺凌失去信心。此外,長期處於孤單、被排除及習得無助感的打擊,面對學校生活,她也出現抑鬱、自我貶抑的情況。 最後,除了對研究初衷的反省與思考,亦分別對教育實務與後續研究提出若干建議。在教育實務上,除設置「學校社會工作師」協助家庭、教師和學校整合地處理弱勢兒童問題外,亦可減輕教師教學事務負擔,以增進班級導師和經濟弱勢學生的互動品質,而教師亦應試以「轉化型知識份子」的角色,協助經濟弱勢兒童自我增能,並思考如何突破種種結構體制上的限制,創造一個可協助弱勢者「增能」的學習體制。在後續研究上,建議未來相關研究,可在理解之虞,更進一步探究學校場域中,教師和經濟弱勢兒童的師生關係、互動歷程及在互動歷程中如何協助其增能的可行策略,並對經濟弱勢兒童的街頭世界進行認識與理解。 / The purpose of this study is to explore the school experience (including attitude toward school, interpersonal adaptation, academic adaptation, regulation adaptation, and self-concept) of an economically disadvantaged child who is a high-grade elementary school student from a low-income family. Educators and welfare policy makers can refer to this study to better understand the outlook and feelings of children from similar backgrounds. This is a qualitative case study that uses participant observation as the main source of data, complemented by interviews and document analysis. After collecting the relevant information on this economically disadvantaged child, her school experience is presented in accordance with her attitude toward school, interpersonal adaptation, academic adaptation, regulation adaptation and self-concept. The character of this story expresses her powerlessness and fear in school physically, behaviorally and psychologically, and exhibits fear and unwillingness with respect to her studies. She is often tardy and is unable to attend school regularly. This not only affects her academic performance, but also results in that she is tending to be excluded from class activities by classmates, especially when the teacher gives her special treatment. By treating her differently, even if out of goodwill, the teacher is making her situation worse in that her classmates increasingly identify her as belonging to a “minority group”. In a sense, exclusion in the classroom is no different from social exclusion. Though teachers are willing to help, there is still no improvement in her school life. It seems that value differences between the middle class and the economically disadvantaged, as well as attempts to bring about change without fully understanding the circumstances in a student’s life, are not conducive to effective teacher-student communication. She is energetic, yet resists going to school and shows a poor academic performance. Even though she occasionally exhibits motivation for learning, the sense of helplessness she brings from home robs her of confidence in her schooling. In regulation adaptation, she takes pride in abiding by school rules and staying out of trouble. However, this implies that she might be enduring bullying from her classmates and that she lacks confidence in the ability of her teachers and her school to prevent it. Due to the resulting sense of isolation and helplessness, she exhibits depression and self-deprecation in her school life. In addition to a discussion on the original intent of this study, recommendations for educators and for future studies are also offered. In education practice, school social workers can help families, teachers and schools to collectively address the problems that disadvantaged children face. At the same time, we should lighten the burden on teachers and improve relationships between teachers and economically disadvantaged students. Furthermore, teachers should try to be “transformative intellectuals” who can empower these children, by considering methods that can surpass the limitations of contemporary institutions. In future studies, researchers may explore teacher-student relationships, interactive processes between teachers and economically disadvantaged children, as well as feasible strategies that can empower economically disadvantaged children. Another topic for future studies would also be to understand the street life of economically disadvantaged children.

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