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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

政策溝通行為之研究--以原能會為例 / The Research of Policy Communication Behavior: The Case of the Atomic Energy Council

謝忠安 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著政治民主化以及公共議題的多元化,政府溝通能力逐漸受到重視。許多政策推動的失敗被歸咎於政策溝通成效不彰外,文官更是被迫到第一線與民眾進行溝通互動以滿足逐漸高漲的溝通需求。然而,對於文官政策溝通行為的規範性及經驗性研究均相當匱乏,本研究從政府與民眾的互動關係、不同政府運作模式的邏輯,釐清並建構文官與民眾溝通的脈絡以及影響其溝通途徑與行為之因素,並試圖解釋文官參與政策溝通對於政治行政二分的意涵。 本研究以原能會為個案,透過訪談17位原能會文官、記者以及社運團體,蒐集原能會在不同溝通場域中的溝通經驗作為歸納與分析的素材。經過經驗資料的堆砌與歸納,建構政策溝通系統用以解釋影響原能會組織溝通途徑的選擇及其文官個人溝通行為的因素。研究發現行政組織有趨於選擇單向溝通的傾向,及趨於偏好使用間接管道溝通的傾向,並提出環境、制度、組織與個人層面對於溝通途徑選擇及溝通行為的影響因素。最後,本研究提出幾項建議,首先,原能會未來應重視記者對於政策資訊的理解;其次,應避免跨途徑溝通;其三,應正視反核態度的民眾,提供適當的溝通途徑;最後,未來應以團隊為政策溝通的行動單位,團隊應涵蓋不同層級的成員,以面對各式樣的問題,進而避免溝通困境的產生。 / In recent years, government communication capacity has become important as political democratization and public issues have diversified. Policy failures are often attributed to the lack of policy communication and force the civil servant to communicate with the public directly. However, some of the communication behavior of civil service policy literature suffer from the lack of attention to the perspective of normative and empirical researches. This research intents to explore the communication context between civil servant and the public, and to find out the determinant factors which affect communication approaches and communication behavior. This research uses the methods of in-depth interviews with key informants to investigate the key factors in the policy communication system that have substantial affected the choice of organizational communication approaches and communication behavior of civil service in Atomic Energy Council. The result indicates that: First, the public sector still has a tendency to choosing one-way communication and using indirect channel to communicate. Second, this research offers critical factors from the level of environment, institution, organization and individual that affect the choice of communication approaches and communication behavior. Finally, this research suggests that: First, Atomic Energy Council should pay more attention to understanding of policy information from reporters. Second, Atomic Energy Council should try to avoid cross-approaches communication. Third, Atomic Energy Council should face up to anti-nuclear groups and provide suitable communication approaches. Finally, Atomic Energy Council should design a policy communication team which concludes different levels of members, in order to build up an effective coordinating channels.

會獎產業人才養成所需的隱性職能特質研究 / Study on implicit traits for MICE industry talents

賴麗莉, Lai, Lily Unknown Date (has links)
MICE產業在全球有其發展的重要性,全球許多知名城市也陸續完成大型會議及晚宴場地的建制,然而再多再好的硬體配備,終究必需透過產業人員的提案及執行作業。台灣及亞太地區各國家,無論會獎旅遊或會展在經濟貿易及觀光發展中,皆佔據極其重要的角色。 人才在此產業發展中不容輕忽,個人嘗試著將二十多年的會獎旅遊實務以及召募管理經驗,加上訪問國內傑出的產業領導者,藉由冰山理論以量化問卷調查及質性深度訪談,進行分析比對,整理一份極具參考價值的人才需求資料。 如何有效召募所需的職能人員,是本個案研究的目的,會獎產業人員傾向具備多元職能,除了成長過程的學習,在職養成訓練也冗長耗時,本研究相關比對的數據,可以提供有效的參考資料,讓產業在發展中不可獲缺的人才,可以更精準的召募與養成。

Le portrait japonais du VIIIe au XVIe siècle. Études des représentations artistiques et des sources historiques / Japanese portrait from the VIIIth to the XVIth century. Studies of artistic representations and historical sources

Hein, Jean-Claude 03 October 2009 (has links)
Comment définir ces peintures ou rondes-bosses que sont les portraits japonais figurant des moines ? Par leur forme spécifique qui, issue d’un prototype continental qui n’a pas été remis en question, est demeurée stable à l’exception de brèves périodes. Cette constance s’explique par l’importance accordée à la Chine, l’usage de modèles iconographiques (zuzō) et le recours à une réplique qui n’est jamais dénigrée. Le portrait est de plus une image au bénéfice des sectes qui la produisent. En fournissant une représentation qui ne se dégrade pas, il est aussi la preuve d’un état de sainteté, voire de bouddhéité. Quant à la fonction de certificat des portraits Zen (chinzō), elle semble rare. Portrait de groupe, rouleaux illustrés (emaki) et littérature ont également décrit des personnages à leur façon, autorisant des comparaisons. Le portrait aurait pu inventer sa propre représentation ; il a préféré emprunter aux images sacrées : figurations de vénérés, maṇḍala et illustrations de jātaka. / How can one define these paintings and sculptures in the round that make up Japanese portraits of monks? Through their specific form that derives from a continental prototype which has never been reappraised and which remained stable except for short periods of time. Such a consistency results from a strong influence of China, and from the use of iconographic models (zuzō). Furthermore, copying a work of art has never been undervalued. Portraits are also images which benefit the sect that produces them. By providing an image or representation that never decays, they bear testimony to a monk's holiness, even buddhahood. Lastly, the Zen portraits (chinzō) are often seen as a kind of certification; however, this function seems quite rare. Group portraits, scrolls (emaki) and literature also describe people in their own way, allowing comparison with portraits. Portraiture could have followed its own path; it has preferred to borrow from holy images: deities, maṇḍala and jātaka illustrations.

外匯報酬三因子模型之利差、動能交易策略成因分析 / The driving forces behind the carry trade and momentum strategy in three-factors foreign exchange returns model

黃品翔, Huang, Ping Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要是以「外匯報酬三因子模型」為基礎,故先檢視在本樣本期間內(1985/2至2016/10) ,以雙分類法將37國主流貨幣分為9個投組後,外匯超額報酬解釋力,是否會因加入動能策略因子形成之三因子模型,而較原本兩因子模型(市場因子、利差策略因子)來的強?最終測得三因子模型在判斷係數及殘差等適切度表現較佳。 接著利用逐步迴歸分析法(限制所有自變數均須於90%信心水準內顯著)嘗試尋找獲利成因,主要挑選出不同面向之11種經濟成因因子(股價指數波動、投機活動、流動性、貨幣波動、落後短期利率、落後股利率、落後期限利差、落後違約利差、)落後避險基金套利資本、工業生產量及通膨率因子)來檢測可否解釋三因子模型中獲取報酬之利差、動能策略因子,並利用Fama-MacBeth兩步驟橫斷面迴歸法評估模型市場定價能力。結果發現定價能力均顯著,而利差交易策略之成因為股價指數波動因子(△EVOL),因其可能連動匯率波動而呈現負相關;動能交易策略成因則為股價指數波動因子(△EVOL)及落後期限利差因子(△LTS),主要因動能交易主要來自於市場資訊反應不完全,前者成因因子提供更大的動量執行交易策略、後者則因投資人在不同景氣循環下而有不同的投資反應,如景氣擴張的過度自信與樂觀、景氣衰退下產生行為財務領域中的處置效果,使兩成因與動能策略因子呈現正相關。 / This paper is based on the model of three-factors foreign exchange returns. So we test whether three-factors FX model which adds the factor of momentum can have stronger ability to explain currency excess return than two-factors FX model in the sampling period of February 1985 to October 2016. And the 37 kinds of currency are sorted by double sort method and become 9 portfolios. Finally, no matter coefficient of determination or residual error, three-factors FX model performs well. Further, we use stepwise LS regression (independent variable should have statistical significance in 90% confidence interval) to find which factor we choose can cause carry and momentum strategy profit in three-factors FX model. Next, using Fama-MacBeth two-step regression to estimate the asset pricing ability. The results represent that all contribution factors which get from stepwise LS method are significant. Carry trade strategy and △EVOL are negative correlation, because volatility of stock index will influence volatility of FX. And there have the positive correlation between momentum trade strategy and two factors(△EVOL and △LTS). Just because the profit from momentum strategy comes from the incomplete reaction of market information and △EVOL give more motive force. Besides, there have different investment reactions in diverse business cycle. Investors are over confident and optimistic during the period of recession and have disposition effect during the period of boom.

新北市國民中學教師會運作成效、教師組織公民行為與學校效能關係之研究 / A study on the relationships among the operational effectiveness of teachers' associations, teachers' organizational citizenship behavior and school effectiveness of junior high schools in New Taipei City

陳彥成 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解目前新北市國民中學教師會運作成效、教師組織公民行為與學校效能的現況,分析不同背景變項下之教師,知覺教師會運作成效、教師組織公民行為與學校效能之差異情形,並探討三者間之關係,最後建構並驗證新北市國民中學教師會運作成效、教師組織公民行為與學校效能之結構方程模式。 本研究採問卷調查法,共計抽樣34所學校,發出738份問卷,回收558份有效問卷;有效問卷回收率達75.67%。問卷調查結果以描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、相關分析、多元逐步迴歸及結構方程模式分析等統計方法加以分析與探討。 本研究獲致結論如下: 壹、新北市國民中學教師知覺教師會運作成效為中高程度,其中以「增進組織運作」表現最佳,「提升教師專業」則可再加強。 貳、新北市國民中學教師知覺教師組織公民行為為中高程度,其中「利他人行為」表現最佳,「工作投入與奉獻」則可再提升。 參、新北市國民中學教師知覺學校效能為中高程度 ,其中「教師教學效果」表現最佳,「社區家長支持」則有加強空間。 肆、新北市國民中學教師在不同背景變項中,「教師會幹部」、「教師會與學校行政互動關係非常良好」者,在知覺教師會運作成效上顯著較高。 伍、新北市國民中學教師在不同背景變項中,「擔任導師」、「教師會幹部」、「教師會與學校行政互動關係非常良好」者,在知覺教師組織公民行為上顯著較高。 陸、新北市國民中學教師在不同背景變項中,「兼任行政」、「教師會與學校行政互動關係非常良好」者,在知覺學校效能上顯著較高。 柒、新北市國民中學教師會運作成效、教師組織公民行為與學校效能之間具有正向關聯。 捌、新北市國民中學教師會運作成效與教師組織公民行為對學校效能有正向預測關係。 玖、教師組織公民行為在新北市國民中學教師會運作成效與學校效能之間有顯著完全中介效果。 最後,根據本研究結果,提出具體建議,供教育行政機關、學校教育人員與未來研究之參考。 / The purposes of this study are to learn the relationships among the Operational Effectiveness of Teachers' Associations, Teachers' Organizational Citizenship Behavior and School Effectiveness of Junior High Schools in New Taipei City. Comparing and analyzing the differences, relationships, and stepwise regression among Operational Effectiveness of Teachers' Associations, Teachers' Organizational Citizenship Behavior and School Effectiveness of Junior High Schools, the researcher tries to build and verify a model for these three elements. Through the use of questionnaires survey method, data are collected from 34 junior high schools, 738 questionnaires in total. Valid questionnaires of 558 are collected, with a usable rate of 75.6%. All data are analyzed by the methods of descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, correlation, multiple regressions and structural equation modeling. The conclusions are as follows: 1. The level of the operational effectiveness of teachers' associations is medium, the performance in "strengthen organization operation" is outstanding, and "enhance teacher professional" can be further strengthened. 2. The level of the teachers' organizational citizenship behavior is medium, the performance in "altruistic behavior" is outstanding, and "work input and dedication" can be improved. 3. The level of the school effectiveness is medium, the performance in "teacher teaching effect" is outstanding, and "community parent support" can be further strengthened. 4 .The junior high school teachers as "teachers' cadres" and "in a school where the teachers' association has better interaction with the school administration" show significant perception of the operational effectiveness of teachers' associations . 5. The junior high school teachers as "mentors", "teachers' cadres" and "in a school where the teachers' association has better interaction with the school administration" show significant perception of the teachers' organizational citizenship behavior. 6. The junior high school teachers as "the ones who are concurrently in administrative work" and "in a school where the teachers' association has better interaction with the school administration" show significant perception of the school effectiveness. 7. There are positive correlations among the operational effectiveness of teachers' associations, teachers' organizational citizenship behavior and school effectiveness of junior high schools in New Taipei City. 8. The operational effectiveness of teachers' associations and the teachers' organizational citizenship behavior can apparently predict the school effectiveness. 9.The proper fit of structural equation model among the operational effectiveness of teachers' associations, teachers' organizational citizenship behavior and school effectiveness of junior high schools in New Taipei City is assessed as positive and can explain the relationships among main variables. Teachers' organizational citizenship behavior fully mediates the relationship between the operational effectiveness of teachers' associations and school effectiveness.

彰化縣活化休耕農地多功能性之研究 / The Study on Multifunctionality of Revitalizing Fallow Agricultural Land in Changhua County

梁世賢, Liang, Shih Hshang Unknown Date (has links)
我國農業用地實施休耕補貼之相關政策迄今已逾32年,該政策因長期推行,導致大量農田連續休耕及廢耕,致使生產環境惡化及農地資源浪費,龐大的休耕補貼金額不僅侵蝕國家財政亦讓農民產生不勞而獲之錯覺。農委會冀望透過「調整耕作制度活化農地計畫」的政策目標,本研究選取彰化縣福興鄉、芳苑鄉、大城鄉等領取補貼金額將近該縣半數之農業鄉為樣區,目的在於檢視該政策施行是否具有農業多功能性及永續發展,並就計畫產生的問題擬定對策和修正建議。   本研究以文獻分析及深度訪談作為研究方法,透過多功能性的多項評估指標檢視研究結果發現:在經濟生產面向中,量化成果達成率極高,活化農地減少影響鄰地耕作,創造小地主大佃農契機,政策執行成果整體偏向經濟生產面;至於社會生活面,則因農村人口老化、青農返鄉誘因不足與耕地取得不易等,不甚彰顯。另於生態環境面,因多施行慣行農法對於環境較不友善。因而,農業多功能性聯合產出特徵不明顯,離農業永續發展目標仍有距離。   本研究建議,政府對休耕地活化補貼政策應再作調整,就商品產出面言,加重申報不實罰責及建立政策退場機制,以確保農業競爭力,並考量因地制宜明定復耕作物項目;就非商品產出面言,應排除耕作困難地補貼,增加環境生態或景觀維護補貼,俾利展現農業多功能,實現永續農業目標。 / Taiwan has been subsidizing the fallowing of agricultural land for 32 years. Due to the long period of execution of the fallowing policy, large areas of agricultural land have been continuously fallowed or abandoned, causing the deterioration of production environment and waste of agricultural resources. In addition, the large amount of subsidy has not only eroded the country’s financial situation, but also caused misconception of farmers of reaping without sowing. The Council of Agriculture expects to achieve the policy objective through adoption of “Adjustment of Farming System and Plan of Revitalizing Fallow Agricultural Land.” This study selects half of the agricultural townships receiving subsidies in Changhua County such as Fuxing Township, Fangyuan Township and Dacheng Township as examples. It aims to examine whether or not this policy is able to facilitate agricultural multi-functionality and sustainable development, in order to formulate countermeasures and suggestions.     This study utilizes literature review and in-depth interviews as research methods. Through various Multi-functional indices, this study discovered the following phenomenon. First, from the perspective of economic production, the extremely high achieving rate for revitailzing fallow farm land reduces the impact on the farming of neighboring fields, and creates opportunity for small landowners to become big tenant-farmers. The outcomes of policy execution are tilted to the economic production. Second, in terms of the aspect of social life, due to the aging population in the farming villages, less incentives for young farmers to return to hometowns and difficulty of acquiring arable lands, it is difficult to manifest results. Last, regarding the ecological environment, owing to the unfriendliness of conventional farming skill, the characteristics of Multi-functional agricultural outputs are unclear. There is a certain distance to go to reach to goal of sustainable agricultural development.  This study suggests that the government should adjust the Fallow Land Subsidy Policy. As for the output of Commodity outputs, government should aggravate the penalties for false declaration and establish the exit mechanism, in order to keep the competitiveness of Taiwan’s agriculture. It is essential to clearly indicate the replanting items that suits local circumstance. With regard to the Non Commodity outputs, the subsidy for difficult arable land should be abolished. Nevertheless, the subsidy for maintaining environmental ecology and scenery should be increased. These measures can help achieve the Multi-function of agriculture and realize the goal of sustainable agriculture.

探討虛擬社群中網路創業意圖的決定因素 / Investigating the determinants of cyber-entrepreneurial intention in virtual community

游禮志, Yu, Li-Chih Unknown Date (has links)
過去三十年來學者針對創業意圖研究已有豐碩的成果,然而虛擬社群中創業意圖的發展與驗證卻未受到注視。因此,本論文採用Shapero-Krueger創業意圖模型與社會資本為理論基礎,提出研究模型探討虛擬社群中網路創業意圖的決定因素。此網路創業意圖模型中網路創業可欲性與網路創業可行性扮演直接決定因素與中介變數,橋接型社會資本與結合型社會資本則為間接決定因素,而網路創業自我效能同時扮演間接決定因素與中介變數。本論文針對網路創業虛擬社群之成員共蒐集204份有效樣本,並以偏最小平方法進行研究模型之驗證與分析。研究結果顯示,橋接型社會資本、結合型社會資本與網路創業自我效能均透過網路創業可欲性與網路創業可行性影響網路創業意圖。最後,本論文研究結果期許對網路創業意圖之理論發展與實務應用提出貢獻與建議。 / While the importance of entrepreneurial intentions has been recognized in entrepreneurial literature for at least three decades, the development and empirical validation of an entrepreneurial intentions model in a virtual community context had not been fully addressed. This dissertation aims to explore the evaluation determinants of cyber-entrepreneurial intention model in the virtual community context. Shapero- Krueger entrepreneurial intention model and social capital theory is utilized as the theoretical foundation to investigate the influences of entrepreneurial determinants that affect the intention to start a business online. A theoretical model of cyber-entrepreneurial intention proposes that cyber-entrepreneurial desirability and cyber-entrepreneurial feasibility serve as direct determinants, and mediators, bridging and bonding social capital serve as indirect determinants, whereas cyber- entrepreneurial self-efficacy serve as both indirect determinants and mediators. This dissertation collected 204 valid questionnaires and used them to test the proposed model. The results show that bridging and bonding social capital, and self-efficacy affect intention through desirability and feasibility. Theoretical and practical contributions and recommendations are also presented.

中國智能投顧業行業分析、未來發展模式及監管方式之探究 / The analysis of robo-advisors in China and the research of development model and ways of supervision

肖航 Unknown Date (has links)
近幾年來金融科技快速發展,傳統金融業被破壞式創新顛覆, 智能投顧的興起改變了資產管理行業的傳統模式,填補了一般大 眾理財市場的空缺。隨著互聯網理財模式在中國得到大眾認可, 智能投顧平台在中國開始萌芽,處於探索階段。在這樣的背景下, 本研究以中國智能投顧市場為研究對象,採用歸納法和對比分析 法,探究中國智能投顧業發展趨勢之相關實務。 本文根據前人的研究,對智能投顧的概念、特徵以及類型進 行了總結,歸納全球各國智能投顧業發展現況;根據中國財富管 理市場成熟程度來分析中國智能投顧業發展前景;參考美國智能 投顧發展模式和中國 P2P 網路借貸平台發展模式,歸納出適合中 國發展智能投顧業的經驗:1)讓傳統金融業者成為行業領導者, 2)明確服務範疇,規範從業證照,3)對算法進行嚴格監管,4) 發展被動型基金,財富管理市場產品多樣化,5)儘早建立完善 的風控體系;此外還根據各國智能投顧業之監管措施,對中國監 管機關􏰀出宏觀的監管建議,並希望此研究報告對之後想要進一 步研究智能投顧的學者􏰀供參考。


胡敏遠 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文內容可區分為三部分、六章。 第一部分,為「導論」一第一章。其要項有: 一、研究目的:主在解答中共能源供需問題、中共參與中亞能源開發之策略、中共參與中亞能源開採之戰略涵義及對中亞國際情勢之影響。 二、研究範圍:研究的時空範圍,主要起自1992年申亞五國獨立建國至2001年止。研究國家主要以中亞主要產油國家及俄羅斯為對象。 三、研究方法:採現貿主義的國家利益與理性決策模式等途徑為主。 第二部分,為「理論實踐的現況研究」。 一、中共能源供需現況與解決途徑之研究與說明,作為論文的第二章。 二、中亞地區地緣戰略的重要性,及其能源儲藏現況與在國際能源市場中的地位及爭端因素,作為論文第三章。 三、中共參與中亞能源的實際作為與開發,對其國家利益之影響,作為論文的第四章。 四、從中亞國際的政治、經濟與安全層面,說明中共在開採中亞能源對此地區所造成的影響,作為論文第五章。 第三部分,為「結論」一第六章,其要項有: 一、中共成為中亞地區重要的權力角逐者。 二、中共利用國際聯盟以發展「大西部開發計畫」。 三、「中」美俄在中亞地區仍將處於爾虞我詐。 四、安全問題仍將是中共外交政策的重心。 五、中共與中亞國家政治、經濟與安全機制建構將不利於中華民國。

公營事業民營化與就業安全保障之研究∼以中國石油公司為研究對象 / A Study on the Privatization of State-owner Enterprises and Protection of Employment Security : a Case Study of Chinese Petroleum Corp

梁春富, Liang, Chun-Fu Unknown Date (has links)

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