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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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論俄烏天然氣衝突之政治意涵―以2006年與2009年衝突為例 / A study on the political implications of natural gas conflicts between russia and ukraine: the cases in 2006 and 2009

游雅韻 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究嘗試以地緣政治研究途徑針對國際層面、國家層面來解釋俄烏天然氣爆發的深層政治因素與俄羅斯此作為的實際目的何在。 烏克蘭擁有黑海出海口,位居歐亞大陸中心,俄羅斯若控制了烏克蘭,便可直接與歐洲對話,因此烏克蘭對俄羅斯的戰略意義是不可忽視的。同時,2004年北約東擴後,烏克蘭是俄羅斯地緣安全的最後一道防線,尤申科加入北約之政策,自然招致莫斯科反彈。綜合以上因素,可以解釋出橙色革命後,俄羅斯與烏克蘭兩造於對外政策之矛盾,形成了天然氣衝突之背景。 從國際層面分析,長年依賴自俄羅斯進口之低廉能源導致烏國能源部門效率相對低落,加強了莫斯科對基輔的能源外交力度,故本文認為兩次天然氣衝突皆為俄羅斯藉由天然氣議題對烏克蘭施壓。儘管斷氣風波也招致歐盟抨擊,使得俄烏兩國國際形象大為受損;但短期來說,俄羅斯與歐盟的能源合作難以改變,但烏克蘭之能源過境地位則可能因為替代管線投入營運因素而受到弱化。 從國家層面分析,烏克蘭東部與南部多數人民支持親俄政權,西部多數人民則支持親西方政權,究其原因可分為:語言因素、宗教因素、民族因素、經濟因素、與歷史因素。本研究認為烏克蘭政治菁英之分歧導致政局動盪,同時,天然氣衝突給予不同政黨互相攻訐之議題,加上烏克蘭目前處於政治轉型之階段,以致於2006年至2008年爆發了多次政治危機。 2009年之天然氣協議提升了兩國交易透明度,然而烏克蘭之積欠天然氣債務問題仍為未知數,意味著未來俄羅斯依舊有再度對烏克蘭施壓之空間。 / In this study, I attempt to explain the political implications of natural gas conflicts between Russia and Ukraine at international and international level by means of geopolitical approach. Ukraine faces Black Sea and possesses central location in Euro-Asia continent. Russia has an initiative to intervene in European affairs if Ukraine is under its control. In a result, Ukraine is critical to Russia in its strategic layout. Meanwhile, after NATO Enlargement, Ukraine is the last defense boundary of Russia to ensure its geopolitical security. The policy of joining NATO under Yushchenko definitely brought Russia’s objections. It shows after Orange Revolution the discrepancy in foreign policy between Russia and Ukraine gave an incentive to natural gas conflicts. In the International system level, relying on gas imported from Russia at a low price led to relatively low-efficiency in Ukraine’s energy sections which strengthens the power of Russia’s energy diplomacy. Therefore, I believe the natural gas conflicts were aimed to put political pressure upon Ukraine. Although the interruptions brought about criticism from EC and caused great damage to the reputations of Russia and Ukraine, in the short term, it is unlikely to cease Russia-EC cooperation relationship in energy field. However, the status of Ukraine in energy transition could become less important due to the operations of alternative pipelines. In the state system level, most people in Eastern and Southern are in favor of pro-Russia parties or candidates and those in Western and Northern are in the opposite. There are five factors that led to its discrepancy: race, religion, language, economic, and history. The political unrest in Ukraine came from disagreements among elites and gas conflicts provided a pretext for them to attack their opponents. Additionally, this country was under political transformation. Because of these elements, Ukraine suffered from several political crises in the following three years since 2006. The new contract in 2009 provided a better transparency to Russia-Ukraine gas deal, but the problem of Ukraine’s gas debts was not yet dissolved. It suggests Russia is likely to put pressure upon Ukraine by means of energy diplomacy in the future.

中鼎工程公司設計部門核心能耐的建構機制之研究-以知識管理的觀點 / The core competence establishing mechanism of CTCI engineering departments - knowledge management perspective

劉國棟 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以中鼎工程公司為個案,針對各專業設計部門主管以問卷調查的方式,探討國際統包工程公司設計部門應有的核心能耐,並採取知識管理的觀點,探討此核心能耐的建構機制。 研究結果發現國際統包工程公司設計部門的核心能耐為「工程設計整合能力」。此整合能力包括(一)跨設計部門整合(二)軟硬體資訊平台整合(三)EPCK整合(四)專案目標整合(五)企業文化整合。國際統包工程公司為確保設計的品質,會訂定嚴謹的作業準則、進行紮實的教育訓練;並全力發展整合性設計平台,以縮短設計時程與減少重做成本;除此之外,也強調總成本觀念,在設計階段即考量採購、建造與試車的各種要求。國際統包工程公司為能在國際市場充分發揮出團隊的效能,設計人員需具備充分的專業技術能力,並輔之以管理領導能力與英語溝通能力。而公司的企業文化,諸如專業、誠信、團隊合作與創新,則是促進整合的關鍵底蘊。業主對國際統包工程公司品牌商譽特別重視,品牌商譽是所有努力的綜合結果,有賴長期的蓄積。國際統包工程公司設計部門為蓄積核心能耐,會致力促使知識載體與知識活動產生正向循環,以提升競爭優勢。 研究結果也提出個案公司亟待努力的改善建議,包括(一)應持續召募適合員工,以利長遠之發展,就既有之人力斷層,則應加速訓練養成(二)應加強供應鏈管理,嚴格管控設備廠商設計文件到位時程(三)應採取適切的績效考核與究責方式,使員工產生積極整合態度(四)應加強設計、採購、建造與試車部門之間的互動(五)應加強投入公司層級的研發活動(六)應加強與Licenser和Client等之合作,以拓展上游端(基本設計)與下游端(試車)的核心能耐。 / This case study investigates the core competence of the engineering department of international turnkey contractors and the establishing mechanism of such competence in terms of knowledge management. A survey is conducted on the engineering department managers of CTCI Corporation to supplement this study. Results show that engineering design integration is the core competence of the engineering department of international turnkey contractors. This includes the integration of (1) engineering departments, (2) hardware and software information platforms, (3) EPCK, (4) project objectives, and (5) corporate culture. International turnkey contractors will establish strict SOPs and provide solid education and training to ensure the quality of engineering work, and develop integrated design platforms to shorten design lead-time and reduce rework cost. Additionally, they emphasize cost concepts and consider the procurement, construction and commissioning requirements right at the beginning of design. Designers are equipped with adequate professional core competence, management and leadership competence, and English communication competence for international turnkey contractors to fully display team efficiency. Meanwhile, corporate culture, such as professionalism, sincerity, teamwork, and innovation, are also the keys to integration. As brand reputation is the synergy of all efforts and long-term accumulation, project owners pay special attention to the contractor’s brand reputation. Therefore the contractor’s engineering department is devoted to promote positive circulation of knowledge carriers and activities in order to build up core competence and enhance competitiveness. Suggestions for immediate improvement of the case company were also proposed, including (1) continue to recruit suitable employees to facilitate long-term development and accelerate training process to close the gap of existing interrupted staffing; (2) strengthen supply chain management and apply strict deadline on suppliers’ technical documents; (3) adopt appropriate and fair performance assessment to motivate employees; (4) encourage interactions among engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning departments; (5) reinforce corporate level R&D activities; and (6) promote cooperation with licenser and client to expand upstream (basic design) and downstream (commissioning) core competence.

公關實務工作者如何看待大學公關課程 / A study of public relations professionals' views on public relations curriculums in universities

嚴曉翠, Yen, Hsiao-Tsui Unknown Date (has links)
本研究根據對公共關係實務工作者訪談,瞭解實務工作者認為大學公共關係本科畢業生應具備那些公關核心知識與技能,以及實務工作者對本科教育是否能達成實務專業任用標準的看法。並透過對同時在相關科系兼任授課的實務工作者深度訪談,整理這些具備公關產學雙重身份的受訪者對目前公共關係相關科系在課程目標及課程規劃安排上的看法與建議。 本研究發現,組織及商業管理知識是被較常提及的必備知識,媒體生態及議題建構的知識是所有的受訪者都會提到而且獨立強調的核心知識。研究方法、寫作技巧及語文能力則是最常被受訪者提及的重要必備技能。受訪者者也認為應該要讓學生知道公共關係有那些特定領域(「領域知識」),以及會遭遇那些溝通情境。應以各類公共關係個案情境(情境知識)來讓學生瞭解工具策略的多元性而不是生硬的學習SOP操作程序。 另外,公關本科生並未有就業優勢,但在校任教的實務工作者會更支持本科教育及人才任用。受訪者認為公關課程目標、課程基礎配套資訊以及課程銜接等相關問題都不清楚,業界老師對公共關係教育的付出並未被善用。而學生的學習地圖也並未能被做一個更好的規劃安排,學生無法掌握學習目標及學習策略。 本研究提出的建議為,1.對公關教育及課程任務與規劃應有明確的管理指標,以利教師授課、學生學習及實務業界溝通。2.應善用業界師資資源強化公關領域知識及情境知識教育。3.應鼓勵學生參與實習及實作課程並透過參與校外相關競賽瞭解教學實力。4.應務實面對科系現況補足重要核心知識課程。 關鍵詞:公共關係、公共關係教育、核心知識技能、課程目標、領域知識、情境知識 / This study aims to learn public relations professionals’ 1) perspectives on core knowledge and skills that students majoring in public relations should be equipped with; and 2) viewpoints on whether current university public relations education has been sufficient to assist public relations graduates for related job qualification. Through in-depth interviews with public professionals who currently teach public relations-related courses in universities, I probe their philosophies of teaching, perspectives on course objectives, strategies and plans of teaching. The results of the study indicate that organization theory and business administration were the frequently mentioned as essential knowledge. Meanwhile, getting to know of ever-changing media environment and ability of agenda setting among various communication contexts were essential capability that had been particularly emphasized by all interviewees. On the other hand, research methods, writing skills, and language proficiency were skills frequently addressed by interviewees. Interviewees point out the importance of advancing public relations students’ ‘domain knowledge’ as well as communication scenarios in public relations education. In other words, for the purpose of understanding the strategies and tools of public relations, ‘knowledge of contexts’ in public relations case studies, instead of knowledge of standard operating procedures of public relations practices, should be provided to students during teaching cases. This study also shows that public relations graduates have not owned advantages in competing for public relations job applications. However, professionals who also teach in universities tend to value public relations education more and favor recruiting public relations majors than those who haven’t had the experiences of teaching. Interviewees also expressed their concern of lacking of the public relations course objectives, basic course supplement information, and curriculum linkage, it is why they tend to think public relations education still have much room to improve. They stated that students will not be able to grasp the meaning of learning if they have not developed a knowledge map of public relations. In addition, public relations educators’ contributions to the learning of public relations should be better leveraged. Based on the study, the author offers the following suggestions. 1. Instructors should make teaching objectives and class management strategies clear, as well as course assignments and project arrangement logical. This will benefit lecturers in teaching, students in learning, and public relations professionals, who may serve as guest speakers in class. 2. Department should make the best use of the resources of lecturers from public relations practicum to strengthen the education of both domain and contextual knowledge in the public relations industry. 3. Department should encourage students to take the opportunities of internship programs and to compete for off-campus public relations contests so that students will have chances to reflect what they have learned in classroom. 4. Departments should provide core public relations courses based on what public relations has to offer. Key words: public relations,education,core knowledge and skills, course objectives, domain knowledge, knowledge of contexts

不同管教方式之父母比較行為對子女能力影響之研究 / The impact of parental comparison from different parenting styles on children's general ability

王正婷 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以TEPS資料庫第二、三波追蹤樣本為資料來源,使用多元迴歸分析中的OLS(ordinal least squares)最小平方法,分析不同管教方式之父母比較行為如何影響子女之綜合能力。刪除作答不全的缺失值後,共計取得有效樣本為2,595人。 研究結果顯示:父母管教方式若以雙向度作為分類,以高反應(74.6%)與高要求(69.2%)者居多,綜合兩大面向後,有52.40%的父母採取開明權威型的管教方式,有22.20%的父母為專制權威型,有16.90%的父母為寬鬆放任型,有8.50%的父母是忽視冷漠型。此外,父母最常把子女與其同班同學(45.5%)進行比較,其次依序為鄰居小孩、同事或朋友小孩(42.0%)、同年齡的親戚(37.0%)、兄弟姊妹(26.9%),父母最少拿自己小時候(18.8%)與子女相比。 經由多元迴歸分析之後得知,無論是開明權威、專制權威、寬鬆放任或忽視冷漠型的父母,凡拿子女與其「同班同學」比較者,子女的綜合能力越高,達到統計顯著水準;但是當父母持專制權威的管教方式時,無論有無加入控制變項(子女性別、父母教育程度和家庭月收入),有與「同班同學」和「父母小時候」比較者,其綜合能力顯著越高,但與「同年齡親戚」比較者,其綜合能力顯著越低。 / The research was to explore the effects of parenting style, parental comparison, and the interaction of them on children’s general ability. Data were collected from Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS), the core panel in the second and the third wave. Total number of the students from high school reduced to 2,595 people after listwise deletion. We explored the effects by using ordinal least squares in the multiple regression analysis. The results showed that there were 74.6% high-respective parents, and 69.2% high-demanding ones. Mixed with the two dimensions, demanding and responsive, there were 52.40% authoritative parents, 22.20% authoritarian ones, 16.90% indulgent ones, and 8.50% neglectful ones. Besides, parents compared their children with their classmates (45.5%), neighbors (42.0%), cousins (37.0%), siblings (26.9%), and parents’ childhood (18.8%). After regression, the results showed in the following ways. First, no matter what the parenting style was, children who were compared with classmates had significantly higher ability. Whether adding the control variables like children’ gender, parents’ education level and family monthly income or not, when parents were authoritarian, children compared with classmates and parents’ childhood had significantly higher ability. Meanwhile, if they were compared with cousins, then they had significantly lower ability. Keywords: Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS), multiple regression analysis, parenting style, social comparison, general ability

臺北市國民中學校長變革領導、教師組織承諾與學校創新經營效能關係之研究 / A study on the relationships among principals’ change leadership, teachers’ organizational commitment, and school innovative management effectiveness in junior high schools in Taipei City

周婉玲, Chou, Wanling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探究國民中學教師所知覺的校長變革領導、教師組織承諾與學校創新經營效能之關係,根據研究結果提出建議,以做為教育行政機關、國民中學校長,以及未來相關研究之參考。 本研究以臺北市立國民中學之教師為對象,採問卷調查法,以「國民中學校長變革領導、教師組織承諾與學校創新經營效能問卷」進行抽樣調查,抽取541位教師為樣本,回收415份,回收率為76.7%,以描述統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、積差相關分析、多元逐步迴歸等統計方法加以分析。獲得以下結論: ㄧ、臺北市國民中學整體校長變革領導現況屬良好程度,各層面以「提升危機意識」最好,以「組織變革團隊」最後。 二、不同學歷及擔任職務背景變項之教師對於校長變革領導的知覺具有顯著差異;不同教師性別、教師年齡及教師服務年資等變項無顯著差異。 三、不同學校規模、學校歷史、校長年齡、校長在該校服務年資、擔任校長總年資及校長學歷等學校背景變項之教師對於校長變革領導的知覺具有顯著差異;不同校長性別變項無顯著差異。 四、臺北市國民中學整體教師組織承諾現況屬良好程度,各層面以「努力意願」最好,以「留職傾向」最後。 五、不同教師年齡、教師最高學歷、教師服務年資及教師擔任職務等背景變項教師對於教師組織承諾的知覺具有顯著差異;不同教師性別變項無顯著差異。 六、不同學校規模及校長最高學歷背景變項之教師對於教師組織承諾的知覺具有 顯著差異;不同學校歷史、校長性別、校長年齡、校長在該校服務年資、擔任校長總年資等背景變項無顯著差異。 七、臺北市國民中學整體學校創新經營效能現況屬良好程度,各層面以「學生活動創新效能」最好,以「課程教學創新效能」層面程度最後。 八、不同教師擔任職務背景變項之教師對於學校創新經營效能的知覺具有顯著差異;不同教師性別、教師年齡、教師最高學歷及教師服務年資等變項無顯著差異。 九、不同學校歷史及校長年齡背景變項之教師對於學校創新經營效能的知覺具有顯著差異;不同學校規模、校長性別、校長在該校服務年資、擔任校長總年資,以及校長最高學歷等背景變項無顯著差異。 十、校長變革領導與學校創新經營效能之間具有正相關;教師組織承諾與學校創新經營效能之間具有正相關。 十ㄧ、校長變革領導各層面以「形塑學校文化」及「營造變革環境」對學校創新經營效能具有預測力,總解釋變異量為42.3%。 十二、教師組織承諾「留職傾向」、「努力意願」及「組織認同」三層面對學校創新經營效能均具有預測力,總解釋變異量為36.2%。 十三、校長變革領導與教師組織承諾對學校創新經營效能之聯合預測,共有「形塑學校文化」、「努力意願」、「留職傾向」、「營造變革環境」及「組織認同」五個層面對整體學校創新經營效能具有預測力,總解釋變異量為50.1%。 最後,根據研究結果提出下列幾點建議: ㄧ、對教育行政機關的建議 (一)規劃變革領導相關課程及訓練,提昇新任校長變革領導能力。 (二)多挹注相關資源給小型及老舊學校,以強化學校競爭力。 (三)鼓勵資深且治校有方之校長至亟須大力整頓之小校或老校服務,以救亡圖存,提升學校創新經營效能。 二、對國中校長的建議 (ㄧ)洞悉學校發展需求,掌握時機節奏進行變革領導。 (二)拔擢人才充分溝通,將組織發展目標與個人發展目標相結合。 (三)鼓勵教師在職進修與時俱進,與學校之各項變革相契合。 (四)發揮教師社群力量,授權學歷高有意願教師帶動學校課程與教學創新。 (五)落實教學輔導照顧資淺教師,發揮老幹新枝經驗傳承的力量,並強化組織承諾與留職傾向。 (六)設立各項教師獎勵措施,激勵教師內外在成就動機,增強對學校向心力。 (七)積極爭取經費與各項資源,改善硬體設備,打造嶄新優質的學校環境。 (八)建構各項創新變革方案回饋循環模式,營造創意的學校文化。 / The main objective of this study is to investigate the relationship among principals’ change leadership, teachers’ organizational commitment, and school innovative management effectiveness which teachers perceive, and to propose suggestions based on the results, for the reference of educational administration authorities, junior high school principals, and relevant future studies. In this study, faculty of junior high schools in Taipei City is picked as subjects and questionnaire survey is adopted. The researcher formulates “junior high school principals’ change leadership, teachers’ organizational commitment, and school innovative management effectiveness questionnaire,” and randomly selects 541 teachers as samples. In a rate of 76.7%, 415 replies are returned and then analyzed in methods of descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, product-moment correlation analysis and stepwise multiple regression. The following conclusions are obtained: 1. The present situation of principals’ change leadership is up to fine level. Among all the aspects, “raising the sense of danger” ranks to the top, while “organizing teams for change” ranks otherwise. 2. Teachers bearing different education backgrounds and duties perceive principals’ change leadership significantly differently; while teachers of other variables such as gender, age, and service seniority show no significant difference. 3. Teachers of different demographic variables such as school size and history; principals’ age, local seniority, total seniority, and education background perceive principals’ change leadership significantly differently; while the variable, principals’ gender, shows no significant difference. 4. The present situation of teachers’ organizational commitment is up to fine level. Among all the aspects, “desire for putting efforts” ranks to the top, while “tendency to retain the job” ranks otherwise. 5. Teachers of different demographic variables such as age, education level, service seniority, and duties perceive teachers’ organizational commitment significantly differently; while the variable of gender shows no significant difference. 6. Teachers of different demographic variables such as school size and principals’ education level perceive teachers’ organizational commitment significantly differently; while some other variables such as school history; principals’ gender, age, local seniority, and total seniority show no significant difference. 7. The present situation of school innovative management effectiveness is up to fine level. Among all the aspects, “innovative effectiveness of pupil activity” ranks to the top, while “innovative effectiveness of course and instruction” ranks otherwise. 8. Teachers bearing different duties perceive school innovative management effectiveness significantly differently; while teachers of other variables such as gender, age, education level, and seniority show no significant difference. 9. Teachers of some demographic variables such as school history and principals’ age perceive school innovative management effectiveness significantly differently; while some other variables such as school size; principals’ gender, local seniority, total seniority, and education level show no significant difference. 10. Principals’ change leadership is positively related to school innovative management effectiveness; teachers’ organizational commitment is also positively related to school innovative management effectiveness. 11. School innovative management effectiveness is most predictable for “to shape school culture” and “to establish change environment” among all the aspects of principals’ change leadership, accounting for 42.3% of total variance. 12. Teachers’ organizational commitment is predictable for each aspect, including “tendency to retain the job,” “desire for putting efforts,” and “approval of organization,” accounting for 36.2% of total variance. 13. When combining principals’ change leadership and teachers’ organizational commitment, school innovative management effectiveness is predictable for five aspects, including “to shape school culture,” “desire for putting efforts,” “tendency to retain the job,” “to establish change environment,” and “approval of organization,” accounting for 50.1% of total variance. Finally, based on the results, the following suggestions are proposed: 1. Suggestions for educational administration authorities (1)Arrange related courses and trainings of change leadership to improve newly nominated principals’ ability to lead changes. (2)Invest more relevant resources to small or old schools to make them more competitive. (3)Encourage senior principals who are good at management to aid small or old schools in need, for saving and improving their innovative management effectiveness. 2. Suggestions for principals in junior high schools (1)Understand what is required for school development thoroughly, and seize the timing for processing change leadership. (2)Select talented people, communicate sufficiently, and combine organizational and personal goals of development. (3)Encourage teachers to take in-service education to catch up the pace of the times, and to better cooperate with changes applied at school. (4)Fulfill the power of teachers’ community through authorizing highly educated and willing ones to promote innovation of courses and instructions. (5)Perform instructive guidance and assistance to help less senior teachers, pass on experiences, and strengthen organizational commitment and tendency to retain the job. (6)Establish reward system to inspire teachers’ both inner and outer motivation, and enhance the centripetal force to their school. (7)Actively endeavor to obtain money and resources and improve hardware to build quality environment. (8)Establish circulating feedback pattern of innovative change blueprints to produce creative atmosphere of school.

農業多功能與鄉村轉型之研究-以台東地區為例 / Multifunctional agriculture and rural transformation - A case study in east Taiwan

馮石山, Feng, Shih Shan Unknown Date (has links)
農地是農業生產的基礎,為不可再生的資源,具有區位性及不可移動性。農地的功能,已由單純的糧食生產經濟性功能,擴充到提昇生活品質與維護生態環境的非經濟公益多功能性,並全方位考量產業、環境及農村需求。 農業的多功能必須建立在農地之上,透過農地之上的農業經營,發揮農地的功能與價值,因此農地的功能與價值呈現多元面向。農業有保障國家人民糧食安全,自然生態環境保育之功能,並非其他任何產業可取代,它仍是國家經濟建設中的基礎根本產業。因此在探討農業發展同時不能僅就農業單一經濟生產產值面向去衡量價值的唯一指標,而應從全面、多元的面向觀點去重視農業在國家整體建設的貢獻。 經由本研究實地調查訪談分析後,發現結論如下所述:一、台東地區近年來的農業生產及鄉村型態有些區域經本研究實地訪查結果確實產生了轉變。二、台東鄉村地區農地變更使用,有些對農地資源保護及農業生產環境影響有益,有一些則無益。三、台東地區農業生產及鄉村型態變化,某些地區的演變確實依農業多功能主義的內涵。所以農業多功能主義在台東如本研究實地訪談瞭解是有成型的形式及傾向農業多功能主義之內涵。 經由本研究實地訪查台東地區鄉村農業之個案分析後,建議如下:一、加強民眾參與農地保護,未來對於農地保護,民眾參與扮演了重要的角色,政府應如何使農民參與農地保護的計畫,以及如何使開發者在選擇開發地點時避開重要農地,以達到其保護農地之目的。二、提高對休閒農業認知,轉變傳統的農耕觀念,發展休閒農業觀光活動,調整優質農村產結構,大力發展以觀光休閒遊憩為主的農業第三產業,促進農村勞動力的轉移,擴大及提高農業的創業機會,增加農民收入,改變鄉村風貌。三、建立三生一體的永續經營的理念,為因應急遽轉變中的農業發展環境,農業建設必須產業、農村、農民、消費者一同考量,發揮農業生產、農民生活及農村生態三生一體的功能。 關鍵字:農業多功能、後生產主義、農業三生一體、鄉村轉型

國民小學校長混合教練、師傅教導與學校效能關係之研究 / The study of relationship among blended coaching, mentoring, and school effectiveness for elementary school principals in Taiwan

楊念湘, Yang, Nien Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解國民小學校長混合教練、師傅教導與學校效能之內涵與現況,並探討其關係,進而建構與驗證三者之互動模式,最後依據研究結果提出建議。首先,進行文獻探討,作為研究立論之基礎及發展研究工具之依據;其次,透過問卷調查臺灣北、中、南、東四區之500位公立國民小學現任校長(有效問卷421份),以分析現況及驗證理論;再者,依據正式問卷回收後之統計分析結果,進行後置焦點團體座談與專家訪談,以探究問卷調查結果背後的可能意涵及影響因素,並尋求受訪者對本研究議題的具體建議;最後,依據研究結果進行綜合討論,以形成結論與建議。茲將本研究之主要結論與建議歸納如下: 壹、國民小學校長混合教練、師傅教導與學校效能之內涵與現況 一、國民小學校長在「COACH混合教練模式量表」及其向度的現況得分大多屬於中高程度,且以「組織專業知能」向度的得分最高。 二、國民小學校長在「MENTOR師傅教導模式量表」及其向度的現況得分大多屬於中高程度,且以「楷模典範形塑」向度的得分最高。 三、國民小學校長在「學校效能指標量表」及其向度的現況得分大多屬於高程度,且以「社區認同」、「環境設備」向度的得分最高。 貳、不同背景變項的國民小學校長在混合教練、師傅教導與學校效能得分之差異情形 一、國民小學校長的背景變項中,性別、擔任校長年資、跟隨教練校長(輔導校長)學習與否、跟隨師傅校長學習與否,在混合教練得分之差異達顯著水準。 二、國民小學校長的背景變項中,跟隨教練校長(輔導校長)學習與否、擔任教練校長(輔導校長)與否、跟隨師傅校長學習與否,在師傅教導得分之差異達顯著水準。 三、國民小學校長的背景變項中,年齡、擔任校長年資、跟隨師傅校長學習與否、學校區域,在學校效能得分之差異達顯著水準。 參、國民小學校長混合教練、師傅教導與學校效能之相關情形 一、整體混合教練與整體師傅教導間呈顯著的正相關,且以「教導專業職能」與「COACH混合教練模式量表」之相關程度最高。 二、整體混合教練與整體學校效能間呈顯著的正相關,且以「行政領導」與「COACH混合教練模式量表」之相關程度最高。 三、整體師傅教導與整體學校效能間呈顯著的正相關,且以「行政領導」與「MENTOR師傅教導模式量表」之相關程度最高。 肆、建構國民小學校長混合教練與學校效能以及師傅教導與學校效能之互動模式分析 一、混合教練與學校效能互動模式之適配度與影響力良好,在整體適配度指標、比較適配度指標、精簡適配度指標、基本適配度指標與內在適配度指標皆佳,前因變項(混合教練)對後果變項(學校效能)也具有顯著的影響力。 二、師傅教導與學校效能互動模式之適配度與影響力良好,在整體適配度指標、比較適配度指標、精簡適配度指標、基本適配度指標與內在適配度指標皆佳,前因變項(師傅教導)對後果變項(學校效能)也具有顯著的影響力。 伍、驗證本研究建構之國民小學校長混合教練、師傅教導對學校效能模式 上游潛在變項二(師傅教導)對下游潛在變項(學校效能)較具有顯著的影響力,而上游潛在變項一(混合教練)對下游潛在變項(學校效能)則較不具影響力;綜言之,師傅教導對學校效能具有顯著的影響效果,但混合教練對學校效能的影響效果較小。 最後,本研究依據文獻探討、問卷調查、焦點團體座談與專家訪談等研究結果,提出相關建議,俾供主管教育行政機關、學校教育人員及後續研究之參考。 / The main purpose of this research was to investigate the blended coaching, mentoring, and school effectiveness for elementary school principals in Taiwan. The research methods included literature review, questionnaire survey, focus group sessions, and interviews. First, the literature review was the basis of argument and for the development of research tools. Secondly, the research instrument was distributed to 500 elementary school principals all over Taiwan and there were 421 valid samples which were used in this study. Moreover, after the statistical analysis of the questionnaire results, the focus group sessions and interviews were being held to explore the possibility of results and the influence factors behind the meaning. Finally, the comprehensive discussion was based on the research findings, and to make up conclusions and recommendations which were summarized as follows: A. In the aspect of blended coaching 1. The blended coaching includes five parts: Connect, Organize, Administrate, Collaborate, and Help. For principals, the best dimension is “Organize”. 2. The background variables in gender, years of service, following the coach principal, and following the mentor principal have significant influences on blended coaching. B. In the aspect of mentoring 1. The mentoring includes six parts: Model, Educate, Network, Tell, Outlook, and React. For principals, the best dimension is “Model”. 2. The background variables in following the coach principal, acting as the coach principal, and following the mentor principal have significant influences on mentoring. C. In the aspect of school effectiveness 1. The school effectiveness includes five parts: Administrative leadership, Teacher teaching, Student learning, Community identity, and Environmental equipment. For principals, the best dimension is “Community identity” and “Environmental equipment”. 2. The background variables in age, years of service, following the mentor principal, school district have significant influences on school effectiveness. D. In the aspect of relationships among blended coaching, mentoring, and school effectiveness 1. There were positively correlation existed among blended coaching, mentoring, and school effectiveness. 2. The model of blended coaching to school effectiveness is proper and the model of mentoring to school effectiveness is also proper. 3. Mentoring which is better than blended coaching promotes and has significant influences on school effectiveness for elementary school principals. In the end, based on the research results, the researcher proposed some recommendations for educational administrative agencies, school personnel, and following research, hoping to benefit the development of elementary school education and the school principal preparation systems in the future.

營運績效導向之企業資源規劃系統供應商選擇與導入研究-以某金控業為例 / The study of business performance-oriented ERP selection and implementation - a financial holding example

林智 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著兩岸政策的開放,金融業面臨著瞬息萬變、倍速成長、地域競爭的經營環境,如何能迅速回應環境與組織的變遷以及提升全球化競爭的能力,儼然已成為金融業者經營方針的重要議題。企業追求獲利、永續經營的理念建構於良好的企業營運績效管理,而企業資源規劃(ERP)具有整合平臺、彈性的作業流程、即時資訊彙總的功能,能夠提供企業做為營運管理、決策分析與提升競爭優勢管理工具,因此已成為眾多企業導入的選擇。 個案公司導入ERP系統的效益希望能提升營運績效整合與資訊分析的能力,因此,本研究對個案公司導入ERP系統時著重於各項關鍵研究議題:願意「改變」的決心、員工的配合心態、現行作業流程的差異程度、具體化功能規格的敘述、資訊分析維度的細度決定、外圍系統資訊流介接能力等構面,本研究希望能將ERP系統導入決策過程、供應商遴選與導入期間各項關鍵問題的發現暨解決方案等研究結果,逐一實踐在個案公司的導入專案。

IC設計產業創新服務營運之研究 – 以山寨產品之案例分析 / An innovation service model study of IC design industry – cases study over Shanzhai products

王德仁 Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣半導體產值已佔全球半導體產值的百分之二十,而臺灣IC設計產值亦已佔全球第二位之重要位置,然而現今在全世界之市場、產品定義、及產品規範都掌控於歐美世界大廠之手,臺灣IC設計產業如何擺脫低價競爭之厄運,甚至有時就算低價競爭,也無法在歐美IC設計大廠已攤平開發成本下,在價格上取得任何優勢;因此在原有臺灣IC設計產業舊有之經營模式,大陸山寨市場提供一個絕佳從資通訊產業上、中、下游之產業鏈重組之模式,臺灣IC設計產業因此在經營模式上必須找出一可以創造產業鏈上、中、下游多贏之經營模式。山寨手機是目前相當成功的一個案例,也創造出一個華人市場特有的手機產業鏈模式,因此此一成功案例也成為目前臺灣IC設計產業最想複製並找出其中致勝之道。 本研究主要探討之問題有四:晶片設計產業,在擴散其核心競爭力時,往往是跨產業別之新的開始,應考量之要點為何? 為切入成熟市場,新的晶片設計公司從”邊陲市場”切入該產業時,產品需提供何種差異化?需提供何種服務並如何取捨? 晶片設計公司原本為腦力密集產業,強調是小而美;然而面對現今山寨產品之風行,山寨系統廠將營運重心轉往銷售及量產管理,則晶片設計公司在組織上如何因應此種產業分工之改變? 晶片設計公司之核心能耐擴展,在山寨市場所需具備之條件為何? 本研究主要藉由策略與組織、技術能力、與市場因素三個構面做為主要分析架構。由三主要架構再細分各架構之變項,在策略與組織中,共有企業經營團隊、核心競爭優勢、組織架構、及網絡定位等變項;在技術能力中,則有過去所累積之產品開發經驗、內部知識傳遞之效率、外部可利用之資源網絡、產品開發管理制度、組織學習能耐及企業之知識管理系統等變項;在市場因素中,則有市場需求之變化、產品行銷、產業合作網絡、及政策因素。 本研究所獲得之研究發現則針對於策略與組織、技術能力、與市場因素此三構面分別描述如下: 一、 在IC產業擴展產業別時,穩扎穩打以鞏固進入產業核心競爭力之根基為企業領導者之主要任務,因此循序漸進為較適當之策略展開作法。 二、 IC設計公司為對客戶提供更多的服務,且面對新的挑戰時,從現有組織分出一獨立組織,或是在公司內部創造出新的組織結構,以便重新定義新流程或定義新的工作型態。 三、 當IC設計產業為因應山寨產業之生態,若需跨足原先IT產業分工中,屬於品牌廠所需負責之工作時,因財務之負擔,必須審慎以對。 四、 企業以”邊陲進入”之模式切入成熟產業,若在硬體平台相類似下,僅以低成本之差異,但無法取得消費者在其他產品特性方面之認同,則將難以形成產品認同。 五、 企業在跨入其他產業時,利用購併之方式快速取得核心技術,重新定義新任務所需之流程及價值觀為首要任務。 六、 技術追隨者在進入市場時,選擇以”邊陲市場”進入為一正確之選擇,然而利用”五力分析”分析市場競爭者之動態,隨時調整本身策略為更重要之功課。 / According to the market report, 20% market share of world wide semiconductor market is supplied by Taiwan’s companies, and the total market share of Taiwan’s IC design house is ranked as second within world wide IC design companies. But until now, all of the product definition and product specification are dominated by USA or Europe companies. Even to offer the price competition strategy to the target market, sometimes Taiwan’s IC design house also cannot break even by the traditional quickly follower business model. China market offers a good market, which is different with the traditional business model, to re-organize the business chain, and we called it as “Shanzhai” market. Taiwan’s IC design company could define a new business supply chain to win back some market share within the mature market. “Shanzhai” mobile phone market is a successful case, and it also create a special business supply chain within Chinese countries. Based on this successful case, other Taiwan’s IC design companies also want to analyze and find out the successful business model. Within this research, there are four questions should be covered, and shown as below.  Within the IC design industry, what’s kind of consideration should be discussed when it try to expand it’s core competition?  When a new IC design company want to cut in a mature market, what’s kind of service should be considered except the product differentiation?  IC design house is a high technology company and focus on small size but with high quality engineers. If IC design companies tried to target on servicing the “Shanzhai” market, they how to re-organize the traditional organization to meet the different models with small quantities business models.  To expand the IC design house core competition for servicing “Shanzhai” market, what’s kind of conditions should be prepared? Within this research, it consists and discussed from three dimensions which are strategy and organization, technology capability, and market factors. Under the three dimensions, there are some detailed key factors should be covered. Under the strategy and organization, it should cover company management team, core competition analysis, organization structure, and the position within the supply chain. Under the technology capability, it should cover the product development experience, the knowledge communication efficiency internally, the learning capability of new technology, and knowledge management system. Under the market factor, it should cover the analysis of market demanding, market promotion, business cooperation, and policy consideration. By the three dimensions(strategy and organization, technology capability, and market factors), this research have the following finding. 1. When the IC design company expand it’s core business, it is better to expand the core business sequentially as it’s strategy. 2. In order to provide more new services other than traditional services of IC design company, the IC design house is much better to organize a new supporting organization or re-organize a new section to support to re-define the working SOP or define a new working model. 3. In order to service the “Shanzhai” market, the IC design company may involve the service of traditional brand name company’s business. The financial burden is a critical issue should be considered at first. 4. When the IC design house tried to step into a mature market as technology follower, it should try to find other differentiation point other than lower price only. 5. When the IC design house try to merge other IC design company for quickly step into a new market, the first priority is to re-define the new working SOP and target task for new group. 6. The technology follower select a second/or third priority market as their target market is a correct selection. But the most important is to adjust the own strategy dynamically according to competitor’s status.

以ex-Gaussian分配探討注意力不足過動症(Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD)不同亞型患者在能量調節歷程的差異 / Exploration of the differences in effort regulation among ADHD subtypes - based on ex-gaussian distribution

黃守廉, Hwang, Shoou Lian Unknown Date (has links)
前言:由於注意力不足過動症(Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD)患者在不同的認知作業具有一致的反應模式-他們的反應時間慢且變異量大,已有學者們認為這與他們在能量調節缺損有關。 研究目的:一、以ex-Gaussian的估計參數(μ、σ、τ)分析ADHD患者在柯能氏持續表現作業(Conners’ Continuous Performance Test, CCPT) 的反應時間,探討與釐清不同能量調節歷程(事件速度與作業時間長度)可能的影響。二、藉由行為量表以及CCPT的錯誤反應與參數的關係,推論μ、σ、τ可能的心理涵義。三、以能量調節歷程(ISI與Block)與ex-Gaussian的估計參數(μ、σ、τ)的關係,探討不同ADHD亞型患者在能量調節的可能問題。四、由於時間知覺作業與注意力資源分配有密切關連性,因此本研究也想探討不同ADHD亞型患者時間知覺作業(時間再製單一與雙重作業)的表現與能量調節的關係。五、從不同發展階段討論ADHD亞型患者與對照組在ex-Gaussian參數的差異是否會隨著年齡發展而有所改變。 方法:本研究受試包括261位ADHD混合型(ADHD-Combined Type)患者(221位男生,84.7%),151位ADHD注意力不足型(ADHD-Inattentive Type)患者(128位男生,84.8%) 以及161位對照組受試(124位男生,77.0%)。測量工具包括: 1)中文版K-SADS-E 臨床診斷會談,2) 中文版短式柯能氏家長版/教師版量表,3) 中文版注意力不足過動症 (SNAP-IV)父母/教師量表,4) 柯能氏持續表現作業,5) 時間再製雙重作業,6) 魏氏兒童智力量表中文版第三版。 結果:1) 相較於對照組受試,ADHD患者有較快的μ以及較大的σ與τ,並且τ的效果量最大,與過去的研究相符。2) ISI/Block增加,皆會使得ADHD患者在τ的增加量顯著大於對照組受試;但ISI放慢會使得個體的μ變慢,Block增加卻只會影響ADHD患者的μ加快;ADHD患者與對照組在σ的差異只在ISI的變化,在Block中的σ沒有顯著組別差異。3) 從行為量表與參數的關係,τ與ADHD患者的核心症狀普遍具有關連性;在CCPT的錯誤反應與參數的關係發現μ與誤判錯誤,τ與漏判錯誤的關係最為密切。4) 在ADHD亞型的比較,ADHD-C患者在μ顯著快於ADHD-IA患者,但是兩組在τ沒有顯著的差異。5) ADHD亞型在時間再製作業同樣受到時距與作業複雜度的影響,當時距愈長(17秒)與對照組有顯著差異。再者,τ是解釋時間估計變異量中最重要的參數。6) 在兒童與青少年期的比較,ADHD患者與對照組在τ的差異沒有改變。不過在青少年期ADHD亞型在μ皆顯著比對照組快,但是在σ沒有差異。 討論:本研究不但釐清ADHD患者的反應時間特性,也支持認知能量模式對於ADHD患者病理的描述。再者,研究也發現ADHD不同亞型具有類似的能量調節缺損的歷程,他們在時間知覺作業的結果也支持注意力資源與能量調節具有理論的複核效度,在不同發展時期的比較也再次顯示τ是ADHD患者與對照組受試的主要差異。本研究認為ex-Gaussian參數是估計認知能量模式中的能量庫的適當測量方式,並可藉由認知能量的病理模式建構介入與治療的方向。 / Background: Literature documents that the reaction time (RT) assessed by a variety of neuropsychological tasks is typically both slower and more variable in individuals with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) than the controls. Some studies further lent evidence to support a relationship between the RT patterns and the difficulty of effort regulation in ADHD. Objectives: 1) To explore the moderating effects from effort regulation (the inter-stimulus intervals (ISI) and Block) on three parameters (μ, σ, τ) of ex-Gaussian distribution of the reaction time of the Conner’s Continuous Performance Test (CCPT) among individuals with ADHD as compared with the controls; 2) To examine the association between the ex-Gaussian parameters and ADHD symptoms and the response errors in the CCPT to infer the psychological meanings of ex-Gaussian parameters (μ, σ, and τ); 3) To understand effort regulation for the ADHD-Combined Type (ADHD-C) and ADHD-Inattentive Type (ADHD-IA) by examining the relationship between effort regulation process (ISI and Block effects) and ex-Gaussian parameters (μ, σ, and τ); 4) To compare the performance in the time reproduction dual tasks and its relationship with ex-Gaussian parameters (μ, σ, and τ) among the ADHD-C, ADHD-IA, and controls; 5) To examine the developmental change of ex-Gaussian parameters (μ, σ, and τ) and to test the difference among the two age groups (adolescent vs. child) with three diagnostic groups (ADHD-C, ADHD-IA, and controls) on ex-Gaussian parameters. Methods: We assessed 261 participants with DSM-IV ADHD-C (221 Boys, 84.7%), 151 participants with ADHD-IA (128 Boys, 84.8%), and 161 typically developing controls (124 Boys, 77.0%). Their age ranged from 6 to 16 years old. All the participants and their parents were interviewed with the Chinese version of the Kiddie Epidemiologic Version of the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia to confirm the psychiatric diagnosis of ADHD and other psychiatric disorders. Participants also received the Chinese versions of the Conners’ Parent Rating Scale-revised: Short Form (CPRS-R: S), the Conners’ Teacher Rating Scale-revised: Short Form (CTRS-R: S), the Swanson, Nolan, and Pelham, version IV scale (SNAP-IV)-Parent/Teacher Forms, the Time Perception Single and Dual Tasks, the CCPT and Intelligence (WISC-Ⅲ). Results: Participants with ADHD had a smaller μ and larger σ and τ with the largest effect sizes from τ. As ISI/Block increased, the magnitude of greater τ in participants with ADHD than controls increased. As the ISI increased, μ became slower in both groups; as the Block increased, μ became smaller only noted in participants with ADHD. There were significant group differences (ADHD/control) in σ estimation across different ISIs rather than in different Block levels. Regarding the association between ADHD symptoms and ex-Gaussian parameters (μ, σ, and τ), only τ was related to ADHD symptoms. Moreover, μ was correlated with commission errors of the CCPT; τ was correlated with omission errors of the CCPT. ADHD subtypes analysis revealed that participants with ADHD-C had smaller μ than participants with ADHD-IA without significant difference in τ; there was no subtype difference in time reproduction but the differences between the ADHD and control groups were magnified with increased time intervals and task complexity. Moreover, the variance of the time reproduction performance can be explained well by τ. As to the developmental comparison (children vs. adolescents), larger τ in participants with ADHD than control participants did not vary between child and adolescent participants. On the other hand, there were development changes in μ and σ estimates. For example, adolescents with ADHD had smaller μ than the controls without group difference in σ. Discussion: This study contributes not only to our understanding about RT in ADHD, but also to provide evidence to support the Cognitive-Energetic Model for ADHD. The findings also demonstrated similar compensation in effort regulation between the ADHD-C and ADHD-IA. Moreover, the findings support the cross-validity between time perception and effort regulation. Among the three ex-Gaussian parameters, τ is the most significant index to differentiate ADHD from non-ADHD. Finally, this study provides strong evidence to support the ex-Gaussian parameter as an appropriate method to assess the energetic pool of the Cognitive-Energetic Model for ADHD. A theoretical model for intervention can be established by taking the pathological model of Cognitive-Energetic Model for ADHD as reference.

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