1121 |
身心障礙機構之經營理念與高效能管理 / Organizations that serve people with disabilities: management philosophy and high-performance management陳育雯, Chen, Yu Wen Unknown Date (has links)
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國民小學教師知識管理、教師組織公民行為與學校創新經營效能之關係研究 / A study on the relationships among elementary school teachers’ knowledge management, organizational citizenship behaviors and effectiveness of school innovation management.簡正一, Jian, Zheng Yi Unknown Date (has links)
問卷調查所得資料以SPSS for Windows 12.0版電腦統計套裝軟體進行平均數及標準差統計分析、T考驗、單因子變異數分析及多元逐步迴歸分析等統計方法處理分析。
1123 |
隱喻及轉喻對英語為外語學習者之教學成效:以情緒語言為例 / The effects of teaching EFL learners metaphor and metonymy: With reference to emotion expressions陳怡蓁, Chen, Yi Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究為以英語為外語學習者在學習譬喻用語—包含隱喻及轉喻—上提供了三點貢獻。其一,透過學習者培養譬喻能力之實驗成果,直接教學方式對於第二語言習得的效益再次獲得證實。其二,本實驗成果顯示:轉喻與隱喻實為密不可分的兩種概念,在教學過程中應把轉喻列為與隱喻一樣重要。其三,學習者的中介語包含了語言的普同性及差異性概念,因此應被視為連續體而非階段性結構;在設計教學教材時,應把此連續體的概念併入考量。總結而言,本實驗的成果不只在應用語言學領域提出見解,亦在第二語言習得領域有所貢獻。 / Metaphor and metonymy, pervasively found in everyday language, has been shown by cognitive linguistic research to lie at the heart of human thought and communication. Thus, ability to notice and comprehend metaphoric and metonymic expressions in expressing abstract concepts is indispensible for language users. However, since languages and cultures vary in a wide array of ways to employ metaphor and metonymy, L2 learners should develop metaphoric competence along with communicative competence.
Various methods to develop L2 learners’ metaphoric competence have been proposed. In the extant literature, instruction involving conceptual metaphors (CM), which focuses on correspondences of general traits, has been proved effective in raising learners’ awareness, comprehension, and retention for Hungarian and Dutch EFL learners. Its effectiveness in Chinese speaking context is worth attested empirically. On the other hand, metaphoric mappings, which illustrate both ontological mappings and epistemic mappings of two concepts in more systematic and detailed manners, offer a promising method for EFL language learning. Hence, instruction involving metaphoric mappings (MM) is assumed to be more effective than instruction of CM. The effectiveness of such a method is also worth attested empirically.
The present study aimed to test the effects of CM and MM on EFL learners’ awareness, comprehension, and retention of metaphoric and metonymic expressions with empirical evidence from a carefully-designed experiment. Finer-grained analyses on three important issues were provided: first, an in-depth examination of the intricate interaction of metonymy and metaphor as a continuum, and its influences on figurative language learning was conducted. Second, cultural universality and specificity among languages and the different degrees of difficulties for EFL learners in transferring expressions between L2 and L1 were also investigated. Third, whether structural and logical mappings between languages and cultures could assist learners to better grasp abstract concepts was examined.
The participants included 115 Taiwanese EFL learners, who were freshmen of a general university and a four-year technological university. The English proficiency of the former group was high-intermediate and that of the latter was low-intermediate. The experiment contained three phases: pre-teaching, teaching and post-teaching. The participants were divided into two sub-groups: one received instruction involving CM, and the other received instruction involving MM. They were asked to complete the computerized metaphoric competence test before and after receiving instructions. The results of the tests were collected and analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively.
The results showed that both instructions could lead to better awareness, comprehension, and retention. However, only the participants of the MM groups performed significantly better in the posttest regarding the Awareness Test, especially in finding metonymic-metaphoric and metaphoric expressions that contained no bodily descriptions, the two categories which were considered the most abstract among the expressions. Regarding the Comprehension Test, MM instruction was found to be especially beneficial for the participants in interpreting expressions involving cultural-specific conceptual metaphors. Moreover, MM instruction resulted in convergent effects in the participants’ performances and led toward relatively more consistent and steady progress. To conclude, MM instruction, with its structural, systematic, and logical mapping processes, was found to be especially helpful in facilitating learners’ awareness of expressions involving more abstract concepts, overcoming difficulties caused by cultural specificity, and leading to longer-term effects on retention.
The present study sheds light on the application of metaphor and metonymy to EFL teaching and learning of figurative language in three aspects. First, that explicit instructions on second language acquisition carry beneficial effects is validated for the development of learners’ metaphoric competence in the target language. In addition, metonymy is suggested as equally important as metaphor, and should be included in EFL language learning programs. Moreover, that learners’ interlanguage system is a continuum encompassing expressions with universal and specific cultural characteristics is also validated. Therefore, designs of EFL teaching materials are suggested to take such a continuum into consideration. In brief, the results of the study contribute not only to applied linguistics but also to second language acquisition.
1124 |
卡爾‧巴柏的科學哲學在法律解釋上的運用 / The application of Karl Popper's philosophy of science in the interpretation of law諶俐婷 Unknown Date (has links)
如果將巴柏所謂的客觀性,具體使用在法學中,法律解釋的客觀性,亦可以被認為建立在互為主觀的討論可能性與批判可能性(inter-subjective discussibility or criticizability)上,此時確保客觀性的科學方法是透過「科學方法的公共性格」(public character of scientific method),或是「科學方法的社會面向」(social aspect of scientific method)來加以觀察的,科學知識的增長就在於這樣公開地批判與討論中,透過經驗的檢驗或是駁斥,不斷成長累積與增加。
1125 |
臺北市公立國民小學校長知識領導、教師工作壓力與學校創新經營效能關係之研究 / A study on relationships among public elementary school principals' knowledge leadership, teachers' work stress and effectiveness of school innovation management in Taipei City湯為國 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 臺北市公立國民小學校長知識領導表現為中高程度,以「充實領導知能」得分最高,「展現創新行動」得分最低。
二、 臺北市公立國民小學教師對其工作壓力感受為中低程度,以「工作負荷」壓力感受最高,「人際關係」壓力感受最低。
三、 臺北市公立國民小學學校創新經營效能表現為中高程度,以「環境設備創新效能」得分最高,「行政服務創新效能」得分最低。
四、 臺北市公立國民小學以男性、41歲以上、研究所以上學歷、年資26年以上、擔任主任職務之教師,知覺「校長知識領導」的程度較高。
五、 臺北市公立國民小學以師資班或師大、師院、一般大學教育系大學部畢業學歷、擔任組長、副組長或教師職務、身處學校規模在61班以上之教師,知覺「工作壓力」的程度較高。
六、 臺北市公立國民小學以51歲以上、服務年資16年以上、擔任主任、組長(或副組長)職務之教師,知覺「學校創新經營效能」的程度較高。
七、 臺北市公立國民小學校長知識領導與教師工作壓力、教師工作壓力與學校創新經營效能具低、中度負相關,而校長知識領導與學校創新經營效能具有高度正相關。
八、 臺北市公立國民小學校長知識領導與教師工作壓力對學校創新經營效能具有顯著預測作用,以「校長知識領導」與其層面「整合知識資源」的預測力最佳。
九、 臺北市公立國民小學校長知識領導、教師工作壓力與學校創新經營效能的結構方程模式之適配性檢定獲得支持,能解釋主要變項之關係。
十、 臺北市公立國民小學校長知識領導對學校創新經營效能之影響以直接效果為主。
一、 成立校長知識領導社群,以利校長間領導知能的分享與傳承。
二、 強化學校行政服務與課程教學的創新,以利學校創新經營均衡發展。
三、 降低學校規模、暢通學校溝通管道、營造校內合作氣氛,以利校長知識領導、降低教師工作壓力,提升學校創新經營效能。
四、 透過減課的激勵方式,協助教師減輕工作壓力,以利從事學校創新經營。
五、 鼓勵教師參與校內外或是學位進修,以利教師本職學能的提升,促進行政與教學間互信互助。
六、 提供充裕的時間與空間發展創新,以提升學校創新經營成效。
七、 協助輔導年輕教師,全面提升教師教學成效。
八、 將研究範圍擴大至其它地區或全國,並考慮擴大問卷調查對象至不同層級的教育人員。
九、 可配合採用訪談法、個案研究、德懷術、焦點團體座談等方法,來進行較深入的探討,使研究結果更具有參考價值。
十、 可透過階層線性模式(HLM)來對各變項內之向度做進一步的觀察多層次變項間的關係。
依據研究結論,上述相關建議,俾供教育行政機關、國民小學及未來研究之參考。 / The purpose of this research is to advance understanding of the relationship among public elementary school principals' leadership in knowledge management, teachers' work stress, and effectiveness of schools' innovative management in Taipei city. I analyzed these three variables in different backgrounds of their relationship and prediction. I assessed the adjustment and effects of the structural equation model among three variables. To achieve the purposes, the research involved literature review, proposing a research model and adopting a questionnaire survey: “The investigative questionnaire of relationships among elementary school principals' leadership in knowledge management, teachers' work stress, and effectiveness of school innovation management.” The survey consisted of 912 teachers from 76 elementary schools in Taipei city, and among them, 828 distributed copies were returned as valid. The return rate was 90.79%. The data which were collected underwent statistical treatments such as t- test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, multivariate analysis of variance, and structural equation model in order to obtain the results for the stated objectives of the study. The
conclusions of this research are as follows:
1. Taipei public elementary school principals have medium-high performance on their practice of leadership in knowledge management. Score the highest in the dimension of "building professional expertise" and the lowest in the dimension
of "showing innovative actions."
2. Taipei public elementary school teachers have low-medium work stress. Score highest in the dimension of "work loads" and the lowest in the dimension of "
interpersonal relationship."
3. Taipei public elementary schools have medium-high performance in terms of innovative management. Evaluate highest in the dimension of "Innovative performance on school's facilities" and lowest in the dimension of " innovative
performance on administrative services. "
4. Among Taipei public elementary school teachers, those who are male, over the age 41, master's degree or above, working more than 26 years, and working as director, have significantly greater awareness of principals’ leadership in
knowledge management.
5. Taipei public elementary school teachers, who graduated from Teachers' college with a bachelor's degree, working at a school of over 61 classes, have higher
level of work stress.
6. Taipei public elementary school teachers, who are over the age 51, work more than 16 years, serve as director and section chief (or vice section chief), have significantly better awareness of the effectiveness of school innovative
7. Taipei public elementary school teachers’ work stress has low-negative correlation to principals’ leadership in knowledge management and effectiveness of school innovative management. Principals’ leadership in knowledge management is high-positively related to effectiveness of school
innovative management.
8. Both principals’ leadership in knowledge management and teachers’ work stress serve a predictive function on the effectiveness of school innovative management, especially in the variable of principals’ leadership in knowledge
management and the dimension of " integrating knowledge resources "
9. The result of assessment of proper fit on the structural equation model among principals’ leadership in knowledge management, teachers’ work stress, and effectiveness of school innovative management supports and explains the
co-relationships of these three variables.
10. The Influence of Taipei public elementary school principal's leadership in knowledge management on schools' innovative management is mainly via direct
Based on the findings, the research investigation offers several suggestions for helping school teachers, principles, as well as administrators to implement for a better
organizational practice:
1. Establish Leadership community for school principles to exchange and share the
2. Strengthen the innovation in administrative service as well as course design for a
balanced development of school's innovative management.
3. Reduce school scale, open up communication and create cooperative atmosphere within the school for the better leadership, less work stress and to promote the
efficiency of innovative operation.
4. Mitigate work stress by reducing school teachers' teaching hours to benefit schools’ innovative operation plans.
5. Encourage teachers to pursue further education. It will not only improves teachers' professionalism but contributes mutual trust between administrators and teachers.
6. Giving sufficient time and space for innovation to benefit the effect of schools’ innovative operation.
7. Provide guidance to young educators to improve teaching quality in all-round
8. Expand research scope to other areas or nationwide and consider expanding the
target of questionnaire survey to educators in different levels.
9. Proceed further investigation on the topic with various research methods such as Interview Survey, Case Study, Delphi Technique, Focus Group Interview, etc, which makes the findings more worthy referenced.
10. Using hierarchical linear model to have an empirical research among principals' leadership in knowledge management, teachers' work stress and effectiveness of schools' innovative management.
I hope the authority, elementary educators will find the suggestions of this
research beneficial to the better organizational development.
Key words: principals' leadership in knowledge management, teachers' work stress, effectiveness of schools' innovative management
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策略行銷分析眼科自費醫療市場—以A公司個案為例 / Cataract surgery market in strategic marketing 4c analysis -- a case study of company A許樞龍 Unknown Date (has links)
全民健康保險自1995 年開辦以來,不但減輕國內民眾就醫的財務負擔,也使民眾獲得良好的醫療照顧,但2000年以後,隨著環境變遷,科技不斷進步、國內老年人口增加及人民所得及生活水準不斷提高,各種因素的驅使下使政府的健保醫療支出年年增加,造成政府的財政負擔。
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從教師專業知能的觀點分析越南小學師資培育課程綱要 / Vietnamese elementary teacher education curriculum: based on the teacher professional competency perspective蔡玉鳳, Sai, Ngoc Phung Unknown Date (has links)
依據研究結果,提出對小學師資培育課程、政府訂定師資培育政策與未來研究之建議。 / The purposes of this study are to (1) explore the contents and ideas of curriculum design in Vietnamese elementary teacher education (2) investigate the practice of the elementary teacher education curriculum in Vietnam. Using content analysis methodology, this study has obtained some results as follows:
1. The curriculum intends to contain political ideology and socialism.
2. Special attention is paid to pedagogical content knowledge and content knowledge.
3. The curriculum aims to foster the multiple competencies of elementary teachers.
4. The curriculum content is lack of the pedagogical methods and foundation theories of education knowledge.
5. The curriculum focuses on practical training and education study; however, it it does not contain complete supportive arrangements.
6. The professional courses in educational studies are still incomplete; the curriculum also lacks optional subjects.
Based on the results, the study provides some suggestions for the design of the elementary teacher education curriculum, the government policy of teacher education, and future research.
1128 |
技術創業之價值創造與商業模式分析 / A Strategic Analysis on the Value Creations and Business Models of Technological Entrepreneurship吳其原, Wu, Chi Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究得到的結論為技術創業公司在保齡球道確認自己的核心技術所能為顧客創造的價值之後,由於台灣新創公司通常無法自行掌控技術採用生命週期,因此隨著產業的發展與產業間的互動,會決定未來新創公司所走的技術採用生命週期的路徑。技術創業公司通常會在康莊大道開始積極培養新的能力來因應下一波的創新。價值創造方面以降低顧客的外顯單位效益成本為關鍵重點。商業模式若從本篇研究的角度來看,即是在技術採用生命週期上,價值創造與核心能耐的互動。若價值創造與核心能耐產生良性循環,則公司的商業模式會開始強化,這樣就能協助公司在各個技術採用生命週期的階段站穩腳跟。 / Academically, we usually use the standpoints of Product Life Cycle, Core Competence or The Position of the Industrial Structure to study high-tech companies in Taiwan. This research would combine the standpoints of Technology Adoption Life Cycle, Core Competence and Strategic Marketing Analysis to study the technological entrepreneurship in Taiwan, especially in value creations and business models.
This is a multi-case study, choosing the representative and comparable cases, including HC Photonics Corp., Phison Electronics Corp., CyberLink Corp. and Global Lighting Technologies Inc., which are younger and playing important roles in their industries.
By analyzing the four companies, this study concludes that:
1.A business model means the core competences interact with the costumer values at the Technology Adoption Life Cycle. A great business model means it’s a positive cycle of interaction and the positive cycle can help companies stand firmly at the Technology Adoption Life Cycle.
2.The most important costumer value is Over Cost per Unity (C1).
1129 |
國民小學學校效能評鑑指標與權重體系之建構 / The Establish of The Evaluation Indicators and The Weight System of School Effectiveness in Elementary Education謝金青, Hsieh, King-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
研究者透過推薦程序,選定教育學者、教育行政人員、小學校長及小學教師等合計138名為參與評定專家,以進行指標可用性及相對權重分配之調查及訪談,並應用卡方考驗、階層分析程序法(AHP) 等進行考驗分析,最後建構完成「國民小學學校效能評鑑指標與權重體系」。研究結果顯示:
此外,本研究也針對「學校效能評鑑模式」、「評鑑指標的有效選擇」與「相對權重的理想建構」等進行分析討論。文末並針對實務應用與未來之研究方向等提出具體之建議。 / The purpose of this study aims to establish the evaluation indicators and the weight system of school effectiveness in elementary education. Total of 138 experts were recommended to help developing the evaluation indicators. The subjects consisting of educators, administrators, principals, teachers in elementary schools are implemented with questionnaires and interviews. The main work of these experts was to judge the availability of indicators and the ratio of weights. The results are analyzed by Chi-square test and Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP). The conclusion manifests as follows:
1) the first-order indicators in the weight system for elementary school effectiveness include educational input, educational process, and educational output. The weight for each inidicator is 26%, 41% and 33% respectively. The second-order inidicators and their weights are stated as follows:
a.) the "educational input" comprises four second-order indicators: developing goals and planning (20%), expenditure and equipment(17%), teachers' competence(43%) and environmental quality(20%). There are three third-order indicators under these second-order indicators.
b.) the "educational process" encompasses four second-order indicators: principal's leadership(23%), administration and management(12%), school climate (23%) and teaching quality (42%). Each of these indicators contains three or four third-order indicators.
c.) the "educational output" contains of four second-order indicators: the developing and achieving goals(24%), students' performance(34%), teachers' professional development(28%), and school's reputation in community (14%). Each of these indicators also contains 2 to 4 third-order indicators.
2.) the reason for the fourth-order indicators not given any weight is to keep the flexibility of this system in various education settings.
Besides, this study also discusses the evaluation model of school effectiveness, the effective choice of indicators and the ideal construct of indicator weight. At the end of the study also proposes some concrete suggestions for practice and further study.
1130 |
台灣電源供應器廠商的綠色創新模式-以L公司為例 / Green business model innovation of power supply manufacture in Taiwan-L Company case study高育坤 Unknown Date (has links)
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