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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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李佩樺, Lee, Pei Hua Unknown Date (has links)
隨著全球經濟成長日漸趨緩,市場競爭越來越激烈,許多企業在面臨前所未有的環境劇變時,選擇透過建立新事業的方式找到企業持續向上成長的動力引擎。然而在建立新事業的過程中,企業往往會面對自身現有核心能力不足或是資源匱乏的經營窘境,導致新事業發展並不順遂。因此許多企業在發展新事業的過程當中,選擇透過組織創新的方式以獲得發展新事業的相關核心能力。 本研究主軸為探討企業組織創新作為與企業組織創新後發展其新事業相關之核心能力變化此兩大構面。本研究先針對研究目的研擬出研究問題後,進行文獻回顧並推導出具有實證性的觀念架構。透過多重個案研究方法,選擇四間我國電子產業中致力於新事業發展的企業,以具有理論基礎的觀念架構為主軸,進行個案資料蒐集與訪談,透過深度訪談的方式了解四間個案公司在新事業建立的過程中,組織創新作為對於該企業之影響。 本研究所獲得之研究結論如下: 一、 組織創新能夠有效的協助企業新事業發展。 二、 企業全面性的組織與制度改革有助於其提昇新事業發展的彈性空間。 三、 企業在文化上的重新塑造,會對其發展新事業產生全方位性的影響。 四、 技術創新與管理創新作為對於新事業開發過程中的核心技術能力有明顯且正向的影響。 五、 企業藉由管理創新的作為,可以提昇其規劃與評估的能力。 六、 企業之文化、組織、制度與系統等多方面的交互創新,會對其創新能力與執行能力產生明顯的正向效果。 最後,本研究說明了研究結果對於學術上之貢獻,並且在最後對於實務上以及後續研究上提出建議。 / With the global economic growth rate slowing down, the market becomes more and more competitive. Many companies try to create new businesses to face the environmental change and to keep growing. However, these companies face a business predicament of lacking core competencies while establishing new business, thus, usually leading to unsuccessful expansions. Therefore, it is necessary for the companies to seriously take core competencies into consideration as they intend to develop new business through organizational innovations. This study aims to explore the issue of how industrial firms build up their core competencies as they develop new businesses through organizational innovations. A multi-case study approach is used and four companies from the electronics industry in Taiwan are selected as research subjects. The preliminary findings from the study are as follows: 1. Organizational innovations are shown to be conducive to new business development. 2. A reform of corporate managerial systems is indicated to be helpful for enhancing the flexibility of new business development. 3. A re-structure of corporate culture shows a significant impact on the positioning of new business development. 4. Both of technological innovations and administrative innovations indicate a positive relationship with the establishment of the core competencies during the process of new business development. 5. The industrial firms are shown to enhance their methodological competencies through administrative innovations. 6. A holistic innovation based on the culture, organization, institution and managerial systems indicates a positive relationship with the industrial firms’ innovative capabilities and implementation capabilities. Keywords: Organizational Innovation, Technological Innovation, Administrative Innovation, Core Competencies, New Business, the Electronics Industry

野性的媒介創業者:台灣有線電視系統先驅者口述傳記研究 / The Savage in Media Entrepreneur: The Oral Biographical Reconstruction of Cable Television Pioneers in Taiwan

張煜麟, Chang, Yu Lin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究擬從經濟社會學和創業研究等觀點,對台灣有線電視系統先驅者所進行的媒介創業行動進行考察,嘗試說明早期有線電視系統業者媒介創業行動的行動邏輯,以及揭露其創業行動邏輯的社會根源。 通過媒介創業行動意涵的討論,並彙整當代創業研究的論述,以及參考場域、資本與慣習等概念,本研究將媒介創業行動的考察,聚焦在媒介創業歷程中文化資本、社會資本與象徵資本等不同類型的創業資本,如何進行交換的問題上。 關於研究方法與研究對象的選擇,本研究以口述傳記研究法來蒐集有線電視系統先驅者的媒介經驗,並以台灣選擇社區共同天線系統業者,作為研究的個案。通過對於研究個案的訪談與傳記資料的重構,以及口述傳記訪談法的應用,本文嘗試重建早期有線電視系統業者之媒介創業經驗的整體形貌。 經由對業者之媒介創業經驗的解析,本研究嘗試揭露早期有線電視系統業者所從事之媒介創業的行動邏輯,並推論出:「技術能動性的作用」、「情感互惠的中介」、「『報』的社會常規的應用」、「自尊與歸屬之創業情感的自我期望」等意義結構,是解釋台灣有線電視系統媒介創業行動的關鍵行動邏輯。 進一步,對於媒介創業行動邏輯的社會根源問題,本研究嘗試扣連台灣在地社會的文化傳統,發現在地社會中所強調「人情主義」、「義氣習性」與「技藝精神」等常民規範性,是驅動媒介創業歷程中「情感互惠」、「回報常規」習性與技術能動性的社會文化根源。 結語,本研究指出,受到創業冒險、自信與樂觀等情感因素所導引的台灣有線電視系統先驅者,他們實為一群具有「即興展演」的行動能力,並以文化常規中的「情義」邏輯,來進行創業行動的「野性」的媒介創業者。而相異於當代主流創業論述強調工具理性、資源有效運用的行動思維,這群「野性」的媒介創業者,他們勇於突破政策管制的困境,巧於利用技術物之功能的能力,是他們之所以能夠通過技術與市場的高度不確定性,以及媒體管制政策的壓力,成功進行媒介創業行動的能動性根源。 最終,扣連到傳播生態發展史的論述,本研究發現,這群帶有野性精神的媒介創業者,不僅具有啟動不同資本之交換行動的能動性,他們所具有的創新與創造性行動的力量,更是馴化新傳播的科技特性,使傳播科技得以轉化為日常生活之媒體的關鍵力量。 / This study aims to investigates media entrepreneurial phenomenon which caused by the rise of new communication technology by the viewpoints of economic sociology and entrepreneurship. Based on the unfolding of the oral biography from the cable television pioneers in Taiwan, this study illustrates the action logics of social exchange about media entrepreneurial activities in Taiwan. Discussed on the contemporary communication phenomenon, entrepreneurship theories and economic sociology theory, this study illustrating the meaning of media entrepreneurship in history, figuring out the overview of media entrepreneurship study, describing the view of ‘media workers as media entrepreneurs’, discussing the meaning and types of ‘media entrepreneurs’, identifying three theoretical dimensions in media entrepreneurial processes, and summarizing the framework of analyzing the media entrepreneurial processes by using the concepts from cultural capitals, social capitals, and symbolic capitals. According to the work of structural analysis of narration, case reconstruction, and concept crystallization, this study finds: ‘the function of technical agency’, ‘the intermediary of entrepreneurial emotion’, ‘the application of Pao from social codes’, and ‘the project of self esteem and belonging ’ are the core meaning structures about the action logics of Taiwan Cable Television pioneers. About the problems on social origins of the media entrepreneurial process in Taiwan Cable Television pioneers, this study also finds: ‘the ontology of emotion’, ‘the rules of cultural Yi-Chi disposition’, and ‘the spirit of craftsmanship’ are the social origins from local culture in Taiwan. In conclusion, this study points out that these pioneers afford the improvisation for the potential of communication technology, and they can domesticate the wildness of new media technology. Further, they can perform the innovation and creative power to encounter the technology-market uncertainty, and overcome the regulation from government. Finally, this study name there pioneers in Taiwan Cable Television as the ‘Savage in media entrepreneur’, they possess the strong entrepreneurial agency, and they can build the new media ecology for future.

中、美石油戰略競合之研究-兼論對我國國家安全的影響 / The study of The Coopetition of China -U.S. Oil Strategy and Impact on our National Security.

盧永榮 Unknown Date (has links)
冷戰結束後,以往來自敵國或他國以軍事、政治和外交等面向,對國家安全(national security)及人類生存構成影響的「傳統安全」(Traditional Security)威脅因素,已隨著全球化帶來的效應產生轉變,全球面臨非傳統安全(Non-Traditional Security)的挑戰,包括經濟安全、金融安全、環境安全、能源安全、文化安全等威脅均大幅上升,其中能源是工業建設、經濟活動與國家發展不可或缺的戰略資源,是國家發展環節中最要要的關鍵,而石油即將耗竭也是全球將面臨的嚴重課題,近百年來因爭奪石油引發多次的區域衝突,並擴散成為全球的能源危機,石油已成為影響國家安全的最直接戰略威脅。 1970年代的能源危機使美國警覺石油的重要戰略地位,長期以來透過其國際強權的地位,積極對全球主要的石油生產區採取戰略佈局;1970年代後期起,中國的改革獲得耀眼的成效,經濟的成長帶動能源的龐大需求,1993年中國更成為石油淨進口國。中國逐漸正視到石油將是關係未來經濟持續成長的關鍵,於是挾以經濟、外交、政治等手段向中東、中亞、拉丁美洲乃至於非洲積極佈局展開油源開發觸角,引發西方國家對「中國能源威脅論」之隱憂。 石油已經成為維繫國家穩定發展的重要因素,石油安全既是經濟問題,更是政治問題、國家安全的核心。因此,爭奪石油成為地區衝突的導火線,隨著中國經濟崛起後政經力量的茁壯,中國透過各種手段在主要產油國甚至美國國內相關企業著力日深,已對美國的利益產生嚴重威脅,中、美都在極力的爭取石油主導權,希望透過石油的控制力量,從而獲得對全球經濟的操控能力。 石油安全往往牽動國際政治問題,愈發凸顯石油在國家安全戰略地位的重要性。長期仰賴石油進口,對我國國家安全容易受國際局勢影響,中美雙方在各種國際活動中,因石油產生的競合關係,恐令我國隨中美的互動關係產生轉變,因此對中美在石油安全競合的過程中,其雙方的發展與效應及對我國國家安全的影響,值得我們加以觀察與探討。

校長分布式領導、教師專業社群運作與學校創新經營效能關係之研究 / The study on the relationships among principals’ distributed leadership, teacher professional learning community, and school innovative management effectiveness

李重毅, Li, Chung Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在建構並驗證高中職學校分布式領導、教師專業社群與學校創新經營效能之模式,並比較不同教師背景變項及學校環境變項的差異,依據研究所得結論,分別對教育行政機關、學校及教師提出建議,以做為推展校長分布式領導、促進教師專業社群運作,及提升學校創新經營效能之參考。 本研究使用問卷調查法,以單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、多元迴歸、結構方程模式等統計方法,探討高中職學校分布式領導、教師專業社群與學校創新經營效能之關係及模式驗證。透過文獻的蒐集與探討,提出本研究的研究架構和徑路關係模式圖。研究對象為國立高中職學校995 位教師;研究工具為研究者自編之校長分布式領導、教師專業社群與學校創新經營效能關係之調查問卷。 經由統計分析與討論,本研究獲得以下結論: 一、教師對校長分布式領導、教師專業社群與學校創新經營效能的知覺是正向的。 二、部分教師背景變項與學校環境變項的教師對校長分布式領導、教師專業社群與學校創新經營效能的知覺具有顯著差異。 三、校長分布式領導、教師專業社群與學校創新經營效能三者之間具有關聯性。 四、校長分布式領導、教師專業社群對學校創新經營效能均具有預測力。 五、本研究所建構的結構模式具有良好的適配度,校長分布式領導、教師專業社群對學校創新經營效能均具有顯著直接效果。 關鍵詞:分布式領導、教師專業社群、學校創新經營效能

臺灣華語「在」構式的時空用法分析與應用 / The Spatial and Temporal Functions of Zài Constructions in Taiwan Mandarin: Analyses and Applications

陳英智, Chen,Yin Chih Unknown Date (has links)
本論文之目的在於探討「在」各種構式的概念、句式的意義以及語意上的各種分布,從語料中觀察母語人士和非母語人士「在」使用上的差異,並將研究結果應用於華語教材的設計中。研究者將先前關於「在」的詞類討論、構式的內容、句式義、相關變式的文獻做一整裡,發現過去「在」的研究多集中於語言現象的討論,在教學上的應用較少,於是運用認知功能學派的理論釐清「在」的概念、構式意義和功能後,調查語料庫「在」的語意和構式的分布,發現「在+處所」的構式無論是臺灣母語人士的語料庫還是中介語語料庫都顯示極高的頻率,占學習者書面語語料中的76.6%,口語語料也占了63.5%,其他語意範疇所占的比例不高,和母語人士相較下,調查結果顯示非母語人士在書面語上對「在」的使用掌握度不夠全面,仍停留在原型的語意,而口語的掌握度較高。因此,本文以構式語法和認知語言學的理論為基礎,一方面使用語料庫研究法考察語意範疇的分布,另一方面採用對比法研究檢視華語學習者的中介語句,並使用變換分析法討論句式變化的合理性,更進一步將構式、隱現、相關變式的考察成果結合認知功能教學法與任務式教學法,設計出符合認知功能主張的教材內容與練習,以幫助學生徹底掌握「在」構式的深刻內涵。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate concepts associated with zài constructions, focusing on their different meanings and semantic distributions. Having observed native speakers’ and non-native speakers’ different performances in corpora, the researcher applies the study results to the design of Taiwan Mandarin teaching materials. After reviewing literature on discussions about part of speeches of zài, zài constructions, meanings of sentences and related transformations, the researcher discovers that previous studies have made more efforts to discuss linguistic phenomena rather than pedagogic applications. As a result, by utilizing the theories of cognitive-functional approaches to clarify the concepts, constructional meanings, and functions of zài, the researcher investigates the semantic and construction distributions of zài and finds out that “zài+ location” displays the highest frequency in both corpora of native and non-native speakers: 76.6% in interlanguage corpora in form of written language and 63.5% in interlanguage corpora in form of spoken language. Other semantic categories, however, have lower frequency. In addition, the result of investigation indicates that non-native speakers hardly master all dimensions of zài, and they still remain at the prototypical level in written language, but know spoken language better. Therefore, based on construction grammar and cognitive linguistics, this study on the one hand uses corpus study to inspect the distribution of semantic categories, and on the other hand, adopts contrastive study to inspect Mandarin learners’ interlanguage and employs transformation analysis to debate the rationality of transformation. Furthermore, the researcher, based on the results of studies on constructions, appearance and disappearance of zài , transformations with cognition-functional teaching methods and the task-based approach, designs contents and exercises conforming to cognition-functional approaches in order to help Mandarin learners know zài constructions thoroughly.

匯率與總體經濟關聯性之實證研究-以中國大陸為例 / The empirical research on the correlation between Foreign exchange rates and Macroeconomics, taking Mainland China as an example

李素英, Lee, Su Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係探討匯率與總體經濟之關聯性,以中國大陸1996第一季至 2013年第一季之總體經濟變數,共計樣本數為69筆季資料。先以1996第一季至 2013年第一季全期數據進行實證分析。再以2005年7月為分界點,分為1996年第一季至2005年第二季及2005年第三季至2013年第一季數據分別進行實證分析。 本論文就REER、GDP、CPI、M2、UNEMP、CHIBOR、FDI、OPEN等總體經濟變數,以單根檢定及建構向量自我迴歸模型進行實證分析,並以Granger因果關係檢定、衝擊反應分析及預測誤差變異數分解,以了解匯率與總體經濟相互間之關係。 實證結果發現,中國大陸匯率與總體經濟間的關係自2005年7月21日匯率改革後逐漸增強,但整體言之匯率與總體經濟間之傳導能力仍然不大,人民幣匯率的變動主要受其自身影響較多,受總體經濟變數的相互影響較小,顯示其外匯市場的開放程度與一個真正開放的經濟體還是有些許差距。 / This research examines the correlation between foreign exchange rates and macroeconomics by using the data of economic variables of China from the 1st quarter of 1996 to the 1st quarter of 2013. The sample contains 69 quarterly data during the entire period, while the reform of Chinese exchange rate on 21st July 2005 is a crucial division. In order to find the correlation between foreign exchange rates and macroeconomics, the research examines the economic variables such as REER, GDP, CPI, M2, UNEMP, CHIBOR, FDI, and OPEN by using unit root test, vector autoregression model, Granger causality test, impulse response function and variance decomposition impulse response function. The result of the tests indicates that after the reform of Chinese exchange rate on 21st July 2005, the correlation between exchange rates and macroeconomics has been enhanced, but the connection is not prominent. In other words, the fluctuation of Renminbi is mainly affected by the nation’s policy instead of its macroeconomic factors. Hence, the openness of the Chinese foreign exchange market is still distant from a real open economy.


忍久保, 洋, Shinokubo, Hiroshi 30 April 2009 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:若手研究(A) 課題番号:18685013 研究代表者:忍久保 洋 研究期間:2006-2008年度

持恆運動與體適能的相關研究 / Study of regular behavior in physical activities and its relationship to development of students' physical fitness level

楊潤成 January 2003 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

應用多元智能理論因材施教的個案研究 / Case study of the application of the theory of multiple intelligences for individually configured education

鄺偉基 January 2003 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

探討體育課程在澳門大專院校的重要性 / Investigation of the importance of physical education curriculum in Macau higher education

羅文靜 January 2003 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

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