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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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中國大陸對外石油政策之政治經濟分析 / Political economic analysis of Chinese foreign oil policy

陳銘宏, Chen, Min Hon Unknown Date (has links)
中國大陸隨著經濟快速發展,石油能源需求成長迅速,導致石油進口依賴增加,石油需求量日益大於國內原油產量,對進口原油的依賴成為中國國家安全的潛在威脅。為鞏固石油安全,除需不斷向外擴張石油的來源管道外,更需儘速調整國內能源消費結構,提昇能源使用效率。本文以石油安全的政治經濟途徑來看中國對外石油政策,探討影響中國石油安全的因素。分析究竟是「由外而內」(outside-in),還是「由內而外」(inside-out)層面的因素制約了中國對外石油政策的走向。本文認為,依賴國外石油供應本身並不會造成中國石油安全的威脅,主要的威脅來自於對日益增長的能源消費缺乏明顯改善能源效率的機制。長期而言,改善國內能源治理才是一種有效的而且是徹底改善中國能源安全處境的根本途徑。基於這種觀點,中國必須更廣泛的,儘可能的善加利用各種國際資源,來提升國內能源使用效率。從戰略層次來看,其他各國也會受益於中國的努力。 / Mainland China's rapid economic development has brought rapid growth in oil energy demand, that has outstripped domestic sources of supply, causing increased reliance on oil imports. China's reliance on oil imports to satisfy its oil requirements has become the potential threat to the national security. In order to secure its oil security, mainland China need to constantly expand external oil energy sources. Besides, there is even greater need to speedily adjust the domestic energy consumption structure and utilising energy efficiently within china. This paper focuses on the Chinese foreign oil policy based on the political-economic approaches to oil security. The research problem of this paper is : What's the real factor that "constraint" Chinese foreign oil policy, "outside-in" or "inside-out"? The conclusion of this paper is that dependence on foreign sources of oil supply is not in itself a threat to China's oil security; the key threat is ever-growing consumption without significant improvement in erergy efficiency. In the long term, improved domestic energy governance is one effective and indeed essential route for China to improve its overall energy situation. In this concection, China must work to make as extensive use of international resources as possible for the sake of promoting more efficient use of energy in the country. At a strategic level, the rest of the world stands to benefit from progress in Chinese efforts.

梁啟超劇作及其戲劇觀之研究 / A study on the drama and drama views of Liang Chi-Chao

林豐藝 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要以梁啟超戲劇觀和劇作為中心,但是牽涉的領域擴及梁啟超政治、歷史、教育、文學等思想觀念,也包括他的政治活動、報刊事業。對照探索的還有晚清的戲曲發展、報刊時事劇發展、戲曲改良運動和時事新劇搬演的論題。因此本論文預期的成果有三大方向: (一)、探討梁啟超戲劇觀與劇作的形成背景與發展過程。 (二)、梁啟超戲劇活動概況與近代劇壇中的位置。 (三)、梁啟超戲劇觀對近代戲劇發展的貢獻與延續發展。 各章論述重點如下:首章論述晚清局勢與學術思想概況,並介紹梁啟超個人生命幾個重大階段,包括進入政治活動前的接受傳統教育階段、與康有為師生積極參與政治階段、維新運動後逃往日本辦報階段,以及辛亥革命之後到去世前的學術階段。另外介紹影響其文學主張的重要師友,探討其戲劇改良理論形成的背景。第二章則以晚清劇壇發展與小說界革命為論述重點,以明梁啟超「戲劇改良」主張在近代戲劇中具有承先啟後的關鍵位置。並且考察其戲劇改良理論的形成過程,從報刊與戲曲的結合中,尋找出戲劇新變之處。第三章,進一步探索本論文中心文本《劫灰夢傳奇》、《新羅馬傳奇》、《俠情記傳奇》、《班定遠平西域》等重要作品的取材、情節與主題,並且深入討論其創作藝術特色。第四章則綜整其戲劇相關論述,並參照其作品特色,歸納出梁啟超的戲劇觀。第五章從梁啟超創作現象延伸思考,探討其創作文本與搬演性、創作中斷等論題。歸納其對於近代戲劇的貢獻,並從戲劇改良運動的發展,觀察其戲劇觀的延續發展。 梁啟超不僅是從傳統科舉士子過度到新時代知識分子的代表人物,他更身兼政治改革推動者和報刊界領袖的身分。梁啟超的戲劇觀與時代有著不可分割的關連,其各種文學觀點更建立在「維新運動」的理論之上,而近代文學運動又受到梁啟超的啟迪極深。他以「小說界革命」包舉其「戲劇改良」理論,另外從他認為「革命」包含Reform和Revolution兩個概念來論,梁啟超的「戲劇改良」具有兩個層次,一是對於原有的文學體裁和劇種體製僅作修正,真正徹底翻新、變革的是其所承載的主題思想與內容。而以「舊瓶裝新酒」作為比喻,「舊瓶」指戲劇原有的體製形式,「新酒」是梁啟超真正要全面變革的「主題思想」。 梁啟超親自示範「新傳奇」的創作,為了將新思想帶入作品,因此援引西史「意大利建國三傑」傳記作為題材,不僅「援史作劇」還「以劇喻今」,將劇中「紫髯碧眼兒」充作「優孟衣冠」,達到醒民、教育、宣揚愛國精神的「政治功能」。梁啟超創作的劇作包括傳奇劇本《劫灰夢傳奇》、《新羅馬傳奇》、《俠情記傳奇》另有《花木蘭傳奇》殘稿五頁;另有為學生演劇創作的廣東戲劇本《班定遠平西域》。這些劇作所傳遞的主題思想包括一、揭露社會的頹敗現況,喚醒群體憂患意識。二、讚揚英雄與游俠「捨己無畏」的精神,召喚救國志士。三、強調國民教育與國民責任。四、闡揚尚武精神,革去「疲弱」的民族形象。五、灌輸女子平權與新社會觀念 。六、表達對國家改革的殷切盼望。雖完整作品僅《班定遠平西域》一部,但透過劇作實踐,可以使其歸於「小說界革命」中的「戲劇改良」主張能夠展現「獨立」的樣貌。 在劇本的藝術表現方面,梁啟超仍依照傳奇體製進行創作,但在舊有形式上稍作變革。除了因應故事跨時之久、史實人物眾多,因此在腳色出場次序、行當安排需作權變之外,仍運用上場引子、賓白、曲文、科介、曲牌聯套、淨丑科諢、下場詩等傳統形式進行創作,雖偶有出律犯規之處,但仍保留了傳奇的樣貌。在劇本形式上的變革,主要是在曲文賓白與人物塑造這兩方面。梁啟超將自創的「報刊體」風格運用在曲文賓白的撰寫上,包括使運用新語詞和口語化的書寫風格,尤其利用淨丑科諢,大量使用新詞彙還加入了外國語,做了全新的嘗試。而主角賓白唱詞,仍維持「典雅」風格,點染新語詞、新概念之後,形成一種新意境。在人物塑造方面,除了利用賓白曲文表現之外,透過全新的「穿關」、「砌末」塑造出「西洋人物」形象,另外還利用「演說介」、「讀新聞紙介」、「宣誓介」等動作指示,不僅塑造人物形象,也以「置入性行銷」的方式,向讀者宣傳參與政治活動的方式。歸納綜整梁啟超的戲劇觀包括:一、以「新小說」概念統括「小說」與「戲劇」。二、以「文學進化論」為戲曲定位。三、吸納「文學啟蒙」觀念的戲劇功能論。四、「援史作劇,以劇喻今」的創作理念。五、「以俗載道」的傳播觀念。六、 以多元式評論「現身說劇」。 雖然梁啟超參與戲劇活動時間不長,但他對於近代戲劇的重要貢獻包括:一、戲劇改良的先行者。二、創造文人劇與報刊緊密結合的成功範例。三、使「小說戲曲」在文學中的位階逆轉。梁啟超不但是晚清民初舉足輕重的政治家與輿論界領袖,同時身兼文學家、史學家、報刊主編、教授等多種身分。對於「戲劇」領域來說,因為推動「文學革命」,將「戲劇」與「小說」以「小說界革命」口號一起推動,加上與「報刊」的傳播相結合,響應者紛紛提出各種改良主張。梁啟超戲劇觀的延續與發展可概括為:一、戲劇有益社會的概念逐漸普及。二、從報刊到新式劇場─戲劇改良的多元詮釋。三、戲劇成為「政治宣傳利器」。四、「惟新至上」的劇壇風潮。因為梁啟超的鼓吹與示範帶動,「戲劇改良」的範圍從報刊擴展到「新式舞台」上的京劇與話劇演出,真正達到了「寓教於戲」的目標。

不同型態社交網站使用對個體之影響 / The influence of different types social networking sites usage

賴正育 Unknown Date (has links)
社交網站一直都是網際網路相關應用與發展中相當蓬勃的一部分。過去傳統的社交網站主要是提供使用者人際互動的服務平台,然而隨著網路技術的進步,社交網站的型態以及所提供的功能也逐漸出現轉變。例如:近來在台灣引起風潮的微網誌Plurk,以及因為其中遊戲開心農場而引起風潮的Facebook都展現了一些過去社交網站所沒有的特質。不論是微網誌簡單、即時的特點,又或Facebook所展現的遊戲性,其所呈現出來的現象、效應,以及對於使用者的影響,實非過去社交網站相關研究所能良好詮釋,並且不論在學界或業界也都越來越受到關注。 基於過去的研究文獻,本研究分別針對兩種不同型態的社交網站進行實證。針對具有簡單、即時特性的微網誌,本研究從訊息特性的差異切入探討,試著去瞭解個體動機對於其在微網誌中自我揭露、即時資訊分享的行為,並且探討個體的使用行為對於其社會支持、對社交網站的依賴以及社會自我效能的影響。而在針對Facebook的部分,本研究則將個體使用社交網路的行為分為從事網路社交活動以及使用網站內嵌社交遊戲,來探討個體使用動機與兩者之間的關係,並且同樣進一步討論使用後對於個體心理與社交層會產生什麼樣的影響。 本研究使用偏最小平方法(Partial Least Squares)針對實證所回收的樣本進行分析。模式一的部分,研究結果顯示人氣、社交與追求流行會顯著影響個體在微網誌中自我揭露的行為;社交和娛樂需求則會正向影響個體即時資訊分享的行為。而自我揭露行為與即時資訊分享會正向影響個體知覺社會支持,並且個體使用微網誌所知覺到的社會支持也會正向影響其社會自我效能。至於在模式二的部分,研究結果顯示人氣、社交、娛樂以及追求流行四種需求會正向影響個體在Facebook中從事網路社交的行為;而沉浸與成就需求則會正向影響個體使用Facebook中內嵌社交遊戲。此外,網路社交行為與社交遊戲使用都會正向影響個體知覺社會連繫以及對於社交網站的依賴,並且社會連繫的高低也與其社會自我效能有正向的關聯性。

台灣高科技產業財務金融管理人員職能分析與訓練規劃之研究 / A study on compency analysis and career training for financial holding administrative professional in Taiwan high-tech industry

蘇郁翔, Su, Yu Shiang Unknown Date (has links)
全球經濟環境變遷與區域性經濟聯盟的影響下,台灣由過去自產外銷產品的模式,轉而將生產線移往區位條件較佳的國家,以因應複雜多變的產業環境。我國出口貿易持續呈現以科技產業的相關產出佔出口主要部份;科技產業乃為高資本且變化快速的產業,對於企業財務穩健運作及健全管理機制受到高階管理者重視。為達到企業營運績效,培養優秀具遠見之財務人員為現代科技產業集團新生目標,卓越之財務長更是企業永續成長的關鍵因素。 依據本研究結果發現,現今財務人員所應具備專業技能除傳統財務與會計技能;在實務上,軟性技能與個人特質更影響個人與組織績效表現差異。廣泛市場與文化知識、策略規劃與組織能力、良善的溝通協調能力和團隊合作、談判技巧、對於緊急情況的應變能力均成為企業任用選派財務人員基準。而在養成、訓練機制上,國內企業人事管理單位提供財務訓練制度所能帶來成效抱持保守態度。原因大致來自於無法快速適時修正訓練項目服膺金融環境,以及擔心佔用工作時間及主觀性印象促成。相較於中小型企業,大型企業集團擁有完整的企業大學與訓練體制;但與國外相同產業企業比較,明顯對於高階財務人員無相關養成機制,企業高階主管更不涉及內部專業人員訓練課程,使得實際訓練成效停滯於某一管理層級。專任財務長只仰賴由其他企業挖角產生,而非由內部培養而成,遠不及國外企業系統化的財務人員養成結構。 綜觀我國科技產業財務人員訓練機制,雖尚不及外國企業相關規範;但可窺見其逐漸建立相關體制。專業財務人員技能論之,其策略參與、維繫投資人關係、募資籌資方式優劣分析等嶄新技術專業,和結合軟性技能、個人特質的多元多樣能力,使得科技產業財務人員脫離舊有財會人員範疇,以整合型財務專業人員目標邁進。我國科技產業對於財務人員訓練,應適當修正相關機制因應市場環境,建立完整一連串的財務人員養成機制,取得企業專有高階專業的財務人員,為企業在多變競爭環境中注入成功因素。 / Impact of the global economic and environmental trends and under the regional economic union's influence, Taiwan’s economic model from produced for sale abroad product in the past, has transferred and moved the production line toward the better position condition countries, in accordance to complicated and diversified industrial environment. Our country export trade continues to present delivers by tech industry related occupies the export main part; the tech industry is the more capital and fast changing industry, and it receives the higher order superintendent regarding the business finance steady operation and the perfect management mechanism. In order to achieve the enterprise business targets, training of outstanding, foresight for the financial professionals is the modern tech industry groups’ newborn goal, remarkable financial officer is the key aspect that the enterprise continues forever to grow. Discovered based on this study that nowadays the professional skills required for financial professionals, without the traditional finance and accountant the skill, in the practice, the soft skill and individual special characteristic will make the difference performance for individual and the organization achievements. The widespread market and the cultural knowledge, the strategy plan and the organizing faculty, good communication coordinated ability and the team cooperation, the negotiations skill, becomes the enterprise regarding emergency case's strain capacity to assign details the financial professional’s datum. But in the fosters, education and training mechanism, the domestic enterprise human resource management department provides the financial training system is hard to be able to bring the good result. The reason comes from approximately in is unable at the right moment to revise the training project fast to obey the financial environment, as well as worried that takes the operating time and the subjective impression facilitates. Compares to the small and medium-sized enterprise, the large enterprise group with has the complete enterprise university and the training system, however, compares with the overseas same industrial enterprise, not is obviously related regarding the higher order financial professionals fosters mechanism, the enterprise higher management staff does not involve the internal specialists training program, causes the practical training result to stagnate at a management level only. Specially appointed financial director, normally admires by take from other enterprises through offering them a higher pay package, but not from the internal raise, the far inferior to overseas enterprise systematization's financial professionals foster system. Finally, Taiwan’s tech industry financial professionals foster mechanism, although was not good as oversea enterprises related standard, but may sneak a peek at it to establish the related system gradually. For the specialized financial professional skills, its strategy participation, maintains the relationship with investors, to solicit the capital fund raising way fit and unfit quality analysis and so on brand-new technical specialty, and combined with soft skill, individual special characteristic's multi-dimensional diverse ability, causes the tech industry financial professionals to be separated from the old finance and accounting personnel category, makes great strides forward by the conformity finance specialists goal. Our country tech industry fosters regarding the financial professional, still should revise the related mechanism suitably in accordance to the market environment, establishes the complete a succession of financial professional foster mechanism to obtains the enterprise appropriation higher order specialized financial professionals, add the successful factor for the enterprise in the changeable environment of competition.

色情暴動:女性色情的論述結構與情慾能動性 / Porn Insurrection: The Discourse Structure and Sexuality Agency of Women's Porn

邱佳心, Chiu, Chia-Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
色情不只是男性的專利,女性非但有權享受色情,近年來,更發展出一種專為女性打造的特殊色情類型:男性愛(boys' love)作品中具有明顯的性器官暴露或性行為描述之內容者,本研究稱之為「女性色情」。在女性色情中,觀看主體和慾望客體的性別位置受到翻轉,展現長久以來遭受壓抑和漠視的女性情慾。研究從Butler的「言說暴動」(insurrectionary speech)概念切入,探討女性色情是否隱含顛覆父權體制下性別權力結構的另類論述,重新詮釋女性色情背後所具有的社會意涵。 在對女性色情遊戲文本進行敘事分析,並對女性閱聽人展開深度訪談後,研究結果發現:遊戲文本倒置性別觀看位置,將男性身體予以性感化和客體化,且具有超脫異性戀鐵則的情慾思維;女性閱聽人則從其中獲得逃逸和想像的歡愉,一方面逃離現實性別權力結構的壓迫,一方面從性別權力的倒置中重獲觀看權力,以女性的主動觀看,對男性進行性感化想像。此外,她們亦在實踐中展現情慾能動性,並對父權異性戀宰制性意識形態進行反思,開放情慾態度,反對對性別弱勢的歧視。 / This article defines "women's porn" as the productions which depict genitals or sexualities explicitly in the genre of boys' love, and focus on realizing whether women's porn has a metaphor for alternative discourse of subverting the structure of gender authority in a patriarchal society. The article draws from Butler's notion of "insurrectionary speech" theoretically, and uses narrative analysis and in-depth interviews to study the discourse in a game of women's porn and the reception of female audiences. The study findings are as follows: First, the game text breaks heterosexual rules by sexing maleness body and overturning traditional viewing position. Second, female audiences get their pleasures from two major parts through the reading experiences: Escaping and imaging. That is, evading from the oppression of gender authority in daily life, and put maleness body in a sexing way by viewing actively which empower them to claim their rights of viewing. Besides, they also reveal their agency in sexuality practices, reflect on dominant ideology of patriarchy-heterosexuality, and open their mind toward multiple gender-sexuality practices which differ from mainstream.

台灣住宅部門熱泵系統之成本效益分析 / Cost-Benefit Analysis of Residential Heat Pump System in Taiwan

朱圃漢, Chu, Pu Han Unknown Date (has links)
台灣為海島型國家,因自有能源貧乏,99%以上的能源仰賴國外進口。為確保能源供給之穩定與安全,除發展再生能源之外,提高能源終端使用效率為重要之解決手段。熱泵系統因其獨特之節能減碳效果,在歐美先進國家備受重視,極力推廣。基此,考量台灣氣候類型及居住型態,評估熱泵熱水系統的適用性及成本效益分析,爰為本研究之動機與目的。 為了彰顯應用熱泵系統在不同地區氣候條件與能源價格之差異,本研究將台灣劃分為12個地區,並且以電能、LPG桶裝瓦斯、NG管線瓦斯三種現有之住宅用熱水系統作為可供替代之選項,利用迴避成本(Avoided Cost)推估台灣各地區住宅部門改採熱泵熱水系統之成本效益。此外,參考歐美先進國家熱泵系統補助政策,以及台灣現有「太陽能熱水系統推廣獎勵措施」之政府政策補助方案,設定各相關參數,俾模擬政府補貼方案情境下之成本效益分析。 分析結果以淨現值(Net Present Value)、益本比(Benefit-Cost Ratio)及折現回收期(Discounted Payback Period )呈現,結論可從兩個觀點之檢定加以評估。其一、以「參與者檢定」評估是否有足夠的經濟誘因,促使住宅用戶裝設熱泵熱水系統。其二、以「總資源成本檢定」,評估推廣熱泵系統對於整體社會是否具有淨效益。 本研究中全台12個地區,若以熱泵系統取代電能熱水系統、LPG瓦斯熱水系統、NG瓦斯熱水系統三種既有設備,交叉比對之33個替代方案,由「參與者檢定」之結果顯示,所有替代方案之益本比均大於1.1;折現回收期最長達11.3年,最短僅3.2年。若模擬政府補助18,000名用戶採用熱泵系統,則「總資源成本檢定」之結果中,所有替代方案之益本比介乎1至1.73之間;折現回收期最長達14.9年,最短僅5.4年;住宅部門以熱泵替代現有電能、LPG瓦斯、NG瓦斯熱水系統至少可降低碳排放量每年2,707公噸。三種替代類別中以電能熱水系統替代方案益本比最高(介乎1.55至1.73);LPG瓦斯替代方案之益本比居次(介乎1.19至1.28);NG瓦斯替代方案益本比最低(介乎1.0至1.06)。全台12個地區考量環境溫度差異之影響以南投分區改採熱泵系統的益本比最高(電能替代1.73、LPG瓦斯替代1.28、NG瓦斯替代1.06),屏東分區的益本比為最低(電能替代1.55、LPG瓦斯替代1.19、NG瓦斯替代1.0)。 若考量熱泵系統市場滲透率,以熱泵取代NG瓦斯熱水系統之市佔率達5%、20%、50%時,台灣整體社會的淨現值分別為251百萬元、1,006百萬元與2,514百萬元,且每年可減少碳排放量27,169公噸、108,675公噸以及271,687公噸。 / As an island country, 99% energy supply in Taiwan depends on importation due to the very limited endogenous energy. In order to maintain both energy security and stability, improving energy efficiency of consumer end-use is an important government policy. Heat pump systems have been widely applied and strongly promoted in Europe and United State for its uniquely energy saving and CO2 reducing capability. Therefore, the motivation of this study is to access the regional applicability of heat pump water heating system for Taiwan’s climate and residential building types by cost-benefit analysis method. To demonstrate the regional difference of climatic conditions and energy prices heat pump application, Taiwan is divided in twelve regions with three kinds of alternative residential water heating systems (i.e. electric heating, LPG tank heating, and NG pipe heating). Under these conditions, we utilize the avoided cost method to access itemized costs and benefits of heat pump water heating systems in various regional families in Taiwan. In addition, referring to heat pump incentive scheme in advanced European countries and North America while considering solar water heating systems incentive policy in Taiwan, we also simulate variation of parameters (such as cash rebate subside, total residential heat pump user numbers )of heat pump system subsidy program. The outcome of cost-benefit analysis is presented in a form as net present value (NPV), benefit-cost ratio (BCR), and discounted payback period (DP). The results could be analyzed by test from two different perspectives including Participant Test (PCT) from participant perspective and Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) from overall sociality perspective. All of the 33 alternative programs constituted by 12 regions with electric , LPG and NG systems, for PCT, BCR, all 33 alternative programs are greater than 1.1; DP are between 3.2 to 11.3 years. For TRC, BCR, all 33 alternative programs are greater than 1 but less than 1.73; DP are between 5.4 to 14.9 years. Residential building adopting heat pump could reduce 2,707 tons carbon emissions annually. For the three types of alternative system, BCR of electric heating alternative program is the largest and NG alternative program being the least. For all of the 12 regions, BCR of Nantou region is the largest for adopting heat pump while BCR of Pingtung region is the smallest. NPV of overall Taiwan with market penetration reaching 5%, 20% and 50% substitution rate from heat pump system to NG water heating system are 251 million NT$, 1,006 million NT$, and 2,514 million NT$ respectively. Carbon emissions reduce 27,169 tons, 108,675 tons and 271,687 tons annually.

統計品管中製程能力指標決策程序之研究 / Some Decision Procedures For The Capability Index In Quality Control Process

李仁棻, Lee, Ren Fen Unknown Date (has links)
製程能力指標(process capability index)常被用來評量製程能力的高低。它結合規格及製程變異於一指標,便利使用者易於了解指標的意義。 若吾人主張一製程能力大於某一定值,當同時控制型I及型II過誤,這時,臨界值(critical value)及樣本大小n即可決定。若同時存在有數個大於某一定值的製造過程,吾人欲挑選具有最大製程能力的製程,這時,我們提出一個客觀的準則來加以選擇。 本篇論文的特色是以解析法來決定臨界值及樣本大小n,並於挑選最大的製程能力時能提出一個客觀的挑選準則。 研究中發現:雖然逼近常用的統計上查表值時有些誤差,但誤差不大。故本文討論的過程中所用的方法及結論,適用於線上作業。

從智慧資本的觀點探討臨床試驗服務公司CRO之核心能耐 / A study of the core competence of contract research organizations(CRO)- an intellectual capital perspective

鍾婉平 Unknown Date (has links)
在生技服務產業中,臨床試驗服務業(CRO)為收益最佳且最具發展價值的項目,2009年全球CRO總營收中,臨床試驗服務業營收就約占總營收的一半,加上近來全球各國開始加速醫藥產業的發展,國際藥廠也逐漸加重臨床試驗外包比例,整體全球臨床試驗服務產業需求大增。 台灣自1997年起,本土企業就開始努力耕耘於臨床試驗服務領域,直至今日,已累積許多成功的經驗與案例,然而在面對國際大廠寡占市場,以及亞洲新興國家CRO企業如雨後春筍般盛出的環境下,台灣CRO企業於發展上仍飽受壓力,不過,這些在多年的經營下,事實上也已累積了相當的能力,若能針對自身核心能耐進行統整分析、經營及拓展,相信仍將有辦法面對全球之競爭環境。此外,由於臨床試驗服務業屬知識密集之服務性產業,經驗累積、專業性及外部關係資產等智慧資本皆較有形資本更能代表企業所具之價值,因此,本研究主要從智慧資本的角度來探討臨床試驗服務企業所具有之核心能耐,並依不同經營時期比較核心能耐之變化,以了解企業所具有之競爭優勢及優勢變化。一方面期望透過本論文之架構,提供企業有關自身核心能耐之分析方式的參考,協助其進行自我核心能耐之統整分析,另一方面,也期望藉由本論文之CRO企業核心能耐之個案分析,提供企業在選擇經營或拓展核心能耐時作為參考。 本研究所得到的結論如下: 1. 運用外部關係資本-與其他企業進行聯盟合作,是臨床試驗服務公司用以提升服務能力、擴大服務範圍,及拓展核心能耐的重要方式。 2. 臨床試驗服務公司所具明確的企業價值與文化,有助於其營運上的發展以及獨有特色的創造。 3. 發展較成熟的臨床試驗服務公司會具備涵蓋人力資本、組織結構資本及顧客關係資本之核心能耐,所具備之核心能耐較不易再進行拓展,反之,較新進的臨床試驗服務公司則較易拓展其核心能耐。 4. 臨床試驗服務公司所擁有的「教育」及「品牌」智慧資本,有助於提升公司其他的智慧資本。 5. 我國本土臨床試驗服務公司較重視發展具差異性之核心能耐,而我國外商臨床試驗服務公司則較重視員工專案執行之能力。 關鍵詞:臨床試驗服務產業、CRO、核心能耐、智慧資本 / In the Bio-service Industry, clinical trial service is the most profitable and valuable item. In 2009, the revenue of clinical trial service accounted for about half of the revenue of CRO Industry. Recently, since all the countries in the world are speeding up developing Pharmaceutical Industry and pharmaceutical companies are gradually raising the proportion of clinical trial outsourcing, the demand of clinical trial service are grately increasing. From 1997, Taiwan local companies have been working so hard in the clinical trial service area. Till now, Taiwan local companies have accumulated lots of successful experience. But when facing the oligopoly market of CRO Industry and competition of Asia new CRO companies, Taiwan CRO companies still have big stress on operation. However, since Taiwan CRO companies have had great competence in clinical trial service, we believe that if Taiwan CRO companies can tidy up, analyze and expand their own core competence, the competitive strength of Taiwan CRO companies will get improved to face the global competition. Besides, intellectual capital of CRO companies which are knowledge intensive business services (KIBS) shows real value of the CRO companies. Hence, this study is trying to investigate the core competence of clinical trial service companies from intellectual capital aspect, and also trying to compare the differences of the core competence in the different timing. We hope this study can on the one hand provide CRO companies a way to analyze their core competence, and on the other hand can provide the successful core competence information of the study cases for CRO companies as a reference. There are several conclusions from this study: 1. Using relationship capital-business collaboration is an important way for the clinical trial service companies to improve their service ability, broaden their service area, and develop their core competence. 2. The clear values and culture of clinical trial service companies can help the development and operation of the companies, and create the characteristic of the companies. 3. A mature clinical trial service company has accumulated plentiful core competence in human capital, organizational capital and customer capital, and it’s hard for the company to deepen and broaden its core competence. Relatively, it’s easier for a young clinical trial service company to develop its core competence. 4. The intellectual capital of “Education” and “Brands” of clinical trial service companies can upgrade other intellectual capital of the companies. 5. Taiwan local clinical trial service companies emphasize the core competence with differenciation while foreign clinical trial service companies in Taiwan emphasize good executive ability of the employee. Keywords: Clinical trial services, CRO, Core competence, Intellectual capital

追索權價值、負權益與違約房屋抵押貸款關連性在台灣之研究 / The study on relationship among the value of recourse, negative equity and default mortgage in Taiwan

賴宗炘, Lai,Tsung Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
金融海嘯(financial tsunami)對全世界造成了相當大之衝擊,遭受最大損失者莫過於金融機構,其中房屋抵押貸款(mortgage)違約(default)產生之損失在銀行損失中占了一定的比例,本文認為深入研究影響違約之因素有其必要性。過去文獻於探討貸款違約時,主要可分為兩種學說,分別為權益學說(Equity Theory)與支付能力學說(Ability-to-Pay Theory),本文以台灣地區之實際房屋抵押貸款資料作為研究對象,以確認權益學說與支付能力學說於台灣房屋抵押貸款之適用程度。 本文採用二元羅吉特迴歸模型(Binomial Logit Regression Model, BLR)與比例危機模型(Proportional Hazards Model, PHM),並於權益學說之驗證中,考慮台灣房屋抵押貸款契約中常見之貸款追索權(right of recourse),以了解是否因借款人考慮追索權價值(value of recourse)而較不易違約。 實際結果發現,由於台灣長期房價趨勢皆為上漲之緣故,且台灣之貸款成數(Loan-to-value, LTV)較國外為低,導致處於負權益(Negative Equity)之抵押貸款筆數較少,然本研究發現,在修正了過去研究所使用之借款人權益變數後,其顯著性於BLR模型與PHM中皆較佳,而考量了追索權之價值後,考量追索權之修正後權益變數的表現更優於修正後之權益變數,顯示本研究於權益變數上之修正與考量追索權價值有助於模型改善違約預測之能力。 就權益學說與支付能力學說而言,由於兩種學說之相關變數皆有部分變數顯著,顯示兩種學說於台灣皆有其適用性,故於違約模型中需將權益學說與支付能力學說之相關變數皆列入考慮。 / Financial tsunami caused considerable impact in the world, and the financial institutions suffered huge losses in this crisis. Mortgage default losses accounted for a certain proportion in losses of financial institutes. It’s necessary to research the factors which influence the default decisions. In the past, the literatures divided the theory related to mortgage default into two parts, the Equity theory and the Ability-to-Pay theory. This article use the mortgage data in Taiwan to confirm which theory is more applicable in Taiwan. To understand if the borrowers would consider value of recourse when they make decision of default, this study adopts Binomial Logit Regression Model (BLR) and Proportional Hazards Model (PHM), adding the right of recourse, which is common in the mortgage contract in Taiwan. The result shows that owing to the rising trend of Taiwan housing price and the lower loan-to-value (LTV) level than foreign countries, there are fewer mortgages in negative equity situation. However, we discover that after we modify equity variable, the modified equity variable is more significant than non-modified equity variable. Besides, if we consider the value of recourse, the modified equity variable with value of recourse performs best among three types of equity variable. The results above show that the modification of equity variable and the consideration of recourse can improve predicting ability of default model. And it shows the clause of recourse in Taiwan has certain influence on the decision of borrowers’ default behavior. Furthermore, the results of model illustrate the equity-related variables and ability-to-pay-related variables have certain explanation power on the behavior of default, which mean equity theory and ability-to-pay theory are applicable in Taiwan. We infer when carrying out the prediction of default, it’s necessary to take equity-related variables and ability-to-pay-related variables into consideration.

國際化程度與企業營運風險及借貸能力 / Corporate internationalization vs. business risk and leverage

姜邦杰, Chiang, Pang Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
自由貿易風潮席捲全球,在國外競爭對手紛紛進入台灣市場、或是與我國貿易夥伴結盟的壓力下,台灣的企業不得不進軍國際市場,進行國際化擴張來確保企業永續發展。傳統理論主張,國際化享有分散市場風險的好處,也幫助企業可借到更充裕的銀行資金,有助企業經營發展。然而,從管理層面來看,國際化也會使得管理風險上升,並且讓銀行不易監控,代理成本問題惡化,導致拉高資金借貸成本,以致造成企業營運危機。因此,本研究要探討企業進行國際化是有利還是不利公司營運穩定以及公司借得資金。 本研究參考相關的文獻,從公司國際化的程度以及涉入國家類型兩個層面,來探討國際化對營運風險以及對借貸能力的影響,並提出三個假設:首先,先看國際化程度跟公司營運風險是否有U型的關係曲線,是否有一個最適的國際化程度使營運風險為最低。再來看國際化程度跟公司借貸能力是否有倒U型的關係曲線,是否有一個最適的國際化程度使借貸能力為最強。最後換個角度,看企業國際化涉入國家的金融發展程度,是否也會造成國際化程度相同的企業營運穩定跟資金借貸有不同表現。 本研究以台灣製造業規模較大的廠商為樣本來進行實證研究,應用事件研究法,取各廠商2004年到2009年間的平均值為研究資料,樣本數為208家。採迴歸方法分析資料,以資產報酬率的變異、長期債務相對股東權益的比例,分別作為衡量風險及借貸能力的依變項,自變項則有代表國際化程度的海外銷售比例或國外資產比例、代表市場金融發展程度的銀行放款佔GDP比率之加權平均。控制變數則有獲利能力、公司規模、研發支出、成長潛力、及產業別虛擬變數等等。 研究結果顯示國際化程度跟營運風險有U型關係,跟借貸能力有倒U型關係,國際化程度高於或低於某最適水準(國外資產比率45%,外銷比率55%),都會使營運風險上升、借貸能力下降。企業國際化活動涉入國家金融深化程度對借貸沒有顯著的影響,但是卻會增加營運風險。

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