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學校組織動態能耐評量指標建構與實證之研究 / The Dynamic Capabilities in Taiwan's Senior High Schools

黃貞裕, Eng, Cheng Joo Unknown Date (has links)
二十一世紀是一個環境變遷快速的時代,組織必須隨時掌握外部環境與內部環境的變化,以快速回度環境與市場需求,維持其競爭優勢。因此,本研究主要目的即以動態能耐觀點為基礎,發展適用於學校組織動態能耐評量工具,進而以之做為評估學校組織動態能耐之工具,並對國內之高級中學與高級職業學校進行調查,以瞭解當前高中職之現況,並提出結論與建議。 在量表發展上,本研究以文獻分析與德懷術進行指標建構,完成後並以信度分析、探索性因素分析及二階驗證性因素分析來檢證其信度與效度。最後發展而成之量表共計七個層面,分別為行政整合、定位、科技應用、學習、創新、知識管理與策略彈性。研究結果顯示本研究所發展之「高中職動態能耐量表」具有良好之信度與效度,可做為高中職之動態能耐評量工具。在高中職之動態能耐現況部分,則採用調查研究法在進行,分層隨機抽取60所公私立高級中學及高級職業學校,共寄出996份問卷,回收有效問卷為690份。調查結果以t考驗、變異數分析等統計方法進行資料處理。 本研究之主要發現有以下幾點: 一、高中職動態能耐量表具有良好之信度與效度,且可由七個層面47個細項指標加以評量; 二、高級中學與高級職業學校之動態能耐沒有顯著差異; 三、私立學校之動態能耐高於公立學校,在「位置」、「知識管理」與「策略彈性」等三個層面之差異達統計顯著水準; 四、成立歷史較悠久之學校具有較佳之動態能耐。; 五、規模太小之學校其動態能耐偏低,競爭優勢不如規模較大之學校; 六、偏遠地區之學校其動態能耐明顯低於都市與鄉鎮地區之學校; 七、男性學校教育人員之動態能耐知覺明顯高於女性學校教育人員; 八、年齡較大之學校教育人員其動態能耐知覺顯著高於年齡較小者; 九、擔任行政職務之學校教育人員其動態能耐知覺高於一般學校教育人員; 十、不同教育程度之學校教育人員其動態能耐之看法沒有顯著差異; 十一、資深之學校教育人員其動態能耐知覺程度明顯高於資淺之學校教育人員; 十二、高中職在「科技應用」層面之表現最佳,而在「知識管理」層面之表現則有待改善。 根據以上之研究結果,本研究提出以下建議,以供未來量表應用、在教育行政機關決策、學校運作與未來研究時之參考: 一、對學校組織動態能耐量表應用之建議 1.應善用動態能耐量表做為組織進步之學校營運引導指標。 2.應進一步確認量表與模式之適當性。 二、對教育主管機關之建議 1.應隨時監控大環境之變化,擬定適當之政策並快速將訊息傳達給學校單位。 2.應致力降低偏遠地區學校與都市、鄉鎮學校之差距。 3.應適度調整公立學校與私立學校之教育資源分配,以使學生享有平等之教育資源。 三、對高級中學與高級職業學校之建議 1.應建立完善之資訊蒐集系統,以強化學校之動態能耐。 2.應增加學校成員參與行政事務之機會。 3.應加強行銷策略,以增進學校信譽資產之優勢。 4.應定時檢視學校之優勢與劣勢,以避免核心僵固的情況發生。 5.應建立學校之知識管理分享文化,以增進創新之能量。 6.應設法留住優秀與經驗豐富之學校教育人員。 四、對未來研究之建議 1.就研究對象方面,可擴大研究對象。 2.就量表施測方面,應佐以相關客觀資料與專家學者之評比進行結果分析。 3.就研究方法方面,在專家意見整合方面可改用焦點團體法或腦力激盪法;在意見調查方面可兼採質化方法。 4.就研究工具方面,可進一步進行量表之修正與驗證。 5.就研究內容方面,可研究動態能耐與其他變項之關係。 / The dynamic capabilities approach is promising in terms of future research potential and as an aid to management endeavoring to gain competitive advantage in increasingly demanding environment. Dynamic capabilities identifying new opportunities and help organizations organize effectively and efficiently in regimes of rapid environments changes. The term ‘dynamic’ refers to the capacity to renew competences so as to achieve congruence with the changing outer environment; the term ‘capabilities’ emphasizes the abilities in appropriately adapting, integrating, and reconfiguring internal and external organizational skills, resources ,and functional competences to make the requirements of a rapidly changing environment. The purpose of this study was to develop an inventory of dynamic capabilities that apply to the senior high schools and senior vocational schools in Taiwan. This research was conducted under two processes. At first, the fundamental indicators of the inventory were constructed under the groundwork of literature review and Delphi method. The inventory was examined with several statistical methods such as reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. The result showed that the self-constructed dynamic capabilities inventory was with good reliability and validity. Secondly, the inventory was sent to 996 senior high schools’ personnel in Taiwan and 690 valid questionnaires were returned and analyzed by SPSS For Windows 12.0 version at .05 significant level. Statistical method such as descriptive statistics, t-test and one-way ANOVA were adapted to data analysis. Major findings include the following: 1. The dynamic capabilities inventory that constructed by researcher is with fine reliability and validity and could measure schools’ dynamic capabilities with seven dimensions. 2. There is no difference between the dynamic capabilities of senior high schools and senior vocational schools. 3. The dynamic capabilities of the private schools are significantly higher that the public schools. 4. Schools that with longer history have greater dynamic capabilities. 5. The small- scoped schools have less dynamic capabilities. 6. Schools that located in remote area have less dynamic capabilities than the schools located in the city. 7. The perception of dynamic capabilities of male school personnel is significantly higher that the female school personnel. 8. Elder personnel have higher perception of dynamic capabilities than the younger personnel. 9. Personnel serve in administration sections have higher perception of dynamic capabilities than the personnel who are not served in administrative sections. 10. Educational background is not a decisive element to the perception of dynamic capabilities. 11. The senior school personnel have higher perception of dynamic capabilities. Based on the findings, several recommendations were made for the application of DCI-S, for the superior authorities, for the senior high/vocational schools as well as for further research.


梁秀敏 Unknown Date (has links)
在因應瞬息萬變與高度競爭的全球化市場,愈來愈多組織竭力於進行各種形式的資本投資與規劃,而在這競爭激烈的大環境中,不論是組織或個人都必須求進步;然而求進步唯一的途徑就是不斷的學習,以致成為大家日常工作的習慣及文化;所謂的『工作學習化、學習工作化』就是此用意。並把這氣氛感染成部門文化、甚至大到組織文化以形成一學習型的機制讓所屬成員能在這不斷學習、持續改善的大主軸下不斷的滾動以達成組織內部精進或管理者思維改善、讓自我勇於負責任、勇於跳出部門的小框框、克服各部門間灰色地帶的藩籬,以協助組織能確實達成目標。而「知識」已然成為現代化組織在面對全球化市場時能否具備創新能力與競爭力的首要資源,會以不同形式存在於組織內部及個別成員中。尤其關注於組織學習能力的創新與管理,藉由利用動態的組織文化匯集知識流程與知識基礎結構,開發組織內部的知識市場,培養組織學習能力,力求知識管理能力之迅速提升與發展。 而透過組織學習,除可維持競爭優勢外,更能促進組織內之創新。因此,如何有效地提昇組織內部的組織學習能力以因應複雜多變的社會生態,將是組織所面臨的重要課題。本研究主要探討採取學習能力的觀點,剖析組織文化的社會動態面,闡釋在以學習為前提的知識經濟時代,社會資本對組織學習能力管理的社會動態面,闡釋在以學習為前提的知識經濟時代,組織文化對組織學習能力的提升所能發揮的效應,營造一個強調能力創造與學習分享的組織文化與網絡環境,藉以提升組織本身的學習管理能力,並提供組織管理推動者一個整合性的學習創造藍圖。


戴佑真 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解家庭面臨親人罹患阿滋海默症的家庭動力,以及此家庭動力對於家人的影響。研究者採質性訪談的方式,以半結構式訪談大綱,深度訪談一個阿滋海默症患者的家庭,並輔以Olson環繞模式來瞭解家庭各次系統的凝聚力、適應性及溝通。茲將研究結論摘錄如下: 一、家庭面臨親人罹患阿滋海默症的家庭動力 (一)患者與配偶間的夫妻關係受到最大的衝擊:兩人情緒趨向疏離、患者配偶的角色變得領導與控制、夫妻關係轉為母子關係型態、難以雙向溝通、彼此衝突增加且溝通品質下降。 (二)父子關係也受到疾病的影響:父子間難以情緒交流與互動,父親無法提供穩定的領導,反而是孩子變得親職化以照顧父親,角色界限模糊不清。此外,父子關係也受到孩子進入青少年發展階段的影響而更趨向分離。 (三)母子關係因父親罹病而更加親密:母子間彼此相互依賴、情感也更加親密、母親由於外出工作時間增加,提供給孩子更多自主管理的彈性。 (四)未成年子女的手足關係未受父親罹病的影響。 二、阿滋海默症患者家庭動力對於家人的影響 (一)患者原生家庭的動力影響配偶如何面對先生罹病的認知、情緒與行為三個層面。 (二)夫妻關係中無效的溝通加劇配偶照顧者對疾病的適應困擾。 (三)父母子三角關係:夫妻間角色功能不平衡,影響孩子對父親的觀點,也拉攏了母子關係,孩子變得較為親職化。 除上述研究結論外,訪談中還發現當子代面對上一代的奉養責任時,願不願意擔負照顧責任常與原生家庭動力有關。若內心不願照顧卻擔負照顧責任者,會面臨內在衝突與矛盾、呈現較多的抗拒、影響疾病適應。 本研究根據上述的研究結論提出討論,並提出具體建議,以供臨床醫療工作者、心理諮商工作者、衛生福利政策制訂及未來研究的參考。


沈琪 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討台北市幼稚園公共關係與學校效能之現況及其關係,並提出研究結論與建議,期能提供幼稚園推展公共關係與落實學校效能之參考。本研究採問卷調查法,以「幼稚園公共關係與學校效能現況調查問卷」為研究工具。研究對象為台北市公、私立幼稚園之教育人員(包含園長和教師),總共發出618份,回收324份,回收率52.4%;有效問卷317份,有效問卷回收率51.2%。資料回收後以「t考驗」、「單因子變異數分析」、「皮爾遜積差相關」以及「多元逐步迴歸」及描述統計等統計方法進行分析,據以形成結論。 本研究之結論如下: 壹、台北市幼稚園公共關係與學校效能之現況大致良好。 貳、台北市幼稚園之教育人員具有公共關係推展的能力,在輿論調查層面較佳,惟在成效回饋層面有待加強。 參、台北市幼稚園之教育人員普遍重視教師教學品質,但對於社區家長的支持仍有努力的空間。 肆、不同背景變項之幼稚園教育人員在公共關係知覺上有顯著差異。不同規模在「訊息溝通」層面達顯著差異,規模1—2班及3-5班之幼稚園比規模6班以上的幼稚園知覺程度較高。 伍、不同背景變項之幼稚園教育人員在學校效能知覺上有顯著差異。不同職務在「園長領導」層面和「溝通與滿意度」層面達顯著差異。不同屬性在「社區家長支持」層面達顯著差異。 陸、幼稚園公共關係與學校效能有密切的關係。 柒、公共關係各層面對學校效能有顯著的預測作用。 捌、背景變項與公共關係各層面對學校效能有顯著的預測作用。 根據上述研究結論提出下列建議: 壹、對教育主管機關的建議 一、宜舉辦及宣導公共關係的知能研習,以提升園所的辦學品質。 二、宜編列幼稚園推展公共關係的經費,並輔導幼稚園實際運用。 三、宜制訂公共關係的評鑑機制及意見交流平台,並鼓勵園所互相觀摩學習。 貳、對幼稚園的建議 一、宜辦理園公共關係知能研習,以提升全體成員公共關係的專業素養。 二、宜擬定周詳完整的公共關係計畫,並定期評估公關成效。 三、宜定期檢核園所在各方面的成效,以落實學校效能的運作。 四、提升辦學品質才是推展公共關係與學校效能落實的首要關鍵。 關鍵字:幼稚園教育人員、幼稚園公共關係、學校效能 / A Study of the Relationships between Preschool Public Relations and School Effectiveness in Taipei City Abstract This study is aimed at investigating the current condition and relationships of public relations and school effectiveness in preschools of Taipei City and offering conclusions and suggestions, for the operation of public relations and school effectiveness. The questionnaire survey was the major method used in this study. “Public relations and school effectiveness at preschools questionnaire” were designed from literature review by the researcher. The subjects of questionnaire survey included principals and teachers. Questionnaires were distributed to 618 subjects at preschools in Taipei City, and 324 samples were received, making the return rate of 52.4%. After invalid questionnaires were removed, there were totally 317 valid questionnaires, and the valid return rate was 51.2%. The sample results were analyzed by means, standard deviations, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Person’s product-moment correlation and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The analysis of the date revealed the following conclusions: 1. The current conditions of public relations and school effectiveness in preschools of Taipei City were good. 2. The staffs in preschools of Taipei City have a good performance in public relations, “Opinion” was the better one, and “effects and feedback” should be improved. 3. The staffs in preschools of Taipei City emphasize “teacher teaching quality “, but need to do more for obtain the assistance from community and parents. 4. There were significantly different perceptions towards current public relations owing to different backgrounds of school staffs, among which the dimension of “Communication” has obvious different, the preschool’s dimension of 1-2 class and 3-5 class have higher perceptions to dimension of under 6 class. 5. There were significantly different perceptions towards current school effectiveness owing to different backgrounds of school staffs, among which the censorship of “leadership” and “communication and contentment ” have obvious different ; among which the property of “community and parents’ assistance ” has obvious different. 6. There is a significant correlation between public relations and school effectiveness in preschools of Taipei City. 7. The public relations were appropriate indicators in predicting school effectiveness. 8. The backgrounds of school staffs and public relations were appropriate indicators in predicting school effectiveness. Following suggestions are presented according to previous conclusions: I. Suggestions to the Education Administration Bureaus: 1. Transact study activities about public relations for promoting the school quality. 2. Budget funds for the operation of public relations and help them how to use. 3. Establish feedback mechanism and a platform to share information, and encourage to learn to each other. II. Suggestions to the preschool : 1. Transact study activities about public relations for promoting public relations intelligence of teachers. 2. Devise a comprehensive public relations plan and periodically evaluate the effectiveness. 3. Evaluate the effectiveness of every part to implement the operation of school effectiveness. 4. Promote the quality of school was the key point to implement the operation of public relations and school effectiveness. Keywords: preschool teacher, public relations of preschool, school effectiveness


吳孟寧, Wu, Meng Ning Unknown Date (has links)
由於社會變遷和人口結構的改變,終身學習和成人教育的觀念越來越受重視,政府也不斷致力於推廣成人教育,並促進成人教育的法制化,落實終身學習以培養人才提升國家競爭力,公務人員身為政府一員,直接受到政府終身教育政策的推波助瀾,參與在職進修的公務人員日益增多。本論文的研究目的在於了解公務人員參與進修的動機和效用,意即公務人員參與進修對於其職能發展是否有實質幫助。研究對象為目前就讀於碩士在職專班的公務人員,利用問卷調查法蒐集第一手資料,以因素分析萃取出公務人員參與在職專班的進修動機,並以工作專業成長和生涯週期理論歸納出進修後的職能發展情況;再進一步探討公務人員的進修動機、進修期間的學習行為表現和進修後的職能發展面向之間的關係,共包含三個面向:「思考能力」、「專業職能」和「生涯發展」,以及「整體職能發展」為依變項進行迴歸分析。   研究結果發現:一、公務人員以「自我取向」為主要的進修動機,顯示出公務人員已能夠體認到終身學習的重要性,能夠主動地規劃進修學習機會,以促進工作經驗和專業知識的融會貫通,此外,公務人員積極主動的進修心態也直接體現在專業職能和思維模式的發展。二、「社交關係」對公務人員職能發展的影響面向相當廣泛,由此可知,公務人員參與進修除了學習課程內容的專業知識,同學間的經驗交流也使其獲得更多的資訊和新知,而良好的同儕和師生關係更可進一步促進業務上甚至工作升遷的順暢。三、當公務人員以積極增加個人競爭力為進修動機的取向越強烈時,對於專業職能和思考能力的成長越有助益;相對而言,較為消極的進修動機取向則與生涯發展之間的關係較大。四、公務人員參與進修時的學習投入度越良好,對整體職能發展的效果越好,尤其當參與進修動機是消極地受到外界影響而非基於求知興趣時,若能在學習中表現良好,也能有不錯的職能發展。


林士鈞 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在研究日語同時具有及物與不及物用法的動詞之功能及其分類的依據。主以「非對格理論」分析同形動詞的不及物動詞用法、並進行分類。並以「語彙概念構造」(LCS)比較及物動詞句及不及物動詞句的差異。 本文共分五章。第一章為緒論。第二章則是從賓語的有無、能否被動、以及型態、意義上的差異之相關文獻進行研究,並提出尚未解決的問題。第三章則是分析同形動詞的對應關係,並說明英語及日語的「非對格及物動詞」概念。第四章則是以「受事主語」的觀點,分析「非受事賓語句」。第五章則為結論。 過去的研究均是將日語同形動詞區分為「能格動詞」及單純同形動詞。後者僅為型態上相同,字意上並關聯,被視為獨立運作的動詞。而本文則是基於「能格動詞」的不及物用法為「非對格動詞」的概念,依「非對格動詞」的三分法,證明了日語「能格動詞」亦可分為三類。

ERP 系統應用效益研究-ERP 系統知識吸收能耐之管理 / Reap from ERP Systems -The Management of Absorptive Capacity in Post-ERP Implementation

許執賢, Hsu,Chih Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
This study uses the concept of absorptive capacity to provide a framework for exploring benefit realization in the post-implementation phase of ERP systems. Success factors of ERP adoption such as: training, communication, process change, and integration extension are organized into two types of knowledge absorptive capacity: potential capacity and realization capacity. This study proposes that absorptive capacity is one of the key determinants of benefits realization from ERP implementation. Although the frequently mentioned factors training and communication are important activities for organizations to assimilate the knowledge of the system processes, these represent potential capacity that requires realization through refinement and execution of what has been absorbed. ERP adopting organizations wishing to continuously generate benefits need to both build potential absorptive capacity by investing in training and education and leverage realized capacity through extension of integration of the system processes. Through in-depth case study of four firms in Taiwan, this study verified the propositions about absorptive capacity in post- implementation of ERP systems. The results further revealed some findings: 1) More iterations of the cycle of absorptive capacity leads to greater benefits of ERP systems. 2) Knowledge retention is important for accumulating potential resources. 3) Provide some guidance of educational program planning. 4) Environment provided by companies can encourage assimilation of knowledge and full use of the ERP system. 5) Business training is necessary for IT professionals. These findings are helpful for managers to well assimilate and exploit knowledge. And furthermore, this study suggests that companies need to acquire, assimilate, transform and exploit knowledge in a dynamic cyclical path to adapt to the changing business environment and sustain competitive advantage over the long term.

消費社會的閱聽人--以霹靂布袋戲迷為例 / Audiences in consunption society: a case study on the fans of Pili-puppet drama

宋丁儀, Sung, Ting-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究欲探討現代消費社會中閱聽人呈現何種面貌?過去對消費社會底下大眾文化及閱聽人的論述大致可分為兩種觀點:一是法蘭克福學派悲觀的文化工業觀點,從生產端來檢視文化商品化對閱聽大眾的影響,二則是從近年消費社會理論從消費端來檢視閱聽人的施為。本文採取從消費端檢視閱聽人的微觀角度,對於文化工業提出的三大批判「商品化」、 「標準化」、「強制性」提出不同的看法:消費文本商品化,閱聽人仍有其主動詮釋、挪用的能動性。 當前台灣諸多的文化消費現象中,霹靂布袋戲應當算是最為人知,也最深具本土特色的表演文化。它源自於傳統布袋戲中的支派而深具傳統戲劇性格,卻又歷經型態與風格上的轉變。隨著生產面與媒介技術合流,從過去民俗文化轉變成大眾文化變為一種文化商品。因此本文首先介紹霹靂布袋戲風行的時代背景,從生產面角度探討與傳統布袋戲的差異。 其次,透過對戲迷的深度訪談,試圖理解霹靂迷如何藉由不同的消費方式,在消費端建構對霹靂布袋戲文本的想像與主體性。霹靂布袋戲迷的生活型態實與他們所接觸的文本、角色、媒介、周邊產品、組織活動密切相關。霹靂迷如何從欣賞與接收原文本之外,進行次文本的創造與生產,發掘他們在消費過程裡的創造力,並透過參與社群組織、活動,區辨出「我」與「他者」;從生活領域,顯示他們作為消費社會底下閱聽人的主動與能動性,已超越生產者所製造文本的範疇,而是融合迷自我生活世界所拓展出的異想世界。

誰在八卦?一個社會網絡的分析 / Who is gossipy? a social network analysis of gossip

吳毓淳 Unknown Date (has links)
在媒介暴漲的現代社會中,資訊的掌握成為新興權力的象徵。台灣社會的八卦文化,由口語之消息傳播,轉變為媒體大幅腥羶色之報導。其深入公領域生活,挑起個人隱私與公眾求知慾之間的拉鋸戰,學界對於八卦文化之盛行,莫不表現高度之重視,然其觀察取向多由媒體、新聞之角度作一道德價值的反省,鮮少針對八卦之實際行為與互動加以研究。本研究以社會網絡分析方法,針對小團體之成員予以測量觀察,瞭解個人於日常之人際網絡中,加何獲得八卦消息,以期對於八卦之現象做一探索。 本研究以友誼網絡為參照之對象,分析團體內成員由八卦關係組成的網絡,其結構特性、權力角色、成員八卦關係的聚合狀態、八卦互動之模式、八卦者所持有的態度。研究發現,八卦深植於日常生活,由友誼關係發展而來;於日常生活之中掌握八卦資訊的個人,在八卦訊息的溝通中,亦扮演重要的角色,該結果證實學者對於八卦與權力高度相關之看法。其次,團體內個人的八卦關係,遠比友誼關係來得親近,其互動模式呈現放射狀,成員基於交換訊息所組成的八卦次團體,具有單一的核心,這些特性顯示出八卦傳遞的時效價值,以及團體內八卦活絡之現象。最後,本論文檢證學者所提出之八卦理論,並提出八卦之社會功能,予以修正與重新詮釋。 關鍵字:八卦、社會網絡分析、社會功能 / In the modern society, the acquisition of information has become the new way to gain dominant position. In Taiwan, the gossip culture has been transformed from interpersonal communication topic to popular news on mass media. Gossip not only challenges the boundary between public and private realm but also provokes the debate between personal privacy and the right of information access. In the discipline of mass communication, the issue of gossip is examined from the ethical perspective. However, this study takes a sociological approach that adopts the social network analysis. A pre-selected concrete small group is used as a research sample to explore how gossip circulates in our daily interactions. This thesis presents the results from the comparisons between the gossip network to the friendship network. They are demonstrated in the order of network structure, roles, proximity, interaction patterns, and the attitudes of the gossipy people. This study suggests that gossip is deeply rooted in the friendship relations. It further shows that the prominent actors in our daily life occupy an important position in the transmission of gossip, which corresponds to the hypothesis of social control theory. Additionally, the social distance within the gossip network is much more closer than that within the friendship network. Moreover, the gossip network is composed of a single-core structure with a star-shaped interaction pattern. This unique structure is formed by the frequent exchange of information and instant diffusion of gossip. Finally, various theories of the social functions of gossip are reexamined, and new understandings of these theories are provided in the end of this thesis. Keywords: gossip, social network analysis, social functions.

中美學生英語拒絕行為之研究 / Interlanguage Refusals: A Cross-Cultural Study of EFL Learners in Taiwan and Native Speakers of American English

陳淑珠, Chen,Shu-chu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討台灣學生英語的拒絕語言行為(refusal speech act)與美國學生之異同,並探討社會地位高低及啟始行為(initiating acts)兩個變數對語言行為之影響。此外在拒絕時,所使用的句法修飾(syntactic mitigation)及詞彙修飾(lexical mitigation)之類型與頻率,其所用的句型是否與美國學生不同, 以進一步探究學習者母語對其中介語(interlanguage)是否有負面移轉作用。 本研究採用質性及量化研究方法,研究對象為40位以中文為母語的大學學生, 40位英語為母語的美國大學學生,及40位學習英語為外語的大學學生, 各組男女各半。研究工具為言談填充測驗(Discourse Completion Test), 包含12個不同情境(4個請求, 4個建議, 4個邀請),藉此問卷收集受試者語言行為之表現。 本研究的主要發現如下:間接拒絕策略是最常被三組學生使用的拒絕行為。其次,社會地位高低及啟始行為(initiating acts)兩個變數下對三組學生語言行為有不同影響, 而以後者影響尤鉅。除此之外, 台灣學生的英語中介語的語用能力,不僅反映在句法修飾及詞彙修飾兩方面, 同時在直接拒絕行為也與美國大學學生有顯著差異。本文進一步發現學習者母語對拒絕行為之影響, 拒絕之語序及直接與間接拒絕策略的負面移轉作用。本論文並提出教學上之應用建議,讓學生英語學習更有成效。 / Refusals can be regarded as a pragmatic universal, but refusal performance varies with cultures and is constrained by factors like status and initiating acts. However, the relative weight of these factors placed on each type of refusal strategy varies from culture to culture, or even within the same speech community due to intra-lingual variations (Blum-Kulka, 1987). In order to find out the complexity of cross-cultural differences in the realization of this face-threatening act, we investigated refusal speech acts performed by native speakers of Mandarin Chinese, EFL learners and native speakers of American English with the variation of social status and initiating acts. In addition, we compared EFL learners and Americans on linguistic structures including common directive forms, syntactic and lexical refusal mitigation as well as types of errors in the interlanguage of refusals. We also observed evidence of negative pragmatic transfer in EFL learners’ performance in three main categories of refusal strategies and refusal sequences, and tried to explain the causes of the transfer. Three groups of subjects participated in this study: 40 native speakers of American English (NE), 40 native speakers of Mandarin Chinese (NC), 40 Chinese EFL low-intermediate proficiency learners. They were asked to react by writing in the format of discourse completion task (DCT), which consisted of scripted dialogues with the manipulation of the interlocutors’ social status and initiating acts. The results were coded based on the taxonomy developed by Beebe, Takahashi and Uliss-Weltz (1990), and were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Results showed that indirect refusals were the most frequently used main strategy type in the three groups examined. The effect of social status and initiating acts affected the three groups’ performance to a different degree; initiating acts seemed to be a more decisive force in influencing groups’ refusal behaviors. In terms of refusal mitigation, we have found that significantly more syntactic mitigation like interrogatives, conditionals, conditional clause, etc. were employed by Americans to soften the force of refusals. However, similar to the findings in Chen (2006), EFL learners mainly limited their use of modality in their refusals on types of deontic and epistemic modalities whereas Americans were more flexible in using different kinds with the variation of context. Generally, EFL learners’ refusal performance exhibited deviations from native speakers’ norms. Therefore pedagogical implications were suggested which included that teachers should build up EFL learners’ linguistic knowledge, teacher-fronted talk can be supplemented by additional activities that broaden the range of speech acts and provide a broader opportunities for learners. Also, instructors should provide contextual information regarding the similarities and/or differences between L1 and the target language under the influence of social status. Types of initiating act should be included in EFL teaching so that students’ awareness of these social constraints could be activated and they can integrate such information to facilitate their interlanguage system.

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