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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

商業銀行的分行經營管理策略與績效-商業銀行全功能分行、消金分行的經營比較分析 / Branch operation strategy & performance of commercial banks –A Comparison of full-function branches & consuming-oriented branches

楊文賓, Yang, Wen Pin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以民國94年到98年間就本國銀行在組織變革下,挑選六家商業銀行分成兩組,比較銀行的分行採取「全功能分行」或採取「消金分行」對整體銀行績效的影響。以傳統財務比率分析法選取:獲利能力、資產品質(安全性)、經營能力(管理能力)、流動性,加入成長性和規模來評估這六家銀行採取不同的分行管理模式下的經營績效。結果發現: 民國94年至98年間,採取「全功能分行」模式的銀行,如上海銀行、華南銀行、兆豐銀行,在獲力能力的評比方面:總資產報酬率(ROA)、淨值報酬率(ROE)、純益率、平均員工獲利額等方面的績效都比採行「消金分行」模式的中國信託銀行、國泰世華銀行、台北富邦銀行為佳。在成長性方面,採全功能分行為主的銀行成長率也較穩定,消金分行組的銀行成長率起伏變化大,經營的成長力受外部環境的影響大。而在安全性評比方面,除了逾期放款比率消金分行組降的比較快,而全功能分行組無論景氣好壞均維持一致外,餘如:自有資本率、備低呆帳覆蓋率等兩組銀行間沒有顯著不同。經營能力、流動性方面兩組銀行也沒有顯著的不同。 經過分析可以看出,涉及整體銀行策略的項目,如資本適足、自有資本、逾期放款、流動性、週轉率等兩組間的績效差異不大。但如果業務可以分散,分行有權利調整的項目,如獲利能力、報酬率、逾期放款比率、存放比率、理財手續費收入等,全功能分行組的單位主管可以因地置宜發揮個別的經營績效,銀行的整體績效也就較好。尤其在95年雙卡風暴、98年金融風暴時,全功能分行組的銀行更因為所有分行並沒有採取一致性的賺取高利率雙卡利潤、銷售高風險連動債等,因此獲利能力就相對較穩定。消金分行組因為全體銀行採取一致性的策略,對所有分行考核方式都相同,商品上架如果不對,沒有一家銀行可以規避風險,在景氣欠佳的年份加上市場方向如果不對,經營績效就特別差。 本研究只採最近五年的財務指標進行驗證,且銀行的組織在這幾年內也有調整的情況,因此可能產生樣本數不足的情況,後續研究者若能增加研究年限,必能更客觀地檢驗採取消金分行或全功能分行對銀行經營績效的影響。

團隊創新階段能耐因素之比較研究 / The research of teamwork competencies in team innovation process

高長瑞, Kao, Chung Rui Unknown Date (has links)
團隊已經是普遍存在於組織中的一種工作型式,探討團隊效能的歷程研究還相當不足,了解也不夠。此外,就組織創新理論,團隊創新是其中之關鍵,要如何增加團隊創新效能也是重要研究議題,團隊創新是團隊各種效能表現中的一種。本文便是以團隊創新來研究團隊歷程。 團隊效能文獻主要以團隊I-P-O為主要模型,團隊效能是團隊投入因素透過團隊歷程活動後的產出。團隊歷程是影響團隊效能之主要因素,但是過去對團隊歷程研究卻較限制於橫切面研究,多未能探討團隊歷程之變動性。經由文獻探討,發現團隊合作能耐研究可以幫助了解團隊歷程。所謂的團隊合作能耐是指團隊合作的知識、技巧、能力、和其他特徵(KSAOs),近期研究者如Ilgen et al.將團隊歷程三分為IM-Forming階段、MO-Functioning階段、OI-結束與下階段的循環,並歸納在不同歷程階段,有不同的主要團隊合作能耐因素,讓團隊歷程更清楚,但是Ilgen et al等研究者並未回答團隊創新歷程。因此,本研究是根據團隊效能、團隊創新文獻為基礎,將團隊創新二分為團隊創意和思考、團隊創新實現二個階段,並探討團隊合作能耐重要性在這二個歷程階段的變化比較。 研究結果得到,(1) 資訊交流和分享是被認為最重要的團隊合作能耐,團隊信心的重要性則最低;(2) 團隊合作能耐重要性的確在不同團隊創新階段會有不同;(3) 團隊信心、資訊交流和分享、團隊默契在團隊創意階段變得比較重要,團隊凝聚力、團隊學習和適應、團隊規範和共識則是在團隊創新階段變得比較重要。

走出生命負荷、發掘成長能量—家庭照顧者參與自助團體經驗之初探 / The experiences of the family caregivers participating in the self-help group

馮譯葶, Feng, Yi Ting Unknown Date (has links)
在人類社會中,失能老人大多由家庭來承擔照顧責任,也因此帶給照顧者相當重的負荷。在此脈絡下,家庭照顧者的相關政策與措施逐漸受到大眾的重視,期望藉由各式的措施與服務以減少照顧對生活的不利影響,進而增加照顧者的生活福祉。在心理性的支持服務中,自助團體能夠有效舒緩照顧者的身心壓力,但照顧者自助團體研究甚少,且照顧者自助團體之研究未正視團體成員先前團體參與的經驗,及既有研究忽略照顧者支持團體的延續性效益之探究,是故,本研究目的包括:一、從接觸自助團體的起源—探討照顧者參與支持團體的經驗;二、分析照顧者參與自助團體的經驗;三、以增強權能觀點探究照顧者參與自助團體的經驗;四、從自助團體成員及社工員的角度看自助團體的未來發展;五、依據研究結果,提供建議作為辦理照顧者自助團體的實務工作者及家庭照顧者相關團體之參考。 本研究使用質性取向的研究方法,以「台北縣家庭照顧者關懷協會」作為研究場域,本研究共計訪問八名受訪者,一名社工員及七位照顧者。照顧者皆為女性,年齡介於53-64歲之間。照顧狀況方面,有1位仍持續照顧中,6位已結束照顧工作。照顧者參與自助團體方面,僅有1位非團體幹部。 主要的研究結果如下: 1.照顧者參與支持團體經驗中,透過醫療單位及個人熟識者得知活動訊息。照顧者支持團體前的處境大致可區分心理壓力、生理壓力、缺乏社會支持網絡及不清楚照顧方面的資訊。照顧者實際參與支持團體的條件為能擁有自己可支配的時間,以及有人協助暫代照顧工作。支持團體活動內容包括身心成長類、藝術治療類、活動肢體類、人際學習類,其中團體領導者的角色為教育者、催化者及使能者。領導者與成員的關係會隨著時間而改變,隨著時間的發展,許多不在正式的團體中的互動行為跟關係開始產生,此互動經驗讓成員與領導者在團體之外仍保持密切互動,彼此約定舉辦定期的聚會,逐漸形成自助團體。 2.照顧者參與自助團體之經驗中,北縣家協每個月會安排一次三小時的座談分享會,座談內容偏向靜態主題如舒壓、按摩穴道等。自助團體成員的角色可區分為活動發起者、訊息傳遞者、聯繫者、支持者及追隨者。團體互動歷程包括三個階段:互動初期、關係建立期及關係維持期。成員彼此互動的情形中,共享相似的照顧經驗及用支持的力量陪伴成員走過艱辛路,此外,單身、結束照顧工作的成員與他人互動的頻率較高。 3.以增強權能觀點分析照顧者參與團體的經驗中,在個人面的改變部份,照顧者能夠「減少負面感受」、「改變認知」、「增加知能」、「增加自信」、「支配自己的生活」;在人際面的改變中,照顧者「以同理心與被照顧者互動」、「普同性的照顧經驗」、「利他性的互動」、「知識訊息分享」、「建立同儕友誼關係」及「擴大社會網絡」;在社會面的改變中,照顧者開始從事「志願服務」、「贊助協會」,對「家庭照顧者議題及政策」也有所看法。 4.從自助團體成員與社工員的角度看自助團體的未來發展:從照顧者角度看自助團體,可發現自助團體目前運作狀況為擴大服務據點至偏遠地區,北縣家協與自助團體彼此具有雙向的互動關係。照顧者建議將活動資訊發給每個社區的健康中心,透過增加資訊管道以使訊息更具有可近性。從社工員的角度看自助團體發現,照顧者喜愛輕鬆的聚餐,期待設計自助團體相關教材,並成立自助團體的關懷小組,及補助自助團體的運作經費。 / On an aging society, the disabled elderly usually cared by families that becomes a heavy load of caregivers. In this context, the policies and measures of family caregiver are valued by the general public gradually, and hope to reduce the negative effects, to increase the well-being of caregivers. Self-help groups can effectively reduce the ca-regiver physical and mental pressure, but there are few related studies. In addition, the experience of caregiver involve in previous groups few mentioned in current studies, and caregiver support groups of the continuity of the effectiveness is neglected to explore in existing studies. Accordingly, the purposes of this study are as following: first, examine the expe-rience of caregivers involved in the support group; second, consider the experience of caregivers involved in the self-help group; third, explore the experience of caregivers involved in the self-help group --analyze from the perspective of empowerment; fourth, the expectation of the future development of self-help groups of members from the self-help groups and social workers; fifth, according to research findings, provide suggestions for caregivers’ practitioners and relevant groups. This study employs a qualitative research approach, and data collection is gotten from " Family Caregivers Association in Taipei County", including semi-structured in-depth interviews with a social worker and seven caregivers, aging from 53 to 64. One caregiver who still cares her family members and one caregiver is not the cadre. The study findings are listed below: First, caregivers get information through the medical units and individuals who are familiar to them. Caregivers have psychological stress, physical stress, lack of social support networks, and lack of care information. Caregivers can involve support groups because they have their own time, or someone help to take care temporarily. Support group include physical and mental growth activities, art therapy classes, common activities and interpersonal learning classes. The role of support group leader is a educator, catalyst and enabler. The relationship between leaders and members change over time, as time goes on, members and leaders still remain in close interaction, therefore a self-help group formed gradually. Second, when caregivers involve in the self-help group, the Association arrange a three-hour discussion sharing monthly. The role of self-help group members can be divided into active sponsors, messengers, associates, supporters and followers. Group interaction process consists of three stages: the initial interaction, relationship building and relationship of the maintenance phase. Members interact with each other, sharing similar experiences and support each other .In addition, caregivers who are single, or do not have to care their family members have higher participation rates to involve in self-help group. Third, explore the experience of caregivers involved in the self-help group --analyze from the perspective of empowerment. Changes in the personal aspect include "reduce the negative feelings", "change the perception", "more knowledge", and “more confident”, “control their own life”. Changes in the interpersonal aspect include " empathy the care receivers "," same experiences in taking care "," altruistic interaction "," knowledge and information sharing "," establish peer friendships and relationship "and" expand the social network ". Changes in the social aspect include "engage in voluntary service "," contribute money to Association ", besides caregivers have ability to suggest for family caregiver issues and policy. Fourth, the perspective of self-help group members is self-help groups expand services to remote areas. The Association and self-help groups also have good interaction. Caregivers suggest activities distributed to each community's health information center, make information more accessibility. The perspectives of social workers is design teaching material about self-help group, and set up a support team, and grant funding for self-help.

從新聞中的偽科學報導看大學生的科學素養與媒體識讀能力 / Scientific literacy and media literacy: how college students believe pseudoscience in news

王貞懿, Wang, Chen Yi Unknown Date (has links)
科學傳播領域投入大量的心思探討科學素養與媒體識讀能力對於閱聽眾的重要性,一方面是因為閱聽眾有基本的科學素養才足以理解新聞報導中的科學或科技知識,另一方面,透過媒體管道接觸訊息,閱聽人應該要有基本的媒體識讀能力,也就是對於媒體內容能有獨立思考與批判的能力,但卻忽略了媒體中偽科學內容的存在與閱聽眾本身的偽科學信念對於傳播可能的影響與阻礙,這是過去文獻中不曾考量的現象,有鑑於此,本研究綜合探討目前大學生的科學素養、媒體識讀能力與偽科學信念的程度,科學素養、媒體識讀能力與偽科學信念之間的關係,以及媒體使用對其偽科學新聞辨識能力的影響。 本研究於台灣北、中、南、東四地區抽樣調查共1190名大學生,研究結果顯示,大學生在科學素養與媒體識讀能力的表現普通,相信偽科學的程度也不低;而就不同的偽科學信念主題來說,大學生較無法辨識以商業為主題的偽科學。本研究也發現科學素養與媒體識讀能力呈現正相關,與偽科學信念間無顯著相關,而媒體識讀能力與偽科學信念則呈負相關。同時,媒體時間接觸越長的人,其偽科學信念越高,特別是電視的影響最深。在控制多重可能影響的基本背景變項後發現,媒體識讀能力與偽科學信念為解釋偽科學新聞辨識能力的有力變項,本研究論文最後針對這些發現作進一步的討論與建議。 / The current study explores the roles of scientific literacy and media literacy in how people understand or believe the pseudoscientific content in news. Scientific literacy has been considered as an important concept in science communication research for it may explain how well people are able to understand the knowledge in news content, while media literacy is the ability of an audience to think independently and critically of the information provided by media. Past students, however, have not yet suggested a complete picture of how scientific literacy and media literacy together influence audiences’ processing of science news. Past studies have also not yet widely explored pseudoscience in media or its impact on audiences. Pseudoscience subjects such as astrology and medical quackery can be easily found in media content today, even news, with exaggerated or unproved claims. It remains unknown how publics receive such media information, particularly since audiences have preexisting beliefs relevant to these pseudoscience subjects that would be influential. Thus, the present study is aimed to depict the relationship of science literacy and media literacy in reading pseudoscientific news with consideration of audiences’ pseudoscientific beliefs. A survey on college students in Taiwan was conducted with a nation-wide stratified sample of 1190. The results first showed that college students are at mediate levels of scientific literacy and media literacy, and the scores of their pseudo-scientific beliefs are not low, particularly on the pseudoscientific subjects that have a marketing theme or a commercial purpose. The findings also showed that scientific literacy is positively related to media literacy and not significantly related to pseudoscientific beliefs; media literacy is negatively related to pseudo-scientific beliefs. In addition, the study found that media use is positively related to pseudoscientific beliefs; especially the viewing of television. Hierarchical regression analyses further showed that media literacy and pseudo-scientific beliefs have significant effects on how pseudoscience content in news is believed. The implications of the findings and recommendations for future studies are discussed at the end.

足跡在非洲: 中國大陸和韓國對非洲的援助政策 / Footprints in Africa: a comparative study of China and South Korea's foreign aid policy in Africa

申峻浩, Shin, Jun Ho Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis, with special emphasis on African recipient countries, aims to compare and clarify the foreign aid practices adopted by China and South Korea. While South Korea is mostly portrayed as an emerging donor country intending to tie economic relations to recipients, China draws a very diverse audience with reactions to its aid policy ranging from strong suspicion to sincere curiosity. In this thesis, we examine relationships between economic indicators such as population, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), GDP per capita, trade, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), energy production of African recipient countries and the foreign aid policies of these two donors. Through the statistical research method of panel data analysis, we found that the Chinese government has a tendency to provide its aid to more populous African countries, while the often hypothesized China’s resource-securing aid intention is not confirmed. In the case of South Korea, Seoul has a more risk-avert attitude in its Official Development Assistance (ODA) by providing these funds to higher income-level recipients.

再生能源饋網電價制度之研析 / The research of renewable energy feed in tariff

黃琪珊, Huang, Chi-Shan Unknown Date (has links)
全球目前面臨氣候變遷及能源價格不斷攀升的重要課題,為解決能源問題、維護生態環境,再生能源發展成為刻不容緩的重要政策。世界各國紛紛提出促進再生能源發展的一連串行動方案,其中常見的政策之一為饋網電價制度,透過訂定保證收購價格,提高廠商投資意願,進一步促進再生能源產業發展。然我國於民國98年正式引入該項制度,如何透過其他各國實施的歷史經驗,學習此制度的重點措施,並考量我國經濟環境,改善制度設計,為學者目前關注的焦點。 德國與西班牙發展饋網電價制度皆有一段時日,其中經歷不斷的法令修正、制度變遷,已成為目前施行饋網電價制度成功的代表性國家。本文首先彙整饋網電價制度相關理論文獻,釐清饋網電價制度基本要素,再透過德國與西班牙的施行經驗,用以檢視我國饋網電價制度設計與他國的差異並比較分析,深入探討饋網電價制度的核心精神。

國民小學教師專業能力指標建構之研究 / A research on the development of professional indicators for elementary-school teachers

翁素敏, Wong, Su Min Unknown Date (has links)
本研究在建立教師專業能力之指標,主要研究方法為文獻探討後採用模糊德菲術問卷調查法。藉由文獻探討分析主要來探討相關理論與研究成果,作為本研究的學理依據;再邀請專家對問卷指標逐一確認,以提升問卷效度,作為進一步模糊德菲術問卷的編製依據,分析專家群體意見之差異性,確認專家群體意見是否趨向一致。最後根據模糊德菲術調查問卷的最大值、最小值及最佳單一值化成雙三角模糊函數,進行量化的指標統計篩選。獲得之結論如下: 一、本研究所擬定之指標共計有:教學能力、班級經營與輔導、研究發展與進修、敬業精神與態度等四個層面;在每個層面並分別有三到四個的指標,計有十二個指標;每個指標下分別含有三到九個不等的檢核項目,共計有五十二個檢核項目。 二、本研究所建構之指標系統構面依權重高低依序前三名為教學方法(15.5%)、人際關係(11.1%)、輔導知能(7.9%)。 藉由分析討論獲得結論後,提出相關建議,敘述如下:辦理相關研習,提升專業知能;建立內省能力,提升專業形象;落實教師評鑑工作,作為了解教師績效與改進之參考;教師評鑑制度要與教師專業發展相結合;應視教育現況,建構適切之教師專業能力指標;應提供多元的課程滿足教育的專業化、多元化與國際化,並因應不同生涯發展階段的需求提供教師進修研習的課程。 / The research aimed to establish the indicators of teacher’s professional abilities. Fuzzy Delphi method was utilized for data collection after the discussion of the documents. The theoretical basis of this research was derived from analyzing the documents, discussing related theories and other research achievements. Furthermore, the research was conducted to collect experts’ opinions on the indicators in questionnaires to promote their validity, which was the main basis of compiling the Fuzzy Delphi Method questionnaires. From the questionnaires, the author could analyze the differences of experts’ opinions and confirm whether their opinions could come to agreement. Finally, based on the maximum, minimum and best single value, the author obtained the following conclusions: First, this research consists of four dimensions: teaching ability, class management and student counseling, research development and further education and professional spirits. Each dimension is composed of three to four indicators. There are twelve indicators in total. Each indicator also contains three to nine control items. There are fifty-two control items in total. Second, according to the established indicator system, the author obtains the top three indicators: teaching method (15.5%), interpersonal relationship (11.1%) and counseling competence (7.9%). After analyzing and discussion the data, the author brought up related suggestions described as follows: holding more workshops to promote teachers’ professional competence; improving teachers’ introspective ability to promote their professional images; reinforcing teachers’ evaluation as the reference for their improvements; combining teachers’ evaluation system and profession; according to the educational situation, establishing proper professional indicators for teachers; providing diverse courses and programs according to different stages of teachers’ life arrangement to reach the ideal of professional, diverse and international education.


蔡詠伊 Unknown Date (has links)
俄羅斯擁有豐富的天然能源資源,近年來以出口能源賺取外匯成為能源出口大國;日本由於國內缺乏資源的能源結構,長期以來過度依賴中東原油進口,欲極力擺脫中東原油進口依存度過高的國內能源結構。俄羅斯與日本地理上具有鄰接性,能源結構具有高度互補性,具備了日俄能源合作可行性之要件。然而由於冷戰期間的國際政治框架下使日蘇關係停滯,冷戰結束後蘇聯瓦解,日俄雙邊存在自第二次世界大戰以來的北方四島領土問題懸而未決,使得日俄雙邊能源合作遲遲無有效進展。 本研究欲以2003年「日俄行動計畫」日本對俄羅斯提出安納線能源合作計畫為始之中日俄在太平洋石油運輸管線計畫為背景,探討日俄能源合作的可行性,並著重以日本的觀點分析日本爭取與俄羅斯能源合作的原因,以及爭取俄羅斯能源合作過程中外交上的得失與經濟上的利弊。 關鍵字:日俄關係、日俄能源合作、石油運輸管線、北方四島

投資人情緒、動能、與公司治理對股價的影響 / The Influence of investor sentiment, momentum, and corporate governance

吳孟臻, Wu, Meng Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採2003年12月至2010年6月上市上櫃公司為研究樣本,檢驗當期投資人情緒、公司治理、及動能投資策略對下期股價獲利的影響,與先前研究不同之處在於,投資人情緒使用世新大學投資人情緒資料庫所提供之「投資人情緒指數」。實證結果為: 1、當期投資人情緒悲觀會使得當期股價低估,而使下期股價向上修正時有較高的報酬率。 2、公司治理佳的股票報酬率顯著大於公司治理劣的股票報酬率。 3、過去股價報酬率較高者未來也有較高的獲利,反之則較低。 4、投資人情緒相較於公司治理及動能策略而言,為主要的影響股價的因素。 5、金融海嘯時,投資人情緒悲觀仍使下期股價有較高的報酬率,但公司治理劣者報酬率顯著大於公司治理佳者。

我國現行司法官口試制度之研究 / The research of judge oral examination system

盧逸斌 Unknown Date (has links)
考選的目的在獲取優秀的人才,蔚為國用。新時代公務人力資源發展的新策略在於重建人力管理法制、加強訓練發展、內化行政倫理與行政中立以及對考選體制將能有所突破創新,以優質考選方式替國家社會選拔更多人才。其中有關彈性人力考選方法一定要能符合「效度」(validity)與「信度」(reliability)的要求。 有鑑於現行司法官口試制度的執行技術仍須改進,期透過本研究能夠瞭解我國現行司法官口試制度之全貌及其主要的問題,並透過相關人事與考選制度理論,與深度訪談的資料分析結果,希望能夠拋磚引玉,於制度面與實務面提出口試制度改進之可行性建議。

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