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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

呼称の容認性判断と情動知能(Emotional Intelligence: EI)の関係

玉岡, 賀津雄, 林, 炫情 05 December 2013 (has links)
No description available.


KIM, In-Tae, ITOH, Yoshito, SHIMIZU, Yoshiyuki, 金, 仁泰, 伊藤, 義人, 清水, 善行 01 August 2007 (has links)
No description available.

顧客消費能力與滿意度之關聯性研究 -以T購物中心為例 / The Study of the Relationship Between Purchasing Power and Customer Satisfaction – The Case of T-Shopping Mall

王淺秋, Wang, Anne Unknown Date (has links)
無畏百家爭鳴,台灣購物中心市場再添新兵,目前全台共有約23個購物中心,業者坦言台灣百貨公司市場太飽和,且把持住所有一線品牌,自1999年台茂搶先跨入購物中心市場以來,台灣購物中心「成功者少,失敗者多」, 至今不少購物中心仍處於虧損狀態。近年來由於台灣產業結構快速變遷、產品的推陳出新、國民所得提高以及通貨膨脹等因素,使得消費者的消費習慣隨著這些大環境的變化而做出相對應的調整。在此嚴峻的競爭環境下,提供消費者所需要且滿意的商品及服務,進而有效提升顧客對於公司之滿意度,並刺激其消費能力,進而增加公司營利,為現今購物中心關切的課題之一。 本研究擬透過T購物中心之顧客滿意度調查問卷,瞭解顧客之消費行為及能力、不同構面下之滿意度概況、影響滿意度之重要因素,以對於該公司之整體現況作深入研究及探討,研究結果如下: 一、 顧客前往T購物中心之目的主要為購物及用餐。 二、 顧客於T購物中心消費之品項以餐飲及超市食(用)品所占比例最高。 三、 大部分顧客之消費頻率為一個月1~2次,且平均每次消費金額以1,000元~4,999元的比例最高。 四、 顧客之性別會影響其對於T購物中心之整體滿意度。 五、 當顧客前往T購物中心有固定的消費頻率時,有較高之「整體滿意度」。 六、 當消費者之職業為學生、專業工作、家庭主婦或退休,且教育程度為專科大學及以下時,對於「商品價值」有較高之滿意度。 七、 消費者的平均月收入落在30,000元至150,000元之間時,對於「服務品質」有較高之滿意度。 八、 中低消費金額之女性顧客對於「環境設施」之滿意度較高。

台灣便利商店以品牌延伸作為核心能力之研究 / Research on the strategy of brand extension as core competency in Taiwan's CVS industry

蘇玟璇, Su, Wen Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
近年來國內便利商店越開越大,也紛紛以品牌延伸策略推出包羅萬象的產品/服務,與過去將坪效奉為至上準則,且以民生用品販售為主的便利商店發展模式大相逕庭。然而,回顧國內外關於品牌延伸策略的理論研究卻少有針對零售業界的理論模型,更不用說以便利商店產業為研究對象的深入實務探討。因此,本研究希望透過深入訪談與個案分析,歸納出消費者用以評價便利商店品牌延伸活動的評價因子,與探究便利商店業者品牌延伸活動的發展與限制。 透過文獻回顧,本研究提出零售商的品牌延伸策略類型與消費者評價因素為研究架構,配合國內兩大便利商店業者的6個品牌延伸案例為分析對象,以質化研究的個案分析法為主,深度訪談為輔,解構業者在發展不同品牌延伸的背後動機與相關策略活動,並深入了解消費者對於便利商店業者不同品牌延伸策略的看法。 根據研究結果,本研究認為便利商店業者在品牌延伸策略的運用上,應以聚焦核心能力所及範圍為原則,若欲跨足新專業領域,則宜強打配合廠商的品牌,採專業分工方式進行。而消費者在面對便利商店品牌延伸時,則會先經過一涉入程度判定過程,高涉入度消費者在購買決策前會積極蒐集相關資訊,並會和現有產品/服務提供商進行比對,因而面對此類消費者,應以強化品牌概念一致性、透過體驗行銷提高使用轉換率、加強資訊與促銷策略曝光度提高使用誘因,並以強化與配合廠商間的連結來降低認知風險為主要推廣策略;面對以嚐鮮為主要購買決策驅動引擎,並容易隨著口碑起舞的低涉入度消費者,應朝善用數位媒體來增加品牌黏著度,及管理數位口碑來強化口碑影響力,兩大方向著手發展推廣策略。

合作學習教學模式下探討聽力焦慮降低及聽力能力提升 / Exploring the Reduction of Listening Anxiety and Promotion of Listening Comprehension Ability under the Teaching Mode of Cooperative Learning

陳俊呂, Chen, Chun Lu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的在於探究合作學習的教學模式對於國民中學的學生在降低英語聽力焦慮和提升聽力能力雙方面上是否有效。本研究的研究對象是54位來自台灣北部地區的一所國民中學的學生,學生來自於經S型分班後同質性的2個普通班,2個班分別設定為對照組和實驗組,兩組在數量、性別、背景、聽力焦慮及聽力能力起始程度上皆相似。對照組施以傳統英語聽力教學模式:學生聽寫,教師給答案並講解的方式施教;實驗組則施以合作學習英語聽力教學模式:同學聽完練習後,交互討論練習答案的方式來學習。師生利用每週四堂英語課的前15分鐘來進行英語聽力合作學習,經過了約12週的教學後,兩組皆接受聽力焦慮量表的後測,及南一書局出版的聽力測驗。量表及測驗皆以獨立樣本t檢定來進行統計分析,研究結果顯示:實驗組和對照組相較之下,聽力焦慮降低的程度達到顯著差異;而聽力能力的部分,雖然實驗組比對照組在測驗分數上有進步,但進步幅度有限,未能達到顯著差異。除此之外,訪談問卷中的質性資料亦支持了量化結果。本研究冀希成為對於有意利用合作學習教學模式來教聽力的老師,在降低聽力焦慮和提升聽力能力上,一個教學上的參考。最後,研究者根據實驗的過程及結果,對未來合作學習或是聽力教學的研究,提出需要避免的情形及一些可進行的研究方向。 / This study is mainly to explore if the mode of cooperative learning can reduce junior high school students’ listening anxiety and promote their listening comprehension ability. The participants in this study were junior high school students from northern Taiwan. They were chosen from two homogeneous classes formulated by the normal s-style distribution. Two classes, decided as the control group and the experimental group, were the same in number, gender, background, listening anxiety as well as the listening comprehension ability. The control group was treated with the traditional mode of teaching listening: Students listened and wrote down their answers; the teacher gave answers and explanations. The experimental group was treated with the mode of cooperative learning: After students finished their listening practices, they exchanged notes and discussed answers by themselves. The initial fifteen minutes in every English class were employed to process the learning of cooperative learning four times a week. After twelve weeks, students in the two groups took the post-test of Foreign Language Listening Anxiety Scale and the listening comprehension test issued by Nan I Book Enterprise. Both instruments were measured by an independent-samples t-test. The result showed that the significant differences were attained in the listening anxiety. Nevertheless, the significant differences were not attained in the listening comprehension ability though the average score of the experimental group was higher than that of the control group. Besides, the qualitative data from the questionnaire also sustain the quantitative results. Hopefully, this study can serve as a reference for those teachers who would like to teach English listening comprehension by the mode of cooperative learning. Eventually, the researcher provided some directions to follow and some awkward situations to avoid for future studies based on the experimental process and results in this study.

彰化縣溪州鄉水田利用多功能性之研究 / A study of multifunctionality of paddy field utilization of Xizhou Township in Changhua

吳宜庭, Wu, Yi Ting Unknown Date (has links)
水源,是水田利用最重要的因素,直接影響了水田所展現的多功能性。多功能性之概念,係表彰農業生產已由經濟功能轉變為兼具其他服務功能,強調農業生產不僅創造商品的價值,亦提供其他產出的非商品價值。並可歸納出具有生產經濟、生態環境與社會文化功能。而倡導多功能性之最終目的,在於農業永續發展。 本研究個案位於彰化縣溪州鄉。此鄉因有莿仔埤圳引入濁水溪灌溉,生產著名的濁水米,且莿仔埤圳亦為溪州鄉農業之命脈。近二十年來,溪州鄉歷經「集集共同引水」工程、中科四期搶水事件、護水行動與水田濕地計畫等,更加強調農業用水的重要性,以及守護土地的決心。而在護水行動落幕後,溪州鄉的水稻栽培方式,轉變成以無毒農法施作的水田濕地。本研究以文獻評析與深度訪談的方式,探討溪州鄉之水田利用歷程,並以護水行動為界,將溪州鄉水田利用方式劃分為慣行與無毒水田利用。並分別比較兩種水田利用方式,所展現出多功能性之差異。研究結果顯示,無毒水田之利用,特別是在生態環境的層面,較能夠為溪州鄉延續土地、動植物與人體健康,進而創造永續價值。 進而,本研究再以Jordan & Warner(2010)所提出的多功能性發展模式,探討模式中產業發展、農業生態夥伴關係與超級系統中,溪州鄉無毒水田利用所面臨之發展困境與課題。研究結果顯示,溪州鄉的無毒水田利用,已具備產業發展層次,並約略形成農業生態夥伴關係,惟超級系統層次尚未成形。此表示溪州鄉無毒水田利用的多功能性推廣,仍有其完備與不足之處。本研究認為,認為若能解決在內部管理、無毒水田的集中化管理,以及政府機關的資源整合、產業輔導、有機資材取得問題,並將有助於凝聚溪州全鄉之永續發展意識,使更多農民投入無毒水田栽培,或能成為傳統慣行農鄉轉變為無毒農鄉之典範。 / Water is the most important factor of paddy field utilization, and affect its multifunctionality directly. The concept of multifunctionality recognizes that the economic function of agricultural production has been transformed into other services, not only creating commodities, but also providing the value of non-commodity outputs. In fact, the goal of multifunctionality is to develop sustainable agriculture. This case study is located in Xizhou Township, Changhua County. Because Chi Tsai Pi furrow irrigation noses Chuo Shui River into Xizhou, this township can produce famous Chuo Shui rice. And for sure, Chi Tsai Pi furrow irrigation is the heart of agriculture in this township. In the past two decades, the township had gone through Chi Chi Conjunctive Diversion Project, grabbing water events of Central Taiwan Science Park’s (CTSP) fourth-phase, defending water action and paddy wetlands plan, people in this township has a great emphasis on the use of water in agriculture, as well as the protection of the land. After the defending water action, the rice cultivation methods in Xizhou has changed into chemical-free farming facilities for paddy wetlands. This research adopts literature and in-depth interviews two ways to explore the use of paddy fields in Xizhou, and compares the use of two separate methods of paddy fields, conventional farming and chemical-free farming, finds out the differences of multifunctionality between these two methods. And the results shows that the chemical-free farming paddy creates the sustainable value. Furthermore, this research explores plights and problems of the chemical-free paddy fields in Xizhou with the multifunctionality development presented by Jordan & Warner (2010),which includes three levels, enterprise development, agroeological partnership and supersystem. The results show that paddy field utilization of Xizhou has formed enterprise development and agroeological partnership, however, supersystem not yet. This represents there are some problems in Xizhou still. This study suggests that if these problems like nternal management, chemical-free paddy centralized management, industry guidance of government agencies, organic materials issues, are solved , will help unite awareness of Xizhou, and made more farmers into chemical-free paddy cultivation.


国枝, 稔, 中村, 光, 上田, 尚史 January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

證券公司動態能力演進之個案研究 / A Case Study on the Evolutions of Dynamic Capabilities of Securities Company

鄭淑芬, Cheng, Shu Fen Unknown Date (has links)
個案公司自1988年創立迄今已超過22年,主要從事證券經紀、自營、承銷三大業務的證券公司。證券經紀業務由於在外部投資商品日漸多元、客戶結構改變、市場進入成熟期手續費競爭激烈,雖然個案公司歷經幾次購併,但是營收成長仍受大環境的影響,無法持續成長。此時主管機關開放證券公司從事財富管理業務,公司開始思考如何進行策略重定位,並透過一連串營運活動的轉變,從過去的證券市場切入到財富管理市場,公司主要以台股為主的營運策略,期望藉由法規的開放,轉型成為多元化的商品,除了服務客戶台股之外,也可以開始進行全方位的商品服務,從台股跨向國際市場。個案公司過去藉由購併將公司規模擴大,希望可以透過新法規的開放,開始重新調整公司整體的策略定位,並根據策略重定位調整原本以台股商品為中心的運作,以利策略的執行。總結上述一連串的轉變,背後支持個案公司得以成功轉型的關鍵在於公司動態回應市場變化的能力,進而形成維持持續成長的動態能力。準此,本研究主要目的即在探討個案公司如何有效運用環境、策略與結構這三層構面彼此的最適互動,來協助其達到成長的目的。 / The corporation in this individual case has been built for 22 years since 1988. It is a securities that provides brokerage, proprietary trading and underwriting. Nowadays the securities business is challenged by product diversification, client structural change, and competitive service charge in mature market. Although the firm has gone through several merge and acquisition, the gross rate of sale is still limited and impacted by the influence of big environment. Meanwhile, the competent authority permits wealth management services in securities industry. The firm starts to reconsider the strategic position which focuses from securities to wealth management market via a series of operating activates, from Taiwan stock to diverse products via law permission, and from domestic to internal market via full-functioning financial service. In summary of above of all transitions, the key success factor of transformation for this company is the dynamic adaptive capability, and the long term growth path also depends on it. Consequently, the topic of this paper discusses the fit among environment, strategy and structure, which enables the company to remain continued competitive advantage.

IC設計公司成長策略研究—以義隆電子為例 / The growth strategy of IC design company:A case study for Elan microelectronics corporation

石本立 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以個案分析方式,以IC設計公司義隆電子為例將其15年來企業成長所採用的策略作為作一回顧及分析。藉由長期的觀察能夠了解到企業由初創、成長、一直到遭遇瓶頸後的突破,在這些不斷的循環過程中所依賴的核心能力是如何循序漸進地培養獲得的。在本研究中佐以實證資料有一深入討論。 此外企業所處的是一動態的競爭環境,任何一個突破競爭的「漸進式創新」極易被競爭者複製,將再度削弱了業者的利潤空間。企業領導人倘若只著重於不斷地應付這樣的循環模式的話,將是非常危險的經營方式。個案研究中發現義隆電子採取破壞性創新的思維,跳脫出IC設計公司僅推出IC產品的習慣性作法,而直接訴求及扮演模組或是完整解決方案提供者的角色。 本研究主要發現之一,企業新創及成長期階段中,企業成長與核心能耐的培養有其關聯性,可藉由以下五種企業活動不斷累積。分別為研發活動、選擇利基市場涉入、蒐集市場資訊及應用創意、再來就是核心能力的延伸拓展跨入不同應用領域,最後是經營網絡組織以擴充產品線廣度及支援客戶的深度。 本研究主要發現之二,當企業成長出現瓶頸摸索轉型路徑作為時,則與核心能耐的延伸有關且具有以下三種關連性特徵。分別為由產業價值鏈結構觀點,提高競爭對手的進入障礙;向下游整合提高產業獨佔力量;重新定義公司新的競爭方式。 本研究所選擇的個案研究係以電子產業的觀點加以分析,雖然對於管理上的建議及採證上的限制而有所侷限,但是其現象觀察及結論推展也同樣適合應用於其他產業上。至於個案公司策略的落實及未來經營的績效,期盼未來有興趣研究者持續追蹤。

能源價格衝擊與台灣總體經濟 / Energy price shocks and Taiwan’s macroeconomy

陳虹均, Chen, Hung Chun Unknown Date (has links)
自1970年代以來有許多研究指出,能源價格衝擊對於一個國家的總體經濟表現有顯著的影響。但對於能源價格究竟是以何種形式,以及透過什麼管道對總體經濟產生影響,卻沒有一致的看法。同時,經濟決策者對於能源價格變動的反應,經常因為有不確定性的存在而有延後反映的現象。本文利用台灣1981年到2009年的能源價格,建構數種對稱與不對稱之能源價格變動設定,以Granger因果關係檢定探討能源價格變動與台灣其他相關的總體經濟變數資料間的關係;並透過自我迴歸分配落後模型 (Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model, ARDL) 模型估計能源價格與台灣產出的長期關係。我們的實證結果顯示:能源價格,相較於台灣的總體經濟體系,具有外生性。能源價格成長率對產出與失業率沒有顯著的影響;但能源價格的波動程度對台灣產出成長率卻有顯著的負面影響。能源價格波動率與台灣實質產出具有長期均衡關係,而且能源價格波動將對台灣實質產出有負面影響。 / Since the 1970s, numerous studies have demonstrated that energy price impact can have a significant influence on a country’s macroeconomy. However, there is no consensus regarding in what form, or by which channel can energy price changes affect the macroeconomy. In addition, economic decision makers often respond to energy price changes with a time lag due to the existence of uncertainty. This paper constructs several indicators of symmetric and asymmetric energy price changes based on the energy prices in Taiwan for the period from 1981 to 2009. We employ the Granger’s causality test to examine the relationship between energy price changes and related macroeconomic variables; and utilize the autoregressive distributed lag model (ARDL) to estimate the long-run relationship between energy price volatility and Taiwan’s real GDP. Our empirical results show that energy price exhibits exogeneity relative to important macroeconomic variables; the energy price growth rate does not have significant impact on output and unemployment rate, while the energy price volatility has negative impact on Taiwan’s macroeconomy. There is long-run relationship between the energy price volatility and Taiwan’s real GDP. Furthermore, the energy price volatility do have negative impact on Taiwan’s real GDP.

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