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購屋負擔能力與住宅政策 - 以臺北市為例曹証鈞 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來台灣地區房價水準持續攀升,民眾開始產生無力購置自有住宅的問題。在此情形下,政府採行何種住宅政策最能改善家戶單位的購屋能力,便成為社會關注的議題。為了比較各種住宅政策對各分位家戶單位購屋負擔能力的影響,本研究以Gan和Hill (2008) 的負擔風險法 (Affordability at Risk,AaR) 為衡量家戶單位購屋負擔能力的基本架構,並融合賸餘所得法 (Residual Income Approach)的衡量概念對Gan和Hill (2008) 的衡量方式進行部分修正,而後以台北市的數據模擬分析各住宅政策對台北市各分位家戶單位購屋負擔能力的影響效果,並指出在改善低所得家庭購屋負擔能力的目標上,以「放寬貸款年限」的政策效果最為顯著,其次為「利息抵繳所得稅」。而採取「利息補貼」或「提供優惠房貸」的住宅政策,僅在房屋貸款利率較高的年度具有較好的政策效果,在房貸利率較低的年度,其政策影響不大。此外,本研究的模擬分析結果也指出當家戶單位的自備款低於100萬元時,無論政府採取何種住宅政策對家戶單位而言皆無法增加其購買負擔能力,此時政府僅能藉由提供租屋補貼等方式,降低家戶單位的租屋負擔進而增加其住宅負擔能力。
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桃園縣國民小學總務主任養成教育課程與專業能力之研究 / A study on training curriculum and professional competence of the directors of general affairs of elementary schools王碧禛 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以問卷調查法為主,半結構訪談法為輔,以探討所欲研究之問題。本研究之問卷係依據文獻探討所獲得之參考資料,經專家效度分析後,編擬之「桃園縣國民小學總務主任養成教育課程與專業能力之研究調查問卷」。研究對象為桃園縣國民小學98學年度擔任總務主任及96、97學年度曾擔任總務主任者為研究對象。共計發出問卷285 份,回收254份,有效問卷252份,有效回收率為88.4%。
關鍵字:專業能力、養成教育課程、總務主任、國民小學 / The purpose of the study is to explore the status on training curriculum and professional competence of the directors of general affairs of elementary schools in Taoyuan County, then to analyze the differences in professional competence and in the opinions of directors on training curriculum as background factors of the director change. The relationship between the training curriculum and the professional competence is explored as well.
This study employs the research method of questionnaire surveys and semi- structured interviews. The researcher has developed an instrument titled as "The Questionnaire Survey on Training Curriculum and Professional Competence of the Directors of General Affairs of Elementary Schools in Taoyuan County". Two hundred and eighty-five subjects are selected from the teachers who were the directors of general affairs of elementary schools in Taoyuan County in the years of 2007~2009. A total of 254 questionnaires were returned. Out of those, 88.4% was valid (252 out of 285).
Valid sample data was analyzed and processed using the methods of description statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, posteriority comparison by Scheff’e, Pearson's product-moment correlation and stepwise multiple regressions. The frame of the interview questions was designed according to the findings from the questionnaire. Six directors and one section chief from bureau of education were interviewed to clarify and extend the findings of the survey. Then, the data retrieved from questionnaires and interviews were compiled, categorized, synthesized and analyzed. Following is the summary of the study:
1. The directors performed well in all the items of the professional competence.
2. The point of view of directors with respect to the training curriculum was positive to the professional competence.
3. The items of the directors’ age, working years and license in the background factors made a significant difference to professional competence.
4. The items of the directors’ age, working years and license in the background factors made a significant difference to the point of view of the training curriculum.
5. The training curriculum and the professional competence were positive correlative for the directors of general affairs.
6. The training curriculum was able to forecast the level of the professional competence.
This study is finalized at proposing practical suggestions based on the findings and conclusions to educational administration authorities, directors of general affairs of elementary schools for further study and reference.
Keywords: professional competence, training curriculum, directors of general affairs, elementary school
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不同渴求構念與焦慮、憂鬱以及執行功能的關係-針對海洛因戒治人之探討 / The relationship of different constructs of craving with anxiety, depression and executive function.李人儀 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的為探討國內海洛因戒治人的渴求經驗,試圖檢驗藥物渴望量表(DDQ)(Franken, 2002)在台灣樣本的信效度,同時了解不同渴求構念與焦慮、憂鬱以及執行功能的關係。
相關分析結果顯示,渴求的正增強與負增強兩構念皆與焦慮、憂鬱情緒達顯著正相關,淨相關分析中顯示排除正增強影響後,負增強仍與焦慮強緒有顯著相關。渴求也與執行功能中的工作記憶、訊息處理速度有顯著的負相關。研究結果初步顯示國內海洛因戒治人之不同渴求狀態與焦慮、憂鬱以及執行功能之關係,顯示在成癮治療過程中,不僅須處理渴求經驗,同時也須針對焦慮、憂鬱情緒做介入,並考慮認知功能對治療、復發的影響,以降低個案復發的風險。 / The purpose of the present study was to discuss the craving experience of heroin addicts during compulsory treatment in Taiwan. Drug Desire Questionnaire (Franken, 2002) was used to investigate different craving constructs that were positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement and control. DDQ was validated in this research. This study also examined the relationships between heroin craving, depression, anxiety and executive function.
According to models of craving and research, the present study tried to examine the two models of DDQ simultaneously. Two models were also accepted but the model composed positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement was better than one-factor model. Control factor of DDQ was not validated.
The result of partial correlation analysis revealed that negative reinforcement was significantly related to anxiety after control the effect of positive reinforcement. According to the results of correlation analysis, two different craving construct were also significantly related to working memory and not related to the other ability of executive function. Implications for clinical applications and future research were also suggested.
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利用神經心理作業初探臺灣地區海洛因戒治者之認知功能研究 / The cognitive function research of the abstinent heroin users in Taiwan by using neuropsychological task黃華妮 Unknown Date (has links)
根據Robinson和Berridge(1993, 2003)的理論認為成癮嚴重度越高,藥物相關線索的注意力偏誤越明顯;然而,根據Di Chiara(2000)提出關於整合誘因和習慣的觀點,認為成癮的注意力偏誤和趨向行為會受到不同的成癮嚴重度(輕度或重度成癮)或成癮階段(早期或習慣化後期)而有不同的結果,另外,以往的執行功能損害也支持Robinson和Berridge(1993, 2003)成癮嚴重度的觀點,因此本研究企圖同時檢驗上述兩者觀點。
本研究篩選111名台中戒治所和看守所的海洛因戒治者,分別根據不同的成癮嚴重程度分類方式分組(依賴嚴重度量表、不同頻率、施用方式),加上29名健康對照組,共140名受試均需完成自陳氏量表、紙筆測驗和各項神經心理測驗(Stroop叫色作業、威斯康辛卡片分類測驗、Go/No Go作業)。
研究結果指出海洛因戒治者相較對照組確實在注意力偏誤、認知彈性轉換、以及反應抑制能力有損害的趨勢,而且似乎較符合Di Chiara(2000)提出整合誘因和習慣的觀點,認為成癮者的認知功能會與成癮嚴重度成負向關係。
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內部稽核人員人格特質及技能之研究 / Internal auditors’ personal traits and skills: an empirical study of Taiwan internal audit practitioners莊明軒 Unknown Date (has links)
5.稽核單位整體具備的技能低於稽核人員實際具備之技能,反映填答者對本身實際具備之技能較有信心,而對稽核單位整體具備之技能的看法則較為保守。 / The purpose of this study is to understand the personality traits and skills that a competent internal auditor should possess and to examine the industry and firm effects on these traits and skills. By means of distributing the research questionnaire to the internal auditors attending the IIA-Taiwan monthly meetings, this study gathers related data and perform various analyses. Our empirical results show that:
1. A competent internal auditor should possess the traits of conscientiousness, and the analytic and appreciative skills.
2. Internal auditors of the electronics industry attach more importance to the extraversion traits than those from the financial industry, and value the personal and interpersonal skills more than those auditors from other industries.
3. Chief audit executives (CAEs) value the agreeableness and openness to experience traits, and the analytic skills more than non-CAEs.
4. CAEs from the companies with operating revenue over forty billions NT dollars are most confident with the skills that they possess.
5. Most respondents believe that his/her internal audit department’s level of skills is less sufficient than that of individual auditors.
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師徒制度功能對徒弟職涯成效影響之整合分析 / Mentoring functions and protégé career outcomes: A meta-analysis of mentoring studies in Taiwan凃博崧, Raymond Tu Unknown Date (has links)
近年來國內對於師徒制度成效日益重視,有關師徒制度研究已累積相當程度的實證資料。為瞭解師徒制度對徒弟職涯成效之影響,本研究以整合分析探討師徒制度為徒弟所提供兩大功能(職涯相關功能與社會心理功能)與徒弟職涯成效(薪資、升遷、工作滿意度與職涯承諾)之關係。研究者利用電腦資料關鍵字庫檢索、回溯法以及人工回顧法等方式,共蒐集到25篇合乎分析條件的實徵研究。並依照Rosenthal(1984)整合分析技術計算效果量r值。整合分析結果顯示:(1)徒弟所接受到的整體師徒功能與其職涯成效有正相關;(2)徒弟所接受到的職涯相關功能與其職涯成效有正相關;(3) 徒弟所接受到的之社會心理功能與其職涯成效有正相關。(4)社會心理功能與徒弟主觀職涯成效(工作滿意度、組織承諾、工作認同、職涯承諾與對師父滿意度)的正相關高於該功能與客觀職涯成效(工作表現、薪資、工作熟練度與晉升狀況)的相關;最後根據研究結果加以討論,提出師徒制度及整合分析研究的建議與未來方向。
關鍵詞:師徒功能、職涯成效、整合分析 / The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between mentoring functions and protégé career outcomes based on studies conducted in Taiwan using a meta-analysis technique. Specifically, I examined whether overall mentoring functions, career-related mentoring, and psychosocial mentoring positively relate to protégés’ objective and subjective career outcomes (salary, promotion, and job satisfaction). Using keywords search and the retroactive method, I identified 25 studies that can be used for meta-analysis. The effect size r was calculated by the method of Rosenthal (1984). The results of meta-analysis indicate that the overall mentoring function, career-related mentoring functions, and psychosocial mentoring functions are all positively relate to protégés’ objective and subjective career outcomes. Furthermore, psychosocial functions have a stronger positive relationship with subjective career outcome (job satisfaction, organization commitment, job involvement, and mentor satisfaction) than with objective career outcome (job performance, salary, job proficiency, and promotion). Based on the results of the study, suggestions for future research and practical implications are discussed.
Keywords:Mentoring functions, protégé career outcome, meta-analysis
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國民中小學校長螺旋式領導對其專業能力發展影響之研究黃昱瑄, HUANG, YU-HSUAN Unknown Date (has links)
最後,本研究擬根據上述研究結果進行分析討論,以形成結論及建議,並提供教育行政機關、國民中小學校長及未來相關研究之參考。 / The purposes of this study were to explore relationships between the cycle of leadership and professional competence for principals of elementary and junior high schools in Taiwan. The fist were to explore the reality for the cycle of leadership and professional competence for principals in schools. Secondary, the researcher also investigated the differences of school staff’s demographic variables and schools' background variables among the cycle of leadership and professional competence for principals in schools. Thirdly, to analyze the relationships among the cycle of leadership and professional competence for principals in schools. Finally, to explore predictive power of principal's the cycle of leadership on professional competence development in schools.
This study employed the survey method. The subject were 421 educational staff randomly sample from 59 elementary and junior high schools in Taipei city, Taipei county, Taoyuan county, Keelung city and Yi-Lan county . Data were analyzed using the method of descriptive and inferential statistics, included Frequencies, t-test, ANOVA, Correlation analysis, and Multiple stepwise regression analysis. The major findings were:
1. There is above average perception for the cycle of leadership and professional competence for principals in schools among the elementary and junior high school staff.
2. Significant difference existed among the gender, age, seniority, position, school level and school district for principal's the cycle of leadership.
3. Significant difference existed among the gender, age, seniority, position, and school level for chaotic dynamical system in schools.
4. Significant difference existed among low, middle, and high teachers' perception of the cycle of leadership and professional competence for principals in schools.
5. Significant positive correlation between the cycle of leadership and professional competence for principals in schools.
6. In regression forecast of principal's the cycle of leadership to professional competence for principals in schools, especially the variable of “emotional energy” has the biggest predictability.
Based on the results of this study, to make some suggestions for educational administration, the junior high school principals and future study.
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市場導向、組織學習、組織創新、與幼稚園學校效能關係之研究劉姵君 Unknown Date (has links)
1.幼稚園若想有效提升學校效能,應重視市場導向文化、組織學習文化與組織 創新歷程等三者之落實
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機會性毀約之最適補償 / Optimal Remedy for Opportunistic Breach沈祥玲, Shen, Hsiang-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文的研究重心,在於希望能找到一種機制,使老闆不會因為員工年老後生產力衰退而將其開除;老公不會因為老婆生完小孩身材變形而將其拋棄。我們利用一個二工人、一老闆的二期模型,假設工人的生產力會因為年紀的增長而衰退,而且有努力投入的工人衰退的情形更為嚴重,並設存在一個補償c,當老闆要將員工解雇時,必須要支付給員工。我們的研究發現,只要投入的成本i小於某範圍時,無論學習效果的大小、工人為風險中立或趨避、是否假設有限責任下,均存在最佳狀況 ,廠商的行為與社會福利最大下的結果相一致;但若i大於此一範圍時,便不存在最佳狀況,且可能會產生廠商為了自身利益而做出違背社會福利最大狀況下的行為,此時便需要透過政府的介入,使廠商的行為回復到社會福利最大下的狀況。若想要達到我們所希望的員工投入,老闆不將其解雇的情形 ,唯有在契約中明訂員工必須要投入大於一定的範圍且員工的議價能力很強下,才能保護員工不會被廠商任意的解雇。在此契約下,老闆只賺得正常利潤,而員工則成為剩餘價值的要求者(residual claimant)。
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企業知識能力與動態能力對顧客資本之影響劉育諭 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來『智慧資本』(Intellectual Capital)越來越受到重視,而良好的顧客關係亦是對公司價值具有重大影響的無形資產;於是產生『顧客資本』的價值。若企業能將顧客知識整合到公司流程管理中,就愈能提供顧客所需要的產品及服務,提高顧客滿意度與忠誠度。
1. 高階管理投入會對於顧客資訊流程與員工評量及獎勵制度有正向影響。企業管理顧客知識的前提就是需要高階管理人員真正重視顧客並且做出承諾。而公司鼓勵員工去瞭解和分享顧客知識,在顧客資訊流程上的實施會更有效果。
2. 建議公司在發展顧客資訊流程時,應該先去瞭解過去經驗和所累積的相關顧客知識,以掌握發展顧客知識能力的路徑相依性。
3. 當公司實施顧客資訊流程越成功,則可以幫助提高公司學習能力的水準。當公司實施顧客資訊流程越成功,則可以將這些資訊整合到產品或服務的設計上以滿足顧客需求。當員工受到重視顧客的評量及獎勵制度激勵時,也能夠將這些顧客知識應用在重要的工作上。
4. 組織的動態能力是經由顧客知識的吸收能力去影響應用能力,然後再去影響顧客資本。所以公司顧客知識吸收能力越強,越有利於公司將這些知識應用在產品和服務流程上,應用能力就會隨著增加且有利於公司發展顧客資本。
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