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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


蘇家慶, Su, Chia-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
本研究應用衝突理論及談判實務理論來研究何以組織內會有層出不窮的衝突,以及為何所推動的計畫會遭遇到阻礙。並根據分析的結果,提出突破現有僵局的方案。 本研究是以政大行政電腦化為個案研究的對象,訪談參與行政電腦化的當事人,體會當事人的觀點以及感受,理解行政電腦化的過程何以遭到抵制,而無法成功的推展。文中對於行政電腦化參與過程中當事人的感受,有詳細的描述,對於分析及處理衝突的模式,在本研究中採取了實際的應用。 / This research apply conflict theory and bargain theory to real case for explaining why there are endless conflict in any organization, and why your play go fail . According to this results, we can get some methods to get through jam. This research take Administration computerization process in National Chen-Chi University as researching case . We interview some ones who have participated this process ,and realize their feeling . Understand why this process is counteracted and can not be promoted successfully. In this article , we describe the feeling of participators in detail . We take real application of conflict analysis and resolution .


張靜如 Unknown Date (has links)
都市更新事業牽涉甚廣,包括政治、經濟、社會等層面,以往台灣的都市更新事業由公部門所主導,都市更新條發佈實施後獎勵私部門參與,實施主體將更為多元。由於都市更新本身是一個不斷衝突、整合與協調的過程,不同實施主體在每個階段都必須面對更新過程中的各項問題與衝突,因此有必要探討都市更新過程中產生衝突的因素及時機。   本文以『台北縣板橋市民權段都市更新案』為研究個案,透過半結構式訪談的方式,針對政府官員、都市更新實施者、規劃單位以及相關權利人進行訪談,將不同立場、不同涉事團體的意見予以歸納,以分析衝突問題產生的原因、衝突型態、衝突解決方式,作為衝突管理策略之參考。   經研究歸納將事件劃分成四個階段(潛在對立階段、認知與個人介入階段、衝突行為階段、衝突結果階段)、並從四個面向(實質利益衝突、權力結構衝突、程序性衝突、不確定性衝突)加以審視、推論,可知衝突問題彼此交疊,而且每個階段都會發生,應證了每一件衝突事件的發生必定是多面性的,若要事先預擬衝突管理策略,應從各個產生原因、時機加以探討、並分階段研擬衝突解決策略。   最後建議中介團體應適時地介入,妥善解決權益分配問題、協助衝突雙方維繫良好的溝通管道,使其易於達成協議,進而建立都市更新衝突管理機制,及早訂定衝突解決策略,提高計畫執行度。

無聲勝有聲?!──「不理」在青春期友誼中的意涵與歷程 / Silence speaks more than words?! Ignoring in adolescent friendship

賴思伃, Lai, Szu Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探索青春期好友關係中「不理」的互動事件。過去研究將「不理」視為關係攻擊,然而,不理或斷絕關係會發生在好友關係上,且行為者自身對此亦有相當的痛苦感,關係攻擊未能解釋如此弔詭現象。事實上,為了維繫關係的和諧,雙方關係良好者 通常不易以抗爭因應,衝突成為內隱性,不直接撕破臉而以「不理」為傳達不滿的方式。因此,本研究將以黃囇莉(2006)「人際和諧與衝突動態模式」為研究架構,於關係脈絡下重新理解「不理」。並以半結構式的訪談大綱,針對十三名參與者進行深度訪談,蒐集參與者述說其「不理」的經驗歷程的質性資料。 研究結果指出,「不理」的互動歷程展現出青春期友誼拿捏人我距離的練習,並對於後續親密關係的人際互動有所影響。青春期的好友關係為非穩定的自發性情感支持關係,卻由於好友的角色義務不明確,反而令「關係」的親近拿捏成為引發衝突的原因,從親與近的互動浮現關係裡的失合與失調,包括「無心傷害」、「情感性地付出與回報不對等」、「挫敗遷怒」及「拉開距離」,成為主動方心底的內隱衝突。這些主動方主觀知覺的內隱衝突較為隱晦,無正當性據理力爭,加上社會文化對於關係和諧的要求,令主動方身處於「直接吵是傷人,放低姿態溝通卻有損自我」的兩難情境。在顧全大局之下,主動方運用「不理」讓被動方能意識到他的不滿,而使得主動方的內隱衝突有機會浮上雙方互動的檯面,因此看似無互動的不理,實則為主動方促始關係改變的方式。 在「不理」的停滯期間,若持續沒有明確的焦點,冷靜之後,衝突淡化而進入虛性和諧。若衝突激化,則會造成關係的斷裂。特別的是,「不理」同時提供將虛性和轉化成實性和諧的機會。讓內隱衝突浮現檯面,若能予以冷靜化,雙方相互溝通,使之成為實性衝突,而能有所聚焦。且在此過程中雙方能表達對關係的重視,反而能讓雙方的關係轉化成更穩定的實性和諧。此外,由於青春期友誼有相當高的情感依附性,即使實際互動早已形同陌路,心裡卻不會輕易認定關係結止,既然關係未完成,就有復合的一日。由此可知,「不理」其後的結果不一定全是負面,這是以關係攻擊觀點無法看見之處。 本研究將焦點置於關係之中,探索青春期友誼關係中「不理」的因素,提供更細密地資料以理解當事人的難處與心理歷程,並凸顯出友誼關係離合的轉折,讓關係的鬆動與改變有計可施。因而可作為青少年友誼人際衝突化解與結束之預防教育與輔導的參考。 / Previous studies treat ignoring like one type of relationship aggression. However ignoring and ending the relationship happen in close friendships. From the relationship aggression point of view , there is no explanation why the actor feels pain and guilt in this situation. In interpersonal conflict the people who place importance on the relationship can not easily confront it but rather let the conflict become implicit. Not to damage the relationship directly but to ignore the target is one way of coping with conflict. Ignoring passes on an unsatisfied feeling silently. This study used the dynamic model of interpersonal harmony and conflict to explore ignoring. 13 participants were interviewed to report their own ignoring experiences. The results showed that the ignoring process is a practice in how to balance the I-Thou psychological distance and it affects future intimate relationships. Close friendships in adolescence are high support relationships but can be unstable. Due to obscure role obligation, causes of conflict in these relationships include “unwittingly harm”,” inequitable affections”, “anger transferring”, and ”more independent space”. In addition to all of these hidden conflicts are illegitimate reasons. Also, the cultural drive to maintain harmony results in a dilemma where acting out hurts the other but not acting out hurts oneself. There were four results after this “stuck in the mud” period. If the conflict stayed vague, the relationship entered into superficial harmony, where the closeness of the relationship was decreased. If the conflict grew, the resulting relationship was broken. If there was a chance to communicate clearly and express each other’s value in the relationship, the resulting relationship entered into genuine harmony. The last result was an unfinished situation due to the high affection in adolescent friendship. Even though there was no longer contact, these people did not easily identify the end of the relationship. This suggests, the results after ignoring are not all negative. However from the relationship aggression point of view, positive results cannot be found. Thus, this research suggests using the the interpersonal and harmony views to explore ignoring and it is suggested that understanding the ignoring situation is more effective than blocking it in practice.

入股後衝突管理之研究-血液透析國際合資個案之分析 / Conflict management in In-Stake Equity JVs - The case of a hemodialysis international JV

李俐洋, Lee ,Li Young Unknown Date (has links)
全球化的風潮於2000年代形成主流,各國貿易上的比較優勢,已不能保障企業的基業長青,能整合全球資源的企業才能維持長久的競爭力。隨著經濟活動全球化的趨勢明顯,知識經濟急速發展,產業環境遽變,許多企業運用購併策略爭取時效,迅速地進入市場,快速達成企業成長目標。企業購併的類型中,以合資模式的管理規劃最複雜,整合難度也最高。由於合資本身並不能立即為公司帶來具體效益,往往入股後之整合才是創造合資價值的開始。近年台灣地區醫療市場快速成長,吸引國內外業者紛紛搶進台灣市場,但自全民健保總額給付制度實施以來,健保支付點值逐年下降,影響業者營運收入,因而許多企業進入台灣醫療市場後,為快速取得市場,追求規模經濟,選擇與台灣當地企業合作的合資模式。而企業之合資成功與否,除了合資前策略之評估,入股後的整合管理更是合資成敗的關鍵所在。 由於近年來,不論國內或國外業者合資頻繁,而入股後失敗的機率居高不下,本研究嘗試藉由血液透析之國際合資個案,深入探討入股後面臨的管理問題,試圖提供業界在合資管理上的參考資料。基於上述研究目的,本研究擬探討下列問題,以提高整合績效降低入股後失敗的風險: 一、 入股後發生何種衝突問題?造成原因為何?可採用那些有效整合方法? 二、 如何採取整合行動,以促進入股後綜效之發揮?執行步驟為何? 國際企業合資之合作模式,常因合夥人背景與文化特質,使合資關係缺乏合作的互信基礎,和欠缺對經營管理的價值認同。在缺乏互信和價值認同的合資關係下,共同經營管理合資企業時,尤其對非主導性之業務,對其投機行為之管理成本必然很高,並產生許多管理上的衝突。本研究發現在合資管理上之衝突類型有二:其一為影響營運成效的衝突;其二為影響組織效率的衝突。 國際合資模式對選擇合資夥伴需具備策略性的考量及評估,事前於合資契約中明確議訂合資經營模式、董事會結構、及管理架構,在合資的管理機制上,由雙方母公司組成的董事會,扮演監督的角色鮮明,有助於衝突管理及合資綜效之發揮。此外,針對入股後合資管理如何訂立整合行動之執行步驟,以提升入股後管理績效,提供下列幾點建議: 1. 由董事會訂立合資存續期間競業禁止之懲罰性條款。 2. 由決策核心主導資訊分享平台以建立互信。 3. 依合資雙方特質慎選具整合能力之指派經理人。 4. 設立專責單位負責文化整合。 5. 依事中管理達成之共識,擬訂內部執行準則,隨時更新,並列入新進主管受訓項目,以降低合資管理之學習成本。 6. 母公司安排子公司經理人定期受訓,傳達經營策略及企業文化。 針對因欠缺互信及價值認知差異造成的管理問題,建議在合資管理的整合行動,由最高管理層級主導建立互信的任務,同時需慎選合資企業指派之經理人,扮演溝通協調及推展整合行動的角色,尤其著力於專案執行文化的融合,發展整合後自有之企業文化,以尋求在合資關係中建立互信、在內部管理中減少歧見,在共識的基礎上發揮合資之綜效。 / The comparative advantage of international trading no longer guarantees the everlasting foundation of entrepreneur in the wake of the mainstay of globalization trend established in the 2000s. Key to remain perpetual competitive advantage relies on the corporate capability to integrate global resource. As the trend of globalized economic activities gets obvious, along with rapid development of intellectual economy and dramatic change of industrial environment, acquisition and merge strategy becomes the solution for many entrepreneurs to trade in for timing, enter market and rapidly attain growth target. The administrative planning of joint venture is regarded as the most complicate and difficult integration among all kinds of acquisition and merge. Post-investment integration often triggers the value of joint venture, which can not immediately bring in concrete benefit for the company by itself. The rapid growth of medical market in Taiwan in recent years has wooed the participation of domestic and foreign businesses for Taiwanese market. Since the implementation of global budget reimbursement system by Bureau of National Health Insurance, the business revenue is badly affected by year-by-year reduction of disbursing value. As a result, many businesses choose to join venture with local Taiwanese businesses after entering medical market to rapidly grow its share and reach economic scale. The key to the success of joint venture business depends on post-investment integrated administration in addition to its pre-investment strategic evaluation. Since the odds of post-investment failure case is outrageously high among all joint ventures domestically and abroad in recent years, the study explores in depth administrative issues that occur after investment made and endeavors to offer business players a reference of joint venture administration through the international joint-venture case of blood dialysis. Based on above purpose, this study proposes to tackle following issues and reduce the risk of joint-venture failure by improved integrated performance: 1. What kind of conflict is found after investment and its cause? What are effective integrated approaches available? 2. How shall we take integrated action to promote post-investment combined effectiveness? And what are step-by-step procedures? Different backgrounds and cultural characters of business partners in the cooperation of international business joint ventures undermine their relationship by the lack of mutual trust in cooperation as well as recognized value of business management. The conflict of administration is often observed among partners of joint venture business in short of mutual trust and recognized value, especially in the non-predominant sectors where the management cost of speculative behavior is inevitably high. Two kinds of conflict in joint-venture management: the first is the conflict affecting operational performance, and the second is the one affecting organizational efficiency. Partners-to-be for international joint-venture business are required to have strategic thinking and evaluation. A prior contract definitely defining the method of joint-venture operation, structure for board of directors and managerial infrastructure, and in terms of management mechanism, the well-defined role of supervision by board of directors established by parent companies helps prevent conflicted management and create combined effectiveness. In addition, following suggestions are provided to enhance post-investment management performance with regard to how a step-by-step procedure for integrated action is formed by joint-venture management team: 1. A punitive clause formulated by board of directors to forbid intra-competition during official period of joint venture. 2. An information-sharing platform established by top brass to build up mutual trust. 3. Assign managers with integrated capability based on the characteristics of both parties. 4. Establish an ad-hoc team responsible for cultural integration. 5. Based on consensus reached by in-task management, develop internal executing standards to be updated frequently and listed as training subject for newly-hired managers to reduce learning cost of joint-venture management. 6. Parent company offers periodical training for managers from subsidiary company to cascade operational strategy and corporate culture. In terms of management issues occurred by lack of mutual trust as well as gap of recognized value, the integrated action from join-venture management team is suggested to kick off building of mutual trust by the top management level, and discreetly assign managers to joint-venture business for the effective role of internal communication and promoting integration, especially taking on the fusion of project execution culture, and developing an unique corporate culture post integration, to build up mutual trust in joint-venture relation, minimize disagreement within internal management, and attain combined effectiveness of joint venture through consensus.

新北市新莊地政事務所基層公務員之衝突管理 / Conflict management in the street-level bureauacy : A case study of Xinzhuang Land administration office in New Taipei city government

陳瀅如 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討地政人員與民眾互動的過程中產生衝突情形時,應實施衝突管理,以減少衝突負面影響,及發揮正面影響。研究並提供其他地政事務所作為參考。 本研究以新北市新莊地政事務所為個案,採質性研究,利用文獻分析法及深度訪談法,透過立意抽樣方式,選擇具有相當地政工作經歷之各階層地政人員為研究對象進行研究。參閱相關文獻及蒐集民眾陳情案件,以依法行政、專業知能及服務品質三大構面,分析面對不同的衝突情形,應實施何種衝突管理的方式,並以衝突管理模式評估實施衝突管理成效。歸納與分析研究的結果,本研究提出法令規定、制度與專業技術層面相關建議。 / The purpose of this research is to explore the conflict interaction between the street-level bureauacy of the land administration office and the public,and how to implement conflict management to reduce the negative effects,and get the positive.This research also provide other land administration offices. This research is based on Xinzhuang Land Administration Office in New Taipei City Government as the case.Qualitative research was adopted and literature review and in-depth interview,purposive sampling method are utilized.Personnel of various levels who have considerable experience in land administration work in practice are selected for the study.Thouth the literature and the case of public petition, we construct three main dimensions:「rule by law」,「professional knowledge」,「quality of service」,to analyze under what conditions.That different kind of conflict management should be implemented.We also use conflict management model to assess its effectiveness.Finally,we propose several suggestions from the regulation, institutional,and professional and technical level.

桃園縣國民小學校長正向領導與學校組織衝突關係之研究 / The Study of the Relationship between Principal’s Positive Leadership and School Organizational Conflict of Elementary Schools in Taoyuan County

張佳芬 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解桃園縣國民小學校長正向領導與學校組織衝突之影響,研究方法為問卷調查法,研究對象為桃園國民小學校長、主任與組長,共發出400份問卷,有效問卷計335份,可用率達83.75%,問卷回收後分別以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關、結構方程模式等統計方法進行研究。根據研究結果與分析後歸納之結論如下: 一、桃園縣國民小學校長正向領導表現為高程度,其中以「營造正向氣氛」 之知覺程度最高,「賦予正向意義」之知覺程度最低。 二、桃園縣學校行政人員知覺學校組織衝突為中低程度,其中以「角色溝通」 之知覺程度最高,「期望目標」之知覺程度最低。 三、桃園縣國民小學以擔任校長職務者知覺「校長正向領導」的程度較高。 四、桃園縣國民小學以擔任主任與組長職務者、學校規模在13-24班與49班 (含)以上之學校行政人員知覺「學校組織衝突」的程度較高。 五、校長正向領導與學校組織衝突有顯著之負相關,校長正向領導程度愈高, 則學校組織衝突知覺程度則愈低。 六、不同程度之國民小學校長正向領導在學校組織衝突上有顯著之差異。 七、校長正向領導與學校組織衝突結構方程模式之適配度與影響力良好。 最後,本研究根據研究結果,提出相關建議,俾提供教育行政機關、國民小學校長們以及後續研究參考。

台灣政治衝突與經濟成長之關係 / The Relationship between Political Conflict and Economic Growth in Taiwan

黃依偉, HUANG, YI-WEI Unknown Date (has links)
自1987年7月15日台灣宣佈解除戒嚴後,開放黨禁與報禁,民主開始蓬勃發展,人民也有充分表達意見自由的機會,而2000年3月總統大選後,台灣第一次發生政黨輪替,並首次出現少數政府,自此之後,執政黨與在野黨即經常性的發生衝突情形。2001年,更是台灣史上第一次 -2.17%的經濟成長率,瑞士洛桑國際管理學院(IMD)公布2006年世界競爭力排名為第18名,較2005年退步了7個名次,其中在全球61個評比的經濟體中,「政治不穩定風險」評比為第58名,實在有檢討的空間。 本文的研究目的,在於以1990 至2005台灣的選舉結果及國內生產毛額(GDP)成長率的時間序列季資料(quarterly time-series data),搭配計量模型的估計,探討台灣政治勢力的衝突(以泛藍與泛綠得票比率差距表示)對於國家整體經濟成長有何影響?最後,藉由研究政治衝突對立之程度對總體經濟成長之影響,研究提出具體政策及建議。本文主要的研究發現,政治衝突將顯著影響台灣經濟成長。換言之,當台灣政治衝突情形越激烈(即藍綠兩陣營支持度差距越小時),經濟成長率將會越低。此外,政府支出成長、投資成長與出口成長,也是影響台灣經濟成長的主要原因。 另外本文利用2001年的時間虛擬變數,探討一般認為2001年可能因結構性變動之關係,而造成當年度經濟成長率的下降。結果顯示在本估計式中支持這樣的假說,也就是在2001年確實有其它因素導致當年度經濟成長相對低於其他各年度之情形。 / Taiwan’s democracy has developed dramatically and its people have gotten opportunities to freely express themselves since the KMT(Kuo Min Tong, the nationalist party from mainland china) government released the prohibition on the founding of political parties and the granting of newspaper licenses on July 15, 1987. Authority rests with a minority government since the DPP came into power. Conflicts between the opposition and ruling parties in Taiwan have been increasing since the Presidential election in March, 2000. For the first time Taiwan’s economy growth declined about 2.17% in 2001. In 2006, Taiwan’s economy was ranked as the 18th most competitive in the world by the International Institute for Management Development in Switzerland (IMD), degraded 7 positions in 2005. In addition, Taiwan’s political stability ranked 58th among the 61 countries in the above research study. As a result, the author is attempting to research how the political conflicts influence the economy. This research uses a model that estimates the election’s economic impact by combining Taiwanese election results with quarterly time-series ratios from Taiwan’s 1990 to 2005 GDP. The research focuses on how political conflicts impact overall economic growth in Taiwan. The survey used the difference between the ratio of votes for two political groups—the pan-blue and pan-green camps. Conclusions from the data found a low economic growth in the periods of intense political conflict. Moreover, economic growth is influenced by various factors, including overall government expenditures, investments and exports. Since the 2001 economic decline was so precipitous, this analysis adopted a time variable and used 2001’s data for comparison. Of course, various factors might have caused 2001’s low economic growth rate, but the original hypothesis was supported by the reckon estimating type.


邱品方 Unknown Date (has links)
市地重劃對都市發展而言具有許多正面的效益,如提高土地價值、利於公共設施的儘速完成、解決政府重大徵購土地及工程建設的財政負荷,更可藉此推動都市更新,大幅提昇人民生活環境。市地重劃按理說應受到民眾的支持與歡迎,然而實施的結果,並未符合大多數民眾的期望或利益,市地重劃雖具有許多優點,惟若執行不當也可能造成許多弊病。 本研究以衝突管理理論為基礎,經由分析一個實際執行案例,從執行過程中所發生之衝突問題進行探討,並分別對區內土地所有權人及政府行政部門人員利用問卷調查方式瞭解市地重劃開發,可能引發民眾抗爭或衝突議題及其原因,以及政府部門辦理市地重劃在專業分工與部門成見及事權不統一無法整合等問題,並就現行市地重劃業務執行程序等相關階段,將其原因歸納為三個面向(意識形態之衝突、權力結構之衝突及經濟利益之衝突)加以分析及檢討。 本研究的結論如下: 1. 研究結果顯示,土地所有權人認為最易引起爭議而產生衝突之原因分別為重劃辦理期間過長、施工期間造成民眾生活極大干擾與衝擊,以及重劃負擔比例過高與預期利益有偏差等項;而政府部門受訪者則認為都市計畫與通盤檢討未能配合實際需要,以及土地所有權人對重劃土地分配區位不滿意為造成衝突之主因。對於衝突化解方式,以透過協調、協商及加強政策宣導讓民眾充分瞭解計畫內容等為雙方所認同與接受之方式。另對於政府辦理重劃業務事權無法整合的原因,主要關鍵在各單位本位主義作崇,缺乏横向連繫,以及政府組織分工太過僵硬,缺乏調整性等。有鑑於此,本研究提出一套預防衝突的機制,藉由雙向溝通模式,透過組織的運作,將上下雙方意見進行整合,以期在市地重劃辦理的各個階段,將衝突發生的機會減至最低。 2. 本研究企圖建立市地重劃衝突解決模式,從衝突的認知及接受、分析衝突的本質與環境、建立雙向溝通管道、擬定衝突管理策略,到事後的觀察與檢討作一歸納探討,並提出相關配套措施,作為日後政府辦理市地重劃工作之參考。 關鍵字:都市計畫、市地重劃、衝突解決模式


黃長泰 Unknown Date (has links)
人類自有歷史以來,權力的競逐或文明的流動即從未停歇,其所造成的衝突與影響更是複雜無比。911事件是否為杭廷頓教授所言之文明衝突,抑或是源於美國霸權失衡的中東政策所造成的影響?俱為本論文欲試圖探索的中心命題。 911事件深刻地改變了美國對於本土以及國際安全環境的思維,全球安全環境亦因而隨之改變。恐怖主義與文明衝突成就了美國難得的戰略機遇,美國除藉此確立其全球優勢地位外,更大幅擴張其國際活動的空間與戰略運用,相對於國際間反美勢力的聲浪,明顯地對小布希政府的外交政策與全球戰略造成威脅與諷刺。 尤以阿拉伯世界而言,巴勒斯坦問題的無解、美國霸權的過度介入、令人垂涎的石油與經濟等利益,造成中東國家反美反西方情緒高漲,甚而恐怖主義因此盛行。凡此種種,均無法簡單的以「文明衝突」之說,解釋東西方間、以色列與巴勒斯坦間長久以來複雜的歷史情仇。 而911事件,只是如同已發生在世界各地無數恐怖行動一樣,都是令人無法接受的暴行,而這些人類所無法容忍的罪行,不只是「凱達」組織,許多國家或組織事實上以正義之名,亦同樣行使過或正在行使這些人類的罪行,因而造成今日世界混亂與暴力循環的惡果。 人類歷史向來無法逃脫弱肉強食的宿命,然而,適者生存卻非強者獨占的道理卻也亙古不變。就遙望未來站在世界頂端的美國而言,當世人引頸企盼或虎視眈眈時,尤應深切牢記全球化的同時,許多國家及其人民因為過去的累積與錯誤,仍在與飢餓和死亡、憤怒與絕望中掙扎與茍活,欲真正消弭恐怖主義、面對中東問題,巴勒斯坦的爭議終必尋得解決之道。

以巴和平進程―奧斯陸協議與路線圖比較研究 / Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process - A Comparative Study of the Oslo Accords and the Road Map

潘紉蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
以色列自1948年建國以來,一直遭受阿拉伯國家的敵視對待。她建國後的次日即被其周圍的阿拉伯國家所組成的聯軍攻擊,企圖剿滅這個新生國家,這是第一次中東戰爭。這場戰爭導致大批巴勒斯坦阿拉伯居民為逃避戰火,只好遠離家園,紛紛流亡至鄰國如約旦、敘利亞、黎巴嫩等國,淪為難民。然而,這場戰爭卻是掀起長達超過半世紀的以阿(巴)衝突的序幕,因戰爭所衍生出的種種問題並沒有隨著時間流逝而得到真正的解決。 1990年代美蘇關係趨向和解,中東局勢隨之改變,在美蘇共識以及國際社會充斥著和平風氣的氛圍下,1991年的馬德里和會(中東和會)於是順利召開,為以巴和平進程開啟一個新契機。緊接著於1993年美國力促以巴雙方和談而最終簽訂《奧斯陸協議》,依據此協議,巴勒斯坦自治當局成立,以色列軍隊部分從占領土地撤出,以巴和平看似指日可待。然而,以巴雙方內部的強硬派皆反對該協議,以色列總理拉賓甚至被暗殺身亡,使以巴和平進程嚴重停滯。雖繼《奧斯陸協議》之後,以巴雙方仍陸續簽訂相關和談協議,但落實程度極為有限。 2003年美國、俄羅斯、歐盟及聯合國向以色列和巴勒斯坦提出《路線圖》計畫,期盼能夠重啟以巴和平進程。可惜效果不彰,雖然以巴雙方表達接受該計畫,以色列以十四點保留意見做為回應,而巴勒斯坦內部的激進派則堅決拒絕。 本論文旨在藉由回顧過往以阿之間的戰爭,嘗試了解兩個民族的衝突背景。然後透過探討《奧斯陸協議》和《路線圖》這兩份以巴和平計畫並加以比較,研究其對促進以巴和平是否有實質性的幫助。 本研究發現,《奧斯陸協議》雖未被完成,但對於以巴和平進程是有實質貢獻的,至少透過以巴雙方實質履行各自的義務,程度上雖未盡善盡美,畢竟也未停留在紙上談兵的階段。《路線圖》則對於以巴和平進程沒有實質貢獻,以色列透過十四點保留意見已表達不會朝向「最終地位談判」的路線發展。不論是以色列還是巴勒斯坦都沒有從該計畫中取得實質和平進展。 關鍵字:以巴衝突、以巴和平、奧斯陸協議、路線圖

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