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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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高科技產業之專利權評價分析與因應策略--以DVD產業為例 / Patent pricing for DVD technology

賴恩裕, Lai, Eric Unknown Date (has links)
無形資產中的智慧財產權與其他財產一樣,都是使競爭性的市場經濟得以發揮機能的必要條件,因為使用智慧財產權而賺得的利潤,對發明人而言是其創新的報酬,而對於向別人購買權利的人而言,亦必須因此而付出相當代價。這利潤無形中激勵了原來從事研究發展的那一方,如此一來,創新者賺取較多利潤並能長期保持競爭優勢,會更鼓勵更多的人願意投入創新發明。 本研究企圖將智慧財產權視為一項企業資源,將其視為可以商品化交易的商品,而研究其中研發所投入的成本、所投入的代價,如何在市場的交易買賣中,獲得回饋與報酬,或是形成企業的核心資源,在對價格的認知提供企業思考的方向。 本研究另一主要目的在於探討智慧財產權中專利權,其主張專利範圍權限的核心--「申請專利範圍」(claim),述說其滿足要件、撰寫原則、侵權理論,將專利權中的申請專利範圍做全方位的分析,並說明在侵權損害認定上的優劣,提供企業在申請專利時應妥善思考的方向。 而在「專利計價模式」方面,除了整合世界各國的專利計價模式,並對專利計價模式與公司智慧財產權策略之關係,作更明確的剖析。 最後則以國內 DVD 光碟機產業為例,訪談國內企業在面對專利的評價時應有的認知與應採取的策略,並且訪問國內智慧財產保護頗有成就的公司輿相關領域專家,企圖對於企業在專利授權或是專利策略評估時,提供更明確的價格觀念,以免除其誤蹈專利地雷的窘境。 智慧財產權中,有關專利權在實務上,通常較為人注意的是法律層次的問題,而在專利權價值方面,一般文獻均歸類於會計層次,甚少將法律與評價問題作歸納整合。本研究企圖將兩者作更緊密的連結,並且歸納出有關的策略議題,期能對國內廠商在面對國外廠商索求專利權與公司內部專利權的價值評估時,有一較清楚的方向。 / Patent Pricing for DVD Technology In the business of high technology manufacturing and marketing, intellectual property is a company's lifeblood. As with any other assets, intellectual property assets must be carefully managed. When it come to manage intellectual property assets, your company's main challenge will lie in skillfully navigating a minefield of existing or pending patents, both to produce goods that do'nt infringe on other companies' right and to vouchsafe rights that will secure your marketshare. Concern for those issues is especially important when your company seeks financing. Inventors need assurance that their investment will not be endangered by infringement litigation or by poorly framed intellectual property right that do not adequately stake out a share of the company's markets Intellectual property right (IPR) encourages the R&D, and protect their IPR by litigation. In another way, the exhibition of IPR will light a way for another companies to avoid infrigement and can take more research in new product or process. The research attempt to view IPR - especially patent, as industrial resources, and make it exchangeable just like merchandise. When patent is exchanged in industrial market, how to evaluate its price? How to determine the price? According to industry norm or R&D expense? Whether to sell it or keep it in company as core competence? The research will focus on another topic -- the patent "Claim", will estate the condition of patent, the principles of patent, the infringement theory. And research will identify this topic and give a clear way for company when considering IPR. Thesis also integrates all the patent pricing models and list the relationship between pricing theory and IPR strategies. It will use the tomorrow star industry - DVD (Digital Versatile Disc) industry as a example, because it is the way for Taiwan to approach the high technology and DVD will knock the heaven's door for next century. The paper outlines all the founded documents and visit the field expert and list all the patents for various technologies, take reaserch about the determination of price and give a clear direction for Taiwan DVD industry.


唐廉智, Tang, Lien Chih Unknown Date (has links)
網路廣告是目前世界上成長最快的廣告類別,每年營收以30%的速度在成長,是最具有發展潛力的廣告市場。但是對於廣告主而言,如何評估網路廣告的效益及其收費模式發展,與未來廣告市場的發展息息相關。因此,本研究希望藉由網路廣告的型態及計價方式探討,試圖找出發展的趨勢,提供給業者以及學術研究作為參考。透過本研究,讀者可以大致瞭解目前網路廣告的發展狀況,進而對網路廣告的發展趨勢也有所瞭解.。 目前網際網路的型態大致有:關鍵字搜尋、展現式、分類目錄、導引轉介、電子郵件、置入性行銷等六大類型。而網際網路的廣告收費模式,一直在不斷發展中,從傳統的記錄曝光次數來收費,逐漸轉入網路上專有的依點閱計費費的方式。本研究透過此一趨勢,經過了資料整理分析研究後,本研究得出結論,網路廣告的營收模式方向,朝著「使用者提供之資訊含量度增加」以及「廣告計價方式之自由度增加」兩個面向來發展。 所謂的「使用者提供之資訊含量度增加」,代表著因為網路互動的特性,透過資訊科技來收集使用者在觀看內容時所提供的資訊,藉由分析這些使用者提供的資訊,就可以針對使用者資訊及廣告內容之間的關連性,對廣告做更有效率的投放。如此一來,廣告效果大幅度增加,相對而言廣告的價值也隨之提升。 而「廣告計價方式之自由度增加」,由原本的賣方市場,逐漸轉為由買方競價之市場。也就是說透過自由市場的機制,真實呈現廣告的價值。使用者更可以藉由資訊科技的幫助,隨時觀察網路廣告的狀態。在價格透明、資訊公開的結果下,間接的促進了網路廣告市場的成長,也確立了未來廣告定價的發展方向。 本研究同時也提供了「網路廣告代理制度的建立」,以及「無線廣告之經營模式」,等兩項的發展建議,提供給網路廣告業者及電信業者參考,此部分亦深具研究價值,期待未來能有更多的研究報告出現。 / Online advertisement is the fastest growing kind of advertisements, and already attracting notice from all over the world. Its revenues increased about 30% per year,thus is the most potential advertising market. Evaluating the effective and price model of online ad are to be closely bound up with it future development. This thesis focuses on the type and price model of the online ad, and tries to find out the trend of development. This is for business and learning reference. Through this research, the reader will get to know the situation of online ad development, further more to understand the trend. The types of online ad are classified into six types: keywords, display ad, classified, lead generation/referral, and email ad. However, the pricing model is still in progress. From the traditional exposure and impression model transform to by click and action model. Our research discovered this phenomenon. Through comprehensive data collection and analysis we conclude that the online ad is heading to two directions, “the increase of user information provided” and “the flexibility of ad price”. “The increase of user information provided” means we can collect more and more information from user’s action through browser. With the information technology we can have a lot of analytic works to know what user want, and properly deliver the ad that highly relates to what users want. .It will make the online ad more effective result of increasing the value of ad. “The flexibility of ad price” means the internet market turning from sellers to buyers. The efficiency reporting system provide advertiser instant statistics, which makes the value of online ad effectiveness transparent to customers. Indirectly lift the growth of the online ad market and also affirm the pricing direction of online ad. Our research also provided some suggestions for ad agents and mobile ad development for online ad or telecom business operators, and we hope it will be more valuable for these types of business.

存貨揭露與銷售及盈餘預測:IFRS與非IFRS之比較 / Do inventory disclosures predict sales and earnings: IFRS vs. Non-IFRS

陳采薇, Chen, Tsai Wei Unknown Date (has links)
文獻顯示存貨對於銷售和盈餘具有預測能力(Bernard and Noel 1991)。本文進一步探討比較後進先出法和國際會計準則允許之存貨計價方法所揭露之存貨,對於銷售和盈餘之預測能力。2003年發布之國際會計準則第二號公報「存貨」,禁止公司採用後進先出法衡量存貨,本研究擬觀察後進先出法和非後進先出法存貨對公司銷售與盈餘的預測能力是否有所差異。 本研究選取採用後進先出法並且揭露後進先出存貨準備之公司做為樣本,計算出樣本公司在國際會計準則規定下應有之存貨水準,測試與比較後進先出法之存貨與依國際會計準則揭露之存貨,孰者對銷售與盈餘之預測更具攸關性。實證結果顯示,後進先出存貨與國際會計準則存貨代理變數之實證結果並不顯著,顯示存貨在銷售與盈餘之預測迴歸模型中為一雜訊,存貨對銷售和盈餘之預測並不具有增額資訊,也說明存貨生產平穩理論與避免缺貨理論無法解釋存貨對銷售和盈餘預測之關聯性,因此無法判斷採用何種存貨計價方法所揭露之存貨,對銷售與盈餘較具預測能力。 / In economic literature, production smoothing model and stockout model address the predictability of inventory disclosure on sales and earnings. Based on these models, Bernard and Noel (1991) show that inventory disclosure predicts sales and earnings. This study further investigates and compares the predictability of the sales and earnings by inventory reported under last in, last out (LIFO) and that under International Accounting Standard 2 (IAS 2). Thus this study compares the predicting ability of inventory on sales and earnings under IFRS and non-IFRS. This study selects the companies adopting LIFO and disclosing LIFO reserve, calculates the inventory reported under IFRS, and determines the inventory’s ability to predict future sales and earnings under different inventory valuation methods. The empirical results show that the coefficients for the unexpected inventories under LIFO and IFRS are both statistically insignificant, suggesting that the unexpected inventories are merely noises in the models, and that the effects of production smoothing model and stockout model are not prevailed. Thus, it is difficult to determine which inventory valuation method can generate the inventory that leads to better sales and earnings prediction.

公共圖書館電子書借閱機制探討-以台灣雲端書庫為例 / EBook Lending Models in Public Libraries: Taiwan Cloud Library Database as an Example

陳冠羽, Chen, Guan Yu Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網際網路的傳輸技術進步,以「數位出版」的模式提供服務成為圖書館發展的趨勢,進而帶動了數位閱讀的型態。本研究以台灣雲端書庫為重點,聚焦於「計次借閱」的服務型態,探討合作圖書館與台灣雲端書庫使用者對於新型態的電子書借閱機制,並針對遠流出版社以及高雄市立圖書館提供之原始數據,分析使用者借閱情況,觀察借閱現況上出現之問題並提出建議。 歸納本研究之結果發現: (1)經由網站的觀察及原始數據的分析中發現,各站台內容不同,高雄市立圖書館辦證情況之基本資料內容與本身資料庫數量有落差。借閱機制上並未達到完善的處理。 (2)藉由問卷瞭解數位閱讀主要潛在族群之範圍與閱讀行為,以及電子書服務滿意度。以年齡作為主要的區分條件,取得數位閱讀使用者概括性的行為模式,並發現使用者對於台灣雲端書庫網站實際操作效益都有正向的影響。 (3)根據訪談者表示:除了推廣活動的宣傳以外,各館經費來源不一,也是影響使用率的因素之一;另外購置台灣雲端書庫之圖書館在採購電子書時,主要考量因素為格式、連線速度、穩定性等,並考量廠商信譽與其提供之書種與本身買斷書種重複率;並提出熱門及暢銷書為電子書種類中最大需求的類型。因此受訪者大多認為「按次計價」的借閱模式能有效提供讀者適當的服務,並藉由公共出借權的意念促使作者釋放電子書版權。 最後,本研究提出提升電子書借閱服務持續使用意願的具體建議,以供圖書館加強電子書借閱服務使用意願之參考。 / The advance of the transmission technology of the Internet has the service pattern of “digital publishing” become the development trend of libraries and further drive the type of digital reading. Focusing on eBook service and the service type of “One Copy, One User”, this study intends to discuss the idea of cooperative libraries and users of eBook Service about the new type of eBook lending mechanism, analyze users’ lending situations, aiming at the raw data offered by Yuan-Liou Publishing Co., Ltd. and Kaohsiung Public Library, observe the problems in current lending situations, and propose suggestions. The research findings are summarized as below. (1) The website observation and raw data analyses reveal different contents on various websites. The basic information in the card application for Kaohsiung Public Library is distinct from the quantity in the database, showing that the lending mechanism is not properly processed. (2) The coverage of major potential groups of digital reading and the reading behaviors as well as the satisfaction with eBook service are understood through the questionnaire. Differentiating with age, the general behavior patterns of digital reading users are acquired; and, the users present positive effects on the practical operation benefit of eBook Service websites. (3) The interviewer indicates that different sources of funds for libraries, except for promotions, are a key factor in the use rate. Besides, format, connection speed, and stability are the factors in libraries purchasing eBooks, the reputation of publishers, types of books provided, and the repetition rate of types of bought books would also be taken into account, and active titles and best sellers, which are the largely demanded types of eBooks, would be proposed. In this case, most respondents consider that the lending pattern of “charged by time” could effectively provide readers with proper services. Moreover, the idea of public lending right could facilitate the authors releasing the eBook copyright. Finally, specific suggestions for enhancing the sustained use intention of eBook lending service are proposed in this study for the reference of libraries reinforcing the use intention of the eBook lending service.

集合住宅專有部分與共有部分之分開計價問題探討-台北大學特定區為例 / Analysis of housing separated prices in property rights of private units and public elements

林逸杰, Lin, I Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
住宅價格,在自由市場機制的放任下不斷攀升,政府以「分開計價」策略介入市場,揭露產權分配資訊,目的在保障消費者,避免購置過多的「虛坪」,並降低住宅價格負擔。本文試圖從產權分配的基本面,以「分開計價」政策,來探討房價與「虛坪」之間的關係問題,不同以往文獻以政治、社會與經濟面來分析高房價問題。如何分開、如何計價、又何謂虛坪,為本文研究動機。 如何分開產權的研究顯示,「專有部分」與「共有部分」需有合理規劃原則,方能免於購置虛坪。其方法宜採用「共有部分」五項目分配法,將共有部分之小公共設施、大公共設施、機車位、車道與車位分別單獨登記建號,再依主建物比例來合理分配共有部分;應禁止使用之分配規劃方式分別為:(1)地上層與地下層二分法、(2)各棟小公混合後再分配法、(3)機房併入主建物分法。 如何分開計價的推演方法顯示,除分析階層程序法不適用外,其建築體積成本法、蒐集與檢驗市場法,都在可接受範圍內。研究也顯示,虛坪雨遮准予登記但不予計價,符合市場、供給成本與需求認知。此外,僅以主建物計價,符合需求者的期待,並與國外僅以「專有部分」計價概念相符,資料顯示,國外不動產每單位的價格,乘上72.86%後為本國價格,此結果將可降低研究國內外不動產價格比較上的估價誤差。因此,產權「主建物比」較「公設比」資訊的揭露,更能避免購置過多「虛坪」,降低住宅價格負擔。 / The government adapts a policy of “separated prices in property rights” to reveal the secrets under distribution planning of property right, aiming to protect consumer from buying too much” virtual property rights” and in order to reduce housing burden. This study starts from a fundamental aspect in distribution planning of property rights to figure out the relationship between housing prices and virtual property rights, which is different from the political, social, and economical-based in history dissertations. Motivations of this study are to analyze what virtual property is and to explain how to separate and count the price of property. This research indicates that property distribution should be reasonably arranged in private units and public elements. Thus, problem of virtual property rights is avoided. The distribution method is followed: The entire public property rights should be detailed separately planning as an individual public facilities, large public facilities, motorbike parking, car parking, and basement driveway to the ground floor’s area. Completely inappropriate approaches are to merely separate on the floor or the basement space, and the machine room belongs to main building. Except analytical hierarchy process method, cost approach of building volume method and collect-check method are appropriate in applying separated prices in property rights. Moreover, the virtual property rights of rain cover cannot be charged but be registered. It corresponds with the situation of market pricing, supply costs and demand. The concept of charging merely in main private units reaches the expectation of the demanders, which equals to the foreign concept. According to data, in Taiwan, per unit real estate price is 72.86% times to foreign one. This result will reduce the mistakes of estimation in comparing prices. Consequently, the more information about ratio of main private units is revealed than public elements one , the less expense consumers have to face.


林幸頎, Lin, Hsing Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本論文係以工程風險及我國工程保險之現況與發展作為基礎,先予敘明目前當代工程保險的起源與趨勢,鑒古知今,推論出工程保險應回歸以安全檢查與損害防阻作為思考核心,並強調工程風險管理的重要性,進而有發展工程界與保險界聯合行動模式之可能性,使工程從策劃階段即獲得風險管理,而保險人亦得依保險法第九十六條以下之規定,於施工過程中介入安全檢查措施,共同防範出險。 再者,就工程保險之本質以言,應強調工程保險係屬於損失填補保險,故於處理相關實務爭議時,必須考量到工程保險應受到損失填補原則之限制。且因工程保險係採取全險保單的方式為之,是以,本文認為應得參酌美國立法例,而特別強調保險利益有無之判斷。 此外,現今工程保險實務上所面臨之諸多爭議,實得以「保險責任期間」作為軸心而貫穿之。即本文認為,應辨明保險期間並非完全等同於保險責任期間,而於探究保險人是否應負理賠責任時,其重點之一應係在於保險責任期間是否開始、終止或延長。對此,本文認為,應可從下列幾個主要之面向加以觀察:一者,若自工程契約之關係以論,首須探討者,係民法相關概念(如交付、受領)與工程實務上所使用之「啟用」、「接管」、「驗收」之概念是否相同?有無歧異之處?更為重要者,係工程風險究應如何合理分配?二者,若自工程保險契約之角度以觀,則需分析保險契約所承保的危險是否增加?保險利益是否變動?具權威性之地位,而被譽為工程契約「聖經」的國際規範FIDIC標準契約條款之相關內容為何? 本文認為,由於判斷工程保險契約時往往將受到工程契約內容之影響,而工程契約又多係由定作人一方所主導擬定,故而在判定保險人是否應依工程保險契約負擔理賠責任時,毋寧應本著公平合理之精神,配合工程慣例,從工程契約、工程保險契約所關涉之定作人、承攬人,以及保險人三方關係而為綜合審酌認定。換言之,不應使業主人有機會利用工程契約之約定,而將本應由業主承擔之風險移轉至承包商一方,進而間接地影響保險人應否理賠之判斷。 歸納以言,本文認為,我國工程保險實務爭議的解決方向,應以保險責任期間作為保險人是否需予理賠的主要判斷基準之一;再者,並應認知到工程保險本質上係屬於損失填補保險,而需受到損失填補原則之限制;另參酌美國立法例,需強調工程保險之保險利益有無之判斷;又於配合我國國情之前提下,應得適時適度地引進國際規範FIDIC標準契約條款之相關內容,以使我國與國際之接軌能更為緊密切實。


李昇蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
關於展延後所增加之費用是否得以索賠,亦影響業主成本支出與承包商利潤,於是關於工期之「時間」與「金錢」兩者,成為工程契約雙方最關心的議題。故從遲延索賠之目的,即可分成工期索賠與費用索賠兩方面探討之。 工期之定義從指涉範圍之廣狹可分為三種層次,本文討論主要之範圍係指狹義的工程期限,即業主與個別承包商於營建工程契約中所約定承包商完成工程所需之時間,日曆天為國際工程慣例選用之工期計算方式。工期之始點,應以契約約定之開工(Commencement of Contract Time)日起算,而完工(Contract Completion)則為工期之終點,如何界定完工對於整體施工契約之重要性,在於判斷承包商是否遵守履約期限。事實上分析是工程是否遲延?可歸責於當事人哪一方?國內外工程實務界之看法,皆認為工程遲延係以用盡浮時而影響「要徑」為要件,故產生以要徑為基礎以判斷工程遲延之方法,此亦突顯要徑法所欲表彰之基本功能。本文認為承包商須先以網狀圖證明「主要徑」之工作受外來因素(即不可歸責於承攬人)之施工障礙影響,則定作人才應展延工期,亦才有後續展延期間增加費用索賠之問題。 阻擾(Disruption)事件之產生,承包商有時同樣會遭受延後整體工程進度而可能逾期完工,或支出比預定計畫更多額外費用,以趕上原本進度之損害。阻擾之定義,依據英國SCL議定書第1.19.1條規定,為對於承包商正常工作之打擾、阻礙及干擾,導致較低之工率。如阻擾為業主所引起,可能會給予承包商依據契約或依據違約條款請求賠償之權利。但應特別區分者,乃阻擾與遲延仍為不同概念,遲延為延後完工,而阻擾則著重於生產力下降( Productivity Loss)及對於進度之打擾、阻礙、干擾,因此發生阻擾事件,僅「可能」發生逾期完工但並非絕對延後工期。故阻擾損害方面,與遲延損害相同,承包商必須證明阻擾可歸責於業主,且因業主阻擾承包商施工,導致其工率降低受有損害,但阻擾不限於要徑工作之干擾,縱使對非要徑工作之干擾亦得請求賠償損害,所以無須審視是否具備逾期完工之事實。因此當僅有阻擾事件發生卻未影響完工日時,承包商不會主張工作工期展延,但必定向業主請求可歸責於業主之阻擾造成工作效率降低( Reduced Efficiency of Workforce)之損失。 於遲延事件中,僅有不可歸責並可補償承攬人之遲延(Excusable and Compensable Delays),承包商一方面得請求展延工期,一方面得請求補償展延期間增加之費用。費用方面,因非可歸責於承包商之事由導致工程遲延,而業主指示承包商投入更多資源以提早完工,則屬於英美工程界所謂Acceleration(以下簡稱加速施工)之情況,此時業主亦應負擔補償承包商因加速施工產生之費用。於聯邦工程採購實務中,大部份涉及擬制加速施工之案例,皆為發生不可歸責且可補償承攬人遲延之情形,例如:實際為不可歸責於承攬人之遲延,定作人誤以為係可歸責於承攬人,而促使承攬人趕工以符合原定契約完工期限等情況。依據可歸責於哪一方之遲延來處理加速施工問題時,應掌握不可歸責於承攬人遲延之加速施工,原則上皆應支付額外費用,反之,若定作人就不可歸責於承攬人之遲延,已經准許展延足夠之工期,則不須支付加速施工之費用。至於得以展延多少時間,應以遲延分析技術判斷之,例如英國SCL議定書中介紹四種屬完工後處理展延工期問題之遲延分析技術,包括以下:1.The as-planned versus as-built method比較原規畫時程與竣工時程遲延分析法;2.The impacted as-planned method(What if analysis)原規劃時程影響後分析技術 ;3.The collapsed as-built method(But for as built analysis)重疊竣工時程分析技術; 4.The Protocol’s own TIA method(Retrospective TIA)英國SCL議定書之回復式時間影響分析法。 遲延事件造成工期展延,而工期展延通常亦產生額外之增加費用(Increased Cost)。惟業主准許展延工期之主張,不必然表示承包商即得請求展延期間相關費用。若遲延可歸責於承包商,則承包商顯然必須自行承擔遲延之相關費用;若為可歸責於業主之遲延事件,相關之補償即包含承包商於展延期間所動用與時間相關之資源(Time-related Resources)。惟工程實務上承包商於證明工期展延期間所增加之費用及所受損害時,常因為工期時間過久、各種紀錄成本與保管費用等錯綜複雜因素,對於損害數額無法達到嚴格證明之舉證程度,能夠確實提出每筆支出費用單據之紀錄者較少見,特別是當承包商請求「一式計價」之項目時更遭遇此種難題。如果無法證明費用的支出,則整個索賠都付諸流水,在很多案例中,承包商雖然成功證明遲延為可補償的,卻因提出不適當證明使最後獲得之補償較索賠預期額度減少許多,例如:實務對於工率降低(Efficiency Loss)損害之計算與證明,目前仍無統一見解,因工率難以數量化,縱使承包商以其工地記錄資料提出某工率降低係數,工程師亦針對監控報表提出另一個係數,而兩者皆無法說明哪一個數據之可信度較高,且縱使雙方合意以某一工率降低系數為標準,則雙方對於哪一部份為可歸責於己之責任劃分意見也不同,此亦牽涉舉證責任問題。 傳統訴訟需耗費大量金錢時間,或有部分以新興之非對抗式「替代性紛爭解決機制」( Alternative Dispute Resolution, 以下簡稱ADR),例如仲裁 (Arbitration), 調解(Mediation),調停(Conciliation), 調仲 (Med-Arb).,迷你審 (Mini Trial)等,以輔助傳統紛爭解決手段之不足。現行工程契約中,雙方通常事先約定將來發生工程爭議之解決方法,例如前開仲裁、調解等;而公共工程案件,若機關與廠商因履約爭議未能達成協議者,依據政府採購法第85條之1規定,亦強制不接受調解建議或方案之機關,若日後廠商提付仲裁,其不得拒絕之方式,來促成先行階段 ,即「調解」階段中調解成立之機會,加速爭議之解決。但在一些案例中,仲裁、調解等機制卻依然產生如同傳統訴訟般費用過高、時間較長之相同問題。於雙方無法協商而須透過第三人介入,卻在希望更節省糾紛處理時間,及更貼近雙方各退一步以共同努力解決難題之協商精神之要求下,使另一爭端處理模式:「爭議處理委員會」(Dispute Board)之角色日漸重要。

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