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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

檔案管理人員繼續教育滿意度與需求之研究 / A study on continuing education satisfaction and needs of archivists

陳秋瑾, Chen, Ciou Jin Unknown Date (has links)
隨著現代資訊科技與資訊社會的發展,檔案管理業務亦相應產生變革,為了因應檔案管理業務之進展,加強檔案管理人員的專業能力,並促進專業持續發展,檔案管理繼續教育有其必要性。 本研究透過文獻探討,瞭解國內、外檔案管理繼續教育實施管道和課程內容,再藉由問卷,調查曾經參加檔案管理訓練課程的檔案管理人員,對於繼續教育的滿意度和未來需求,最後以深度訪談法,蒐集國內培訓單位與參訓檔案管理人員對繼續教育訓練資源的意見,以探討國內檔案管理繼續教育之發展。 本研究主要提出以下結論:(一)國內、外檔案主管機關強調實務訓練,專業學會或培訓機構則提供廣泛專業學理和實務知能,支援檔案管理人員發展專業。(二)參訓檔案管理人員對於參加繼續教育的整體經驗感到滿意,並肯定繼續教育有助於提升專業知能及促進社群交流;(三)檔管人員期許培訓單位提供具有進階性、新穎性,且能應用於實務工作的繼續教育。(四)檔案管理人員呼籲主管機關推動專業人員認證制度,強化檔案管理人員專業地位。(五)國內培訓單位應從課程內容、進修管道及遠距教學等面向,發展檔案管理繼續教育訓練資源。 根據研究結果,本研究對國內培訓單位提出六項建議:(一)維持基礎與進階兩層次的核心課程,另增設專題性課程。(二)提供課程大綱與介紹,安排豐富多樣性的教學內容。(三)增加大臺北地區以外的繼續教育進修管道。(四)開設檔案管理學分班或在職進修專班。(五)建立檔管人員社群交流平台。(六)檔案主管機關加強檔案知識的橫向宣導,並推動檔案管理人員專業資格認證。 / With the development of modern information technology and information society, archives management work also consequential changes, in order to enhance professional competence of archivists, and to promote professional development, archives management continuing education is necessary. This study explored the way of the domestic and foreign authorities and professional institutions offering archives management continuing education and their training courses, and then surveyed the continuing education satisfaction and needs of archivists. Besides, the study also interviewed with domestic training institutions and archivists who have lots of training experience. Finally, the study discussed on the development of domestic archives management continuing education. The study made the following conclusions: (1) Domestic and foreign archives authorities stressed practical training, professional societies or professional training institutions provides extensive theoretical and practical knowledge to support the professional development of archivists. (2) Archivists are satisfied with the overall experience of participating in archives continuing education courses. Most participants agreed that continuing education help to improve professional abilities and knowledge, and to promote the knowledge exchange among archivists. (3) Archivists need advanced courses, or courses about practice and new archival issues. (4) Archivists expect the archives authorities to promote the professional certification, strengthening the professional status of archivists. (5) To develop our continuing education resources by improving the course content, increasing training opportunities, and offering distance learning or E-learning. According to the conclusions of the research, there are six suggestions as follows: (1) In addition to original basic and advanced courses, Training institutions may offer additional courses about specific subject. (2) Training institutions should provide the course outline and course introduction, and arrange a rich diversity of course content. (3) To increase the opportunities of attending archives continuing education for archivists who come outside Taipei area. (4)To offer credit classes or in-service continuing education classes. (5) To establish knowledge exchange platform for archivist community. (6) The archives authority should enhance the archival knowledge to the whole government agency, and promote the professional certification.

澳門體育教師對體育課程改革的認知與其教學行為探討 / Study of teachers' perception in curriculum reform in physical education and their behavior in teaching physical education in Macau

黃善嫻 January 2007 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

澳門、台北兩地學校運動隊學生的對體育的喜愛度、參與程度及教育目標之比較 / Comparison of students' attitude, participations and education goals in school teams between Macau and Taiwan

羅文詩 January 2012 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

策略性人才培育體系探討 / A Case Study on the Strategic People Development Systems

陳俊吉 Unknown Date (has links)
自從2008年金融海嘯以來,企業的成長面臨到各種多變的競爭考驗與挑戰。過去企業賴以成功的模式多已不復存在,接下來面對的生存環境將更加嚴峻。因此,企業未來創新策略的思維與有效人員的執行將是一項非常重要的課題。企業人才是否能在策略的引導下,安排至關鍵崗位中充分發揮,其中組織變革是關鍵。綜觀歷年來各種企業的變革、組織再造、策略規畫等,無論有多麼獨到的分析、精闢的見解,都存在著一項不變的原則。就是需要由『人』來執行。也就是說,執行的成敗、效益,關鍵都在於『執行者』的品質。因此,如何能在企業策略形成之後,正確訂定出各項策略目標的衡量指標與達成標準,是極為關鍵的事。企業必須要能根據未來的策略,建構一套策略性人才培育系統,持續有效的發展企業未來人才,才能幫助企業永續經營發展。 本研究將參考企業策略培育的相關議題,著手探討策略形成、策略行動,結合策略培育,建構出策略性人才培育體系。將人力資源管理單位當做企業組織變革的管理顧問,針對個案公司提供策略訓練建議,並在未來企業策略目標的推動時,能有更明確的方針、流程與步驟,並結合策略地圖與績效指標,隨時提供企業內部回饋的機制與改善的方向,將可落實策略人才培育並達成訓練績效的移轉。 本研究是屬於描述性與探索性的個案研究。其個案僅當作探討此議題的輔佐性研究案例。研究過程聚焦於訓練體系的融合與應用,為一種工具性的個案研究。主要研究的問題如下: (一) 策略性人才培育體系的架構與流程 (二) 策略性人才培育體系的成功關鍵因素 (三) 策略性人才培育體系之限制或障礙

應用翻轉學習模式於教育訓練之研究─以在台標竿企業為例 / A Study of Application of Flipped Learning Model on Employee Training: Example of Ten Benchmark Companies in Taiwan

何靜雨, Ho, Ching Yu Unknown Date (has links)
2007年,從美國教育界開始提倡的翻轉學習模式,至今仍為學校廣泛討論的話題。此概念對於企業而言,據2014年《全球人力資本趨勢報告》指出,翻轉學習模式將成為未來企業教育訓練的趨勢,而企業如何應用此套教學手法,以有效運用實體課程的培訓時間,進而提升學習成效,為一值得探討的議題。 然而國內關於翻轉學習模式的研究,仍以教育界為研究對象居多,目前尚無台灣各個產業應用翻轉學習模式的現況研究,故本研究透過訪談十間曾榮獲教育訓練獎項或為該產業龍頭的台灣企業,以了解企業應用翻轉學習模式的現況、配套措施以及成功關鍵因素。 本研究結果發現:一、企業大多將翻轉學習模式應用於新進人員、主管訓練以及軟性通識與管理類型的課程;二、多數企業會搭配系統平台、講師與學員的獎勵機制為配套措施;三、受訪企業與文獻皆一致認為講師的能力與平台的建置,為促成翻轉學習模式成敗的關鍵因素。 / Since 2007 the education field in the United States has started to promote the flipped learning model, which has been being widely discussed by schools until now. As far as enterprises are concerned, Global Human Capital Trends Research 2014 report pointed out that the flipped learning model would be the trend for the employee training of enterprises in the future. It is a topic worth exploring in depth how enterprises apply this teaching technique to optimize the training time of courses and further improve learning effectiveness. However, much past research regarding the flipped learning model in Taiwan focused on the education field as the object of study. There is still no current research on business industries in Taiwan that utilize the flipped learning model. Therefore, ten Taiwan’s enterprises which either won an Education and Training Award or are leading enterprises have been interviewed in this research to come to know the current condition of how enterprises apply the flipped learning model, coordinative measures, and key success factors. The result of this study showed that: first, enterprises mostly apply the flipped learning model to courses for new employees, supervisor’s training programs, to soft general courses and management courses. Second, most enterprises utilize a system platform and a reward system for lecturers and learners as the coordinative measure. Third, both the interviewed enterprises and literature indicate that the lecturer’s competence and the establishment of a platform are the key success factors for the flipped learning model.


李清祥, Li, Qing-Xiang Unknown Date (has links)
本論文只有一冊,共計約六萬字分章十九節來敘述。 第一章 緒論,主要在說明本論文的題意、研究動機、目的和研究方法。在題意說明 方面,敘述了組織發展的意義,感受性訓練的意義和感受性訓練在組織發展上的重要 性。 第二章 感受性訓練的理論基礎,計有三個主要理論為其發生的基礎:霍桑實證、場 地理論和固體動力學;分三節敘述。 第三章 感受性訓練的發展,敘述了感受訓練發展的三個時期:萌芽期、拓荒期和成 熟期。萌芽期包括一九四六年的大不列顛鎮學習工場(workshop)和一九四七年到一九 四八年之間的訓練團體;拓荒期介紹訓練團體的推廣、會心團的興起各種心理治療技 巧的被運用;最後成熟期談現階段的地位。 第四章 感受訓練的運用過程,分四節敘述,第一節談論訓練前的安排;第二節探討 訓練的過程;第三節訓練員地位的探討;第四節評估訓練過程。 第五章 感受性練的效果,係從國外各種實證結果來探討感受性訓練對參與者、人際 關係和關係和團體組織會有何種改變?分三節探討。 第六章 結論。說明感受性訓練所遭遇到的難題,探求解決難題的方法,以及在(五 )內運用感受性訓練的可行性。

A Preliminary Study on the Effects of "Note-taking" Strategy on Different Proficiency Levels of Junior High School Students / 作筆記策略對不同程度的國中生在英語聽力訓練成效之初探

林惠嫻, Lin, Huie-hsien Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在探討作筆記(note-taking)是否能幫助英語為外語的國中生增進會話或短文的聽力能力。根據本研究生的經驗及本實驗對象的個人英語聽力學習狀況的問卷調查結果,學生對英語聽力測驗中的對話或短文題型最易受挫。因此本研究嘗試引進學習策略中的作筆記方式以幫助學生改善對這種題型的聽力能力。   本論文所要探討的問題包含(1)受試者認為最難的聽力測驗題型是什麼?(2)國中生是否只重聽同樣內容及老師的測後解釋就能增進對話或短文測驗的英語聽力能力呢?(3)做筆記的學習者是否比未做筆記者進步?(4)作筆記策略適用程度高的學習者或程度低的學習者?(5)受試者對本實驗的意見:最有用和最無用的聽力測驗指導方式為何?受試者在此項實驗中改善最多的為那三樣?   本實驗期約四個月,包含國三學生兩個班70個學生。一班為實驗班,另一班為對照班。為了進一步的比較,每一班再分為高、低分群。實驗班考聽力測驗時要作筆記,對照班則無此要求。所有的教材全取自康軒出版社,詹麗馨,李欣蓉編著的 “國中英語聽力測驗”第五冊。   由統計分析及問卷調查得到下列結論:(1)國中生認為最困難的聽力測驗題型為聽完短文或對話後選出最適當的答案; (2)在實驗後,對照班及實驗班均進步並達顯著水準。由此可見若老師提供學習者重聽同樣的內容及測後講解聽力內容讓學生有更正的機會,學習者仍可以改善聽力能力;(3)雖然實驗班也進步並達顯著水準,但和對照班比較結果,不論是全班或高低分群,均未有顯著差異。可見做筆記的學習者並沒有比未做筆記者進步。這意謂著並非每種學習策略適合每個人,而且也沒有保證成功的學習策略。因此,老師應介紹各種學習策略以供學習者選擇有利個人學習的策略;(4)在實驗班中,低分群進步分數達顯著水準且和高分群的進步分數達顯著差異。顯然,作筆記策略嘉惠低分群但可能導致高分群無法專心聽;(5) 問卷調查結果發現大多數受試者認為老師試後講解聽力內容幫助最大;知道不同的口音助益最小。此外,依受試者意見顯示,作 筆記可使學生不分心,養成記重點字的習慣並且容易記得內容。   由以上研究,建議老師聽力測驗多播放幾次,並在測後講解內容及指導學生作筆記的方式。不過,作筆記較適合低分群而非高分群。因此,老師可以不要求高分群作筆記,避免影響他們的專心度。此外,本研究發現學習者很難去預測即將聽到的句子或內容。 關鍵字;聽力訓練,作筆記策略,國中生 / This study aims to explore if note-taking could assist EFL junior high school students to improve their listening comprehension in the test style of “selecting anoptimal choice after listening to a dialogue or a short passage.” According to the researcher’s experience and the personal profile questionnaires of students, studentsfeel frustrated easily when they have a listening test on a dialogue or a short passage. Thus, the researcher tries to help them improve their listening comprehension in the test style by teaching them how to take notes. The research questions of this study included: (1) What is the most difficultlistening test style? (2) Could junior high school students improve their listening ability in understanding a dialogue or a short passage bylistening to the same content several times and through the teacher’s teaching instruction? (3) Did junior high school students who were asked to take notes perform better than those who were not? (4) Does note-taking benefit only high proficiency subjects or only low proficiency subjects? (5) How did the subjects feel about the experiment? What are the most useful and useless ways in a listening activity? What are the first three improved aspects the subjects felt after the experiment? The duration of this experiment was four months. Seventy of the third junior high school students from two classes were involved in the study. One class was assigned as an experiment class and the other as a control class. For further comparison, each class was subdivided into high and low proficiency groups. The experiment class was asked to take notes while listening but the control class was not.All the materials were adopted from “English Listening Comprehension for Junior High School”(Li-shin Jan, Shin-rung Li, 2001, Kan-shiuan Publisher). The statistical analyses and the questionnaires showed the following conclusions: (1) The most difficult listening test style was selecting an optimal choice after listening to a dialogue or a passage.(2) The classes made significant progress after the experiment. The result indicated that learners improved their listening ability when a teacher provided the students with sufficient practice by letting them listen to the same content several times and explained the meanings of the sentences after a listening test; (3) Although making significant progress, the experiment class, compared with the control class, did not improve significantly. The two different proficiency groups did not make significant progress, either. This could imply that not every learning strategy fits every learner. Also, no learning strategy assures success. Therefore, a teacher had better introduce different kinds of learning strategies for learners to choose an optimal learning strategy on their own; (4) In the experiment class, low proficiency learners made more progress than high proficiency ones at a significant level. Apparently, note-taking benefited low proficiency learners but may hinder high proficiency learners from concentrating on listening. (5) The subjects chose “teacher’s explanation of the content after a listening test” as the most useful way to improve their listening ability. However, they thought “knowing the different accents” as the least useful way. In addition, as seen in the result of the feedback questionnaire, note-taking helped learners listen without distraction, acquire a habit of writing down key words and remember the content easily. The research suggested that a teacher should let students listen to the same content several times on the tape, explain the meanings of the sentences after a listening test, and instruct learners how to take notes. However, note-taking was good for low proficiency learners, but not for high proficiency ones. Thus, a teacher might not need to ask high achievers to take notes, which might block them to concentrate on listening. In addition, it seems not easy for learners to predict the coming message. Key words: listening training, “note-taking strategy”, junior high school students


魏如龍 Unknown Date (has links)
類神經網路(Neural Network)是人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence)的一種,利用模仿腦神經處理資訊的原理,以數學模型,經由電腦軟硬體等方式,對於不動產進行鑑價,可說是電腦估價的範疇之一。為解決以市場比較法進行估價作業時,估價人員往往因為自己的主觀認知有所不同,而產生估價結果有相當的差距,造成不能建立估價人員的專業公信力,產生人人均可以從事估價之錯覺。是以,為解決估價上過於主觀之問題,透過類神經網路之功能,能分析交易價格與影響價格主要因素之關係,利用大量已成交的資料,學習這些關係之結構變化,進而推估較具客觀性的價格,提供估價人員的諮詢與參考,恰有助於整個估價流程的合理性與可接受性。 對於文山區與大安區中古屋交易資料,以多層感知機 (Multilayer Perceptrons,MLP) 類神經網路模式之分析結果,可發現在年訓練資料的測試結果中,不動產交易價格波動變化穩定之狀況下的預估效果較佳,然而在不動產價格變動率較大之狀況下,其預估效果明顯降低;進一步比較的一年期訓練資料、半年期訓練資料、季訓練資料之預估結果後發現,以一年期訓練資料之預估效果較佳;經由輸入變數篩選後再預估,其整體預估效果均有改善;最後以訓練資料期間為選取導向與訓練資料量多寡為選取導向之測試結果作比較,可發現訓練資料期間為選取導向的預估結果較佳,說明訓練資料的選擇必須考量其時效的重要性。 關鍵字:類神經網路(Neural Network)、訓練資料選取、變數篩選分析


朱嘉榮 Unknown Date (has links)
就業服務的主要任務即在於積極參與與促進就業市場中人力的調適,以達成人與事之間的良好媒合,但由於時代變遷之下,公立就業服務的功能執掌也逐漸有了轉變。隨著失業類型從摩擦性失業轉變為多元性失業型態;以及公立就業服務之對象要求多元化,造成媒合難度提高;加上公立就業服務機構的工作內容複雜度提高等因素,使得公立就業服務機構內之就業服務人員需面對更大程度之挑戰,也因此在其相關專業知能與從業心態上有更多元之要求。因此本研究之目的在於了解就業服務人員首先在其任用過程中是否有一任用標準;進而在其工作過程中,是否有相關之在職訓練做一配合,並進一步探討其相關訓練措施上之現況及困難點,以促進就業服務的順利推行。 從文獻及訪談中發現,我國目前並未建構出就業服務人員所應具備之職能架構,因此本文從相關文獻探討中,建構出本文所認為就業服務人員應具備之職能架構:應包含三個層面:(一)核心觀念與態度、(二)一般能力、(三)專業能力之具備。從而進行問卷調查及訪談之後,有以下之發現:首先在人員進用上,目前多為非編制內之人員擔任且工作年資在三年以上居多,科系專長多元化,對於就業服務證照之要求則不嚴謹。訓練需求分析上,多採用觀察法或問卷調查之方式,但目前並未有一嚴謹之標準化訓練需求評估制度。訓練內容上,則分為兩類,一類為一般人員所需之通識課程:主要加強人員態度面、禮儀面,亦需加強就服人員情緒及壓力管理之能力。專業課程部分:訓練執行主要依據就業服務法及就業保險法相關規定為主,勞工相關法令為輔,並依據職位不同有其他特殊之課程安排。訓練效果評估上,則以課程滿意度調查中學員之主觀陳述作評估,或輔以主管督導、年度綜合績效等指標,在反應(滿意度調查)及學習(課堂考試)層面有進行評估,但在行為層面卻未有一定之評估標準;在結果層面,僅以年度之綜合性評估,而未能針對每場訓練結束後皆進行結果層面評估,便難以得知各場次訓練帶來之效果如何,是否皆有達成其所訂定之目的便無從得知。 進一步綜合文獻分析及實證結果之後,針對現行我國公立就業服務機構就業服務人員專業訓練措施上,提出以下幾點建議: (一) 建立合理之非編制人員升遷及薪資制度。 (二) 針對個案管理員等第二線人員應以正式人力擔任。 (三) 建立公立就業服務機構各類就業服務人員之職能架構。 (四) 進行制度化之訓練效果評估。 (五) 建立公立就業服務機構人員訓練講師資料庫。

中高齡失業者職業訓練與再就業問題之探討 / A Study of Middle-aged Umemployed Vocational Training and Re-employment

陳羿岑, Chen, Yi Cen Unknown Date (has links)
隨著社會人口結構的變化,高齡化與少子化對未來勞動力的運用、及相關社會保險產生很大的影響,因此提高中高齡人力資源的運用是必要的。在提升中高齡勞動力的運用政策下,期望中高齡失業者參加藉由職業訓練以協助其再就業。然而卻發現重複參加訓練者大多是中高齡的問題,未因為接受職業訓練而就業或穩定就業,反而再度回到職業訓練中,代表著中高齡的職業訓練制度出現了問題,以致無法發揮原來的效用。本研究從提升中高齡人力資源的角度,了解中高齡人力資源運用的現況、運用及再就業所面臨的問題,進而討論我國職業訓練制度現況、問題及相關規範,做為了解中高齡職業訓練的研究基礎。藉由訪談結果,分析影響中高齡職業訓練成效的原因,以探討中高齡重複參訓的原因,以釐清職業訓練在對於提升中高齡人力資源運用可能存在的問題。 本研究發現從參加職業訓練前、課程開始、訓練過程、到訓練結束,皆存在可能影響中高齡重複參加職業訓練的原因。職業訓練未能使中高齡者順利再就業或穩定就業,職業訓練對於提高就業的效果不佳,顯示職業訓練制度存在者一些問題。本文將造成中高齡者重複參訓的問題結論出四個面向,即中高齡受訓者與環境互動所形成的選擇、中高齡受訓者與職業訓練單位的相互關係、訓練單位在職業訓練制度中的選擇、職業訓練制度模組與社會的連結等所衍生出來的現象。 最後對於減少、解決中高齡者重複參加訓練的情況,提出相關建議。分為三個部分,首先為職業訓練制度設計的規定,包括職業訓練生活津貼、失業給付的規範、就業輔導、評鑑制度的調整等。及職業訓練執行過程,對於篩選機制的落實、課程設計與實務連結度、就業服務之資源連結、資訊宣導等。再者為中高齡與職業訓練的關係,包括協助創業、就業機會的連結與結合產業發展、增加職業訓練專班等,不僅減少重複參訓所產生資源配置不均的問題,同時也期望職業訓練能確實發揮促進中高齡者就業的功用。

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