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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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黃雪玲, Huang, Xue-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
共一冊,約三萬字,分五章: 第一章 緒論 第一節 科學教育的意義及研究範圍 第二節 科學教育的研究方法 第三節 本文研究目的 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 認知發展與數理科學業成就之關係 第二節 學習環境與數理科學業成就之關係 第三節 性別、家長、職業及教育程度與數理科學業成就之關係 第三章 方法 第四章 結果 第五章 討論 本研究目的在探討認知發展、學習環境與數理科學業成就之關係,以國中二年級學生 約四百名為受試者。每人接受三種測驗,即皮亞傑認知發展紙筆測驗、學習環境量表 、國中成就測驗(數學、物理、化學三科)。用階梯式迴歸分析,以認知發展、學習 環境來預測其成就測驗成績。

Taking Care of "Take": Frame and Constructions / 從語意架構和構造語法的觀點分析英語多義詞Take

李美芳, Mei-fang F. Lee Unknown Date (has links)
英語動詞take有許多不同的語意,而這些語意之間則存有密切的關聯性。藉著分析take的各種語意,可以讓我們更深入地瞭解多義詞現象。本論文藉助認知語言學派的語意架構理論和構造語法理論,深入分析了take出現在不同句法結構中所產生的不同語意及這些語意彼此之間的關聯性。研究結果發現︰當take出現在及物結構中(Caused-Affected Construction)時,透過語言使用者在觀點上不同的選擇(Windowing of Attention),會衍生出四個基本語意,分別為選擇、拿取、消耗、及狀態改變。此外,take可以與七類型的介詞片語共同表達出七種不同的語意功能。最後,take還可以與介詞組合成片語動詞,產生特殊的語意,為使動結構的邊緣衍生用法。 / The English verb take attests a wide range of meanings and provides rich resources for the exploration of polysemy. Attempting to examine how the various senses of take are related to one another, this thesis investigates the meaning relatedness under the framework of Frame Semantics, which postulates that a conceptual representation is required to fully capture verb semantics (Fillmore and Atkins 1992, 2000), and Construction Grammar, which holds that constructions found in language are the basic units of language and that verb semantics interacts with constructions, thus yielding different meanings (Goldberg 1995, Jackendoff 1997). A careful examination of data reveals that take derives a variety of senses both from its interaction with the semantics of other components in the constructions and from different windowings of take’s conceptual frame. When integrated with the Caused-Affected Construction, the take construction acquires the senses of choosing, grabbing, consuming, and changing. When integrated with the Caused-Motion Construction, the take construction is found to be prototypically followed by prepositional phrases exhibiting seven semantic functions. When occurring in less prototypical cases of the Caused-Motion Construction, the meaning of the take construction blends into the meaning of the preposition following right behind it.


羅春月, Luo,Chuen Yueh Unknown Date (has links)
在經濟自由化、國際化潮流的衝擊下,公營事業「私有化」(privatization)自1980年代以來成為主流思潮,在國內政治、經濟、社會發展日趨成熟,以及公營事業機構經營績效普遍不彰的環境下,紛紛要求政府去保護、去壟斷、去管制,讓公營事業回歸市場競爭機制,於是行政院於1989年成立跨部會的「專案小組」負責推動民營化工作,惟民營化的腳步卻顯得蹣跚難以開展,直到1996年「國家發展會議」中才確立「加速民營化」的共識後,民營化政策乃如火如荼的展開。 歷經十幾年民營化推行的結果,弊端叢生,有淪為財團化、賤賣國產、政治酬庸工具、製造大量失業的疑慮,並嚴重損及員工既有的工作權益,而廣受訾議;近年來更質變為政府籌措財源的工具,以致員工抵制、抗爭民營化政策持續未歇,乃至遊說立法委員通過特別立法加以保護與刪減釋股預算等,百般推遲、阻撓民營化進度,究其原因,乃在員工預期民營化組織變革將帶來不確定性未來的集體共同認知使然,害怕減薪、裁員、失去工作保障、勞動條件改變、僱庸關係變更、喪失公務員身分、權力及社會地位降低、經濟利益減損、可用資源減少、工作量增加…等等。 本研究以公賣局為個案研究,公賣局為因應民營化的需要,改善經營體質,提升組織競爭力,從1996 年開始規劃實施一連串的組織變革措施中,主要進行人力精簡、組織調整及全面品質管理等三大重要變革措施,其中以人力精簡與組織調整對員工的衝擊影響最大;人力精簡從1997年到2003年10月底止,已精簡4371人,有1/3以上的員工選擇優惠離退,而組織調整的方式則以簡併、裁撤、遷廠方式為之,影響了數千名員工的工作地點、工作性質、人際關係與環境的變動,員工在經歷這些重大組織變革,其對民營化組織變革的認知情況如何,是否會反應在工作壓力與組織承諾上,所以本研究即以微觀的認知觀點,試圖從員工對民營化組織變革的不確定性認知切入,來探求民營化組織變革的不確定性認知,對員工工作壓力與組織承諾的影響情況,深切鋪陳員工心理層面的憂鬱、焦慮、徬徨的感受,以提供政府當局及變革推動者參考。 本研究除採用文獻探討法對過去學者研究文獻做一回顧與整理外,並使用問卷調查法,以2004年2月底留任在台灣菸酒公司流通事業部職員為研究對象,所得有效樣本462份資料,以描述性統計分析、因素分析、信度分析、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析、逐步迴歸分析等統計方法予以分析。 本研究主要獲致結論如下: 在描述性統計分析方面,員工最擔心的是被減薪(87.9%)、職務或工作地點變動(82%)、被裁員或解僱(80.8%)、失去公務員身分工作權較無保障(78.8%)、以及對個人未來的事業生涯有不安與徬徨的感受(76.6%),除此之外,對未來角色的變更也充滿相當的憂慮,在變革過程中,員工也認為所獲取或接觸的變革資訊嚴重不足,也顯示參與決策與溝通的管道不夠暢通,並且也相信民營化組織變革將使組織發展更具變動性,在在均說明了員工對民營化組織變革充滿了不確定性的認知程度相當高。反應在工作壓力方面,則以「焦慮反應」最為嚴重,平均數比率為75.56%,其次為「工作過荷」的現象為70.82%,然其對組織的「價值及努力承諾」、「留職承諾」仍舊是非常高昂,平均數比率分別為71.8%、71.62%。 在差異性分析方面,發現有顯著差異者有:1.不同年齡、職位的員工對「變革資訊」的不確定性認知有顯著差異。2.不同工作類別的員工對「溝通疑慮」的不確定性認知有顯著差異。3.不同職位員工對「組織發展」的不確定性認知有顯著差異。4.不同職位的員工對「低自尊」有顯著差異。5.不同工作類別的員工對「留職承諾」有顯著差異。 在相關分析方面,民營化組織變革的不確定性認知與工作壓力呈高度正向相關,與組織承諾則呈中度負向相關,而工作壓力與組織承諾則呈高度負向相關。 在預測力分析方面,民營化組織變革的不確定性認知對工作壓力、工作壓力對組織承諾均具解釋力或預測力,且工作壓力對民營化組織變革的不確定性認知與組織承諾間具有中介效果,亦即留任員工對民營化組織變革的不確定性認知程度愈高,其工作壓力愈大,工作壓力愈大,則員工的組織承諾愈低。 本研究根據研究結論分別對政府、事業機構、員工及後續研究者提出建議,期以建構更完善的民營化政策、以及提出更完整、更具價值的研究成果。 關鍵字: 認 知 組織變革 工作壓力 組織承諾 / Under economy liberalization trend, as well as globalization influences, the public enterprise privatization became a leading trend starting from 1980s, Internal (domestic) politics, economy, society development is mature rapidly, and public enterprises management agency are generally not developing/improving, makes them requesting government to give up protection, monopolize, controls etc. in order to put the public enterprises into competitive market mechanism. Hence in 1989 Executive Yuan had set up a special team in charge for pushing government entity for privatization, although privatization moves was halting and difficult to develop at the start, untill 1996 the Country Development Meeting where participants has reached a common view to accelerate the privatization issue, the privatization became a hot topic like a raging fire that everyone is talking about. Over ten years after privatization was carried out, disadvantage clusters, conglomeration of companies, low price sales and quisling government properties, political bribing, unemployment misgivings, seriously damaging workers interests and rights, and became a widely discuss issues. In recent years it even deteriorated and spoiled into a fund raising tools, which made workers to boycott, then fights against privatization policy continues. And even canvassed legislators to enforce protection laws, truncate and write off budgets, all sorts of put off or deferred to obstruct and jeopardize the progress of privatization. Trace to its cause, worker anticipation that privatization will bring uncertainty in the future due to the change of the organization, salary reduction, lay off staff, loosing job indemnification, labor laws and regulation changes, relation alteration in the employment system, loss of civil servant status, social status and rights diminishing, economical benefits reductions, available resource decreasing, increase of workload etc, etc.. This research is based on Taiwan Tobacco and Wine Board as a case study, due to the need of privatization to improve its management, increase of competitiveness capability, starting from 1996 Taiwan Tobacco & Liquor Corporation has taken up a series of organization transformation measures, there were 3 major improvement measures, mainly on manpower simplification; organization adjustment and overall quality control management. Where the manpower and organization adjustment have the most direct influence to staff/workers; Manpower reduction has been started since 1997 and up till the end of October 2003, there were already 4,371 persons reduced, 1/3 above personnel choose the preferential leave quit, while re-organization is implemented using simplification, dissolve of companies, relocate of factories, this has affected thousands of staff/worker’s work place, jobs nature, relationship and environmental alterations. Upon they experienced all these significant re-organization major changes. How do staff/workers recognition towards organization changes due to the privatization effect? Will it reflect in their work commitment due to the work pressure and organization changes? This study is based on basic cognitive point of view, attempt to cut in from worker’s uncertain recognition to organization changes by privatization, seeking for uncertain recognition of organization transformation cause by privatization, the effect towards personnel work pressure and organization commitments, deeply elaborate personnel psychology disconsolation, anxiety, hesitation, in order to provide to government authority and the reformers for references. This research adopt and consolidate the previously research documentary retrospect, it also combine with questionnaires inquisition. Based on the research object from Taiwan Tobacco & Liquor Corporation Business Distribution Unit staff at the end of February 2004, obtained effective samples of 462 item and were analyzed with Descriptive Statistic Analysis method, Factor Analysis, Reliability Analysis, t-Test, One-way ANOVA, Pearson Analysis of Regression, Analysis of Stepwise Regression Statistical. The main conclusions of this research are as follows: Under descriptive statistic analysis salary reduction is the most worried case (87.9%), duty and or work place alteration (82%), lay off staff (80.8%), loss of civil servant status and work rights (78.8%), fear of personal future business career uncertainty hesitation (76.6%), in addition to this, anxiety to the future personal role’s alteration. And during the changes period, staff/workers felt if organizational changes information severely lack of, it also shows if decision makers has impeded the communication in between, and the belief that privatization of organizational changes will let the organization development full with alteration nature. This illustrates staff/workers have very high uncertainty cognition to the privatization of organizational changes. Reaction shown directly on work stresses, while anxiety reaction is the most severe case, average rating at 75.56%, following is work overloaded phenomenon with 70.82%, but to organizational value and effort commitment, retention commitment are still lofty, average ratio at 71.8% and 71.62% respectively. At divergence analysis, it is found there is a distinct difference at 1. Age differences: on duty staff/workers have a different opinion of uncertain cognition to organizational changes information. 2. Different job sections staff/workers have distinct recognition on communication misgiving uncertainty cognition. 3. Different position/grade personnel has a different recognition on organization development. 4. Different position/grade personnel has distinct recognition on low self-esteem. 5. Different Job sections staff/workers has different recognition on retention commitment. On correlation analysis, there is a high positive relationship between privatization of organizational changes uncertainty cognition and work stress, while it shows a medium negative relationship to organizational commitment; work stress and organizational commitment shows a high negative relationship. In forecast analysis, privatization of organizational changes uncertainty cognition and work stress, work stress and organizational commitment both equipped with elucidate and anticipation power, while work stress and privatization of organizational changes uncertainty cognition and organizational commitment are of intermediate effect, in other words for staff to remain in office will increase its recognition to privatization of organizational changes uncertainty cognition, work stress will be heavier, when work stress becomes bigger, staff/workers organizational commitment will become lesser. This research concludes for suggestions to government entity, enterprises, staff/workers and the fellow researchers to improve the privatization program and submit more valuable and complete study results. Key words : cognition 、organizational changes、work stress 、 organizational commitment


鄧忠俊 Unknown Date (has links)
政治容忍乃是民眾願意給予與自己立場不同的團體或是意見,發表其言論與意見的自由與權利,對於民主社會有一定的意義,而在國內對於政治容忍的相關研究尚不普遍,且距今已多年,在台灣政治環境劇烈變遷之下,民眾政治容忍的全貌如何?筆者藉由檢視TEDS2003與TEDS2004LB資料,觀察台灣民眾政治容忍的變化,同時也探討影響台灣民眾政治容忍的因素,對於「主張建立台灣共和國的人」與「主張接受一國兩制的人」是否同意其具有集會遊行、在學校教書與競選公職等公民權利的測量。研究發現民眾對於競選公職的權利較為容忍,對於集會遊行的權利較不容忍,筆者認為乃由於集會遊行會帶來政治混亂、交通阻塞,因此相對於競選公職權利,對於民眾自身的感受較深,另外透過兩個年度資料分析也發現民眾的政治容忍的確有愈來愈提升的趨勢。 在影響政治容忍因素的模型檢證中,發現教育程度、民主價值與威脅的認知具有一致性的影響,具有大專以上或高中職教育程度、民主價值愈高、認為該主張沒有威脅的民眾,其政治容忍也愈高。另外,研究發現傾向支持獨立的民眾不僅對於台灣共和國主張較容忍,同時對於一國兩制的主張也能有相當的政治容忍。而大陸各省市籍的民眾對於一國兩制的主張反而有較不容忍的情形,筆者認為可能這些民眾心中支持的「統一」與「一國兩制」是有所不同。 而筆者也進一步探討威脅與民主價值、教育程度與民主價值的關係,研究發現即使民眾認為這些主張對於社會是有威脅的,只要民眾的民主價值愈高,政治容忍也是愈高。而教育程度與民主價值的關係,在2003年資料分析中,並未達到顯著差異,而在2004年資料分析中,則顯示在相同民主價值之下,只要民眾的教育程度較高,其政治容忍也會較高。

交互教學法對台灣國中生英文閱讀能力與後設認知之效益 / The Effects of Reciprocal Teaching on Taiwanese Junior High School Students' English Reading Comprehension and Metacognitive Awareness

林思燕 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的在探討「交互教學法」對台灣國中生英文閱讀能力與後設認知之效益,並研究國中生對此教學的回應。參與本研究的學生為82名苗栗縣某公立高中的兩班九十五學年度九年級學生,實驗組施以12週交互教學法,控制組則為傳統老師講授方式,在教學活動前後,實驗組和控制組所有學生皆施以閱讀理解測驗(採自全民英檢初級閱讀測驗)及後設認知問卷,實驗組多加施以交互教學法回饋問卷。 本研究結果摘要如下: 1. 實驗組與控制組在閱讀理解測驗表現有顯著差異,亦即,交互教學法有效地增進學生閱讀理解表現。 2. 後設認知方面,實驗組在「閱讀信心」、「閱讀困難」和「閱讀能力強的人應具備的能力」三項後設認知能力表現顯著提高,在「有效閱讀策略」與「補救策略」二項之後設認知表現亦有明顯進步。 3. 交互教學法有助於增強學生對閱讀策略的觀念和用法,大部分受試者認為「摘要」與「預測」是最實用的閱讀策略。 4. 回饋問卷顯示,大部分實驗組學生對交互教學法持正面支持態度,並表示願意將所學之閱讀策略運用在未來的英語閱讀中。 根據上述結果,本研究建議國中英語教師可運用「交互教學法」增進學生英 語閱讀能力與後設認知能力,並提升學生學習英語的興趣。同時為了讓「交互教學法」發揮最大效用,教師應考慮學生在語言學習上之個別差異,以避免學生心理上的排斥與學習上的反效果。 / This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of reciprocal teaching in promoting EFL junior high school students’ reading comprehension and metacognitive awareness. In addition, students’ responses to reciprocal teaching were probed. Participants of this study included 82 ninth-graders from two intact classes in one public senior high school in Miaoli in the fall semester of 2006. The experimental group was engaged in reciprocal teaching and the control group was instructed in the traditional teacher-centered method. The reading comprehension test of GEPT at elementary level was used as the pretest and posttest to measure the participants’ reading ability before and after the instruction. Additionally, two questionnaires were adopted: one for investigating the effects of reciprocal teaching on students’ metacognitive awareness and the other for measuring the experimental group’s attitudes towards reciprocal teaching. After twelve weeks of experiment, the main results of this study can now be summarized as follows: 1. The participants’ reading comprehension ability improved significantly after the implementation of reciprocal teaching. 2. The participants’ metacognitive awareness was significantly higher especially in the categories of students’ reading confidence, students’ perceptions of reading difficulties, and students’ perceptions of a good reader. Students’ perceptions of repair strategies and effective strategies, though no significantly different , the participants did make progress in recognition of top-down and bottom-up strategies. 3. Reciprocal teaching helped the participants build up knowledge and use the instructed strategies. The strategies viewed by the participants as the most practical ones were “summarizing” and “predicting”. 4. According to the findings from the response questionnaire, the participants’ attitudes toward and responses to reciprocal teaching may be described as being supportive and positive. In addition, most of the participants expressed their willingness to employ the instructed strategies in their future English reading. The results suggest that reciprocal teaching can be a viable approach to help improve junior high school students’ reading comprehension ability and metacognitive awareness of English reading. Besides, students’ interest in learning can be stirred up. Yet, it should be noted that when conducting reciprocal teaching, teachers need to be taken into account students’ personal difference in language learning to avoid potential rejection.


萬柏洲 Unknown Date (has links)
平衡計分卡目前已成功的推行於各類型的組織中,且亦有越來越多組織透過將平衡計分卡進一步推展至共用服務單位的方式,讓總公司、各策略性事業單位及共用服務單位能有效的加以整合,進而將全組織的資源聚焦於策略執行上。 本研究之主要目的是希望探討當組織服務部門於推行平衡計分卡後,對其員工的認知與行為可能產生影響,並基於個案公司兩種不同類型的服務部門特色,希望進一步探討不同類型(即有無產生外部收入)之服務部門,在推行平衡計分卡後,對其員工認知與行為的影響是否會產生差異。 本研究實證結果發現:個案公司的服務部門員工普遍皆能認知到平衡計分卡對其自身所帶來的影響與改變,但目前仍尚未將其對平衡計分卡的認知轉化為具體的行動。此外,本研究亦發現有產生外部收入之服務部門,在推行平衡計分卡後,對其員工的認知與行為的影響程度會較未產生外部收入的服務部門更深。 / The balanced scorecard has been implemented successfully in all types of organizations. In order to integrate the corporate headquarters, strategic business units (SBUs) and shared service units (SSUs) effectively and therefore focus all resources on implementing companies’strategies, more and more organizations apply balanced scorecard to their shared service units. The main purpose of this study is to discuss the possible effects on employees’cognition and behavior after organizations’service departments put balanced scorecard into practice. Furthermore, based on the case company which have applied balanced scorecard to their two different featured service apartments, further study will discuss whether there are differences on employees’ cognition and behavior between departments with/without external revenues. The study shows that most employees in the case company’s service departments can sense the influences and changes toward themselves after the departments applying balanced scorecard, yet they still have not transferred cognition into concrete behavior. In addition, the study also finds out the employees of the service department with external revenues have deeper influences on their cognition and behavior than those in the non-external revenue service departments.

不同快慢節奏之音樂刺激對午間睡眠後之睡眠遲惰效果、情緒以及生理激發狀態的影響 / The Effects of the Fast and Slow Tempo Music on Sleep Inertia, Mood and Arousal after a Short Daytime Nap

周重佑, Chou, Chung Yu Unknown Date (has links)
研究目的:睡眠遲惰(sleep inertia)指的是剛由睡眠中醒來的一種現象,在這段轉換期間內,個體的警覺力較低、心智較為遲緩,認知和行為表現都較差。過去針對睡眠遲惰的研究顯示,睡眠遲惰是從一個較低生理激發的狀態到較高生理激發的漸進式轉換過渡階段。若睡眠遲惰是與較低的生理激發狀態有關,則若能提高個體的激發狀態,應能減少睡眠遲惰的負面影響。從過去的文獻中可發現,快節奏的音樂可以提高個體的生理激發。因此,本研究針對音樂的節奏快慢做操弄,探討生理激發狀態在睡眠遲惰所扮演的角色,比較不同快慢節奏的音樂刺激對於睡眠遲惰效果的影響。 方法:12名年齡介於18到31歲之間的受試者參與此研究。受試者在20分鐘小睡被喚醒後,分次接受快節奏音樂、慢節奏音樂、以及無音樂控制情境等三種情境安排。睡醒後的實驗期間為1小時,受試者每10分鐘被要求進行加法作業及填寫卡羅連斯加睡意量表(Karolinska Sleepiness Scale)、視覺類比量表(visual analog scales)、以及情緒評估等主觀量表,總計六次。同時,他們的腦電波(electroencephalogram)、心率變異率(heart rate variability)、膚電反應(skin conductance responses)、指溫等生理反應亦被記錄。 結果:受試者在認知表現或主觀評量上的確顯現出睡眠遲惰的效果,其加法作業的完成題數隨著時間增加,而主觀睡意則隨著時間減少。快節奏音樂情境比慢節奏音樂情境有顯著較高的主觀激發程度,並有較清醒的評量。在生理測量部分,受試者在快節奏音樂情境中有顯著較高的非特定刺激引起之膚電反應(Non-specific skin conductance responses)和腦電波較多beta波的趨勢。然而,儘管受試者的主觀評量會受到音樂刺激的影響而有不同,其認知表現並沒有出現類似的效果。 結論:本研究發現藉由音樂提高激發狀態,可使主觀睡意評量降低,但認知表現並不受到影響。此分離的現象顯示睡眠遲惰的消散不能以單一的生理激發狀態來解釋,而必須考慮多種歷程機制同時運作的可能性。 / Objective:Sleep inertia (SI) is a transitional state occurring immediately after awakening from sleep that are associated with sleepiness, decreased alertness and decrement in cognitive performance. It has been suggested that SI may be due to a decline in arousal level. Therefore, it was hypothesized that factors likely increasing arousal would reduce the effects of SI. Previous studies showed that fast-tempo music may enhance the level of arousal. The present study was conducted to clarify the role of arousal in SI by exposure to music with different tempos. Methods:Twelve healthy young adults, aged 18 to 31 years, participated in the study. All subjects went through three conditions: a fast-tempo music, a slow-tempo music, and a control (no music) conditions. Music stimuli were applied to subjects awaked from a 20-mins nap, and the subjects were given an addition task and asked to rate their level of subjective sleepiness and arousal on the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS), visual analog scales (VAS) and emotional rating scales 6 times over an hour. During the test period, their physiological arousal state was recorded, including electroencephalogram (EEG), heart rate variability (HRV), skin conductance responses (SCR), finger temperature. Results:The effects of SI on cognitive throughput and subjective ratings were evident. Their performance on the addition task increased and sleepiness decreased over time. Subjective sleepiness was significantly reduced and physiological arousal level measured by non-specific skin conductance responses (NS-SCRs) and EEG beta power were elevated when the participants were exposed to fast-tempo music. However, cognitive performance was not influenced by music exposure. Conclusion:The present findings suggest that increased arousal level during SI by manipulating music stimuli may decrease subjective sleepiness but have no impact on cognitive performance. This dissociative effect suggests that the dissipation of sleep inertia may not be a function of a general arousal level. Rather, there may be multiple processes that are responsible for different aspects of SI.

失憶型輕度認知功能障礙患者在模擬空間脈絡記憶之表現 / Spatial-context memory in amnesic-mild cognitive impairment

王宣閔, Wang,Hsuan-Min Unknown Date (has links)
失憶型輕度認知功能障礙(a-MCI)患者被認為是演變成為阿茲海默症的高危險群,在早期由於海馬迴結構的神經纖維糾結,患者會開始產生記憶障礙。Braak和Braak在1991年將神經纖維糾結分成六個時期,開始會先從海馬迴結構的前內鼻區和側海馬迴產生病變,最後才會順延到海馬迴本體。由於前內鼻區主要處理事件及物件特徵,側海馬迴主要處理空間背景訊息,海馬迴本體主要處理空間位置記憶,所以本研究假設事件及物件特徵與空間背景訊息的配對記憶在a-MCI階段就會產生障礙,而空間位置記憶則在輕度阿茲海默症會開始產生障礙,如果不同階段神經病變的認知功能表現,可以在研究結果中呈現出來,或許可以協助找到早期偵測海馬迴結構病變的神經認知功能指標。 本研究受試者主要包含正常組(NC組)30人,失憶型輕度認知功能障礙組(a-MCI組)30人和輕度阿茲海默症組(AD組)30人,共計90人。每組受試者均接受神經心理測驗衡鑑和本研究自行發展的空間脈絡記憶測驗。空間脈絡記憶測驗總共分為三個部分:(1)空間位置記憶測驗:要求受試者回憶之前在地圖上隨機出現的建築物位置;(2)事件與地點連結測驗:事件和地點配對出現後,要求受試者選擇事件所配對的地點背景為何;(3)地點與物體的連結測驗:物體和地點配對出現後,要求受試者選擇該地點之前出現的物體為何。 研究結果呈現,不同組別在神經心理測驗結果,a-MCI組在延宕提取以及記憶保留的部分相較於其他認知功能顯著較差,而AD組相較於a-MCI組,除了記憶力表現更差外,其他認知功能的缺損也更為嚴重。而不同組別在空間脈絡記憶的結果,空間位置記憶分測驗呈現NC組>a-MCI組>AD組的結果,在事件與地點的連結分測驗呈現NC組>a-MCI組=AD組的結果,在地點與物體的連結分測驗呈現NC組>a-MCI組>AD組的結果。從ROC曲線分析呈現,空間脈絡記憶測驗相較於其他篩檢測驗,在區分NC組和a-MCI組的敏感度及特異度較好,而MMSE則在區分a-MCI組和AD組的敏感度及特異度較好。 研究結果呈現a-MCI受試者在一般認知功能尚未顯著下降的同時,空間脈絡記憶就已經呈現障礙,這可能和早期神經纖維糾結所破壞的區域有關,結果也呈現空間脈絡記憶測驗在a-MCI階段,比其他篩檢測驗能更敏感的區分出正常和異常的患者。目前臨床常用的MMSE測驗,因為複合了多項認知功能,反而適合用於篩檢已經為輕度阿茲海默症的患者。 / Background: Amnesic mild cognitive impairment (a-MCI) was identified to have a high risk to become Alzheimer’s disease (AD). In early stage of AD, because of neurofibrillary tangles, patient began complaining progressive memory deficits. The progressive course of neurofibrillary tangles was divided into 6 stages (Braak and Braak, 1991). Initially, the neurofibrillary tangles destroyed perirhinal and parahippocampus neurons, which may correspond to the a-MCI stage and then proceed to hippocampal body that correspond to early AD. According to previous studies, the perirhinal is primarily associated with item features encoding, the parahippocampus associated with scene features encoding, and the hippocampus associated with spatial location memory. Based on these findings, we hypothesized that the item and scene features association memory would show impairments in a-MCI and the spatial location memory would not be impaired in a-MCI but in early AD. If the different stages could be discriminated by the performance on spatial context memory test that we design, it can be utilized in clinical settings to assist the diagnosis of a-MCI. Method: Three groups of subjects were selected from the clinic of the neurological department of Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, including normal subjects (n=30), a-MCI subjects not diagnosed with dementia (n=30), and mild AD subjects (n=30). All of them were administered a package of neuropsychological tests and a self-developed spatial context memory test that include three sub-tests: (1) a spatial location memory test: subjects have to recognize the location of a building that was appeared in a map; (2) an event-place association memory test: subjects need point out which spatial scene that was associated with this event; and (3) a place-object association memory test: subjects need point out which object that was associated with this place shown before. Result: In neuropsychological tests, a-MCI group demonstrated significant impairment in delay retrieval and memory retention in comparison to their performance on tests for other cognitive functions. The AD group showed decline in overall cognitive functions including declarative memory and others. In the spatial context memory test, both the spatial location memory test and the place-object association memory subtest showed a decline in a-MCI group, and a further decline in AD group; the event-place association memory test presented significant decreases in both a-MCI and AD group in comparison to normal control, but no difference between the two clinical groups. Conclusion: The current study shows that the spatial context memory in a-MCI patients has greater impairment than their general cognitive function. Compared with other screening test, the spatial context memory has greater sensitivity and specificity to discriminate a-MCI from NC.


陳姱蓁 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要的目的在於採用線索典範作業探討高社交焦慮者是否對於特定的情緒刺激有注意力偏誤的現象。高社交焦慮組有25 人與低社交焦慮組有29 人參與正式實驗,受試者分別被分派至社交焦慮情境中或無社交焦慮情境中,並且在電腦螢幕中的兩個長方形中出現中性、一般正向、一般威脅、社交正向、社交威脅、身體正向及身體威脅詞彙作為線索,當線索消失之後,受試者被要求對於目標物「E」或「F」進行判斷。在這些線索中,有些是有效線索(例如:目標物與線索出現在同一個位置上),有些是無效線索(例如:目標物與線索出現在不同的位置上)。 研究結果顯示當線索是社交正向詞彙時,被分派至社交焦慮情境中的高社交焦慮者相較於低社交焦慮者,在無效線索狀況下對於目標物的反應時間較快,且整體的注意力傾向,被分派至社交焦慮情境中的高社交焦慮者比低社交焦慮者較少將注意力投注在社交正向詞彙上。但並沒有有力的證據支持高社交焦慮者相較於低社交焦慮者,對於與社交焦慮有關詞彙,尤其是社交威脅詞彙具有注意力偏誤。這些研究發現認為高社交焦慮者有可能缺乏正向偏誤的保護機制,所以在社交焦慮情境中,容易選擇性忽略社交正向訊息,因而較缺少正向經驗與正向情感,反而會藉由逃避負面評價的方式,或是隱藏、抑制自己的社交焦慮情緒來維持良好的自我形象。


張蓓琳 Unknown Date (has links)
過去研究發現,媒體是以偏差、負面、我族中心主義的角度處理移民族群的新聞,然而,這些媒介內容卻是閱聽人評估移民族群的重要依據。因此,本研究的主要目的即在探討青少年的媒介使用與東南亞籍配偶的形象認知、態度間的關係。此外,族群認知是由多重機制建構而成,本研究同時將青少年和東南亞籍配偶子女的人際接觸納入研究,探討人際接觸對東南亞籍移民族群認知的影響。 本研究採用問卷調查法,共訪問台北縣市青少年國中生共550 人。研究結果發現,青少年對東南亞新移民的族群認知與其弱勢情境有關,包括:負面、他者、社會問題、能力不足的形象認知。此外,青少年的電視新聞暴露、注意程度對東南亞籍配偶和其子女的族群認知、評估的預測力較佳:青少年的電視新聞暴露時間愈長、注意程度愈高,對東南亞籍配偶和其子女的認知、評估愈負面。青少年的報紙新聞暴露時間和東南亞籍配偶認知有關,其報紙新聞的暴露時間愈長,對東南亞籍配偶的負面形象程度愈低,顯示媒介暴露時間的多寡和媒介效果未必成正比。網路對於建構族群認知、評估的效果則未有電視新聞、報紙一致,未來若將網路使用內容納入研究範疇,將能進一步了解網路對於建構閱聽人族群認知、評估的效果。 / Since mass media has distorted ethnic groups in the news for a long time, this study examines how teenagers perceive the south-east foreign brides and their children and the relation between teenagers’ racial perceptions and media use. Therefore, teenagers’ interpersonal contact with the south-east foreign brides’ children is also a variable in the study so that we can further examine the effect of interpersonal contact toward teenagers’ racial perception and attitude. Using a random sample technique, a total of 550 teenagers were surveyed in 2008. The results of the study showed that teenagers perceived the south-east migration as the negatives, others, social problems and inabilities. In addition, the more television news exposure and attention teenagers have, the more negative perception toward the south-east migration teenagers hold. As for the newspaper, the more newspaper exposure teenagers have, the more positive perception toward the south-east migration teenagers hold. However, there’s no identical result in terms of the internet. Future research may find out how the internet impact the audience’s racial perception if the internet content is measured.

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