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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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以進階的文句推薦方式使用語料庫做為英文寫作之輔助 / A Sentence Recommendation Approach to Using Corpora for English Writing Assistance

洪培鈞, Hung, Pei Chun Unknown Date (has links)
對於大部分的人而言,寫作是一種深度的表達過程,需要詳盡而深入的描述能力及精準而嚴謹的語意呈現。對於非英語為母語的學習者(ESL/EFL)來說,英語寫作尤其是一個困難的過程,常常會因為單字、搭配字(collocation)、句型結構等方面的認知不足,或是受到母語認知的牽制影響,而造成用詞、語法、甚至語意的錯誤。 近年來,語料庫的發展帶來了豐富的語言資源,不僅可以對語言的使用提供許多統計分析上的資訊,也可以做為語言學習者在特定詞語使用上的參照對象。目前語料庫的詞語使用參照以concordance技術為主,提供以特定字詞為基準的上下文例句排列,這種功能對ESL/EFL學習者於寫作過程所提供的參照仍然相當有限;而對於不同的查詢條件,若沒有良善的輸入和比對機制,往往搜尋上的數量和例句品質無法滿足學習者的參照需求;除此之外,對於檢索結果語料庫也沒有評估與排序的概念,學習者往往需要在大量的資訊中篩選出有用的資訊;綜觀以上幾點,目前語料庫技術無法滿足不同程度的ESL/EFL寫作者在參照協助上的需求。 本研究提出一種文句推薦方法,針對ESL/EFL寫作者在寫作過程上的認知不足或不確定,從語料庫中尋找出可用的參照例句,進而提供針對性的協助。我們的文句推薦方法包含三個模組,第一模組是一個彈性的表達元素模組,能針對寫作過程中的語言資訊需求,以規定的表達元素呈現作者的認知需求。第二模組是一個檢索模組,指從語料庫中比對尋找符合作者語意需求的例句。第三模組是一個排序的模組,針對找出的例句,評估其符合作者語意需求的程度,並將之排序,以提升例句參照的使用效率。 本研究依據文句推薦方法實做雛形系統,以British National Corpus和科學人雜誌語料庫(Science America)當例句來源,並依據論文的客觀評估和學習者的問卷調查兩種評估方式來評量雛形系統的成效。經由上述兩種評估方式,本研究驗證雛形系統能針對ESL/EFL於寫作過程中給予一定程度的協助成效,證明本研究的文句推薦方法確實能達成寫作協助的既定目標。 / For most people, writing is a process of profundity. It requires well description of capabilities and excellent semantic of representations. For ESL/EFL (English as a Second Language/English as a Foreign Language) learners, English writing is a particularly difficult process. They have error in words, syntax or semantics because their expressions are constrained by their mother tongue or by lacking of the awareness of vocabularies, collocation, or sentence-structures. In recent years, according to the development of corpus technique, we have rich resource in language. The resource can not only provide many statistical analyses of informations in language research but also can be used as a reference in the use of specific words for the learners. Current corpus technique use concordance which displays the words with their surrounding text to present sentences, but that approach provides very limited references in the writing process for ESL/EFL learners. Also considering the different inquired queries, if we have no well-defined input and retrieval module, the quantity and quality of results could not meet the demand for the learners. In addition, corpus technique doesn’t provide the ranking and evaluating skills to the retrieval results. As a result of that, learners often require filtering a large number of information to find something useful. In view of the above points, current corpus technique is unable to satisfy different degrees of ESL/EFL learners in the writing process. This paper presents a Sentence Recommendation Approach technique. With regard to the inadequate knowledge in the writing process for ESL/EFL learners, we search for useful sentences from the corpus and provide them to learners. Our Sentence Recommendation Approach technique has three modules: one is Expression Element Module. It allows the learners to use some expression elements to represent their demand. Another is Retrieval Module. It means the process of searching the corresponding sentences based on the expression elements in Expression Element Module. The last is Sort Module. It means the process of ranking the results derived from the Retrieval Module. Our research establishes the experimental system to verify the performance of our Sentence Recommendation Approach technique. We use British National Corpus and Science America Corpus for the source of sentences. The evaluation is divided into our objective evaluation and the questionnaire evaluation. Both of them prove that our experimental system does some favor in the writing process for ESL/EFL learners. In other words, our Sentence Recommendation Approach technique really helps the learners in the writing process.

從神聖奧義到語言對話:奧古斯丁語詞理論與高達美哲學詮釋學 / From Mystery to Dialogue: the Augustinian Theory of the Word and Gadamer's Philosophical Hermeneutics

郭書玲, Kuo, Shu-ling Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的題目是「從神聖奧義到語言對話」(Vom Mysterium zum Dialog),副標題是「奧古斯丁語詞理論與高達美哲學詮釋學」(die augustinischen Verbumlehre und Gadamers philosophischen Hermeneutik)。這「語詞理論」(Verbumlehre),又譯「聖言論」,指的是基督教哲學中最重要的奧秘:「道成肉身」(Verbum Incarnatum)。在奧古斯丁的《論三位一體》中,這奧秘是由人的心靈活動、由內言與外言的關係來解釋的;而在《真理與方法》中,高達美則轉而由道成肉身的比喻去解釋對話的普遍性。 語詞理論──這由奧古斯丁所確立的神學思想如何在哲學詮釋學中發生作用,即是本論文所進行的研究主題。本書透過四方面來展開這份研究:首先,探討高達美哲學詮釋學的對話論述;第二,說明奧古斯丁神學對詮釋學語言的影響;第三,探究路德宗神學對奧古斯丁思想的保存與發展,藉此闡明修辭學傳統如何作為詮釋學的普遍方面;最後說明奧古斯丁神學與修辭學之關聯,討論詮釋學經驗的語言性如何能表述世界。


金慧蘭, Kim, Hye Ran Unknown Date (has links)
新詞反映在某一段時間、在某一個社會環境的變遷下所產生的新事物、新概念和新觀念,從新詞的內容和其形式方面來看,它具有相當鮮明的時代性特色。本文針對現代漢語新詞進行研究,首先,使用「地區」的概念,以「台灣地區」和「大陸地區」通行的漢語新詞為主要的研究對象,分析漢語共同語中新詞的特點。其次,本文中現代漢語新詞的範圍還包括「港澳地區」和「新加坡地區」通行的漢語新詞,透過討論這兩個地區廣為流傳的新詞,了解漢語新詞在不同地區之差異。本文所舉的漢語新詞實例,主要是以收錄於新詞詞典的新詞為主,也包含各種專書和期刊論文及報章雜誌中的新詞。 本研究共分為六章,各章的核心內容如下: 第一章 〈緒論〉,說明本文的研究動機與目的,新詞之界定與範圍,以及研究範圍與方法。 第二章 〈現代漢語新詞形成之背景及當前研究狀況〉,在進入現代漢語新詞的正式範圍之前,本章以海峽兩岸地區為主,來說明現代漢語新詞形成之背景。並回顧當前兩岸學者們對新詞的研究,以及漢語新詞詞典的出版狀況。 第三章 〈現代漢語新詞之類型及其構詞形式〉,針對現代漢語新詞,分析討論其類型及構詞形式的種類。 第四章 〈現代漢語新詞之發展傾向及其功用〉,探討現代漢語新詞之類型及其構詞形式,整理出現代漢語新詞之數種發展趨勢,並討論現代漢語新詞對語言文化與社會發展產生了哪些作用。 第五章 〈現代漢語新詞在不同地區之差異及其規範問題〉,主要討論在香港和新加坡地區通行的漢語新詞和其特點,並進一步討論現代漢語新詞的規範問題。 第六章 〈結論〉,歸納整理現代漢語新詞的特點,並提出一些對未來漢語新詞研究之展望。 如今,隨著中國大陸經濟的崛起,現代漢語,在國際社會上已成為相當重要的全球語言。因此,本文強調及時整理漢語新詞的重要性,以及未來建立一個全球性現代漢語語料庫的必要性。本文希望透過對現代漢語新詞的整理,以梳理新詞所產生的社會狀況及詞彙本身的演變過程。此外,隨著科學的進步和社會的發展變化,新詞也以前所未有的速度大量湧現,希望語言研究者能繼續關注漢語新詞的產生及發展變化,讓漢語新詞的研究能有更蓬勃的發展及更為傑出的表現。

中文「被」與印尼文“di-”的語意對比研究:以資料庫為基礎 / A Corpus-based Semantic Analysis of Passives: Comparing Bei in Mandarin Chinese and di- in Bahasa Indonesia

張雪惠, Agustini Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis combines corpus-based and contrastive approaches, seeking to provide a systematic explanation of passive construction in two typologically distinct languages, Mandarin Chinese and Bahasa Indonesia. Previous studies of bei construction and di- passive have mentioned and discussed some verbs which can or cannot be passivized; however, they have not yet provided a systematic categorization of those passivized verbs. Therefore, this thesis aims to reveal the semantic restrictions that affect the compatibility of verbs to appear in passive form. This corpus-based contrastive study also suggests similarities and differences of passives in both languages in terms of structure, meaning, and function. Analysis in this study is based on two corpora: (1) the internet posting of news articles in Bahasa Indonesia from Kompas Cyber Media between January 7-13, 2008; (2) the internet posting of news articles in Mandarin Chinese from 中國時報 ‘China Times’ between January 7-13, 2008. News articles were taken from the same or consecutive days from two main topics: international news and entertainment news. The findings in this study show that transitivity is the most prominent semantic feature of the verbal stems in order to be eligible for passivization in both languages. Bei passives are more often to co-occur with transitive verbs while di- passives can co-occur with both intransitive and transitive verbs. Regarding the relation between structure and meaning, passivization process in Mandarin Chinese only adds a causative-resultative reading and does not change the lexical meaning of the verbal stem. On the contrary, the passivization process in Bahasa Indonesia involves a complex derivation process which alters the transitivity and lexical meaning of the base verb.


吳長能, Wu, Chang Neng Unknown Date (has links)
發生在1987~1996期間的台語文學論爭,是台語文學運動追求文學語言的表現,也就是台灣受外來政權統治,本土語言文化要求獨立自主的表現。日治時期,有過鄉土文學及台灣話文論爭、但因皇民化運動壓制而受挫。接著,國民黨在台灣推行華語的「國語政策」,壓制各族群語言,各族群語言瀕臨滅亡的危機。由於台灣社會民主化,促使台語文學運動再度興起。台語文學論爭就在這種時空背景下產生。 台語文學論爭有二個很重要的核心議題。一就是中國本位與台灣本位價值觀點的衝突。二就是以台語做為文學語言的訴求。因為這二個議題的辯論,而引發台語文字化、母語教育、語言政策等相關議題的發展。因為台語文學論爭,打破獨尊華語的權威,其他族群的語言文化運動也受到鼓舞。台語文學論爭不但追求自己的生存空間,也激起客家族群及原住民族追求本身語言文化的主體性。雖然台灣本土認同興起,但面到英語國際化的壓力,如何取得均衡,也是一個嚴肅的議題。 本論文在探討台語文學論爭除了追溯到歷史淵源,也涉及相關發展,及延伸到對未來發展的意義。在理論應用上也藉由高低文字的理論來詮釋台語文學運動,包括台語文學定位問題、台語文學論爭及相關發展的議題。另外本論文將戰後曾被殖民過的國家,他們的語言發展,跟台語文學運動做一個比較。我們希望這一本論文,能夠做為未來台灣語言發展的參考。 / The Taigi literature debates between 1987 and 1996 were the result of the Taigi literature movement’s efforts to pursue the status of literary language for Taigi. They were also the result of native languages and cultures in Taiwan attempting to attain subjectivity under foreign domination. The Taiwanese homeland literature and language debates occurred in the Japanese colonial period; however, they were hindered by the oppression of the Japanization movement. The suppression of native languages continued under the KMT regime, which implemented Mandarin as the state-mandated language under the ‘National Language Policy’. As a result, many ethnic languages in Taiwan suffer from serious language attrition. Owing to the democratization of Taiwanese society, the Taigi literature movement arose again and this led to the re-occurrence of the Taigi literature debates. There are two important core issues in the Taigi literature debates. One is the value conflict between Chinese viewpoints and Taiwanese viewpoints. The other is the appeal of Taigi as a literary language. As a result of debates arising about these two issues, related developments like debates over Taigi script standardization, vernacular education and language policy also arose. The fact that the Taigi literature debates challenged the authority of the ‘Mandarin Only’ policy also stimulated the language and culture movements of other ethnic groups in Taiwan. The Taigi literature debates not only pursued a living space for Taigi, but also encouraged Hakka and aboriginal ethnic groups to pursue the subjectivity of their own language and culture. Although Taiwan local consciousness arose, it encountered competition from the English language through globalization. Thus the question of how to obtain balanced development between localization and globalization has become a major issue for native languages in Taiwan. This thesis explores not only the historical origins of the Taigi literature debates but also development related to the debates as well as their influence on the future development of Taigi literature. This thesis applies the theory of diglossia and digrphia in explicating the Taigi literature movement, including the orientation of Taigi literature, Taigi literature debates and related developments. In addition, this thesis also refers to the language development of a number of former colonies and compares their experiences with Taiwan. We hope that this research can contribute to the development of Taiwanese language in the future.

台灣高中學生英文作文中表達過去時間標記之分析 / An Analysis of past reference marking in Taiwan senior high school students' english compositions

闕光賢, Chueh, Kuang Hisen Unknown Date (has links)
漢語沒有像英文嚴格的時態標記,因此,多數中國學生開始學英文時會有動詞過去式標記上的困難,在表達英語過去時間概念時,中國學生特別依賴時間狀語。為了了解中國學生表達過去時間概念時,時間狀語所扮演的角色,本文藉由觀察高中學生為期一年的作文,探討中國學生時間狀語的使用位置、時間狀語及動詞過去式標記之間的關係、中國學生過去式動詞標記上的困難。藉由以上三個方向的探索,可以更了解學生使用的時間狀語和過去式動詞的標記。 研究結果顯示,中國學生在英文作文中,時間狀語的使用頻率明顯偏高,且使用頻率有隨時間逐漸增高的趨勢,而時間狀語出現的位置,因英語程度不同有別,程度較高的同學,時間狀語出現在句首及句尾的比例相近,無明顯偏好;但是程度偏低的同學,則普遍偏好將時間狀語置於句首,類似漢語時間狀語出現的位置。 時間狀語同時也影響著學生標記過去式動詞的比率,倘若一個限定動詞在同個句子中有對應的時間狀語,則這個限定動詞較有可能標記為過去時態,這樣的現象又以英語程度較低的同學最為明顯。 在動詞過去式標記上,本文發現有過半的同學曾將was/were當成過去式動詞標記,置於限定動詞之前;此外,語料中也發現,有幾位同學會將用過去進行式及過去被動式誤用在過去簡單式之中,這樣的現象,有可能是因為學生認為有was/were即為過去式的標記所致。 透過本文的研究可看出時間狀語對於中國學生標記英語過去時間概念上的重要性,也可看出語言遷移(language transfer)在語言習得中的影響力,期許本文的發現能在英語習得及教學上有所助益。 / / Without tense marker in Mandarin Chinese, most Chinese EFL learners have difficulties in past tense marking in the beginning of learning English. Before marking past tense steadily, Chinese EFL learners tend to depend mainly on temporal adverbials in expressing past time. Temporal adverbials seem to play important roles during the process of acquiring tense marking. The present study tries to observe how Chinese learners use temporal adverbials to express past time and what kinds of difficulties learners have in past tense marking. Furthermore, we attempt to investigate the relation between tense marking and temporal adverbials. By analyzing learners’ composition, we found that Chinese EFL learners have high frequency in using temporal. Most learners are prone to put temporal adverbials in sentence-initial position except for learners with higher proficiency. Besides, learners are more likely to mark past tense co-occurring with temporal adverbials. Morphologically, Chinese EFL learners seem to regard was/were as a past-tense marker and put was/were in front of finite verbs ungrammatically. These findings manifest the importance of temporal adverbials for Chinese EFL learners in expressing past time and provide potential explanations for tense errors.

資訊科技工具應用於國中英語教學與口語練習之分析探討 / Use of information and communication technology to facilitate english speaking practices

吳鳳翔, Wu, Feng Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的是藉由 ICT(Information and Communication Technology)工具應用在國中英語教學及口語練習的教學實驗,來初探 ICT 工具對於英語教學及口語練習的成效。本研究的工具為一個可供老師靈活教學及學生口語練習的 ICT 工具:eCard 系統,研究時間為一學期(2008.2 – 2008.7),經由老師與學生實際應用此工具來教學及進行口語練習作業,並以 eCard 系統的學習記錄檔(log file)、問卷、訪談、錄音、隨班觀察及錄影來做為本研究的研究資料。研究結果發現,老師及學生均對使用 ICT 工具教學有正面的評價,老師利用此工具可對教學方式做不同的變化,而學生也因這種新式的教學方式而增加學習的注意力,並對字彙的記憶更加深刻;在口語練習方面,老師覺得 ICT 工具可以增加學生口語練習的機會,但因實行時間太短,對學生英語能力的提升較不顯著,而學生覺得 ICT工具提供更多的口語練習機會,並對其發音很有幫助,但對於「說」英語的信心並沒有增加。此外,本研究亦提出許多未來 ICT 工具融入英語教學及口語練習的建議與努力方向,以作為未來研究之參考。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools to facilitate oral practices in learning of English. The ICT tool (ie, the eCard system) was developed for the instructor to create oral practice assignments and for the students to conduct oral drills. The study lasted one semester. Research data were collected via automatic logging of student activities, post-experiment questionnaires, student and teacher interviews, and in-class video recordings. The major findings are: (1) both the teacher and the students have good appreciation of using ICT tools in teaching and learning; (2) Students do have increased oral practices with the availability of the ICT tool; (3) the increased practices resulted in better pronunciations; (4) rise in the confidence level on English speaking was not observed.

台灣國中學生英語字彙學習策略偏好個案研究 / A case study on english learner’s preferences lies in vocabulary learning strategies used by some junior high school students in Taiwan

簡鈺珊, Chien, Yu Shan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究基於字彙學習以及字彙學習策略的重要性,探討台灣國中學生使用字彙學習策略的情形。且加入其在字彙學習程度高低的因素,來探討台灣國中學生使用策略之情形。本研究問題有二:第一,台灣國中學生最常使用的字彙學習策略有哪些?最不常使用的字彙學習策略有哪些?第二,台灣國中學生字彙學習程度與字彙學習策略之間是否有關聯性?如果有,其關聯性又為何?本研究依據Oxford(1990)的語言學習策略分類標準,測驗某台北市立國中二年級的學生使用字彙學習策略的情形,同時也比較字彙學習程度不同的學生使用這些策略的頻率高低。結果顯示如下:(1)台灣國中學生最常使用的字彙學習策略為認知策略,最少使用的字彙學習策略為情意策略。(2)程度高的學生使用字彙學習策略的頻率高於程度低的學生。此研究結果可為英語教師和學習者在字彙教與學方面提供一些參考,讓英語字彙的教學變得更加有效率。 / The study investigates the usage of English vocabulary learning strategies by some junior high school students in Taiwan. The factor of the levels of the students is included. There are two research questions: (1) what are the most commonly used English vocabulary learning strategies among junior high school students in Taiwan? (2) whether the levels of the students are related to the types of vocabulary learning strategies they use? If the answer is “yes”, what relationship it is? The study is based on the language learning strategies in Oxford(1990). The subjects are some second graders in a junior high school in Taipei. In the study, the researcher compares the usage of English vocabulary learning strategies among students at different vocabulary levels. The result shows that the most commonly used vocabulary strategy among the students is cognitive strategy, and the least commonly used one is affective strategy. Furthermore, the result also shows that higher level students use vocabulary learning strategies more often than lower level students. The researcher hopes that this study could give the English learners some suggestions to make vocabulary learning more effective.

台灣大學生英語被動語態的使用 / The use of English passive voice by Taiwanese college students

曾郁芬 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討台灣大學生英語被動語態的使用,並且探討台灣大學生是否理解英語被動語態在單句以及篇章的功能。本研究受試者為27位政大英語系大一作文班學生。受試者使用英語被動語態的語料則由三種不同類型的研究工具蒐集而來:中英單句翻譯,英文篇章選擇,與英文作文。 研究結果發現台灣大學生對於英語被動語態沒有完善的理解。受試者在單句翻譯的表現顯示當中文句子裡沒有中文被動提示詞時,受試者翻譯時容易使用錯誤的語態。此發現同時也點出受試者對於英語動詞種類以及英語語意角色這些和英語被動語態密切相關的概念相當陌生。在無法辨別句子裡動詞種類的情況下,受試者無法正確判斷句中名詞的語意角色,因而寫出錯誤的句子。然而,受試者在英文篇章選擇的表現顯示他們了解英語被動語態是一個能夠增進文章句子之間的連結以及一貫性的句型結構。而受試者在英文作文的表現也顯示了他們知道如何實際運用英語被動語態來建立自己文章中所要闡述的主題,並進一步強化文章整體結構。 為了進一步理解台灣大學生對於英語被動語態的知識如何形成,本研究也檢視了目前台灣國中以及高中所使用的英語教科書當中,對於英語被動語態的呈現方式以及介紹內容。本研究發現英語教科書對於英語被動語態的介紹多半侷限在此句型結構於單句以及句法的使用,而忽略了英語被動語態在篇章以及語意層面的功能。根據以上的研究發現,本研究亦提出了如何在英語被動語態的教學上加入篇章以及語意層面的介紹,以幫助台灣英語學習者學到更完整的英語被動語態的知識。 / The present study investigates the use of English passive voice by Taiwanese college students. The purpose is to see how Taiwanese college students use English passive voice on sentential and discourse level, and if they understand the functions of English passive voice from their performances. Twenty-seven college students participated in this study. And their uses of English passive voice were investigated with three different instruments, Single-sentence Translation, Passage Completion and English Compositions. The results of the analysis showed that Taiwanese college students do not have complete understanding on English passive voice. In Single-sentence Translation, the participants fail to recognize the correct voice in translating Chinese sentences when Chinese passive markers are removed. This finding points out that the participants do not have the knowledge of English verb types, their argument patterns, and semantic roles. Because they are unable to identify the type of English verbs in the sentences, they are not aware of the semantic roles of noun phrases accompanying the verbs in the sentences. As a result, they are unable to produce correct English passive sentences. In Passage Completion, however, the participants’ performances indicate they understand English passive voice is a useful device in facilitating the connections between the sentences and maintaining thematic progression of passages. In English Compositions, it is found that the participants demonstrated ways of using English passive voice that are not observed in the previous two research instruments. Their performances show that they know how to use this structure to facilitate the cohesion as well as coherence of their writings, and how to use English passive voice to establish the idea they want to elaborate on in the paragraph. To see how Taiwanese EFL learners build up their knowledge of English passive voice, English textbooks of junior high and senior high school are reviewed to see how this structure is presented. It is found that much emphasis is placed on the introduction of English passive voice on sentential and syntactic level, neglecting the introduction on discourse and semantic level. Based on the findings in the present study, it is suggested that the teaching of English passive voice include the introduction of this structure on discourse and semantic levels to help Taiwanese EFL learners gain a more comprehensive understanding of English passive voice.

台南市國小高年級學童英語補習經驗與英語學習態度之研究 / A Study of Cram School Learning Experience and English Learning Attitude of Tainan City Fifth and Sixth Graders

羅淑媛, Luo, Shu-Yuan January 1900 (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解台南市國小高年級學童英語補習現況與英語補習經驗及其英語學習態度。以台南市公立國小高年級學童為研究對象,進行叢集抽樣,抽取15所學校,30個班級為樣本,以研究者自行編製的「台南市國小高年級學童英語學習態度問卷」為研究工具,採問卷調查法取得443份有效問卷,將所得資料以描述統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析等統計方法進行分析。獲致本研究結果如下: 一、 台南市國小高年級有七成學童參加英語補習,補習年數以3-4年者最多; 每週補習英語的時數,以4小時以下者最多;學童參加英語補習最主要的動機,以升學與課業需求者最多。 二、 台南市國小高年級學童在一般英語學習態度、學校英語課程學習態度、英語補習課程學習態度為普通偏中上。 三、不同性別之學童在英語學習態度上部分有顯著差異,女學童優於男學童。 四、不同主要照顧者之家長教育程度之學童在英語學習態度的三層面均未有顯著差異。 五、不同英語補習年數之學童,僅在對學校英語課程的看法有顯著差異,補習年數1-2 年者優於3-4年及7年以上者。 六、每週英語補習時數不同之學童在一般英語學習態度有顯著差異;學校英語課程的學 習態度則未有顯著差異;英語補習課程學習態度部分有顯著差異,每週英語補習時 數5小時以上者優於於4小時以下者。 七、不同英語補習動機之學童在一般英語學習態度、英語補習課程的學習態度有 顯著差異,學校英語課程的學習態度部分有顯著差異,英語補習動機為自己 興趣者優於於其他英語補習動機。 / This study aims to understand English cram status quo. cram school learning experience and English learning attitude of the fifth and sixth graders in Tainan City. Totally 443 participants are selected from the fifth and sixth graders in Tainan City. The data are analyzed through descriptive statistics, t-test and one way ANOVA. The major research findings are as follows: 1.Seventy percent of elementary high graders in Tainan City go to English cram schools, and most of them go there at least three to four years. Besides, most of them take English lessons everyweek under four hours. The main motivation is to enter a higher school and have better academic performance. 2. High graders students’ English learning attitude are above the average. 3. Different high graders genders have partly different attitude. Female students are better than male ones. 4. High graders with different primary caregivers of education have no significant difference on three levels. 5. High graders with different attending cram school years have significant difference partly. One to two English learning years are better than those with three to four years and more than seven years. 6. High graders with different English learning hours every week on general English learning attitude have significant differences.Students who learn English in cram school for more than five hours are better than students who learn English in cram school for less than four hours. 7. Significant difference of different motivations were found among general English learning attitude and English courses of going to cram schools. High graders with different motivation on the English courses have significant differences partly. Students who are interested in going to cram school get better grades than the other motivations. / 摘要 i Abstract ii 致 謝 iii 目 次 iv 表 次 vi 圖 次 vii 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與研究問題 5 第三節 名詞釋義 5 第四節 研究範圍與限制 6 第二章 文獻探討 9 第一節 國小英語教學與英語補習的現況 9 第二節 英語學習態度 22 第三節 英語補習經驗與英語學習態度 27 第四節 英語學習態度的相關研究 37 第三章 研究方法 45 第一節 研究架構 45 第三節 研究工具 47 第四節 研究步驟 57 第五節 資料處理與分析 58 第四章 研究結果與討論 61 第一節 受試學童基本資料、參加英語補習經驗與英語學習態度之分析 61 第二節 不同背景變項的學童在英語學習態度的差異分析 65 第三節 不同英語補習經驗之學童的英語學習態度之差異分析 69 第四節 綜合討論 78 第五章 結論與建議 83 第一節 結論 83 第二節 建議 84 參考文獻 86 附錄一 96 附錄二 100

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