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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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重寫的重寫 : 奧尼爾Long days's journey into night : 三個中文編譯本演出版的硏究 = Rewrites of rewrites : a study of three Chinese performances of O'Neill's Long day's journey into night

諾敏, 01 January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

台灣華語語調詞組與三聲變調 / Taiwan Mandarin tone sandhi and the intonational phrase

陳怡臻, Chen, Yi Jen Unknown Date (has links)
華語三聲變調的運作範疇(domain)一直以來皆是漢語音韻學家激烈探討的主題,不同研究對於運作範疇的定義皆不同,而過去研究也留下了一些尚待解決的問題,例如分類詞(Classifier)以及介係詞(Preposition)如何與其他音節形成三聲變調的運作範疇。本篇論文藉由觀察語料庫中324句最短為6音節,最長為24音節且由數個三聲音節所組成的中文句子,來檢視台灣華語三聲變調若以Nespor & Vogel (1986)所提出之韻律階層(Prosodic hierarchy)為範疇來運作是否能得出自然且多樣的聲調組合。以下分析主要根據韻律階層的順序分成以下四部分:音韻詞(Phonological word)、附著詞組(Clitic group)、音韻詞組(Phonological phrase)、語調詞組(Intonational phrase)。而作者假設三聲變調有兩種運作方式,一種為循環(Cyclic),一種為同時(Simultaneous)。循環運作時,三聲變調可先以音韻詞邊界為範疇,再以附著詞組邊界為範疇,再以音韻詞組邊界為範疇,最後再以語調詞組邊界為範疇。同時運作時,三聲變調則只以語調詞組邊界為範疇。語料庫分析結果顯示,中心語(Head)之非遞歸邊(Nonrecursive side)的分支性(Branchingness)需被納入音韻詞組的定義中以得出正確的聲調組合。再者,語調詞組的定義也需將語意(Semantic)以及韻律(Metric)的因素納入考量,以限制語調詞組邊界的形成。經過修正,韻律階層理論不僅能成功描述分類詞以及介係詞之三聲變調現象更可預測華語三聲變調的多樣性。 / Mandarin tone sandhi has been argued by different scholars to apply to different phonological domains such as the foot, the phonological phrase etc. This thesis tackles three main issues left by Shih (1986) and Hsiao (1991): the classifier, the preposition and the under-generation problem. In revising the framework of Nespor & Vogel (1986)’s Prosodic Hierarchy, this thesis proposes a possible explanation of the problems. This thesis constructed a corpus of 324 sentence tokens consisting of 6 to 24 third tone syllables. The tokens were recorded from four Taiwan Mandarin native speakers at a speech rate of at least 200 beats per minute. Through the observation of the tone patterns collected, it is found that the original definitions of the phonological phrase and the intonational phrase given by Nespor & Vogel (1986) are not able to describe the Taiwan Mandarin data. This thesis provides a revision of the prosodic hierarchy by taking into account the branchingness of the nonrecursive side on the phonological phrase level and by incorporating Selkirk (1984)’s Sense Unit Condition on the intonational phrase level. Finally, a foot formation condition is also proposed in order to restrict the minimal length of a phonological phrase or an intonational phrase.

組織學習心智模式探討-口語資料之分析 / Mental Model Study in Organizational Learning - A Protocol Analysis

周維婷, Wei-Ting Chou Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要之研究目的如下: 1、驗證口語資料分析方法的客觀性與可行性,以推廣此一研究方法至一般管理研究中,使其不再侷限於認知心理學上的運用。 2、以學習型組織的個案為例,利用口語資料分析法瞭解學習型組織在推行的過程中,各階層成員彼此的心智模式差異。   本研究承續蔡耀堂(1998)碩士論文的精神,並補之不足,建立口語資料分析的編碼階段:著重口語資料分析法上編碼的工作,以增加其客觀性及研究上的信度。沿用Chi(1994)所提出「口語資料分析及編碼八大步驟」之理論精神,研究設計即為逐步將訪問資料編碼,利用個案公司中兩位成員的訪問資料為範例作重新編碼,並根據兩位受訪者分別對組織在制度面及觀念面不同看法的心智模式作一說明並比較差異。本研究之研究設計步驟如下: 1、 刪減(reduce) 2、 由訪問稿中挑選關鍵字,製造成不同的概念(concept),成為節點 3、 將概念予以連結,並註明連結關係 4、 將不同概念之間的關係連結為網路圖 5、 辨識執行面或抽象觀念面 6、 並將兩人分類後的語意圖彙整為口語資料網路圖,分為制度面及觀念面,並根據網路圖檢視差異性   本研究著重Chi(1994)理論的前半部編碼過程,旨在建立客觀的編碼步驟,編碼方式為由下而上的連結,呈現語意網路圖之層級性及完整性。同時藉由網路圖的分析發現組織層級的高低將會影響對公司推動組織變革瞭解的差異。   本研究最主要的貢獻在於證明口語資料分析工具的實用性及客觀性,透過逐步繪製語意圖,避免分析者的主觀推論,並且利用語意網路圖將不受訪問題目設計的限制,窺知其背後的思維邏輯,跳離文字一度空間的限制。將口語資料分析法介紹至一般研究方法中,當利用個案訪談法作為研究方法時,可以搭配口語資料分析法為其研究工具,將更有另一番斬獲。 第一章 緒論 4 第一節 研究動機 4 第二節 研究目的 6 第三節 研究流程 7 第四節 研究範圍 8 第五節 章節流程 9 第二章 文獻探討 10 第一節 口語資料分析 10 一、 文獻整理 10 二、 本節結論 16 第二節 學習的意義 17 一、 文獻討論 17 二、 本節結論 19 第三節 組織學習的意義 20 一、 文獻討論 20 二、 本節結論 24 第四節 學習型組織的意義 25 一、 文獻討論 25 二、 本節結論 31 第五節 學習型組織的建立 33 一、 文獻討論 33 二、 國內導入學習型組織的範例 37 三、 本節結論 39 第三章 研究方法論 40 第一節 研究設計 40 一、 口語資料編碼的階段 41 二、 舉例說明 42 三、 受訪者心智模式分析階段 44 第二節 研究類型與定位 45 第三節 研究對象與資料蒐集 46 第四章 口語資料分析 48 第一節 個案公司高階及團隊成員的口語資料分析 49 一、 L部長 49 二、 甲團隊成員 82 第二節 研究發現 98 一、 心智模式彙整之步驟 98 二、 心智模式彙整之結果 100 三、 心智模式彙總之解讀 104 四、 本研究與之前蔡耀堂(1998)之研究比較 108 第五章 結論與建議 116 第一節 研究結論 116 第二節 研究限制 118 第三節 後續研究建議 119 附錄一 121 DRC公司的背景資料 121 一、 DRC的經營歷史 121 二、 產品介紹與產業概況 123 三、 組織結構與作業流程 125 附錄二 127 參考文獻 134 圖目錄 圖1-1 研究流程圖 8 圖2-1 學習是經驗與學習的中介變數 20 圖2-2 學習型組織連續帶的觀念 33 圖2-2 百略公司推動學習型組織流程圖 39 圖3-1 語意圖之範例說明 45 圖4-1 團隊成員心智模式之制度面 101 圖4-2 團隊成員心智模式之觀念面 102 圖4-3 L部長之制度面 103 圖4-4 L部長心智模式之觀念面 104 圖4-5 相關論文之語意網路圖 112 圖6-1 DRC變革之前組織圖 126 表目錄 表2-1 組織學習的定義整理 21 表2-2 學者對學習型組織的定義整理 26 表2-3 五項修練 29 表2-4 傳統型組織與學習型組織比較 32 表2-5 企業成功轉型的八大步驟(KOTTER) 35 表2-6 學習型組織的推動 37 表3-1 口語資料之編碼步驟整理 42 表3-4 個案訪談過程總整理 47 表4-1 DRC漫畫社的發展歷史 122 表4-2 L部長訪問時間整理 50 表4-1 與相關論文間的異同比較 115

國中英語教師教學意見調查之研究 / The study of the investigation of the teachers' opinions about in Junior High School

黃馨葆, Janet Huang Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 本研究主要在調查國中英語教師對於教學方面的意見,其內容包含以下六個部分:一、探討語言學的內涵與研究範圍。二、探討語言學習理論的基礎。三、介紹語言教學的發展。四、介紹語言測驗的重要性。五、了解教具與教學資源的種類。六、建議與結論。 本研究以台北市國民中學英語教師為調查對象,在學校方面抽出20所國民中學,發出200份問卷,回收167份,回收率83.5%,有效問卷151份。調查工具採自編之「國中英語教師教學意見調查」問卷。研究中所採用的統計方法包括次長分配、百分比統計以及卡方考驗等,問卷的處理則採SPSS for windows統計套裝軟體進行統計分析。 據此,本研究的研究結果如下: 一、 在英語教師應接受的專業訓練方面:超過90%的國中英語教師認為英語教師應接受語言學的訓練,而其中以語言發展史與語音學為最重要的範圍。 二、 在各種英語教學方法中以溝通、口說教學法最受國中英語教師的重視。值得注意的是默示教學法、暗示教學法這類新式的教學法只有不到六成的英語教師覺得重要,這有可能是因為有多數的英語教師不了解其意涵,且此兩種教學法在現行的國中英語教學上有其施行的困難。 三、 在教學技巧上,現行國中英語教師認為教導學生學習會話與造句的技巧最重要。 四、 在語言測驗方面,現行國中英語教師認為聽力與發音的測驗最重要。 五、 在教具與教學資源上,現行國中英語教師認為使用圖片與黑板、戲劇來教學是重要的。 再者,綜合文獻探討、研究過程及實證調查之分析結果,針對有關單位與 國中英語教師、未來研究提出以下建議: 對於有關單位的建議: 一、 釐清英語教學的目的及其在中學教育的地位。 二、 實施英語教學的內容,宜將聽、說、讀、寫四種技能列為平常地位來設計課程與教材。 三、 提供充分的教具與教學資源。 四、 採用合宜的入學測驗,導正正確的英語教學。 五、 具有彈性的英語課程內容與授課時數。 六、 籌劃真正實用的英語師資培養課程及提供足夠進修管道。 對於國中英語教師的建議: 一、 教師應建立終身學習的信念。 二、 授課時所採用的教學教法須與教學理論配合。 三、 採用合宜學習評量的方式。 對於未來研究的建議: 一、 本研究採量化之研究,未能再深入了解英語教學的現況,建議可再採深度訪談或觀察的方式來進行研究。 二、 研究對象方面,建議可將研究對象擴大至台灣省英語教師的研究。 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與目的 第二節 研究問題與名詞釋義 第三節 研究範圍與研究限制 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 語言學的意義與研究範圍 第二節 語言習得理論 第三節 英語教學法的介紹 第四節 英語測驗的重要 第五節 英語教學與視聽教育工具 第三章 研究方法 第一節 調查研究的架構 第二節 調查對象與樣本之選取 第三節 調查研究工具的編製 第四節 調查研究的實施過程 第五節 調查研究資料的統計處理 第四章 調查結果的分析與討論 第一節 對於教師應接受的教學訓練的調查結果 第二節 對於各種英語教學法看法的調查結果 第三節 對於各種教學技巧看法的調查結果 第四節 對於英語測驗的看法的調查結果 第五節 對於使用教具看法的調查結果 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 結論 第二節 建議 / The study of the investigation of the teachers' opinions about teaching in Junior High School Abstract The main purpose of this study are to explore junior high school teachers' opinions about teaching. It contains six parts: First, the study explores the content of Linguistics. Second, the study explores the basic theories of language learning. Third, the study introduces the development of language teaching. Forth, the study introduces the importance of language exams. Fifth, the study wants to understand the kinds of teaching resources. Six, the conclusions and suggestions. Objectives of the study include public junior high school English teachers in Taipei City. 20 schools have been sampled and 200 copies of the questionnaires dispatched. 151 copies of effective samples are actually acquired. Data of questionnaires statistic packaging software "SPSS for windows". Based upon data of literature review and questionnaire, conclusions have been reached as follow: 1.The professional training about English teachers: Over than 90% of English teachers think that an English teacher should accept the training of linguistics. Most important parts of linguistics are Phonetics and the history of language development. 2.Most of the junior high school English teachers think that communicative language teaching method, and audio-lingual method are most important teaching methods to teach English in junior high school. 3.Most of the English teachers think that the most important teaching skills is how to teach conversation and sentence-making. 4.The junior high school English teachers think that the listening exam is the most important part of language exams. 5.The junior high school English teachers think it important to use blackboard, drama to teach English. According to the results of this study, following proposals are offered: 1. As to the educational authorities, they should (1) Make sure that status of English in junior high school education. (2) Design the textbook with the equality of four skills, the content contains: Listening, speaking, reading, and writing. (3) Offer enough teaching resources. (4) Adopt suitable entrance examination. (5) Design flexible class. 2. As to the teacher: (1) The teachers should have the faith to learn as old as one can. (2) The teachers should use suitable teaching method. (3) The teachers should adopt suitable exams. 3. As to further study: (1) They can enlarge the samples. (2) The can use another way understand the truth of English teaching in junior high schools.

閩南語的副詞變調音韻中的介面現象 / Tone Sandhi of Adverbsin Southern Min: Interfaces in Phonology

陳雅玫, Chen, Ya-mei Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要是從音韻,句法,語義及言談分析四部門的介面關係來探討閩南副詞的各種變調現象.副詞的句法及語義修飾功能可能影響閩南語重疊副詞的變調行為.當重疊副詞的句法與語義功能呈現差異時.它則單獨形成一個音韻片語.副詞內在的語義特性與閩南語一般副詞的變調有密切的關連.副詞可以是副語修飾語或句子修飾語.述語修飾語在語義上修飾述語或述語內的成份,因此與述語共同形成一個音韻片語;句子修飾語在語義上修飾主詞,句子或說話者,其必須單獨形成一個音韻片語.最後,我們從言談分析的角度重新分析閩南語的副詞.訊息結構中的焦點,主題及評論等結構會促成副詞音韻片語的重組.當副詞構成整個主題或評論時,它必須單獨形成一個獨立片語 / This thesis explores the adverbial phrasings in Southern Min from the interface among phonology, syntax, semantics, and discourse. The syntactic andsemantic modification functions of the adverbs may affect the tonal phrasings of there duplicated adverbs in this language. When an adverb shows a syntax-semanticmismatch, it would form a separate phonological phrase. The intrinsic semanticproperties of the adverbs are crucial to tonal phrasings of the general adverbsSouthern Min. An adverb may serve as a predicate modifier, a sentence modifier, or both. A predicate modifier joins with the predicate to form aphonological phrase;a sentence modifier forms a separate phonological phrase.Finally, we reanalyzethe adverbs in question from the viewpoint of discourse information structure. An adverb which is a focus, topic, domains. Specifically,a topic or commentcoincides with the phonological phrase.


宋義敏, Song, Eui Meen Unknown Date (has links)

角色扮演融入英語繪本教學-國小二年級英語教室實例 / Effects of integrating role play into english picture books: an experiment in a second grade efl classroom

王心怡, Wang, Shin Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在透過角色扮演融入英語繪本教學在台灣國小二年級英語課室的運用,探討其對於英語學習動機和態度及英文朗讀能力之影響,並了解國小低年級學童對於角色扮演融入英語繪本教學之回應。本研究之台北市某國小的二年級一個班級學生共22人為研究對象,研究面向在英語學習動機方面著重於了解年幼英語初學者生的學習動機在內在學習動機方面及社會因素方面影響的改變。在英文朗讀能力方面著重角色扮演融入英語繪本教學對於朗讀流暢性、朗讀清淅度及字彙認讀之影響。資料蒐集包括前後評量、前後問卷調查及學生訪談。資料分析顯示學生英文朗讀在朗讀流暢性、朗讀清淅度及字彙認讀的進步情形。資料分析且顯示學生英語學習動機在社會因素方面的轉變。本研究結果顯示:一、角色扮演融入英語繪本教學有助於提升國小低年級英語初學者在社會因素方面的英語學習動機,學生更喜歡和老師一起讀英文繪本,也更喜歡和同學一起完成英文閱讀課裡的角色扮演活動。二、角色扮演融入英語繪本教學對於國小低年級英語初學者英語朗讀在朗讀流暢性、朗讀清淅度及字彙認讀方面有正面的影響且低成就學生之進步較明顯。三、國小低年級英語初學者對於角色扮演融入英語繪本教學運用在英語課堂學習的評價是正面的。最後,研究者歸納出研究結果並對未來進一步的研究提出參考建議。 / The purpose of this three-set/eight-class action research was to explore the effects of integrating Role Play into English picture books on second graders’ motivation and attitudes and oral reading ability in a second grade EFL classroom. Three research questions are as follows: 1. Does integrating Role Play into picture books improve second graders’ motivation/attitudes toward learning English? 2. Does integrating Role Play into picture books improve second graders’ English reading ability? 3. What are the participants’ perceptions of the integrating Role Play into picture books? Twenty-two students were involved to participate in this study. Three kinds of instruments were used, composed of the MLE (Motivation for Learning English) questionnaire, oral reading ability test (ORAT) and interviews. Before giving instruction of integrating Role Play into picture books, the pre-MLE questionnaire and pre-ORAT were administrated to measure students’ previous motivation and oral reading ability. The teaching and interviews were recorded to the purpose of classroom observation, modifying the experiment and collecting the data to accompany the results from the MLE and ORAT. After integrating Role Play into picture books, the post- MLE questionnaire and post-ORAT were used to compare and explain how students’ motivation/attitudes changed and their oral reading ability improved. Furthermore, interviews were conducted to understand students’ perspective toward integrating Role Play into picture books. Based on the findings, integrating Role Play into picture books has created an interesting environment for young EFL learners to use the language. That is, young learners as second graders need peer group’s accompany and proper pressure from performance to create a safe and positive learning environment in language classroom. The major results are summarized as follows: 1. The comparison of results of oral reading ability showed that more than half of the participants have made an improvement in oral reading ability, in terms of fluency, correct reading (“read correctly”), and vocabulary recognition (“vocabulary”), after the instruction. 2. The results of the questionnaires showed an improvement on participants’ motivation of social aspects and a small percentage of improvement on the two constructs of intrinsic motivation, learning curiosity and importance of learning, but not on learning involvement of intrinsic motivation. 3. The instruction of integrating Role Play into picture books had improved participants’ motivation for learning English on social aspects in terms of the participants like to read English picture books with teacher and classmates and like to work with classmates to finish the task of role play in English reading classes. 4. Students have gained attitude change toward English learning from integrating Role Play into picture books. They liked English more, practiced English by listening to CD, and recited more English words than the adult asked, and etc. Besides, the eight students’ oral description showed that five out from them felt the pressure to perform on the stage but no one of them felt pressure in group practice. The results showed the importance of peer group practice to make them feel relaxed without pressure. Finally, it is hoped that this study will provide more insightful ideas for educators and teachers. Regarding young learners, they need more interesting activities and opportunities to use the language. Key words: role play, motivation and attitudes, oral reading ability, elementary English

台北市與上海市國中生英語學習動機比較 / A comparison of English learning motivations of junior high school students in Taipei and in Shanghai

劉孟珠, Liu, Mengchu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在比較台北市與上海市國中生英語學習動機。本研究為質性研究,藉由兩地國中生以及他們的師長與家長的訪談,以理解兩地國中生的英語學習動機及影響學習動機的因素與結果。研究發現,台北市學生英語學習較趨以興趣為導向, 雖然他們仍須面對升學考試。而上海市學生面對人口競爭,學習壓力大,英語學習動機強烈。 / This study tried to investigate the different motivation in English learning and the elements that influence the student's motivation between the junior high school students in Shanghai and Taipei. This study is conducted through social observation and qualitative research approaches. The scope of this study focuses on the investigation in Taipei and Shanghai. The subjects of this research will be the junior high school students in Taipei and the junior high school students in Shanghai, and the graduated or elder students, and the students' teachers and parents as well. After the research, there are some findings. The overpopulated pressure lead students in China must study harder to enter top prestigious universities. The interviewers in this study revealed that Taiwanese students do not totally study due to external stress and English learning is based on interests. Parents in Taiwan hope their kids not only learn English for good grades but also develop their interests in English learning. In Shanghai, parents urge their children to study all the time. Parents concern the school grades very much. In Taipei, teachers are willing to be students’ friends. Differently, teachers in Shanghai are more authoritative than in Taipei. Teachers emphasize the accuracy on English learning. China’s accession to WTO affects the model of English learning. Globalization accelerates the trend to learn English. These years China runs some world-class convention and exhibition which attract more international business and tourists and encourage Chinese to learn English. In the process in this study, we found the English learning motivation of students in Shanghai is stronger than Taiwan's students.

從語言文化學角度論植物詞語:俄漢對比與翻譯 / Study on the comparison and translation between Russian and Chinese plant words from linguoculturological perspectives

郭庭睿 Unknown Date (has links)
俄羅斯的植物文化與人民的生活作息密不可分,俄羅斯植物因人們的信仰具有靈性,故在民俗活動中具有許多功能。俄羅斯文人將思鄉、戀愛、哀悼等諸多情感投射於植物,賦予植物豐富的美學價值。植物的美學意涵在中國文人墨客的生花妙筆之下,與俄羅斯相比毫不遜色,他們將花卉的意涵昇華至道德思想中,以植物象徵氣節、品格,或是烏托邦式的理想世界,這點是俄羅斯植物文化中罕見的現象。花木表現了各種形式的美,同時蘊含了無法言傳的情感,充分體現了中國人謙抑的民族性。 在俄語學界早已興起以文化背景為研究基礎的語言學說,其中最受人注目的理論便是韋列夏金與科斯托馬羅夫提出的語言國情學。他們提出詞彙背景理論,提倡學習語言應同時著重國情文化知識的涉獵,在當時的學界掀起了不小的旋風。然而隨著時代演變,語言國情學受其視角限制難以前進,在學者們的努力之下,蛻變成為語言文化學(лингвокультурология)。 本論文的中心理論為語言國情學及語言文化學皆看重的文化伴隨意義理論。文化伴隨意義不僅具有雙重性的矛盾現象,在語言對比的層面上,更分為許多類型。藉由分析植物詞語的內部意涵,可探究俄羅斯文化的另一風貌。俄漢植物詞語的對比研究及其翻譯策略一直以來較無系統性的整理與探討,此即本論文之研究緣起。

引導式構思及配對構思對英語學習者口語表達之影響 / The effects of using guided planning and paired planning on young EFL learners' oral production

黃竹欣, Huang, Chu Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
在任務性教學的研究裡,構思時間大都有助於口語表達流暢度,但構思時間對口語表達複雜度與正確度的影響,在研究中則尚無定論。本研究旨在探討引導式構思(guided planning)與配對構思(paired planning)對學童英語口語表達的影響,期能對以上爭論做出貢獻。此研究以90位新竹市國小高年級學生為研究對象,並依照構思情境的不同將學生分成三組進行口述故事任務: (1) 無引導構思 (2) 引導式構思 (3) 引導式配對構思。本研究主要結論如下: (1) 就流暢度與複雜度而言,引導式構思與配對構思對學生在口語表達無顯著影響。值得注意的是,配對構思組的學生,會使用較更高程度的字彙來說故事;(2) 就文法正確度而言,引導式構思組學生的表現顯著優於無引導式構思組與引導式配對構思組。而配對構思組的學生雖然沒有使用文法較正確的語言來說故事,卻對配對構思在文法正確度方面的影響持肯定態度。本研究最後針對不同構思情境在口語教學上的應用提供建議,做為教育者參考。 / A general finding of task planning studies was that planning time significantly facilitates fluency in oral production. When it comes to complexity and accuracy, however, the effects of planning time were less certain. This study aims to contribute to the contradictory results by considering how guided planning and paired planning may impact upon the fluency, complexity and accuracy in learners’ oral production. Subjects were three groups of EFL beginners in Taiwan; they performed oral narrative tasks. Statistical results revealed that these two implementation variables (i.e. guided planning and paired planning) did not aid learners to narrate a story with more fluent and complex language. One thing to be noted here is that paired planners used remarkably greater number of higher level words to tell a story. In terms of accuracy, guided planning led participants to perform tasks with more accurate utterances, while paired planning had no evident effects on speech accuracy. Interestingly, paired planners held a positive attitude towards the valuable role of paired planning on accuracy. This study yielded illuminative information for teachers to boost students’ oral performance by manipulating various task conditions.

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