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知識翻新對國小四年級學生閱讀理解和寫作表現之影響 / Effects of knowledge building on elementary school students’ reading comprehension and writing performance

王靜華 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討電腦支援合作知識翻新(knowledge building)活動對國小四年級學童閱讀理解與寫作表現的影響。研究對象為新北市某公立國小的兩班學生共53人。其中,實驗組(n=25)採知識翻新活動﹔控制組(n=28)採傳統講述教學活動。研究方法採準實驗設計中的「不等組前後測設計」;在為期十八週的實驗期間進行前測、實驗處理及後測。   研究資料來源包含:(1)PIRLS閱讀測驗前後測成績;(2)教學科技平台討論內容;(3)教學科技平台活動參與量;(4)寫作表現分數;(5)實驗組與控制組學生的半結構訪談;以及(6)實驗組的段考學習成績。資料分析同時使用質性與量化兩種方式。質性分析內容包括半結構訪談與平台討論內容,量化資料分析內容包含閱讀測驗成績、平台活動參與程度、以及寫作表現分數。透過多元資料分析以瞭解經過不同教學方法後,兩組學生的閱讀理解與寫作表現上是否有所差異。   研究結果顯示:(1) 知識翻新有助於提升學生的整體閱讀理解,且使用知識論壇進行閱讀理解提問,也有助於提昇學生的提問能力;(2) 知識翻新有助於提升學生整體寫作表現,且知識論壇上的貼文與討論活動也有助於改善學生的寫作品質;(3) 知識翻新能幫助學生改進其想法概念,且實驗後期於知識論壇的活動量也有呈現增加的趨勢;及(4)經過知識翻新活動後,實驗組的低學業成就學生之閱讀理解表現優於控制組的低學業成就學生,但二組在寫作方面則無顯著差異。   本研究嘗試改變過去的學習模式,透過知識翻新:鼓勵學生產生並反思想法,讓學生的學習更具主動性;及鼓勵同儕間的互助與互動以改進閱讀想法,讓學生在閱讀理解與寫作表現的成效產生正向的成長。 / Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of knowledge building activities on grade-four students’ reading comprehension and writing performance. This study adopted a quasi-experimental design. In the experiment group, the participants were 25 grade-four students; in the control group, the participants were 28 grade-four students. The experiment class engaged in knowledge building and sustained ideational writing in order to enhance their writing performance (for 18 weeks). In contrast, the control group engaged in teacher-directed instruction. Data sources mainly came from: (1) pre-post PIRLS reading comprehension test; (2) students’ notes posted in Knowledge Forum; (3) students’ online discussion activities in Knowledge Forum, such as number of notes contributed, number of notes read, and number of notes built-on to other’s notes; (4) pre-post writing test; (5) semi-structured interview; and (6) student’ end-of-the-semester grades. To analyze, one-way ANCOVA, paired t-test and chi-square was employed to quantitatively examine students’ reading comprehension and writing test after the course. In addition, qualitative content analysis was also performed to evaluate the quality of students’ notes and to understand how students changed their views of ideas. The findings were as follows: (1) knowledge building pedagogy was conducive to enhancing students’ high-level reading comprehension and encouraging more in-depth questioning activities in Knowledge Forum; (2) after being engagaed in Knowledge building for a semester, students were able to demonstrate better writing performance, and more active discussion activities in the Knowledge Forum; (3) Knowledge building pedagogy changed students’ views of ideas and improved their idea generation capacity; and (4) Low achievers in the experiment group were able to demonstrate better reading comprehension than those in the control group. Overall, the findings suggested that knowledge building practice was able to help change the traditionally more authoritative and teacher-directed one-way instruction,   to an alternative, more student-centered, idea generation and improvement pedagogy, that helped students attain better reading comprehension and writing performance.


陳慕君 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究嘗試由「生活風格」觀點探討彩券消費者對公益彩券新聞的解讀。在理論部分,一方面希望能夠深入瞭解閱聽人個別的解讀情形,而不擬將閱聽人的解讀結果簡單分類;另一方面,也將探討閱聽人的生活風格與多重主體性,對閱聽人的彩券消費與新聞解讀情形之關係,以替代傳統接收分析的做法。 研究結果發現,彩券消費者對彩券新聞的解讀情形多元豐富,除了意義解讀尚包括各種「踰越」意義場域,自行進行的想像、遊移、情緒感受、愉悅等。研究並發現,彩券消費者的生活風格與多重主體性確實與其彩券消費與新聞解讀結果有關。但生活風格與閱聽人解讀的相關程度,似乎又與台灣社會的現代性與議題相關。

交互教學法對台灣國中生英文閱讀能力與後設認知之效益 / The Effects of Reciprocal Teaching on Taiwanese Junior High School Students' English Reading Comprehension and Metacognitive Awareness

林思燕 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的在探討「交互教學法」對台灣國中生英文閱讀能力與後設認知之效益,並研究國中生對此教學的回應。參與本研究的學生為82名苗栗縣某公立高中的兩班九十五學年度九年級學生,實驗組施以12週交互教學法,控制組則為傳統老師講授方式,在教學活動前後,實驗組和控制組所有學生皆施以閱讀理解測驗(採自全民英檢初級閱讀測驗)及後設認知問卷,實驗組多加施以交互教學法回饋問卷。 本研究結果摘要如下: 1. 實驗組與控制組在閱讀理解測驗表現有顯著差異,亦即,交互教學法有效地增進學生閱讀理解表現。 2. 後設認知方面,實驗組在「閱讀信心」、「閱讀困難」和「閱讀能力強的人應具備的能力」三項後設認知能力表現顯著提高,在「有效閱讀策略」與「補救策略」二項之後設認知表現亦有明顯進步。 3. 交互教學法有助於增強學生對閱讀策略的觀念和用法,大部分受試者認為「摘要」與「預測」是最實用的閱讀策略。 4. 回饋問卷顯示,大部分實驗組學生對交互教學法持正面支持態度,並表示願意將所學之閱讀策略運用在未來的英語閱讀中。 根據上述結果,本研究建議國中英語教師可運用「交互教學法」增進學生英 語閱讀能力與後設認知能力,並提升學生學習英語的興趣。同時為了讓「交互教學法」發揮最大效用,教師應考慮學生在語言學習上之個別差異,以避免學生心理上的排斥與學習上的反效果。 / This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of reciprocal teaching in promoting EFL junior high school students’ reading comprehension and metacognitive awareness. In addition, students’ responses to reciprocal teaching were probed. Participants of this study included 82 ninth-graders from two intact classes in one public senior high school in Miaoli in the fall semester of 2006. The experimental group was engaged in reciprocal teaching and the control group was instructed in the traditional teacher-centered method. The reading comprehension test of GEPT at elementary level was used as the pretest and posttest to measure the participants’ reading ability before and after the instruction. Additionally, two questionnaires were adopted: one for investigating the effects of reciprocal teaching on students’ metacognitive awareness and the other for measuring the experimental group’s attitudes towards reciprocal teaching. After twelve weeks of experiment, the main results of this study can now be summarized as follows: 1. The participants’ reading comprehension ability improved significantly after the implementation of reciprocal teaching. 2. The participants’ metacognitive awareness was significantly higher especially in the categories of students’ reading confidence, students’ perceptions of reading difficulties, and students’ perceptions of a good reader. Students’ perceptions of repair strategies and effective strategies, though no significantly different , the participants did make progress in recognition of top-down and bottom-up strategies. 3. Reciprocal teaching helped the participants build up knowledge and use the instructed strategies. The strategies viewed by the participants as the most practical ones were “summarizing” and “predicting”. 4. According to the findings from the response questionnaire, the participants’ attitudes toward and responses to reciprocal teaching may be described as being supportive and positive. In addition, most of the participants expressed their willingness to employ the instructed strategies in their future English reading. The results suggest that reciprocal teaching can be a viable approach to help improve junior high school students’ reading comprehension ability and metacognitive awareness of English reading. Besides, students’ interest in learning can be stirred up. Yet, it should be noted that when conducting reciprocal teaching, teachers need to be taken into account students’ personal difference in language learning to avoid potential rejection.

臺北市立圖書館成人英語讀書會之研究 / A Study on the Adult English Study Circles in Taipei Public Library

曾湘雯, Tseng, Hsiang-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
閱讀是通往知識殿堂的道路,是學習的基石,藉由閱讀,能夠擴展眼界,活躍思考。世界各地正如火如荼推廣閱讀,公共圖書館在推廣閱讀上更是不遺餘力,藉由舉辦不同的活動鼓勵民眾培養閱讀習慣,讓民眾親近文字,享受閱讀的樂趣。近年來,為了提升民眾英語閱讀的興趣,增加英語討論的機會,公共圖書館陸續舉辦不少英語讀書會,讓參與者能夠以英語資源為媒介,討論與分享不同的看法。 本研究透過問卷調查法與訪談法了解臺北市立圖書館成人英語讀書會實施現況,並歸納讀書會成員、帶領人以及圖書館讀書會業務負責館員之看法,發現成人英語讀書會之運作特色與遭遇困境,進而分析成人英語讀書會之成效。最後歸納相關文獻與研究結果,提出辦理英語讀書會之具體建議,期望作為日後公共圖書館辦理英語讀書會之參考。 調查結果顯示,成人英語讀書會成員以50歲~59歲的女性參與者為主,職業以家庭主婦居多,但與演講協會合作之讀書會較為特殊,無家庭主婦參與,而以上班族為多。教育程度上,以大專院校畢業者佔多數,而擁有研究所以上學歷者為讀書會的第二大族群。成員參與讀書會的動機為:增加英語表達能力、增廣見聞、拓展閱讀範圍,與喜愛閱讀等。 臺北市立圖書館成人英語讀書會運作特色有:一、學習方式生活化,讓英語更貼近生活;二、報章雜誌、短篇文章為主要的閱讀材料;三、研討的主題呈現多元的風貌,從休閒娛樂、文學、科技、時事新聞、醫療保健、教育、語言學習,到全球性議題;四、以英語歌曲為主之研討深受歡迎,使得原本以閱讀書籍、文章為主軸的討論型態逐漸轉變;五、圖書館英語志工加入英語讀書會,以其專業來協助讀書會之運作。 臺北市立圖書館支援成人英語讀書會的角色可分為主辦與間接推廣,前者是由圖書館自辦英語讀書會,後者是圖書館提供英語讀書會硬體空間與設備之援助。整體來看,圖書館對成人英語讀書會之支援包括:定期辦理帶領人培訓課程;透過網站或電子報、文宣刊物、出版品、海報來行銷成人英語讀書會;於館內展示讀書會成員作品;建置線上「心得分享區」與「線上讀書會」供讀書會成員討論;此外,亦提供「鼓勵讀書會購書優惠」方案,讀書會成員依此管道購買書籍可享有折扣的優惠。 在使用圖書館英語資源與服務方面,未參與成人英語讀書會前,約半數成員未曾使用圖書館英語資源與服務,他們找尋資料的管道主要為網路與自己的藏書。參與英語讀書會後,將近七成的讀書會成員因為讀書會的緣故而更常接觸圖書館,進而利用圖書館英語館藏與服務,資源使用上,則以英語圖書、英語報章雜誌與英語參考工具書被使用的情況較多。同時,有將近八成的讀書會成員平均每個月增加1~3冊館藏借閱量。 參與成員肯定英語讀書會對己身的幫助,例如能夠吸收最新的資訊與專業知識,也能增進國際視野,且經由成員的意見交流與分享,了解每個人不同的思考點,無形中擴展了個人的思考面向。成員英語能力也因為參與英語讀書會而有所提升,尤其是英語會話與聽力。除此之外,自信與勇氣的增加與人際關係的拓展也是成員認為參與讀書會的收穫。成員對成人英語讀書會在各方面之滿意度均呈現不錯的表現,以「讀書會的團體氣氛」與「帶領人的領導」滿意度最高。 研究發現,臺北市立圖書館成人英語讀書會遭遇之困難包括:一、圖書館英語資源無法滿足成人英語讀書會之需求;二、雖然有英語志工的加入,但英語讀書會帶領人才仍非常欠缺;三、成員聚會前的準備與積極性仍需加強。 最後,針對成人英語讀書會之舉辦提出幾點建議供相關單位參考。從圖書館的角度來看,普及舉辦英語讀書會、辦理英語讀書會帶領人培訓課程、充實英語館藏、英語館藏數位化、加強行銷圖書館英語資源與服務、安排英語專題演講、發行英語讀書會刊物、建置線上英語讀書會網站、持續評估成人英語讀書會辦理情形等,都是未來辦理成人英語讀書會可努力之方向。英語讀書會參與成員則可朝向:共同擬定讀書會內部規範、加強積極參與活動、適時提出回饋與建議等方向努力之。 / Reading is the way to knowledge and also the foundation of learning. We can broaden our horizons and activate the thinking through reading. Reading promotion is held worldwide; the public libraries go to great lengths to promote reading especially. Different reading activities are held to encourage the public to develop reading habits and enjoy the reading. In order to elevate the public’s English reading habits and increase the discussion opportunities, public libraries have held lots of English study circles in recent years. The group participants can discuss and share different opinions through English materials. This study adopts questionnaire and interview approach to investigate the status quo of adult English study circles in Taipei public library. Through the ideas and opinions from the group members, leaders and librarians in charge of the study circles, the study will discover the operation characteristics and difficulties English study circles encountered. Further, analyzing the effectiveness of adult English study circles. Finally, the study will provide some suggestions for holding adult English study circles after concluding literatures and study results. According to the study results, female members aged from 50 to 59 years are the primary participants in adult English study circles.The most participants are housewives. However, the members’ main career in the study circles which the library cooperates with Toastmasters International is office worker. As concerned about education background, most members have college degrees. Members have master degrees are the second largest group in adult English study circles. Besides loving reading, members’ participation motives are to increase English expressing ability, to broaden their horizons, to extend the lust of reading, etc. The operation characteristics of adult English study circles in Taipei public library are described as follows: (1)Members can use English in their daily life. (2)English books are not the main reading materials. Instead, many groups use journals.(3)The topics of discussion are divergent, including entertainment, literature, science and technology, current events, medical and health care, education, language learning, and global issues.(4)English song–centered discussion is popular. The discussion pattern has been changing gradually from discussing books and short articles to song-centered symposium. (5)Library English volunteers are engaged in English study circles and use their professional specialty to assist the group operation. The roles of Taipei public library on holding adult English study circles can be divided into auspices and indirect outreach. In the former case, the library hosts the English study circles. In the latter case, the library offers English study circles the place and facilities. On the whole, the library’ supplies include (1)holding regular leader training curricula, (2)propagandizing English study circles through websites, e-paper, publications, and posters, (3)displaying the members’ works in the library, (4)building websites “online reflection sharing” and “online study circles,” and (5)providing purchasing proposal for study circles. As far as library English resources and services concerned, about one half group members never use library English resources and services before participating in the English study circles. They surf the net and use their own collections to find the materials. After participating English study circles, about 70 percent group members go to library more often and they also use English collections and services in the library. English books, newspapers, magazines and reference books are more often used. Besides, nearly 80 percent group members increase documents on loan per capita on the average of 1 to 3 volumes per month. Group members affirm the benefits of taking part in English study circles. For example, they can get latest information, learn professional knowledge, and broaden their visions. Through sharing the opinions, they can learn different thinking from others. After participating in the English study circles, members’ English ability have improved, especially conversation and listening. In addition, self-confidence, courage, and interpersonal relationships are also the benefits. Group members think the performances of English study circles are good in all respects. Among all the performances, members are most satisfied with group atmosphere and leader’s guidance. The study shows the difficulties that adult English study circles have encountered. They include (1) library English collections can’t satisfy group leaders, (2) English group leaders are still going short, and (3) members should have more preparation and initiative. Finally, the study brings up some suggestions about holding adult English study circles. From the library’s perspective, holding more English study circles, running study circle leaders training curricula, increasing English collections, digitalizing English collections, advertising English collections and services, publishing English publications, building online English study circles websites, and keeping on evaluating adult English study circles are some ways libraries can work in the future. With regard to the members, they can draw up the group interior rules, participating in activities more actively, and raise questions or make suggestions at anytime.


徐韶君, Hsu,Shao Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採實驗研究法,旨在探討電子童書中,動畫與文本一致性及年齡對幼兒閱讀理解的影響。實驗採用的研究工具為Living-books系列之「小馬斯特上學去」的電子童書,研究樣本以台北縣市四所公私立幼稚園中大班幼兒為實驗對象,中班受試樣本30人,隨機選取各班人數分派至實驗二中;大班受試樣本60人,隨機選取各班人數分派至實驗一與實驗二中,實驗一分為實驗組(30人)與對照組(30人),實驗組閱讀動畫與文本一致之電子童書,對照組閱讀動畫與文本較不一致之電子童書。 本研究之實驗研究分為實驗一與實驗二,實驗一旨在分析大班幼兒閱讀動畫與文本一致性與否對閱讀理解的影響;實驗二旨在探討中班與大班幼兒閱讀電子童書時,其閱讀理解的差異。 閱讀理解評量以個別施測方式進行故事回憶測驗及故事理解測驗,其中故事理解測驗分為文意理解測驗及推論理解測驗。將所得的資料以單因子變異數及二因子混合設計變異數進行統計分析,以了解研究之結果。 研究結果顯示: 一、在閱讀動畫與文本一致性高之電子童書時,對於故事回憶測驗的得分,實驗組得分顯著高於對照組得分。 二、在閱讀動畫與文本一致性高之電子童書時,對於故事理解測驗的得分,實驗組不論在文意理解或推論理解上,得分皆顯著高於對照組得分。 三、大班組幼兒在故事回憶測驗上的得分顯著高於中班組幼兒的得分。 四、大班組幼兒在故事理解測驗上的總分顯著高於中班組幼兒。在文意理解測驗中,大班組得分顯著高於中班組得分,而推論理解的得分則未達到顯著性的差異。 五、故事回憶與故事理解的相關,在實驗一與實驗二中,不論是文意理解或推論理解,與故事回憶皆呈現顯著正相關。換句話說,閱讀動畫與文本較不一致之電子童書時,故事回憶量低,故事理解得分亦較低;而閱讀動畫與文本一致之電子童書時,故事回憶高,故事理解得分則較高。 研究者根據研究結果與限制,提出對教師、父母、出版商及未來研究方面的建議。 關鍵字:閱讀理解、動畫與文本一致性、電子童書、幼兒 / This study has two parts: one is to research the impact of coherence between text and animation on children’s reading. The other is to analyze the effect of ages on children’s reading comprehention while they read electronic story books. The research adopted one of a series of Living-books, called Little Monster At School. 30 aged 4 and 60 aged 5 children from public and private kindergartens of Taipei city and County participated in the study. There were 2 tasks. Tesk one was coherent text for experimental group. Task 2 was incoherent text for control group. The content of the two tasks was the same. After reading the electronic book, all children took memory test and comprehension test which was devided into 2 sub-score: fact comprehension and inference comprehension. Results are: 1. Memory test’s scores of experimental group is obviously higher than that of control group. 2. Reading comprehension scores of experimental group is also higher than that of control group. 3. Memory test’s scores of age 5 children is higher than age 4 children. 4. Age 5 children get higher total reading comprehension scores than age 4 children. Furthermore, they get higher score on fact questions. Scores of inference questions however, do not show age difference. 5. Memory and story reading comprehension scores have positive correlation. It reveals that children reading coherent animation and text have higher memory scores and higher comprehension scores. On the other hand, children who had the incoherent text had poor scores of both. Based on the results, researcher provides suggestions for teachers, parents and book publisher. Key words: reading comprehension, animation of electronic storybooks, coherence of text, kindergarten children.


鄭淑文 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以《交換日記》前十一集為研究對象,分別就外緣與內容以及當中所呈現的文化現象作探討。 第一章分為三小節,分別對本論文的研究動機與目的、研究範圍與方法及前人研究等內容作一說明。 第二章就《交換日記》外緣的文本類型與編排設計作探討。第一節先就繪圖部分的定位作分析,與漫畫、繪本相比較,確立其插圖的定位。第二節就文字部分與日記、散文相比對,界定其為隨筆。第三節則就文本的編排與設計入手,觀察此文本特殊的風格、隨性的書寫與繪畫風貌。 第三章就《交換日記》中的主題內容與多向文本的敘述方式作探究。第一節的主題內容首先歸納出愛情、親情的話題;其次梳理出與異地見聞相關的話題;再其次對與生活省思有關的論述作一整理。在不同的話題範疇中,可以看見當代人們生活的現象、矛盾與進步。第二節以多向文本的敘述方式加以探討,可以瞭解《交換日記》無始終、去中心、非因果、非線性、互動開放的書寫風格如何擄獲讀者的喜愛。 第四章針對《交換日記》文字與圖像二者,瞭解在大量插圖的隨筆敘述中,圖畫與文字的互動關係。第一節對插圖的形式與功能,分別就敘事性質、抒情性質與幽默嘲弄等三方面作分析,瞭解插圖在此文本中不可或缺的地位。第二節,就文字與圖像二者的互文關係進行討論,可以看出文、圖互足的敘述方式、藉圖畫改變敘述的氛圍、以及藉由圖畫來區分現實與想像。 第五章進入閱讀心理的討論,藉以了解讀者在閱讀過程中的接受反應。第一節討論此文本中獨特的現象--作者/讀者的重疊,在此重疊、開放的空間下呈現的特殊景觀。第二節則以讀者的一般性心理現象為討論焦點,分別就窺視心理的動機與滿足;閱讀行為中涵蓋的交換行為與作者與讀者密切互動的行為等三方面進行討論。 第六章針對《交換日記》與文化消費作討論。第一節探討《交換日記》呈現的後現代現象;第二節探討《交換日記》中呈現的消費文化;第三節則探討存在於《交換日記》中的次文化現象。 第七章對本研究提出總結論述。 當前的文學研究不斷朝向東、西方的對話、多學科的融合發展,並轉移到以讀者為中心的觀點。文學研究也從傳統的文字閱讀、解釋層面,衍生為對整個文本在社會的作用與地位的關注,這正是本研究從各種不同角度對文本及其所呈現的文化現象進行分析的出發點,希望藉此對書寫文本的變化作一觀察,在當代眾多文本形式大量出現的世代中,記錄其一斑,以填補文本創作改變歷程的一角。

主題推進與凝結功能詞在英語閱讀上的探討 / Thematic Progression and Cohesive Devices: An Approach to English Reading

藍麗玫, Lan, Li mei Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文藉由探討主題推進類型 (thematic progression patterns)與凝結關係 (cohesive ties) 在高中英文教科書課文的呈現以及在英文大學入學考試試題 (綜合測驗,文意選填,篇章結構) 上的應用,來提倡篇章結構的閱讀方法;希望在英文閱讀方面能有啟發的功效。首先,高中英文教科書中敘述文和說明文類型的文章被挑選出來作分析。為了解釋文章的主題發展,功能語法觀點 (Functional Sentence Perspective) 的語言學家Daneš提出四個主題推進類型,分別為Type 1: Simple Linear TP,Type 2: TP with a continuous (constant) theme,Type 3: TP with derived T’s,Type 4: Exposition of a Split Rheme。Cloran另外建議兩個主題推進類型Type 5: Theme > Rheme 和Type 6: Rheme > Rheme。這六種主題推進類型再加上由Halliday and Hasan所提出的五種凝結關係 (cohesive ties, i.e. reference, substitution, ellipsis, conjunction, and lexical cohesion) 被用來分析上述的文章並且應用在英文大學入學考試試題的解題。研究發現除了上述六種預設的主題推進類型之外,第七種類型被歸為Referential Type,涉及指稱詞 this和that 的使用。其他的發現敘述如下:在高中英文教科書文章分析方面,Type 1和Type 2出現的頻率最多,第二多是Type 5 and Type 6;Referential Type排名出現頻率的第三名,而Type 4少見,Type 3最罕見.。另外,在英文大學入學考試試題的應用方面,結果亦大致符合上述。至於凝結關係 (cohesive ties) 的頻率,指稱詞 (reference),尤其是人稱代名詞出現最多次,字彙 (lexicon) 次之,然而大部份都是相同字 (same word or repetition) 的一再重複出現;其他字彙的呈現,如同義詞 (synonym)、反義詞 (antonym)、搭配詞 (collocation)、統領詞 (superordinate) 等稍嫌不足。 / Because little attention has been paid to the explicit teaching of text structure in local senior high schools, this present study analyzes the reading texts to explore how students are exposed to expositive and narrative text types and how the text is structured. Reading texts are selected from textbooks for senior high school students and then theme categories, thematic progression types and cohesive devices are analyzed. Combined Daneš’s theory with Cloran’s suggestion, the following six types of thematic progression (TP) are identified: Type 1, Rheme>Theme pattern (> means ‘followed by’); Type 2, Theme>Theme pattern; Type 3, Split Theme; Type 4, Split Rheme; Type 5, Theme>Rheme pattern; and Type 6, Rheme>Rheme pattern. Besides, five cohesive ties (i.e. reference, substitution, ellipsis, conjunction, and lexical cohesion) proposed by Halliday and Hasan are identified as clue to trace the progression. Next, evidence is found to decode gapped passages in Integrative Test (綜合測驗, i.e. Cloze Test), Semantic Choice (文意選填), and Discourse Structure (篇章結構). Besides the presupposed six progression patterns mentioned above, one more type is found and categorized as Referential Type. The progression of Referential Type involves the use of cohesive device this or that. The findings are presented as follows: In the analysis of reading texts in EFL textbooks, thematic progression of Type 1 R>T and Type 2 T>T predominates the frequency of occurrence, while thematic progression of Type 5 T>R and Type 6 R>R follows behind, and Referential Type ranks third in terms of frequency, followed by Type 4 Split R outnumbering Type 3 Split T. Furthermore, while applying to the analysis of test passages, the outcome of progression types is roughly correspondent with what is mentioned above. As for cohesive ties, reference predominates the frequency of occurrence, followed by lexicon. Of all the cohesive devices, items of personal reference are found to appear most frequently, and then the second most are items of the same word. Through the exploration and analysis of thematic progression and cohesive devices, it is hoped that students’ awareness of textual organization will be enhanced and thus help activate efficient reading.

美貌、工讀型態與學業成就 / Beauty, part-time works type and academic achievements

莊承達 Unknown Date (has links)
本文探討大專生的學業成就,如何受到學生本身的外表吸引力以及工讀的型態所影響。本研究使用國立台灣師範大學台灣高等教育資料庫所建構的「九十二學年度大三學生問卷調查」以及「九十三學年度大專畢業生畢業後一年問卷調查」,以univariate probit model進行分析。研究結果發現:一、具外表吸引力的學生,在平均成績超過80分的機率,比外表較不具外表吸引力的學生高出5.6%;二、具外表吸引力的學生,在進入班級排名前10%的機率較不具外表吸引力的學生高出3.7%;三、雖然從事校外工讀對於學業成就有負面影響,不過從事校內工讀反而對於學業成就有正面影響。 接著以內生性分析的結果顯示,外表吸引力以及校外工讀與學業成就之間存在內生性問題。在recursive bivariate probit model估計下,外表吸引力與學業成就之間的關係仍舊為正向顯著,且男學生的外表吸引力對於學業成就之影響高於女學生;至於校外工讀與學業成就之間的關係在recursive bivariate probit model估計下反而轉變為正,表示在考慮內生性問題之後,校外工讀反而對於學業成就具有正向影響。 最後以trivariate probit model探討外表吸引力、校外工讀以及學業成就三者之間的關係,結果發現在控制外表吸引力下,校外工讀對於學業成就的影響差異並不大,工讀的負面效果並不會因為具有外表吸引力而有所減緩。

螢幕配置對網頁易讀性與選擇注意力影響–以電子市集為例 / The impact of screen layout on legibility and selective attention:Take eMarket as an example

蘇秋紅, Su, Chiu Hung Unknown Date (has links)
由於資訊科技的進步,網頁資訊更豐富與複雜,本研究從兩方面,一方面找出複雜的網頁是如何被使用者所認知?另一方面網頁介面設計的好不好?該如何設計才能降低網頁資訊的複雜度使其更易讀的方法。若網站介面設計能搭配使用者的認知,將有助網站設計出能降低複雜度又易讀的網頁,幫助使用者完成任務。因此,研究目的為瀏覽者是如何知覺與認知複雜的網頁?網頁介面的版面配置設計的好不好?研究問題為腦中模版是否影響網頁瀏覽?找出降低資訊複雜度的螢幕設計的原則? 本研究分別設計四個實驗驗證四個假設,實驗一的目的是驗證使用者腦中模板對資訊選擇有影響。方法是比較實驗未進行前,瀏覽者大腦中所認知的電子商務網頁配置概圖,得到瀏覽者腦中既有的模板是什麼,再進行選擇注意實驗,比較瀏覽者畫出來電子商務網站的回憶圖與未進行實驗前的模板間的一致性。結論為模板與實際組的卡方值均為不顯著,因此,可以得知瀏覽者瀏覽電子商務網站時腦中的模板確實影響網頁選擇注意。 實驗二的目的是驗證使用者因為任務需要不同資訊的選擇策略對造成其網頁的認知不同;方法是實驗中透過使用者進行搜尋的任務中,根據其瀏覽策略將搜尋任務第一頁的瀏覽與最後一頁不同的瀏覽目標,因要達成的選擇策略不同所以其選擇注意不同。結論為第一頁與最後一頁的的瀏覽分析可以得知不同資訊的選擇策略將影響網頁介面的螢幕配置認知。 實驗三的目的螢幕配置會影響選擇注意。方法計算文獻整理的六個指標的理論值之後,實証為讓使用者到四個國家的yahoo網頁進行任務,會因網頁配置不同,影響使用者對四個不同國家的yahoo網頁的認知選擇注意不同。結論為四個國家卡方值為顯著,表示四個國家的介面配置不同確實會影響不同的選擇注意。 實驗四的目的証明網頁設計易讀性理論值與實證的順序是相同的。方法計算文獻整理的六個指標的理論值之後,實証為將四個日韓台美不同的yahoo網頁的配置,兩個為一組,分六組進行實驗,以了解四個國家網頁哪個配置讓瀏覽者較容易閱讀。結論為理論的順序:日(0.099)>美(0.095)>台(0.086)>韓(0.078);實證的順序:美>日>台>韓;日美優於台韓故順序一致。 根據實驗的結論,我們知道使用者面對複雜的網頁資訊時,會根據腦中的模版來分析與過濾網頁上面的資訊,而且瀏覽者對於資訊的選擇確實會影響網頁螢幕的配置像對空白與色彩..等的差異,並且根據文獻找出的指標確實與實際狀況符合。所以,建議設計師在網頁layout設計,要按照使用者的工作任務經驗,及各工作任務的可能模版特質來設計資訊呈現內容。並根據六個整理出來的指標列為參考的網頁設計元素,將元素差異及元素關係的因素,如資訊在畫面上的位置、形成區塊的空白、框線、對比顏色、文字大小,以及關鍵詞等因素善加運用,按照工作任務性質,做適當安排。將有效降低使用者認知複雜度達成任務。 / Due to the fast growth of information technology, website information has become richer and more complex, and this piece of research will target on two main related areas. One is to find out how those complicated webpage were cognized by their users? The other is to discuss whether if the existing webpage interface design is good or not, and how webpage information should be designed in order to reduce its complicity and make it easier to read. If the webpage interface is able to collocate with users’ cognition, it will help websites to create webpage with low complicity and ease of read, and thereby assisting users to complete their missions. Therefore, the research aim would be to understand how browsers sense and perceive webpage and its complicity. Is the interface and layout design suitable for such webpage? In addition, the key question is to ask if internet browsing would be affected by our brain templates, and to further find out the principles for low information complicity screen design. The research body consists of four experiments which are set to prove 4 hypotheses. First experiment is to prove that users’ brain templates have effects on the choices of information. The main method is to obtain the e-commerce webpage layout from browsers’ brain before carrying out any further tasks, and see what the initial templates look like. And then by taking the selective attention tests, to compare the similarity between the memorial mappings of the e-commerce website with the initial template. The result has shown that the chi-square values between template and real group are both not significant, therefore, it is predicted that when users are browsing e-commerce websites, the brain templates do have effects on webpage selective attention. Experiment two aims to examine if differences in webpage cognition occur as users could have various choices of information due to different needs. When users browse the internet, because of the targets change, the strategies used in first page and last page also differs, and so does the selective attention. To conclude, from the first and last pages browsing analysis we can know that different information choice strategies will have impacts on the webpage interface layout. Third experiment focuses on the display layout which affects selective attentions. By calculating six theoretical values from indicators in literature reviews, and in order to prove the theory users are asked to carry out missions on Yahoo! websites in four countries, and because the webpage layouts are different, the users’ selective attentions also varies in these four countries. The chi-square values of the four countries are significant, which means different webpage layout will alter selective attentions. The last one proves that the theoretical values of legibility in webpage design are proportional to the case studies. In order to understand which Yahoo! website is the easiest to read out of these four countries, they were divided into groups of two and carried out six sets of experiments. Theoretical result shows that Japan (0.099)>US (0.095)>Taiwan (0.086)>Korea (0.078), where practical result shows US>Japan>Taiwan>Korea, and therefore both proved that US and Japan are better than Taiwan and Korea. According to the results of experiments, we can know that when users face complex web information, they tend to use the templates created in their brain to analyze and filter those information, and the choices of information that browsers made do affect webpage and screen layout, such as different spacing and coloring; which just corresponds with our literature indications. Hence, when designing webpage layout, designers are recommended to demonstrate the content by following users’ actual experiences, plus some possible behaviors under different work and mission conditions. In addition, the six indicators should also be used as design references, and key factors such as the positioning of information, spacing, bordering, contrast, font sizes and keywords should also be taken into consideration in order to make appropriate arrangement to suit different work properties, which will lower the cognition complicity for users effectively, and thereby fulfill its tasks.

繪本為初級成人華語閱讀教學輔助教材之研究 / Picture Book as Assisted Reading Materials in Teaching Chinese for Adult Beginners

張郁笙, Chang, Yu Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
華語教材漸趨多元,圖文並茂的素材賞心悅目同時吸引讀者興趣,繪本兼具兩者特質,然而圖文書作為學習華語的語言材料尚未有獨立繪本可直接教學,本研究教材以華測會八千詞為依,加工原始資料,希望成為正規教材之外的初級華語學習教材。 學習者認為中文為困難的語言,學習評量成效不佳,此外受限每週課時,自學時間受專業課程壓縮,動機不足,故藉由兼具圖像與故事情節的繪本製作輔助教材,提高自學能力和興趣,增進閱讀理解,開展交際話題,促進觀點交流。製作繪本輔助教材作為課程材料,教授生詞、語法,從圖文創作:互證、互補、互釋和互斥四項模式教學,並且分析原創作中的圖像,示範教學方式。研究者自側面觀察紀錄教師教學,提供學習者心得回饋表,深入訪談教師和學習者經驗。結果指出學習者藉圖文教材提高學習樂趣,教學前的引導使其提前適應內容,故事討論加強全文組織、理解,增加話題,圖文模式應用於教學後更能掌握圖像互動,讀出其言外之意。最後討論動機的引起及維持、圖文模式和閱讀理解、教學目標和學習收穫,並提出未來華語教學之方向。 / Picture books enjoy great attention today. The readership of more sophisticated picture books like graphic novels increased in the last decade. Illustrated narratives are not confined to manga or children books anymore. Although Chinese teaching materials, too, made great advances in the last ten years and layout and design became more attractive than before, recent developments of teaching materials do not get catch up with the increased popularity of picture books, especially with graphic novels and other picture books for adults. The present study aims to explore the conditions we should care about when we want to use picture books in classroom teaching. A focus is laid on teaching Chinese reading and character acquisition for beginners (A2) who only have a very limited knowledge of Chinese. Can picture books facilitate the learning process of reading? Can illustrations help to comprehend textual meaning? To answer questions like this, the present study examines various theories and research results about the interaction between the illustrations and the reading processes and reflects these theories with their didactic significance. The background for the present study is a half year teaching experience using different picture books to teach reading and Chinese character acquisition to beginners who did not have much time in Taiwan for study and who are not very motivated to learn reading Chinese. At the beginning, the use of picture books as teaching materials aimed to motivate students to learn Chinese characters and to encourage them to read Chinese not only in the classroom, but also to apply their knowledge to their own activities in their leisure time. Later, the author deliberately used picture books as teaching materials to learn more about the advances and shortcomings of these materials. Thus, the present study is the theoretical reflection of this teaching experience. It investigates picture books not only from the perspective how picture books can facilitate learning processes of Chinese reading competence, but also from the perspective how can picture books contribute to motivate students to read Chinese inside and outside of the classroom. Teaching materials based on three picture books are presented in this study. These materials first were used for teaching beginners and become later more and more developed, evaluated and revised in accordance to teaching experience, learning outcome and students’ opinions. Course designs based on these materials are added at the end of the present study.

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