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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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智慧資本與企業績效關連性之研究-以台灣資訊電子業和金融服務業為例 / The Study on the Relationship among Intellectual Capital and Business Performance: Cases of Information and Electronic Industry and Financial Services Industry in Taiwan

李子佑, Lee, Tzu Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之架構主要是探討台灣具有代表性的產業,其智慧資本是否影響企業績效、影響的途徑和影響力的強弱。 另外,本研究除了探討智慧資本對企業績效直接的影響外,接著再著手探討對企業績效無顯著正向影響的智慧資本類別,是否透過其他智慧資本當作中介,對企業績效產生間接的正向影響。 而為了避免產業間特性的不同對結果造成影響,故本研究僅針對台灣兩個特定產業進行研究分析。在挑選預分析的產業時,主要的考量為台灣代表性的產業,最後選擇資訊電子業和金融服務業為主要研究的對象。 在瞭解智慧資本對企業績效是否有正向影響以及影響途徑之後,本研究另外再利用上述實證的結果,探討當所處的產業不同時,智慧資本對企業績的影響有無異同,並且著手比較其兩者之間相同和相異之處。 / The framework of this study deals with the issue about whether Intellectual Capital impacts business performance, the path of such impact, and the strength level of this influence. Besides investigating the direct impact of Intellectual Capital to business performance, this study paid attention to certain categories of Intellectual Capital that didn’t bring positive significant influence to business performance. This study tried to find out whether such kinds of Intellectual Capital produce indirect impact on business performance through other Intellectual Capital as the mediator. In order to eliminate the biased results coming from the diversified characters in different industries, this study focuses on two specific industries in Taiwan. This study choice information and electronic industry and financial service industry as research samples because these two industries play imperative roles among others in Taiwan. Based on the result of investigating whether Intellectual Capital has positive influence to business performance and what its path, this study also use the evidence from empirical study to survey and compare the relationship between Intellectual Capital and business performance in different industries.

推行供應鏈管理之不確定性因素及其因應策略之研究-以台灣資訊電子業為例 / The Research on the Uncertainty Factors and Their Adaptive Strategies for the Implementation of Supply Chain Management --- Using Information & Electronic Industry in Taiwan as the Study Object

羅國正, Lo, Kou-Chein Unknown Date (has links)
供應鏈管理的實質利益來自於改善企業內與企業間整體供應鏈網路的作業流程,使其各個環節在成本、品質及效率上都能大大的改進,這驅使大型企業紛紛帶頭建立自己的供應鏈體系,並與過去視為敵對的上下游廠商共同合作,以獲得整體供應鏈的利益及優勢。在推行供應鏈管理的過程中,管理營運之不確定性的掌控良好與否為供應鏈管理推行成功與否的重要關鍵因素之一,因為不確定性因素會直接或間接影響企業的績效,造成企業有形或無形的損失;在這個變動快速且競爭激烈的時代,能夠降低不確定性的影響就能降低風險,才能獲得或維持競爭優勢,故針對國內企業特質提出一套不確定性因素的因應策略是有必要的。 本研究透過文獻探討蒐集彙整一般企業在推行供應鏈管理時所面臨之不確定因素的來源及影響,接著,蒐集過去學者對於此一問題的解決方法,並提出一個初步的因應策略架構。在因應策略架構中,本研究使用圖形模式化工具來表達企業流程以輔助分析,並與相關規劃及作業人員討論,以找出所有不確定性因素的來源及不確定性因素的影響,對於不確定性因素的來源,採取盡量降低其發生的預防策略;對於不確定性的影響,採取盡量減少其傷害的應變策略。其次,本研究以台灣資訊電子業為例,進行個案研究以了解企業如何因應不確定性因素,並利用分析的結果來修正初步的因應策略架構,以符合台灣企業本身的現況,最後作綜合整理分析並提出建議,以作為將來台灣資訊電子業在推行供應鏈管理時相關策略的參考。 / The benefits of Supply Chain Management come from the improvement of the whole operation processes of the supply chain network. These make large enterprises build their supply chain network and cooperate with their up-stream suppliers and down-stream customers to produce a larger overall benefit. To be success in implementing supply chain management, there are many critical successful factors. Managing the impact of uncertainty in implementing the supply chain management is one of them, since uncertainty will directly or indirectly influence the performance of business operations and will cause tangible or intangible damages. In the era of rapid change and sheer competition, eliminating the impact of uncertainty will help company to reduce the risk and gain/sustain their competitive advantages. In this thesis we focus on the Taiwan enterprises’ characteristics, and propose adaptive strategies to manage the uncertainty. This thesis collected the sources and impacts of the various uncertainty factors based on the literature survey of previous studies, then we review the solutions, which was announced, and propose a prototype of the architecture of adaptive strategies for these uncertainty factors. In this architecture we use graphics modeling tools (IDEF0) to present business processes, then take a discussion with related planners and operators to find out all the sources of uncertainty and the impacts caused by the uncertainty to the company. For the sources of the uncertainty, we take possible preventive strategies to reduce the probability of occurrence. For the impacts of the uncertainty, we take possible defensive strategies to eliminate the impacts of the uncertainty. Then we use case study to understand that how Taiwan’s Information & Electronic companies do as they suffer from uncertainty and to correct the prototype of the architecture. Finally, we synthesize the discoveries, and provide the helpful suggestions to Information & Electronic Industry in Taiwan for a reference if they want to implement Supply Chain Management.


黃重裕, Huang Chung Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的有三:首先經由文獻探討,整理出有關之資本結構決定因素,並將實證結果與其他學者之主張進一步討論,以提供財務主管從事資本結構決策之參考。接著以實際公開的財務報表資料,運用多元迴歸統計方法,驗證有關資本結構的影響因素,並探討各因素與資本結構之間的關係與影響能力。最後以電腦模擬(情節分析)方式,針對資訊電子業中特定公司分析推論其可能之最適資本結構的範圍。   本研究以民國82年到民國86年,台灣地區資訊電子業上市公司為抽樣對象,共抽取61家資料完整之樣本公司進行實證研究。   實證研究可分為兩部分,第一部份為橫斷面統計分析,目的在找出資本結構之主要影響因素及影響力大小,以相關分析及多元迴歸分析,結果得到資訊電子業的獲利能力、企業產品獨特性、非負債稅盾與負債比率間呈現顯著的負相關;而資產抵押價值及成長性則與負債比率間呈顯著正相關;公司規模、股利發放率及營業風險與負債比率間則無顯著相關。影響力最大之變數為獲利能力。   第二部分則以電腦模擬(情節分析)方式,針對研究者主觀選取之單一樣本公司(仁寶電腦公司),推論其可能之最適資本結構範圍。本研究發現,當負債比率為50%時,仁寶電腦公司之加權平均資金成本最低,預期每股股價達到最高。因此本研究推估仁寶電腦公司之最適負債比率為50%。 第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究範圍與研究限制 7 第三節 研究架構 10 第貳章 文獻探討 11 第一節 資本結構理論 11 第二節 國內實證文獻 38 第三節 國外實證文獻 50 第參章 研究設計 62 第一節 研究假說 62 第二節 資料蒐集與樣本 71 第三節 研究變數的操作性定義 74 第四節 研究方法 82 第肆章 實證結果分析 87 第一節 樣本資料基本統計分析 87 第二節 相關及簡單迴歸分析 89 第三節 多元迴歸分析及檢定 97 第四節 最適資本結構分析 103 第伍章 結論與建議 112 第一節 結論 112 第二節 建議 118 參考文獻 121 中文部分 121 英文部分 124


黃文珊, Huang, Wen-Shan Unknown Date (has links)
在這個知識經濟時代中,智慧資本是組織競爭優勢的關鍵所在,而智慧資本的創造、發展、分享及整合則是創造企業價值的主要動因。因此,智慧資本對一個組織而言是很重要的資源,然而每個組織需要的資源種類及多寡是否相同? 又該如何衡量、蓄積與管理? 這些將成為未來企業競爭的重要關鍵。在資源基礎論下認為企業應持續建構及運用本身的經營條件,以對抗外在環境的變化,特別強調資源對公司經營與未來發展的重要性,由此可知,資源是企業策略決策的思考邏輯中心。因此,對資源之需求理論上應隨著策略之不同而有所不同,然而是否會真的有所不同? 具體上又有何不同? 值得我們進一步探討。 然而在企業界的現行實務中,企業所實際擁有的智慧資本是否足以幫助企業達成策略目標與組織目標,非常值得深思。若能掌握企業為達策略目標所需之智慧資本與目前實際擁有之智慧資本的差異狀況,相信能對企業蓄積智慧資本應努力方向提供切實且有助益之參考。故本研究的目的主要係探討企業應重視蓄積之智慧資本為何、應重視蓄積之智慧資本是否會隨著企業所採策略不同而不同,以及實際蓄積不足而應加強蓄積之智慧資本為何。   本研究係以我國資訊電子業之上市與上櫃公司為研究對象,並採取問卷調查法來進行,發現之結果如下: 一、企業所重視之智慧資本包含「研發能力與智財強度」、「提昇顧客關係能力」、「營運管理能力」、「提昇人力品質能力」、「行銷能力」、「製程彈性與產能利用」、「生產品質」、以及「組織結構」八個因素構面。 二、企業對於智慧資本之重視蓄積程度會隨著企業所採取策略之不同而不同。 三、兩策略下蓄積不足之智慧資本主要皆集中於「營運管理能力」構面以及「研發能力與智財強度」構面有關之項目,但採低成本策略之企業亦明顯在「生產品質」構面之項目上蓄積不足。 四、企業之智慧資本未達蓄積目標會影響企業績效。 / In this knowledge-based economy, intellectual capital is the key factor to help firms get its competitive advantage. The creation, development, sharing and integration of intellectual capital is the key driver to create the value of firms. Therefore, intellectual capital is a very important resource for a firm. However, what kind of resource do different firms need and how much do they need? How to measure, store, and manage the resource will be the key point for firms to compete in the future. In the resource-base theory, it is thought that firms should keep constructing and making use of its terms to react to the change of the external environment. It also insist on the importance of the resource for firms, so we can know that resource is the logic center for firms to make a strategic decision. Therefore, the need for resource will be different by the strategy. But what’s the different is worth for us to discuss. It is worth for us to think about that in practice do firms really have enough intellectual capital to help them reach the strategic goal of a frim. If we can know well about the difference between the intellectual capital which firms really have and the intellectual capital they want to have, we can provide a practical and helpful way for firms to store their own intellectual capital. The objective of this study is to find out what intellectual capital should firms need to emphasis on. Are they different by strategy. And what intellectual capital should they enhance to store. In this study, both questionnaire survey method are used. The public firms in the electronic industry are the objects of the thesis. We found that: 1. Firms should emphasis on eight intellectual capital, including research, development and intellectual property ability, increase customer relationship ability, operation processes management, increase human quality ability, sales ability, manufacture process elasticity and capacity utilization, manufacture quality, and business structure. 2. The importance of intellectual capital for a firm is affected by strategic types. 3. Firms are mainly insufficient in operation processes and research, development and intellectual property ability. However firms taken low cost strategy are especially insufficient in manufacture quality. 4. The insufficient of intellectual capital will influence business performance.


莊雅雲, Chuang, Ya-Yun Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,隨著台灣金融環境自由化,再加上金融創新的趨勢使然,各種不同的對外公開融資工具紛紛出籠,企業可以依照公司之所需及當時經濟環境狀況來決定其要選擇的融資工具,而在這樣的研究背景之下,本研究針對國內電子資訊業上市櫃公司,以民國88年到民國93年為研究期間,探討公司四種對外公開融資選擇與其財務特性差異之間的相關性研究,主研究內容包括選擇負債與權益融資之公司財務特性差異,以及選擇國內與國外融資之公司財務特性差異,利用Panel Logit Model-多項邏輯迴歸模型,在研究資料為連續時間固定樣本的Panel Model形式,加入時間效果或個別企業效果,探討公司財務特性差異與其選擇融資工具及融資地點之間的相關性研究。研究結果如下: / 一、非Panel模型實證結果: 針對公司選擇以負債或權益工具進行融資之財務特性比較,當公司選擇在國內進行融資,規模愈小、成長性愈低、獲利能力愈高、財務風險愈高、及營運風險愈高的公司,會較傾向以國內權益工具進行融資;而當公司選擇在國外進行融資時,規模愈大及獲利能力愈高的公司,會愈傾向以國外權益工具進行融資。 而對於公司融資地點不同之財務特性比較,則不論以負債或權益工具進行融資,只要公司的規模愈大,公司會愈傾向到國外進行融資。 / 二、考慮時間效果的Panel模型實證結果: 有關公司選擇以負債或權益工具進行融資之財務特性比較,當公司選擇在國內進行融資,規模愈大、成長性愈高、財務風險愈低、及營運風險愈低的公司,會較傾向以國內負債工具進行融資;而在時間效果部分,相較於民國88年基期,民國90年到民國93年,公司會更傾向使用國內負債融資工具。而當公司選擇在國外進行融資時,規模愈小的公司,會愈傾向以國外負債工具進行融資,且在民國92年到民國93年,這個現象會更加明顯。 有關公司選擇在國內或國外進行融資之財務特性比較,不論以負債或權益工具進行融資,只要公司的規模愈大,公司會愈傾向到國外進行融資。而在時間效果影響部分,相較於民國88年比較基期,在民國92年,台灣電子資訊產業上市櫃公司會更傾向到國外進行融資。 / 三、考慮個別企業效果的Panel模型實證結果: 有關公司選擇以負債或權益工具進行融資之財務特性比較,當公司選擇在國內進行融資,規模愈小、成長性愈低、獲利能力愈高、財務風險愈高、及營運風險愈高的公司,相較於以國內負債工具融資,會較傾向以國內權益工具進行融資;而當公司選擇在國外進行融資時,規模愈小、獲利能力愈高、及財務風險愈大的公司,相較於以國外負債融資,會愈傾向以國外權益工具進行融資。 有關公司選擇在國內或國外進行融資之財務特性比較,當公司選擇以負債工具進行融資時,規模愈大或是營運風險愈高的公司,相較於選擇在國內融資,公司會愈傾向到國外進行融資;而當公司選擇以權益工具進行融資時,財務風險愈高的公司,相較於選擇在國內融資,公司會愈傾向到國外進行融資。 / In recently years, with the liberalization and innovation trends in financial institutions, there are more and more different kinds of financing instruments that corporations can choose to finance their capital needs. Under such environment, this paper attempts to find out the relationships between corporations’ financial choices and their financial characteristics. Based on the data of Taiwan public issuing firms’ data from 1999 to 2004 and the Panel Logit Model adding time or individual firm effect, this paper not only investigates the differences of financial characteristics between firms choose debt or equity financing instruments, but also analyzes the differences of financial characteristics between firms choose domestic or international financing. The main empirical results are as follows: / 1.Non-Panel Logit Model For the comparisons of firms using different financing instruments, when firms choose domestic financing, the smaller the size, the lower the growth rate, the higher the profitability, financial risk and operational risk, firms will more tend to choose equity instruments for financing. On the other hand, when firms choose international financing, the larger the size and the higher the profitability, firms will more tend to choose equity instruments. As for the comparisons of firms choosing domestic or international financing, firms will be more willing to finance internationally when their size are larger. / 2.Panel Logit Model with Time Effect For the comparisons of firms using different financing instruments, when firms choose to finance domestically, the larger the size, the higher the growth rate, the lower the financial and operational risk, firms will tend to choose debt instruments for financing. As for the time effect, firms will more tend to use domestic debt instrument for financing from 2001 to 2004. On the other side, when firms choose to finance internationally, they will be more willing to choose debt instruments for financing when their size are smaller. Moreover, this tendency is more apparently from 2003 to 2004. As for the comparisons of firms choosing domestic or international financing, firms will tend to finance internationally when their size get larger. Moreover, this effect is more influential in 2003. / 3.Panel Logit Model with Individual Firm Effect For the comparisons of firms using different financing instruments, when firms choose domestic financing, the smaller the size, the lower the growth rate, the higher the profitability, financial risk and operational risk, firms will more tend to use equity instruments for financing. On the other hand, when firms choose international financing, the smaller the size, the higher the profitability and financial risk, they will more tend to choose equity financing instruments. As for the comparisons of firms choosing domestic or international financing, when firms choose debt financing, the larger the size and operational risk, the more willingness of firms to choose international financing. Meanwhile, when firms choose equity financing, they will more tend to finance internationally as their financial risk are higher.


鄭惠方, Cheng,Hui-Fang Unknown Date (has links)
政府為了提升國家及產業的競爭力,特制定租稅獎勵法規以獎勵投入研發與設備、技術改良之產業與企業,而其中最具代表性的租稅獎勵法規即為「促進產業升級條例」。「產升條例」自施行以來已損失鉅額稅收,尤其「產升條例」中第六條的投資自動化機器設備、研究發展、人才培訓之投資抵減項目,該項目之抵減稅額約占總抵減稅額的百分之三十,堪稱是最重要的租稅獎勵措施,因此本研究特以「產升條例」第六條之投資抵減為研究範圍,以探討政府所提供的投資抵減租稅獎勵政策對於提升企業的經營績效是否有具體影響? 本研究以民國87年度至93年度之上市櫃電子及電機公司為研究對象,採用資料包絡分析方法計算效率值,再以是否取得投資抵減為分類,運用單變項無母數方法檢定效率值,比較有無投資抵減與經營績效之間的差異,最後以Tobit迴歸控制各項公司特性與總體產業因素進一步探討投資抵減對企業經營效率之影響。 本研究實證結果發現,不論是電子業或電機業,均顯示投資抵減政策確實使得公司降低成本,但是未能明顯提升公司的技術效率。在Tobit迴歸分析中的電子業部分,實證結果顯示投資抵減並不是提升公司經營效率的關鍵影響因素,若公司過於依賴租稅減免,反而不利於改進其成本效率;在電機業部分,實證結果顯示投資抵減獎勵沒有達成政府預期的效果,因此電子業與電機業有同樣之現象:企業過度依賴租稅減免,而未致力於技術水準之提升。 / In order to strengthen the competitiveness of the nation and industries, the government has instituted the related regulations to stimulate the R&D input, equipment investment, and technology improvement of companies. One of the most representative regulations is “Statute for Upgrading Industries,” especially the Article six of which, the most important tax measure, referring to invest in automatic equipment, R&D, and personnel training and resulting in huge number of losses of tax revenue. The number of investment credit against tax in accordance with the Article six accounts for thirty percent of the total investment tax credit. Therefore, the Article six of “Statute for Upgrading Industries” is chosen as the research topic of this thesis. The research goal is to review whether corporate operating efficiencies are influenced concretely by this tax measures. We sample the several listed companies in the electric industry and in the electrical machinery industry as our research targets, and choose DEA to calculate the efficiencies of companies classified by the applicability of investment tax credit. Finally, we utilize statistical methods to research the relationship between investment tax credit and corporate efficiencies. In our empirical study, we find that the companies, in both electric industry and electrical machinery industry, eligible for investment tax credit, have higher allocation efficiency, but those unqualified for investment tax credit have higher cost efficiency and pure technical efficiency. This result indicates that the policy of investment tax credit is able to help companies reduce costs, but is unable to improve their technical efficiencies.


陳純綾, Chen, Chun-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
在現今知識經濟的世紀中,智慧資本已成為企業獲取競爭優勢的關鍵要素。 隨著智慧資本愈來愈重要,許多企業也逐漸在年報或其他公開資訊的管道中,揭 露更多有關智慧資本的資訊。透過更多智慧資本資訊的揭露,為企業本身及投資 人、債權人間建立起彼此溝通的橋樑。 綜上所述,智慧資本的報導和揭露顯得日趨重要。相關智慧資本資訊的揭露 能使投資人及相關利害關係人更了解公司發展的潛力及價值。而過去的文獻指出 公司資訊揭露的程度會降低資金成本、提高公司股價、降低分析師盈餘預測誤差 等效益。資訊的揭露可以使投資人修正對公司價值的評價,有提高股票流動率等 效益。因此智慧資本揭露及報導能提昇財務報導的價值攸關性,適當地反應公司 真正的價值。因此,對公司而言應多揭露相關智慧資本資訊,以期為公司帶來相 關的效益。但是,哪些公司特性因素會影響智慧資本揭露程度及其是否會影響智 慧資本揭露程度和其效益間的關聯性亦是值得我們進一步探討。 若能透過一系列的分析,找出公司智慧資本揭露政策不足之處,相信能給公 司適當的建議,以符合市場上的需求,適當地揭露智慧資本,以期反應公司真正 的價值並提高公司價值。 本研究係以我國資訊電子業之上市公司為研究對象,蒐集相關資料以統計分 析方法進行,發現之結果如下: 一、公司智慧資本揭露程度和公司價值呈顯著正相關。 二、「公司規模」、「舉債程度」、「公司年齡」會顯著影響公司智慧資本揭露程度。 三、「公司規模」、「獲利能力」、「公司年齡」、「智慧資本降加價值係數(VAICTM )」 會顯著影響智慧資本揭露程度及公司價值間的關聯性。 / In this knowledge-based economy, intellectual capital is the key factor to help firms get its competitive advantage. As intellectual capital is more and more important, many enterprises gradually disclose IC-related information in annual reports or other ways. With more IC-related information disclosures, it could build a bridge to communicate between enterprises, investors, and creditors. To sum up the above-mentioned, intellectual capital disclosure and report is more and more significant with time. IC-related information discourses can make investors and stakeholders understand the value and potential of the company much more. Prior research indicates disclosing information could reduce the average cost of capital and increase company’s stock value and reduce analyst forecast errors. Information disclosure can make investors revise upward valuations of the company’s stocks and increase stock liquidity. Therefore, for companies, they should disclose IC-related information in order to bring effects. But, which kind of company would affect IC-related information and affect the relation between IC-related information and its effects is also worth to investigate further. If we can find out deficiency of company’s IC-related information with above analysis, it will be believed to give some appropriate suggestions in order to match market’s needs. Disclosing IC-related information is aimed to react the company’s real value. In this study, collecting data and statistics analysis are used. The public firms in the electronic industry are the objects of the thesis. We fund that: 1. There is a positive and significant correlation between IC disclosure and market capitalization. 2. Company size, leverage, and age will affect IC-related information disclosure significantly. 3. Company size, profitability, age, and VAIC TM will affect the relation between IC-related information disclosure and its effects (market capitalization) significantly.


郭肇軒, Kuo, Chao Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
中小企業一向為台灣經濟發展的基石,在促進經濟成長、創造就業機會、充實財政收入、平衡區域發展及帶動企業家精神方面有很大貢獻。為了研究中小企業和大企業生產技術之異同,本文選取資訊電子業和食品業為樣本資料,利用分量迴歸模型求算中小企業和大企業在此二產業的勞動偏產量彈性、資本偏產量彈性、勞動邊際產量、資本邊際產量、規模彈性、技術進步率、偏替代彈性和生產技術差異表現,分析兩者生產技術的異同並做產業比較,盼能提供台灣企業改進方向,增進整體產業之效率。 研究結果如下: (1)中小企業和大企業的勞動偏產量彈性在資訊電子業與食品業裡皆大於資本偏產量彈性,意味兩產業增加勞動投入對產出的幫助皆高於增加資本投入。 (2)大企業的勞動邊際產量在兩產業裡皆比中小企業高。 (3)中小企業和大企業的資本邊際產量都是隨分量的上升而下降。 (4)中小企業與大企業之規模彈性皆大於1。表示廠商皆應擴大生產規模,藉此降 低平均成本,增高生產效率。 (5)資訊電子業裡大企業的技術進步率高於中小企業,食品業裡中小企業和大企業的技術進步率則互有高低。 (6)偏替代彈性都在0.2分量後,大企業高於中小企業。表示大體而言台灣製造業 大企業面對市場環境變化時,反應的能力比中小企業來的好。 (7)資訊電子業大企業擁有的生產技術優勢隨生產規模增大越來越明顯,顯示研究經費支出有明顯助益,食品業裡中小企業和大企業的生產技術則互有優劣。

企業導入供應鏈管理系統之個案研究 / Case study to identify appropriate process to adopt supply chain management system

宋清國, Sung, Ching-Kuo Unknown Date (has links)
彈性與速度是企業進入二十一世紀賴以生存的命脈,特別是在以製造業聞名的台灣,更感受到全球運籌與彈性應變的壓力,從近來國內企業資源規劃(Enteprise Resources Planning;ERP)與供應鏈管理(Supply Chain Management; SCM)軟體的蓬勃發展,便可以知曉企業以資訊夥伴關係,建置商業快速回應系統(Quick Response;QR)提升顧客滿意度的企圖心。  供應鏈管理在近年來被視為提昇企業競爭力,與上、下游廠商建立信任關係的基礎之一,由於企業全球化的精密分工、接單後生產…等營運方式改變,使得企業亟需思考是否應該投入大量資源來改善供應鏈體系,對於是否、及如何導入「供應鏈管理系統」,其成與效益、導入時間點考量的基準等重要議題往往欠缺有效的評估準則云云,所以本研究乃探討製造業導入供應鏈的關鍵成功因素,期能提供業者經營、策略制定上進一步參考。  本研究將以國內外學者對供應鏈管理的相關文獻探討為研究基礎,對國內較早引進供應鏈管理、且其供應鏈體系相對較為成熟的資訊硬體產業及汽車產業,各擇一家較具代表性及配合意願較高的廠商進行實地調查的深度研究,以探索發掘供應鏈管理的關鍵要素所在,並歸納出研究結論和相關建議。  本論文之研究結論如下: 一、外部環境分析方面(驅動供應鏈管理的外部因素): (一)近年來由於資訊的科技進步,克服了資訊傳遞、處理、分析等技術問題,有利於供應鏈管理之推動  (二)行銷典範的移轉及消費觀念改變使供應鏈管理更受重視   (三)全球化趨勢催化國內產業引進供應鏈管理  (四)國際及國內企業間的激烈競爭使得供應鏈管理成為企業的競爭武器  (五)資訊分享與溝通的需要,使得供應鏈管理重要性更加提升  (六)政府輔助措施的推動,有利於產業供應鏈管理的建置與推動  二、企業內的供應鏈管理方面: (一)應以整體企業來考量供應鏈管理系統的導入及與既有系統的整合  (二)企業流程再造精神及作法的導入,是引進供應鏈管理成功與否的關鍵因素  三、企業間之供應鏈管理方面:企業內、外的整合、資源分享為關鍵功因素所在  四、企業導入供應鏈管理之應有程序:  (一)確認企業的策略目標及其在供應鏈的角色與目的  (二)塑造改革願景並對企業策略與可行性發展解決方案  (三)重新檢視與設計企業活動的流程與責任劃分  (四)成立供應鏈管理推動小組,由最高管理當局擔任召集人  (五)建立供應鏈成員的「信任」關係  (六)釐定上、下游(供應商與客戶)的整合解決方案  (七)注重「成果導向」  (八)加強訓練供應鏈管理參與廠商之人員  (九)將改革專案的精神深植於企業組織文化中  最後則提出了有關供應鏈成員關係等未來研究方向:如供應鏈管理推動後所產生的效益(有形與無形效益)如何與供應鏈成員分享(主導者、上下游及最終顧客)。此外,供應鏈管理成功與否,上下游供應鏈成員間的互動、「信任」、「合作」往往扮演著關鍵性的地位,因此,應可進一步應用社會學中有關「信任」(trust)方面的領域、理論到供應鏈管理成員信任關係,及該信任關係對供應鏈管理績效的影響。 / "Supply chain management system; SCM" has been deemed as one of the useful tools for businesses to promote their competitiveness, and to build up their trust relationship with up and down stream businesses. According to the evolved business operation modes, such as precise collaboration and BTO (build to order) systems, businesses need to reconsider whether it is necessary to allocate massive resources to improve the function of their supply chains.  Traditionally, the key factors, including the necessity, effectiveness, process and appropriate timing for SCM adoption, always lack valid criteria for evaluation. This research, therefore, aims to explore the key factors that are required to achieve successful adoption of supply chains to manufacturing industry, and to provide specific references for management policy making. This research begins with elaborating the outcomes of the supply chain literatures published by international scholars. One company each from information hardware and car industries will then be chosen to conduct field study and in-depth research in order to identify the key factors for adopting SCM, and to derive conclusions helpful to optimize business operation. The  aforementioned conclusions include: 1.Exogenous factors analysis (external driving factors of SCM adoption):  (1)How does advanced information technology, which overcomes the difficulties of information transferring, processing, and analysis that help promote the adoption of SCM.  (2)How do marketing paradigm and consuming concept shifts put SCM under the spotlight.  (3)How does globalization trend urge domestic industries to adopt SCM.  (4)How does severe competition, between international and domestic businesses, makes SCM become businesses competition forces.  (5)How do information sharing and communication needs reinforce the importance of SCM.  (6)How do government incentives help impose and promote SCM. 2.Intra –business SCM:  (1)Introduce and integrate SCM based on overall business development condition.  (2)Introduce business process reengineering as the key factor to adopt SCM. 3.Inter-business SCM: To adopt integration of intra- and inter-businesses, and resource sharing as KSF.  4.Procedures to introduce SCM:  (1)Identify business strategic goal, role and purpose  (2)Forge reform vision, strategic plan and feasible resolutions.  (3)Review and design the mechanism that controls the business activities process and responsibility sharing.  (4)Establish a SCM committee, and designate a top management as its chairman.  (5)Build up trust relationship among supply chain member business.  (6)Propose an integration plan to integrate suppliers (up stream) and clients (down stream).  (7)Implement outcome-oriented approach.  (8)Provide necessary personnel training to supply chain member businesses.  (9)Incorporate the reengineering spirit into business culture.


李玉宏 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究嘗試以CAPM所衍生出來之Market Model為主要模型,進行我國股市除權事件之分析、檢定與異常報酬分析,期能對投資人之投資決策能有所助益。本研究共蒐集了民國80年1月至民國88年6月共8年的時間,台灣證券交易所首次上市與中華民國證券櫃臺買賣中心首次上櫃的資訊電子公司,無償配發股票股利的樣本,共23個樣本點。研究在股東大會後五日與除權交易前10日到除權交易後10日之間,以市場模式估計每個樣本之合理報酬後,觀察平均股價異常報酬之變化,其實證結果顯示: 1. 對首次上市公司來說,股東大會的宣告效果不存在,股價已經先行反應該公司董事會議決之股利發放結果。至於首次上櫃公司,對於股東大會亦無其宣告效果存在,但較首次上市公司明顯,並達顯著水準。 2. 首次上市、上櫃公司在除權前10日這一段研究事件期間內,公司的股價並無除權行情的發生,而彼此間的差異也未達顯著水準。 3. 首次上市、上櫃公司在除權日當日平均異常報酬AR值均為呈現填權現象的產生,且皆是達到顯著水準。 4. 首次上市公司之股價有明顯的填權現象發生,至於首次上櫃公司的填權行情在除權後就不那麼顯著,而彼此間的差異也明顯的達到顯著水準。 5. 首次上市公司增發股利與否,其股價有呈現增加之趨勢,首次上櫃公司其股價在除權交易日當日則有呈現上漲之趨勢,而在除權後10日期間則呈現下跌之趨勢。

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