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研發服務業經營策略之研究─以虎門科技(股)公司為例楊舜如, Yang, Nerow Unknown Date (has links)
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P公司轉型新事業之研究 / To study the strategic transformation approach of a software business陳德揚, Chen, Te Yang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之方法適用夏恩博士的理論『科技創業聖經』,原名為『尋找肥沃田地---為新事業辨識絕佳的機會』(Finding Fertile Ground – Identifying Extraordinary Opportunities for New Ventures)作者夏恩Scott A. Shane結合北美一流企業管理及創新研究學府諸多重量級學者之理論成果及實戰經驗歸納於其十大議題,並於每一議題敷設十分深刻且具穿透力的自我檢核,對於創業者及如本研究者一般的轉型經營者提供極有啟發及值得深思、明辨後做出策略取捨的好問題。本研究之主軸是圍繞著如何以P公司自身轉型情境來回應十大議題進行。
本研究發現是藉由P公司實務與夏恩理論十項議題的對話發掘出P公司轉型實際作法,在價值面向:選擇正確的產業、找出有價值的機會、辨識並滿足實際市場需求、了解顧客採用行為;在資源面向:利用既有公司的弱點、管理智慧財產權、將報酬導向創新;在體系面向:管理科技演變、選擇正確的組織結構、管理風險和不確定性,以夏恩十項重點問題為理論透鏡,檢視P公司實務體會心得,並整理規納到三面向的框架,從而對P公司戰略轉型起到指導性的作用。結論部份,則將研究與實務雙向交流的過程中,在實務上有其效用之處,及理論上獲印證之回饋點,匯整而闡明之。 / This research adopts researcher him self’s real practice in founding the P software company as the case study of strategic transformation. Since P software company transforms herself from the domestic enterprise project field to Taiwan’s hi-tech industry software solution exporting to the worldwide market, such a big change in a short period(within a year), the research needs to review the environment factors from Taiwan’s SW industry, global embedded SW industry, Taiwan’s ICT industry(IT/Consumer Electronics/Telecom). With P software’s first hand experience and quality research approach, we intend to explore the following questions from 3 dimensions(value/resource/network): What would be the future operation scope for P company to transform to be? What are the resources and competences which P company can reply upon during her transformation?How P company to identify the correct and powerful strategic partners to boost up her transformation among the outside indutrial environment?How to find them?What would be the best joint alliance model with them?The research approach applies Scott A. Shane’s theory framework- Finding Fertile Ground – Identifying Extraordinary Opportunities for New Ventures, and we have key findings after a dialog procedure which P Company’s real practices interact to Shane’s 10 initiatives. The result shows the power and change exercised upon P Company’s transformation out of it.
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台灣地區企業資訊部門實施軟體流程管理之縱時性研究 / A Longitudinal Study of Software Process Management in MIS Departments of Taiwanese Business何泰弘 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著資訊技術的崛起與發展,無論是政府、企業組織乃至於個人對於資訊系統的依賴愈大,軟體的功能變的愈多,整體的複雜度也日漸提高,相對於軟體品質也就越受重視。對企業而言,軟體是昂貴的物品,但開發的過程卻又很難預測時間與成本。所以如何進行軟體流程管理,進而提昇軟體品質,也就成為學者所熱衷的研究議題。美國國防部遂委託卡內基美隆大學軟體工程學院進行一項研究,用以提供成熟的軟體組織之指引架構(能力成熟度模式,Capability Maturity Model),自1991年推出後,歷經多次增修,為統合其他各式標準再推出CMMI(Capability Maturity Model-Integrated,能力成熟度整合模式)。
本研究延續李有仁(2004)之研究,針對台灣地區的資訊部門之能力成熟度,透過歷史資料的分析,找出長期被追蹤之組織,進行深入研究與探討。在本研究裡,除對CMM至CMMI的演進做闡述外,也整理了國內外數年對軟體流程管理之研究。此外透過本研究,研究者可以觀察到對台灣地區中的資訊部門進行長期追蹤,有哪些組織是逐步的改善;有哪些組織在過程中反而退步了。再針對兩類型之公司進行歷史問卷資料與訪談資料的整理分析,發現成長的公司與退步的公司,其最主要的差異實務層面在於組織架構、技術管理、文件、資源與人力訓練。因為組織是企業的根本,也就是企業的體質,一個企業如果在體質上出了問題,後續訓練的投入也就無以為繼,於是整體的表現就會不佳。研究結果提供給欲投入軟體流程管理之公司及相關研究者參考。 / In the wake of information technology(IT), the government or business and even the individuals rely heavily on the information system. The more functions of software, the more complexity it has. The research about how to improve software quality through software process management has long been a hot topic. The U.S. Department of Defense commissioned Software Engineering Institute (SEI) at Carnegie Mellon University to develop a standard framework for software organization called Capability Maturity Model. Since it was announced in 1991 and revised many times, SEI released Capability Maturity Model Integrated that integrates other standards.
This research extends Li’s 2004 study and examines the capability in MIS departments of Taiwanese top 1000 businesses. It discusses the evolution of CMM and CMMI, and reviews the literature about software process management. This research discovers improved and retrogressive organizations of software process management in Taiwan. It utilizes two sources of data, one is the historical questionnaire data and the other is the interview materials. It discovers that the most significant difference practices are in organizational structure, technology management, document, resource and training. Organization is the base of business, without the base, all the other work is meaningless.
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軟體開放式創新之研究-以Google公司為例 / Research on software open Innovation-A case study of Google陳信成 Unknown Date (has links)
Chesbrough (2003)認為,企業過去「封閉式創新」的作法已不符合競爭環境的需求,企業為提高競爭力,必須走向「開放性創新」。「開放性創新」的思維在軟體產業裡已是的創新來源,網路世界最基本的法則就是越多人用就越有價值,透過開放式原始碼與開放式軟體API,讓企業外部的開發者運用企業的資源,貢獻他的創意,才能快速滿足網路使用者需求,這也讓企業能吸收外部知識,進而更新企業的核心能力,提昇競爭力。
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產品與專案特性對套裝軟體開發活動之影響吳昭勳, Wu Chao Hsun Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論 Ⅰ-1
第一節 研究背景與動機 Ⅰ-1
第二節 研究目的 Ⅰ-3
第三節 論文章節簡介 Ⅰ-4
第二章 文獻探討 Ⅱ-1
第一節 產品開發活動 Ⅱ-1
第二節 產品特性與產品開發活動 Ⅱ-29
第三節 專案特性與產品開發活動 Ⅱ-34
第四節 小結 Ⅱ-36
第三章 研究架構與方法 Ⅲ-1
第一節 研究架構 Ⅲ-1
第二節 研究方法 Ⅲ-2
第三節 研究限制 Ⅲ-7
第四章 個案研究 Ⅳ-1
第一節 個案訪談基本資料 Ⅳ-1
第二節 個案一、T-公司TVCS產品開發專案 Ⅳ-2
第三節 個案二、U-公司PHOTOIMPACT4.0產品開發專案 Ⅳ-13
第四節 個案三、N-公司丹青4.0黃金版產品開發專案 Ⅳ-24
第五節 個案四、L-公司無蝦米產品專案 Ⅳ-34
第六節 個案五、S-公司大富翁四產品開發專案 Ⅳ-43
第七節 個案六、E-公司未來EQ小領袖產品開發專案 Ⅳ-51
第八節 個案七、H-公司富甲天下2產品開發專案 Ⅳ-60
第九節 個案八、I-公司阿毛的ABC第四輯產品開發專案 Ⅳ-69
第五章 個案分析與研究發現 Ⅴ-1
第一節 個案分析比較 Ⅴ-1
第二節 研究發現 Ⅴ-13
第三節 其它研究發現 Ⅴ-38
第六章 研究結論與建議 Ⅵ-1
第一節 研究結論 Ⅵ-1
第二節 實務上的建議 Ⅵ-3
第三節 對後續研究建議 Ⅵ-6
參考文獻 Ⅶ-1
中文部份 Ⅶ-1
英文部份 Ⅶ-4
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企業訓練課程軟體設計開發之研究--以會計總帳系統為例周育瑩 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 電腦媒體具有結合視覺、聽覺、動態媒體的特性,可以滿足不同程度的受訓者對時間、地點、課程內容要求的彈性,以及較佳的學習情境營造。
2. 提出腳本設計架構,針對課程軟體的腳本設計的功能性、技術性、藝術性提昇做進一步的探討。腳本設計要考慮以下四項:專業領域知識的整合、設計適當的訓練課程內容、充分發揮電腦媒體特性、生動的取材方式。
3. 綜合本研究實際設計、製作會計總帳系統訓練課程軟體的經驗,有以下的心得與建議,訓練課程軟體的小組合作成員,一定要有耐心、不斷嘗試的製作態度、重視團隊默契的重要性、累積個人的知識經驗,才能合力創作好的訓練課程軟體。
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應用群組軟體建立動態團隊合作之研究 / Building Dynamic Teamwork by using Groupware邱秀美, Chiu, Hsiu-Mei Unknown Date (has links)
本文提出動態團隊產生引擎的觀念,係以解決問題及顧客滿意為導向,根據問題的難易程度找出解決問題所需專長,形成團隊在網路上同時相互討論共同解決問題,並依此觀念應用群組軟體建立雛型。利用這種方式,組織內專家可以突破空間之限制,在網路上解決問題,不需來回奔波,可增加效率及生產力。除此之外,可迅速產生適當人員解決問題可避免大才小用、縮短反應時間、提升組織的彈性及應變能力等。本研究並針對如此的應用,對組織可能產生衝擊作一初步探討。 / Due to the hard competition and dramatic changes in business environment, Jobs and problems will be solved by team work instead of single person. Using groupware on computer network can improve communication, coordination and cooperation among team members.
In this research, a dynamic team generation engine is proposed to organize a team based on each problem. The members for each team depend on the problem's level and domain knowledge it needs in the first time, and will be changed when necessary. The team members will discuss the problems through computer network until the solution is found. Based on this kind of concept, a prototype is built, and a small ambulance case will be studied and showed how to solve the problems by this way.
Taking the advantage of groupware, experts within the organization can solve the problems more efficiently without being restricted by time and space, which raises the productivity of organization. Moreover, dynamic team generation engine can help to search for adequate experts inside the organization to solve problems, reduce the response time raise the flexibility of the organization and the capability to adjust to changing circumstances. Influences on the management side by the application of groupware to the organization will also be discussed in this research.
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電腦軟體公司未來發展策略之個案研究吳勝雄 Unknown Date (has links)
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MoDWiz II : 可快速產生多平台導引精靈的一套生成系統 / MoDWiz II : A System for Rapid Construction of Multi-Platform Wizards曾仲瑋, Tseng, Chung Wei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究室早先即遵循模型驅動架構概念,提出一套導引精靈生成系MoDWiz,可迅速在多平台上生成具相同功能的導引精靈。然而MoDWiz尚未實現資料驗證功能,並且只支援簡單的循序式導引精靈,因此應用範圍明顯不足。為了彌補MoDWiz的不足,本研究擴充MoDWiz而成為MoDWiz II系統。除了擴充MoDWiz原有的描述語言WDL之外,MoDWiz II還支援輸入文字資料之驗證功能,可經由開發者提供的正規表達式驗證輸入資料,確保其正確性。此外MoDWiz II也引入了更具實用性的條件式導引精靈結構,使得導引精靈可以根據使用者輸入的資料導引到不同的頁面繼續進行資料蒐集。MoDWiz II目前已經可以在Java與Eclipse執行平台上產生導引精靈,其效用將更勝於原有之MoDWiz。 / A software wizard is an interactive interface program used to collect data from the end user. It is widely used in software systems and forms a common part of most applications. Not only does the wizard modularize and simplify the complex data collection process, but it can also avoid data missing and ensure data integrity. It thus would be very profitable to use wizards in an application. However, the process of implementing a wizard from scratch is tedious and complicated, not to mention building same wizards on multiple platforms. Accordingly, if there is a tool to help rapidly construct wizards on multiple platforms, the developers would be encouraged to use wizards in their applications and at the same time the cost of their applications reduced.
Before the inception of this thesis our laboratory had applied the MDA concept to the development of a wizard generating system called MoDWiz. MoDWiz enables the developer to quickly generate a wizard on multiple platforms by a simple declarative description of the target wizard. However, MoDWiz is still rather limited in that it leaves out the key component of data validation, and, more severely, it supports only sequential wizard structure, and hence cannot be used to generate most practical wizards in which nonlinearity is essential. In this thesis we extend MoDWiz to a new one called MoDWiz II. In addition to adapting the description language WDL on MoDWiz, MoDWiz II now support data validation by allowing the developers to provide input data format with regular expressions. Moreover, the most significant achievement of MoDWiz II is its ability to define branch wizards which allow different wizard pages to follow a given page depending on user input during the data collection process. MoDWiz II currently supports Java and Eclipse platforms and its application scope is apparently wider than the original MoDWiz.
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SDN OpenFlow Switch上效能評測 / Performance Evaluation of SDN OpenFlow Switch蔡明志, Tsai, Ming Chih Unknown Date (has links)
近年來隨著寬頻上網,物聯網,雲端計算,移動裝置等新技術及新業務的快速發展,在愈來愈多各種型態連網裝置快速增加的情況下,同時也使人們對IP位址的需求日增。然而目前IPv4卻無法針對此需求,提供一個相對大量的位址,也因此對於IPv4到IPv6網路的升級有其迫切性與必要性。IPv4過渡到IPv6網路目前提出的方法有三種:Dual Stack、Tunneling以及Translation。Tunneling及Translation皆有其效能上的瓶頸,為過渡期間的應用技術。目前主要推動的技術為Dual Stack,在Dual Stack模式下,可以由IPv4網路逐步演進成IPv4與IPv6共存互通,最後再形成以IPv6為主的網路。現階段愈來愈多的IPv6設備與節點,為順利的連接舊的IPv4與新的IPv6網路,藉由具有Dual Stack能力的SDN交換機網路設備,將是個有效的解決方案,也將使得IPv6網路的管理及升級更具有彈性。SDN、IPv6為現今幾個熱門的研究議題,看似不同領域的電腦相關技術,然而若使上述幾種技術相互連結使用,將使得未來之網路環境更具備可擴充性、可管理性、靈活性與敏捷性。
為了解SDN交換機上的效能,本論文提出一個測試平台架構。利用Linux系統做為待測網路設備,並在待測網路設備上模擬Bridge、Router、Open vSwitch SDN交換機等不同環境。測試端為Linux系統,並使用Iperf測試軟體,透過對待測網路設備不同模擬環境下發送不同大小的封包做效能測試。實驗中同時也量測IPv4網路協定,以作為和傳統網路效能的比較。另外,也量測了SDN交換機同時在IPv4及IPv6雙協定的負載下,和單獨的IPv4協定或IPv6協定做效能上的差異比較。最後,也模擬同時在多主機下對待測網路設備進行封包的發送與接收,以測試SDN交換機在多主機下的負載狀況。
經由測量的數據分析,IPv6在Open vSwitch SDN交換機上運行效能幾乎等同於傳統的IPv4,也驗證IPv6在交換機上的可行性。此外,當SDN交換機同時運行在IPv4和IPv6雙協定環境下,在整體效能的表現上和單獨運行單協定相比幾近相同,也證明SDN交換機同時運行在雙協定下的可行性。由多主機負載的實驗數據分析,在以UDP協定做資料傳送時,愈多的主機因為資源的競爭問題愈大外,間接也會造成愈多packet loss。並且對較大的封包,packet loss的問題也愈嚴重,但相對來看,在以TCP協定做資料傳送時,total throughput的瓶頸則決定於網路卡的效能,即效能愈好的網路卡,愈能提升多主機環境下的total throughput。 / Software Defined Network (SDN) is a new software-based network architecture and technique. The main characteristic is to separate the control functions and the data forwarding functions of the traditional layer 2 or layer 3 network devices. Since the separated control functions can be centralized management with software design flexibility, thus network managers can control the underlying resource device easier, which greatly enhances the ability to automate network management as well as effectively resolves the problems confronted by conventional network system, such as lack of network topology flexibility, limited network scalability.
In recent decades, along with broadband Internet access, Internet of Things, cloud computing, the rapid development of new technologies and the rapid increase of network devices, it has increased the demand for IP address to a great extent. While IPv4 can not meet the current demand to offer a relatively large number of addresses and thus it is urgent and essential to upgrade IPv4 to IPv6 network. Transition from IPv4 to IPv6 network currently is proposed in these three ways which respectively named Dual Stack, Tunneling, and Translation. Tunneling and Translation have their performance bottlenecks and only Dual Stack mode can be gradually evolved from IPv4 to IPv4 and IPv6 coexistence network, eventually toward the IPv6-based network. There are increasing numbers of IPv6 devices and nodes with the aim to connect IPv4 network to IPv6 network, through SDN switch with Dual Stack network which would be an effective solution. It makes the IPv6 network management and maintenance more flexible. IPv6 and SDN are two hot researching issues currently. If they can be linked with each other, it will be more scalable and flexible for the network environment in the future.
In order to understand the effectiveness of the SDN switch, this paper presents a test platform architecture. Using Linux systems as a Device under Testing, we simulate Bridge, Router, Open vSwitch SDN switch network equipment on it. Test end is Linux system, and Iperf serves as a test software. Through simulation of the Device under Testing in different scenarios, we have performed many tests on different sizes of packets. The experiment also measures IPv4 network protocol and compares with traditional network. In order to compare with the performance of separate IPv4 or IPv6 protocol, the loading of SDN switch running both of IPv4 and IPv6 dual protocol is measured. Finally, simulation on multi-host is tested under Device under Testing in sending and receiving packet which is to test SDN switch under a multi-host loading conditions.
Through the analysis of the measured data, the performance of IPv6 running on the Open Switch SDN switch is equivalent to that of the traditional IPv4. It also proves the feasibility and efficiency of IPv6 on the switch. In addition, when SDN switch running in IPv4 and IPv6 Dual Stack mode simultaneously, the overall performance is almost exactly the same as single IPv4 or IPv6 protocol, which proves the feasibility of SDN switch in Dual Stack mode. Based on the analysis of multiple-host loading, UDP protocols were used during data transfer. Apart from multi-hosts with more competition for resourcing issue, a packet loss will be aroused indirectly. We observed that larger packets can cause more packet loss. However, with TCP protocols during data transfer, total throughput bottleneck is determined by the effectiveness of the network card. Therefore, the better the effectiveness of the network card is, the higher total throughput can be provided in multi-host environment.
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