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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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柯景騰, Ko, Ching-Teng Unknown Date (has links)
台灣因地理位置、氣候與地形等因素,孕育了豐富的森林資源。林務局廣設永久樣區以瞭解森林資源之分布與蓄積情形,永久樣區每隔五年進行全面性調查,調查所得資料繁多,惟永久樣區之植物資源調查資料僅記錄樣區之坐標位置與樣區內植物之分布情形,並未建立相關圖面資料,以至於無法與其他圖籍資料進行套疊分析。 本研究以MapServer、Zope等自由軟體與自行開發之軟體工具,處理圖形與相關屬性資料,以建構符合OGC(Open Geospatial Consortium)提出之網路地圖服務(Web Map Service,WMS)與網路圖徵服務(Web Feature Service,WFS)規格的WebGIS伺服端系統,並且整合各項森林資源表簿調查資料與圖籍資料,建構一包含森林永久樣區與樣木之空間與屬性資料的森林資源調查管理系統,以提供管理者經營管理與規劃之良好工具。 / There are plentiful forest resources in Taiwan because of the unique geographic location, climate and terrain. In order to acquire the information of distribution and storage of forest resources, the Forest Bureau sets up a lot of sample plots, and these sample plots will be fully surveyed every five years. Numerous data were collected, however only the coordinates of sample plots and the distribution of vegetation within those sample plots were recorded. It is not possible to perform map overlay analysis with the other map data because of lacking spatial data of sample plots. In this research, a WebGIS (web-based GIS) system was developed entirely from free software including MapServer, Zope, Apache and PostgreSQL/PostGIS. This WebGIS system is based on the OGC OpenGIS architecture (WMS and WFS), therefore it is easy to share geospatial data with the other GIS systems for various applications. Furthermore, a forest resources management system was established, which integrates the attribute data from field investigation and generates spatial data of sample plots and sample trees automatically.

即時通訊軟體MSN Messenger暱稱之呈現與溝通策略 / The nickname writing of MSN Messenger: Its presentation and interactive strategies.

林玉婷, Lin,Yu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以即時通訊軟體MSN Messenger暱稱作為研究對象,針對以往研究中鮮少考慮到的暱稱中介呈現特性,探討MSN使用者藉由暱稱所產生的自我呈現策略為何,重點在於人們如何在他人面前呈現自己,並進而產生溝通行動,對內溝通和對外溝通的過程中是否會產生相互協商、調整的狀況。 因為即時通訊軟體是聯繫人際網絡的溝通平台,暱稱是其中展現自我的舞台。因此本研究主要以人際互動、自我呈現與暱稱等相關理論進行探討。從傳統人際互動理論切入,探討電腦中介傳播中的人際互動與傳統模式有何不同,MSN又在其中佔有什麼溝通位置。利用符號互動論及戲劇理論來理解人際互動過程中,自我、互動、符號等概念是如何交互影響,人際互動中自我呈現的策略原則,以及自我概念如何在網路環境中轉變。最後對於暱稱概念演變進行討論,並提出MSN暱稱的獨特性以彰顯本研究的關注焦點。用此部分的暱稱概念連結前兩大部分的理論概念,發展出包含四大要素(MSN科技、使用者、暱稱、人際關係)的研究架構與研究問題,作為進入現象面調查的理論基礎與操作原則。 本研究針對MSN使用者進行深度訪談,分別從筆者的朋友群和在網路上張貼公告來尋找自願受訪者,最後成功訪談十七位受訪者,從訪談和受訪者所提供的暱稱文本中歸納出五大部分:MSN的使用情形與影響、暱稱書寫與呈現、暱稱產生的溝通互動與呈現策略、暱稱的循環互動意涵。 其中得出MSN是介於傳統人際互動與電腦中介傳播間的新傳播型態,與現實的人際網絡關係緊密。暱稱中所呈現的自我意涵相當強烈,為了保護書寫自我的動機,使用者發展出多樣化的暱稱書寫策略,而暱稱中所建構出的自我意涵不同於電腦中介傳播中普遍所述之破碎、流動的自我概念,反倒接近傳統的自我論述所說的連續性建構。最後,因為暱稱與自我概念緊扣,表面看似流動性大的暱稱,在持續寫作下卻呈現出連續性的自我呈現過程,有可能成為另一種文本類型。

國家代理機構在軟體產業發展中扮演的角色 / The role of state agency in software industry development

彭思錦 Unknown Date (has links)


孫百佑, Sun, Pai-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文主要是從民眾的角度,深入瞭解政府在推動業務電子化的過程,在便民服務方面所產生的效益,進而探討國外先進國家的推動概況,由於國情不同,各國均有其特別之處可供參考;隨著我國電子化政府快速的推展,在國際著名調查機構對世界各國的評比中大多名列前茅,使政府願意在電子化政府的投資加碼,因此在數位台灣計畫中包括了許多e 化政府的計畫;目前在電子化政府相關計畫中除了更新現有大型系統的計畫之外,其核心計畫是一個跨機關橫向整合的計畫,建立e政府服務平台,以期能達到「提供民眾更豐富、精緻的資訊內容、更深化的網路申辦服務、與網路公民更多的互動,經由網路的溝通管道,實踐政府治理的目標」。 本文中除探討e政府服務平台對各級政府機關e化的影響之外,也一併探討在政府e化過程,可能對國內軟體產業的影響,以及目前政府推動建置平台的政策,對產業生態的可能影響;這些政策的落實,未來對於國內軟體產業的衝擊將非常可觀,因此,本論文也對國內軟體業者提出一些建議,以供業界因應與轉型參考。 / This paper mainly emphasizes on the effect of which the electronic government interface in Taiwan brings to the citizens, especially in the aspect of citizen-oriented services. Moreover, this article reviews the e-government services in other countries and their vary kinds of developing experiences as reference. Along with the quick development of the e-government service, the rank of Taiwan is always in the top list judged and rated by world-famous institutions. As a result, the government of Taiwan is willing to invest more to the plans of e-government which play an important role in the e-Taiwan project. Currently the plan attempts not only to renew the existing mainframe system, but also to build an “e-government service platform” to integrate services over different departments and resources. This platform is the core of Taiwan e-government plan. It can offer citizens vary and delicate information, more high level applications of service, and more interaction with Internet citizens. By utilizing Internet as a communication channel, it can implement the aim of governance more effectively. In the final part of this paper, it analyzes the influence of “e-service platform“ towards each level of government units. In addition, it discusses about how the e-government plan affects the software industry. Furthermore, how the policy about the platform influences the status of software industry is also mentioned in this paper. Once the policy is carried out, it is expected to be some serious impacts on domestic software industry. Therefore, this study also gives suggestions to software companies to make a preparation or reformation in advance.


郭慈容, GUO, CI-RONG Unknown Date (has links)
我國電腦軟體工業尚處於起步階段,開發電腦軟體的成本不高,其會計處理對企業財 務狀況之表達,影響不大,企業因此也不重視其會計處理的適切性。然時勢所趨,隨 著軟體成本佔企業總支出比重之日益上升,其會計處理的適當與否,對企業財務報表 之表達,其影響就益發顯得重大了! 根據現行的財務會計準則,應將研究發展(R&D)成本列為當期費用。因此,開發軟 體過程中所發生的成本,究有多少成本應屬R&D費用的性質,即影響了軟體開發成本 之會計處理應予費用化或予資本化的合理性。 本論文研究之目的,就在探討電腦軟體成本之性質及適當的會計處理方法。以提供我 國於將來制定有關會計原則的參考,俾供軟體業者有所遵循。 本論文將從軟體會計之意義談起,從各種研究文獻及美國FASB所發佈有關之會計準則 公報的整理分析,討論各種會計處理方法的適用性。並以直接寄發問卷的方式,調查 國內軟體會計之現況。另外則函請會計師界站在實務的觀點,表示其對軟體會計的意 見,以期自理論與實務雙方面的考慮,對我國會計原則之制定,提出具體之建議。


曾栗萱 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著知識經濟時代的來臨,企業必須整合組識中所有人的知識,運用資訊技術來保存、加速流通,讓員工之間互相激盪以創造更多不同以往的想法,如此一來無論是提供有形產品還是無形服務,都能夠快速地回應瞬息萬變的市場與消費者需求,而有助於企業之永續經營。這些企業內部無形的資產,如員工的專業技術、著重創新的組織氣氛、有效率的流程和穩定且良好的顧客關係,即一般所稱之「智慧資本」。 雖然智慧資本的議題非常受到重視,但以往的文獻大多在探討智慧資本的定義、包含內容,或是智慧資本管理與衡量模型的建立,對於智慧資本和經營績效間之關聯性卻鮮少提及,因此本研究以我國資訊產業為樣本,探討該產業中影響經營績效之重要智慧資本為何。由於資訊產業中包括許多性質不同之子產業,雖然同屬高科技產業,但彼此之產業特性仍因產品不同而有些微差異,故本研究進一步將資訊產業以主要產品為有形或無形為依據,分為資訊硬體業和資訊軟體與服務業兩種,分析其影響經營績效之重要智慧資本項目及構面。 本研究之結果如下: 1. 智慧資本會影響資訊產業之經營績效,因此身處此產業之公司應致力於智慧資本之累積,並利用員工附加價值、研發生產力等重要智慧資本衡量指標來評估自身努力的成果,以求不斷增強智慧資本。 2. 對於資訊軟體與服務業而言,影響經營績效之重要智慧資本項目為員工附加價值、員工平均變動率、去年研發密集度、總資本週轉率、管理費用率、組織穩定度、營收成長率及主要客戶數。而重要之智慧資本構面為人力資本和顧客資本。 3. 資訊硬體業,其影響經營績效之重要智慧資本項目為員工附加價值、研發生產力、員工平均變動率、管理費用率及產品退回比率。而重要之智慧資本構面為人力資本、創新資本及流程資本。 4. 資訊產業中不同子產業其重要智慧資本項目和構面,會因產業特性不同而有些許差異,故企業應了解所處產業環境、競爭對象及產品特色,加強有助於經營績效提昇之智慧資本。如性質偏服務業者,應特別重視顧客資本,而偏製造業者,應重視創新及流程資本。另外,人力資本無論是在哪一種產業,其重要性都是無庸至疑的。

我國中小型資訊軟體業技術知識特質與創新行為之研究 / An Exploratory Study on Relationship between Characteristics of Technological Knowledge and Innovation Behavior on SME in Computer Software Industry in Taiwan

吳健鑫, Chien-Hsin Wu Unknown Date (has links)
中小企業在台灣的經濟發展過程中的地位是眾所皆知的,然而,有關科技型中小企業的創新行為的研究,無論是國內或國外都不是很多。本研究即以個案研究法,針對台灣的中小型資訊軟體公司,探討其軟體專業類型、中小企業特質與研發創新專案的技術知識特質,對創新行為之關聯性及影響。本研究之主要研究發現如下: 一、不同軟體專業類型之中小型資訊軟體公司,其技術知識特質不同。 二、技術知識特質會影響中小型資訊軟體公司的創新行為.: 1.創新專案之技術知識特質會影響:(1)共同解決問題時,團隊成員背景異質/多元性;(2) 共同解決問題時,問題時,藉由鼓勵創造性摩擦產生創造性的知識結合;(3)組織鼓勵實驗的風氣;(4)是否藉由參加教育訓練課程作為知識吸收之來源。 2.創新專案之技術知識的標準化程度高低不同,使用原型溝通的方式不同。 3.創新專案之技術知識的路徑相依程度會影響創新行為中鼓勵智慧型失敗的風氣。 三、中小企業特質會影響中小型資訊軟體公司的創新行為: 1.中小型資訊軟體業由於軟體專業類型不同,使得企業主參與程度不同,組織的創新行為(鼓勵創造性的知識結合與實驗的風氣)亦不相同。 2.中小型資訊軟體業的正式化程度與組織的創新行為無明顯關聯性。 3.中小型資訊軟體業的研發人員之自主性越高,對於組織的創新行為越有正面的影響。 四、不同軟體專業類型之中小型資訊軟體公司,其創新行為與管理作法不同。 五、本研究之次要研究發現: 1.中小型資訊軟體公司的軟體專業類型不同,企業主參與程度不同。 2.中小型資訊軟體公司的軟體專業類型不同,其研發人員自主性不同。 3.中小型資訊軟體公司的技術知識特質多元化程度與標準化程度不同,研發人員自主性不同。 4.中小型資訊軟體公司之創新行為中執行與整合新科技與工具時,使用者參與程度以諮詢模式為主。 5.中小型資訊軟體公司之企業規模越大,對於創新行為越有正面的影響。 因此,本研究建議,中小型資訊軟體公司若要持續性的創新以增強企業體質,確實需要瞭解不同的技術知識特質對創新行為的影響,藉由創新活動與程序的管理,來提升企業的創新能力與成效。 / It is well known that the SMEs (Small & Medium-sized Enterprises) have played an important role in the process of economic development in Taiwan. This thesis attempts to take an exploratory study of the relationship between characteristics of technological knowledge and innovation behavior on SMEs in computer software industry in Taiwan. There are primary figures found in the thesis: Ⅰ.Different categories of computer software in SMEs have the different types of characteristics of technological knowledge. Ⅱ.Characteristics of technological knowledge have the effect on the innovation behavior of SMEs, such as: 1. Characteristics of technological knowledge in an innovative project have an influence on a).the diversity of team members, when the team work is held; b).whether there comes a creativity of knowledge combination via creative abrasion or not, when the team work is held; c).the intensity of encouragement of R&D in a company; d).whether the company takes the formal training courses as a knowledge source. 2. The standardization of technological knowledge in an innovative project has an influence on how the prototype is used in the R&D process of the project. 3. The path-dependency of technological knowledge in an innovative project has an influence on the intensity of encouragement of failing forward in a company. Ⅲ. Characteristics of SMEs have the effect on the innovation behavior of SMEs in computer software industry, such as: 1. Due to different categories of computer software, the proprietors of SMEs have different intensity of involvement and then make innovation behavior of the organization different. 2. The organizational formalization of the SMEs in computer software industry has no apparent relationship with innovation behavior. 3. The extent of autonomy of R&D employees in SMEs in computer software industry has a positive relationship with innovation behavior. Ⅳ. SMEs in different categories of computer software have different innovation behavior and management methods. Ⅴ. Other submary figuress of this thesis are as follows: 1. SMEs in different categories of computer software have different intensity of involvement of proprietors. 2. SMEs in different categories of computer software have different extent of autonomy of R&D employees. 3. When SMEs in different categories of computer software have the different diversity along with standardization of technological knowledge, there is a different extent of autonomy of R&D employees. 4. In innovation behavior, most of SMEs in computer software industry take inquiry method as the intensity of involvement of users, when they attempt to implement and to integrate new technology or tools. 5. The larger scale of SMEs in different categories of computer software takes more positive effects on innovation behavior. As the results, this thesis suggests that SMEs in different categories of computer software should understand the how different characteristics of technological knowledge affect the innovation behavior, when they attempt to make the company stronger via continuous innovation. They can also improve the innovative capability and performance by innovation management.


游文人, Yu,Wen-Jen Unknown Date (has links)
縱觀我國資訊軟體產業發展至現在存在著規模偏小、資金不足、市場受限等問題。在這種情況之下,如何司法國際,合作或是策略聯盟來解決諸多問題。 本研究以國內資訊軟體產業發展為主要研究對象,期望探討我國資訊軟體產業的發展策略與方向。研究目標為探討我國資訊軟體產業的現階段現象、關鍵優勢及未來的發展利基。 首先透過全球重要國家的資訊軟體產業現況分析與競爭策略做分析,在分析後發現我國資訊軟體產業的發展要素可能會受到政府策略、人才培育計劃、市場需求三個要素所影響。之後本研究根據五大重要國家愛爾蘭、以色列、印度、南韓及大陸的發展模式進行分析推論,發現不同國家的資訊軟體策略與發展重點均不相同,並佐以IDC全球資料分析建構出三個重點,分別是我國軟體產業發展策略、資訊教育系統人才培育計劃、政府整體資訊政策。 希望由這些國家過去及現在的經驗中分析出對我國資訊軟體產業有幫助的方向。本研究希望能夠參考這些國家的經驗,將該國家的相關資訊基本資料及資訊軟體業現況做一分析及探討,並研究其資訊策略的形成運用現況及效果。 / In Taiwan, the software industry is facing problems like scalability, insufficient funding and restricted markets for the past years. To solve such problems, we need cooperation or strategic alley from global experiences. Our research is target at the software industry development in Taiwan. We hope to find out the development strategies and directions for the software industry. Our objectives are to analyze the current status of the software industry and to find out the critical advantages and inches for future development. We choose five countries well-known for their software industry as our analysis base. These countries are Ireland, Israel, India, South Korea and Mainland China. From their experiences, we find out three critical factors for the software industry including the government strategies, human resource incubation plans and market needs. Based on IDC global data and our analysis, we conclude that different countries have different software development strategies. Moreover, we recommend three key points for the software industry development in Taiwan. The three key points are software industry development strategy, information-related education and national wide software policy. In this research, we analyze some well-known countries for their past and current software experiences. We investigate their software industry polices and strategies. Then, we conclude some critical factors for the software industry in Taiwan. We hope that our conclusion points out some useful directions for the software industry in Taiwan.


黃惠卿, Huang, Hui Ching Unknown Date (has links)
台灣金融業為因應全球金融自由化及國際化的趨勢,近年來,陸續成立了十四家金融控股公司,藉由原有之金融三大領域;銀行、保險與證券之資源統籌與資本集中,建立多角化的經營版圖,同時開發創新的組合式金融商品,以共同行銷之方式,提供顧客一次購足的服務並降低營運成本。 本研究基於探索共同行銷電腦化整合的動機,並以下列二點為研究目的: 1. 探討金融控股公司如何運用集團資訊資源,減少各子公司之重覆投資,達到資源共享目的。 2. 探討金融集團共同行銷之資訊應用系統整合架構。 本研究以Zachman Framework資訊架構為分析工具,進行以國內某金融集團為例之個案研究,此一個案之核心係銀行與保險公司之保單借款,並於其中加入證券公司資源以利探討金融集團應用資訊之整合,分析企業應用整合(EAI)平台進行即時之借款、還款與財富理財等服務之建置工作。 研究結果發現,資訊科技的整合在共同行銷上應用之成效主要有四個層面: 1. 整合集團客戶資料,建立客戶關係管理。 2. 發展組合式金融商品,滿足客戶需求。 3. 通路整合,銷售流程自動化。 4. 建立集團單一入口網站,有效降低資訊成本。 / In recent years, fourteen financial holding companies have been consecutively founded in Taiwan’s financial sector in response to the liberalization and globalization trends of the world finance. Stemming from three major finance realms, such as the pooling of resources and capital for banking, insurance, and securities, multi-faceted business territories have been established. By providing the customers with bundling of financial products and services towards a on-stop-shopping manner, the financial industry has begun to reducing operation costs by using cross-selling methodologies. This research explores thus the framework and IT requirement behind cross-selling services, with the following research goals: 1. to investigate the methodology needed by financial holding companies to employ corporate information resources to reduce redundant investments of subsidiary companies and to achieve the mutual resource usage goal. 2. to investigate the information resources integration framework for cross-selling financial corporations. Based on analytic method originated from Zachman Framework, this research conducted thus a case study on a domestic financial group. The core of this case study is to identify policy loan related cross-selling activities among the banking and insurance companies of the financial group. Therefore, the author has dissected and restructured the legacy financial application of information technology to establish an overview of the architect of EAI (Enterprise Applications Integration) platform with extension of real-time lending, repayment, and wealth management services, etc. A last, this research concludes the affected efficacy with respect to four aspects on information technology integration of cross-selling: 1. Organization of information resources and establishment of customer relations management. 2. Development of composite financial products to satisfy customer needs. 3. Channels integration and sales force automation system. 4. Establishment of enterprise portal with at least single-sign-on functionality to reduce cost efficiently.


吳文舜 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文是發展成一個方法論,將金融工程、資訊科技、商業模式這三件事情予以結合,使未來更多金融工程的研究,都可以透過這個方法論,得到更好的推廣與應用。 為了證實這個方法論,是可以被接受而且具有實務價值,所以本論文以「可轉債評價暨分析系統」(產品英文名稱為CBPA)為案例,探討可轉債評價模型,商業化成功的過程,並透過本文的方法論,來評估發展過程中的關鍵成功因素與面臨量的風險。希望透過這些業界實務經驗的分享,讓未來的類似應用,提高成功的機會。

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