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我國數位內容軟體產業的外包管理之研究—以某一軟體內容公司為例熊肇峰 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著時代迅速的改變,商業活動的型態也日新月異。人與人之間的距離藉著高科技的發展變得更加接近;許多產品不再需要限於固定地點來從事生產。當「外包」的管理策略自西方興起之後,國內的各企業體也紛紛起而效尤。這種「資源分享、利益共生」的管理概念席捲了當代的學界及產業界。各種有關外包的定義、優缺點、決策、廠商的選擇、外包的管理等等,頓時成為各界研究討論的主題。而產業界在面臨強敵環伺、競爭激烈的全球化競爭之下,發現到如果把企業本身不具競爭力的事務或產品透過有效管理,交給第三者去執行,而企業本身只需要專注於自身最具競爭力的活動,就能把企業體之經濟效益發揮到最大。同時,彼此相關的企業也能透過「專業分工」的方式,各自充分運用內部資源,掌握並發揮核心能力,形成策略聯盟的產業網絡,製造雙贏的局面。在國內探討過的公私營企業外包研究中,對於數位內容產業的討論並不多見。因此本研究採個案研究的方式,深入探討國內一家數位內容軟體廠商之外包現況。結果顯示,內容軟體公司的外包動機主要會考量到「節省成本」與「加快(開發)時程」,而外包項目主要是「非核心技術」的內容。內容軟體公司的外包決策會因應市場及本身成場需求順勢發展,由於沒有實務經驗,因此必須從經驗中學習,包括管理與承包商的遴選。在外包的初期階段,內容軟體公司與承包商之間的關係可以發展出建教合作與單純交易等較為簡易之商業模式。最後對於數位軟體產業在實務上以及後續研究方面提出五點建議。 / With the rapid change of the world, the patterns of business activities have changed dramatically everyday. Arising from the West, many enterprises in Taiwan are inclined to adopt the idea of outsourcing. The main concept of outsourcing is “resource-and-benefit sharing,” which has struck both academic and industrial fields. Various research and numerous speech and lessons have been conducted. Many companies have found that if they outsourced their non-core products or affairs to outside companies through effective management, they would be able to maximize their own economic efficacy. The correlated entities can therefore use their own internal sources to develop their core competence, build business networks, and produce a win-win situation for both parties. There is not much research concerning the outsourcing situation of digital content industry in Taiwan. Therefore, this study tended to, using a case study design, explore the present outsourcing situation of a domestic digital content company. From the results, the main reasons to outsourcing of the digital content company were to reduce cost and shorten the developmental time-span. The outsourced work was non-core skill. In response to the market situation and self-growth of the company, the outsourcing strategy was derived accordingly. Due to the lack of practical experience, the company needed to learn from doing, including outsourcing management and choosing outsourcing partners. In the beginning of outsourcing, the outsourced company and the partners could develop a co-operation relationship between enterprises and universities, and simple buy-and-sell relationship. Suggestions were made for digital content industry about the outsourcing matters and for further research.
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多租戶雲端應用程式之中介軟體框架 / A Middleware Framework for Multi-tenant SaaS Applications陳俊傑, Chen, Jiu Jye Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,雲端運算中的軟體即服務(Software as Service,SaaS)穩健與快速地成長。SaaS服務提供者在建置服務的過程中,無不希望盡可能地讓租戶共享資源,避免租戶擁有特殊資源,需要獨立維護,以降低維護營運成本。另一方面,也要能讓租戶們擁有一定程度的客製化能力,以製做出屬於租戶私有之服務邏輯。因此如何讓租戶在共有一切資源的前提下,又能提供客製化能力,將是SaaS服務提供者的一大課題。本研究所提出的中介軟體框架將在共用硬體及資料庫與單一應用程式的共用架構下,採用Force.com Universal Table資料架構,並提供三大特色功能,Tenant Aware、Data Access以及Tenant Customizability,來解決隔離性、存取Force.com Universal Table資料架構以及提供租戶客製化能力三大議題。透過此中介軟體框架應可幫助SaaS提供者,建置出一個資源共享、租戶具有客製能力與維護性高的多租戶雲端軟體服務。 / In recent years, Software as a service (SaaS), the service model of cloud computing, has been growing healthy and rapidly. When SaaS providers build service, they want tenants to share same resources, and not to have its own special resource which will cause providers to maintain it separately. SaaS providers want tenants sharing the same resources to reduce maintenance cost. But the current trend is to provide the customizability to tenants for customizing its own service. How to share resources under the premise of providing customizability to tenants will be the main challenge to SaaS providers. In this thesis, we propose a middleware framework based on shared hardware、database with a single application instance. Our framework will use the Force.com Universal Table schema as the foundation. The key features of our framework are Tenant Aware、Data Access and Tenant Customizability. These features will address the issues of isolating tenants, accessing the Force.com Universal Table schema and providing customizability to tenants. This middleware framework will help SaaS providers to build a resource-sharing, customizable multi-tenant SaaS with lower maintenance cost.
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商業企畫書:大規模能源儲存系統之軟體解決方案 / Business Plan: Software Solutions for Large Scale Energy Storage Systems羅丹, Robinson, Daniel Unknown Date (has links)
The way the world creates and distributes energy is changing. In 2015 77% of the world’s new power generation installations were either wind or solar PV. These forms of energy are by their nature intermittent – the sun will never shine 24 hours a day. With the rise of these intermittent energy sources, the need to store the energy they create has also risen. Batteries are emerging as a popular choice to solve this problem, with some analysts predicting that by 2024 battery energy storage will reach a scale of 12.5 gigawatts and become an industry with $165 billion in annual revenue. The increase in electric vehicles has caused the average price of lithium-ion batteries to plummet in recent years with expectations of this trend continuing. Managing the energy stored in many, distributed batteries is difficult, but when done right has numerous benefits. This business plan outlines the way Energy Max will provide a software platform to manage battery energy storage.
Energy Max plans to sell its software directly to battery energy storage system manufacturers. The company will leverage its connections in Asia in order to focus on potential customers in China and Taiwan. By pursuing this strategy, the company can become a trusted partner to these manufacturers in helping them build a more complete solution to provide end-users. In return for providing the software, customers will be required to pay a one-time integration fee as well as a $15/kWh fee for batteries utilizing the software.
This business plans assumes the first year of operations will be spent both building the product and developing Energy Max’s pipeline of future customers. In Year 2 the company will have two customers, but deployment of batteries with the software platform will still be low due to the likely cautious nature of customers. Under a normal growth scenario, the company will grow to Year 5 when Energy Max will attract 18 customers and have its software on 1% of worldwide Li-ion energy storage installations. Following this plan will require $3.5 million of outside funding and positive net income after tax in Year 4.
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常用統計套裝軟體的U(0,1)亂數產生器之探討張浩如, Chang, Hao-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
由於電腦的發展與普及,在各個領域的應用上,有越來越多的人利用電腦模擬的結果作為參考的依據。而在電腦模擬的過程中,亂數的產生是相當重要的一環。目前大多數的使用者都是直接利用套裝軟體內設的亂數產生器(random number generator)來產生亂數,但是在一般的文獻中對於各軟體內設的亂數產生器,則少有詳盡的探討。因此本論文的主要目的在於:針對SAS 6.12、SPSS 8.0、EXCEL 97、S-PLUS 2000及MINITAB 12等五種統計分析上常使用的套裝軟體,針對其內設U(0,1)亂數產生器進行較完整的介紹、比較、與探討。除了從週期長短、統計性質、電腦執行效率等三種不同觀點來評估這五種軟體內設亂數產生器的優劣之外,同時亦利用樣本平均蒙地卡羅法(sample-mean Monte Carlo method)在求解積分值上的表現作為電腦模擬的應用實例。 / With the development and popularity of computers, in different fields more and more people are using the result from computer simulation as reference. The generation of random number is one of the most important factors in applying computer simulation. Nowadays most of users use intrinsic random number generators in software to produce random numbers. However, only a few articles focus on detailed comparisons of those random number generators. Thus, in this study, we explore the random number generators in frequently used statistical software; such as SAS 6.12, SPSS 8.0, EXCEL 97, S-PLUS 2000, MINITAB 12, etc. and discuss their performances in uniform (0,1) random number generators. This study focuses not only on the comparison of period length and statistical properties of these random number generators, but also on computer executive efficiency. In addition, we also use sample-mean Monte Carlo method as an integral example of computer simulation to evaluate these random number generators.
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由知識管理雷達圖衡量模式觀諸軟體產業推行知識管理之現況 / Knowledge Management Measurement of the Software Industry with the Radar Visual Measurement Model of KM洪其豪, Hong, Chi Hou Unknown Date (has links)
在發出447份附上回郵信封的問卷、213份e-mail電子問卷,並持續進行近4個星期的監控及問卷追縱後,最終回收率為21.03%,有效問卷回收率則是19.69%。經過資料分析,發現目前高達9成軟體公司皆從事過知識管理的相關活動,然而實踐知識管理的程度卻僅僅「三顆星」等級,顯示未來努力的空間仍不少;仍有7%左右的軟體業者,在各大要素的努力乏善可陳,這些公司屬於「不知不覺」型,絲毫沒察覺知識時代已經來臨,未來前景堪憂。在假設檢定方面,其結果出乎意料,公司的規模大小、上市上櫃與否、年營業額多寡以及業務範疇的差別,皆不影響知識管理的成敗,似乎在宣告「知識管理」非大企業的專利,無名小卒亦有出頭日的機會。 / Since the 1990s, software industry has been good at building a virtual kingdom by its incredible knowledge power. And now it is a pioneer navigating by the flooding water of knowledge-base economy. Everyone is curious to understand how software firms manipulate their knowledge spells to have the world in hands. Nevertheless, the researches of industrial knowledge management usually focused on case study of best practices and resulted in many myths. Unlike them, one of the purposes of this thesis is trying to develop a new and visual knowledge management measurement model, using it to judge and explain the software industry's implementation of knowledge management and analyzing whole industry in a macro view.
The questionnaire operationalized to measure the variables of the new measurement model was verified after pretesting. Then the new model is framed and named “Radar Visual Measurement Model of KM.” Through a radar graph, to judge the depth and breadth of the software firm's achievements of knowledge management and to position the kind of “The Six Types of Knowledge Management Achievement” are easy to accomplish. Furthermore, five hypotheses are set up to explore some suspicions between software industry and “Radar Visual Measurement Model of KM,” such as “Are the performances (depth and breadth) of knowledge management significant different if one software firm's characteristics (included the capital, the amount of employees, listed or not listed, revenues and major scope of business) differ greatly from the others' ?” or “Is there a significant relationship between ‘knowledge strategy’ and ‘information technology’ ?” and so on.
After sending 447 mails (each one accompanied by a qestionnaire and a self-addressed stamped envelope) and 213 electronic questionnaires by e-mail, monitoring and tracing returns were begun and continued about four weeks. The final response rate is 21.03% but the valid response rate is 19.69%. Then the result of the qualitative data analysis indicates that 1) it's a common phenomenon in the software industry that over 90 per cent of software firms have ever performed knowledge management but the average level of performance depth only belongs to ‘three-star’ class. So all the software firms have to keep on making their extra efforts in the future. 2) There are near 7 percent of software firms doing nothing effort on five dimensions called ‘Unconsciousness’. They are unaware that the knowledge era is coming; therefore, they probably have a dark future. Moreover, two of the five hypotheses are not supported by the facts and surprised us. They point out that the scale of a company, the situation of listed, the total revenues and the scope of business don't affect the performances of knowledge management. In other words, they may proclaim that KM is not a monopoly of a large enterprise and a small firm still has its chance to be strong by knowledge management.
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流程管理之研究-以軟體開發及流程作業為例李俊昌 Unknown Date (has links)
1 軟體產品的開發流程,可以用生產線的方式進行。
2 遊戲軟體的開發,除了程式設計外,還需要運用多種開發工具製作美術,方式比專案軟體的開發更多樣化。
3 軟體開發過程中,企劃書是知識儲存、傳播及運用的重要工具。
4 遊戲網路軟體代工業務需要具備程式製作、美術製作的能力、品質管制及精確的成本控制等多樣的條件。
5 有效的流程管理可以提昇作業速度,增加公司的競爭力。 / This thesis was intended to study the application of process management in companies. We further explored the possible response and consideration from the aspects of process management & organizational learning in companies. Taiwan's industry has a long-term success experience in process management. American, European and Japanese companies have been setting up the computer assembling factories in Taiwan since 1970. Currently, Taiwan's success in process management, especially at OEM, ODM & BTO has already been well known all over the world. The study is focused on the software companies and non-computer companies, and wishes to find out once if they establish the competitive advantage through process management, will they reach the same success as the computer companies did?
In this study, we found the following conclusions.
1. It is possible to develop software by a factory-like manufacturing process.
2. Sufficient art design tools are required, so as to complete a successful game software development process, compared to any regular software project.
3. A complete project plan plays a key role for storing, transferring & applying intrinsic knowledge in an organization during a software development process.
4. It needs various conditions, such as program design, art produce capability, quality control, and process management, to enter the OEM business of game software.
5. An effective process management can improve the operation speed and enhance competitive advantage for company.
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我國電信業者發展軟體商店 的營運模式創新之研究 / A study on application stores of domestic operators from A view of business model innovation蘇之勤 Unknown Date (has links)
由於行動上網技術不斷地進步,消費者也逐漸養成了行動上網的習慣。Apple公司的iPhone結合了App Store的推出,更帶動了這股風潮。我國電信業者也在這樣的趨勢下,開始自行發展軟體商店(Application Store)以服務用戶。
(1)電信業者在經營軟體商店上,會強調多樣化加值服務的策略。(2) 電信業者在經營軟體商店上會根據不同的價值網路進行差異化。(3) 電信業者在經營軟體商店時,在價值創造方面會著重於讓消費者快速地找到正確的、所需要的軟體。(4)電信業者在發展軟體商店時,「在地化」是其經營上的關鍵要素。本文最後並提出實務上的意涵與後續研究的建議。
關鍵字:電信業者、軟體商店、營運模式創新、價值創造 / Nowadays smartphone has an enormous growth over the entire mobilephone market. A lot of people choose to use smartphone such as iPhone or android phone because smartphone brings more fun and convenience into their life. One of the key factors is application store which Apple made it successed in 2008. Application store or so-called app store is an online platform which provides service for customers to download applications and developers to upload. The transaction must be got involved in the whole process. However, the manefactors of mobilephone were active in establishing their own application store but the operators are eager to do so as well.
The value-added service used to be controlled fully by the operators. Not only the contents but the portals were hold by operators so end-users had a few choices. Since the application stores become more poplular, operators are encountering a big chanllenge.
This thesis studys how operators deal with the problem of decreasing ARPU by running application stores on their own. Based on the case study, the initial findings includes: (1) When operators run an application store, they emphasize variety of value-added services. (2) The methods which operators choose to differentiate their application store are related to the differences in their value network. (3) When operators run an application store, they put emphasis on elimination of information asymmetry. (4) When operators run an application store, localization is the key factor in opration.
Key word: oprators, application store, business model innovation, value creation
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台灣資訊軟體產業之業績激勵制度比較 / A performance-based comparison among various sales incentive schemes in Taiwanese IT software industry許芳誠, Rick Shue Unknown Date (has links)
資訊軟體產業為知識密集的產業,在台灣已發展了許多年。由於科技不斷創新以及市場激烈的競爭下,資訊軟體產業從早期為個別客戶量身訂作的系統專案開發,一直發展到今日以套裝軟體或中介軟體標準產品的銷售方式。因軟體產品具有功能習慣性,客戶一旦使用後就不會隨意更換。各資訊軟體廠商為了推廣各式各樣的軟體產品以搶攻市場,紛紛提出了各種激勵業務人員的激勵制度以擴大市場佔有率。從企業的角度來說,企業組織應以獲取最大合法利潤為主要目標。因此在其經營管理權限內,必然會以各類管理策略和激勵措施來提升員工之工作效率和品質,績效激勵與評估制度即屬最被廣泛實施之方法。本文研究之核心為:資訊軟體產業之激勵與評估制度有那些特性,評估制度是否公平,針對不同產品生命週期的銷售策略有何差異,以及不同的工作類型與不同職掌之員工對於不同的激勵與評估制度之效益反應。本研究將透過與從業人員深度訪談程序,收集資訊軟體產業內不同公司之各種績效激勵與評估制度加以分析比較。針對上述議題,深入研究各種不同的制度對業務人員的激勵效益與合理性。其研究成果,一方面可提供給資訊軟體廠商作為未來規劃制定績效激勵與評估制度的參考;另一方面,亦可作為員工評估公司獎勵制度合理運用模式的對照,讓各界瞭解其精神並加以應用。 / IT Software Industry is unique and knowledge-intensive industry in Taiwan. It have been developed with special functions to keep customer loyalty once used. Promotion with a wide range of programs in order to gain market share is the most important factor of success. But which is company really do last longer for success, and is the product life cycle impacted by effective sales incentive plan? This studied looks at which performance incentive program can best motivate employees. The incentive programs were studied by interviewed with different companies within IT software industry and try to understand the effectiveness of evaluation strategies vs. sales performance.
The results supported my hypothesis by showing that the employees under attractive incentive plan performs with productivity increasing superiority. The results also showed that fairness evaluation strategies does improve sales performance by enlarging the coverage. In additional of the benefits, my research also provided some suggestions for employees who was hired by relative industry. I hope it can be more valuable when employees assess the system for understand and apply the spirit of incentive programs.
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運用開放源碼軟體於地籍圖加值應用之研究 / The research on cadastral map value-added application using open source software陳祖瑜, Chen,T.Y Unknown Date (has links)
本研究蒐集臺北市信義區之地籍圖、圖根點及都市計畫中心樁位坐標成果,以開放源碼GIS (Quantum GIS)進行地籍資料加值之建置及處理,建置完成後之成果,可於Quantum GIS中進行定位查詢、套圖展示等操作,並可依需求製作客製化地籍圖,產製地籍圖及圖根點成果KML檔,供民眾下載後加值應用,對提升為民服務有極大助益。 / The “Taipei City Multi-purpose Cadastral Map System” can be used to search and identify location. However, it lacks of functions provided by GIS (Geographic Information Systems) such as analysis and statistics, hence its utility is limited. Since the “Supplementary Control Point Management System for City and County Government” of the researcher's institute was developed in a very early year, due to its limitation, the software is incompatible with the other software which needs large memory. In addition, multi-purpose cadastral map is currently provided to the public in paper copy, thus it cannot be integrated with other GIS data established by government or private institutions. If the cadastral map conforms to the Open Geodata Interoperability Specification (OpenGIS), it can improve the quality of service provided by the government to the public because value-added applications can be developed. As both the aforementioned systems are not sufficient to meet the needs, there is great demand for developing a new system. However, the development of new functions or systems is often restricted by the original developer, budget, and procurement procedure, hence it is not efficient for the urgent need.
The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) has defined a set of open interfaces based on the OpenGIS. Most of the open source software that conforms to OpenGIS has the advantages of free of charge, cross platform, modulized data, and data interchangeability. It is free and easy for users to obtain open source software. Academia Sinica also provides several GIS application software for free download. By using open source GIS software to provide functions such as searching, identification, overlaying, and producing maps for cadastral maps and supplementary control points, it will enhance the value of cadastral map data in GIS applications.
This research collected data of the Xinyi District of Taipei City, including cadastral maps, supplementary control points, and central piles’ coordinates for urban planning. An open source GIS (Quantum GIS) was used to process cadastral maps, and the results can be used for location searching, and overlaying maps. Moreover, customized cadastral maps can be produced on demand, and the cadastral maps and supplementary control points can be converted to KML (Keyhole Markup Language) file format, which can be downloaded by the public for value-added applications. The results is expected to greatly improve services for the public.
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市場進入策略與營運策略之動態性研究-以資訊軟體產業為例 / Foreign Market Entry Strategies & Dynamics of Operation Strategies-The Case of Firms in the Software Industry黎遠駿, Li,Francis Unknown Date (has links)
在眼前的日常生活當中,什麼事情已經都脫離不開資訊。也因此作為資訊產業核心的軟體及資訊服務產業,已成為新世紀全球的第一大產業。IDC 在2005年9月的研究報告中顯示全球資訊服務產業在 2003年產值已高達6410億美元,爾後年平均成長率一直保持在 5-9% 之間,可以說是一片欣欣向榮的氣象,到去年 2005年整個產值達到 7400億美元,預期到 2009 年,整個資訊服務產值將到 9250億美元,這也意味著繼工業大革命後的另一個新經濟時代的到來。
在整個產業成長中,又以亞太地區成長最大,從 2003-2009 CGAR 達 9.7%,遠超過全球平均 CGAR 6%。我國因具備良好資訊基礎設施、具備與華人相同語言、文化背景、接近並熟悉亞太市場、充裕資金與高階經營人才、與西方的技術合作經驗、豐富的 PC 軟硬體整合經驗等。充分顯示台灣軟體產業在競爭的市場環境中比起歐美資訊大廠已率先佔據極佳位置。
因此本研究就以進入策略的學術理論做為基礎,再結合個案公司實務上軟體業海外發展經驗,整合一套適於軟體產業的海外市場進入策略供企業參考。以研究結論來看,資訊軟體業因為產品與服務的特性關係,較易偏向採用較高承諾度的資源投入方式,將營業拓展至海外市場;除此之外,在地化的深耕發展也是必需要走的一條路,而且因為隨著地主國市場的投入,對地主國市場的熟悉度也會漸漸增加,也因此會在地主國市場進行一系列動態性的營運策略調整。這裡所謂的營運策略,不僅僅只是產品策略或市場策略,甚至整個市場的進入策略也會隨之調整,譬如說由獨資的進入策略轉變為合資的模式。 / As today’s global economic and social development needs continue to change,the Information industry’s global economic requirement change has gradually become more obvious;shifting from a hardware-driven type of development,to software and service-lead development。Economic globalization has brought along excellent opportunities to the development of our national software industries;to actively participate one’s software industry in the international division of labor,one will have to proceed toward the outer world;meanwhile,one must also carefully consider the purpose of one’s internationalization,the core resources of one’s inner enterprise,and whether one is prepared with a proper internationalization strategy。Consequently, knowing how to correctly select suitable foreign markets and entry strategies to be incorporated into the strategy is exceptionally critical in the process of internationalization,and in addition to that,the decision as to how the foreign markets should enter into the strategy,the enterprise’s core competence,internationalized strategy,the service content and product of the enterprise and etc. ,the relationship and interactivity between the each are no longer simple and invariable connections;instead,they are now constantly varied in accordance with the market change,and as a result, dynamic adjustment has became a very important topic today。
In today’s society,our everyday lives have become inseparable from the information technology;therefore,as being the core of information industries,software and information service have become one of the worlds top main industries of the new century。In August,2005,research from IDC have shown,that the global information service industries’ industrial output value in 2003 has increased up to 6410 billion USD;from then on,the output value has successfully maintained an annual average rate of 5-9%。Apparently,that was the sign of a long-term prosperity,as last year (2005) the output value has boosted up to 7400 billion USD。Predictions have been made that the value will continue to rise dramatically in the years to come,and in 2009,the output value for information service industries will reach a height of 9250 billion USD;this also meant the arrival of the age of new economics after the industrial revolution。
Within the whole industrial development in general,the Asia Pacific area stand to have the most rapid growth,with a CGAR rate of 9.7% from the year 2003-2009,which highly exceeded the world average rate of the CGAR of 6%。The reason for our outstanding industrial development is basically due to our possession of a good information infrastructure,similarity of the language and cultural background in Asia, familiarity toward the Asia Pacific market,abundant funds and talented individuals with high management skills,and our rich background experiences with the western technical collaboration,PC hardware and software integrations and etc。These qualities all demonstrated that apparently,in today’s competitive market,Taiwan software industries have already exceeded many of Europe and America’s top information manufacturers。
The following study will use the academic theories for the process of foreign market entry strategies as the fundamental base,and on top of that,the practical aspect based on personal experiences of software industry’s foreign market developments;these will be combined into a set that is applicable to software industries for the foreign market entry strategies,suitable for enterprises’ reference。
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