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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


王琮信, Wang,Tsung Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
現今軟體開發專案普遍有時程延宕、預算及人力不足、軟體品質低落、無法應付客戶頻繁的需求變動等問題。為思考相關解決之道,本研究參考極致編程(Extreme Programming,簡稱XP)軟體開發方法,於校園內選擇特定專案,配合XP的四個核心價值觀與十二項實行原則實際進行軟體開發。於專案導入XP後,透過對開發過程的觀察、記錄、資訊蒐集,及針對開發團隊所作的深入訪談,本研究綜合分析與評估XP於校園內軟體開發專案之適用性,並發掘可能的問題。   研究中發現XP在校園內不易達到完美實踐之目標,適用性不高,主要受限於時空環境難以配合、團隊專案經驗不足、缺乏激勵誘因、缺乏團隊約束力等因素;不過施行XP也改善了團隊內外部的溝通與協調機制,促進團隊成員之間的知識與經驗分享,亦有益於系統架構之完整性。   本研究排除了完全無法實施的要項之後,依團隊實際情況提出若干改善及彈性應變之建議做法,以期將XP進一步應用於業界個案及後續學術研究。

MoDWiz II : 可快速產生多平台導引精靈的一套生成系統 / MoDWiz II : A System for Rapid Construction of Multi-Platform Wizards

曾仲瑋, Tseng, Chung Wei Unknown Date (has links)
導引精靈(Wizard)是一種廣泛見於現有軟體系統,負責與用戶互動以蒐集資料的程式。其益處是能有效規範資料蒐集過程,並確保資料之完整性與正確性。導引精靈具備了上述種種優點,惟程式開發過程繁複、跨入門檻較高。因此若能快速產生導引精靈,將能提升開發者採用導引精靈意願並降低開發成本。 本研究室早先即遵循模型驅動架構概念,提出一套導引精靈生成系MoDWiz,可迅速在多平台上生成具相同功能的導引精靈。然而MoDWiz尚未實現資料驗證功能,並且只支援簡單的循序式導引精靈,因此應用範圍明顯不足。為了彌補MoDWiz的不足,本研究擴充MoDWiz而成為MoDWiz II系統。除了擴充MoDWiz原有的描述語言WDL之外,MoDWiz II還支援輸入文字資料之驗證功能,可經由開發者提供的正規表達式驗證輸入資料,確保其正確性。此外MoDWiz II也引入了更具實用性的條件式導引精靈結構,使得導引精靈可以根據使用者輸入的資料導引到不同的頁面繼續進行資料蒐集。MoDWiz II目前已經可以在Java與Eclipse執行平台上產生導引精靈,其效用將更勝於原有之MoDWiz。 / A software wizard is an interactive interface program used to collect data from the end user. It is widely used in software systems and forms a common part of most applications. Not only does the wizard modularize and simplify the complex data collection process, but it can also avoid data missing and ensure data integrity. It thus would be very profitable to use wizards in an application. However, the process of implementing a wizard from scratch is tedious and complicated, not to mention building same wizards on multiple platforms. Accordingly, if there is a tool to help rapidly construct wizards on multiple platforms, the developers would be encouraged to use wizards in their applications and at the same time the cost of their applications reduced. Before the inception of this thesis our laboratory had applied the MDA concept to the development of a wizard generating system called MoDWiz. MoDWiz enables the developer to quickly generate a wizard on multiple platforms by a simple declarative description of the target wizard. However, MoDWiz is still rather limited in that it leaves out the key component of data validation, and, more severely, it supports only sequential wizard structure, and hence cannot be used to generate most practical wizards in which nonlinearity is essential. In this thesis we extend MoDWiz to a new one called MoDWiz II. In addition to adapting the description language WDL on MoDWiz, MoDWiz II now support data validation by allowing the developers to provide input data format with regular expressions. Moreover, the most significant achievement of MoDWiz II is its ability to define branch wizards which allow different wizard pages to follow a given page depending on user input during the data collection process. MoDWiz II currently supports Java and Eclipse platforms and its application scope is apparently wider than the original MoDWiz.


陳信偉 Unknown Date (has links)
「元件化軟體開發」(Component-Based Development)是近年興起的最重要的軟體技術創新之一,強調元件的再用(reuse)以及軟體組裝的系統建構思維,重視軟體品質與彈性的提升,以降低開發成本、增進生產力。在面對此一極有可能成為主流的軟體技術時,不同的公司組織往往出現不同的採用狀況與成效,部份已採用者卻仍多處在評估試用階段,為什麼?為理解此一現象,本研究嘗試打開「採用」的黑盒,從新興軟體科技的架構創新特質以及組織學習的角度,探討不同的公司在面對技術大幅變遷時,如何成功採用新興資訊技術。   實證的結果大體支持假說的成立:組織原有的相關知識未必能有助於創新的內化,當技術發生「架構創新」改變時,組織若對先前的「架構知識」愈熟悉,反而不利新技術的採用與內化。而「內部學習的投入」、「外部知識來源」與「外部學習連結緊密程度」均有助於新技術採用與導入成效;此外,若技術不確定性愈高,則組織會愈頃向外部學習。


李俊昌 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要是探討企業運用流程管理的情形。並從流程管理及組織學習的觀點探討企業考量與作法。   台灣產業在製程管理有長期成功的經驗。從外商在台灣設立加工廠開始,到進幾年來的OEM、ODM以及運籌創新的BTO,都是電腦硬體產品在流程管理上成功的代名詞。軟體產業是否有這種機會,運用流程管理得到和硬體產業一樣的成功?非科技產業是否也能運用流程管理,取得競爭優勢?   本研究以軟體公司及非科技公司的流程管理為研究對象,發現發現如下:   1 軟體產品的開發流程,可以用生產線的方式進行。   2 遊戲軟體的開發,除了程式設計外,還需要運用多種開發工具製作美術,方式比專案軟體的開發更多樣化。   3 軟體開發過程中,企劃書是知識儲存、傳播及運用的重要工具。   4 遊戲網路軟體代工業務需要具備程式製作、美術製作的能力、品質管制及精確的成本控制等多樣的條件。   5 有效的流程管理可以提昇作業速度,增加公司的競爭力。 / This thesis was intended to study the application of process management in companies. We further explored the possible response and consideration from the aspects of process management & organizational learning in companies. Taiwan's industry has a long-term success experience in process management. American, European and Japanese companies have been setting up the computer assembling factories in Taiwan since 1970. Currently, Taiwan's success in process management, especially at OEM, ODM & BTO has already been well known all over the world. The study is focused on the software companies and non-computer companies, and wishes to find out once if they establish the competitive advantage through process management, will they reach the same success as the computer companies did?   In this study, we found the following conclusions.   1. It is possible to develop software by a factory-like manufacturing process.   2. Sufficient art design tools are required, so as to complete a successful game software development process, compared to any regular software project.   3. A complete project plan plays a key role for storing, transferring & applying intrinsic knowledge in an organization during a software development process.   4. It needs various conditions, such as program design, art produce capability, quality control, and process management, to enter the OEM business of game software.   5. An effective process management can improve the operation speed and enhance competitive advantage for company.

供應鏈管理系統架構與物件模型建立之研究-以半導體產業為例 / An Architecture and an Object-Oriented Model of Supply Chain Management System: A Case Study of IC Industry

童寶溢, Tuang, Bao-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
在80年代末期與90年代初期所討論的企業運籌管理與企業再造,都是強調在企業本身的流程管理的合理化、標準化與自動化,然而在90年代末期,由於網際網路商業應用的盛行,使得原本在90年代初期學術界所提的供應鏈管理變得更加可行。供應鏈管理重視在企業間的流程整合,使供應鏈能達到整體的流程最佳化,以提供最終使用者一個低成本、高服務品質的產品,其重點即在企業間的流程整合,運用資訊科技以達到此目的是必然的。雖然供應鏈管理被提出已有十多年之久,但是文獻中大部分僅針對管理層面上,對於系統方面卻仍然停留在企業內運籌系統,因此本研究將提出一系統架構,以達成供應鏈管理之目標。 本研究將依據關於供應鏈管理.供應鏈管理系統相關之文獻,根據文獻之結果,設計一套供應鏈管理系統架構之模型,並且使用物件導向軟體開發之技術與UML建立物件模型,最後選擇其中一功能,開發一雛形系統以驗證此架構之可行性。 本研究希望達成以下的目標:1)利用軟體系統以達成供應鏈之流程整合之目標,;2)建立一供應鏈系統架構模型,以輔助資訊廠商或企業開發供應鏈系統時之系統架構參考模型;3)與遺產系統(legacy system)結合,使用XML,與物件導向技術SOAP,提供遺產系統與供應鏈系統一個整合方案;4)降低系統使用障礙,利用WWW為人機介面,可以降低使用者使用進入障礙;5)降低系統導入成本,利用Internet的特性,企業不一定需要將系統購回,可以藉由網路,到供應鏈應用系統提供者,使用系統。 / Supply chain management (SCM) is the integration of business processes from end consumeis through original suppliers that provides product, services and infoimation. By this definition, we know that SCM is a series of management processes across firms forming a supply chain network. Cooper et al. [1] stated that those processes are customer relationship management, customer service management, demand management, order fulfillment, manufacturing flows management, procurement, product development and commercialization. In this paper, we propose an architecture and an object-oriented (00) model of SCM systems. This architecture contains three main components. The first one is "System Portal" , which is an interface between users and the system objects. The second one named "Object Repository" , which is used to store objects of the SCM system, makes the development, management and usage of these objects easier. The third one is "Database" , which is a universal database to store all data of the SCM system. Then, an 00 Model is developed based on this proposed architecture. This 00 model is graphically depicted using Unified Modeling Language (UML). We believe that the proposed architecture and 00 model in this paper can be used as a reference architecture and a reference model to help system developers to easily build their-owned SCM systems.

多媒體教學軟體開發成本估算之研究 / A Study of Development Cost Estimation of Multimeda Instructional Software

邱郁文, Chiou Yuh-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
多媒體教學被認為是一種最適合人類學習認知的教學方法,可預見的未來 ,多媒體技術將大量運用於教學。多媒體教學軟體的開發須整合多種媒體 ,不僅開發費用龐大且設計繁瑣,造成發展與開發成本估算的困難。本研 究乃針對多媒體教學軟體開發過程中所需考量的因素,探討多媒體教學軟 體開發成本估算模式。建立『多媒體教學軟體開發流程工作項目』,說明 多媒體教學軟體開發過程中所需注意的細節與步驟。藉此,專案開發者可 以更加瞭解多媒體教學軟體專案之開發流程與所需注意的細節,改善專案 管理之品質,此外,此一開發流程亦為開發成本估算的基礎。由於成本估 算的單位為細步工作項目,開發者較能掌握所需耗費之資源,增加成本估 算的精確度。而基於協助成本估算自動化的觀點,考量系統使用者多為管 理階層人員遇與其之資訊需求,提出『多媒體教學軟體開發成本估算系統 設計架構』,以為多媒體教學軟體成本估算系統設計之參考與建立多媒體 教學軟體開發成本估算先導系統之基礎。功能架構包括友善之使用者介面 、資料庫管理、統計資料圖表與專案管理等四項功能本研究另一重點乃依 據多媒體教學軟體開發流程與成本估算先導系統設計架構,建立『多媒體 教學軟體開發成本估算先導系統』,實際建立一多媒體教學軟體開發成本 估算先導系統,協助開發成本估算的自動化,並驗證成本估算系統設計架 構的可行性。在使用者介面功能上,先導系統乃以滑鼠與功能式選單為主 ,並提供使用者線上查詢與選取的功能。在資料庫管理功能方面,包括線 上資料庫查詢與定期資料庫更新。此外系統提供專案支出費用明細表、現 金支出圖、階段期間圖與階段現金圖等統計資料報表以協助開發者決策的 進行。

數位學習產品的特性對開發活動的影響-以個人英語學習產品為例 / The impact of characteristics of e-learning products on product development activities: the case of personal english learning products

盧世雄 Unknown Date (has links)
我國的數位學習環境,自政府於2003年啟動「數位學習國家型科技計畫」開始,市場需求與產業發展日漸加溫,近年更是有許多創新產品的誕生。另一方面,從文獻回顧中不難發現,關於學校與企業用戶所使用的學習帄台,由於市場規模較大且發展得早,因此產品開發的相關文獻也較為豐富;而在個人市場中,不論產品所使用的技術或是產品本身的商業模式都比學校與企業用戶來得更加多元化,但很可惜的,關於個人市場中廠商如何進行產品開發的文獻卻是非常的少。   本研究以我國個人數位英語學習產品為例,來探討數位學習產品的特性對開發活動的影響。故本研究的構面為數位學習產品的特性與開發活動兩大部分,前者包括以學習者為中心、教材重複使用性、知識多元性、資金回收期長、師生互動性、客製化的內容與媒體互動性等七個特性;後者則試圖以較整體性的方式,來探討數位學習產品的開發活動,其中包括概念的形成與發展、專案的組織與分工、專案的領導、問題解決與溝通、時程的控制與測詴、高階主管的角色。而本研究選擇四家數位學習廠商作為深入個案分析的研究對象,其中包括教材、工具軟體與整合服務類別的廠商,來進行專案層次的探討。   本研究所得到關於數位學習產品開發的結論包括:(1)數位學習產品的開發專案多由CEO發起。(2)產品在初始創意的產生上,多由具有相關產品開發經歷或技術專長者依據當時代重要的數位學習產品特性來提出;而在之後概念的發展上,為了強化產品與學習理論的連結,則會由教育專長的成員來進行細部規格的設計。(3)產品開發專案多採用固定式工作團隊型式,且成員的專職性高;並且,專案普遍透過組織外部網絡來分擔製作上的工作量。(4)數位學習產品皆具有「以學習者為中心」、「教材重複使用性」、「知識多元性」和「資金回收期長」的特性;而隨著數位學習產品的定位與所使用的技術之不同,產品可能具有「師生互動性」、「客製化的內容」或「媒體互動性」的特性。(5)數位學習產品具知識多元性,因此,其概念的發展需要跨領域的知識交流,在團隊組成上也較為多元。(6)數位學習產品具資金回收期長的特性,因此,高階主管對於產品開發專案涉入程度高。(7)具師生互動性的產品,其概念的提出者具網路服務業的背景,且課程部分的規劃會強調由具有豐富實體教學經驗的成員來執行。(8)具客製化內容的產品,其開發團隊會透過與外部內容商合作來取得部分或全部的教材;反之,團隊多自行開發教材。(9)具媒體互動性的產品,其測詴大多會由專職的測詴人員來執行,並且會透過外測以了解使用者實際使用產品的狀況及找出其他尚未發現的程式錯誤。本研究最後對企業經理人與後續研究者分別提出實務上與研究上之建議。 / When talking about the e-learning industry development in Taiwan, it has become prosperous since our government laughed “Taiwan Digital Archives Expansion Project” in 2003. Moreover, a large number of innovative products are developed in this industry. But unfortunately, the literature about how companies conduct product development is very insufficient.   This study which takes English learning products as example researches on how the characteristics of e-learning products affect product developing activities. Therefore, the framework of this research includes two parts, one is characteristic of e-learning products, and another one is product development activity. The former part includes learner-centeredness, reuse of materials, knowledge diversity, long payback period, interactivity, customizable content, interactive media; the latter part includes idea generation, project organization and staffing, project leadership, problem solving, schedule control and testing, role of high-level managers. This research adopts four Taiwanese e-learning companies as case studies. The major conclusion of this study includes (1) E-learning product development projects are most launched by CEO. (2) Ideas of products are most produced by the people who are not educational background, and the linkage of the products with learning theory are strengthen by people who are educational background in later stage. (3) Projects most adopt the team type “fixed team,” and outsource partial works. (4) All the e-learning products are learner-centered, reuse of materials, knowledge-diversified, long payback period; with different positioning and technology, products are or are not interactive, with customizable content, with interactive media. (6) E-learning products have long payback period, so high-level managers deeply involve the projects. (7) Products which are interactive, the concept of products are most proposed by people with background of internet service industry. (8) Product with customizable content, some part or all of its material are acquired by cooperating with content providers. (9) Products with interactive media, their testing work are most executed by individual testing member and most projects have external testing.

軟體專案特性對專案管理與專案間互動的影響之研究-以趨勢科技之雲端運算專案為例 / Software project characteristics on project management and project the impact of interaction study:the case of Trend Micro Inc.

陳彥甫 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著商業環境的快速變動,企業為因應市場快速變化,管理階層傾向於將專案規模縮小、目標明確來定義專案的範圍,以助於專案的執行,因此企業大多會執行一個以上的專案,然而專案彼此之間或多或少都會有些關聯與互動,良好的互動關係對於專案執行成效與企業均有其正面助益,因此本研究的目的在探討軟體專案特性對專案管理與專案間互動的影響之研究。 本研究以全球防毒軟體領導廠商-趨勢科技為例,其獨特的企業文化和指標性的企業管理模式,皆已成為國際型企業的典範。因此探討該公司運用雲端運算技術所成立的兩個專案進行研究,藉以探討專案特性、專案管理、專案間互動之關係。本研究經由個案訪談以及次級資料的分析探討,本研究之發現如下: 1.企業在執行軟體專案管理時,充分授權有助於激進式創新專案的開發進行。 2.領導者在軟體專案管理各階段所扮演的角色不同。當技術為外部來源時,領導者需要扮演協調溝通角色;當技術為內部來源時,領導者需要扮演技術支援角色。 3.企業在執行軟體專案管理時,會用師徒制來進行隱性知識的傳承;並利用文件管理系統來管理外顯知識。 4.當激進式創新的產品開發專案運用外部技術來源時,提供員工自我學習的空間,並透過知識分享討論會、知識管理系統、非正式溝通的多個群體協調活動,有助於專案間互動。 / In order to adapt to rapidly changing markets, cooperate managers tend to downsize the scales and define specific goals of projects for effective execution. Therefore, cooperates simultaneously deal with multiple projects which are inter-connected to each other. Good interactions benefit both projects and cooperate itself. Hence, the objective of this study is to investigate how the characteristics of software projects influence the managements and interactions of projects. The study subject is Trend Macro Incorporated, the world-wide leading company of antivirus software. Its unique culture and foremost management style have become the model example of international companies. Therefore, this study investigated two projects of this company, which apply cloud computing, to explore the relationships of the characteristics, management and interactions within and between projects. By case interview and secondary databases, the main findings of this study are listed below. 1.Enterprise in the implementation of software project management, the fully authorized to contribute to the development of radical innovation projects carried out. 2.Leader in software project management role of the different stages. When the technology to external sources, the leaders need to play the role of coordination and communication. When the technology for internal sources, leaders need to play a technical support role. 3.Enterprise in the implementation of software project management, we will use the apprenticeship system to carry out transmission of tacit knowledge; and to use document management system to manage explicit knowledge. 4.When the radical innovation of the product development project the use of external technology sources, to provide space for staff self-learning and knowledge sharing through seminars, knowledge management systems, informal communication between the various groups of coordination activities to facilitate interaction between projects.

網際網路企業對敏捷軟體開發程序採用的成功案例 -以AUTOTRADECENTER為例 / A case study on autotradecenter - an internet business successfully adopted agile software development process to create agility as core competence

黃薇如 Unknown Date (has links)
逐漸崛起的網際網路經濟在科技及商業環境的快速變化中促使軟體開發程序漸漸進化成因應需求而調整式的程序,敏捷開發程序的演化在過去十幾年已幫助許多網際網路商業設立而且使其可以保持競爭力。 採用敏捷開發程序的網際網路商業組織較具有彈性,可以在任何軟體開發的階段中對於針對需求的改變而改變軟體的開發。主要加快軟體完成的因素是保持一個輕量級並有密切及通暢溝通的團隊。快速的軟體開發週期以及原形的開發使得初步可行性研究較簡單,也因此可以幫助需求單位提早測試軟體並提早提供回饋。 開放原始碼技術能幫助敏捷組織創新。知識轉移與技術管理在沒有很多文件紀錄的敏捷軟體開發環境中也扮演非常重要的角色。 處於隨時因應需求而敏捷調整步調成為組織的核心競爭力。組織的文化與價值需要根據組織要求的敏捷特性來調整。在事者應當用社會控制體系來管理其員工,而非用傳統式的正式控制體系。 AutoTradeCenter成功的採用敏捷方法而成為一個敏捷的組織。它採用開放原始碼技術並強調創新管理。也建立組織的文化與價值來支持其「敏捷開發系統」的建立。該公司的高度敏捷度在2000年代初期的不景氣時候仍讓其保持競爭力。 本研究建議任何新成立的網際網路商業公司可以嚐試使用AutoTradeCenter所採用的敏捷開發方式來建立組織的競爭力。 / The fast change technology and business environment from the emerging Internet economy have resulted in the evolution of the software development process into an adaptive process. This evolution of the agile software development process has helped numerous new Internet businesses to enter the field and to stay competitive over the past decades. Internet businesses, which adopted the agile software development methodology, are able to remain flexible and address changes in any stage of software development process. A lightweight team with close and good communications is the key ingredient to speedily deliver software products. Quick cycles and prototypes make feasibility studies easier and allow business people to test and provide feedback thereby allowing creation of the innovative products that truly address the market requirements. Open source technology has helped agile organizations to innovate and materialize the innovation. Knowledge transfer and technology management play important roles in an agile software development environment without a need for excess documentations. Organizations stay adaptive with agility as their core competence. The organizational values and culture need to be shaped accordingly to support the agile spirit across organizations. Incumbents should motivate the members using social control system rather than the formal control system. AutoTradeCenter, a case study used in this research, successfully formed an agile organization by adopting the agile methodology, utilizing and managing the open source technology, and creating an adaptive culture and value. The agility helped the company staying competitive during the economic downturn in early 2000. This research suggested that any Internet startup can adopt the same path that AutoTradeCenter chose to create its competitive advantages. Keywords: Agile Software Development, Open Source Technology, Knowledge Management, Organizational Culture, Core Competence, Competitive Advantage, Internet Business Model, AutoTradeCenter

“新一代”軟體開發者選擇敏捷式系統發展方法論之傾向:學習後之效應探討 / The intention of selecting agile system development methodology among new generation of software developer: the effects of post-learning

湯金翰, Tang, Chinhan Unknown Date (has links)
90年代的後期,敏捷式系統發展方法開始被倡導。相對於傳統的系統發展方法,敏捷式系統發展方法著重於回饋機制而非事前的計畫、以人為中心而非以流程為中心。這樣的方法希望能助於提高組織對回應市場、客戶的效率,進而提高效益。目前在商場中使用此方法做為開發工具的企業仍是少數,本研究希望透過探討敏捷式系統發展方法論的使用時機來進行教學,進而得知系統開發人員對於接受敏捷式系統發展方法的關鍵因素,並藉此了解該如何在企業中導入此方法。本研究發現除了使用此方法的能力會影響影響使用意圖之外,在內在因素方面也包含了公司結構與團隊因素,外部因素則包含了顧客與成功案例因素,這些都是接受敏捷式系統發展方法的關鍵因素。本研究希望根據以上的分析結果,提出敏捷式系統發展方法導入之建議,提供組織做為參考用。 / Awareness of agile system development methodologies (SDM) has grown among information systems development community in recent years. Many of their advocates consider the agile and the plan-driven SDMs polar opposites. Indeed there are circumstances where agile SDMs are more suitable than plan-driven SDMs. Yet, there have been few studies on understanding developers’ adoption intention. This paper takes an initial attempt to gauge new generation of software developers’ intention to select agile SDMs. To many of these developers, agile SDMs are relatively new if not unheard of, in order to assess their intention to choose such category of methodologies, this research first introduced the methodologies to a group of 21 IS-major graduate students and discussed how and when to use agile SDMs. Then a survey was conducted, which was comprised of two parts of questions: agile SDM self-efficacy and intention to use. PLS analysis results showed that agile SDM self-efficacy influence the intention to use through performance outcome expectation, personal outcome expectation, and affect. Although the relationship between self-efficacy and anxiety was not confirmed, anxiety does affect intention to use. The fact that direct relationships between all four emotive variables and the intention to use are established implies that in order to encourage the use of agile SDMs, the focus should be emotive variables, and that self efficacy may be just one of various ways to promote the favorable emotional states. In addition, these participates were invited to a three-round Delphi test and analytic hierarchy process to retrieved their concerns about accepting or rejecting agile SDMs. Ten key factors were extracted and categorized. Adding up the pros and cons, team dimension is the most important dimension, which explains individual first concerns about how the collaboration when using agile SDMs. Other than team dimension, customer, corporate structure, project, success cases and methodology dimensions were consistent with the literatures. Thus our study provides a critical understanding of the factors that affect new generation of software developers’ intention to select agile SDM.

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