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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

多元工作實務對於科技使用與創新結果影響之研究─以台灣大車隊為例 / Navigating to Diverse Destinations –A Study of Emergent Practices of Taiwan Taxi Cabbies

陳則文, Chen, Tse-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
從工業革命以來,科技造成人類社會快速的進步,而從二十世紀至今,科技導入、科技創新等相關的研究,便成為商業、組織管理、科技管理與心理學領域爭相研究的重點議題,許多證據指出,科技所帶來的結果,卻不如管理者或學者原本所預期,產生了許多「非預期的創新」。 本研究認為,非預期創新的產生,是因為過去的研究與觀察,是從一個巨觀的角度分析科技所帶來的影響。本研究架構於漸衍過程(emergent)的觀點,以詮釋型(interpretive)質性的研究,透過使用者工作實務(work practice)微觀層次的觀察,來呈現科技與組織的演化。 透過鼎華科技導入衛星派遣系統成立台灣大車隊的歷程,本研究呈現台灣大車隊中的司機在科技導入前、後的工作方式,以及與科技互動下產生的創新結果。本研究發現,經過七年的時間,台灣大車隊的司機,已經發展出許多不同的創新工作實務,包括預期型工作實務、品牌型創新工作實務與科技型創新工作實務,並且於三種類型的工作創新之中,存在有更豐富、更多元的創新。 而透過個案的觀察,本研究認為,一種科技可以造成如此迥異的科技採用與結果,可以歸因於產業情境所造就的多樣化工作實務。而本研究的研究方法與結論,可以做為組織與企業進行科技導入與轉移時的參考。

研究Ferguson-Dirichlet過程和條件分配族相容性之新工具 / New tools for studying the Ferguson-Dirichlet process and compatibility of a family of conditionals

郭錕霖, Kuo,Kun Lin Unknown Date (has links)
單變量c-特徵函數已被證明可處理一些難以使用傳統特徵函數解決的問題, 在本文中,我們首先提出其反演公式,透過此反演公式,我們獲得(1)Dirichlet隨機向量之線性組合的機率密度函數;(2)以一些有趣測度為參數之Ferguson-Dirichlet過程其隨機動差的機率密度函數;(3)Ferguson-Dirichlet過程之隨機泛函的Lebesgue積分表示式。 本文給予對稱分配之多變量c-特徵函數的新性質,透過這些性質,我們證明在任何$n$維球面上之Ferguson-Dirichlet過程其隨機均值是一對稱分配,並且我們亦獲得其確切的機率密度函數,此外,我們將這些結果推廣至任何n維橢球面上。 我們亦探討條件分配相容性的問題,這個問題在機率理論與貝式計算上有其重要性,我們提出其充要條件。當給定相容的條件分配時,我們不但解決相關聯合分配唯一性的問題,而且也提供方法去獲得所有可能的相關聯合分配,我們亦給予檢驗相容性、唯一性及建構機率密度函數的演算法。 透過相容性的相關理論,我們提出完整且清楚地統合性貝氏反演公式理論,並建構可應用於一般測度空間的廣義貝氏反演公式。此外,我們使用廣義貝氏反演公式提供一個配適機率密度函數的演算法,此演算法沒有疊代演算法(如Gibbs取樣法)的收斂問題。 / The univariate c-characteristic function has been shown to be important in cases that are hard to manage using the traditional characteristic function. In this thesis, we first give its inversion formulas. We then use them to obtain (1) the probability density functions (PDFs) of a linear combination of the components of a Dirichlet random vector; (2) the PDFs of random functionals of a Ferguson-Dirichlet process with some interesting parameter measures; (3) a Lebesgue integral expression of any random functional of the Ferguson-Dirichlet process. New properties of the multivariate c-characteristic function with a spherical distribution are given in this thesis. With them, we show that the random mean of a Ferguson-Dirichlet process over a spherical surface in n dimensions has a spherical distribution on the n-dimensional ball. Moreover, we derive its exact PDF. Furthermore, we generalize this result to any ellipsoidal surface in n-space. We also study the issue of compatibility for specified conditional distributions. This issue is important in probability theory and Bayesian computations. Several necessary and sufficient conditions for the compatibility are provided. We also address the problem of uniqueness of the associated joint distribution when the given conditionals are compatible. In addition, we provide a method to obtain all possible joint distributions that have the given compatible conditionals. Algorithms for checking the compatibility and the uniqueness, and for constructing all associated densities are also given. Through the related compatibility theorems, we provide a fully and cleanly unified theory of inverse Bayes formula (IBF) and construct a generalized IBF (GIBF) that is applicable in the more general measurable space. In addition, using the GIBF, we provide a marginal density fitting algorithm, which avoids the problems of convergence in iterative algorithm such as the Gibbs sampler.

國際投資組合研究 / Essays on International Portfolio Allocation

廖志峰, Liao, Chih Feng Unknown Date (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to use the martingale approach to solve dynamic international portfolio problems. This thesis consists of three essays in dynamic international portfolio allocation. In demonstrating that foreign consumption plays an important role in international portfolio allocations, in Chapter 2, we present the first essay where we provide the optimal consumption plan and portfolio allocation for a representative investor with continuoustime and complete market assumptions in a simple two-country setting. Due to the demand for foreign consumption, the optimal portfolio allocation requires suitable foreign bonds to hedge against the changes in the foreign investment opportunity set and the exchange rate. The empirical results not only show that the optimal portfolio allocation with domestic and foreign consumption is different from that without consumption or with domestic consumption only, but also demonstrate the need for the foreign bonds to hedge against the change in the exchange rate risk. We present the second essay in which we extend the research of the investor's portfolio allocation problem into a continuous dynamical international market where the investment barrier of international portfolio exists. With deterministic market prices of risks, CRRA utility function and the existence of a simple investment barrier, the investor optimally hedges against the investment opportunity by allocating funds into three portfolios which are constructed by unconstrained bank accounts, equities and bonds. The first portfolio is the so called mean-variance portfolio, the second is the hedge portfolio, and the third is the synthetic portfolio which mimics the expected excess return of the constrained security in foreign country. This issue displays in Chapter 3. The third essay is presented in Chapter 4. Here we develop a continuous-time intertemporal portfolio allocation model in an international mildly segmented market. With deterministic market prices of risks and CRRA utility function, the domestic investor in the segmented market optimally hedges against the stochastic interest rates by allocating funds into two portfolios. The restricted mean-variance portfolio is derived from the traditional mean-variance portfolio without foreign constrained securities. The hedge portfolio is comprised of domestic bonds with a specific horizon for hedging against the change in the domestic interest rate. The numerical results indicate that when the volatility of the stochastic discount factor increases due to the less diversification caused by market segmentation, the less risk-averse investor benefits accordingly. Chapter 5 summarizes the main findings of the three studies and concludes the thesis by suggesting some future research venues related the current subject. / The purpose of this thesis is to use the martingale approach to solve dynamic international portfolio problems. This thesis consists of three essays in dynamic international portfolio allocation. In demonstrating that foreign consumption plays an important role in international portfolio allocations, in Chapter 2, we present the first essay where we provide the optimal consumption plan and portfolio allocation for a representative investor with continuoustime and complete market assumptions in a simple two-country setting. Due to the demand for foreign consumption, the optimal portfolio allocation requires suitable foreign bonds to hedge against the changes in the foreign investment opportunity set and the exchange rate. The empirical results not only show that the optimal portfolio allocation with domestic and foreign consumption is different from that without consumption or with domestic consumption only, but also demonstrate the need for the foreign bonds to hedge against the change in the exchange rate risk. We present the second essay in which we extend the research of the investor's portfolio allocation problem into a continuous dynamical international market where the investment barrier of international portfolio exists. With deterministic market prices of risks, CRRA utility function and the existence of a simple investment barrier, the investor optimally hedges against the investment opportunity by allocating funds into three portfolios which are constructed by unconstrained bank accounts, equities and bonds. The first portfolio is the so called mean-variance portfolio, the second is the hedge portfolio, and the third is the synthetic portfolio which mimics the expected excess return of the constrained security in foreign country. This issue displays in Chapter 3. The third essay is presented in Chapter 4. Here we develop a continuous-time intertemporal portfolio allocation model in an international mildly segmented market. With deterministic market prices of risks and CRRA utility function, the domestic investor in the segmented market optimally hedges against the stochastic interest rates by allocating funds into two portfolios. The restricted mean-variance portfolio is derived from the traditional mean-variance portfolio without foreign constrained securities. The hedge portfolio is comprised of domestic bonds with a specific horizon for hedging against the change in the domestic interest rate. The numerical results indicate that when the volatility of the stochastic discount factor increases due to the less diversification caused by market segmentation, the less risk-averse investor benefits accordingly. Chapter 5 summarizes the main findings of the three studies and concludes the thesis by suggesting some future research venues related the current subject.


林瑞山, Lin, Jui Shan Unknown Date (has links)
2005年陳水扁總統,針對軍公教退休人員之退休金及公保養老給付,得以18%利率辦理優惠存款、降低所得替代率等,要求相關單位提出改革方案。銓敘部經與教育部、國防部及行政院人事行政局等相關主管機關組成專案小組,在公務人員方面擬具「公務人員退休所得合理化改革方案」報請考試院於同年11月10日確定方案內容;至部分執行內涵則於2006年1月5日決議由銓敘部依權責自行負責處理。案經銓敘部邀集相關主管機關開會研商後,決定軍公教人員改革方案於同年2月16日同步實施。 值此,軍公教退休人員多數表達無法接受,組織退休聯盟進行各項訴求與抗爭行動;同時立法院中國國民黨黨團及親民黨黨團多數委員支持退休聯盟之主張,運用預算審查權為手段,燃起本項改革方案再度討論的關鍵力量。 本文採文獻探討法針對公務人員退休所得合理化改革方案進行研究,筆者從相關文獻及媒體的報導中發現,本項改革方案的政策制訂過程乃是以菁英決策的方式出現,主要涉及行政官員、考試委員、立法委員及軍公教退休聯盟之間的互動過程。 爰此,筆者藉由菁英理論的觀點透過David Easton 所提出的政治系統理論為基礎,將「公務人員退休所得合理化改革方案」相關影響政策制訂過程之參與者納入,提出一整合性的研究架構進行論述,並依參與人員為標準,分為行政菁英、立法菁英、知識菁英及標的團體四類,試圖經由本項改革個案的探討,進一步對菁英理論相應於政策制訂過程有較為深入之瞭解。 本文以2005年9月陳總統對外界作出「政策」宣示,迄至2008年1月立法院第六屆立法委員任期屆滿止,為研究時間範圍。首先對政策制訂過程與菁英理論進行探討,並將四類菁英就其角色與影響政策制訂的方式與策略加以論述;其次對本項改革方案制訂過程及主要爭議作詳細闡述;接續對四類菁英運用之策略進行分析;最後作出結論,整合歸納前述之研究內容,提出研究發現與後續研究之建議。

透過電子郵件之過程寫作對高職學生英文寫作能力效益之研究 / The Effects of Process Writing via E-mail on Vocational High School Students' English Writing Ability

查獻瑞, Cha, Hsien jui Unknown Date (has links)
有鑒於英文寫作能力日趨重要,英文寫作的教學也愈來愈受到重視。然而在高職英文寫作教學方面來看,其成效卻往往不彰。基於這個原因,研究者運用透過電子郵件之「過程寫作」教學法,期能對高職學生在英文寫作能力的提升上有所裨益。 本研究以北縣某高職綜高學術學程部五十八位二年級學生為研究對象,研究者教導實驗組學生運用「過程寫作」的策略,配合在電子郵件的環境下加強英文寫作的能力;控制組學生則僅接受「過程寫作」策略之教學。實驗前,對實驗組及控制組學生施予前測來檢視學生英文寫作能力之起點行為;實驗後,對實驗組及控制組學生施予後測來檢視學生英文寫作能力之進步情形。實驗終了,再以一問卷來探討實驗組學生對實驗之態度及其自評成效。 研究結果如下: 一、 透過電子郵件之「過程寫作」教學法對學生英文寫作能力確有助 益。實驗組後測成績高於控制組;再者,實驗組在其前後測比較 下,整體寫作能力有顯著之進步。 二、 在電子郵件的環境下運用「過程寫作」的策略幫助學生在作文中之 內容、組織、文法、用字體例方面有所助益。實驗組與控制組之進 步情形雖無顯著差異,實驗組進步情形仍大於控制組。 三、 實驗組學生對透過電子郵件之「過程寫作」教學法,持正面的態 度。 四、 實驗組學生認為在接受透過電子郵件之「過程寫作」教學法之後, 自己的英文寫作能力進步了。 最後,研究者根據上述研究結果,對高職英文作文教學提出建言,作為未來從事英文寫作教學之教師及研究人員參考。 / Owing to the importance of English writing ability on various purposes, teaching writing has received more and more attention nowadays. However, the traditional teaching and then learning process does not work on vocational high school students. This failure inspires the researcher to resort to alternative methods to upgrade his students' English writing ability. The present study was intended to prove that the instruction of process writing via E-mail is effective in enhancing students' English writing ability. Fifty-eight second-year students from two intact classes of Academic Oriented Course in a comprehensive high school in Taipei County participated in this study. The experimental group was taught to apply the strategies of process approach in an E-mail environment at every stage during the experiment while the control group was instructed in process writing strategies solely. Before the experiment, the pretest was used to indicate the starting points of students' writing proficiency. After the experiment, the posttest was administered to examine the effectiveness of process writing via E-mail. In addition, a response questionnaire was given to the experimental group to probe students' attitudes and their self-evaluation of the experiment. The results were as follows. First, the instruction of process writing via E-mail enhanced students' overall English writing ability. The experimental group outperformed the control group in total scores of the posttest. In addition, concerning the total scores between pretest and posttest, the experimental group made a significant progress. Second, the experimental group outperformed the control group in content, organization, grammar, diction, and mechanics after the experiment although the results showed no significant difference. Still, the experimental group made more progress in all five subskills than the control group did. Third, the majority of students in the experimental group responded positively to the instruction of process writing via E-mail. Last, most students in the experimental group considered they made a progress in their English writing ability after the experiment of process writing via E-mail. The present study concluded the effects of process writing via E-mail. Based on the results, the researcher provided writing teachers and educators with constructive suggestions for conducting a writing class or further studies.

聯合系統與獨特風險下之信用違約交換評價 / Joint pricing of CDS spreads with Idiosyncratic and systematic risks

王聖文, Wang, Sheng-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過聯合系統與獨特風險綜合評估違約的強度,假設市場上經濟變數或資訊影響系統之違約強度,然若直接考慮所有經濟變數到模型中將可能會有共線性或維度過高之疑慮,因此透過狀態空間模型來設定狀態變數以及經濟變數之關係並將萃取三大狀態變數分別用以描述市場實質活動面、通貨膨脹以及信用環境。另外,將透過結構式模型來計算獨特性風險大小,當個別潛在的變數低於一定數值將導致個別的違約事件發生。而因布朗運動可能無法描述或校準市場上違約之鋒態以及偏態,將進一步考慮Variance Gamma過程用以更準確描述真實違約狀況。最後透過結合以上兩個風險綜合評估下,考慮一個聯合違約模型來評價信用違約交換之信用價差。 / Systematic and idiosyncratic risks are supposed to jointly trigger the default events. This paper identifies three fundamental risks to capture the systematic movement: real activity, inflation, and credit environment. Since most macroeconomic variables fluctuate together, the state-space model is imposed to extract the three variables from macroeconomic data series. In the idiosyncratic part, the structural model is applied. That is, idiosyncratic default is triggered by the crossing of a barrier. For improvement of the underlying lognormal distribution, we assume the process for the potential variable of the firm follows a Variance Gamma process, sufficient dimensions of which can fit the skewed and leptokurtic distributions. Under the specific setting of combinations of the two risks (the so-called joint default model), we price credit default swaps.


鄧熙華 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之主要目的在於探討「人力資源政策制定」對「組織競爭力與績效」之影響,並依此發展人力資源政策內涵與運作過程之評量工具。在透過對領導才能、組織使命、人力資源政策、組織文化、與組織競爭力、績效等變項關係探討後,進而運用結構方程模式之統計方法,嘗詴發展「人力資源政策之競爭力模式」,以提供後續相關研究與實務應用之參考。 / 本研究透過嚴謹編製程序,針對研究變項編製相關量表,並進行專家會議與信效度及因素分析。此外,本研究採立意抽樣方式共蒐集136份樣本,經過統計分析後,結果顯示本研究所發展的「領導才能」、「組織使命」、「人力資源政策」與「組織文化」等量表的內部一致性信度皆在.90以上,且在效標關聯效度(與組織績效之r值介於.59-.71之間)檢驗上皆達顯著的效果。另外,本研究「人力資源政策量表」中的政策內涵部份,研究分析發現,此量表包含「執行型人力資源政策」及「策略型人力資源政策」兩個向度,其分量表之內部一致性信度分別為.96與.93,而在效標關聯效度(與組織績效之r值分別為.62與.60)檢驗上亦皆具有顯著效果。 / 最後,本研究之假設考驗及模式驗證之結果顯示:1.領導才能乃是透過組織使命影響人力資源之政策表現; 2.在人力資源政策部份,政策內涵對組織文化具有正向顯著的效果,但政策運作過程與組織文化僅有正向顯著相關,政策運作過程無法預測組織文化;3.策略型人力資源政策並未比執行型人力資源政策對組織文化具有更正向的顯著效果;4.執行型人力資源政策與策略型人力資源政策,透過對組織文化強度的影響,提升組織之競爭力與績效表現。研究者最後針對研究結果及修改後的「人力資源政策之競爭力模式」,與對未來的學術研究及實務應用提出具體的建議。

政府與企業之弊端揭發過程比較研究-從揭弊者受影響因素的角度 / The Comparative Research of Whistle-Blowing in Government and Business Organizations-The Factors Affecting Whistleblowers

蔡明瀚 Unknown Date (has links)
近來各國政府對於公共服務的提供,越來越傾向公私協力的方式,以滿足人民的多元需求,但是有時因為政府的監督效率不彰甚至是政府與財團勾結,以至於企業組織的不法行為嚴重影響了公共利益。而外部的監督機制效果失靈,弊端揭發(whistle blowing)就成為了最後一道防線。但是,不論在公私部門,只要是在組織內揭露不法情事,勢必牽涉許多複雜的因素,以及可能對揭發者造成風險,再加上我國法制的不健全難以對揭弊者提供完善的保護,這些都將影響成員揭發的意願。 因此,為探討上述問題,本研究採取質性研究的方式,運用文獻回顧與深度訪談作為研究方法。本研究的研究架構是從弊端揭發者的心理進程發展依序探討,首先,以公務倫理或企業倫理、揭弊前因素以及預期揭弊後因素之三類現有因素做出初步判斷,再者,以前述判斷結果作為依據,將揭弊管道、對象以及手段納入綜合考量,最後做出揭發弊端與否的決定。本研究之研究發現認為,第一,企業倫理與公務倫理難以促使揭弊行為產生。第二、有利組織弊端揭發的情境與結構包括溝通管道暢通、扁平化的組織以及創新傾向的組織文化並且權力在其中居於主導地位。第三、現行保護機制無法保障私部門成員之工作與公務人員之安全。 另外,建議後續研究者可以選擇公私協力之個案,或是可以就組織中的「有權者」的角度來探討。最後,本研究根據研究發現提出幾點實務建議: 一、 制定公益揭發專法 二、 增加組織成員職涯規劃的多元性 三、 加重行賄者責任 四、 改善政風單位處理程序 關鍵詞:弊端揭發過程、公務倫理、企業倫理、弊端揭發者保護機制 / Nowadays, to satisfy the diverse demands from people, governments tend to work with business organizations to provide better public service. However, due to the possibilities of poor supervision from governments and collusion between both parties, public interest is often under great threat or even severely violated. Therefore, whistle-blowing will be the last defense once the external control systems fail. No matter in public or private organizations, it may put the whistleblower at risk while disclosing wrongdoings which involves many complex factors. And it could also affect people’s willingness of being a whistleblower due to the lack of protecting system in our existing legal regime. To investigate above topic, this study is conducted with qualitative research analysis, and is to use documentary analysis and depth interview as the research methods. The conceptual framework is to investigate by the whistleblower’s psychological process in sequence. First of all, the whistleblower will make the initial judgments with three existing factors: administrative ethics or business ethics, the factors prior to whistle-blowing, and the expected factors after whistle-blowing. Therefore, based on the initial judgments mentioned above, the whistleblower will decide whether to blow the whistle or not after taking channels, objects, and means into account. The findings of this research indicate three following points: (1) Administrative ethics or business ethics lead to little possibility that brings out whistle-blowing. (2) The situations or structures which are conducive to whistle-blowing include unimpeded communication channel, horizontal organization, and innovation-tended organizational culture. And the power holds a dominant position. (3) Existing protecting system cannot ensure the right to work of people working in private sector, nor the safety of public servant. In addition, the author suggests that succeeding investigators choose the case related to public private partnership, or probe from the perspective of the powers. At last, the practical suggestions based on the findings of this study are as following: 1. To legislate for public interest disclosure 2. To enrich the diversity of members’ career development 3. To aggravate the consequences of giving bribes 4. To improve the working procedures of the department of civil service ethics Keywords: the Process of Whistle-blowing, Administrative Ethics, Business Ethics, Whistleblower Protecting System

Coréens du Japon et Japonaises partis vivre en Corée du Nord (1953-2001) – Contribution à l’analyse de la politique étrangère du Japon – / The Repatriation of Koreans Living in Japan to North Korea (1953-2001) : A Contribution to the Analysis of Japan's Foreign Policy

Carbonnet, Adrien 12 September 2014 (has links)
Au sortir de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, les Coréens représentaient la première communauté étrangère au Japon. Beaucoup d’entre eux y subissait des discriminations et vivaient dans la précarité, voire dans l’indigence. Dans la deuxième moitié des années 1950, alors que les dirigeants nord-Coréens se proposaient de les accueillir, le rapatriement en Corée du Nord représenta pour nombre de ces Coréens l’espoir d’un avenir meilleur. De 1959 à 1984, plus de 93000 personnes – dont environs 2000 Japonaises mariées à des Coréens – gagnèrent le Nord du 38e parallèle. Toutefois, le gouvernement japonais, confronté dès 1974 aux demandes des familles de ces Japonaises, tenta d’obtenir des informations sur leur sort et leur retour au Japon. Le présent travail établit une cartographie des acteurs impliqués dans le processus décisionnel autour des rapatriements vers la Corée du Nord, mais également dans les négociations touchant à la question de ces femmes japonaises. Plus particulièrement, cette étude met en lumière le rôle d’ « acteurs subsidiaires » – notamment la Société de la Croix-Rouge du Japon et les parlementaires nationaux – intervenant là où les marges de manœuvre du gouvernement sont restreintes en l’absence de relations diplomatiques officielles entre le Japon et la Corée du Nord. Cette contrainte institutionnelle a eu pour conséquence l’investissement des champs d’action traditionnellement dévolus au Ministère des Affaires étrangères (négociation, protection de ses nationaux à l’étranger, renseignement) par ces « acteurs subsidiaires » dont l’analyse permet d’établir une image à la fois plus complète et moins stato-Centrée de la politique étrangère du Japon. / At the end of the Second World War, Koreans constituted the main foreign community in Japan. Many of them were subjected to discrimination, and lived precariously or even in abject poverty. From the latter half of the 1950s, when North Korean leaders were welcoming them and guaranteeing them decent living conditions, repatriation to North Korea represented hope for a better future for many of these Koreans. Between 1959 and 1984, more than 93,000 people – of whom 2,000 were Japanese women married to Koreans – arrived at the 38th Parallel North. Nevertheless, the Japanese government, confronted by requests from the families of these Japanese women from 1974, tried to obtain information on their whereabouts, and asked for their return to Japan. The present work establishes a mapping of the actors implicated in the decision-Making process concerning repatriation operations to North Korea, but also in the negotiations retated to the Japanese women. More specifically, this study highlights the role of the “subsidiary actors” – of which the Japanese Red Cross and national parliaments are the most prominent – those that intervened where the government’s margins for manoeuvring were narrow in the absence of official diplomatic relations between Japan and North Korea. This institutional constraint led to an investment in fields of action that had traditionally been relegated to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (negotiation, protection of nationals abroad, intelligence, etc.) by these “subsidiary actors”, and a subsequent analysis of these actors provided both a more complete and less state-Centred image of Japan’s foreign policy.


葉俊麟, Yeh, Chun-Lin Unknown Date (has links)
政治代表著一種權威性的價值分配,政府的工作便是在制訂與執行這些價值分配的政策,其間必然牽涉到權力的形成、分配與運用,而菁英往往比一般人更有權力,因此菁英如何影響政策制訂是一個值得關注的問題。 而「國民身分健保合一智慧卡(簡稱國民卡)計畫」,從相關的報導中,筆者發現國民卡一案的決策過程乃是以菁英決策的方式出現,主要涉及行政菁英、立法菁英、知識菁英與企業菁英間的互動,因而希望藉由國民卡個案的探討,進一步對菁英理論如何應用於政策制訂過程有較為深入的了解。 本文係採文獻探討法與深度訪談法,首先對政策制訂過程與菁英理論進行探討,並將菁英分為行政菁英、立法菁英、知識菁英與企業菁英四類,進而就其角色、影響政策的策略進行說明,在獲得菁英理論如何應用於政策制訂過程的大致輪廓後,接著對國民卡政策制訂過程進行說明,並對國民卡方案中各類菁英運用策略進行分析,最後作出結論。 本文研究發現如下:一、國民卡方案的制訂,深受菁英理念之影響;二、社會大眾對國民卡方案制訂之影響有限;三、少數菁英對於政策有重大影響;四、權力由一元轉為多元。 在研究建議方面,本文除對菁英理論作出建議外,對於實務上亦提供相關政策建議,包括:一、政策綠皮書的公布;二、建立完善諮詢制度,善用吸納策略;三、採取漸進策略;四、強化政黨協商,適度滿足各方需求;五、健全資訊政策相關立法。

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