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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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考慮信用風險及Lévy過程之可轉換公司債評價 / Valuation of Convertible Bond under Lévy process with Default Risk 指導教授:廖四郎 博士 研究生:李嘉晃 撰 中華

李嘉晃, Chia-Huang Li Unknown Date (has links)
由於違約事件不斷發生以及在財務實證上顯示證券的報酬率有厚尾與高狹峰的現象,本文使用縮減式模型與Lévy過程來評價有信用風險下的可轉換公司債。在Lévy過程中,本研究假設股價服從NIG及VG模型,發現此兩種模型比傳統的GBM模型更符合厚尾現象。此外,在Lévy過程參數估計方面,本文使用最大概似法估計參數,在評價可轉換公司債方面,本研究採用最小平方蒙地卡羅法。本文之實證結果顯示,Lévy模型的績效比傳統GBM模型佳。 / Due to the reason that the default events occurred constantly and still continue taking place, empirical log return distributions exhibit fat tail and excess kurtosis, this paper evaluates convertible bonds under Lévy process with default risk using the reduced-form approach. Under the Lévy process, the underlying stock prices are set to be normal inverse Gaussian (NIG) and variance Gamma (VG) model to capture the jump components. In the empirical analysis, we use the maximum likelihood method to estimate the parameters of Lévy distributions, and apply the least squares Monte Carlo Simulation to price convertible bonds. Five examples are shown in pricing convertible bonds using the traditional model and Lévy model. The empirical results show that the performance of Lévy model is better than the traditional one.

演化、群聚以及策略互動---以富人和窮人的投資合作過程為例 / Evolution, Cliques, and Strategic Interaction on Network Formation

李坤智, Lee,Kun-chin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究為探討網路演化過程中的群聚現象,說明網路是否能夠藉由訊息傳遞的過程而浮現出族群分離的現象,為此我們架構了一個電腦模型,同時加入了突現行為(mutation)的考量,藉此來瞭解網路形成過程中的不理性行為是否有影響族群群聚的功效存在,探討在不同的突現發生機率下,網路演化過程中的群聚現象是否會隨著突現發生機率的不同而產生不同的結果。至於,在連結形成方面,我們設定連結如果要形成的話,必須要雙方玩家都願意採取相同的投資動作才能成立,連結必須要雙方玩家都相互協調的情況下才能建立,所以玩家每期都會先選擇要進行的投資策略,其次才依照雙方所選擇的投資動作來決定連結是否建立,並不像以往的文獻中所述,完全依照玩家是否有連結誘因存在來決定連結是否建立,在本研究中玩家是依照雙方所選擇的投資動作來決定連結是否形成。 在此研究中,我們以富人和窮人的投資合作過程為故事背景,假定玩家都有兩種投資策略可以選擇,玩家會從中擇一採用,當雙方玩家協商之後,如果雙方都願意採取相同的投資動作的話,則連結就會建立。設定富人選擇投資策略的自由度較高,而窮人選擇投資策略的自由度較低,因此當玩家開始去尋找適合的合作伙伴時,窮人所受的限制較多,而富人所受的限制較少,但是為了避免設定了太強的假設,所以本研究盡量使用較為薄弱的假設,盡可能使窮人與富人之間的差異性不大且符合現實。在這種行為模式的設定下,我們利用兩個群聚比例來計算每期所形成的同性質連結數目,藉由這兩個群聚比例的變化來探究網路形成過程中的群聚分離狀況,因此我們利用了一個較為間接的方式來瞭解所要討論的議題。 本研究透過演算模擬得到幾個結論:(1)平均群聚比例會隨著突現發生機率趨於0而不斷提升,代表網路隨著突現發生機率的下滑,族群分離的程度會隨之趨於明顯。(2)當突現發生機率很低時,平均群聚比例會隨著玩家每期能夠建立的最大連結數目增加而下滑,網路內的族群分離現象逐漸不明顯。但是當突現發生機率很高時,卻會維持在平均的水準。(3)當玩家的人數增多時,突現的發生對群聚比例會有提升的效果存在,不管最大連結數目為何都會有如此的結果。(4)如果市場上處於一個貧富人數不均的環境下,則隨著網路的演化最後所計算出來的族群現象就會越明顯,富人自然會和富人相連,而窮人自然會和窮人相連,群聚現象是自然演變出來的。(5)若搜尋時採隨機模式,則平均群聚比例在突現發生機率很高時會較一般模式差,而在突現發生機率很低時則與一般模式差異不大。(6)若突現僅限於連結的斷裂,且窮人的動作選擇僅限於投資策略二,則平均群聚比例則會趨近於一。

公共領域的公共再現:公視報紙報導與評論之分析(1990年~2013年) / Public representation of the public sphere in Taiwan: An analysis of newspaper commentaries and reports on the Taiwan Public Television Movement between 1990 and 2013

丘忠融 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在分析在我國公視建構過程中(1990~2013年)的報紙相關評論與報導。從1915年開始,台灣就有許多透過媒體改革來爭取發言權的運動。然而,直到1990年,公民社會才出現了以產權為目標的媒改運動,亦即1990年代起的公視運動。因此,我們認為公視運動可被視為公民爭取「公共領域」的重要歷程,值得進行深入分析。 其次,本文主張公視這種「公共領域」的建構過程,應以公共對話為基礎。經文獻檢閱,我們認為公媒體與公共領域有以下關聯。以制度面而言,Habermas的晚近公共領域概念強調國家必須透過立法過程來保障溝通行動,這正和公媒體的制度契合。以公共論述判準而言,Habermas的「合理政治意志形成過程」與「理性溝通」則可用來檢視,關於公視制度的討論是否符合公共性。 此外,本文選報紙評論進行分析,不是為了比較各報論述的差異,而是報紙長時間地記載各報社、社運團體成員、學者專家與社會大眾對公視議題的論述,這可讓我們檢視及反思不同階段公視運動的論述目標與特徵。另一方面,我們也檢閱了公視相關的立法院、監察院公報等資料,藉此釐清政府、媒體與公民社會三者的關係。 本研究有以下三點發現。第一,政府政策意圖是引導公視論述的關鍵因素。只有當政府對公視採取較正面態度,公民社會才有機會對公視進行深度的討論。第二,公視議題的主要論述者是報社人員與學院知識份子,其中學知對於公視向來採取支持立場。相對而言,只有在公視處於不利局面時,各報才會較積極地對公視表達支持。第三,當報社與學知對公視議題進行討論,報社較支持「商業化」與「數位化」,學知則較重視「公共理念」。 / This paper aims to analyze newspaper commentary and reports published during the Taiwan Public Television Movement between 1990 and 2013. Since 1915, Taiwan has had a lot of media reform movements that fought for freedom of speech. But there were no media reform movements with the aim of dealing with media ownership until the Taiwan Public Television Movement happened in 1990.We believe that the public television movement was a very important process that structured" public sphere “in Taiwan and is worth an in-depth analysis. As a public sphere, Taiwan Broadcasting System (TBS) should be constructed on the public dialogue. After reviewing the literature, we think that the public media and the public sphere have the following correlations. In terms of institutional designs, Habermas emphasized recently that the state needs to protect the communicative action through the legislative process. We think this is similar to the idea of public television. With regard to public dialogues, Habermas' concepts of “a process model of rational political will-formation” and "rational communication ideal " can be applied to analyze the discourse of Taiwan Public Television. In addition, we analyzed newspaper commentaries, not to compare the differences of representation between newspapers, but to document different kinds of discussions of public television by media, social movement organizations, scholars and the public over a long period of time. Whereby, we can examine and reflect on the discourse goals and characteristics of the Taiwan Public Television movement in different stages. We also reviewed the official gazettes of the Legislative Yuan and the Control Yuan in order to clarify the relationship between the government, the media and civil society. In this paper, we provide readers with three findings. First, the intent of government policy was a key factor in leading the discourse of public television. Only when the government adopted more positive attitudes towards the TBS did civil society have chances for more in-depth discussions. Second, the discussions of TBS were mainly made by newspaper staffs and college intellectuals. Furthermore, college intellectuals had always taken a stand that supported public television. In contrast, only when TBS was in an unfavorable situation did newspaper staffs become more active in offering support. Third, whenever newspaper staffs and college intellectuals participated in the public discussion, the former tended to support the "commercialized" and "digitized" TBS, but the latter were inclined to favor “the ideal of public sphere” of TBS.

社會住宅與合宜住宅相互變遷之政策過程分析 / The Policy Analysis of the Policy Change Process between Social Housing and Affordable Housing

呂庭吟, Lu, Ting Yin Unknown Date (has links)
2013年聯合國於兩公約人權報告中揭示,「居住權」為重要的基本人權之一,然而,根據行政院研考會於2010年的網路民調,「房價高漲」為十大民怨之首,受到外在政治經濟環境影響,政府放任投資客自由進出房地產市場炒房的結果,使得一般市井小民欲在臺北都會區買房,得不吃不喝15.73年才得以買到一處安身立命的處所,由此可知,我國居住權人權狀況與國際人權標準尚有一段差距。   本研究目的在於以政策分析途徑界定政策問題,接著從「政策變遷」(policy change)的角度切入,比較臺灣住宅政策的主要政策方案,包括「只租不售」的社會住宅、「出售式」的合宜住宅,進而探討在多項政策方案供選擇的政策決策過程中(policy making process),政策行動者所採取的互動策略如何影響政策變遷的結果,並透過深度訪談了解不同行動者對這些變化過程的解釋為何、如何看待那些變化,並依據個案的合適性選擇莊文忠(2003)提出的整合性分析架構,從外在環境因素、政策本身特性、結構因素、政策網絡等面向,分析社會住宅與合宜住宅相互變遷的政策過程,歸納影響政策變遷的因素有哪些,進而提出政策建議。   基於文獻分析與訪談結果,本研究發現,政府推動社會住宅相較於合宜住宅面臨較大的困難,包括缺乏整體的社會住宅政策、心理上的抗拒、法規制度的限制等,《住宅法》於2011年底通過與地方政府重要政策轉變構築變遷的政策過程,然而,從2010年到2014年短短4年的時間,社會住宅卻取代合宜住宅成為中央政府或地方政府積極推動的住宅政策。 從社會住宅與合宜住宅相互變遷的政策過程來看,影響兩項政策變遷的因素有許多:在政策外在環境因素的部分,包含高房價民怨促使政府回應、2014年底九合一選舉的影響、政策學習不應照單全收、社會共識逐漸形成、葉世文行賄弊案的衝擊;在政策屬性因素的部分,包含從國宅政策思維到社會價值的展現、焦點事件促成民眾政策偏好的改變、民間參與並非住宅政策的萬靈丹、合宜住宅的無形政策成本超載;在結構因素的部分,包含政策選擇與政治績效形塑決策者的政策思維、決策者的意識型態會影響其住宅政策決策、中央與地方各有本位主義、中央住宅部門層級過低等等,再加上政策網絡中行動者互動的交互影響,使得複雜性、不確定性如此高的社會住宅成為目前的政策主流,許多政府單位因為首長選舉的政見承諾紛紛開始重視社會住宅這樣的政策,而政策不會一成不變,相反地,它們會受到政治結構變遷及決策者政策思維改變而持續不斷地演化,因此,社會住宅政策未來是否能維持主導地位,仍有待吾人持續關注後續的政策變遷。 / In 2013, the human rights reports in two International Covenants both disclosed that “right of residence“ as one of the most important fundamental human rights. However, according to an on-line poll conducted by Research Development and Evaluation Commission of Executive Yuan in 2010 showed that “rising house prices“ issue was top one grievances among others. Affected by political and economic environment externally, the result of letting free access of investors unlimited entering and exiting real estate market has made it very difficult for civilians to buy house around urban Taipei. In order to buy a new house around unban Taipei, a civilian has to live without drinking or eating for 15.73 years. Therefore, it clearly shows that there is still a big gap between the right of residence in Taiwan and international standard. The purpose of this study is to define policy issues through policy analysis approach. Furthermore, the study tries to compare major policy programs of housing policy in Taiwan from the perspective of policy change, including "only for rent not for sale" social housing and "sale type" affordable housing, so as to discuss how interactive strategies that policy actors adopted affect the result of policy changes in the policy making process. The study adopts in-depth interview method to understand how different actors explain and interpret the changes, along with specific case study based on the integrated analysis framework proposed by Wen-Jong Juang in 2003. Through the integrated analysis framework, from external environment factors, policy features, structural factors and policy networks, the study analyzes the policy changing process between social housing and affordable housing, concluding which factors affect the changes in policy. Additionally, hope to come up with some policy suggestions. By reviewing related literatures and conducting interviews, the study shows that government faces greater difficulties when promoting social housing rather than promoting affordable housing. The reasons include lack of comprehensive social housing policy, mental resistance, and restrictions on laws as well as institutions and so on. The passing of Housing Act in the end of 2011 and the significant policy changes in local governments have created the policy change process. However, from 2010 to 2014, instead of promoting affordable housing policy, both central and local governments promote strongly on social housing policy. By observing the policy changing process between social housing and affordable housing, the study shows that many factors affect policy changes. First, the external environmental factors, including the high housing price issue, influence of local election in the end of 2014, policy learning, social consensus, and bribery scandal of Shi-Wen Ye all have impacts externally. Second, the factors of policy features, including past public housing policy to social value; focus events led to changes of public preferences; private participation in housing policy is not a panacea; the intangible cost of affordable housing overloaded are all possible factors. Third, the structural factors, including policy thinking formed by policy chose and political performance; ideologies of decision makers; centralism and localism; hierarchy of residential department in central government and so on, all have different effects. Last but not least, the interactions among policy network actors cause interaction effects. Hence, factors above make social housing as mainly policy, even though it is still highly uncertain and complex. Many government agencies have begun to pay attention to social housing policy due to the promises made by local officials. On the other hand, policies change, continually evolve affected by changes in the political structure and the policy thinking of decision makers. Therefore, whether the social housing policy will maintain the dominant position still remains question, and we will keep follow up with what might change in future policies.

都市阿美族工地板模工班的勞動過程:一個日常生活史角度的考察 / The labour Process of Urban Amis workmen Crew in Formwork Construction Sites : An Investigation from Everyday Life History Perspective

楊士範, Yang, Shi Fan Unknown Date (has links)
本文書寫的七位都市阿美族營造業板模師傅的勞動生命故事,將帶領我們走入一趟勞動社會學之旅。這些受訪的新店區阿美族資深板模工人,主要來自花東平原或縱谷不同的部落。目前他們有些居住於新店國宅內,有些居住於河濱部落,有些散居於安坑地區。他們都是技術工人,從事營造業板模工作也都有二十個年頭以上。他們豐富的板模工作經驗及長時期待在此行業,不僅提供我們重新認識台灣建築工人勞動過程的自主性及日常生活樣貌,也從他們口述史中知道整個營造業產業的變遷風向。雖然他們以個案方式被呈現,但我們借助這些個案也試圖超越這些個案,嘗試從具體工人個案敘述,走向抽象工人的理論論述與剖析。 這是一趟勞動社會學之旅,但同時也是一趟勞動生命史之旅。本文採取田野調查、深度訪談與歷史文獻爬梳的方式,試圖去貼近被研究對象。他們的勞動與都市生活,其實是具體地鑲嵌於母文化及其社會關係之中。當越是深入田野貼近都市阿美族的工作經驗及其日常生活,筆者就越想瞭解下列的疑問:「都市阿美族建築業工班是如何運作的?」、「都市阿美族人其原來的勞動文化,如何被帶入工地勞動之中的?」、「台灣營造業的剝削與不公平問題,更勝於其他行業,但為何沒有建築工人走上街頭呢?其中製造甘願的機制為何呢?」、「都市阿美族建築工人的抗爭,如何展現及其限制為何?」最後還有「都市阿美族人建築工人團結文化如何可能?」這些大問號,將引導本文的思考與書寫的方向。 本文的章節安排,扼要說明如下。第一章〈導論〉,包括研究動機與目的、文獻回顧與評析、研究方法及章節安排之說明;第二章〈近代阿美族的社會歷史及其時代變遷〉,探討阿美族自荷西時代到日本殖民時代的社會變遷;第三章〈當代阿美族的西部都會地區移工、族裔社區與日常生活〉,則試圖描繪當代阿美族的社會變遷面貌,尤其考察都市阿美族的形成、社群網絡、自願團體、貨幣使用及其日常生活樣貌;第四章〈阿美族板模工個案生命史〉,正式進入七位男性都市阿美族板模師傅個案勞動生命史自傳的書寫;第五章〈都市阿美族營造業工班組織與勞動過程考察〉,將由這七位板模師傅的勞動經驗出發,並將其放在台灣營造業鋼筋混凝土工法引進百年歷史、戰後台灣營造業外包制度、工班運作及其生產政治中考察;第六章,〈戰後台灣工地文化、營造技術及其社會變遷〉,我們將聚焦在台灣特殊的工地文化、營造業去技術過程及建築工人的勞動自主性之課題;第七章〈工地「階級」關係、勞動過程與市場專制/關係主義〉,試圖建立在上述個案研究基礎之上,並超越個案的侷限,從事抽象的建築工人勞動過程的理論討論與剖析。其中,特別指出及論證台灣營造業之「市場專制與關係主義複合體組合」勞動體制特色;最後第八章〈結論〉,扼要說明本研究的若干研究發現。 / In this book, the hardworking life stories of seven urban Amis template workers in construction industry will lead us to a journey of sociology of labor. These interviewed senior Amis template workers who live in Sindian District, New Taipei City, mainly come from different tribes in Huatung Valley or Plain. They chose to settle down in Sindian District of New Taipei City. Some of them live in Sindian public housing, some live in riverbank tribes, and others live scattered in Ankeng. They are all skilled workers who have experience in making templates in construction industry for more than twenty years. With their extensive experience of making templates and stay in this industry for a long time, we not only rediscover the autonomy of labor and daily life of construction workers in Taiwan but also learn the transformation of the construction industry with their oral history. Although it is presented with cases, we attempt to transcend the cases, and with these cases, we try to discuss and analyze the cases from concrete labour cases to abstract labour theory. This is a journey of sociology of labor, and also a journey of history of labor life. With the methods of field work, depth interview, and historical references, the writer tries to get close to the subjects and finds that their labor and urban lives are concretely embedded to mother culture and social relations. The deeper the writer gets into the field and urban Amis’ working experience and daily life, the more the writer wants to solve the following questions: “How does the construction shift of urban Amis works?” “How did Amis’ original labor culture be brought to the construction labor?” “The exploitation and unfairness of labor in Taiwan construction industry are more serious than those of other industries, but why there aren’t social movement of construction workers in the streets? What is the mechanism of creating consent?” “How should we express and what is the limit of the fight of urban Amis construction workers?” “What is the possibility of unity culture of urban Amis construction workers?” These big questions will lead the way of this essay’s thought and direction of writing. The chapter arrangement of the essay are as follows: chapter 1, “Introduction,” including the motivation and purpose of the research, reviewing and analyzing the references, research methods, and the arrangement of chapters; chapter 2, “Recent social history of the Amis and the change of its time,” discussing the change of Amis society from European rule to Japanese colonial period; chapter 3, “Present Amis’ migrant workers in Taiwan’s western metropolitan areas, community, and daily life,” trying to describe the appearance of present Amis’ change of the society, especially inspecting the formation, community grid, volunteer group, usage of currency, and daily life of present Amis; chapter 4, “Individual life history of Amis template workers,” beginning to write the biography of the history of labor life of the seven urban Amis template workers; chapter 5, “Inspecting the construction industry work organization and labor process of urban Amis,” starting from the personal labor experience of these seven template workers, it investigate the history of hundreds of years of reinforced concrete technique in Taiwan construction industry, post-war outsourcing system in Taiwan, operation of working shifts, and production politics; chapter 6, “Post-war culture of construction site, construction techniques, and change of society in Taiwan,” focusing on the special culture of construction site, process of construction techniques, and the labor autonomy of constriction workers in Taiwan; chapter 7, “The ‘class’ relations of construction site, process of labor, and despotic marketism / relationalism,” trying to establish the above basics of mentioned individual case research, transcending the limitation of individual case, and conduct the abstract discussion and analysis on the theory of labor process of construction workers. It especially points out and demonstrates the features of labor regime of the complex of despotic marketism and relationalism in Taiwan construction industry; chapter 8, “Conclusion,” briefly elaborating the findings of the research.

祭壺器的社會生命史—阿美族東昌村的民族學調查與靜浦文化的考古學研究 / The Social Life of Ritual Pottery : An Ethnological Survey in an Amis Community of Dongchang and Archaeological Research of Jingpu Culture

鍾國風, Chung, Kuo Feng Unknown Date (has links)
宗教禮儀性人工製品向來為考古學與民族學者所關注,無疑是因為此類人工製品長期以往被視為族群標誌物之故。論文第一章首先回顧台灣考古學家如何建構考古學靜浦文化(早期稱之為阿美文化)過程,阿美族祭壺器如何經由類比、詮釋,成為考古學者眼中靜浦文化晚期文化相的族群標誌物。其二,耙梳歷史民族誌材料,說明民族學於長時段歷史情境,所紀錄阿美族祭壺器承載的文化訊息或意義認知狀態的不完整性,如性別差異性的疏忽。而此種訊息狀態則可能反饋影響考古學者們對於祭壺器類別等考古材料的意義認知與解釋效度。其三,在靜浦文化與阿美族祭壺器的研究回顧基礎上,筆者提出靜浦文化晚期所屬之「東河南Ⅳ遺址礫石結構現象祭壺器等祭祀物群的埋藏與分類問題」之問題意識。東河南Ⅳ遺址的礫石結構現象埋藏大量diwas祭壺器等祭祀物群,筆者認為至少包括兩個重要的考古學命題,一是埋藏的脈絡,涉及的是社會情境。二是遺物群的分類,涉及埋藏者對於這些遺物群的價值意義的認知。論文的核心理論與研究途徑,乃透阿美族東昌村民族考古學的實踐,以理解阿美族禮儀性物品祭壺器等祭祀器物群的社會生命史與意義的形成過程,涉及阿美族人對於祭壺器等祭祀器物群的分類認知體系、意義與價值、態度和埋藏的形成情境,以回應考古學家對於祭壺器生命歷程“意義”的理解,以期豐富本研究對於考古學有關祭壺器分類與埋藏之問題的詮釋。 論文第二章為田野背景,描繪東昌村宗教性與經濟性交疊的社域空間,指出祭壺器依其性別、指涉對象(tu’as/kawas)、資源地域空間,sifanohay/女性/社內/祖靈/家/田:diwas/男子/社外/Malataw神/山/海,性別空間構成祭壺器生命範疇。祭壺器作為活著的人與祖靈或神靈溝通時不可或缺的中介承載物,隨著性別空間界限,劃界出人們長期慣習經歷的集體記憶、認同與空間。 第三章透過東昌村宗教禮儀機制,描繪禮儀性人工製品diwas如何積極地介入男子成年禮(malengleng)過渡禮儀,sifanohay涉入女子婚後成家操持除穢家屋儀式(miasik to loma’)歷程,diwas與sifanohay等祭祀器物群於社會生命史初始階段如何地被人們所認知、分類、取得、流動於家屋社會。 第四章探討祭壺陶器的風格意義與流動,透過祭祀家戶所持有的祭壺器,首先探討祭壺器風格意義,涉及的是村民對於祭壺器風格型態的認知,經由性別意識形構出的祭壺器性別風格界限與分立的性別風格邊界。其次,針對祭壺器進行文化性分類與風格型態的說明,且經由成家、成巫等方式取得祭壺器的共伴模式,提出傳世與近年因仿製、市場消費等不同流行年代的祭壺器風格型態。其三,透過祭壺器的年使用率與消耗痕,討掄祭壺器的使用與拋棄。其四,探討定著於家屋的祭壺器,如何在世代間的本家垂直流動與婚出成家的橫向擴充。同時指出巫師於祭儀所劃界的儀式空間物界,應許著祭祀器物群的組合共伴模式,框架出祭祀器物群的型態樣貌。 第五章探討祭壺器空間譜系,象徵家屋單位的sifanohay,作用於儀式空間所呈現叢聚與共伴現象意義的討論。首先以田祭(misatolikong)、祖靈祭(talatu’as)為例,「sifanohay叢聚」空間譜系,召示「祖靈→sifanohay→巫師→家戶→家族→世系群」之社會結構意義,歷史化過程中外來的Sakizaya、Cikasuan等世系群(他者)如何經由婚姻與宗教禮儀機制的認同實踐逐漸地進入東昌村社會。族群間的認同疆界雖然隱誨,卻於祀奉母系族源的宗教禮儀現場,經由sifanohay叢聚現象而彰顯。其二,小米播種祭(mitiway)巡祀儀式,勾勒出巫師巡祭家戶的路徑,透過標誌家戶單位sifanohay空間分布,劃界出Lidaw帶有生命隨著時間與信仰認同形構出的浮動疆界。 第六章探討東昌村喪葬儀禮涉及的祭壺器陪葬與埋藏歷程,東昌村人對於傳統土葬意識與現行火葬態度。傳統土葬做為陪葬品的祭壺器,因為改採火葬而從陪葬品的一代生命,翻轉成為隔代的傳家物。此外,因應土葬公墓收歸公有後的遷葬與撿骨儀式,原本做為陪葬品的祭壺器於撿骨時出土當下,祭壺器因為後代子孫於墓地撿骨時的態度與觀念,導致出土祭壺器的命運翻轉,有的家戶視為祖先遺留物而攜家做為傳家寶,或是放在骨灰罈旁如同陪葬品般繼續陪祀祖先,或是被視為污穢禁忌的墓地出土,而從神聖陪葬物轉變成穢物而被拋棄於墓地現場,導致祭壺器生命歷程的文化扭曲與變遷的動態歷程。 第七章為靜浦文化晚期內涵與東河南Ⅳ遺址「礫石結構現象」埋藏事件問題的反思。經由東昌村民族考古學田野的觀測,對於阿美族人宗教禮儀性物品祭壺器社會生命史的意義認知與分類體系的基礎下,試圖重新論述考古學靜浦文化晚期文化內涵核心,所伴隨宗教祭祀禮儀性物品祭壺器等祭祀器物群的社會意義。此外,面對形成過程中遭扭曲的靜浦文化晚期東河南Ⅳ遺址「礫石結構現象」埋藏事件,研析遭共同埋藏的祭壺器等祭祀器物群“埋藏情境與分類問題”,以豐富考古學對於靜浦文化晚期歷經清末日初近現代時期以來宗教性物質文化發展變遷的狀態,以增進考古學對於此埋藏事件所隱含祖靈信仰認同斷裂的詮釋效度。 第八章結語部分,首先回顧東昌村民族考古學田野對於祭壺器等祭祀器物群社會生命史形成脈絡的理解。祭壺器從男女過渡禮儀的性別意識開展進入家屋社會,形塑祭壺器性別風格界限,伴隨宗教儀禮巫師劃設儀式空間界限,再次形構祭祀器物群共伴組合與型態風格。再者,定著於祖靈信仰家戶的祭壺器,再次地劃界出Lidaw浮動的宗教性社會疆界,同時標誌出與奇萊平原臨社間的祖靈信仰光譜與村際邊界。文末提出論文思考與未來延續性研究方向,以期增進本論文研究取向的拓展性。

初探公部門清潔隊員工作特質與勞動過程的性別差異 / Gender Differences in Job Characteristics and Labor Process of Public Sector Sanitation Workers

廖貞雅, Liao, Chen Ya Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討公部門清潔隊員工作特質,以及性別對於清潔隊員在工作職務分配和勞動過程的影響。研究者使用田野觀察和深度訪談進行資料蒐集,並以新北市樹林區的清潔隊中垃圾清運班、資源回收班和掃路工作三項職務者為觀察對象,分析著重於清潔隊員工作的性別職務隔離、勞動過程中表現出的技術與情緒勞動。主要研究發現與貢獻如下:(一)本研究指出清潔隊中存在著性別職務隔離現象,而形成職務隔離的原因除了性別,工作方式、工作可替代性與工作影響程度等三項因素也是形成職務隔離的原因;(二)清潔隊員工作環境處於開放式空間,且工作的進行主要是受到時間壓力的限制,因此清潔隊員執行工作所需之技術特質與所產生的勞動經驗,和傳統上在工廠工作的工人所處的工作環境及以提高生產產品數量為目的的勞動有所不同。本研究對於清潔隊工作技術與勞動的討論,突破了傳統勞動理論中對於「技術」的定義與想像;(三)本研究發現在清潔隊中職務比性別更會影響情緒勞動付出的多寡,雖然女性助手比男性司機需要付出更多情緒勞動,但是男性司機卻可以透過性別特質,幫助女性助手情緒勞動中不足之處。本研究的貢獻在於增加性別與勞動社會學討論的多元性,且可成為未來清潔隊相關工作社會學研究的基礎。 / This study explores the job characteristics of the janitorial service workers in the public sector and the gender influence on job distribution and the labor process therein. Participant observation and in-depth interviews were utilized for collecting data from those who worked in the Garbage Collecting Unit, the Resource Recycling Unit, and the Road Cleaning Unit of the Shu-Lin District Cleaning Team in New Taipei City. The major findings of this study are listed as follows: (1) The study illuminates the phenomenon of gendered occupational segregation among janitorial service workers. The study further finds that occupational segregation is not only shaped by gender but also by methods used for completing the tasks, substitutability of the individual who performs the job, and the degree in which the job may affect the overall outcome of the work unit. (2) The janitorial service workers work in an open space, and the pressure of work comes mainly from the time allocated to complete the tasks. The work environment as well as skills required for and the labor experiences generated from work are thus different from the traditional industrial workers working in factories whose goal is mainly to maximize the production output. The discussion in this study on skills and labor entailed in janitorial service work expands the horizon of traditional labor theories on the conceptualization and definition of "skill." (3) The study shows that job category is more important than gender in affecting the input of emotional labor in the janitorial service work. Female assistants are required to put in more emotional labor than male truck drivers, and male truck drivers can supplement the female workers' emotional labors by exercising the masculine characteristics. The results of this study may not only contribute to gender and labor studies by enriching the discussion on gender and work as well as the concept of skill, but also provide an importance foundation for future research on janitorial service work.

中共對台工作機制研究:政府過程的觀點 / A study on the Taiwan affairs mechanism of the CPC:“Process of Government” perspective

郭瑞華, Kuo, Jui Hua Unknown Date (has links)
中共對台工作組織研究是兩岸關係研究課題的核心,值得就此議題,投注心力予以關注。本論文旨在針對中共對台工作運作過程,透過理論的闡述和案例的實證,試圖掌握中共決策行為發生的規律、決策規則的選擇,以及政策的實施等過程,進一步找出影響中共對台決策績效的真實原因,為我國與中共交手尋求對策。因此,本論文以政府過程為研究途徑,關注下列問題:中共對台決策權由哪些組織及何人控制?哪些組織或人得以參與對台決策過程?有哪些因素、哪些人影響中共對台決策過程?台灣民眾的利益是如何輸入中共的決策中樞?對台政策如何制定?政策制定的法定程序如何?有哪些實際過程?制定出來的政策如何執行?哪些組織或人控制著對台政策的執行過程?對台政策能否得到有效的執行?影響政策執行的因素為何?政策制定與執行如何互動? 政府過程(process of government)是對政府活動的行為、運轉、程序,和構成要素如政治利益團體之間,以及它們與政府之間的交互關係,進行實證性的分析、研究和闡述。政府過程研究,強調用一種動態的方法,對政府體系與制度進行觀察、分析。政府過程的核心功能是政府決策和決策實施。過程是指政治要求與支持的輸入,轉化成權威性政策輸出的過程,包括利益表達(interest articulation)、利益綜合(interest aggregation)、政策制定(policy making)、政策執行(policy implementation)等,其中政策制定或政策執行是政治過程的關鍵性階段。本文假設中共的對台政策的制定依據,都來自於聽到、看到、想到:聽到台灣領導人、朝野政黨、社會意見領袖、學者專家、大眾傳媒怎麼說,看到台灣平面媒體怎麼寫,民意調查怎麼反應,以及政治、經濟、社會如何變化,中共決策制定者進而思索如何據此制定適當的對台政策。因此,本論文以為中共對台工作的政府過程,始自訊息的蒐集、綜合研析。 本論文探討的中共政府,有四個層次:一是狹義的政府,這是指中央政府的國務院及各級地方人民政府;二是廣義的政府,除了國務院及各級地方人民政府,還包括全國人民代表大會及各級地方人民代表大會;三是更廣義的政府,也就是除了第二類,尚包括中國共產黨各級組織、軍隊組織,以及中國人民政治協商會議各級組織等;四是包含上述之外,同時涵蓋民主黨派、人民團體,甚至企業、社團等,也就是所謂的政府體系。就宏觀面來看,本論文其實就是在探討中共政府體系的對台工作。 中共對台工作機制的建立,與其對台認知有關,當認知改變,對台政策隨即跟著改變,對台工作的方法,以及組織和人員也接著改變。因此,中共慣稱,政治路線決定組織路線,組織路線又決定幹部路線。政治路線是總方針、總政策,政策決定後,就須從其本質和需求,考慮何種組織體系以達成目標。同時,就政府過程探討中共對台組織結構,並不只是從規範層面就結構談結構,而是從實務運作上可以觀察到的功能進行分析,也就是以哪些政治結構實際上介入政府過程為標準。基本上,中共對台工作已經形成一個龐大的網絡,是以台辦系統為主幹,再佐以黨、政、軍、群等其他相關部門,構成網絡關係結構。綜合而言,中共對台工作機制,是中共為進行國家統一過程而設置的一種制度安排,並具有下列特點:一、黨的領導;二、黨政共治模式;三、軍隊角色特別突出;四、領導與協調小組普遍設置;五、社群參與政府過程運作;六、多元、多層次的複雜工作體系。 關鍵字:中共對台工作、政府過程、利益表達、利益綜合、政策制定、政策執行 / The research over Leading Group of Taiwan Affairs has been an important issue in the study of Cross-Strait Relations. This thesis attempts to find out the pattern of China’s policy over Taiwan Affairs through the process of decision making within Leading Group. At least seven research questions can be listed in this thesis. 1) Who and which group control policy over Taiwan Affair in China? 2) Who is involved in the process of decision making? 3) Which element can influence the change of policy? 4) How does China consider the interest of Taiwan’s people? 5) How to implement Taiwan’s Policy in reality? 6) Who has power over the implementation of Taiwan’s Policy? Finally, 7) how does the interaction between policy implementation and policy making in China? The research over process of government can be considered as the behavior, performance, procedure and formation of government, as well as the interaction and empirical analysis of political interest groups and government. It is a dynamic process over the investigation of governmental system. Process is defined as the input of political request and demand, as well as the output of authoritative policy, including interest articulation, interest aggregation, policy making, and policy implementation. The last two elements, especially, are the essence of policy process. By assuming China’s policy on Taiwan is formed by hearing, listening and deliberating of Taiwan: hearing the voices of Taiwan’s leaders, scholar, media; listening to the poll of Taiwanese people; and deliberating the evolutions on Taiwan’s political, economic and social changes; China’s decisions making in terms of Taiwan Affairs can be molded. This thesis will focus on the Chinese governmental process on Taiwan Affairs and discuss four levels of central governments in terms of decision making over this issue. The first and most narrow-defined level of central government refers to the State Council and its national branches. The second and less narrow-defined of central government refers to the first level governmental organs plus the National People’s Congress and its national branches. The third level of government is defined as the first and second levels of governmental organ plus the Chinese Communist Party, military organization and National Committee of the Chinese People’s Consultative Conference. Whereas the fourth and widest-defined central government includes above organizations plus all kind of governmental bodies. From this aspect, this thesis aims to discuss Taiwan Affairs from all sorts of governmental bodies. The establishment of Policy on Taiwan Affairs is based on China’s perception on Taiwan issue. The change of perception will shift the direction of policy, which will also affect China’ attitude and arrangement of personnel. Therefore, China government used to argue—it is political direction determines organization direction, and it is organization direction decides cadre direction. Political direction is the mainstream of all kinds of principles and policies. When political direction is decided, organization direction should be adjusted in order to achieve political direction. In the meantime, the discussion over the process of government in terms of Taiwan Affairs should not be focused on the‘norm,’rather; it is the empirical analysis that matter. Basically, China’s affair on Taiwan Issue has formulated an enormous governmental network, which constitutes by the Chinese communist party, politic, military and many governmental divisions. All in all, six characteristics of Taiwan Affairs can be found in this thesis: 1) the dominate of the ruling party; 2) a model of join-governance; 3) the emphasis of the role on military; 4) a wide establishment of coordination committee; 5) various participations within governmental process; and 6) multi-variate and multi-levels working system. Key words: Taiwan affairs, Process of government, Interest articulation, Interest aggregation, Policy making, Policy implementation

資產配置,波動率與交易密集度 / Asset allocation, Volatility and Trading Intensity

張炳善, Chang, Ping Shan Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探討具有捕捉交易密集度特性的波動率測度模型是否能幫助投資者改 善其資產配置的決策。因此,本文分別考量了利用兩種不同價格抽樣方式所計算 出來的實現波動率 (realized volatility) 模型: (1) 日曆時間抽樣法 (calendar time sampling scheme) 與 (2) 交易次數時間抽樣法 (transaction time sampling scheme)。相較於另一廣為應用的一般化自我迴歸條件異質變異 (Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity) 模型而言,這兩種實現波動率模型的優點除了在於它們可以捕捉日內資產報酬率的動態變化之外,交易次數時間抽樣法更可以另外捕捉市場的交易密集度。因此利用交易次數間抽樣法所計算出的實現波動率相對提供給投資者較多的訊息。本文利用了West, Edison and Cho (1993) 所提出的資產組合期望效用模型衡量三種波動率測度的預測績效:(1) 實現波動率 - 日曆時間抽樣法 (2) 實現波動率 - 交易次數時間抽樣法 (3) 指數型一般化自我迴歸條件異質變異 (Exponential Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity)。我們的實證結果發現,只有在投資者風險趨避係數越小的條件下,此三種波動率測度模型兩兩之間才有較大的期望效用差距;另外,有趣的是,當市場存在異常的交易波動現象時,交易次數時間抽樣法下的實現波動率所產生的期望效用值總是不輸給另外兩種波動率測度模型的結果。 / This paper examines whether volatility measures that account for trading intensity would help investors make better decisions in their asset allocation. Specifically, we consider two versions of realized volatility (RV), namely, one (RV-C) constructed by regular calendar time sampling, and the other one (RV-T) constructed by transaction time sampling. Comparing to models in the GARCH family, both of these two RVs can capture intraday variations of asset return dynamics. In particular, the RV-T incorporates intraday trading intensity, and hence provides even more valuable information for investors. With the utility-based approach developed by West, Edison, and Cho (1993), we compare the predictive performance of RV-C, RV-T, and the EGARCH model in terms of utility generated with each of these three volatility measures. Our empirical results show that the three measures differ from each other mostly when investors are less risk-averse. Most interestingly, the time-deformed RV-T weakly dominates the RV-C and the EGARCH model when the markets are extremely volatile.


李依盈, LEE,YI-YING Unknown Date (has links)
二○○一年年底通過了「大陸地區人民來台從事觀光活動許可辦法」,希望藉由此政策之推行,作為向中國大陸釋出善意的證明,以及挽救台灣觀光產業的處方籤。然而此政策是我國單方面的善意開放,再加上未來全面開放的時間表也沒有確定。因此,有相當多的不確定因素影響到此政策的執行成敗。此外,此政策從二○○二年一月執行至今已發生過多次的跳機(觀光客滯留)事件,致使社會各界均對此政策產生疑慮與擔憂。 因此,本文的研究目的在於:一、為該政策作一全面的檢討評估,以期提供整體性與前瞻性的政策分析與政策建議。二、提出更有效地安全管理機制,以減少中國觀光客在台逾期滯留。 研究歷經文獻檢閱、研究架構之提出、深度訪談與資料分析等過程後,研究所得結果彙整如下: 一、此政策執行至今仍然無法達到其預期的政策目標,讓台灣的觀光產業更加蓬勃發展。 二、旅遊品質與旅遊資源在短期內並非為影響此政策達成目標的關鍵因素;不過以中長期來看,旅遊品質與旅遊資源其實是影響台灣觀光產業發展的一個根本因素,也是最為重要的要素。 三、安全管理機制是必要且重要的,然而安全管理機制與其他因素相較之下,安全管理機制則屬於比較微觀的,比較屬於技術層面的東西。 四、在此開放旅遊的政策中,與中國簽訂旅遊協議其實是最基本的前提要件,屬於最重要的一個影響因素,若是少了這道程序,之後的安全管理機制與旅遊品質都會直接或間接受到影響。 五、今日的安全管理機制難以發揮功效,主要的原因在於我們沒有與中國大陸簽 訂協議。而且即使訂定出一套看似百密而無一疏的安全管理機制,也無法百分之百的杜絕中國旅客來台逾期滯留的問題。

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