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應用賽局理論評價選擇權陳韻竹 Unknown Date (has links)
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半導體行業企業價值評估方法對比 ——實質選擇權與自由現金流折現模型 / Comparison between the Valuation Methods of Semiconductor Companies: Real Option and Discounted Cash Flow Models汪卉 Unknown Date (has links)
企業價值評估是企業管理和企業投資的熱門問題,半導體產業又是高科技發展的關鍵。所以本文就台灣半導體產業的兩個晶圓代工企業之價值評估問題進行對比討論,分別用實質選擇權與自由現金流折現模型來對台積電和聯電進行價值評估。分析中發現實質選擇權方法在評價中比較能充分考量到企業投資決策的彈性,卻對於企業在行業中的領先地位比較難把握;而自由現金流折現模型對於財務報表的數據十分敏感,關於增長率的估計比較難把握,從而使企業價值評估的波動性較大,所以可以綜合兩個方法來進行評價,則可以減少估計誤差。本文的後半部分主要是基於半導體的產業狀況,對台積電與聯電兩家晶圓代工企業的經營策略進行分析,得出科技企業的經營收益與對技術研發的投入呈正相關,也與管理層的理念與穩定性以及上下游產業鏈穩定性密切相關。 / Business Valuation is an important issue for business management or business investment. The semiconductor industry is also an important part for high-tech development. Therefore, this paper focuses on the valuation of two foundry companies in semiconductor industry in Taiwan. Respectively, this paper uses the real option and the discounted cash flow models to assess the values of TSMC and UMC. The analyses find that the real option approach can consider the flexibility of enterprise investment strategy better than the discounted cash flow approach, while it is difficult to grasp the leadership of the company in the industry. The data from the financial statements is too sensitive for the discounted cash flow approach, and the uncertainty about the growth of a company contributes the volatility of the business valuation; therefore, by considering both approaches can reduce the valuation errors. The other part of this paper is based on the semiconductor industry analysis. With the comparison of the corporate business strategies of TSMC and UMC, we find that the operating income of scientific and technological enterprises is positively correlated with business investment in R&D, meanwhile it is closely related to the concept and stability of the manager, as well as the stability of the upstream and downstream supply chain.
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台指選擇權之波動率-以馬可夫轉換模型分析 / Regime-switched Volatility of TAIEX Options Using Markov-switching variance model陳宛頤, Chen, Wan Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文使用馬可夫移轉變異數模型探討台指選擇權之買權的波動性。馬可夫移轉變異數模型將條件變異設定為可隨時間變動而改變,甚至移轉到不同區間上。樣本在不同區間下的平滑機率估計值有助於捕捉資料特性,實證結果顯示當樣本落在高波動率區間上時,會對應著重大事件的發生,例如2004年台灣319槍擊案、2006年全球股災、2008年金融海嘯等。當樣本落在低波動率區間上時,會對應著投資人傾向將台股指數的上漲或下跌視為超漲或超跌,而賦予台指選擇權之買權負的時間價值。 / This paper investigates the volatility of TAIEX Call Options using Markov-switching variance model. The Markov-switching variance model allows the conditional disturbances to change as time passes and even switch between different regimes. The estimation of smoothed probabilities under different regimes facilitates to capture the characteristics of data. The empirical result shows that the high volatility regime is related to extraordinary events, such as 319 shooting incident in 2004, the global stock market crash in 2006, and the Financial Crisis in 2008. When in low volatility regime, investors tend to treat rise or fall in TAIEX as overreactions and give TAIEX Call Options turning points of time values.
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歐式能源期貨選擇權評價: 以WTI原油為例 / Valuation of European Energy Futures Option: A Case Study of WTI Oil鄧怡婷, Deng, I Ting Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,能源商品的價格隨著國際政治情勢、國際金融環境以及景氣循環的影響產生劇烈波動,基於避險的需求,衍生性商品交易量也逐漸增加。然而,在評價能源衍生性商品的過程中,即期價格動態模型的選擇對於訂價與避險的結果有著顯著的影響,如何選擇一個適當的動態模型以評價能源商品便成為本文研究的目標。在指數與股價選擇權的評價模型中,大多以Black and Scholes (1973)提出的選擇權評價模型作為基礎,但Black-Scholes模型是否適用於評價能源市場的選擇權價格卻是有待商榷。Schwartz (1997)提出以均數回歸模型 (Mean Reversion Model)描述能源即期價格,發現比Black-Scholes模型中所假設的即期價格動態模型更能描述能源市場即期價格的波動。本研究也考慮能源市場遇到重大事件而造成即期價格產生劇烈波動的情況,因此在模型中加入跳躍項以捕捉價格跳躍的現象。另外,能源商品的需求與季節變化有高度相關性,因此本文亦考量即期價格的變動會受到季節性的變動影響,在模型中加入季節性函數,以補捉季節性的價格變化。基於前述模型考量,本研究在各種描述能源商品即期價格特性的動態模型之下,推導各個模型的期貨選擇權定價公式,進一步測試各模型在金融風暴與非金融風暴期間的訂價誤差與避險誤差,以提供投資人或避險需求者於原油期貨選擇權模型選用上之參考。 / In recent years, the price of energy commodities has fluctuated with the international political situation and the international financial environment. For the sake of hedging demands, the trading volume of derivatives has been gradually increasing. In the process of valuation of energy derivatives, choices of the spot price dynamics model have a significant impact on pricing and hedging. Therefore, how to choose an appropriate dynamic model to evaluate the energy commodities has been main purpose of this study. Two main models are tested in this paper. One is the option pricing model supposed by Black and Scholes (1973), and another is the mean reversion model supposed by Schwartz (1997). This study also considered the volatility of the spot price in the energy market in case of major events, so the researcher adds the jump to explore the mean reversion model. In addition, the demand for energy commodities is highly correlated with seasonal variations. The vibration of spot price often affected by the seasonal variations is considered in the research. Therefore, the researchers also take the seasonal function into the research to capture the seasonal price changes. Based on considerations described above, the pricing formula for each model of futures option is evaluated in the research. The researcher further tests the pricing errors and hedging errors of each model during the financial crises and non-financial crises in order to provide the investors and hedging demanders with some suggestions about selecting oil futures option models.
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執行長為創辦人與否對購併宣告效果之影響-以美國紐約證交所上市公司為例 / Announcement Effect on M&A of Founder-CEO and Non-Founder CEO-Evidence from New York Stock Exchange陳碩耘 Unknown Date (has links)
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在HJM模型下使用遠期定價法評價或有求償權 / Pricing Contingent Claims under HJM Model using Forward Pricing Method張佳沛, Chang,Chia-Pai Unknown Date (has links)
我們使用一個新方法來評價美式或歐式的或有求償權,其受到本地利率和權益價值的影響。我們使用標的資產的遠期價格的樹狀圖,進而對或有求償權作定價。其中我們評價了美式與歐式的股票選擇權,以及利率期貨和利率期貨選擇權。 / We introduce a methodology for pricing American or European style contingent claims, influenced by domestic interest rates, and equity prices. Instead of using trees of short-term interest rate, bond price or forward interest rate, this tree method will use the forward prices of underlying assets to derive implied binomial spot-price tree and in turn price long term American or European options, and interest rate futures and interest rate futures options.
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如何應用新金融商品於銀行財富管理以達成績效的均衡表現洪珠懿, Hung, Chu-I Unknown Date (has links)
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高階經理人之選擇權與公司績效之關聯性研究 / Executive Stock Options and Firm Performance: Evidence from US Compensation Data黎劭儀 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討高階經理人之選擇權與公司績效之關聯性,研究發現,公司發給高階經理人之選擇權價值與Tobin’s Q呈正向關係。為區分誘因調整(the incentive alignment perspective)與利益榨取(the rent extraction perspective)兩觀點,本研究將選擇權預測值分為經濟因素、公司治理與殘值三部分。研究結果顯示依據經濟因素所預測出之選擇權價值與Tobin’s Q呈正向關係,其符合誘因調整觀點,即發放選擇權可減少代理問題。而依公司治理所預測出之選擇權價值,則與Tobin’s Q 呈負向關係,此亦與利益榨取觀點相符,即當公司治理較差時,發給高階經理人之選擇權往往較股東最適程度為高。此外,本研究亦發現選擇權與Tobin’s Q有一非線性關係。 / This study examines the association between employee stock options (ESOs) and future firm performance (Tobin’s Q). The evidence shows that the value of ESOs granted to CEOs in the current and past five years are positively associated with Tobin’s Q. To test the incentive alignment perspective and the rent extraction perspective, this study predicts the value of ESOs granted to CEOs due to economic determinants, governance quality and residual value. I find that the predicted component of ESO grants due to economic determinants are positively related with Tobin’s Q, consistent with the incentive alignment perspective that ESOs are granted to reduce the agency problem. Further, the predicted component of ESO grants attributable to the governance factors are negatively associated with Tobin’s Q, indicating that for firms with poor governance, the actual level of incentives executives receive may go well beyond the optimal level for shareholders. The negative association is consistent with the rent extraction perspective. Moreover, this study also finds a non-linear association between the Tobin’s Q and the ESO grant values.
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員工認股選擇權租稅政策對電子業股價之影響張宗豪, Chang, Zong-Hao Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目標在探討有關員工認股選擇權租稅政策訊息之發布,是否對國內發行員工認股權憑證之上市及上櫃公司— 資訊電子業的股票報酬造成異常影響。在五個事件期間中,以第一、二及第五個事件期(即員工認股選擇權初步比照員工分紅入股依面額課徵所得稅、財政部初步擬定員工執行認股權時,須以執行價與當初認購價格間的價差,核課所得稅以及財政部在民國93年4月30日發布員工認股權證課稅行政命令,依照財政部當初的規劃,在執行日課徵員工認股權證的所得稅之兩事件期)中發現以面額或價差課稅之消息初步規劃和發布,確實對市場造成負向異常報酬。而有利員工之認股選擇權租稅政策消息發布(即財政部未對課稅政策做出最後決定)時,市場對資訊電子業股價產生正向累積異常報酬。
相較於員工分紅入股制度,員工認股選擇權之激勵效果更能提供長期之誘因,但單就對工之課稅制度而言,收到的似乎是相對不利之懲罰效果。 / In this thesis, event study methodology is employed to examine the electronics industry’s stock market reaction to the announcement of tax policy changes of employee stock option. Market model and Ordinary Least Square (OLS) are adopted to estimate abcdrmal returns (AR) and accumulated abcdrmal returns (CAR) during event periods. A related issue also examined is the relation between the ratio of employee’s stock options and the CAR.
Specifically, the effects of five events are examined. The first、second and fifth event (when Minister of Finance proposed to tax employee Stock options based on their par value. The second is when the Ministry of Finance announced that employee stock options would be taxed at the difference between the market price employee execute the option and the execute price.The fifth event is when Minister of Finance indeed announced an administrative decree) really show up the negative CAR.
Findings concluded by the thesis are as follows:
1. When the Finance Minister proposed to tax employee stock options based on their par value or at the difference between the market price employee execute the option and the execute price, electronics companies on average had negative CAR.
2. During the fifth event period, companies with higher ratio of employee stock options and R&D expenses had lower negative CAR than those with lower ratio of employee stock options and R&D expenses.
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台指選擇權之隱含波動率實證研究王嘉豪 Unknown Date (has links)
由選擇權價格反推求算出的隱含波動率,可表示市場對未來波動的預期,亦間接反映出該選擇權的價值高低,成為投資者在制定交易策略時重要的依據。經由實證研究發現,CBOE VXO及VIX都可反應投資人的恐慌心理,因此能作為標的走勢的逆向指標,所以又稱為「投資人恐慌指標」。而台指市場並沒有波動率的指標可供投資人參考,所以本研究的目的,是依照臺灣指數選擇權之市場特性,修改多種隱含波動率的估計方法。依照下列比較基準,找出適合台指市場的波動率指數。
1. 報酬反向指標:
2. 週期行為:
3. 預測能力:
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