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LTE下行鏈路中具調適服務品質及公平性考量之排程研究 / Adaptive QoS and fairness consideration for downlink scheduling in LTE胡建彪, Hu, Chien-Piao Unknown Date (has links)
隨著全球通訊技術的發展,第四代行動通訊系統(4G)已進入我們的生活之中。其中又以長期演進技術(Long Term Evolution, LTE)為代表。LTE使用了正交分頻多工(Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing, OFDM)以及多輸入多輸出(Multi-Input Multi-Output, MIMO)技術,使得第四代行動網路在上傳以及下載時,能擁有更大的傳輸量,及更遠的傳輸距離。
當下載時,因為每位使用者所在的環境不同,造成傳輸量、延遲時間因而不同,所以基地台分配資源時,尚有許多改善的空間。目前,許多文獻在探討如何公平且有效地分配資源塊(Resource Block, RB)給使用者裝置(User Equipment, UE),如Proportional Fair (PF)與Modified Largest Weighted Delay First (MLWDF)兩種排程機制。前者考量了優先權的公平性,但沒有考量服務品質(Quality of Service, QoS);後者對於較即時的封包有較高的優先權,卻導致資源分配不均,將大量的資源給部份使用者。本篇論文著重於公平性以及服務品質的考量,使用不同方式的佇列存放各種不同的資源型態(resource type),依照資源型態佔整體資源數量的比例,以及計算出Adaptive Modified Largest Weighted Delay First (AMLWDF)的優先權值,針對各個UE與各個通道(channel)做全面性地配置,來提昇公平性及降低延遲以符合QoS要求。 / Owing to the development of global communication technology, the Long Term Evolution (LTE) is the latest technology for the fourth generation mobile communication systems (4G) that has entered into our lives. LTE uses Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) and Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) technology to provide high data rate transmission and long distance transmission when users doing download and upload.
When doing download, users may have different throughput, delay time, and jitter due to they are in different locations. To improve these performance indexes, the E-UTRAN Node B (eNodeB) has to allocate resource blocks efficiently.
In the literature, many works explore how to fairly allocate resource blocks (RB) to users. Proportional Fair (PF) and Modified Largest Weighted Delay First (MLWDF) are two example scheduling mechanisms. PF considers service priority and fairness, but doesn't consider the Quality of Service (QoS). MLWDF considers QoS but not service priority and fairness, and allows eNodeB giving more resources to particular users.
In this thesis, we focus on resource allocation problem of downlink scheduling in LTE. Considering fairness and QoS, we store various resource types into particular queues and calculate the priorities using Adaptive Modified Largest Weighted Delay First (AMLWDF). The relationships between users and channels are coordinated according to the priorities for the sake of enhancing the fairness and reducing the delay time and jitter.
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平衡計分卡長期實施困難及績效之比較研究-以兩公司個案為例 / Long-term Implementation Difficulties and Performance Research for Balanced Scorecard - A Comparative Study of Two Firms陳志冠, Chen, Chih Kuan Unknown Date (has links)
因此,本文即就平衡計分卡做為最主要的研究對象,透過過去在台灣成功導入平衡計分卡的兩個個案,K公司及L公司,徹底了解在實施平衡計分卡時,在不同產業下可能遭遇的困難,及兩公司如何解決這樣的困難。並探究平衡計分卡在這兩家公司績效成長的背後所扮演的角色及產生實務差異的因素,以作長期性的績效分析與比較,最後,利用這兩家公司長期的發展經驗,提供其他中小企業在實施平衡計分卡時之指引。 / In 1992, Balanced Scorecard was first introduced by two professors of management, Kaplan and Norton. Their research mentioned in the past that business performance was always measured in terms of financial results only. As technology advanced, this metrics became less and less useful. Balanced Scorecard is a better measurement tool for measuring financial and non-financial outcomes. In the 21st century due to the rapid growth of information technology many companies, such as Google, Yahoo!, Facebook, have already replaced traditional manufacturing industries and have become the biggest players in business. On the other hand, biological technology industry has recently become another major player in the marketplace. Therefore, after twenty years of development, Balanced Scorecard has become a key tool of corporate management. Because Balanced Scorecard is a long-term operating model rather than short-term operational strategy, implementing Balanced Scorecard is not only useful for improving short-term financial performance but also long-term non-financial performance as well. Hence, how to evaluate the non-financial performance and overcome the difficulties in implementing the balanced scorecard have become issues.
So, the thesis will evaluate two companies that used Balanced Scorecard in order to understand the difficulties that could be encountered by different industries as they use Balanced Scorecard, and to discuss how they overcome those difficulties. Then the thesis will analyze and compare their long-term performances thoroughly analyzing the factors that lead to differences in practice and performance improvement while implementing Balanced Scorecard. Finally, using the experiences of the companies, we should offer a simple guideline for medium and small businesses for implementing Balanced Scorecard.
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混合寡占市場下廠商的租稅逃漏與最適民營化政策 / Tax Evasion and Optimal Privatization Policy in a Differentiated Mixed Oligopoly林聖祐 Unknown Date (has links)
本文於Fujiwara (2007) 一文分別導入利潤稅制與逃漏稅,探討當產品存在差異性,利潤稅制與逃漏稅對長、短期釋股比例之影響。研究發現,在混合寡占市場的架構下,當政府於短期市場課徵利潤稅,利潤稅不具中立性。惟政府於長期市場課徵利潤稅,利潤稅對私營廠商具中立性。
當代表性消費者效用函數為 CES 形式,考量代表性消費者對差異性的喜好程度,得到長期和短期的最適釋股比例的結論與Fujiwara (2007) 大致相同,但課徵利潤稅會提高長期和短期的最適釋股比例。
逃漏稅部分,發現雖然廠商逃漏稅的決策與生產決策係獨立。惟廠商出現逃漏稅的行為時,利潤稅不具有中立性。異於Wang and Conant (1988)、Yaniv (1995,1996) 等文結論。又發現民營化會增加逃稅,惡化社會福利,異於Hood (1986) 民營化能改善逃漏稅,提升社會福利之結論。
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大規模災害後の留学生支援 : 居住と生活相談の側面からYAMAGUCHI, Hiroshi, 山口, 博史 30 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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美國與加拿大技術性移民政策之研究 / The Studies of Skilled Immigration Policies of the United States and Canada林婉萍, Lin,Wan Ping Unknown Date (has links)
本研究建議台灣政府學習美國與加拿大,調整技術性移民政策或配套措施,減少嚴重的人才流失問題,有效吸引外國技術性人才。並期待國內能有更多與美國及加拿大技術性移民政策的相關研究,作為台灣制訂技術性移民政策的借鏡。 / Due to economic globalization and international division of labor, contries compete for manpower cross the global. Many countries have realized the importance of recruiting labor forces over the world to maintain their competitiveness under this new economic trend. Especially the needs for high skilled professionals have become a common phenomenon in many developed countries. They regard the transnational labor recruitment is a crucial factor of their national policies. Among these countries, the United State of American and Canada are most success on recruiting skilled immigrants. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to explore a question - Are the policies of skilled immigrants of United State of American and Canada related to their success of skilled workers recruitment?
This study utilizes literature review and comparative research method. Through analyzing the developmental trend and change of skilled immigrant policies of the United State of American and Canada, this study tries to understand the method of transnational skilled worker recruitment from these policies. Further, this study discusses the achievements and impacts of these policies.
This study found the changes of skilled immigrant policies of the United State of American and Canada majorly were influenced by the demands of labor forces. Focusing on the demands in different periods, these policies were adjusted accordingly. Based the long term consideration on the economic growth, countries need to have a stable and planned selective immigrant policies on recruitment of skilled workers. The United State of American and Canada’s methods of recruiting skilled labors primarily are in two categories - “Permanent Immigration" and “Temporary Workers”. Permanent immigration is given to immigrants who are high skilled workers. They are needed by the country and will benefit to the country. Also they will contribute to the country for a long time. On the other hand, the temporary worker is given to skilled workers who are fulfilled the short-term needs of the country when these employers could not find employees from domestic labor force. Temporary worker status has limitation on the duration of stay that solves the shortage of domestic manpower and also avoids the excessive labor force in recession. Regarding the achievements of skilled immigrant policies of the United State of American and Canada, both “Permanent Immigration” and “Temporary Workers” policies have been brining skilled workers increasingly every year. This shows their policies have significant effects on recruiting skilled workers cross the world.
This study suggests Taiwan government can learn from skilled immigrant policies of the United State of American and Canada. Taiwan government can adjust its skilled immigrant policies or other supporting measurements. It can reduce seriously problem of losing skilled workers and effectively recruiting skilled workers from other countries.
This study expects more related researches in Taiwan on skilled immigrant policies of the United State of American and Canada. It could provide references for designing skilled immigrant policies in Taiwan.
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影響臺灣學生自律學習的因素:TEPS資料的縱貫性分析 / The impact of self-regulation learning on taiwan student: longitudinal analysis of TEPS data趙珮晴 Unknown Date (has links)
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基於QoS限制於SC-FDMA上行資源排程之研究 / Qos-Costrained Scheduling for Uplink SC-FDMA李昀峻, Lee, Yun Jun Unknown Date (has links)
隨著無線通訊技術快速的發展,使用者對無線傳輸及品質的要求日益提升。第三代合作夥伴計劃3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP)所提出的長期演進技術Long Term Evolution (LTE),是邁入第四代行動通訊系統(4G)的極佳選擇。其中以Single Carrier - Frequency Division Multiple Access (SC-FDMA)系統作為上行鏈路的主要通信技術。
然而,在上行SC-FDMA中有連續性資源塊配置的規定以及所配置之資源塊需使用相同調變技術的限制。一般而言資源分配的好壞會影響傳輸速率(data rate)與系統效能。因此,如何分配資源以改善傳輸速率與增進系統效能是本論文的研究重點。
目前,已有許多文獻在探討如何透過偵測頻率響應(frequency response),解決資源分配的問題。但我們發現,透過偵測頻率響應的好壞進行優先權排班,無法有效符合現實網路服務的實際需求。在本論文中,我們擬以三階段的演算法來改善系統中資源分配的問題。第一階段,在time domain排班時根據不同的Quality of Service (QoS)特性區分User Equipment (UE)。在第二階段frequency domain排班時依據通道品質好壞決定優先權以分配無線電資源給UE。最後,我們根據SC-FDMA的兩大重要限制,提出在LTE上行系統中資源分配方法,在滿足Guaranteed Bit Rate (GBR)服務之時間延遲的限制時,亦能提升整體系統效能。
在模擬分析中,我們利用NS3進行模擬實驗分析,將我們所提出的三階段演算法在不同比例之網路服務類別的要求下,與固定子載波動態資源分配機制以及適應性動態子載波分配機制進行比較。實驗結果顯示,我們的方法在VoIP的average delay time相較於適應性動態分配法最多可改善約82.9%,real time gaming最多可改善約84.9%,而整體系統頻帶利用率(spectrum utilization)相較於固定與適應性分配機制最多可提升約15.3%。 / Long Term Evolution (LTE) is the latest standard of 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), which is one of the most promising technology for 4G mobile networks. The goal of LTE is to provide high data rate transmission, scalable bandwidth, low latency, and high-mobility. To achieve this goal, the LTE employs Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) for downlink data transmission and Single Carrier - Frequency Division Multiple Access (SC-FDMA) for uplink transmission.
This thesis focuses on the resource allocation problem of LTE SC-FDMA system. We propose a three-stage approach to improve resource allocation performance. In the first stage, we design a time domain scheduling according to different QoS features and time delay requirement to distinguish user equipment (UE). In the second stage, we design a frequency domain scheduling based on channel state information to give priorities to UEs. Finally, we propose resource allocation methods for LTE uplink under the two constraints of SC-FDMA. The proposed methods are proved to be able to meet the real-time service delay constraints and enhance overall system performance.
In the simulations, the proposed three stage algorithms are compared to fixed sub-carrier dynamic resource allocation algorithm and adaptive dynamic sub-carrier algorithm against different proportions of network services. Simulation results show that our method outperforms the other two methods in terms of throughput, transmission delay and packet loss ratio.
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シールドトンネル施工時荷重を受ける沖積粘土地盤の時間依存性挙動がセグメントに及ぼす影響に関する研究中廣, 俊幸 23 March 2022 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第23865号 / 工博第4952号 / 新制||工||1773(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科都市社会工学専攻 / (主査)教授 三村 衛, 教授 岸田 潔, 教授 肥後 陽介 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM
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以計劃行為理論及渴想探討長期助眠藥物使用之心理因素 / The Psychological Factors of Long-Term Hypnotics Use: Base on the Theory of Planned Behavior and Craving賴羽琁, Lai, Yu Syuan Unknown Date (has links)
結論:本研究結果顯示助眠藥物使用的行為意圖是行為出現與否的主要決定因素,說明失眠患者的確會在認知決策後選擇使用助眠藥物,也會在知覺到較多促進助眠藥物使用之情境或因素時產生助眠藥物使用的行為意圖或直接出現助眠藥物的使用行為,顯示助眠藥物使用行為上外在情境及因素的重要性。此外,本研究結果也顯示助眠藥物使用的行為意圖會受到渴想的干擾,當渴想程度愈高時行為意圖對於實際行為的預測力愈低,而渴想程度愈低時行為意圖對實際行為的預測愈高。此研究結果幫助了解長期助眠藥物使用的心理因素,亦可將其用於幫協助擬定助眠藥物減藥策略。 / Insomnia has high prevalence and is prone to develop into a chronic problem. Hypnotics are the most common choice of treatment for insomnia. Although short-term usage is effective in relieving insomnia, the safety and efficacy of long-term usage are still in controversy. Long-term usage has also been reported to increase risks of tolerance and dependence. Even though the efficacy of hypnotics is not always satisfying, the duration of hypnotics use in insomnia patients is often longer than clinical recommendation. This may be influenced by some psychological factors.
The theory of planned behavior has been demonstrated to be able to predict cognitive factors of substance use behaviors. It can therefore possibly be used to model hypnotic use behavior. In addition to cognitive factors, craving that is associated with losing control over drug use may also play a role in the use of hypnotics. The purpose of current study is to 1) explore the cognitive factors of long-term hypnotics use based on the theory of planned behavior, and 2) understand whether the cognitive factors would be influenced by the craving state.
Method and result:
We first conducted a semi-structured interview with 21 insomnia patients to develop the questionnaire of the theory of planned behavior of hypnotics use and a hypnotic craving scale. The insomnia patients who had used or are currently using hypnotics were recruited to complete the questionnaires. They were contacted by telephone at 1-month and 3-month follow-ups. Total number of valid questionnaires of 1-month and 3-month follow-ups were 143 and 139, respectively. We found that behavior intention could be predicted by perceived behavior control, but not attitude and subjective norms. Frequency of hypnotics use at 1-month and 3-month follow-ups could be predicted by behavior intention and perceived behavior control, and behavior intention was the best predictor. Craving has a negative moderating effect on the relationship between behavior intention and the hypnotics use behavior at both 1-month and 3-month follow-ups.
The findings of current study show that behavior intention is the most crucial cognitive factor to predict hypnotics use behavior. It indicates that insomnia patients may have higher behavior intention and are more likely to use hypnotics when they perceive more situational factors that lead to drug use. In addition, our study indicates the association between behavior intention and actual hypnotic use behavior can be moderated by craving. The higher the craving state the lower the predictability of hypnotic use by behavior intention, and vice versa. Our study helps understand the psychological factors of long-term hypnotics use, and assists in developing the tapering interventions.
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公立長期照顧機構照顧服務員勞動條件與權益之探討:以臺北市立浩然敬老院為例 / A Study on Working Conditions and Labor Rights of Nurse Aides at the Public Long-Term Care Institute:Case of Taipei City Haoran Senior Citizen Home陳建安 Unknown Date (has links)
近年我國人口老化趨勢情形,照護人力又長期不足,年輕人從業意願低,已成為沉重問題,而長期照顧工作工作時間長且社會認同度低,使得老人照護人力與服務品質無法提升,長照人力如此之困境,於公部門長期照顧機構首當其衝。臺北市立浩然敬老院為照顧臺北市弱勢族群之公立公費之老人安養機構,並自101年起由安養機構轉型為安養、養護、失智、長照之多層級照顧機構,提供老人多層級連續性照顧,除有上述人力不足難題外,其勞動條件及薪資福利待遇又因不同進用身分而有薪資差別待遇問題,此為我國公部門長期照顧機構急需改善的困境。本研究針對該院照顧服務員工作概況、勞動條件與權益等問題進行訪談,再將訪談結果予以歸納,整理公部門照服員在現行體制中所面臨的問題與保障不足之處,並期提出完善勞動條件、建立專業分級培訓與升遷機制,以充實照顧服務人力,健全當前長期照顧服務施政改進對策。 / In recent years, there has been an increasing demographic shift in Taiwan’s elderly population. However, as there is currently insufficient resource in terms of long-term care, and young people have decreased work aspirations, this issue has become major problem; long-term care work requires long working hours, and these care workers have a low status in society, so elderly care and service quality haven’t improved. The long-term care institutions within the public sector face these elderly care issues. Taipei City has a large number of elderly people that it needs to take care of within its public welfare system and institutions for the elderly. Since 2012, nursing institutions have provided the elderly with multi-level continuous care in terms of nursing, care, dementia, and long-term multi-level care-giving. In addition to the above-mentioned manpower shortage isues, the working conditions and salary packages have been variable due to different status and treatment issues, which is why long-term public care institutions in Taiwan require attention to improve the long-term care situation. In this study, we interviewed the nursing staff to ascertain the general situation of long-term care institutions, as well as the working conditions and staff rights. The results of these interviews were then summarized to determine problems related to public sector care-giving in the existing system, such as when insufficient care is provided, and how to greatly improve the working conditions through the establishment of professional graded training and a promotional system that improves care services. The improvement of current long-term care services needs to be established through policy measures.
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