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影響學生學業成就之家庭、學校、個人與背景因素—長期追蹤資料的分析 / The effects of school, family, student, and demographic factors on high school students’ academic achievement—An analysis of panel data from the Taiwan education panel survey張婉玟, Chang, Wan Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討影響學生學業成就的學校、家庭、學生個人及背景因素,研究中以後設分析的方法計算出許多自變項的效應量大小。本研究的資料取自台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫(TEPS),包括2868名學生在2001年至2007年間接受的四波追蹤調查資料。研究結果發現,學校、家庭、學生個人及背景因素對學業成就之平均效應量具有顯著差異,其中以學生的「先前學業成就」具有最大的效應量,對綜合能力、數學能力及一般分析能力的效應量分別是2.39、1.45和1.90;其次為「背景因素」(效應量分別為.65、.53、.59);再其次則為「家庭因素」及「學生投入」,但此兩者效應量小,且彼此間無顯著差異;而學校因素的平均效應量最小。最後,本研究針對研究結果提出多項教育實務的建議。 / The purpose of this study is to examine the longitudinal effects of school, family, student, and demographic factors on students’ academic achievement. A method of meta-analysis was used to estimate the magnitude of the effect size of various dependent variables. The data was obtained from Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS). The members of the tracked panel of 2868 high school students were selected as samples for this present research. The tracked panel received four waves of questionnaires and standard tests from 2001 to 2007. The results of the present analysis shows significant differences between the mean effect sizes of the factors associated with academic achievement, and that students’ prior achievement had the largest effect size of 2.39, 1.45, and 1.90, respectively, based on the comprehensive ability score, the general analytic ability score, and the mathematic ability score. The demographic factor showed the second largest mean effect size (.65, .53, .59), larger than that of the family factor and students’ engagement, which both showed small effect without significant differences from each other. And the school factor showed the least mean effect size. In addition, it was found that the mean effect of all the variables based on the comprehensive ability score (.43) was significantly larger than that based on the general analytic ability score and on the mathematic ability score, specifically. Practical implications and suggestions are given in the present research after the general discussion of the research findings.
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公司治理、盈餘管理與可轉換公司債發行後長期績效之研究 / Corporate governance, earnings management and the long-run performance of convertible bond issuers林士韡 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 可轉債發行之宣告效果皆為負向,但海外可轉債之異常報酬率的惡化程度不如國內可轉債來的嚴重,其發行之訊號效果優於國內可轉債;長期而言,不論國內可轉債或海外可轉債發行後之長期股價報酬皆為顯著的負值,於發行後三年內皆呈現持續惡化的情形,與先前相關文獻之結果一致。
2. 國內可轉債與海外可轉債發行前夕公司皆有刻意進行盈餘管理的行為,並於發行後發生盈餘反轉使得公司營運績效下滑;利用多元迴歸分析觀察盈餘管理對長期績效的影響,發現公司於可轉債發行前進行盈餘管理對其發行後之長期績效有顯著的不良影響,而海外可轉債發行公司由於受到外國規章監督,其進行盈餘管理將受到更為嚴重的處罰,導致股價下跌的幅度較大。
3. 進一步以多元迴歸分析檢視公司治理對於盈餘管理的影響,發現當發行公司的治理制度越佳,代理問題越小時,較不會在可轉債發行前進行盈餘管理來欺瞞投資人;而可轉債發行地點亦為影響盈餘管理程度的另一項因素,當可轉債為海外發行時,發行公司進行盈餘管理的幅度顯著小於國內發行的公司。
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長期看護保險之精算研究 / The Actuarial Study of The Long-Term Care Insurance許志乾, HSU CHIH-CHIEN Unknown Date (has links)
由於保險商品的多樣化,傳統的精算方法面對考驗,為同時考量利率的波動風險,本研究以隨機過程中的馬可夫鏈理論應用於保險商品的定價、盈餘計算及利潤分析。主要討論下列研究議題:長期看護保單之需求及現況; 不同類型的長期看護保單之計價分析; 利用Visual Basic程式設計長期看護評價系統。
第一章 緒論………………………………………………...1
第一節 研究動機與研究目的…………………………………………………1
第二節 研究方法………………………………………………………………3
第三節 研究架構及研究內容…………………………………………………4
第二章 長期看護的需求與供給…………………………...7
第一節 人口學上的發展………………………………………………………7
第二節 醫療及公共衛生改善等因素的影響………………………………..16
第三節 社會學因素的影響…………………………………………………..19
第四節 各國長期看護保險概況……………………………………………..25
第三章 長期看護保險保單……………………………….32
第一節 看護需求的衡量----日常活動量表的探討………………………….32
第二節 長期看護保險的保單條款…………………………………………..43
第三節 各國長期看護保險的保障內容比較………………………………..47
第四章 長期看護保險的精算分析……………………….55
第一節 多階段保險型態的簡介……………………………………………..56
第二節 多階段模型的精算函數……………………………………………..66
第三節 資產額份……………………………………………………………..76
第四節 資產額份的精算分析………………………………………………..78
第五章 模擬分析…………………………………………89
第一節 長期看護綜合系統…………………………………………………..89
第二節 長期看護保險保費計算之模擬……………………………………..90
第三節 長期看護保險資產額份之模擬……………………………………106
第六章 結論與建議……………………………………...114
第一節 結論…………………………………………………………………114
第二節 建議…………………………………………………………………115
表2-1-1 OECD 會員國人口統計概況表…………………………………………
表2-1-2 65歲以上人口占率與人口高齡化速度的國際比較.……………… 10
表2-1-3 臺灣地區1950年至2035年人口自然成長、三階段人口數及依賴
比……………………………………………………………………… 11
表2-1-4 各國依賴人口比例之比較…………………………………………… 16
表2-2-1 民國55年至85年十大死因死亡率………………………………… 17
表2-2-2 臺灣地區老年人口之患病情形……………………………………… 18
表2-3-1 民國六十五年至八十五年臺灣地區戶數及戶量的變化…………… 20
表2-3-2 民國六十五年至八十五年臺灣地區育齡婦女生育的子女數及胎次
別……………………………………………………………………… 21
表2-3-3 臺灣地區民國六十五年至八十五年總生育率之變化按妻之教育程
度分及大專與國中程度總生育率之比……………………………… 22
表2-3-4 臺灣地區民國五十五年至八十五年15歲以上人口與勞動力人數及
參與率按性別區分…………………………………………………… 23
表3-1-1 機能損失指標內容之比較…………………………………………… 34
表3-1-2 機能損失指標品質之比較…………………………………………… 34
表5-2-1 長期看護年金主約----不同的投保年齡之給付現值與不同的繳費
方式之應繳保費……………………………………………………… 97
表5-2-2 長期看護加強型年金----不同投保年齡之躉繳保費……………… 99
表5-2-3 長期看護年金附約----不同的投保年齡之給付現值與不同的繳費
方式之應繳保費…………………………………………………… 102
表5-2-4 長期看護加強型退休金----不同的投保年齡之給付現值與不同的
繳費方式之應繳保費……………………………………………… 105
表5-3-1 二十年期長期看護加強型年金各保單年度狀態之間移轉機率表
……………………………………………………………………….. 107
表5-3-2 二十年期長期看護加強型年金各保單年度各狀態的預估人數表
……………………………………………………………………….. 108
表5-3-3 二十年期長期看護加強型年金資產額份分析表………………….. 111
圖1-3-1 研究架構及研究流程………………...……………………………..5
圖2-1-1 臺灣地區民國40年至125年人口變動率(中推計)………………12
圖2-1-2 臺灣地區民國40年至125年四種人口依賴比(中推計)…………13
圖2-1-3 臺灣地區民國40年至125年的三種人口老化指標 …………… 14
圖4-1-1 存活模型………………………………………………..………….57
圖4-1-2 疾病—死亡或失能模型……………………………..…………….58
圖4-1-3 連生年金模型………………………..…………………………….60
圖4-1-4 CCRC模型個別住戶狀態移轉狀態圖…………………..……….62
圖4-1-5 三個看護等級之長期看護保險個人狀態移轉圖………………...63
圖4-1-6 AIDS發病過程之狀態移轉圖………….………………………...65
圖5-2-1 三個看護等級之長期看護保險狀態及給付比例圖….………….91
圖5-2-2 二階段長期看護年金給付狀態圖……………….……………….97
圖5-2-3 三階段長期看護年金附約給付狀態圖……………….………...100
圖5-2-4 二階段長期看護加強型退休金給付狀態圖…………….………103
圖5-2-5 長期看護加強型退休金給付情況圖…………………….…...….104 / The goal of this study is to investigate the pricing and valuation for the long-term care insurance policies. Three major stages in achieving our objectives are summa-rized as follows:
1. Review the trend of the long-term care insurance and recognize its development.
2. Apply the Markov chain framework and the asset shares methodology to multi-states insurance policies.
3. Construct a comprehensive valuation computer system for profit monitoring pur-pose.
Different health statuses of the policyholders are characterized using a Markov chain framework over the contract period. Benefit payments are provided to the in-sured according to his health condition once he is eligible for compensation. Premi-ums for four types of long-term care policies are examined according to the given ac-tuarial assumptions.
Since the long-term care policies are still under development, the corresponding experience is not completely known. Hence the experience of the Danish company’s disability insurance are employed in computing the force of transitions. The forces of transitions are then used to estimate the transition probabilities. Finally premiums and reserves can be calculated based on the specified policy. Profit monitoring is also performed through asset share methodology. A numerical illustration provides some interesting results obtained by using this approach.
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香菸稅的理論探討與台灣之實證研究 / Cigarette Tax : Theory And Empirical Evidence From Taiwan羅光達, Lo, Kuang Ta Unknown Date (has links)
而在實證研究的部分,本文則利用主計處「個人所得分配調查報告」的原始電腦資料,以橫斷面與虛擬長期追蹤模型資料(pseudo panel data)分別估計國內的香菸需求函數。根據研究的結果顯示,國內的香菸價格彈性在-1.35~-1.56之間,表示當價格上升10%之後,香菸的消費量將減少13.5%~15.6%,可見以香菸稅做為反菸工具的效果相當地顯著。
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中長期出口票據貼現融資業務之研究洪青守, Horng, Ching-Shoou Unknown Date (has links)
一國用以協助其國內資本財廠商提高產品對外競爭的方法固不祗一端, 但金融措施的配合不失為一個有效的途徑。事實上, 國際上利用「中長期輸出信用」, 以實現其經濟持續發展者不乏其例, 例如早期的英國, 近代的西德、日本, 以及晚近的韓國比比皆是。就我國而言, 早在民國六十八年也有成立中國輸出入銀行, 負責中長期的輸出融資, 而「中長期出口票據貼現融資業務 (Forfaiting)」,亦是針對資本財的中長期輸出融資, 不僅申請手續簡便, 核貸作業迅速, 相信可適度地彌補中國輸出入銀行中長期輸出融資的不足, 同時能提供廠商一條更便捷、更安全的融資管道。由於國內現階段資本財出口廠商的自有資本薄弱, 且主要的外銷品亦大部分集中在東南亞及非洲等外匯短缺的地區, 廠商對中長期輸出融資的需求尤感迫切, 相信Forfaiting業務之推展能適度的滿足廠商的資金需求, 且增加出口競爭力, 而有助於我國經濟的發展。且隨著我國經濟在國際舞台上扮
演的角色不斷提升, 國際金融業務亦日形重要, 為了在遠東地區的金融市場占有一席之地, 並逐步將台北建立為區域金融中心, 新的金融商品的引進與推廣將必然的趨勢。由於Forfaiting業務本身具備許多的優點, 且是較新的貿易融資工具, 幾乎只有極少部分的人了解該項業務, 是導致筆者研究Forfaiting業務的動機。希望經由對該業務多方面的探討, 能對要使用該項融資工具的出口商或提供該項業務的業者, 有所幫助。該業務只要能夠有效地推廣, 由於其本身具備的固有優點, 相信必定能夠在國際貿易上被廣泛使用。本論文從Forfaiting交易的基本概念出發, 介紹Forfaiting交易的起源與發展、交易流程、特色以及此一融資交易的功能, 也就是對交易中各當事人進行優缺點分析等。然後探討規範該項業務的相關法律、國際間實務上認同的習慣, 以及使用該業務在法律上可能遭遇到的問題。最後, 就我國現況, 對國內推廣Forfaiting 交易提出個人淺見。
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臺灣地區紡織業上市公司轉投資活動之研究 / Research for long-term investment--Empirical Study of Textile Industry in Taiwan蔡文怡, Tsai,Wen Yi Unknown Date (has links)
,頻頻地從事於轉投資活動,遂引起本研究的研究動機。 本研究的目
統化地影響轉投資活動的一些公司特質。 本研究結果發現公司屬於第
曾虧損,都是會系統化影響公司轉投資活動的因子。 另外,從事轉投
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區域差異性對失業率影響之研究 / The effect of regional differences on unemployment rate陳妍汎 Unknown Date (has links)
區域發展差異現象一直以來為國家政策所關注,而近年來台灣地區失業率有逐漸上升的趨勢,各縣市之表現亦大相逕庭,顯示各地區存在失業差異現象。過去研究較少以空間觀點觀察失業相關議題,此外,關於區域差異因素對失業率之影響鮮少納入政府規劃因素。因此,本研究以空間自相關分析方法檢測失業是否具有空間相關性及聚集性,並應用長期追蹤資料(panel data)迴歸模型,以人口、產業、所得、都市化程度及政府規劃因素,分析台灣22縣市1988至2008近二十年來各區域差異因素對失業率之影響,藉由實證結果提出相關都市及產業政策之建議。實證結果發現,台灣失業分佈具有一定程度的空間相關性,且高低失業率在各縣市間亦有聚集現象。再者,依固定效果模型實證結果發現人口數、工業及服務業就業者百分比、都市化程度、工業區面積百分比與失業率間呈現顯著正向關係;經濟發展支出百分比與失業率呈現顯著負向關係;區域固定效果,即排除自變數影響下,各縣市本身區域特質對失業率之影響,結果顯示台北縣及桃園縣之係數為負向,南投縣、嘉義縣、台東縣與花蓮縣之係數為正向;時間固定效果方面,大部分年度皆具顯著性,且係數有由負轉正之趨勢,代表特定時間衝擊會對失業率造成影響。 / Differences in regional development have been a focus on national policies. Recently, there is a increasing trend in the unemployment rate in Taiwan, and it also differs from cities and counties, indicating there exists differences in regional unemployment. Previous research rarely combined unemployment issues with spatial perspective. In addition, the effect of regional discrepant factors on the unemployment rate rarely take government planning factors into account. Therefore, this study uses spatial autocorrelation analysis to detect whether unemployment has spatial correlation and aggregation, and applies panel data regression model with population, industry, income, the degree of urbanization, and government planning factors to analyze the effect of regional discrepant factors on the unemployment rate in Taiwan's 22 cities and counties from 1988 to 2008. According to the empirical results, we come up with some urban and industrial policy proposals. Empirical results indicate that the distribution of unemployment in Taiwan has a certain degree of spatial correlation, and high or low unemployment rate also has aggregation among cities and counties. Furthermore, according to the results of the fixed effects model, population, the percentage of industrial and service sector employment, the degree of urbanization, and the percentage of industrial area show a significant positive relationship with unemployment rate. The percentage of expenditures for economic development shows a significant negative relationship with unemployment rate. Region-specific fixed effect, which exclude the influence of independent variables, is the effect of regional characteristics of counties and cities on the unemployment rate. This result shows the coefficient of Taipei County and Taoyuan County is negative, and the coefficient of Nantou County, Chiayi County, Taitung County and Hualien County is positive. As for time-specific fixed effect, almost all years are significant, and the coefficient has the trend from negative to positive, indicating that a particular time impact will affect the unemployment rate.
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家庭社經地位、父母參與和國中生學習成就關係之研究-以台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫為例 / The effect of mother and fathar involvement between socioeconomic status and their children academic achievement: Evidence from taiwan education panel survey陳香竹, Tan, Heong Teck Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用「結構方程模式」建立上述模式,並採用TEPS 2001「台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫」中9,141位國一學生(只以親生父母親同住子女)及其父親、母親為研究樣本。
一、 結構方程模式考驗結果顯示「家庭社經地位、父親、母親參與和學習成就模式」與TEPS次級資料達到良好適配,表示家庭社經地位對學習成就具有正相關直接影響效果,同時父親間接參與對學習成就無顯著影響,而母親間接參與則有達到正向顯著影響。
二、 不同社經地位學生,其父親參與對子女學習成就無顯著影響,但母親參與對子女學習成就則呈正相關顯著差異。
三、 「高家庭社經地位學生的父親參與、母親參與對學習成就的關係模式」為良好適配指標,但是父親參與未達顯著性,母親參與程度則達正相關顯著水準。
四、 「中家庭社經地位學生的父親參與、母親參與對學習成就的關係模式」亦為良好適配指標,其中父親參與仍然未達顯著性,母親參與程度則達正相關且顯著水準。
五、 「低家庭社經地位學生的父親參與、母親參與對學習成就的關係模式」適配度指標最佳,但是父親參與仍然未達顯著性,母親參與則依然呈正相關顯著。
最後,依據上述研究發現,就研究結果與研究方法兩方面,將提出相關研究建議以供教育實務上及未來研究之參考。 / The purposes of this study are to explore the effects of mother and father involvement between socioeconomic status(SES)and their children academic achievement. The data of the public released core panel data from the Taiwan Education Panel Survey(TEPS)in 2001 was used. The sample was drawn from TEPS and was constituted by 9,141 adolescents who were seventh graders and lived with their birth parents in 2001. This study explores that what role parental involvement plays between SES and academic achievement, and uses structural equation modeling (SEM) to create a mother and father involvement model that affects academic achievement. In addition, the multi-groups model was used to analyze how the SES affects mother and father involvement and children academic achievement.
The results are summarized as follows:
1. The test result of SEM suggested that the proposed “Model of effects of SES/parental involvement on children academic achievement” fit the core panel data well. This showed SES had direct effect on academic achievement and had indirect effect through mother and father involvement.
2. Among all the SES groups, father involvement positively correlated with children’s academic achievement but not significantly. Mother involvement showed positive correlation and significantly.
3. The model of effect of parental involvement in higher SES family fits the data well, but father involvements positively correlated with children academic achievement and not significantly. Mother involvement positively and significantly correlated with children’s academic achievement.
4. The model of effect of parental involvement in middle SES family fits the data well. Father involvement still positively but not significantly correlated with children’s academic achievement; mother involvement positively and significantly correlated with children’s academic achievement.
5. The model of effect of parental involvement in low SES family fits the data best. Father involvement positively correlated with children’s academic achievement but not significantly; mother involvement also positively and significantly correlated with children’s academic achievement.
Finally, the study discusses the implications of parental involvement and suggests directions for future research.
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ESSAYS ON EARNINGS RESTATEMENTS / 財務報表重編三項議題:長期股票績效、內部人交易與盈餘管理鄭淩淇, Cheng, Ling-chi Unknown Date (has links)
第一篇論文討論公司宣告重編後三年長期股票績效。在不同配對組合下,實證結果顯示,三年長期持有異常報酬(buy-and-hold abnormal return)達-34%。文中也討論公司宣告重編時以及後續分析師預測行為。結果發現,分析師對於重編資訊有反應不足的現象,而且三年的盈餘預測修正與長期異常報酬有顯著正相關。
第三篇論文採取應計項目分項的方法(disaggregate approach)探討重編項目與特定應計項目的關連性以及重編公司違反一般公認會計原則的動機。實證結果顯示,特定重編項目公司的總應計項目比特定應計項目更顯著。很可能是管理當局為了避免操弄特定項目以致於被發現,所以操弄各種應計項目以達到總金額的目標。尤其在不同盈餘管理動機的成本效益的考量下,如果操弄主要應計項目的效益大於成本,管理當局還是會操弄特定應計項目以達到操弄的目的。因此,應計項目分項的方法可以作為進一步探討盈餘管理的方法。 / This dissertation examines three different aspects of downward earnings restatements in three essays: (1) the long-run stock performance of restatement firms following the announcements of restatements; (2) insider trading activities of earnings restatement firms; and (3) how earnings manipulations of restatement firms are effected and what are the incentives for earnings manipulations?
Using extensive keyword (i.e., “restatements,” “restate,” “restated,” “restates,” and “restating”) searches over the period from January 1, 1984 through December 31, 2000, 557 firms are identified as having restated their previously published or filed financial statements due to accounting irregularities, fraud, or errors.
The first essay examines the post earnings restatement announcement of long-term stock performance. Using various benchmark portfolio formulation strategies, I document an average buy-and-hold abnormal return of -34% over the 36-month horizon. I then investigate analysts’ forecast behavior around and after the restatement announcements. I find that market underreactions are associated with a sluggish forecast revisions by financial analysts. This study sheds light on how restatement information is transmitted to the capital markets and provides evidence that the market under reacts to externally initiated corporate events.
The second essay examines the relationship between earnings quality and insider trading. Using downward earnings restatement firms to identify low-quality earnings, I find that insiders outsell non-earnings restatement firms of their holdings over the period from two years before to one year before the beginning of the restatement period. In addition, the amounts of restatement are positively associated with the excess insider selling. I also provide evidence that excess insider selling predicts excessive earnings manipulations that eventually lead to GAAP violation.
In the third essay, I take advantage of the disclosed manipulation of items and approach the earnings manipulation issue by a disaggregate approach. Given that management considers cost/benefits of specific accruals to be manipulated, I examine whether management chooses different items to manipulate under different goals. Overall, the empirical results support the equity offering hypothesis and weakly support the meeting earnings threshold hypothesis. However, the results fail to support the avoidance of debt covenant violation hypothesis, indicating that manipulation under certain monitoring conditions can be conducted in a very subtle manner.
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利用隱含回饋提供搜尋引擎的自動查詢修正 / Automatic Query Refinement in Web Search Engines using Implicit Feedback彭冠誌, Peng,Kuan-Chih Unknown Date (has links)
隨著全球資訊網蓬勃的發展,可以幫助使用者根據關鍵字搜尋相關資訊的搜尋引擎也已變成使用者不可或缺的工具之一。但對於搜尋引擎生手而言,往往不知道該如何地輸入適當的關鍵字,導致搜尋結果不如預期。如果搜尋引擎可以提供自動查詢修正(Automatic Query Refinement)的功能,將可以有效地幫助生手在網路上找尋到其想要的資訊。因此,如何得知使用者的資訊需求,如何自動化地達到查詢修正,則成為重要的課題之一。本研究利用使用者的隱含回饋(Implicit Feedback)來分析使用者的資訊需求,並探勘過去具有相同資訊需求的使用者經驗,以幫助搜尋引擎生手有效地搜尋網頁,以達到自動查詢修正的目的。
最後,我們在長期情境中濾除掉搜尋引擎生手的查詢過程,同時探勘出與目前使用者有相似資訊需求的以往經驗使用者之查詢過程關鍵字集合,藉以推薦給目前使用者,完成自動查詢修正。 / World Wide Web search engines can help users to search information by their queries, but novice search engines users usually don’t know how to represent their information need. If search engines can offer query refinement automatically, it will help novice search engine users to satisfy their information need effectively. How to find users’ information need, and how to perform query refinement automatically, have become important research issues. In this thesis, we develop the method to help novice search engine users for satisfying their information need effectively by implicit feedback. Implicit feedback in this research is referring to short-term context and long-term context.
In this research, first, long-term context is obtained by identifying each user’s queries and extracting conceptual keywords of clickthrough data in each query session from query logs. Then, we also identify current user’s queries and extract conceptual keywords of non-clickthrough data for short-term context identification.
Finally, we filter novice sessions from long-term context, and mine frequent itemsets of past experienced users’ search behavior to suggest the most appropriate new query to current user according to their information need.
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