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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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王浩然 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的,在探討一般人對電視犯罪新聞的認知與態度,是否存在第三人效果(third-person effect),以及第三人效果是否會導致人們支持限制電視犯罪新聞。Davison在1983年提出的第三人效果假說指出,人們會傾向認為,媒介訊息對自己的影響比較小,對他人的影響比較大。當媒介訊息使人們產生第三人效果認知時,人們會採取對應行動,為了保護他人不受訊息的負面影響而支持限制媒介。本研究以問卷調查法,訪問大台北地區969位大學生,結果發現受訪大學生傾向認為,電視犯罪新聞對自己的負面影響比較小,對他人的負面影響比較大。其次,受訪大學生人認為電視犯罪新聞對他人的負面影響愈大,愈傾向支持限制電視犯罪新聞。 本研究較特別之處,是探討犯罪受害恐懼感(fear of crime)、第三人效果與支持限制電視犯罪新聞的關係。本研究發現,受訪大學生的犯罪受害恐懼感愈高,愈傾向認為電視犯罪新聞對他人有較大的負面影響,也愈支持限制電視犯罪新聞。 本研究是國內第一個以「電視犯罪新聞」為主題的第三人效果研究,除了再度驗証了第三人效果理論,也對未來的相關研究提出了具體的建議和方向。

兩岸簽署貨幣清算協議之影響:以貿易人民幣結算為例 / The effect of a cross-strait currency settlement agreement-using Renminbi trade settlement as an example

梁翠月, Liang, Tsui Yueh Unknown Date (has links)
隨著中國經濟持續高速成長, 國際貿易及投資快速擴展, 中國更積極推動貿 易及投資以人民幣結算, 人民幣在兩岸、 區域甚至全球市場流通可望大幅 增加。 1990年代以來, 兩岸經貿快速發展, 相形下, 雙方貨幣層面合作卻明顯 幾經波折、 踟躕不前, 目前兩岸雖已開啟人民幣現鈔清算服務但尚未建立貨 幣清算機制 , 限制台灣成為人民幣清算平台及後續金融影響力。 本文以 Devereux and Shi(2005) 為主架構, 討論兩岸簽署貨幣清算機 制建立對貿易廠商影響, 主要發現如下: (1) 於國際貨幣交易需透過工具貨幣 (Vehicle Currency,VC) 現實下, 兩岸人民幣貿易結算無法完全規避匯率風險, 此與台灣中央銀行意見一致, 但當兩岸進出口貿易全數以人民幣結算時, 若台灣使用人民幣銷貨收入購買中 國商品, 台灣對中國消費將完全不受匯率變化影響, 並非所有匯率風險皆由 台灣承擔; 此外, 當中國完全使用人民幣支付自台灣進口商品時, 中國最適 決策代數式和 D-S(2005) 雙邊貨幣直接兌換均衡 (BD) 部分相同, 自2012 年6 月1 日起, 人民幣與日圓直接兌換亦正式於東京和上海外匯市場展開, 結論因而別具政策意涵。 (2) 數值分析發現, 當兩岸進出口貿易全數以人民幣結算時, 台灣及中國總 消費對外國商品消費偏好非常不穩健, 對應所有θ, 中國總消費皆較台灣高, 且隨θ上升快速增加, 由於兩岸皆較雙邊匯兌需透過美元及雙邊貨幣可直接兌換時消費更多商品, 故可知兩岸皆得利於以人民幣進行結算。 對於上述結 論, 需要特別注意的是, 本文以包括台灣、 美國及中國, 且美國為工具貨幣 (VC) 發行國之三國模型, 是在非常特例的情況下進行福利分析, 此時雙邊 貨幣兌換均衡將與對稱交易均衡相同, 影響所及, 結論受校準時使用基準參 數值影響相當大; (3) 本文依循 D-S(2005), 限制工具貨幣發行國美國以外各國僅能於跨期 間持有美元, 故無法分析中國得以人民幣購買台灣商品下, 台灣累積一定金 額人民幣存量之影響, 然為簡化分析, 排除任何調整過程, 亦為模型不合理 處; 此外, 為簡化模型, 設定中國自台灣進口商品貨款中使用人民幣支付比 率α為外生, 然而該比率實際上應受人民幣在岸、 離岸市場利差及匯差、 全 球景氣變化增加持有美元意願等因素影響, 由於本文僅考慮貿易需求換匯 未考慮套利、 套匯行為, 將留待未來進一步分析。 / For the past three decades, a skyrocketing Chinese economy has supported its growing influences on international trade and investment,with Beijing’s active promotion for Renminbi investment and trade settlement, its greater circulation across the strait, in the Asia-Pacific region or even globally is only to be expected. Compared with the significantly intensified and institutionalized cross-strait trade and economic exchanges since early 1990s, monetary cooperation across the strait has obviously stalled and progressed slowly. Currently with only a cross-strait cash settlement agreement,but not an establishment of a cross-strait currency settlement mech- anism clearly limits Taiwan’s prospect to become the next offshore Renminbi center and its future financial influence. This thesis is based on Devereux and Shi(2005) to query into the effect of a cross-strait currency settlement mechanism for firms engaged in international trade. We find that: First, under the reality that international currency trade still uti- lizes U.S. dollar as a vehicle, cross-strait trade settled in Renminbi could not completely avoid exchange rate risks, which is in accordance with the opinion from central bank, however, when cross-strait trade are all settled in Renminbi, Taiwan would not bears all the exchange rate risks if Taiwan’s imports from China were paid in its Renminbi sales revenue; Furthermore, when all of China’s imports from Taiwan are settled in Renminbi, some of the algebraic expressions representing Chinese consumption and currency exchange decisions would coincide with the bilateral deviation(BD) equilibrium in D-S(2005) entailing some intriguing policy implications since starting from June 1,2012, yuan and yen can trade directly in Tokyo and Shanghai . Second,numerical analysis found that when cross-strait trade are all settled in Renminbi, though both sides’ total consumption are not robust to changes in preference toward foreign goods ,θ, for all θ in the relevant range , China’s total consumption is greater than Taiwan and the difference is increase in θ, in addition, they both consume more than when cross-strait remittance needs to be done via the U.S. dollar and when New Taiwanese dollar and Chinese yuan trade directly, it thus can be inferred that both Taiwan and China gain from Renminbi trade settlement.Though cautions should be taken that a welfare anal- ysis utilizing a three-country model consisting of Taiwan, China and the United States which further acts as the issuing country of vehicle currency is an extreme case, in that, bilateral deviation and symmet- rical trading equilibrium (STE) would be identical and the outcome highly subjects to benchmark values used in calibration. Third,The framework is borrowed from Devereux and Shi(2005) which prohibits non-vehicle countries from holding currencies other than U.S. dollar intertemporally, hence it could not provide any in- sights to the effects of the accumulation of a Renminbi pool in Taiwan under the Renminbi trade settlement scheme, which together with the fact that to simplify analysis, no adjusting process is included ren- der the model unreasonable and unrealistic; In addition, to reduce model construction, α, the percentage of China’s imports from Tai- wan to be paid in Renminbi is exogenous while in reality it should be endogenous and collectively determined by factors not exclusive to the spreads between CNY and CNH, differences in depositing and lending rates between the onshore and offshore market and investors’ inclination which is affected by the outlook of the global economy to embrace the safe haven of U.S. dollar. As arbitrage is ruled out and only currency exchanges for the purposes of trade is considered, all these drawbacks are to be improved upon in further studies.

視頻網站及其著作權問題研究 / Research on copyright issues of internet video websites

張倍齊 Unknown Date (has links)
現今視頻網站佔電腦使用者使用網路時數極大比例,在世界各地亦有越來越取代電視之勢,然而隨著視頻網站之風行,相關著作權問題亦隨之而生。特別是網路上不少行為常介於合理使用模糊空間,關於法律條文與案例事實之合致,常引發爭論。網路之精神著重分享,然而著作權之保護則屬於國家保護之一種排他權,其與分享之精神,某些時候會有所衝突,如何在網路時代運用著作權保護創作人,卻又不扼殺創意、公益使用,應有探討必要。是以本文將針對視頻網站上開相關問題,作一基本探討,並對外國與臺灣在視頻網站相關立法與案例作整理介紹,特別是美國法立法與相關案例,與我國法制、實務判決比較,並分析檢討後,提出具體看法,或可做為我國未來立法走向以及實務判決參考。 本文架構上,第一章為緒論,內容為研究動機與論文大致架構;第二章則就視頻網站現況與商務模式探討,期能鳥瞰全貌;第三章與第四章分別就視頻網站使用者與業者之責任探討,均以美國法與我國法為主,輔以中國大陸法規做比較與得失分析;第五章則論及新科技演進與著作權法制、法院判決之因應;第六張結論,最末章為參考文獻。

經理人過度自信與融資限制對公司研發支出之影響 / The Study of the Effects of CEOs Overconfidence and Financing Constraints on Corporate R&D Expenditures

楊芝榮 Unknown Date (has links)
以往於經理人過度自信對公司投資決策影響之研究中,大部分注重於經理人過度自信與資本投資之關係,僅有少數文獻探討經理人過度自信與R&D支出影響。 本研究主要為探討經理人過度自信、現金部位與融資限制之關聯,針對1993年至2013年間的1,892間美國公司進行分析,首先探討經理人過度自信是否影響R&D支出對現金部位的敏感度,在進一步將公司依融資限制分為五組進行探討,研究結果發現:(1)過度自信的經理人其R&D支出對於公司現金部位的敏感性較高,這隱含過度自信的經理人在公司擁有充裕的現金時可能會過度投資,而現金不足時可能會投資不足之情形。(2)融資限制最高的組別其R&D支出對現金的敏感度顯著大於融資限制最低的組別,同時當公司融資限制的程度提高,過度自信經理人的R&D支出對現金部位的敏感度也持續上升,這樣的結果也隱含在高度融資限制影響下,過度自信經理人在進行R&D決策時,會因公司持有的現金較多而進行更多的R&D投資。

兩岸員工獎酬制度之比較研究 / A comparative study on cross-strait employee incentive system

謝晴影 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著全球化深化發展,人才作為一種生產要素其價值不斷提升。不論在公開發行公司還是非公開發行公司中,員工獎酬制度對於提高公司績效之作用愈來愈明顯。而員工獎酬制度是否能夠發揮激勵員工,並促進公司經營之效果,在很大程度上仰賴於良善的公司治理制度。同時,當員工獎酬制度是以股票形式向員工發行時,其可能對原股東、員工、債權人等產生一定影響,本文將進一步就其對各主體之影響分析發行員工獎酬制度之利弊。 本文將論述之重點放在台灣現行公司法中的四種員工獎酬制度,包括員工酬勞、員工新股認股權、員工認股權憑證及限制員工權利新股。其中員工酬勞與員工新股認股權制度為對員工事前之獎勵,為公司法法定強制要求;員工認股權憑證與限制員工權利新股制度為對員工事後之獎勵,公司自主選擇是否發行該股票。本文著重從四種制度之決定機關、發行價格、發行對象等角度進一步說明其合理性及產生之理論與實務之問題。 此外,本文亦著重分析大陸2016年出台之「上市公司股權激勵管理辦法」,亦從其對決定機關、發行價格、股票來源及發行對象等角度說明制度之設計原因,並對「管理辦法」之修正內容進行進一步分析,包括強化資訊揭露與擴大律師等專業人士之參與程度。 本文亦通過對非公開發行公司所運用之契約條文條款與實務中,分析員工認股權憑證制度在實務運用之作用,同時進一步比較兩岸在員工獎酬制度之異同點。通過上述之分析,本文結合台灣公司法全盤修正委員會所提出之建議,強調公司自治之重要性,對台灣與大陸現行員工獎酬制度就決定機關、發行價格、發行對象提出具體之意見。

滬港通有助於滬市理性化嗎?從磁吸現象角度探討 / Can Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect help rationalize Shanghai stock market? From the perspective of magnet effect

黃璟然 Unknown Date (has links)
上海證券交易所與香港聯合交易所於2014年11月17日啟動滬港通計劃,允許兩地投資者在本地交易所買賣對方市場的股票。本文試圖以漲跌幅限制之磁吸現象探討滬港通對上海股市的影響。文章延用Hsieh, Kim and Yang(2009)之Logit回歸,將參與滬股通之股票以換手率與市值區分,藉以檢測不同組合股票之磁吸現象。研究結果顯示,在樣本期間發現當較高市值股票漲幅達9.5%以上出現磁吸現象,當較低市值股票漲幅達9%以上出現冷卻現象。而兩種組合的股票跌幅達6%以上時均出現反轉效果。為比較滬港通前後之變化,本文加入虛擬變數以區分事件前後,研究結果顯示,滬港通啟動後較高市值股票跌幅達9.5%以上、較低市值股票漲幅達8%以上時出現磁吸現象,冷卻現象消失,可得知滬港通並沒有產生理性作用。本文發現已在兩地上市之A+H股的磁吸現象在滬港通啟動後消失,可推測資訊不對稱及交易規則讓A股的外國投資者無法選擇最佳策略,而雙重上市股票則可以讓其於價格觸發漲跌幅限制前調整交易策略。 / SSE and HKEX have provided Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect since Nov. 17th, 2014, which allows investors in one market to trade shares listed on the other market through their local brokers. The article attempts to discuss the impact of Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect on Shanghai stock market from the perspective of the magnet effect. Using a logit model proposed by Hsieh, Kim and Yang (2009), the thesis classifies the stocks as turnover rate and market capitalization, examining the magnet effect with different portfolios. The results demonstrate that the magnet effect appears as the price of large stocks increases 9.5% while the cool-off effect initiates as the price of small stocks decreases 9%. Reversal effect is found in both large and small stock when the decline of the price exceeds 6%. Moreover, a dummy variable is introduced in the regression to capture the difference made by the Connect. The evidence of magnet effect is shown respectively when the price of large stocks decreases 9.5% and when the price of small stocks decreases 8% after the Connect launched. Price limits fail to cool off the market. Therefore, the program may not rationalize Shanghai stock market. Due to the disappearance of magnet effect on A+H shares after the link between two markets, the thesis conjectures the program may provide an opportunity to switch to Hong Kong market before the price crosses the limit bound. However, information disadvantage and strict trading rules force foreign investors trading on A-shares to make suboptimal strategies.

從廣達與LGE案看專利權耗盡之專利授權管理策略 / From Quanta v. LGE to patent licensing management strategies

黃苑菱, Cynthia Huang Unknown Date (has links)
自從美國最高法院在廣達與LGE案中作出解釋後,便將權利耗盡理論亦稱為第一次銷售理論帶往另一個層次。此案已被普遍認為對於美國過去的判例影響甚鉅,對於產業界的商業活動發展更是具有深遠的影響。智慧財產權旨在保護發明及創造公眾利益間取得一平衡點,權利耗盡理論長久以來已被視為專利法中重要的一環,並藉以杜絕專利權人的過當控制。而最高法院對於第一次銷售理論的解釋,則進而撼動專利權人長此以往對限制性銷售策略的仰賴。 即便銷售後限制(Post-sale restriction)確實提供了專利權人避免耗盡其權利的好方法,但專利權範圍則限縮了專利權人所享有的權利控制範圍,換言之,專利權人僅能擁有專利法所賦予的權利,且其加諸於被授權人的購買條件限制僅限於該專利之功能及使用目的。而超越該專利功能及使用目的的過分限制,則可能導致專利權濫用。而在開放WTO框架下,國際貿易的頻繁也使得權利耗盡衍生出了在散佈等方面的相關討論,平行輸入/輸出的議題亦隨著跨國交易的興盛而隨之重要。 故此篇論文的研究目的不僅僅探討權利耗盡理論及其相關議題,更旨在藉由廣達案的啟發,提供台灣的IT產業一有效的專利授權策略,並提供不論專利權人或被授權人於制定授權契約時,能有一更具有策略性的思考方向。 / The Supreme Court’s current decision in Quanta Computer, Inc. v. LG Electronics, Inc. brings the exhaustion doctrine also known as first sale doctrine up to a new phase. This case is believed significantly overcome quite a lot of past precedents and will effectively influent industry business operations in the future. The core goal of intellectual property right aims to find a balance between protecting the incentives to create and innovate, and providing the benefits to public interests. Exhaustion doctrine has been long standing as part of patent law to prevent patentees’ over control. The interpretation made by Supreme Court regarding the first sale doctrine does vibrate the conditional sale strategies long believed by patentees. Now the Supreme Court brings the issue from the phase of patent law down to the contract law level. Subsequently, the litigations of antitrust and fair trade are therefore involved while patentees are tempting to make an “end-run” control over the downstream purchasers. Though applying post-sale restriction provides a way out for intellectual property owner from triggering the exhaustion, however, the scope of the patent claims determine how far the privilege is given to the inventors. A patent owner or licenser can only enforce its patent right while the right is truly granted by the patent law. Subsequently, the restriction set forth to limit the licensees or purchasers must be accordance with the function or feature of the patent claims for. On the contrary, the patentee intends to restrict its purchasers by holding the exclusive right which beyond the scope of the patent granted may result to patent misuse, for instance, the resale price maintenance, prohibition of manufacturing the competing products, the conditional license which incorporates another license, and overwhelming royalties on the price of the whole product instead of the actual usage of the patented article. Under WTO, the concern of intellectual property protection has become more critical in the perspective of international trade, different issues and disputes regarding exhaustion have also been generated. Not alike the traditional domestic exhaustion, the discussion regarding distribution has therefore been derived. Moreover, the issues related to parallel import/export are generated in accordance with the frequent cross-border transaction. The purpose of this research does not merely lead us look into the doctrine and restriction patentees used to impose for avoiding exhaustion. But I intend to further illustrate a guideline based on the inspiration from Quanta and the explanation of the Courts. This guideline should provide both patentees and licensees an orientation while considering making a licensing agreement.

產業相依下的停電風險分析 / Risk Analysis of Interdependent Industries

林佩琪 Unknown Date (has links)
行政院國土安全辦公室(2010)於國家關鍵基礎設施防護計畫中,將我國的關鍵基礎設施分為8大部門。本研究將對此8大部門關鍵基礎建設進行經濟面的分析比較,將此8大部門關鍵基礎建設對應到產業關聯表中18個產業,應用需求面投入產出停轉模型比較各關鍵基礎產業對整體產業需求的依賴程度以及說明各關鍵基礎產業如何相互影響。此外,由於我國關鍵基礎防護優先順序第一者為能源,因此進一步以電力為代表能源,分析近年來因天然災害衝擊和產業需求增加而面臨供應不足且對整體產業需求依賴程度排名第一的電力及蒸汽產業,應用線性規劃投入產出停轉模型模擬在電力供應短缺之下,若同時考慮極小化整體經濟損失與民生基本需求的電力配置策略。在本研究中,維持民生基本需求是假設各關鍵基礎產業其最終需求變動不大於50%。 需求面投入產出停轉模型是Leontief投入產出模型的線性轉換,主要透過分配係數進行衝擊的傳遞。若某關鍵基礎產業具有以下兩特性,當各產業投入需求皆減少10%,此關鍵基礎產業的停轉性則大,可藉此說明某關鍵基礎產業對整體產業需求的依賴程度:一、產出主要當作中間投入使用;二、為一集中分配型產業供應鏈的重要上游產業,即此產業供應鏈之產出分配集中,且主要下游產業產出皆主要當中間投入使用。其中依賴程度前三名依序為電力及蒸汽、自來水、石油化工原料。若細部分析各關鍵基礎產業停轉性的主要來源,可了解關鍵基礎產業間明顯的需求依賴關係。而在模擬電力供應不足時的電力配置策略方面,產品單位內含電力投入減少對整體經濟造成的停轉性越小者優先分擔供電缺口。其中若僅以極小化整體經濟損失為目標,將使部分關鍵基礎產業的最終需求完全無法被滿足,而加入維持民生基本需求的考量儘管會提高整體經濟損失且分擔供電缺口的產品增加,但與未進行電力配置的結果相比,仍有效減少42.5%的整體經濟損失,同時更貼近社會需求與期待。 關鍵詞:限制用電、關鍵基礎產業、需求面投入產出停轉模型、線性規劃投入產出停轉模型、風險分析


陳嘉芳, Chen, Chia Fang Unknown Date (has links)
以前企業間一頭熱且評論人均看好的電子市集,如今不是選擇合併就是被迫結束經營。有鑒於目前電子市集的商業模式有待改善之處包括:(1)僅以價格作為主要考量,與真實買賣情況不符。也讓賣方多限於價格戰,無法差異其產品,讓不只考慮價格的買方無法買到真正想要的商品。(2)一對多機制的不公平缺陷,使買賣雙方的其中一方缺乏參與意願,也無法彰顯市場機能。(3)忽略電子交易時買賣雙方對協商的需要。針對上述的論點,以及目前對多對多協商機制的研究缺乏。本研究的目標在於利用行動代理人(Mobile Agent)的技術來發展出多個買方對應多個賣方的多屬性合作性協商模式,多屬性協商使得賣方不用遭受價格戰的廝殺,可以差異化其產品,買方也可以買到更適合自己需求的產品。在解決協商問題上,利用限制滿足問題(Constraint Satisfaction Problem)和集合式提案(Grouping Proposal)來提出一組候選提案,供對方選擇,以確保協商結果一定會落在效率前緣,以及我方的退讓一定能造成對方效益的增加。本研究並提出「多對多的退讓策略」以適合多對多的協商環境,讓多頭進行的協商能夠互相影響,也就是利用與其他人的協商成果當作己方的協商籌碼。 並將此協商模式套用於電子市集的商業模式中,本研究參考交易所模式和雙向競標的多對多電子市集商業模式,加上多對多協商功能,來設計系統架構,並運用行動代理人的技術Aglet與java來開發一實作雛型系統,並應用於旅行社與上遊旅館業者間訂房的商務活動。最後並以模擬實驗來驗證所提出的多對多讓步策略是否能有效提高買賣雙方效用。

在電腦施測情境中,促發、警告、時間限制對降低社會期許之效果 / Reducing social desirability bias of personality scale in computer administration mode: Effects of priming, warning, and time limit

張軒正, Hsuan-cheng Chang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究欲探討在模擬甄選情境中,情境因素對降低社會期許之效果。本研究採三因子2×2×2受試者間之實驗設計,所操弄的三個獨變項為: 1.促發(priming)受試者誠實作答的傾向之有無 2.測謊題警告之有無 3.作答時間的限制之有無;依變項為社會期許正、負向題分數與三個人格測驗向度(適應性、親和性、審慎性)的分數。本研究分為研究一、研究二兩階段進行。研究一之受試者包括企業應徵者81人與國小實習老師92人,研究結果顯示:三個獨變項中,只在有「測謊題警告」情境下能顯著降低社會期許正向題的分數。「時間限制」則在無「促發」之情況下,會提升「親和性」人格之分數。針對研究一的結果,研究者改變「促發」與「時間限制」的操弄方式,其它研究程序相同,進行研究二。研究二之受試者為503位大學生,研究結果顯示:「促發」會提升社會期許負向題的分數,且在有「時間限制」、無「警告」的情況下,亦可提升「適應性」分數。「測謊題警告」可降低社會期許正向題的分數,並有降低「親和性」分數之趨勢。「時間限制」仍然沒有任何效果。 研究者分別就研究一、研究二之結果加以討論並提出可能的解釋。此外,研究者亦嘗試驗證與討論社會期許量表中正向題與負向題之建構。最後研究者檢討本研究之限制,並對未來之研究方向提出若干建議。 / The influence of three situational factors on reducing social desirability bias under simulated selection context was investigated in 2 studies. A 2×2×2 experimental design was used in these 2 studies. The three independent variables were: 1.’’Priming’’ the honest responding tendency. 2.Warning of having a lie scale. 3.Time limit for each question. The dependent variables included: 1.Two dimension scores of social desirability scale (positive keying items and negative keying items). 2.Scores of three personality dimensions (adjustment, likeability, prudence). Subjects of study1 were 81 job applicants and 92 elementary school interns. The results indicated that “warning of having a lie scale” could reduce the scores of positive keying social desirability scale. “Time limit” increased the scores of “likeability” under “no priming” situation. According to the results of study1, the author modified the manipulations of “priming” and “time limit”, and conducted study2. The subjects of study2 were 503 college students. The results indicated that “priming” could increase the scores of negative keying social desirability scale. “Priming” also increased the scores of “adjustment” under “time limit” and “no warning” situation. “Warning of having a lie scale” could reduce the scores of positive keying social desirability scale, and also had the trend to reduce the scores of “likeability”. “Time limit” still didn’t have any main effect on dependent measures. Base on the results for study1 and study2, the author discussed the effects of 3 situational factors on reducing social desirability bias, and also tried to clarify the construct validity of two-dimensional social desirability scale. The author also discussed the limitations of the present research, and made some suggestions for future research.

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