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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

影響民眾使用行動銀行之關鍵因素探討 / A Study of Key Factors Affecting Consumers’ Intention to Use Mobile Banking

譚嘉玲 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文之研究目的為找出影響民眾使用行動銀行使用意願的關鍵因素。本研究之研究模型以創新擴散理論為基礎架構,同時納入加值服務、移轉障礙、品牌熟悉度、信任以及服務品質,用以探討民眾使用行動銀行的態度以及意願。本研究並將所提出之研究模型進行實證分析,研究對象為台灣地區的民眾,包括實際以及具高度潛力的行動銀行未來使用者,共回收730份有效問卷,其中446份有行動銀行使用經驗,另外284份則無。本研究模型變數包含相對優越性、複雜性、相容性、加值服務、人際關係、轉換成本、替代方案吸引力、品牌熟悉度、信任、服務品質、態度、使用意願以及正向口碑。本研究使用LISREL 8.7進行結構方程模式分析,將回收之樣本依照行動銀行使用經驗的有無個別分析其結果,分析結果顯示,針對有行動銀行使用經驗的民眾,相對優越性、加值服務、信任、服務品質與民眾對於行動銀行的態度呈現顯著正相關;而轉換成本則對民眾對於行動銀行的態度呈現顯著負相關;此外,民眾對於行動銀行之態度也與其使用意願有顯著正相關,民眾的使用意願更與其正向口碑有顯著正相關。針對沒有行動銀行使用經驗的民眾,相容性、加值服務與民眾對於行動銀行的態度呈現顯著正相關;而人際關係與替代方案吸引力則對民眾對於行動銀行的態度呈現顯著負相關;此外,民眾對於行動銀行之態度也與其使用意願有顯著正相關。 不同於以往的研究,本研究針對台灣地區之行動銀行應用程式進行討論,並且納入了許多從未被應用在行動銀行的因素,包含加值服務、移轉障礙、正向口碑等變數,是一篇十分創新的研究。本研究之研究結果可作為日後學術研究之參考,亦可作為銀行推廣行動銀行時的實務參考。

輔助視障者以聲音記錄日常生活之手機介面研究 / HearMe: assisting the visually impaired to record vibrant moments of everyday life

蔡宜璇, Tsai, Yi Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
視覺障礙者主要透過聲音來記錄生活與體驗世界,如同明眼人以文字或相片記憶重要時刻一般。然而觀察現有錄音裝置與軟體,皆尚未能提供適合視障者使用的完善錄音流程;即使是有語音功能的輔助裝置,不僅其價格、軟體更新、硬體維修等因市場小眾較為不易,也因為只是單純的錄音工具而無法流暢的銜接後續的檔案整理與分享。直到近幾年智慧型手機的興起,藉著其為市場主流產品、有豐富的軟體支援、隨時可連上網路等條件,逐漸成為視障者更好的輔助裝置的選擇。 為使視障者也能順利的操作觸控式介面,過往研究者針對Eyes-free情境提出了相關設計原則,而現今手機作業系統也大多內建螢幕報讀機制,讓視障者能自在與自信的與手機互動。雖然手機的可及性與通用性越來越受重視,專門為視障者設計的軟體卻並不多,輔助功能的開發資源和準則也待進一步的發展。本研究於初期的使用者觀察與訪談中,先深入了解視障者利用聲音記事的習慣與遇到的困難,並再進行初步設計方案的功能需求訪談,以切合使用者實際錄音的情境。 綜上所述,本研究為以視覺障礙者為目標使用族群,於觸控式手機設計錄音輔助軟體「HearMe」,解決視障者日常生活中聲音記錄的問題,並嘗試以手勢和語音設計,探索視障者操作觸控式介面的可能性。本系統原型有幾項重要特點:(1)快捷手勢可開始或結束錄音、(2)標記與播放重點段落、(3)即時編輯與歸類檔案、(4)以分類清單快速搜尋、(5)行動通訊立即分享;其他特色功能包括語音檔名、快轉與倒轉手勢、自訂群組和地標等。本系統原型開發時運用迭代設計流程共實作三次週期,每個版本皆經過設計、測試、分析、和調整功能等過程,逐步驗證系統的可行性與實用性。 經過三次的設計循環與共計18位視障者參與測試,本研究於第三版系統原型完成能實際應用在生活中的錄音軟體。受測者認為HearMe操作簡單、容易學習,快速播放重點段落省時省力、分類清楚而方便尋找檔案;同時它能夠以完善的語音提示和整合的錄音流程彌補現有裝置不足的部分,讓手機成為生活中記錄聲音的最佳輔助工具。最後,本研究以Google Analysis分析HearMe實際使用數據,並搭配訪談回饋總結系統設計的成果與互動設計之建議,提供HearMe或其他開發者做為日後設計的參考。 / The auditory sense is the primary channel for the visually impaired to experience the world, just as sighted people using words and photos to capture important moment. However, current recording devices mostly don’t have compact recording flows for the visually impaired. The devices with voice feedback are very expensive, nearly no softwares updated, and lack of maintenance supports due to the minority of the market. Also, these devices only can record and play but not organizing and sharing files with others. In recent years, smartphone’s popularity has been rising. It is the mainstream product with variety softwares and can be always online, showing the potential to become alternative accessible device for the visually impaired. In order to allow the visually impaired to use the touch screens, researchers have presented several design principles under eyes-free situations. Moreover, screen readers are embedded into smartphone operating systems like iOS and Android, which enable the visually impaired to freely and comfortably interact with smartphones. While the accessibility and universality of smartphones have been noticed, there are few applications tailored for their use, and the accessibility resources and principles need to be developed. In the first phase of user interview, we investigated their behaviors and difficulties when recording. After the design strategy has been made, we planned a second interview to verify if the functions we defined are suitable for their actual needs. This study focus on the visually impaired and tries to resolve the recording and memorizing problems they faced everyday by developing an accessible recording application on smartphone. The prototype, HearMe, provides specialized gestures and voice feedback. Followings are the highlight features of HearMe: (1) Short-cut gesture to start and finish recording, (2) marking and playing important parts, (3) editing and grouping files on device, (4) rapid searching by classified lists, and (5) real-time sharing. Other features include audio file name, gestures to play forward or backward, and custom groups and landmarks. While developing, this prototype applied iterative design process and repeated the flow cycle for three times. Every generation has been through steps of design, testing, analyzing, and modifying; by this approach, system’s usabilities can be gradually improved. After three cycles of design process which involved total 18 participants, we present a recording application that can use in real life. Participants command that HearMe is easy to operate and learn, playing by parts saving a lot of effort, and structured grouping helps file searching. Additionally, it provides well-defined audio feedbacks and integrated recording flow, complementing the shortcomings current devices have. These advantages make HearMe become the best tool to assist them for recording sounds during everyday life. This study finally concludes design considerations and suggestions by discussing usage data from Google Analytics and interview feedbacks, provides references for other assistive developers.

探討厚朴對神經毒素引起的神經傷害及行為異常之保護與治療效用 / Evaluation of the protective and therapeutic effects of cortex Magnoliae on neuronal damage and abnormal behavior induced by neurotoxins

廖筱玉 Unknown Date (has links)
中文摘要 厚朴,採用厚朴植物之樹皮,是ㄧ種已知可應用於治療精神疾病的傳統天然藥物,例如:憂鬱症等。厚朴主要的有效多酚環成分已被證實具有抗氧化、抗發炎及抗興奮性毒殺等神經保護作用,因此,推測厚朴可作為一種潛在治療像是帕金森氏症這累神經退化性疾病之藥物。本研究之目的為探討厚朴是否可以預防與治療因百草枯及MPTP所誘導的毒害及學習、記憶和運動功能缺失等行為異常現象。本研究監測Oregon-R品系之果蠅(年齡:1-2, 20天或30天)之壽命在長期暴露於百草枯(5-20 mM)並先給予厚朴(100, 300或600 mg/L)治療之變化。其結果顯示,厚朴無法延長暴露在百草枯環境下之果蠅壽命。另外,我們給予雄性ICR小鼠(30-35 g),連續五天,每日一劑MPTP(25 mg/kg, i.p.),誘導神經毒性及行為異常現象。在共同投藥組別,在給予MPTP注射前一小時,先以灌餵方式給予小鼠厚朴(100或300 mg/kg)預防,連續五天後,只單獨給予厚朴治療連續十四天。後投藥組別,在給予最後一劑MPTP後,連續十四天給予厚朴(100或300 mg/kg).治療。在控制組別中,給予生理食鹽水(0.9%, i.p.)及灌餵玉米油。結果顯示,MPTP與厚朴並不影響小鼠之運動協調功能,然而,可利用新位置辨識能力測試及新物體辨識認知行為測試,檢測因MPTP所引起之認知功能障礙現象,由我們結果中顯示,不論是與MPTP共同給予厚朴治療抑或是後處理厚朴皆可恢復因MPTP所造成的認知功能障礙現象,此外,厚朴也可恢復因MPTP所造成多巴胺神經元及多巴胺轉運子受損之情形,另外,我們也初步發現,厚朴可在海馬迴中使Nrf2表現量提升。因此,初步結果表明,厚朴將可成為未來治療帕金森氏症之天然藥物。 / Cortex Magnoliae, the bark of Magnolia officinalis, has been prescribed in the traditional herbal medicine to treat a variety of mental disorders including depression. The main constituents of cortex Magnoliae contain the biphenyl compounds such as honokiol and magnolol. Both biphenyl compounds were shown to have the neuronal protective effect which is related to the anti-oxidation, anti-inflammation, and anti-excitatory toxicity. Thus, it was proposed that cortex Magnoliae may act as the potential therapeutic agent for the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s disease (PD). The aim of the present study was to examine whether cortex Magnoliae exhibits the neuroprotective and therapeutic action against the neuronal toxicity and behavioral deficits in learning, memory, and motor function induced by neurotoxin paraquat and 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) in PD-like models. The lifespan of flies from Oregon-R strain of Drosophila melanogaster (age: 1-2, 20 or 30 days) chronically exposed to paraquat (5-20 mM) with pre-treatment of Cortex Magnoliae (100, 300 or 600 mg/L) were measured. Results showed that pre-treatment of Cortex Magnoliae could not extend the lifespan of the flies reduced by paraquat. On the other hand, male ICR mice (30-35g) were administered with MPTP (25 mg/kg, i.p.) once daily for 5 consecutive days to induce neurotoxicity and behavioral impairment. In co-treatment group, male mice were orally administrated with cortex Magnoliae (100 or 300 mg/kg) 1 hour before MPTP injection for 5 days and then followed by oral administration of cortex Magnoliae alone for consecutive 14 days. Mice in post-treatment group were orally administered with cortex Magnoliae (100 or 300 mg/kg) for consecutive 14 days after the final injection of MPTP. Mice in control group were injected with saline (0.9%, i.p.) and orally administrated with vehicle (corn oil). Our results showed that MPTP and cortex Magnoliae did not affect mouse coordination and balance in beam walking test. However, cortex Magnoliae improved the cognitive impairments determined by novel-location recognition task (NLRT) and novel-object recognition task (NORT) in MPTP-induced PD mouse. Additionally, cortex Magnoliae restored MPTP-induced loss of dopaminergic neurons and recovered MPTP-induced loss of dopamine transporters in striatum. Cortex Magnoliae also activated Nrf2 in hippocampus. Therefore, the preliminary results suggest that cortex Magnoliae may be a novel candidate for the treatment of Parkinson's disease in the future. The pharmacological mechanism of cortex Magnoliae in PD treatment needs further study.

參與過渡性就業之精神障礙者的工作適應與權能感受 / A Study on the Work Adjustment and Empowerment of Persons with Psychiatric Disability Participating in the Transitional Employment Service

黃佳琦, Huang, Chia-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在於瞭解(一)精神障礙者成功適應工作的情形、(二)適應工作期間的權能感受,以及(三)就業服務人員協助其適應工作與增強其權能之策略運用。藉由受訪者回顧參與過渡性就業期間的經驗以瞭解工作適應狀況和權能感受間的關係和影響。研究中以質化之深度訪談法進行資料蒐集,研究參與者的選取主要是來自中華民國康復之友聯盟「台北交誼中心」和「高雄交誼中心」,涵蓋十位精神障礙會員與兩位就業服務人員,並以半結構式的訪談方式進行資料蒐集。本研究結果歸納為以下重點: 一、影響精神障礙者工作適應的因素,主要分為三大層面:個人(就業動機、個人特質與能力、面臨的工作困難、採取的因應方法)、人際(家庭系統與職場系統)、社會環境(會所模式與醫療院所),而三者間具有循環且交互影響的作用。 二、精神障礙者的工作適應情況,則可區分為以下三個指標:外在滿意度(出席狀況、準時、工作主動性、工作專注力、工作配合度、工作效率及雇主評價)、內在滿足(正向感受與負向感受)、以及工作任期,其中他們的外在工作表現多能達到雇主要求,內在滿足則是正向感受遠多於負向感受,而工作任期是綜合外在滿意度與內在滿足的工作適應表現,他們皆能穩定就業,達到工作期滿。 三、精神障礙者的權能感受與工作適應狀況息息相關,而多半展現在個人(能夠接納自己與肯定自我、覺察自我效能、建立正向自我形象、激發正向內在動力、自我增權、能夠自我選擇與決定、覺得與所處的環境有良好的適配度)與人際層面(具備與人溝通的知識和技巧、與他人互動時能肯定自我、能夠與他人形成夥伴關係、得到他人的尊重)。 四、就業服務員是精神障礙者的適應工作職場的支持主力,主要是扮演「先鋒」、「支持」與「後盾」等重要角色;亦是運用多元的增強權能策略提升其權能感受之關鍵人物。 五、依據精神障礙者的工作適應與權能感受型態區分為四大取向,分別為「內外權能展現取向」、「內在權能增強取向」、「外在支持調適取向」、「懷才不遇取向」。依循四取向之脈絡,筆者延伸發展出最為理想之核心類屬,即「內外權能實現取向」。 依據研究發現,筆者針對工作適應之關鍵角色--就業服務員提出下列幾點建議(一)對精神障礙者之個人處遇策略:增加精神障礙會員的社交能力、運用更多元的增強權能策略來激發復元因子;(二)催化雇主對精神障礙會員之認識與接納;(三)強化會所過渡性就業與就業職場間的連結;(四)建立友善且接納的社會環境。本研究結果分析與研究限制皆於文中提出說明,提供未來相關研究與實務之參考。 / The study explored the states of persons with psychiatric disability succeeding in work adjustment and empowerment during the Transitional Employment service, and the strategy that employment service staffs adopted to help psychiatric disabilities to adapt their jobs and empower them. Through the survey participants’experiences during the period of participating in the transitional employment service, the study attempted to find out the relationship between work adjustment and empowerment. Qualitative method of the profound experiences was utilized to collect data. The survey participants included 10 persons with psychiatric disability and 2 employment service staffs. All of them were selected from TAMI (The Alliance for the Mentally Ill of R.O.C.,Taiwan) and interviewed by using semi-structured interviewing method. The major findings of this study were as follows: 1.The factors that affected the work adjustment of persons with psychiatric disability were divided into three perspectives:individual (employment motivations, personal characteristic and capability, difficulties encountered at work, and the coping strategies), interpersonal (family and workplaces system) and social environment (the clubhouse and hospitals). Moreover, the three levels of factors had interactive impact on the subjects. 2.The state of psychiatric disability’s work adjustment was divided into three aspects:satisfactoriness (attendance, punctuality, positiveness, concentration, cooperation, working efficiency, and evaluation from the employers), satisfaction (positive and negative feelings),and tenure. For the most part, their performance at work could fulfill the employer’s requests, they have much more positive feelings than negative ones, and as the tenure, which was an integrated performance of both satisfactoriness and satisfaction, they were able to work steadily until the tenure expired. 3.To extend the psychiatric disability’s work adjustment and performance above, the empowerment of persons with psychiatric disability almost revealed itself at both individual (their capabilities to accept and approve of themselves, to perceive self-efficacy, to establish positive image, to stir positive internal motivation, to empower themselves, to make choices and decisions, and to fit the environment) and interpersonal (to possess the knowledge and techniques to communicate with others , to approve themselves while interacting with others, to build up partnership, and to obtain others’ respect) aspect. 4.Employment service staffs played an important role in supporting the psychiatric disability’s work adjustment at workspaces. For the most part, they served as pioneers, supporters, and backing; meanwhile, they were the key persons that adopted multiple strategies to empower the subjects. 5.Based on the states of work adjustment and empowerment, the subjects were categorized into four major types of orientation. Overall, the core category of the subjects extracted was “demonstration of internal and external power”. According to the findings, the investigator brought up some suggestions: 1.The treatment of psychiatric disability’s individual situation:improve psychiatric disability members’ ability to establish interpersonal relationship and adopt multiple empowerment strategies to stimulate resilience. 2.Encourage employers to understand and accept the psychiatric disability members. 3.Strengthen the connection between the Transitional Employment service of the clubhouse and workspaces. 4.Establish a friendly and acceptable social environment. The analysis and restriction of the study was brought up in the article, providing references to future related study and practice.

精神障礙者職業抉擇歷程與復元 / Career choice process and recovery of mental disorder

何孟諠, Ho, Meng Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
目前國內針對精神障礙者就業相關文獻,主要著重於就業影響因素。因此,本研究以復元統合模式為架構,探究精神障礙者在職業抉擇歷程裡有哪些影響因子以及其與復元之關係。本研究為理解精神障礙者如何解讀自己曾經歷的職業抉擇歷程,採半結構訪談之方式訪談七位具有多年就業經驗的精神障礙者,研究結果如下: 1.精神障礙者職業抉擇影響因素包含: (1)個人因素:清楚身體現況、過去就業經驗、職業倦怠。 (2)家庭因素:家人促進職涯發展情況與家人阻礙職涯發展情況。 (3)非正式支持因素:朋友與宗教組織提供就業資訊與建議。 (4)工作環境因素:交通、工作穩定性、職場友善度、工作機會。 (5)正式支持因素:就業服務單位協助轉介、就業服務員之協助。 (6)社會大眾汙名化:雇主對於精神障礙者的不友善、民眾對於精神障礙者的偏見與歧視、疾病自我汙名化。 2.職業抉擇歷程與復元:從受訪者的生命故事裡得知精神障礙者的求職之路蜿蜒迂迴,呼應復元是一個來來回回的過程。而本研究發現雖然工作動機並不一定影響精神障礙者的職業選擇,但在復元過程裡是重要激發強健心理能量的來源。本研究亦看到生涯成熟度對於精神障礙者職業選擇的影響。 3.精神障礙者就業與復元:精神障礙者在參與工作的過程裡,會發展個人策略及尋求相關資源協助,從而增強工作效能。而穩定就業讓精神障礙者得以提高生涯自主性、開始關注生活品質,及具有回饋社會的能力,這都是一種復元的展現。 最後,研究者結合上述研究結果與復元統合模式,嘗試繪製出精神障礙者職業抉擇與復元統合模式之關係,並提出本研究限制與建議,提供精神障礙者、精神障礙者之家屬、服務提供者和政策制定者。 / This research has based on the unity model of recovery to explore the factors affecting career choice of people with mental disorder, as well as to illustrate the relations between these factors and one’s recovery. Departing from domestic correlational literature that mostly underlines the factors impacting employment of people with mental illness, this study aims to shed new light on this research area by employing the framework above. Thereupon, semi-structured interviews are conducted with 7 interlocutors of multi-year working experiences to establish elaborated understandings of their self-narratives on the career choice process. The findings are: 1.Factors influencing the career choice of people with mental illness are as follows: (1)Personal factor: including clear understanding of personal health condition, past employment experiences, and occupational burnout. (2)Family factor: varied conditions where family members may be encouraging or discouraging in one’s career development. (3)Informal supporting factor: such as employment information and advices from friends or religious organizations. (4)Work environment factor: including transportation convenience, job stability, workplace friendliness, and job opportunities. (5)Formal supporting factor: referral from employment service providers, assistance from employment service officers. (6)Public stigma: such as antagonistic attitudes received from employers, prejudice and discrimination from the public, and even more, self-stigma one experiencing. 2.Career choice process and recovery: From the life stories disclosed by the interlocutors, their twist-and-turn paths toward employment could clearly be seen, echoing that of the recovery “is not a perfectly linear process”. Although work motivation might not be the determining cause of their career choice, it is crucial for inciting mental strength during recovery process. Furthermore, this research has also demonstrated the influence of career maturity towards career choice of people with mental disorder. 3.Employment and recovery: During their participation in employment, people with mental illness would develop personal strategies and seek for assistance from related resources in order to thrive at work environment. Moreover, stable employment aids one’s recovery in many ways, such as promoting one’s career autonomy, instilling life qualities, and also strengthening one’s potential to give back to the society. In accordance with the findings mentioned above, this study has made an attempt to depict the relations between career choices of people with mental illness and the unity model of recovery. Lastly, research limitations along with suggestions for further research are subsequently raised, in the hope of serving as a reference for them with mental illness, their families, mental health services providers, and policy makers.

從繪畫團體到展覽行動:精神障礙者的主體經驗 / Art group to art exhibition : personal stories of people with psychosocial disability

喬潔瓊, Qiao, Jie Qiong Unknown Date (has links)
精神障礙者的服務深受現代精神醫學的影響,「診斷」會先於「人」作為看待精神障礙者的框架。隨著對精神疾病的詮釋更加多元,開始出現一些以重視精神障礙者主體性、社會結構取向、優勢正向思考為特點的另類工作方法。本研究所探討的繪畫團體和展覽行動也是基於以上理念的工作方法。 本研究透過與五位精神障礙者的深度訪談,以及對他們繪畫作品的視覺評估,來瞭解他們參與繪畫團體和展覽行動中的轉化歷程。本研究以精神障礙者的生命故事和作品作為開啟,去走進每一個人的生命經驗,去瞭解每一個人的個性、想法,藉此放下視他們為精神障礙者的視框,逐漸展現每一個獨特的個體。基於對每一個個體的深入理解,從而瞭解到他們如何在繪畫團體中感受當下的平靜專注、運用創作練習自我表達、透過自我覺察促成改變的契機、彼此被看見、被傾聽,並獲得人對人之影響力的過程。繪畫也成為了一種非結構化的工作方式,去幫助工作者更貼近每個精神障礙者的內心世界。隨著繪畫團體的「自我探索」面向不斷加深,個人生命背後共有的社會處境被看見,該團體開始有意識地以展覽行動來朝向「社會參與」的面向發展。該團體運用展覽為精神障礙者建立一個真實社會互動的空間、獲得新的身份以及人際磨合和情緒控制的學習,並透過情感共鳴的方式達到去污名的效果。 / The service for people with psychosocial disability is deeply influenced by the modern psychiatry, which tends to see the person as a diagnosis rather than a man / women. As the interpretation of mental illness is becoming more diverse, there comes some alternative treatment methods, which emphasize the individuality of people with psychosocial disability, using social structure orientation and strength-based thinking. The art group and art exhibition studied in this paper are also based on above philosophy. Through in-depth interviews with five people with psychosocial disability and visual assessment on their artworks, this study aims to understand their changing experience in the art group and art exhibition. This study starts with the life stories and artworks of the five interviewees, stressing them as unique individuals with own personality then thoughts rather than those imposed stereotypes of people with psychosocial disability. Based on the depth understanding of every interviewees, the study described their experience in the art group allowing them to feel peaceful and focused, and through art making they were able to express and develop awareness of self, hence promoting changes in self and relationships. The art group described in this study used nonstructural working method, which allowed the group leader and social workers to become closer to the inner world of people with psychosocial disability. With time, shared self-experiences emerged among the art group members, and the group started to evolve towards more social participation in ways of art exhibition. The art exhibition provided them a platform for real interaction with the society, for formulation of new identity, for opportunities to learn interpersonal skills and emotion control, and for diminishing stigmatization through emotional empathy. Keywords: people with psychosocial disability, personal stories, art group, art exhibition

失落的一角-特殊教育中的原住民族 / A missing piece — Aboriginals in special education

柯美稜 Unknown Date (has links)
研究者以特殊教育中的原住民族學生為作為研究主題,蒐集原住民族身心障礙學生各項調查資料、觀察記錄。藉由資料分析、問卷調查及深度訪談。探討原住民族身心障礙學生與歷史發展脈絡、社經、教育體制及主流社會文化其影響情形。以全貌觀的態度來詮釋原住民族身心障礙學生。研究者以原住民族為「主體」探討原住民族身心障礙學生與當下社會文化、教育體制的互動影響。 研究者結合原住民族教育、特殊教育統計資料,由統計數字可以發現103學年度原住民學生國小階段至高中職階段,原住民學生在智能障礙及學習障礙所佔比例皆高於非原住民學生、花蓮地區原住民族智能障礙學生比例高於其他縣市。研究者根據問卷調查發現教師認為原住民身心障礙學生的家庭、父母照顧,影響學生學習成就大於文化差異、思考邏輯不同。表示絕大部分教師看待原住民身心障礙學生就如同一般低社經家庭身心障礙學生,並未對其族群文化背景做深入了解。 最後透過原住民族身心障礙學生訪談過程,可以觀察到原住民族身心障礙學生其障礙等級與實際情況不符、家長認為特殊教育對生活實質幫助大於民族教育、教師缺乏「真正」的多元文化素養。主流文化社會建構原住民族弱勢族群形象、原住民族教育缺乏如特殊教育的全面性的完善規劃、忽視原住民族的特教學生、身心障礙鑑定制度的完善性以及特教教師的文化敏感度,皆為原住民族教育與特殊教育所面臨的考驗。 關鍵詞:原住民族、原住民特殊教育、身心障礙學生、特殊需求學生。

以歷史制度論途徑探討工作整合型社會企業之發展:以台北市身心障礙組織為例 / An Historical Institutionalist Analysis of the Development of Work Integration Social Enterprises: the case of the organizations for the disabled in Taipei

蘇厚有, Su, Hou You Unknown Date (has links)
台北市身心障礙領域工作整合型社會企業之浮現,與鑲嵌在身心障礙福利改革脈絡中庇護工場之組織變遷有關。職此,本研究旨從歷史制度論觀點,結合文獻分析法與深度訪談法,探討我國庇護工場、工作整合型社會企業相關政策立法之歷史變革,並研究行動者與身心障礙福利制度之間的交互作用如何形塑台北市非營利身心障礙就業組織制度場域—從庇護工場到現行庇護工場與工作整合型社會企業兩種制度並立的演進歷程,進而理解身心障礙領域工作整合型社會企業的現況挑戰與未來發展圖像。主要的研究發現如下:首先,台北市非營利身心障礙組織創建工作整合型社會企業的外生動因包括,政府補助誘因、身心障礙就業相關法規與政策之瑕疵、沉痾的身心障礙者失業問題、外在財務資源的緊縮、日益盛行的社會企業概念;而內在動因則主要是組織為實踐其理念宗旨與招募合適的經營管理人才兩面向。其次,台北市身心障礙領域工作整合型社會企業成立的關鍵時刻為第三部門組織採納台北市勞動局於2011年所研擬之政策方案;此外,部分由庇護工場所轉型的工作整合型社會企業發生了路徑依賴現象。最後,未來台北市身心障礙領域工作整合型社會企業可發展網絡與協力夥伴關係,並有朝向「四重底線」、作為一般勞動市場而與庇護工場同時並存之發展趨勢。 / The emergence of work integration social enterprises (hereafter WISEs) for the disabled in Taipei is related to the organizational changes of sheltered workshops embedded in the context of the disability welfare reforms. Hence, this dissertation adopts the approach of historical institutionalism and the research methods of secondary literature analysis and in-depth interviews to discuss the historical changes of sheltered workshops and WISEs-related policies and legislation; to explore the interaction between actors and the disability welfare institutions in inducing the process of transformation from “sheltered workshop only” system to one where sheltered workshops and WISEs coexist; and to further discuss the challenges and future scenarios of WISEs for the disabled in Taipei. This study finds that firstly, the exogenous factors of the institutional transformation include: government’s policy incentives, the flaws of disability employment regulations and policies, persistent disabled unemployment issues, the tightening of external financial resources, and the growing popularity of the concept of social enterprise. The ideals of the non-profit organizations and the participation of management experts in these organizations appear to be the endogenous factors. The critical juncture of establishing WISEs for the disabled in Taipei is the implementation of WISE policy by some non-profit organizations in 2011. Path dependence is observed in the transformation of some sheltered workshops into WISEs. Finally, the prospects of WISEs for the disabled in Taipei are building resources network and the collaborative partnership, procuring the “quadruple bottom line”, and coexisting with sheltered workshops simultaneously.

視障者網路無障礙法制之研究 / Legal Regime of Web Accessibility for People with Visual Impairments

楊雯婷, Yang, Wen-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
網路是現代人「與外界接觸」不可或缺的重要工具,但在這個明眼人居多且多數人皆透過視覺學習與理解事物的世界,許多網站或系統之設計完全未考慮視障者能否使用,當網路對人們的重要性高到不可忽視的地步,甚至網路近用開始牽涉基本權行使和生存資源與機會的分配時,若明眼人皆得以合法近用網路,則基於平等與禁止歧視原則,視障者理應得到相同對待,網站或系統經營者應使其設計滿足「網路無障礙」之要求。而滿足「網路無障礙」之要求需要成本,僅係「鼓勵」難使所有公司、業者皆將「身障數位權利」放在心上並身體力行「網路無障礙」,因此,合理而適當之法律強制規定乃為必需。然而,我國目前雖設有無障礙網站之認證制度,相關法制規範卻未完善,進而導致認證制度之推廣狀況不佳。 目前國內外有關「網路無障礙」之法制相關研究並不多,且也少有回應現代網路實際發展狀況,或從視障者需求出發而為討論,因此本研究希望透過「視障者接觸外界之行為分析」與「網路發展歷程」,構築一個完整的「網路無障礙法制」之討論框架,本研究將視障者網路近用不能之權益侵害歸納為「侵害視障者平等接觸資訊之權利」、「侵害視障者平等接觸著作之權利」與「侵害視障者平等進出或使用(虛擬)空間與設施之權利」。第三章討論視障者「接觸資訊」之權利,雖然現今網路的功能五花八門,但「接觸資訊」仍為其中重要之一環,且許多網路無障礙相關的重要法規皆係以保障「接觸資訊」之權利為基礎,例如:美國二十一世紀通訊與視訊接取無障礙法,此外,著作也是資訊的一種,不同的是著作受到著作權法保護,因此本章也介紹國內外保障視障者接觸著作(尤其數位著作)之法理與法規;第四章則討論視障者「使用網路空間與設施」之權利,這樣的切入點和前兩者不同處在於,其並非以「功能性」之方式針對特定項目而為保障,而是以更加宏觀的角度看待網路,將網路視為能自由進出的「空間」或能使人們達成特定目的的「設施」,目前以這樣觀點而為網路無障礙保障之法規,僅美國身心障礙人士法。 本研究認為,任由視障者因其障礙而成為網路科技發展下的邊緣人,違背近代以「社會模式的障礙」而非「身體能力主義」看待身障者之原則,為促進弱勢族群―特別是視障者近用網路之權益,必須開始重視「網路無障礙」之議題,因此方提出「視障者網路無障礙法制之研究」,也期待本論文之研究,能為此一議題帶來不同思考角度。 / The Internet is an indispensable tool to engage with the outside world. However, there are many websites or systems inaccessible to the visually impaired people due to the design negligence. It may because many engineers only consider the convenience of normal people when designing websites or systems. But when the importance of the Internet is getting higher, even associating with the basic human rights and resource allocation, the Internet users with visual impairments should be treated like the normal people due to the principle of equality and prohibition of discrimination. It means that the websites or systems operators should meet the “Web Accessibility” requirements. Of course, the cost is required, and it can be expected that only “encouragement” is not enough to let people always put “Digital Disability Rights” in mind. Therefore, an appropriate legal mandatory is necessary. In our country, there is a Web Accessibility certification standard while lacking of legal coercion and which leads to poor promotion of the certification standard. There are only a few research focusing on the legal regime of Web Accessibility while usually did not respond to the actual development of modern Internet technology. So we want to build a complete discussion framework for legal regime of Web Accessibility via the analysis of the behaviors of the visually impaired people and the development of the Internet. We classify the right infringements of the web inaccessible to the visually impaired people into the infringements of the rights to equal access to information, copyright works, and cyberspaces/facilities on the Internet. In the chapter 3, we discuss the visually impaired people’ right to access the information. Although the use of Internet is very wide, access the information still play an important role when we talk about Internet nowadays. And we also introduce some laws that protect the right of visually impaired people access the copyright works. In the chapter 4, we discuss the visually impaired people’ right to get into the cyberspaces and to use the facilities on the web. In this chapter, we take a more macro view of the Internet rather than focusing on one or two often used functions. Now the points of Ablebodyism are replaced by the principle of Social Model of Disability and we should not let the visually impaired people become outcast of the technology world. So we propose this research. And hope this research will contribute to enhancing the rights of visually impaired people.

視覺障礙者讀書會推廣模式與策略之研究-以臺北市立圖書館為例 / A Study on the Reading Group’s Popularize and Strategies of Visual Impairment in Taipei Public Library.

邱明宇, Chiu, Ming-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本論文所使用之研究方法為質化訪談和實況觀察。從而分析公共圖書 館面對弱勢族群之角色定位和策略以及舉辦讀書會需求。 圖書館也可以證明自身的價值,幫助弱勢族群充分使用資源提升 閱讀風氣。以下為本研究目的 : 1.瞭解視障者參與讀書會的動機。 2.瞭解視覺障礙者進行讀書會的方式。 3.瞭解圖書館協助視障者經營讀會的規劃與瓶頸,提升對於相 關弱勢族群的服務。 / The research methods used in this paper are qualitative interviews and observational Method. It analyzed the role and strategies of public library in the face of the underprivileged groups as well as the needs of disadvantaged groups organized the book club. The library can also prove its value. Helping the disadvantaged groups make full use of the library, which provide a friendly, and safe reading atmosphere. The following is the purpose of this study: 1. To understand the reading motivations of visually impaired. 2. To understand the reading patterns of visually impaired. 3. Understanding the library's business planning and bottlenecks in helping the visually impaired, and also, to enhance the library for the visually impaired related vulnerable groups of services.

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