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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

製藥業產品標準與我國藥品貿易發展之研究—以實施PIC/S GMP為例 / Pharmaceutical product standards and international trade in Taiwan: A Case study on PIC/S GMP

林聖峪, Lin, Sheng Yu Unknown Date (has links)
產品標準在現今社會中扮演非常重要的角色,但也容易造成許多技術性貿易障礙。醫藥產品由於攸關人類身體的健康及安全,因此相較於其他行業,各國對藥品皆設有許多嚴格的產品標準及技術法規,對藥品的國際貿易產生嚴重的技術性貿易障礙。PIC/S制定共通的GMP標準,並且旨在降低醫藥產品在國際貿易及流通上所面臨的非關稅貿易障礙。台灣藥物食品檢驗局於2007年公告實施PIC/S GMP,預計於2013年開始全面實施。本研究關注的核心議題,主要將以WTO對技術性貿易障礙的主要規範原則,分析探討PIC/S降低醫藥產品技術性貿易障礙的功能。另外,台灣製藥業由於缺乏關鍵技術、藥廠家數眾多、生產規模小,惡性競爭十分激烈,未來實施PIC/S GMP後,對我國製藥業的衝擊不容小覷,因此本研究另一項主要議題是PIC/S GMP對我國製藥業及藥品貿易之可能影響。 / Product standards play an important role in modern societies. However, they also raise many concerns about technical barriers to trade, particularly for pharmaceutical products which must comply with numerous stringent product standards, such as GMP standards. Therefore, PIC/S aims at reducing the technical barriers to pharmaceutical trade by providing a common GMP standard, which the Bureau of Food and Drug Analysis of Taiwan declared to introduce PIC/S GMP in 2007, and to fully enforce in 2013. This study will examine how PIC/S decreases technical barriers to trade for pharmaceutical products with principals in the WTO TBT Agreement. In addition, since Taiwan pharmaceutical industry has low competitiveness for a long time, how PIC/S GMP will affect the pharmaceutical industry and international trade of Taiwan is another main issue of this study.


周佳穎 Unknown Date (has links)
庇護性就業作為身心障礙者就業的多元選擇之一,這項就業服務在歐美國家施行了一世紀已久,目前尤其以心智障礙者為此服務的主要使用者,各國文獻均對於推動庇護性就業的利弊有所探討,但究竟應淘汰或保留庇護性就業措施,至今仍未有一致共識,而基於不同的原則精神與哲學觀點,歐洲與美國在庇護性就業服務上也發展出相異的經驗軌跡。我國對於庇護性就業服務的概念,早期多停留在社福組織與身障者之間的服務關係,在身心障礙者權益保障法通過之後,才確立將庇護工場定位為一般營業場所,也是身心障礙者的正式就業場所,存有勞資關係。同時,職業輔導評量服務也成為身心障礙者是否能擁有庇護性就業員工資格以進入庇護工場的重要機制,代表在身權法通過以後,職業輔導評量在庇護性就業職場的運用上,也有相當程度的責任加重。 有鑒庇護性就業及其相關服務在我國正處於發展變動之際,本研究期待以歐美國家的發展經驗作為我國參考,並針對庇護性就業及其相關服務運作中的重要代表:雇主(庇護工場代表)、職業輔導評量人員(職評服務代表)以及主管機關(地方勞政代表)進行深入訪談研究,以三者觀點瞭解現階段我國庇護性就業及其相關服務現況、問題,以及未來挑戰。 身心障礙者權益保障法的通過對於庇護工場、職業輔導評量與地方勞政主管機關三方面都造成相當影響,研究發現如下: 1.庇護工場方面:(一)由民間機構辦理庇護工場立案的阻礙與困難,使服務單位在申辦過程中遭受不少挫折。(二)生產與營利導向衝擊服務使命,更鮮明地強化了勞方與資方的對立關係。(三)對庇護性就業者的就業能力篩選,使庇護工場逐漸傾向提高服務對象的職能要求。 2.職業輔導評量方面:(一)職業輔導評量成為進/出庇護性就業職場的重要服務機制,若身心障礙者若就業能力上已不適任原職場,經職評結果認定後,職場可免除其資遣義務。(二)職業輔導評量與庇護性就業職場的互信關係仍需加強。職評人員有時會遭受庇護性就業服務方的質疑,原因多半出在不信任職評服務的專業判斷,也認為職評報告可受人為影響刻意操控。 3.地方主管機關方面:(一)身權法的施行也讓地方勞政機機主動投入更多公共資源設立庇護性就業職場,並更積極研擬未來的相關配套措施。(二)另一方面,也加強了對庇護性就業職場在管理經營技能與資源的導入。

失憶型輕度認知功能障礙患者在模擬空間脈絡記憶之表現 / Spatial-context memory in amnesic-mild cognitive impairment

王宣閔, Wang,Hsuan-Min Unknown Date (has links)
失憶型輕度認知功能障礙(a-MCI)患者被認為是演變成為阿茲海默症的高危險群,在早期由於海馬迴結構的神經纖維糾結,患者會開始產生記憶障礙。Braak和Braak在1991年將神經纖維糾結分成六個時期,開始會先從海馬迴結構的前內鼻區和側海馬迴產生病變,最後才會順延到海馬迴本體。由於前內鼻區主要處理事件及物件特徵,側海馬迴主要處理空間背景訊息,海馬迴本體主要處理空間位置記憶,所以本研究假設事件及物件特徵與空間背景訊息的配對記憶在a-MCI階段就會產生障礙,而空間位置記憶則在輕度阿茲海默症會開始產生障礙,如果不同階段神經病變的認知功能表現,可以在研究結果中呈現出來,或許可以協助找到早期偵測海馬迴結構病變的神經認知功能指標。 本研究受試者主要包含正常組(NC組)30人,失憶型輕度認知功能障礙組(a-MCI組)30人和輕度阿茲海默症組(AD組)30人,共計90人。每組受試者均接受神經心理測驗衡鑑和本研究自行發展的空間脈絡記憶測驗。空間脈絡記憶測驗總共分為三個部分:(1)空間位置記憶測驗:要求受試者回憶之前在地圖上隨機出現的建築物位置;(2)事件與地點連結測驗:事件和地點配對出現後,要求受試者選擇事件所配對的地點背景為何;(3)地點與物體的連結測驗:物體和地點配對出現後,要求受試者選擇該地點之前出現的物體為何。 研究結果呈現,不同組別在神經心理測驗結果,a-MCI組在延宕提取以及記憶保留的部分相較於其他認知功能顯著較差,而AD組相較於a-MCI組,除了記憶力表現更差外,其他認知功能的缺損也更為嚴重。而不同組別在空間脈絡記憶的結果,空間位置記憶分測驗呈現NC組>a-MCI組>AD組的結果,在事件與地點的連結分測驗呈現NC組>a-MCI組=AD組的結果,在地點與物體的連結分測驗呈現NC組>a-MCI組>AD組的結果。從ROC曲線分析呈現,空間脈絡記憶測驗相較於其他篩檢測驗,在區分NC組和a-MCI組的敏感度及特異度較好,而MMSE則在區分a-MCI組和AD組的敏感度及特異度較好。 研究結果呈現a-MCI受試者在一般認知功能尚未顯著下降的同時,空間脈絡記憶就已經呈現障礙,這可能和早期神經纖維糾結所破壞的區域有關,結果也呈現空間脈絡記憶測驗在a-MCI階段,比其他篩檢測驗能更敏感的區分出正常和異常的患者。目前臨床常用的MMSE測驗,因為複合了多項認知功能,反而適合用於篩檢已經為輕度阿茲海默症的患者。 / Background: Amnesic mild cognitive impairment (a-MCI) was identified to have a high risk to become Alzheimer’s disease (AD). In early stage of AD, because of neurofibrillary tangles, patient began complaining progressive memory deficits. The progressive course of neurofibrillary tangles was divided into 6 stages (Braak and Braak, 1991). Initially, the neurofibrillary tangles destroyed perirhinal and parahippocampus neurons, which may correspond to the a-MCI stage and then proceed to hippocampal body that correspond to early AD. According to previous studies, the perirhinal is primarily associated with item features encoding, the parahippocampus associated with scene features encoding, and the hippocampus associated with spatial location memory. Based on these findings, we hypothesized that the item and scene features association memory would show impairments in a-MCI and the spatial location memory would not be impaired in a-MCI but in early AD. If the different stages could be discriminated by the performance on spatial context memory test that we design, it can be utilized in clinical settings to assist the diagnosis of a-MCI. Method: Three groups of subjects were selected from the clinic of the neurological department of Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, including normal subjects (n=30), a-MCI subjects not diagnosed with dementia (n=30), and mild AD subjects (n=30). All of them were administered a package of neuropsychological tests and a self-developed spatial context memory test that include three sub-tests: (1) a spatial location memory test: subjects have to recognize the location of a building that was appeared in a map; (2) an event-place association memory test: subjects need point out which spatial scene that was associated with this event; and (3) a place-object association memory test: subjects need point out which object that was associated with this place shown before. Result: In neuropsychological tests, a-MCI group demonstrated significant impairment in delay retrieval and memory retention in comparison to their performance on tests for other cognitive functions. The AD group showed decline in overall cognitive functions including declarative memory and others. In the spatial context memory test, both the spatial location memory test and the place-object association memory subtest showed a decline in a-MCI group, and a further decline in AD group; the event-place association memory test presented significant decreases in both a-MCI and AD group in comparison to normal control, but no difference between the two clinical groups. Conclusion: The current study shows that the spatial context memory in a-MCI patients has greater impairment than their general cognitive function. Compared with other screening test, the spatial context memory has greater sensitivity and specificity to discriminate a-MCI from NC.

從排斥到接納?台北市樟新社區與一壽重殘照顧中心之互動研究 / From refuse to acceptance?A case study of the interaction between the Zhangxin Community in Taipei City and the Taipei Yi-Shou Care Center.

容怡仙 Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在研究臺北市樟新社區與一壽重殘照顧中心之互動,關於一個都市社區與精神障礙照顧機構之互動情形。分析主要分為兩部分,第一部份回溯一壽重殘照顧中心進入樟新社區之過程與情形,第二部分則分析樟新社區與一壽重殘照顧中心現階段之互動情形與未來建議。此外,本文也特別引用了「鄰避情結」(即「不要在我家後院」,”Not-In-My-Backyard syndrome”,簡稱NIMBY)作為論述基礎,試圖去檢視社區居民對於照顧中心的觀感,找出居民排斥或接納照顧中心之情形與原因等,並以衝突歷程的概念去剖析互動現狀。本研究目的則是希望透過個案研究,探討一個社區如何與精神障礙照顧服務機構互動,以從中找出能使社區居民與照顧服務機構二者共生、互助、融合之社區工作精隨。 本研究採質性研究之個案研究法,運用多重資料來源,並藉由觀察互動及深度訪談法來蒐集資料。其中深度訪談選取參與或了解本研究議題者作為訪談對象,包括規劃或承辦照顧中心進入社區的政府人員、來自照顧中心承辦單位及在照顧中心服務的管理者或工作者、對議題了解或熟悉社區事務的社區居民,藉此先行了解一壽重殘照顧中心進入社區之過程,包括照顧中心設立的過程與決策考量、照顧中心設立時與社區之衝突對立情形,以及政府單位、民間團體、社區居民三方對於衝突對立的認知、處理方式或行動。再者,也深度探究社區與機構過去至今的互動樣貌,包括社區與照顧中心的互動現況、社區居民對照顧中心設立觀感與鄰避情結、社區居民排斥或接納照顧中心之情形與原因,進而找出促進照顧中心融合社區或其他可能作法。 最後,根據本研究,提出相關政策建議如下: 一、檢討我國公有土地政策,以避免社福資源被稀釋; 二、讓障礙者參與決策過程,以落實真正的社區照顧; 三、在各地廣設心理衛生中心,讓障礙者能在原本的社區居住; 四、透過立法保障與教育倡導,以維護障礙者之居住權; 五、組織經營照顧中心志工團,並促進機構與社區的互惠及共生關係; 六、社區或機構相關工作者可採低姿態、柔性、創意方式,長期經營社區關係。    關鍵字:社區、精神障礙、照顧機構、鄰避情結 / This research aims to study the interaction between the Zhangxin Community in Taipei City, an ordinary community in a big city, and the Taipei Yi-Shou Care Center, an institution for the psychiatric disabled. In the first part of the study, the researcher reviews the process of how the Taipei Yi-Shou Care Center moved into the Zhangxin community, whereas the second part analyzes the interaction between them and further provides suggestions for future cooperation. Besides, the researcher specifically adopts the concept of “Not-in-my-backyard syndrome” (NIMBY) as the theoretical background to survey the perceptions of the community residents toward the care center. Moreover, this study identifies the reasoning behind the acceptance or refuse of the move-in of the care center. Finally, this paper analyzes current status of interactions through the lens of conflict process. In summary, the aim of the research is to identify how community residents interact with an institution for the psychiatric disabled; furthermore, this study concludes the essence of community work in helping community residents and health care institution to cohabit, achieve mutual help, and integrate with each other. This research adopts case study method and collects data from multiple sources, such as onsite observation of the interaction and in-depth interview. For the in-depth interview, this study recruited key persons who have participated in and are aware of the issue. Therefore, the interviewees range from the government officials who have planned or taken charge of the move-in, the managers or workers of the care center or higher level of administration, to the Zhangxin community residents who are aware of the issue or general community affair. Accordingly, this paper first strives to investigate the move-in process, from the decision-making processes of the establishment of the Taipei Yi-Shou Care Center and the conflicts between the supporters and critiques during construction, to the perceptions, solutions, and actions toward the problem from the government, non-government organizations, and the residents. Second, the study thoroughly reviews the history of the interaction pattern between the residents and the institution, including the status quo of the interaction, the perception and the NIMBY of the residents toward the care center, and the situation and reasons of acceptance or refuse of the care center. In the end, this paper proposes possible means to help the care center better integrate with the community. This research proposes six suggestions for policy below: 1. Review the policy of public lands to avoid diluting the resources of social welfare. 2. Invite the disabled to participate in policy making to realize essential community care. 3. Set up community mental health centers to render the opportunities for the disabled to live in the original community. 4. Safeguard the right of residence of the disabled through legislation and education. 5. Organize volunteer groups of the care center, and improve the mutual benefit and cohabitation relationship between the institution and the community. 6. Community and institution workers manage long-term relationship with the community through modest attitude and in flexible, creative ways. Key words: community, psychiatric disability, care institution, Not-In-My-Backyard syndrome(NIMBY).

星空下的玻璃天花板現象─以警政單位女性警官升遷為例 / Glass ceiling effect among female police officers

林祐慈 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣女性勞動參與率逐年提高,越來越多的女性勞動力進入就業市場,然而,女性晉升至中高階層職位之人數並無明顯增加。顯然女性的職涯發展似乎受到一定程度的限制,此限制即為玻璃天花板現象。玻璃天花板現象存在於各行各業中,但於警界之程度更為嚴重。此現象之原因乃警界人為與體制上的排除女警官人數,導致整個警界中的女性人數稀少,更遑論通往高階之女性所遇之玻璃天花板現象更甚一般企業或公務體系人員。因此本研究透過質性訪談方式,藉此試圖探討警政中、高層女性所占比例極低的原因何在,其中人為或非人為因素為何?   本研究發現警界升遷制度隱性侷限女警升遷發展,以績效導向為主導致功獎多寡牽制著積分排名順序,而主管評分比重過高亦會影響女警官升遷;再者由於警察組織性別化的工作指派,在偏好男性的外勤工作能夠快速與大量的累積分數之下,女警官敘獎機會較少,相對不容易累積積分;此外警界必須運用交際應酬的手段維繫良好的人際關係,但女警官不擅進入男性應酬圈,男性網絡之官場文化間接造影響女警官們的升遷發展;最後女性被賦予養兒育女之母職天性,家庭責任之重擔落在女性身上,一但女警官走入婚姻,即必須在工作與家庭上做取捨,工作與家庭實為難以兼顧。   因此建議國家應放寬警大入學名額的性別設限並推動國家照顧工作;對於警界之職務分派勿侷限性別,重視女警人才,並且減少組織內外勤工作差異,再者建議主官建立公平的考核原則,破除性別刻板印象之成見,以及建立兩性平等的教育訓練;建議女警官破除自我設限的迷思,並強化女警官之人際網絡;以及女警官人力資本之維持。 / The female labor participation rate has gradually increased in Taiwan, more and more Female labor force has been entered the labor market. However, the number of female senior positions who is not increases significantly. Women's career advancement has seemed to be limited to a certain extent; this restriction shall be the glass ceiling. The glass ceiling exists in all walks of life; particularly the police are more serious than the general business and public service system. The reason is artificial and institutional exclusion, not to mention the number of women with the senior positions. Therefore, this study through qualitative interviews so as to explore the low proportion of women in senior positions. The study found that promotion system limited women's career advancement, the performance-oriented approach the award amount in order to contain the standings, while the chief rates with a high proportion will also affect female police officer promotion; Furthermore, due to the gender-based assignment of work in police organizations, female police officers award fewer opportunities that is not easy to accumulate points; In addition to maintain good interpersonal relationships in police, female police officers is hard to enter the male entertainment circle; the last is that women has the nature of motherhood, so family responsibilities falls on women which must be choice between work and family. The government should be relax the gender-based retractions of Central Police University and to promote the care work of the state; the Police should not limit the duties assigned in gender and to value the talent of female police officers ,also it should reduce the differences in the police work of the organization .Moreover the chief should set the fair principal on assessment, and break the gender stereotypes with the prejudices. Also it should be establish the gender equality in education and training; finally suggesting that female police officers should get rid of the myth of self-handicapping, and to strengthen the interpersonal networks of female police officers; as well as the maintenance of female police officers in human capital.

中小企業策略優勢與成長障礙之研究 / On The Strategic Advantage and Growth Wall of Small Business

王獻堂, Wang, Shein-Tang Unknown Date (has links)
在台灣經濟的發展上中小企業一直扮演著關鍵性的角色,至今仍舊是維持台灣競爭力的一股強大力量,隨著企業的成長,許多中小企業逐漸轉型成為大型企業,然而卻依舊保持著小企業的經營格局或心態,潛藏著經營發展上的危機。本研究的主要目的即是針對台灣中小企業,探討其在不同的條件資源基礎或產業環境下,如何建構其策略優勢,並瞭解在企業發展的同時,會產生那些成長障礙,並探討其背後發生的原因。   本研究之研究目的包括:   1. 不同型態的中小企業,是如何利用其特質、產業特性或企業能力,選擇其策略重點,進而創造其策略優勢?   2. 中小企業在發展過程中為何產生成長障礙?與企業特質、產業特性、企業能力或策略作為間的互動關係為何?   本研究在研究模式上採行個案分析的探索性研究方法。以個案公司訪問與次級資料蒐集資訊的方式,來進行研究主題的探討。本研究個案公司主要以符合在產業相對規模為中小企業者,共計樣本數為七家公司。   本研究探討「策略優勢」與「成長障礙」的推論模式基礎在「策略優勢」方面有三,包括「企業特質-策略作為-策略優勢」、「產業特性-策略作為-策略優勢」、「策略作為-企業能力-策略作為-策略優勢」。在「成長障礙方面」有四,包括「企業特質-成長障礙」、「產業特性-成長障礙」、「策略作為-企業能力-成長障礙」、「策略作為-成長障礙」。   本研究的主要研究發現如下:   一、個案研究結果   本研究針對中小企業策略優勢的成因進行個案探討,主要的研究結論如下:   1. 創業資源、網路關係、企業主性格意向、組織規模,以及產業特性是形成中小企業策略優勢的來源,其中以創業資源為最主要的因素。   2. 中小企業創業者或企業主掌握產業技術與know-how是形成策略優勢的來源。   3. 中小企業主的企圖心是形成中小企業策略優勢的主要來源。   4. 中小企業透過網路關係掌握業務來源,創造競爭優勢。   5. 中小企業因為規模小而產生的經營彈性,可以創造市場競爭優勢。   6. 中小企業掌握產業特性,發展策略,可以形成競爭優勢。   本研究針對中小企業成長障礙的成因進行探討,主要的研究結論如下:   1. 創業資源、企業主性格意向、組織規模,以及產業特性是形成中小企業成長障礙的來源,其中以企業主性格意向為最主要的因素。   2. 中小企業在創業初期都將市場視為優先考慮的重點,而忽略了對人員的培養,使得人才不足成為發展上的障礙。   3. 中小企業主能順利從老闆的角色轉換到管理者的角色,是突破成長瓶頸的關鍵。   4. 中小企業主企圖心是否能持續維持,是影響企業未來發展的重要因素。   5. 中小企業主注重關係導向,許多中高階職務都由創業成員擔任,無法利用職位升遷的誘因來激勵非創業初期的新進員工,以致無法留住人才。   6. 中小企業通常專注於其擅長的工作部份,且此方面的能力愈累積愈強,組織規模擴大後,其他企業能力的不足會造成成長上的障礙。   7. 外在競爭環境的改變會形成中小企業成長上的障礙。   二、研究過程的其他觀察   本研究的其他觀察包括:   1. 中小企業透過策略作為所累積的企業能力,多為功能性的能力,較少為策略能力,此與一般中小企業主或創業者缺乏策略思考能力有關。   2. 中小企業的企業特質與策略優勢及成長障礙間有較密切的關係,形成策略優勢的因素,往往也是成長障礙的來源。   3. 網路關係代表中小企業運用外部資源的能力與意願,對中小企業而言通常可以帶來正面的利益,較少產生負面的影響。   4. 中小企業組織規模小可以創造許多大企業所沒有的優勢,但在「創業資源」結構特別複雜時,即使組織規模小,也較難發揮其規模小的優勢。

出口貿易商經營策略之研究 / The study of traders' business strategy

江支璋, Chiang, Chih Chang Unknown Date (has links)
自從1972年Hunt首次提出「策略群組」(Strategic Group)一詞以來,此一觀念即被廣泛地應用於分析產業結構以及廠商競爭策略與績效之關係。策略群組的基本論點在於產業中之廠商並非同質性個體,根據策略行為的差異,通常可將廠商區分為數個策略群組,廠商的績效水準以及策略行為對績效之影響,亦隨不同策略群組而有所差異。然而以往相關文獻大都偏重對釀酒業、製藥業、家電業等製造業進行研究,相形之下對服務業方面的探討就僅佔少數,至於以出口貿易商為探討對象的研究則是付之闕如。   我國為一缺乏天然資源的海島型國家,故對貿易的依存度(進出口總額佔國民生產毛額的比值)均偏高。根據GATT在1993年所發佈的世界貿易統計顯示,目前我國為全球第十二大出口國及第十四大進口國,可見國際貿易對我國經濟發展的重要性。在我國數目龐大的中、小企業體系下,進出口業務的達成有賴貿易商提供的各項專業服務,因此,貿易商在國內的經濟體系中扮演了重要的角色。   本研究以出口貿易商為對象,根據中華徵信所出版之1994年TOP 500大企業名錄中,合乎標準的288家貿易商為樣本架構,採取普查的方式。研究目的為:一、瞭解出口貿易商的經營策略重點,及策略對經營績效的影響;二、依照策略作為的相似性將出口貿易商分群,並描繪其個別群組的特性;三、瞭解各策略群組在策略形態及經營績效間的關係;四、對各策略群組間移動障礙的瞭解。研究方法:運用因素分析法(factor analysis)、集群分析法(cluster analysis)、多變量分析(MANOVA)以及迴歸分析(regression analysis)等方法,希望藉此了解不同策略群組內廠商的競爭行為和廠商策略興績效之關係。   本研究之主要結論有:   一、出口貿易商在營運時最重視的策略作為有:「根據國外買主詢價後向其提出報價」、「安排貨務運輸及擔負交貨的責任」、以及「提供裝船前的暫墊款融資服務」等三項。相對而言較忽略的是「持有配額」、「作為廠商的融資保證人或提供重開票融資服務」、「在國外設立維修服務中心以服務當地顧客」等三項。   二、在出口貿易產業,發現有效樣本公司可區分為七個群組,分別為:群組一:穩健經營型;群組二:積極創新型;群組三:有待努力型;群組四:傳統保守型;群組五:短小精悍型;群組六:淬勵奮發型;群組七:銷售導向型。   三、經過複迴歸分析結果,得知影響員工生產力的關鍵變數有:技術性的出口服務、市場接觸的服務、提供營運空間的服務、產品促銷的服務、垂直整合、水平整合、目標市場、經營規模、專業人力資源規模.研發與創新的能力.建立及維繫網路關係的能力、與從事三角貿易的能力等十二項,而影響資本效率的策略變數為:合併的服務、改進貿易流程的服務、提供營運空間的服務、產品促銷的服務.出口服務對象、出口產品的銷售地區、水平整合、經營規模、專業人力資源規模、建立與維繫網路關係的能力、以及從事三角貿易的能力等十一項。所以證明經營策略對經營績效有顯著影響。   四、研究結果發現群組一在出口服務項目、出口服務對象、水平整合、專業人力資源規模方面形成的隔絕機能甚強;群組二在出口服務項目、出口服務對象、與從事三角貿易的能力方面所形成的移動障礙程度較高;群組六在出口產品的銷售地區、新產品的研發與創新能力上形成較高的隔絕機能。

台灣與荷蘭輕度智能障礙中學生的個別化教育研究 / Individualized education for mildly mentally impaired secondary education students in Taiwan and the Netherlands

高晞次, Loff, Sietse Unknown Date (has links)
近來教育的研究,特別是輕度智能障礙的研究有減少的趨勢。通常這一類的學生會合併其他高出現率的障別,而不同的研究認為這些障別會有不同的特質。本研究旨在著重中學階段輕度智能障礙學生尤其是個別化教育,因為學者專家共同指出這些學生需要個別化教育。台灣、荷蘭在中學階段與輕度智能障礙有關的政策也強調符合學生個別需求、興趣和能力,所以這兩個國家可以在個別化教育這一方面做比較。 本論文的目的將研究與比較以下兩方面: (1) 台灣與荷蘭在中學階段之個別輕度智能障礙學生有何全國教育政策;期許和需求與關於達成 (2) 兩國的學校與老師如何落實個別輕度智能障礙學生的教學。為達成此目的,研究者擬蒐集兩國相關教育政策資料,以及與學校主要成員進行深入的半結構訪談。在資料分析過程中,會著重在兩國的政策和個案學校特殊狀況。而後將相互比較兩國對輕度智能障礙學生之個別化教育政策與學校執行情況,能對兩國的輕度智能障礙學生的個別化教育有所了解。以增進兩國在此方面的相互學習與借鏡。 本研究指出在台灣和荷蘭個別化教育的歷程皆受到不同世界潮流的影響。最明顯的是現標準化本位改革在台灣已經成為一種趨勢,而學生導向的個別化教育計畫概念在荷蘭的學校個案是受到支持的。此外,在台灣教育政策和規範的訂定是由中央到地方,而在荷蘭教育方案的發展則由各校自行訂定。在個案學校的主要研究發現是,荷蘭個案在個別化教育歷程中被賦予比較多正式責任,而台灣個案相形之下較少。 此外,在台灣、荷蘭組成個別化教育的項目在個別的中學低年級和高年級相當不同,而兩國的中學個別化教育項目同時呈現相同與相異之處。該研究基於研究發現提出部分建議,並針對未來可能的研究提出建議。 / Research into education for, specifically, the mildly mentally impaired has in recent years decreased. Often this population of students is combined with other high incidence disabilities while significant differences in characteristics have been recognized. This research project, therefore, specifically focuses on the population of mildly mentally impaired students in secondary education and particularly individualized education, since there is a consensus among academics that this population of students has a need for a system that allows for individualized education. Policies regarding education for mildly mentally impaired in secondary education in both Taiwan and the Netherlands also stipulate a program tailored to a student’s individual needs, interests and abilities and, thus, a level of comparability between these two countries is assured. The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate and compare (1) the national policies for meeting the individual educational wishes and needs of mildly mentally impaired secondary education students in Taiwan and the Netherlands and (2) how these policies are implemented in high-quality school cases in both countries. To achieve this purpose, the researcher collected relevant policy documents and performed in-depth, semi-structured interviews with key staff members at the school cases. During the process of data analysis, due attention was given to the fact that both the countries’ policies, as well as the school cases, are embedded in their own unique contexts. Upon analyzing the gathered data, a comparison of both countries’ individualized education systems for mildly mentally impaired secondary education students was performed, highlighting similarities and differences. The findings of this research project indicate that the process of individualizing education has been shaped by national cultures as well as different worldwide trends in both Taiwan and the Netherlands. Most notably, there has been a drive for standards-based reform in Taiwan while in the Netherlands the concept of the student-led IEP has found an advocate in the school case researched. Furthermore, relevant educational policies and regulations are created and enforced in a top-down manner in Taiwan while the Netherlands shows elements of a bottom-up approach. Among the major findings from the school cases is that the Dutch case shows a student who is endowed with a greater degree of formal responsibility in the process of individualizing education than the Taiwanese counterparts at both the lower and upper level school cases. Furthermore, in both countries, individualized education at the lower and upper secondary education stages consists of different elements. The degree to which these elements are present in Taiwan and the Netherlands shows similarities and differences. This report concludes with recommendations based on the findings, and suggestions for possible future research are offered.

身心障礙特考三等人員任職與升遷發展之研究 / The employment and promotion of grade three civil servants qualified in the civil service special examinations for the disabled

張琮昀, Chang, Tsung Yun Unknown Date (has links)
身心障礙特考係我國考試制度下獨有的設計,象徵政府對於身心障礙人員就業保障的重視,主動開啟另一道窗口,讓身心障礙人員得以透過國家考試方式進入公部門。因此經由身心障礙特考及格的人員,其在公務部門適應及發展情形,是值得加以深入研究的。本研究以Stone & Colella提出之組織對待身心障礙者就業因素之模型為主軸,從身心障礙人員本身、組織與法律環境、同事分為三種方向,設計出訪談問題。在研究方法上以深度訪談法,探究十名身心障礙特考人員的意見想法,了解他們在公部門任職與升遷時面臨的問題與現象。 研究結果發現,現行身心障礙者權益保障法之實施,幫助政府更積極進用身障人員,身心障礙特考人員在政府機關受到的照護固然完整,但工作表現上仍會受到自身障礙因素侷限。身心障礙人員的日常工作態度更是決定升遷的關鍵,必須付出更多努力,把自己提升與一般人一樣,進而獲得長官與同事的肯定,這對身障人員而言,無疑形成一種挑戰。 冀望藉由本研究的呈現,能提供政府有關單位政策改革之建議,讓我國身心障礙特種考試發展更臻完整,成為世界其他先進國家學習之標竿。 / The Civil Service Special Examination for the Disabled is a unique design of examination system. It not only shows the government’s emphasis on protecting the employment of the disabled people, but also provides a way for the disabled people to enter the public sector by national examination. Therefore, it is important to study the adaptation and development of those who enter public sector by the special exam. In this study, the author used the model of Stone & Colella which theorizes the factors contributing to how an organization treats the disabled employees. Based on the model, the author designed questions regarding employment and promotion for the disabled civil servants and conducted 10 interviews. The results show that the current Protection Law for the Disabled makes the government more proactive to hire disabled people. The rights of the disabled civil servants have been taken good care of, but their promotion may still be influenced by their disabilities. However, their attitude toward work is the key to their promotions. They must work harder and do more to get themselves a raise, and they have to work like most normal people to impress their bosses, which no doubt is a challenge for them. Within this study, we would like to provide advices to the government and make the related policy more effective, allowing other advanced countries in the world to learn from it.

發展遲緩幼兒在澳門幼稚園普通班社會技能表現研究 / Study of social skills performance on developmental delayed young children in Macao's ordinary kindergarten

區潔瑩 January 2004 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

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